View Full Version : Caelumundi IC I

2015-01-14, 08:02 PM
Caelumundi is a world like few others as it has gone through many ages of destruction and rebirth. The current age of the world is Aerterrae and it is in this age that many great mysteries have appeared with little to no answers. The first being that there are ancient tomes that tell of a time when the great islands of the world did not always float on a sea of cloud, however; little else is known beyond this as most knowledge in regards to this ancient time are lost to the winds of time. What is known is that there are four great islands that float above the cloud layer and it is on these continents that the races of the world continue to thrive. These four great islands are called Cthabo the Primal Lands, The forgotten depths Mihotlotle, Har-dhat the Isle of Change, and finally Athar. Below these four great islands and their smaller cousins lies the great cloud sea the covers the whole of the world and hides one the greatest mysteries of the age. Though the clouds can be penetrated easily none that have gone down have ever been seen risen again to tell their tale. At times ghost ships will appear out of the cloud layer in ruin and with no crew or remains.

Of the four great islands the lands of Athar are the most significant as within its borders lies the most stable and successful land of the world and the four greatest kingdoms of the known modern world. The first of these nations is the Empire of the Twilight Cross a nation that prides itself on its fairness to its different parts and citizens. The Empire has also built many a temple and church to the gods to bring about their favor. Of the four kingdoms this Empire is the most devout in the land. Realm of Cymerian is country ruled by an iron fisted Overlord though despite this the country can seem a paradox to the uninformed. The country and its ruler care only about one thing and that is efficient progress and it is this ideal that has made them quite wealth and at the side time soured their reputation in the world. There is a cultural caste system that dominates that larger city but if a being is found to be ruthlessly efficient and shows potential they can be given the chance to bypass this system. In Athar Cymerian is the most prosperous of the great powers that rule the land. Next comes the great Mao-Lik Empire a land ruled by ancient traditions that have caused great peace and stability for its people. The Empress who rules is said to be old and wise but still able to lead her troops into battle against monster and bickering neighbors. The Empire is comprised of a unique feudal system that has allowed it to progress with times and progress but keep the power in the hands of the lords and mostly Dames of the land. Lastly is the reclusive and shadowy nation the Celestial Kingdom Morgethic whose borders are surrounded in an unnatural fog and guard by watch towers on the perimeter. Little is known of this land as they do not like outsiders and what information that does pass beyond its borders is censored heavily or carried covertly by spies.

The technology level of the kingdoms is high medieval combined with magic to produce marvelous inventions. Airships dominate the skies at times for fast shipping, luxury passenger liners, and military purposes, while on the ground a slower counterpart known Nexus Rail runs on magically charged tracks that produce artificial ley lines for the trains to move about. At times ancient tombs or dungeons are located that hold powerful or incredibly ancient wonders from the bygone past that defy explanation. It is also here that one of the other great mysteries lies for most airships are restricted in size and produced solely by an independent free city-state. There is one exception to this and it is the source of horror stories and nightmares, a colossal airship that defies all the laws of nature and magic known only as Deathbeak to the world. Deathbeak moves about the world randomly and always emerges from and disappears into the cloud sea often taking any ships near it down to their death. A constant heavy storm always surrounds the airship where it may stalk but due to this it rarely journeys near land. The few times it does though unexplainable things and gruesome events tend to happen before it quickly departs. Many have tried to board it, not many make it past the storm and rarely do any ever leave it whole in body and or mind.

This world has seen many stories come to past and before this age's end many more will come to past. Currently though events are about to come to pass that have not been seen in many a year and the waves they make in the waters of history may come to disturb the slumber of things best left alone. A story in the making a chapter in time yet to be written but even now the cast is being drawn together for the first act, the setting the Realm of Cymerian in the capital city Luclin where the Overlord is throwing a special party where the guests though perhaps not lords or ladies are dressed as such and all carrying a little red envelop. Each such guest is a sword for hire, a spellcaster, an adventure, cleric, or thief. For them it was a strange and simple day started or ended with a little red letter stating that their presence was “requested” by the Overlord in Luclin for a special party that he expects them to not ignore his wishes and attend.

