View Full Version : Optimization Critique my Cohort

2015-01-13, 01:44 AM
I had an idea for a cohort, and I was looking for some constructive criticism. I'm playing as archivist going Malconvoker in a Gestalt campaign, the plan for the cohort is to just sorta stand near me with a readied action to pounce on anything that comes after me before I can get my BFC established. The build doesnt really come into it's own until lvl 6 I feel, So thats where I'll start it. Its a 3.P game with 3.5 feat progression.

Female Skarn Wildshape Planar Ranger 5/ MoMF 1// Monk 2/ Totemist 4
28 PB after racial mods and HD increase = str-9 dex-10 con-16 int-10 wis-14 cha-15
Feats: (see reasoning below)
1st: Sacred Vow
Flaw: VoP
Flaw: Alertness
VoP Bonus @1: Nymphs Kiss
Monk 1: Improved Grapple
VoP Bonus @2: Touch of Golden Ice
Monk 2: Combat Reflexes
3rd lvl: Multiattack
Ranger 3: Endurance
VoP Bonus @4 Nemisis (Animal Friend?)
6th: Frozen Wild Shape
VoP bonus @6 Sanctify Natural Attack

VoP is for 2 reasons. One is that I don't want to spend any of my WBL on my cohort, and if she has VoP we can just hand wave away her share of the loot and get on with our lives. The second reason is that Magic items don't benefit wildshapers with out a decent number of wild clasps (IIRC the name), and the bonus feats honestly add to the build decently. Sanctify Nat Attack and Touch of Golden Showers don' do much in a normal build, but with enough Nat attacks it starts to add up.
I'm not sure if Animal friend or Nemesis would be more useful in the long run. The ability to detect favored enemies seems hand, but VERY situation. Using Planar binding to call celestial creature for my cohort to then make friends with. would probably get a book thrown at me however.
Frozen Wildshape allows for cyrohydra.
Nymph's Kiss level one isn't too hard to justify with a nature based character
BAB +6/+1
(out of WS)
Grapple +9
Full attack - Unarmed Strike +6/+1 1d6+0 (+1on evil creatures, +1d4 undead/ evil outsiders) + Ravage of Golden Ice/ +Whatever I gain through chakra binds. Hopefully, very little fighting will be done with these numbers.

AC 19/13/17
HP 6d8+18 (41)
Girallon Arms (arms, bound- totem) 2 essentia, two more arms, with claw attacks. +1 enh bonus per invested essentia
Three fold Mask of the Chimera (Crown) Can't be flanked
Dread Carapace (feet)- 1 essentia - basically power attack but only for natural weapons, penalty is 1+invested essntia, bonus damage doubled for bite attacks
Rageclaws (Hands) free diehard. Invested essentia adds +3 to death threshold per point. -13 with 1, point, -16 with 2, etc.
stats Str 16, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 15
AC 24/17/18 Grapple +12
Full attack (Flurry of Blows) 3 UnArm Strike, +6 1d6+6/ +bite +6 1d6+6/ 2 Leopard Claws +6 1d3+4/ +2 Girallon Arms +7 1d4+5/ if pounce +2 rakes +6 1d3+4
All get exalted feat bonuses, +1 damage evil creatures, +1d4 damage to evil outsiders or undead, + Ravage of Golden Ice to evil creatures. If WoTC can give an ooze unarmed strike (https://web.archive.org/web/20130209064600/http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/eo/20060922a) with monk levels, I will argue to my dying breath that a leopard can kick or throw an elbow or something.
I know there are better forms than Leopard for wildshape, but other than doing my homework on Forms, Where would you GiTPers take this build? I would like to continue into MoMF and maybe pick up rage at some point. Probably dip barbarian on the Totemist side and go into Totem Rager.