View Full Version : DM Help Dance Competition

2015-01-12, 04:59 PM
So, recently my players have taken into the idea of winning a dance competition. There is money involved, and they want to have all the money.

Anyways none of them can actually dance, or at least no one has taken the skill. But I don't want them to all instantly lose because of that, so I'm wondering, are there ways I can give them a chance to still compete, and not be blown out of the water by someone with a few ranks in Dance? I'm thinking working in Dex and Cha mods? Or maybe something with aerobatics? Any suggestion would be helpful.

2015-01-12, 05:19 PM
Perform (Dance) is Cha-based, so Cha mods are already included. And it's not trained-only, so they can attempt a check without any ranks. If they have good Charisma and get lucky, maybe they have a chance. More likely they'll get their butts kicked by the actual dancers, but hey, you never know.

Take note of the standard DCs for Perform (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/perform.htm).
DC 10 is a routine performance and shows no particular skill.
DC 15 is an enjoyable performance, about what you'd expect from a talented amateur.
DC 20 is a great performance, the kind you would expect from a professional dancer with a regional reputation.
DC 25 is a memorable performance, the kind you would expect from a famous dancer with a national reputation.
DC 30 is an extraordinary performance, the kind you would expect from the best dancers in the world.

That should give you an idea of the level of competition they are likely to face.

What they could do to have a real shot is try to cheat. Sabotage the other performers, perhaps, or befuddle the judges with enchantment spells. They could also attempt to use magic to enhance their own performance--there are plenty of spells that give bonuses to skill checks.

2015-01-12, 05:37 PM
The Perform skill can be used untrained, so if player characters roll high enough, they might still win.
As an alternative to using Perform (dance), Tumble could perhaps be substituted. However, unlike Perform, one must be trained in Tumble.
Perhaps the player characters can convince the organizers of the dancing competition to up the ante by having all competitors doing their dance routine while balancing on a tightrope or similar.

If the group is not entirely made of Lawful Gooders, hindering and sabotaging the competition might be a way to include other player characters. Using Intimidate to make the competition drop out, and Disguise so that they won't recognize one is good.
Bribing the jury with money or favor is always a good idea.
Using Diplomacy to convince the jury or onlookers that the opponent's performance isn't that good is worth a shot, and if the jury's attitude has been changed to friendly, they might judge more favorably and overlook some minor faults.
The Bluff skill can also used to heckle a performer as per Rules Compendium, or one simply uses Bluff to convince the jury that the rival competitor cheated.

And there's of course always poison, diseases, caltrops, itching powder, ways to make the target sickened, shaken, nauseated, or just plain drunk, seducing the target and having sex with them to make them fatigued or even exhausted.

Alternate ways to win despite being the objectively inferior dancer can still be fun.

2015-01-12, 06:24 PM
SI'm wondering, are there ways I can give them a chance to still compete, and not be blown out of the water by someone with a few ranks in Dance?
Use magic! There are many buffs that can give you a sky-high Perform (Dance) skill check. For example, cast:

Verraketh's Shadow Crown gives +4 competence to Perform (Dance).
Sirine's Grace give +8 untyped to Perform (Dance).
Guidance of the Avatar gives +20 competence on any skill.
Improvisation gives up to +15 or more luck on any skill.
Divine Insight gives up to +15 insight on any skill.
Greater Heroism gives +4 morale on any skill.
Share Talents gives +2 untyped on any trained skill.

All of the above stacked will give a +64 on your Perform (Dance) skill check, which should be enough to win any dance contest without cheating, unless your opponents are gods. :smallwink:

2015-01-12, 06:45 PM
Well it is good to know that Dance is not required to Dance, thought it was.

This is helpful, and if they are really stuck and think they will lose I can always hint at cheating. Though, they are meant to be the good guys, they aren't exactly good people.

2015-01-12, 08:04 PM
And even if they were goodie-goodie types, there's cheating and there's cheating. I mean, itching powder and such isn't in the same league as casting Eagle's Splendor and purchasing masterwork spangly unitards.