2015-01-18, 07:16 PM

Hi all.

2015-01-21, 08:46 PM
The party was set to occur on this very night at 7 o'clock after the sun has set and the moon risen into the night sky. To most this might seen normal but this night is marked by an auspicious presence on a red moon. In times past it was when the moon glowed red that it was said times of despair or suffering were to begin or the worst battles fought. And here on this night the Blood Moon does glow in a sea of midnight with no other stars present or clouds to hide its gaze.

The Great Hall of the Overlord's Palace is lit bright enough that all of the city can see it. Carriages alight its steps as their passengers disembark before leaving. Other times guests just seem to walk up from the streets only being allowed through by their little red letter. Music can be heard streaming in soft tones the Palace and whole units of elite guard stand security for this event. As you each arrive one by one you are met and in exchange for your red letter are given a small folded page bearing a small mark. When ask you are simply told, "It is a mark for a grand event later in the evening do not lose it." You are then directed into the Great Hall where food and drink of great finery are laid out. Many present look either in their element or completely out of it but each bears a measure of the glint often said to be housed in adventuring type. The guests span all the races of the realm even one or two seldom seemed beyond their people or considered not polite company.

You are told by the servants who hand you a drink that the Overlord will be down eventually and until then you are to mingle, dine, and dance to your heart's content until the grand event later.

2015-01-21, 11:02 PM
Ferenia leaned against a wall near the edge of the room that the guests gathered. She gently clicked her beak, playing with the fabric adorning her body. While it was a beautiful midnight blue dress, it rubbed her feathers in awkward angles, clearly intended for someone with less covering their skin. What she'd do for the soft leathers and cloth that was her normal garb. A short breath escaped her beak, a silent sigh. One clawed finger played with a loose sprig of holly, while the other slowly spun the letter given to her contemplatively.

2015-01-26, 08:15 PM
Standing amid a group of adventurers and listening to the news and gossip from the surrounding lands of his forest. Ciryon, clad in a tailored suit of fine cloth, looks like everyone else in the room. Normally not clothes that he would wear, but since the occasion called for it he would go with the flow. Ciryon eventually excuses himself from the group and wanders over to table of food. Normally he survived off the land, and sometimes venturing to the closest town and indulging himself with some ale and tavern food. Not sure which foods would be polite to walk around with, he collects a small plate of nuts, cheese, and some salted pork cubes. Returning to the group he was previously with, Ciryon listens to a human, by the name of Robert, and how he saved a town from a group of marauding orcs. Remembering the man, Ciryon was present during the raid. The man, Robert helped a group militia hold a bridge while the pathfinders, including Ciryon flanked the group for orcs. Once the orcs were caught between the bows of the pathfinders and the militia’s’ swords, the orcs were quickly routed. Ciryon kept silent when the man’s story differed from the truth. The man was a good fighter and was allowed a bit of indulgence.

2015-01-30, 07:14 PM
Having no finery and needing none of it anyway, Sazed made his way directly to a server for a drink. "Ale, and good ale at that."neas all he asked then waited for his request to be filled. Keeping his eyes scanning the crowd the dwarf barely noticed when the server returned. Slightly taken aback he nodded his thanks and took his drink. Keeping well out of the way of those who were dancing, Sazed moved along the wall to a spot near a window and watched those party-goers making a fool of themselves with the wine and food.a dark though crosses his mind as he watches one adventure nearly stumble over after a dance - drunk - if the Overlord wanted a true test of someone give them unending vices and see who turns away and who succumbs. Those that succumb can easily be tossed aside leaving others vigilant and ready for a task.

