View Full Version : DrK's Age of Worms IC pt2

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2015-01-15, 02:23 PM

Since the beginning of history, humanity has measured time in Ages. Ages of Glory, of Dreams, and even of Great Sorrows mark the human tally of years, giving a sense of order to the events of past centuries. But one age has yet to occur - an age of darkness, of decay, and of writhing doom. Witty bards and wrathful preachers know it as the Age of Worms, weaving it into the peripheries of their passion plays as a mythic era of destruction that could begin at any time. Astrologers, diviners, and the servants of Fate know more. The canniest among them fear that the Age of Worms has already begun


The evening passes peacefully with much ale and tall tales and in the morning the dwarves wish you well as they harness the boars to the wagons and head West. You all turn south towards the low boggy hills of the mist marsh

The next day the walk continues as the terrain turns more to marsh and bogs. The day humid and smelly with the air full of buzzing insects that bite and sting. As you get close to the tower you can all hear screams and shouts and the sound battle. Smoke rising over the low hills! the small tower standing proud with smoke coming from its outbuildings and bodies on the ground. Scattered around the tower massive green reptillian beasts with clubs and javelins. Lots.

The tower is tall and thin, some 3 stories tall with a wide balcony around the second floor, currently studded with javelins and with a pair of bow armed soldiers huddled down upon it. Around the base of the tower are dozens of sharp stakes and also a half dozen dead lizard folk. And a few feet from the tower a broken stable, thatch roof still smoldering and broken walls revealing the dead and butchered horses within.


You are 200ft to the right up the road

The lizard men are scattered in groups of 8 or so, one of the groups currently pushing at the doors whilst the others take cover behind logs and bushes munching on horse or bits of human flesh.

IC thread #1 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?298499-DrK-s-Age-of-Worms-IC)

2015-01-15, 02:48 PM

Large groups. No spellcasters. Fate is kind! Taliesn thinks to himself.

"Enlarge me, friend Claire?" he asks. "I have trampling to do!"

2015-01-15, 02:56 PM

"There are several groups about," Hal states, wincing at at the obviousness of his statement. "If we draw too many of them to us their numbers may overwhelm us. Let us use whatever tactical advantage we have at our disposal!"

1. Run up and stab.
2. Shoot ' em with bow.
3. Ray of Frost!
4. Hide.

2015-01-15, 05:25 PM

Lan tensed as he saw the smoke, lowering his already short profile as they approached. He was somewhat surprised when the group seemed inclined to prepare a bit. Nodding, he pointed towards the structure where the lizards where gathering. "We should approach swiftly and quietly ... use the building to mask us for as long as possible, then strike the ones in the barn first. Kill them all, and draw the ones at the door ... or fall on them from behind."

2015-01-15, 06:07 PM

The snow elf nods agreement and draws his bow. It was one thing to charge headlong into an enclosed space, another altogether to give up the field to a numerically superior force.

"Lady Claire, have you those fireballs still?"

2015-01-16, 01:05 AM

The Goliath stares at the lizard-people in awe. Never had he thought such fanciful creatures could exist. Truly the world was far grander and vastly more strange than he ever imagined. Turning his attention to the battle ahead, the cleric whispers, "Kavaki, hear my prayer, give me the might to fight these lizards!"

Casting Bull's strength on myself.

2015-01-16, 01:12 AM
The lizards are spread out around the door. As you watch a group of about 8 battle at the doorway to the tower. Shouts and hisses from them and cries from the soldiers inside. Another group of lizards shelters near the stable watching and eating as they await the rush to the door. Other small groups of lizards forking the rough cordon are much further away in the far sides of the tower.

So you're 200ft to the right
There are 7 lizards around the stable
About 8 at the tower door
Several other groups at > 600ft distant on the far sides of the tower to the west and southern sides of the picture
At this range you cannot discern any leaders. Though some look bugger or smaller than the others.

2015-01-16, 06:13 PM
ooc: I'll get the ball rolling


Hal nocks and readies to shoot at any horse-eating lizards not crushed under Taliesn's trampling onslaught.

Hold action: Shoot after Tal's first charge
[roll0] to hit
[roll1] damage
[roll2] to hit
[roll3] x2 damage
[roll4] x3 damage

@DrK got two emails you tried to message me before I emptied inbox, if you can resend I promise will respond asap.

2015-01-16, 07:08 PM

The Goliath runs forward, Palefist in hand.

200 feet away, 60 foot run. 3.3 turns to get there.

