View Full Version : Best One use Items?

2015-01-13, 05:57 AM
Hello Fellow gamers!

As I am new to these forums I decided to post a question that was on my mind for some time:

What is the best "One use" Item, the kinda item that you are going to use before (Or during) That BBEG fight or that are just
handy to have with you because they are situationally great.


Domain Draught(MIC):

A simple vial of liquid that grants the powers of one specific domain for 24 hours. Good when you need to suddenly have
a bit of Sun domain in your turning :smallsmile:

Beetle elixir(MIC):
Darkvision 60 ft and a +2 natural bonus to AC? Plus the fact that you get a set of cool looking antennea sprouting from your forehead? Yes.

Eager to see what all of you guys can come up with, Just include anything that can be good in any way shape or form and feel free to make use of all 3th/3.5 books.

2015-01-13, 06:34 AM
Tree Tokens.

2015-01-13, 06:53 AM
Noxious Smokesticks. (EBC)

Nightsticks. (LM or Book of Bad Latin.)

Both are good items (Smokesticks that nauseate. Items that grant extra turn undead attempts.)

Killer Angel
2015-01-13, 07:07 AM
Dust of sneezing and choking.

Or Candle of Invocation.


2015-01-13, 07:53 AM
Golden Desert Honey (CM), for when you need to get a summon out fast. The other special components are also situationally useful.

Hiro Quester
2015-01-13, 08:04 AM
Scroll of Instant Refuge.

Six different contingency conditions that will trigger a teleport take me (or my turned to stone statue, or disintegrated remains) to a place of healing with which I have on retainer a "heal/revivify/true resurrect me and I'll pay "arrangement.

Lasts until triggered.

2015-01-13, 11:38 AM
Sovereign Glue

Magic Pigments

NE Candle of Invocation...

Fouredged Sword
2015-01-13, 11:50 AM
Chaos flasks - For when you need something, anything really.

2015-01-13, 12:09 PM
Based on price vs. effectiveness, Aboleth Mucus wins. Based on sheer battle domination, seconding Dust of Sneezing and Choking.

Those and many more excellent items for reference found here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?148101-3-x-Shax-s-Indispensible-Haversack-%28Equipment-Handbook%29).

(Thanks to Darrin for this ever useful resource.)

2015-01-13, 12:10 PM
Candle of Invocation, Sovereign Glue, nightsticks, and various scrolls
If wands are allowed (i.e., if you meant expendables, and not just single-use expendables), then wand of lesser vigor.

Unusual Muse
2015-01-13, 02:10 PM
Sleep Smoke [Waterdeep - City of Splendors, p. 152]
25 gp, 10' cloud on round 1, 20' on round 2; DC 15, Unconscious/Unconscious.

Use with the cantrip Launch Item.

2015-01-14, 12:26 AM
I keep a few lists of equipment I like to use on hand as part of my DM kit. Heres some of my favourite one use items:

From the books:

Bladeshimmer from CScoundrel; turn any object invisible until you after you make an attack with it or it's wiped off. Traps, alchemical weapons, walls....
Screaming Flasks from Cmage; Alchemical Sonic damage. Only one I can think of. Priceless.
Scroll of Mantle of the Fiery Spirit
Caltrops from the SRD
Bloodfreeze Arrow from Champions of Ruin: Paralysis for the low low price of one masterwork arrow and the party ranger's or assassin's underused spell slot. (proviso: I count it as an item because its cast, and then permanent until used)
Fire Shurikens: handful of auto-proficient 3d6 of fire damage for the price of an assassins spell slot. (See above for proviso)
Pebbles with Sacred/Profane Item cast on them: Cheesy, but if its allowed, the price is perfect (i.e. free for a divine caster with 4th level spells and a few days downtime, again proviso)
Mud Armor from RoF: Because somethings better than nothing, and also free. Perfect for the Magnificent Seven quests
Vodare, Drug from BoVD: Costs 1 first level spell slot from any caster, or you can purchase it. +2 bonus against fear and on Intimidate for the price of -4 on Dip and Bluff. Minor effect, but fantastic for a cheap small buff with 1d4 hr duration. The situations where you need to resist Fear and also use Diplomacy don't often overlap as well.

From 3.0:

Breaker Bottles from Song & Silence: Bit pricey, but if you can't think of a use for command word shattering a bottle full of whatever you want theres a problem. My personal favourites include smokey confinement ambushes, alchemist fire + brown mold,

From Dragon:

Oath Beer from #334; the bestow curse is nice and all, but the instant, basically unavoidable, knowledge that they've betrayed you? Priceless.

2015-01-14, 07:54 AM
Dust of Sneezing and Choking.

This fine dust appears to be dust of appearance. If cast into the air, it causes those within a 20-foot spread to fall into fits of sneezing and coughing. Those failing a DC 15 Fortitude save take 2d6 points of Constitution damage immediately. In addition, those failing a second DC 15 Fortitude save 1 minute later are dealt 1d6 points of Constitution damage. Those who succeed on either saving throw are nonetheless disabled by choking (treat as stunned) for 5d4 rounds.

Faint conjuration; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, poison; Price 2,400 gp.

Lets you literally win every single fight against every BBEG with a simple telekinesis spell, or the party fighter taking one for the team and rushing the BBEG before using this item. I mean seriously, 5d4 rounds of being stunned, with NO SAVE, for the price of only 2,400gp?

2015-01-14, 08:16 AM
Dust of Sneezing and Choking.

Lets you literally win every single fight against every BBEG with a simple telekinesis spell, or the party fighter taking one for the team and rushing the BBEG before using this item. I mean seriously, 5d4 rounds of being stunned, with NO SAVE, for the price of only 2,400gp?

Undead, constructs, elementals, plants and oozes are immune to stunning, so it's hardly every fight. For the rest stunning is incredibly cheap to negate (3000gp, Third Eye Clarity), so there's really no reason for any BBEG not to have it unless your DM is just lazy, if he allows the dust at all.

Still a good item but hardly the instant bosskiller it's made out to be if your DM is at all competent.

2015-01-14, 03:05 PM
Bottled Yeti Fur. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/bottled-yeti-fur) The mental image of someone using this is great. I've been waiting to find a time to use one of these.

2015-01-14, 08:04 PM
Scroll of Wish is probably the most powerful due its sheer versatility, but scrolls in general are a good way to have NPCs pack a punch without giving the PCs this power after they deafeat him.

2015-01-14, 08:11 PM
The Alchemical Weapon Capsules (i love those things) for when you really need that thing to die.

Alchemical Arrows of any kind are nice, especially the ones that are basically a flare.

Also im a big fan of potions in general as they can be quite useful, EX potion of Fire Breath.

Barbarian Horde
2015-01-14, 08:53 PM
Scroll of Wish I second this.
Make a wish to place brown mold into the fire plane and let the denizens come to your world because you destroyed their's.

Speaking of which mold emits cold damage... How much experience do I get for all the possible creatures that would of died inside the "Entire" Plane?