2015-02-01, 05:29 PM
The party picks up as the first few hours pass by with more music and even more food of increased variety graces the tables within in the hall. Conversation litters the room with the different voices of dozens of speakers overlaying one another. Tales of exploits grand, adventures most daring, and encounters almost too horrifying are told again and again as the party guests are you await the arrival of the Overlord and the meaning behind this party. Though a topic that has thread its way through all the conversations spoken eventually reaches you one by one. It context is simple though meaning is could be slightly troubling to all but the most foolish. No one party guest present knew the reason behind the party hosted by the Overlord. Not a single knew what he was planning, and there must be something going on as the Overlord did nothing without reason it was said.

Someone suggests perhaps he is looking for mercenaries of great skill as the political situation across the continent seems to becoming unstable. This leads to speculation across the hall of perhaps the preparations of an invasion force being built, or a force that could counterattack any threat that might appear should war begin again between Cymerian and the Empire of the Twilight Cross. the noise of the conversations gets louder as the speculation and the drinking and eating continues until suddenly horns begin baring resound within the hall. The music is silence in the cacophony of noise and it is then that many start jerking as they look around for the source of the noise and spot something else. Without warning or sound the entrances had been barred and the Silver Knights of the Overlord his personal retinue now stood sentinel around the hall en mass.

As the noise of the horns dies down a new sound can begin to be heard; the sound of a single set of metal boots walking down from the upper levels that had been roped off earlier. Their source is a tall man at least six foot tall with silvery white hair and two piercing orange eyes. He is dressed in the garb of a warlord but walks with the grace of a king who knows he is respected and feared. Along his side sways a golden blade half covered by the pelt of a snow lion across his right shoulder. Accompanying him are six Silver Knights moving as if they were ghosts, their all encompassing and heavy plate noiseless and the halberds and great swords gleaming. As he reaches near the bottom of the stairs he stops and a female tiefling appears to step from the shadows near the stairs to stop before him at the bottom of the stairs. She though unlike those invited is wearing the officers uniform of the Cymerian Army.

In a clipped manner she salutes the Overlord and twirls of the spot to face the crowd and booms out in a commanding tone, "All hail the Overlord of Cymerian and thank him for allowing your worthless husks to take temporary residence within his Great Hall! Then shut it and give m'lord your undivided attention or so help your miserable hides." The glare she gives the room would likely make persons of lesser will die of a heart attack. At this the passive face of the Overlord cracks briefly for what could be the world's briefest smile but his features harden into a scowl and he speaks "Greetings citizens and adventures to my hall and the bounties of Cymerian. Unfortunately this host is not gathered for the simple pleasure of company but the proposal of a great venture. As many of you may know the Celestial Kingdom Morgethic has always been rather reclusive to outsiders but as of one week ago the entire nation has gone dark. No messengers sent in have yet to come out. No scry can pierce the distance to view their realm, and most troubling of all no caravan that was in has even made it back to the borders."

A this his face darkens as he briefly pauses before continuing, "Of our spies that were within Morgethic only one has returned and the message he bore before he expired not but a few minutes after crossing the border was grim indeed. Something foul has lodged itself within the lands of our neighbor and can not allow an unknown threat to exist so close to my kingdom. SO I issue this proposal to all here now, join me in defense of our homeland and know the rewards of service to Cymerian or let your cowardice cause you suffering. Your goals will be simple you will be trained and those that still live then will force entrance into Morgethic to assigned locations and gather information as to what is happening. Once you have gathered sufficient information you will extricate yourselves back here. Depending on your information I will determine our next course of action. Those who serve will know reward for their hardships and knowledge to aid in their survival. Those that refuse will know what it means to disappoint me."

At that he quiets down and stares expectantly at his guests to see their reactions and see what questions they may have about his proposal. After all this is one way to weed out the idiots before the training even began.

2015-02-04, 10:52 AM
Ciryon sighed. Looks like I am not going to get a chance to sample the other food provided. With that he as quietly has he could put one more salted pork bite in his mouth and turned to set his plate on the closet table. Ciryon stood ready for whatever was to come.

