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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Anura, the toad folk

2015-01-12, 04:22 PM

image from the wind and the willows

“I'm such a clever Toad.”
Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows

Anura are a race of small man like toads. Although they may be small, they are not weak. Whether the dreaded underground warriors who swallow there prey whole, or the rich aristocrats in their enormous estates where they bread insects the size of horses for everything from food to war. A strong people, they may hold tight to the old ways, yet the anura have shown in the past to be a grand folk, and it is time for another anura hero to rise!

Rich and rough.

Short yet strong. The anura are a race of great wealth welcomed throughout the world in everywhere by the southern lands. There great charisma and dangerous poison have managed to fit them a place throughout the world. Standing around 3 feet tall they appear like large toads that stand straight up on short humanoid legs.
Anura skin is usually dull browns and tans, however there skin can be every color of the rainbow, often these more exotic colors exist in environments besides the normal angolk deserts and the marshes of (COUNTRY I DON'T HAVE A NAME FOR YET)
Anura are a people deeply entrenched in culture, and as such most wear traditional Anura clothes. The most important item of clothing to anura culture is pants, as they invented them, anura see pants as a symbol of civilization and any anura seen not wearing pants (such as ones wearing a zerk's kilt) Besides that anura usually wear a button down shirt, and some form of coat or vest.

Anura traits.
You have the traits of an anura

Ability score increase your charisma increases by 2.
Age. Anura mature slightly faster than humans physically, only being a tadpole untill around 8. Yet they mature mentally at around the same speed as a human, and living significantly longer, until around 150.
Size. You are around 3 feet tall. You are small size.
Speed. Your speed is 25 feet.
Long tongue. You can deliver touch attacks and retrieve small items at 2 times your normal reach. You do any action with your tongue at disadvantage.
Poison. Once per short rest You can do a touch attack which applies the poisoned condition. You have advantage on throws against poison.
Language. You speak and read common and croak.
Subrace. There are sevral species of anura, but the main two are diggers and Highbloods. Pick one.


As a digger you are acustomed to the underground holes that your people dig in the deserts of anglok Your skin is probably rather smooth compared to an anglok and you have fewer smaller warts.
Diggers are probably the most seen subrace as they are the most common subrace among urban areas that are not (Insert country name here) And are particularly well adapted to life in non swamp areas.

Ability score increase. Your wisdom increased by 1
Digging digger. You have the ability to dig tunnels through particularly light soil and sand. You have burrowing 5 through very light materials, and holes form where you dig that people can follow you through. These holes collapse in an hour unless supported.


from cheif-orc on deviant art

As a Swamper you are probably not royalty, however your ancestors are from the swamp kingdom of (Insert here) And you are particularly adapt at swimming.

Ability score increase. Your strength increased by 1
Swimmer you have a swim speed equal to your land speed. You still can't breath underwater.

http://www.d20pfsrd.com/_/rsrc/1361586760797/images/griipli%20cleric%20color_Ryan%20Rhodes.jpg?height= 600&width=450
image from pathfinder

You are from the jungles of the south. You do not resemble the toads like the other subraces. Instead you more resemble a poison dart frog. You are more lyth and brightly colored.

Ability score increase your dexterity by 1.
Jumper You are trained in acrobatics.
Sticker You can cling to sheer surfaces. You can decide to move half your speed and stick to any surface. (not sure about this abity, may replace it with something to do with poison, what do you think?)

Hey so, I made this race, what do you think, balanced? I am not sure about the abilities of the subraces. I just wanted one based off of spadefoot toads, one based off of the american toad, and one based off of jungle frogs. What do you think? I am not sure about any of the abilities actualy, what do you think?

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http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111205034558/animalcrossing/images/d/da/Dynastes_hercules_lichyi_(male)2_hercules_beetle.j pg

a species of insect which Anura breed for polo like games, as well as war. They are essentially horses.

large beast, unaligned

armor class 11
hit points 17
speed 50 feet, 10 feet flying
streagnthl 18, dex, 12, con, 13, int, 2, wisdom 12, charsima 7
senses passive perception 1
languages- none
challenge 1/2
If a hercal moves at least 20 feet straight towards a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn the target takes an additional 11 bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature it must suceed on a dc 10 strength saving throw or be knocked prone
Gore. Melee weapon attacck +4 to hit, reach 5, one target, hit 11 (2d6+4) bludgeoning damage.

2015-07-02, 11:11 AM
Yeah, i know this is an old post, but I like these guys.

Long tongue. You can deliver touch attacks and retrieve small items at 2 times your normal reach.
I like it. :)

Poison. Once per short rest You can do a touch attack which applies the poisoned condition.
How? And how long does the condition last?

Digging digger. You have the ability to dig tunnels through particularly light soil and sand. You have burrowing 5 through very light materials, and holes form where you dig that people can follow you through. These holes collapse in an hour unless supported.
You've qualified it to the point where it is likely never to be useful. The other subraces get traits that are much more likely to come in handy.

It's hard to judge the power of the race without knowing how long "poisoned" is supposed to last, but i'd judge the diggers to be the weakest, and the wildlings to be the strongest.