2015-01-17, 10:59 AM
Taliesn, too, spends this opening round, closing the distance.
I'll use a Run to close to within 100', in predator form. I don't think we've heard from Cardea yet, but may we safely assume I have been enlarged, as that is our standard operating procedure?

2015-01-17, 12:12 PM

Groups of creatures. Why didn't I prepare any area of effect spells today? I unhook the scroll of Sound Burst from my belt and direct it at the group of creatures by the stables. Well, there goes our surprise.

Lizard 1: [roll0]
Lizard 2: [roll1]
Lizard 3: [roll2]
Lizard 4: [roll3]
Lizard 5: [roll4]
Lizard 6: [roll5]
Lizard 7: [roll6]

FORT DC15 or Stunned.

2015-01-17, 12:21 PM
Um, Sound Burst is a close range spell, and if I understood DrK correctly, we started the round 200' away. That's why GT and I both used our turns just to close the distance.

Of course, if I was wrong, I'll trample, trample, TRAMPLE.

2015-01-17, 12:24 PM
Thanks for picking up on my error! In which case, I'll close the distance until I can use it.

2015-01-18, 01:52 AM
The heroes leap into action sprinting down the road. Talsien outstripping everyone as he merely jogs compared to others full sprint. An arrow twangs clipping a lizard and starting the roars!

The lizards hiss into action. 3 of them lining up with long spears tipped with bone in hand, 2 levelling crossbows and 2 hurling javelins at the oncoming Talsien who behind to run through sharp tipped rain!

Crossbow vs talsien [roll0] dam [roll1]
Crossbow vs goat [roll2] dam [roll3]
Javelin vs talsien [roll4] dam [roll5]
Javelin vs talsien [roll6] dam [roll7]

2015-01-18, 02:09 AM

The Goliath continues to barrel forward as fast as he can.

More running! #PraiseKavakiThatGoliathsDoNotHaveAsthma

2015-01-18, 03:27 AM

"This isn't what I had in mind when I mentioned tactics!" The Snow Elf shouts. Judging by their bows, Hal determines he outstrips the lizards in bow range. "Master Lan, can you assist me in taking out the crossbows?"

He knows the halfling likely can outshoot even himself, so he defers to his tactical choices.

In Elven, he shouts to Taliesn:

"They can take your charge with the spears! Veer off before it is too late!"

2015-01-18, 07:17 AM
Taliesn hears Hal's warning but chooses to ignore it, as the bolts and javelins fly uselessly around him. Even when ready for me, they still have to hit; even when they hit, they still have to do enough to stop me. I shall not be stopped! he thinks, as he covers the remaining distance to barrel into the first squad.
Okay, the three ready for a charge can try to hit me first, AC 19 for that purpose.

Then my tramples:
Lizard #1 [roll0]
Lizard #2 [roll1]
Lizard #3 [roll2]
Lizard #4 [roll3]
Lizard #5 [roll4]
Lizard #6 [roll5]
Lizard #7 [roll6]

They can make AoOs: AC 23. (I suppose even the spearmen may do so, with natural attacks, but they would be at an additional -2 (with multi-attack) or -5 (without), as it's a secondary attack for them. Otherwise, they may attempt a DC 12 save for half damage.

EDIT: Hm, sub-standard rolls, yet they would still take out over half of them, if they were bog-standard lizardfolk.

2015-01-19, 03:55 AM
Seeing that Taliesn has the nearest group under control, I attempt to forge my way towards the main gate!

Can we reason my previous post into a run action, 120 ft? I didn't realise we were starting so far away.

This turn also spent running, another 120 ft, or to 65 ft from the lizards at the gate.

2015-01-19, 05:26 PM
The goliath, Hal and Mirriana race forward down the rough path towards the massed lizards. Talisen outstripping them all as the predator leaps and bounds ahead of them all. Hurling himself into the spears and claws and swords he is an engine of destruction.

Braced spears vs AC19
[roll0] dam [roll1]
[roll2] dam [roll3]
[roll4] dam [roll5]

AoO vs AC19 (for moving through the reach)
[roll6] dam [roll7]
[roll8] dam [roll9]
[roll10] dam [roll11]

Vs Tramples VS AC 19
[roll12] dam [roll13]
[roll14] dam [roll15]
[roll16] dam [roll17]
[roll18] dam [roll19]

The impact is devastating, 4 of the creatures being crushed and smashed and broken by the knees and sharp taloned teeth of Talsien

2015-01-19, 05:40 PM

"Perhaps I was hasty in my entreaty for caution! I defer to your judgement!" Hal shouts, again in Elven.