2015-02-04, 04:30 PM
Ferenia clicked her beak with a silent sigh. A chance to soar on the wind is always appreciated, but his delivery is leaves something to be desired. The flower does not threaten death upon the bee for its compliance. She made no move for the door, but clearly kept her attention on the Overlord.

2015-02-04, 07:35 PM
"Well, what would you like us to do? Join hands and swear to help each other? Blah not with these "travelers" that's for sure. But If you want information I will volunteer to go in first and explore. You will find I help my nation and ruler."

Sazed steps forward after his outburst and stares at the knees of the Overloard.

2015-02-07, 07:57 PM
After the outburst of Sazed the tiefling officer begins to have a growing expression of outrage on her features, the most notable is that her left eye twitches. However before she can burst and let loose whatever words she was building up to say there is a light chuckle that comes from behind her. The Overlord himself bears a grin at the dwarf's actions, and what most might consider his audacity to address the Overlord so easily. Never the less it seems to have put the Overlord into a good mood as it inflects a positive note into his renewed speech.
"Ah what a good night it is to find a soul so dedicated to his country and ruler, you are a fine example of what all citizens should aspire to be dwarf. But you are quite right I don't expect you to hold hands together and swear your undying ties to one another. No, we have a far better way of doing things here. Those who accept this assignment will be divided into four member teams as a small group is more likely to succeed where one may fail. Then we are going to put you all through a hellish week of training to help you understand how you can rely on and use your fellow team members. After your training should you survive each group will be given a target point within the Celestial Kingdom Morgethic where you will gather your information. Then I assume you all have the intelligence to guest what comes next.

We have no idea what you are to expect on the other side though as the only reports that came though before the nation went silent were reports of roving bands of monsters appearing more steadily throughout the Kingdom. Though it should be stated the better the information you bring back the better your service will be rewarded, failure though as always will be punished so do not return empty handed."

After his speech is down he gives the floor back over to the tiefling officer and departs the hall, his knights remain however to watch you all. Though they are soon joined by lesser officers or members of the army as they begin conjuring runes in the air and directing the party attendees to their correct group. The three of you quickly realize that the runes are likely the ones that were given to you on your admittance though after checking yours has not appeared yet. Before any strange thoughts might creep into your head the low growl grabs the attention of the three of you as your gaze is drawn once more to the female tiefling officer who now has a your rune floating above her. Her stance is that of a predator who has found her prey and her smile is vicious. As you approach her you get a good look at your companions but also a dead body that is laying at the tiefling's feet.

"It would appear that not everyone present had quite a good reaction to their meals as you three did. After that lovely little outburst you gave earlier dwarf I have decided I like this group a lot and want you all to be my *special* friends while you are being trained. Now then that you have all seen each other lets get this little affair going shall we. You will address me as Lady Trival that's pronounced (Tri-val), if you get it wrong I will ensure you can never mispronounce it again or anything else. Now lets get moving we have a lot of work do to you whelps if you are going to be use."

Afterwards you are lead to a small barracks room with four bunks and a common area that you all will be staying in. Next you are shown the cafeteria and lastly the training grounds where you are instantly put on the spot and driven to the brink of exhaustion in your first hours of training in the middle of the night. When you are ragged and barely standing she leads you back to your barracks room and tells you one last piece of information.

"You will all be put through the basic training to help ensure you will not die just walking in. Those of you who show you are a completely worthless flesh bag will be given the choice of specialized training if you wish. It might give you an edge or it might not which is why it is optional for those with a functioning brain. The specialized training includes working with an ambassador that is currently off assignment, research at the palace library, spiritually guidance from our resident mancer, or lastly working with one of the drill sergeants to increase your chance of not dying due to physical incompetence. If you can prove you are better than a lowly flesh bag then the officer at the end of the day tomorrow will ask you for your choice. Until then take what time you have left and sleep."

