View Full Version : Job Advice in the Playground

2015-01-14, 01:12 PM
Hey everyone, looking for a little advise from the collective.

So, I have been at my current job for 8 years. Grown to one of the co-supervisors of my department in the past year and have been acting as department manager for that time. The company posted the actual manager position, which I applied for, and everyone is expecting me as the shoe in.
During the interview the president, who I report to now but the manager would be the new intermediary, everything is going well. About half way through what ends up being a 2 hour interview, he surprises me with 'I think this position is a waste of your talents. We are going to open a position a director of business development and I want you for this job." Obviously I was shocked at the turn of events.
Right now my accounts represent 67% of the business and my direct report is responsible for another 12%. The other supervisor is responsible for the rest of the business.
What my boss is propositioning is I shed all but my largest account, as they represent 47% of the business, and start working on the bigger picture. The company is in the process of acquiring 3-5 similar, if smaller, businesses in strategic locations around the US and it would be part of my duties to scout them out, determine if both are a good fit and can expand each others markets without losing it's core competencies. I would be in charge of the inside and outside sales force. which is a little different than the account management position I'm currently in but have done inside sales for years in the past. I would make sure new customer fit our model and would be worth the time to acquire as the current guy is notorious for signing customers that cost twice as much to support as we reap in sales.
So, I didn't get much details than that because I was caught completely off-guard other than the details outlined above.
I currently travel about once a month to visit customers but this would mean more travel to current customers, potential customers, potential acquisitions, and to future sites. I am fine with this.
We had an end of the year wrap up with the board of directors around Thanksgiving, my first, and the Board was apparently very impressed with me and made this recommendation.
What I didn't walk away with is a pay or a time frame. He basically said that the choice of either is mine for the taking. The job I applied for would be about another $20k per year but the one offered was 'two to three times' your current salary.
Now, it isn't all about the money but it is nice. I think I am capable of doing this but would need some help and he would be fully vested in mentoring me, along with the CFO and whoever else I would need. Its a big stretch from what I'm doing now but I am, admittedly, in a bit of a rut. My day to day work hasn't been a challenge for some time and the proposition sounds like it would be testing me in new ways.
The wife and one of my best friends, my sounding boards, have said it would be a good move and I'm fully capable of going this.

So, besides an actual job description, actual pay, and a time frame for beginning, is there anything I'm missing or any questions I should ask but I'm overlooking?

Appreciation in advance.

2015-01-14, 05:06 PM
First of all, congratulations! The fact that the president of your company has basically told you they want you for bigger and better things is wonderful!

In terms of what to ask for, if it were me, I'd want a guarantee that if I turned down the position I just applied for that I would indeed be getting the bigger and better position that hasn't been fully realized yet. In writing if possible.

Also, if you get the guarantee that you will be getting the better position, without having to apply or interview again (make sure to ask that, to know if you will again be placed into competition for it with no guarantee of actually getting it), then you might want to make certain you can remain in your current position until the new one starts.

So I guess my list of concerns would be:

1. Guarantee of getting new position
2. Keeping current position until new one is ready
3. Not having to reapply and re-interview for better position
4. Timeline
5. Pay and benefits
6. Permanent position or temporary?
7. Choice of having the position you applied for in case you decide not to take the new one being made up

Good luck! :smallsmile:

2015-01-14, 07:18 PM
EmeraldRose, thanks and thank you for your input.

I can answer 6 and 7.
It would be permanent and I basically have the option of either job at this point but I need to decide so he can move on with the position I interviewed for and, if I don't take the new offer, he can start looking for someone to fill that position.

2015-01-15, 09:08 AM
Well, I hope the best for you, and as someone who is beginning the process of next career steps I can tell you what I'm finding: Sometimes it is good for us to be uncomfortable. Especially if it pushes us to greater goals.

How much time do you have to make the decision?

2015-01-15, 09:53 AM
Before end of day tomorrow as he is flying to China Saturday morning and needs my decision before he leaves.

2015-01-15, 09:54 AM
So which way are you leaning? Also, been meaning to ask did you go to U of Arkansas?

2015-01-15, 10:40 AM
The new opportunity.
Its too much of an opportunity, personally and financially (depending on the actual figures), to pass up.

No, No UofArk for me. It goes back to grade school and wrestling, where I moved from one town to another, and one of my new teammates recognized me from my previous team (archenemies!) so he started calling me by my old wrestling team, The Razorbacks. "Why don't we let the Razorback wrestle him", etc. It just stuck and we became friends but the nickname stuck. We're still friends and he still calls me that.

2015-01-15, 12:09 PM
I think that's where I'd go as well. Good luck to you with your new adventure! :smallbiggrin:

(Yeah, sometimes nicknames are hard to get away from :smallwink:)

2015-01-17, 10:49 AM
Especially when you keep using them.