Seeking a new target among the survivors, he fires again.

[roll0] with 28 being a possible crit
[roll1] damage
[roll2] if needed
[roll3] x2 crit
[roll4] x3 crit

2015-01-20, 11:25 AM

After discussing tactics, the Halfling blinked as the others simply took off willy-nilly, ignoring the concepts they had just covered. Rushing forward to try and keep up, Lan followed them, drawing his bow and running swiftly to maintain pace with the heavily armored of the group. As they closed the gap, he eyed the distance, then paused suddenly, taking aim at the lizards within the enclosure. Taliesn had already engaged them, but his moving form was no hindrance to a Halfling with his skill. With a soft twang, an arrow flew forward to hit one of the uninjured lizardmen.

Once fired, he moved forward again, firing once more at the next threat to his companions.

Round 1 - run 120 feet. Round 2 - Move 30ft and shoot. Round 3 Move up 30 ft and shoot again.

Should be at 85 ft at the end of round 2 and 55ft away at the end of round 3. Which means no range penalties, but no PBS.
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]

HPs: 34/34; AC: 21
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-01-21, 02:21 PM
Even as the raging Talsien rampages through the lizards 2 of the survivors give short snarls as they topple over, arrows jutting from their chest and head. The last of the 7 turns and darts towards the base of the tower moving deftly around the large stakes jutting from the hillock.

Men atop the tower with bows looking tired and bandaged begin to cheer! There's a load of em coming frae the south. Can you cut your way to the door?

Even as he speaks 4 of the beasts and one with a large head dress of feathers and dangling bones form a crude line, the remaining 3 still pounding on the door. Green energy flowing from the one wearing the bones. His shamans stick waving around as the power flows from him to 3 of the front line longspear wielding lizards.

Last lizard doubles move s towards the tower passing his dex10 check to avoid the stakes

4 lizards form a defensive line near the tower door
3 batter at the door
1 casts a chained spell

You can see other groups of lizards to the west and south arming themselves

2015-01-21, 02:40 PM

The Goliath continues to run!

So... Goat gets to the barn this time... So he will need to run again next turn to get to the defensive line near the tower.

Heavy Armor is terrible! :smallsigh:

2015-01-21, 03:00 PM

"I suggest we take out the immediate threat to the tower and try to relieve the humans," Hal says, trying to determine the spell cast.

Only 1 rank; I looked over Claire's shoulder one night when she studied her spellbook.

How far from tower are we?

2015-01-21, 03:04 PM
Taliesn takes time for a brief breather, shifting back to human form and murmuring a few words as some of his wounds stop bleeding.
Swift action: change form; Standard action: cast Lesser Vigor; move action: continue strolling toward the tower while waiting for the rest to catch up -- how close are we, anyway?

2015-01-21, 04:10 PM

Welp! Not much else to do except keep running. I stop just outside what I judge to be the lizards' charge range.

2015-01-21, 04:22 PM

Unable to cipher the spell cast, Hal hopes it is nothing that can retaliate arrow wounds. He fires his bow at the spell-casting lizard.

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] damage
[roll2] to hit crit if needed
[roll3] x2 damage crit if needed
[roll4] x3 damage crit if needed

Hal advances beside Mirriana.

"With their focus divided, the reptilians' siege can be thwarted. Or at least delayed if we can get into the keep ourselves."

2015-01-22, 03:32 PM

With the first threats dealt with effectively, if somewhat haphazardly, Lan turned his focus to the group preparing itself at the keep. With almost half the distance he had already run to go, he elected to move up and fire a single shot at the spell-casting lizard.

At the start of round 4, Lan should be 155 from the keep, Lan will move forward 30ft and fire. And this time I'll use the correct damage (since you can't get precision damage outside of 30'!).
[roll0], [roll1]

HPs: 34/34; AC: 21
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-01-22, 05:05 PM

Hal advances beside Mirriana.

"With their focus divided, the reptilians' siege can be thwarted. Or at least delayed if we can get into the keep ourselves."

"If they all stay clustered up like that I can drop a pretty potent soundbomb on them."