At that she leaves for you to collapse into a bed and have any conservation you wish before you all fall asleep.

**************DM NOTE*****************
when you next post roll a d10 to determine if you get the chance of having an advance training area. Also include what you may want it to be. Your night will end with conversation between you or just passing out. Your following day is quite literally a hardcore run at a boot camp.

2015-02-16, 02:39 AM
[roll0] It be a quiet place ontop a high hill or spire, where the winds whip to and fro.

As her group gathers in the barracks, Ferenia bows gently. I am Ferenia. Short and curt.

2015-02-19, 05:44 PM
Sazed. the dwarf obviously looks up and down at Ferenia judging and measuring. He crosses his arms and stares at the rest in the company. For a moment he is silent, then all at once he snorts and spits. Alright, which one of you punks is going to break? I think we need to start a pot. My money is on that one over there. Sazed points at the elf.

Die Roll was a 10

2015-02-19, 10:22 PM
Nodding, We shall see, but I have 2 gold on you dwarf. Since we are to be working together, I should introduce myself. My name is Ciryon Shurshot. Ciryon walks over to his bunk and, trying not to show that he is dead tired, lays on the bunk with his hands behind his head.

Training with the drill sergeant. [roll0]

2015-02-24, 07:23 PM
Sazed grins as the elf lays down. See already on his back and we haven't even thrown a punch yet. The dwarf lets out a big chuckle and heads to his own bunk and searchs it throughly for anything that might be hidden or left from its last occupant.

2015-03-01, 04:47 PM
The introductions given weariness begins to overtake all as you each of you fall into to slumber. In the morning you are roused just before dawn and spend the day in training for personal defense, stealth, information gathering. This routine is what passes for your day for the next 3 straight. On the fifth day a 2 hour period is given for teams to conduct individual study to better prepare for areas they specialize in or lack enough fundamentals in. However it seems some individuals are lead off by officers to different areas away from their groups for this time. Sazed is approached in your group and lead off to different location for this time. This new routine continues until the end of the week, where you are all given a short speech that can be summed up to “Well we have done the best we can so try to remember what we taught you and don’t die, alright.”

Afterwards each group is met by the officer in charge of their group and led off in order to be given their mission briefing. Trival approaches your group but something seems different about her, though it is not her appearance, or the way she walks, but instead you all come to the determination that every time she has met with you there was an ever present scowl on her face. Now though there is a predatory smile that seems to grow with each step she takes towards you. Leaving you little time to ponder why she is now smiling, you are quickly herded into her office where she begins your briefing.

“You lot have a very special task, probably one of most important of all the groups that will be in operation. You are going to pay a visit straight to the capital of the Celestial Kingdom and gather information straight from the enemy’s brain so to speak. You are going to be reporting straight to a secluded cabin on the border and wait there for the appointed date and time before making your way into their lands. But don’t worry I am sure you lot can handle it after all, if I didn’t think you could I wouldn’t have bet you would live in the company’s survival pot if I didn’t believe in you. That’s enough of that though, you should expect patrols through the forest you are entering through however if you stay on the route listen on the map I will give you should be able to pass through relatively safe.”

With that said you are dismissed and lead to the stables by a guard where you are given horses to make for your insurgent point. Though you pace yourselves on the way to the cabin time seems to drag on and you arrive in the morning of the day before you are supposed to depart. The rest of the day is spent recovering from your journey and stabling the horses for when there are reclaimed by the guard. The following day you awaken to find the air is heavy and a feeling of gloom and melancholy. The stable horses are restless and the clouds that hang above you seem pregnant with rain but unwilling to let the water flow. As the day turns back into night you all make ready to leave; an hour before you are supposed to depart a heavy galloping can be heard outside and stops before the cabin. A young guard bursts through the door pale and exhausted quickly he shoves an envelope into the hands of Ciryon before rushing back out the door and back down the path. It is dark red and bears the seal of the Overlord himself.
The contents appeared to have been penned quickly and signed by Trvial herself; its writing does not portend good news. Inside is what seems like a scattering of information Border scouts found dead and mauled, lack of patrol sightings, and waves of nightmares sparking among border garrisons highlight the important parts. At the end Trival has penned an addendum to your mission You are to exercise caution on your walks through any low visibility areas and gather information on any location in which you pass to the capital. You are granted full discretion in any unusual situation you find yourselves in so long as it furthers your information gathering. It ends with her signature and a note that states “Trust no one of the other side, not even the other groups.”

