View Full Version : overcoming immunity to critical hits and sneak attacks

2015-01-15, 07:59 AM
is there an item or an item property that I can use to overcome such immunities? We're gearing up to the final battle of the campaign and the only chance I have to doing any significant damage is to land sneak attacks and critical hits. if the final bosses we face are immune to them, I'll be sitting with my thumbs somewhere Near Slice, in the Lancre Kingdom

2015-01-15, 08:06 AM
Penetrating Strike ACF, Dungeonscape (1/2 SA damage to flanked targets who are normally immune to SA).

MIC has greater crystals of truedeath, which allows you to SA undead. And greater crystals of demolition, which allow you to do the same to constructs.

SpC has Grave Strike/Vine Strike/Golem Strike (reprinted from other sources), which allow you to SA undead, plants, and constructs. These spells explicitly don't allow crits, though. You can stick the spells on wands, and put the wands in wand chambers (Dungeonscape).

The spells take a swift action, so the casting them from wands would also, according to the Rules Compendium (otherwise, it defaults to a standard).

Edit: Triple ninja'ed orcus'ed while adding more stuff.

2015-01-15, 08:07 AM
Where they getting the immunity from? Golem strike, gravestrike and a plant one are spells that allow sneak attacks. If you don't have rogue levels yet you can get penetrating strike acf or get permission to get it late. As for items now sure.

2015-01-15, 08:09 AM
Depends on how he got the immunity. Deathstrike Bracers and Fiendslayer/Truedeath weapon crystals (MIC) let you ignore type-based crit immunity. If he got it from Fortification or a similar item you'll have to dispel/sunder/steal it.
If he got it from a class ability like a Warshaper you're basically screwed without the Penetrating Strike ACF.

If he has Improved Uncanny Dodge you're screwed no matter what.

2015-01-15, 08:11 AM
I know it's not exactly relevant, but in my games I usually just make it universal, because really, the Rogue doesn't get enough nice things.

2015-01-15, 08:15 AM
I'm swashbuckler 3/rogue 6/ blade bravo 10

(or rogue 7, I'm waiting on confirmation whether I've levelled)

but don't let the high level fool you.. I'm still the same ignorant I was when I was dying every 2 sessions at the lower levels, lol.

2015-01-15, 08:15 AM
Penetrating Strike ACF, Dungeonscape (1/2 SA damage to flanked targets who are normally immune to SA).
Actually, Dungeonscape Penetrating Strike is untyped bonus damage to sneak-immune targets. That means you won't be able to add Craven bonus damage, for instance.

2015-01-15, 12:45 PM
I have another question... small creatures get +1 to AC and attack bonus... do tiny creatures get another extra point? I can't find the rules other than for weight lifting limitations...

2015-01-15, 12:56 PM
I have another question... small creatures get +1 to AC and attack bonus... do tiny creatures get another extra point? I can't find the rules other than for weight lifting limitations...

Yes, it's for every size category below/above medium, doubling for every category.


Search for "Table: Creature Size and Scale"

2015-01-15, 12:56 PM
See Table 4–2: Changes to Statistics by Size on Monster Manual page 291 and also here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/improvingMonsters.htm#tableChangestoStatisticsbySi ze). Reverse the direction of the change, and you'll see that Tiny creatures do gain an extra point of AC & AB compared to Small creatures.

2015-01-15, 12:58 PM
yay.. much obliged