The last hour now drags on slowly with the letter read but time does not stand still. Eventually the hour is nigh your packs gathered you all set forth into the night quickly gaining speed from your training last week. Your footing steady you easily make the border forest at midnight and proceed in. The first thing you notice is that there is no sound save what the three of you make. The sky is dark and clouded with the only light piercing it being from the full moon that has defied the cloud cover. The forest itself seems to change as you progress further in the trees becoming more wraith-like and skeletal though their leaves still cling yet to the branches. At what you can only guess to be somewhere near three in the morning you being to pass near a small border village its houses just becoming visible through the tree cover.

Taking a closer look it appears to be an ordinary village, except for a ring of stones that seem to be stacked haphazardly atop one another and spaced roughly around 20 feet from the nearest home. They occupy to cleared ring around the village most likely where the villagers created a clearing around themselves to keep the forest back. The stones are unmarked and the village undisturbed and quiet. A quick glance at the map reveals that there is a road that runs into the village on the opposite side that appears to connect to a highway system that runs to the capital. If you wish to take it you must skirt the village or stalk through it.

2015-03-01, 05:29 PM
Ferenia peered at the stones curiously. The village is the quickest and safest route. A quick stroll across the main street to the highway beyond. These woods are not right, and the less time we spend here, the better. She spoke in a quiet whisper, her beak gently clicking.

2015-03-03, 08:07 PM
That may be but walking through the village may get us spotted. My vote is for quick and quiet around the village keeping to the tree line. Eyeing the village the whole time, Ciryon's eyes flicker from window to window lingering on any with a light coming from inside.

2015-03-03, 08:24 PM
There is no light in the village at all. And the moonlight shining down does not seem to have the strength to penetrate the darkness within the village homes. The village is just as quiet as the forest with the only sounds coming from the three of you.

2015-03-04, 06:49 PM
Running his tongue along his teeth with a soft *shluchh* Sazed just lest his eyes wonder from place to place. He nods softly as the others speak taking in the risks.
there are no lights. No movement. A good chance if someone is there they are more scared to come out in the night then we would be of them. I am for a walk through the village, and you never know, there might be something of interest down there to report.

2015-03-10, 06:28 PM
The decision cast you make your way into the darkened village quietly trying to stick to the shadows and not get too close to the windows of the houses. As you near the center of the little village a black form coalesces from the darkness of the an alleyway between two buildings. It stands about four and a half feet tall and looks to be composed of inky black mass. Its form is roughly feline in shape with two rough tendrils of shadow sprouting from its back. Its eyes glow a pale orange in the moonlight as it seems to stalk the streets yet somehow unaware of your presence. As it stands it is now moving to be in your way through the center of the village. you can try to stick between houses or fight it.

*********DM NOTE****************
Regardless of which you choose roll for initiative in the OOC and the first person who rolls the highest gets to go first as you will currently get a surprise round on it as it is unaware of you.

2015-03-10, 08:15 PM
Ferenia motioned silently to stick to the alleys between the houses. No need to engage it.


2015-03-10, 09:20 PM
Ciryon keeps close to the buildings moving as silently has possible.


2015-03-13, 02:52 PM
Sazed snears at the two hiding in the shadows but reluctantly follows the other two. The dwarf flexes his muscles In anticipation.



2015-03-18, 12:44 PM
Keeping near the buildings while moving through the shadows of the alley ways you loose sight of the creature in the town center. As you slowly creep to make it to the other side of town you press up near a particular house to stay completely hidden. However doing so comes at a cost as both Ferenia and Ciryon end up scrapping against it. Sazed motions for you all to stop as you hear the sounds of scrapping and foot falls uneven come to the window.

A figure's outline can just barely be seen staring from the window now but that is not what draws your attention. The fact that it appears to have twin pairs of glowing orange eyes and what can only be a open mouth filled with equally glowing fangs has far more effectively stolen the spot light. After a brief second it turns its head and stares straight at Ferenia and Ciryon through the window and lunges out of it at them. You all dash into a a 30 x 30 clearing outside the alley as it follows you. There are two ways out of this open area one path is marked "The Square" and the other "Highhelm Highway." As it stands there creatures blocks the way back into the ally way.

Sazed, Ciryon, Ferenia, Creature
You are in the middle of the 30x30 square while the creature is on the west wall in the center square where the alley is. The road to the highway is on the north end center square and is 10ft wide. The road to the village center is on the south end center and is 10ft wide as well.

2015-03-18, 04:21 PM
"Run! Get to the highway! Sazed waves frantically to direct the creature's attention and point the others toward the highway. A moment later the dwarf lunges at the creature and takes a swing with his unarmed fist.



2015-03-18, 06:06 PM
Ciryon backs away, toward the Highway, from the creature so that there is a distance of atleast 20 feet between them. Taking out his bow and notching an arrow, Ciryon yells out, "Sazed arrow". Loosening the arrow, Ciryon hopes that the arrow will hit true.

Ranged Attack: +5
Firing into Melee: -4


2015-03-20, 01:56 PM
The bird-women nods quickly, running towards the highway at full tilt.

2015-03-27, 07:00 PM
The creature suffers no effect from Saze's attack but Ciryon's arrow does pierce the creature's hide dealing damage. In retaliation for its suffering, it lets loose a ear-piercing shriek and slashes with it nails at Saze.



2015-03-28, 05:40 AM
Gracefully avoiding the attack Sazed takes a step to the side to better postion himself between the creature and elf.

Don't shoot elf! Get to the highway Ferenia might run into more. Go with her!

With that the dwarf centers himself and unleashes two quick punches at the creature.



2015-04-03, 10:36 PM
Before turning and heading up to the highway Ciryon watches Sazed's attack on the creature. Trusting his word Ciryon readys an arrow and heads after Ferenia. Ciryon keeps his eyes open and moves as stealthily as his quicken pace allows.



2015-04-15, 07:00 PM
Ferenia's quick pace makes the edge of the village and the highway in little time. Before her lays the Highhelm Highway a broad dirt path that leads into the opens plains that border this side of the village before in the distance entering into a new forest. The plains are filled with tall yellowed grass that stand between two and four feet tall. But just like the forest near the village it is silent save the occasional light wind. The highway path is well defined with no weeds or grass growing on it. When stepped on Ferenia becomes aware of a feeling of slight safety and fear towards the open plains.

Ciryon's quick pace allows him to catch up to Ferenia at the villages edge and a few feet onto the highway. Though of Sazed they see nothing.

Back into the small square the creature attempts to attack Sazed again.

*****EDIT CRIT FAIL******
Well with the creature crit failing it oversteps it footing and footwork on Sazed's part see the creature fall prone next to him. The dwarf is now facing an opponent laying down on the job.

2015-04-29, 04:14 PM
Sazed takes no time in bringing his knee down hard on the creatures throat.

2015-04-29, 05:13 PM
After catching up with Ferenia, Ciryon turns to her, "Ferenia do you see anything on the edge of the village or beyond?" Ciryon turns, with a ready bow, around towards the village waiting to see if Sazed comings running with the creature in tail.

2015-04-29, 05:18 PM
No, nothing. It is unearthly quiet here. Its unnatural. Ferenia shivered, feathers bristling.

2015-06-02, 08:19 PM
Sazed rams his knee down hard into the throat of the creature crushing it utterly. It weakly sputters out the last of its breath from its mangled windpipe before the orange glow in its mouth and eyes dims down into nothing. With the threatening situation dealt with Sazed gets a better look at it. The creature has a comely shape to it that is covered by a grey fabric dress that seemed just moments ago to be made out of shadows. Its hair is silvery like weak moonlight and it would of stood about five and a half feet tall. A quick pat down reveals that it was caring nothing but the clothes it was wearing. Not wanting to see if more danger lurked in the town Sazed quickly makes for the highway where his companions are waiting for him.

The time it has taken you all to traverse the small village and make the highway on other side is half a hour now putting you at three thirty in the morning. And though rested if you are not careful fatigue will soon set in from the adrenaline rush of the fight and flight from the village. When Sazed makes it onto the highway he also feels the same feelings of slight safety from the path and a fear of the open plains. This feeling is shared between you three and as unnatural as the silence of the plains. If you wish to travel in the daylight you can push on ahead of make camp further down the road for a short nap. Either way it will not be more than a couple hours before the village behind you would normally begin to stir and its situation is unknown to you.

You must decide whether you wish to continue ahead or to stop take a short rest further down the road before then continuing or checking back up on this village.

2015-06-02, 08:27 PM
Ferenia clicked her beak. We should take rest for the night, further down the road. The further from the village, the better I'll feel. Her feather's bristled as a chll ran down her spine.

2015-06-04, 08:35 PM
Sazed nods his head in agreement. Agreed. We need to get away from that village. This feeling is unnerving and i would like to be on our way from this place.
With that the dwarft motions down the road and starts to jog away from the villiage.
Keep an eye out as well. When i killed that thing its 'eyes' went out so who knows what that was.

2015-06-04, 09:07 PM
With one last look at the village, Ciryon takes off after the group. Ciryon lags a bit behind the group keeping an eye to the rear to make sure nothing is following. Keeping an arrow notched so that he is ready to discourage any pursuers.

2015-06-26, 05:57 PM
The road winds through the open plains, the tail grass swaying occasionally as wind rolls across it with the dawning of the sun. Color seems to flow back into the world though the silence is only broken by the wind and the rare native wildlife within the grass. The road eventually winds into a forest its trees skeletal but bearing green leaves. To Ferenia the forest seems hostile and sick the wildlife stays away from the road. After an hour into the forest you decide you have gone far enough and for the past while every few miles you have notice places where the road bulges. It is within these bulges that the feeling of safety intensifies, and after agreement you make camp to rest.

The rest is short as it is is by this time close to midday and it would be foolish to sleep turning the daylight on the road. A mile down from the spot you rested at now midday the three of you see a set of ruts veering from the path and into the forest. The foliage is just sparse enough for you to make out a wagon laying in the forest not more than 30ft. from the path. You know it is there but you can't determine anything else due to the forest plants. Do you ignore this wagon off the path or take this time in the midday sun to steal a look at it off the path?

2015-07-13, 10:45 AM
Ciryon, why dont you take a look atbthe wagon. See if they have supplies or perhaps a little information about what lies ahead.

2015-07-17, 04:03 PM
Ciryon nods to Sazed and stealthily moves off the road towards the wagon. Carefully watching as he approaches the wagon, Ciryon draws his throwing axe, to be ready.


***OOC: Two outcomes possible***
***1st - If Ciryon notices friendly looking people***
Ciryon puts his throwing ax away and approaches cautiously. Hailing them.

***2nd - If Ciryon doesn't notice anyone***
Ciryon continues to approach the wagon. Looking into the wagon and around it tot see what there is to see.