2015-01-22, 05:23 PM
The druid hisses as a pair of arrows clip him. Reptilian eyes watching them as the party races forward, particularly on the savage Shifter. The reptiles hiss and and bark at one another in their glottal tongue (undercommon), spears wavering and axes waved. The men atop the tower firing arrows at the further away lizards to try and force them to slow down and seek cover. The three hammering on the door of the tower continue to do so with renewed fury as you can hear the shouts of the men inside fighting back as they try and push spears and swords through the cracks. The druid hisses and begins another incantation, his scales and those of the three reptiles in front growing small spines of black.

2 more groups closing at 400ft and 350ft

3 at the tower door continue to hammer away
4 with spears readying
druid casts "a spell" and him and 3 others grow some spines.

2015-01-22, 05:25 PM

The Goliath continues to run, "Let's never do this agaaaaiiiiiin."

Continue to run around the bend to go confront the Lizardfolk. Goat will stop 15 feet away, preferably in a charge lane (so he can charge next turn).

2015-01-22, 05:43 PM

Finally within range of the lizard group, I raise my scroll and incant the arcane words of power written within, blasting the entire group with a Sound Burst spell!

DC15 or stunned.


2015-01-22, 05:52 PM

Hal shoulders his bow and closes the distance between him and the spellcaster. Once within what he determines close enough range, he cups his hand and tosses a shard of ice at the spiky lizard.

Move to within 30' of spellcaster and toss Ice Dagger
[roll0] Ranged touch. 25 ft. +5 ft./caster level (treat as 1st level Spell-Like Ability)

Treat the attack as a thrown splash weapon (PH 158) that requires a ranged touch attack to hit. The ice dagger deals 1d4 points of cold damage... and splash damage of 1 point of cold damage to adjacent creatures. [roll1] plus 1 to each adjacent lizzy.

2015-01-22, 05:59 PM

It is good to have packmates, Taliesn thinks to himself, as the crack of Mirriana's Sound Burst hits the lizardfolk at the tower. Hoping to take advantage of the distraction caused by the spell, he rushes in to trample this group.
I'm at 18 HP, so we'd best take these one at a time, with my damage and their AoOs, in case I get dropped. From the description, I assume they are essentially in this order, so that's how I'll trample them:

spearlizard #1 [roll0]
spearlizard #2 [roll1]
spearlizard #3 [roll2]
spearlizard #4 [roll3]

Druidlizard #1 [roll4]

hammerlizard #1 [roll5]
hammerlizard #2 [roll6]
hammerlizard #3 [roll7]

EDIT: Now THAT'S damage! Eat it, you imitation druid, you!

2015-01-22, 06:04 PM

With his and Mirriana's spells discharged, Hal advances behind Taliesn, blades out and ready to expend all of his Healing Belt charges on the charging behemoth.

2015-01-23, 04:03 PM

As the others continued to close, Lan followed a bit more cautiously, continuing to fire at the spell-casting lizard.

Next round, Lan starts at 125' from the keep. Move action up 30ft, fire at druid bow again.
[roll0], [roll1]

HPs: 34/34; AC: 21
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-01-23, 04:37 PM
Hal hurls a shard of ice that scrapes the druid and the lizards before Mirriana reads from a scroll, the resulting crash if thunder leaving half the lizard line stunned and reeling, blood leaking from their ears.

Even as the goliath rumbles towards the lizards Talsien strikes like a massive furred muscled fury. The poisonous spines tear at the shifter before one of the beasts plunges a spear into his chest beforehe crushes the reptile. Just before he reaches the druid, blood pouring from the hundreds of puncture wounds he collapses.

Total of 19 damage from AoO and the urchin spines as you kill 4 ear ones and the druid
Plus the 4 fort saves

The remaining 4 look worried, tongues flickering in and out as the shifter crashes to the ground. They three scurry forwards, one readying to beat the shifter it moves. The other 2 leaping onto the Goliath. The last one with a spear readying lest someone charge him.

One readies to beat the shifter if it moves
2 on Goat
[roll0] dam [roll1]
[roll2] dam [roll3]

The druid points a scaled fist and a massive shard of wood flies free towards Mirriana but she ducks and the projectile buries itself in the adjacent stable!

2015-01-23, 04:41 PM


I still have Bull's Strength up!

a [roll0] - I nat 20ed the Confirmation
d [roll1] x2 = 28

2015-01-23, 05:23 PM

With a steady stride, Halsaephus closes upon the lizardfolk covering the fallen Taliesn.

"Combat pragmatism suggests you should eliminate your standing opponents first," Hal says, neither knowing, nor caring if they understand him. He skirts the stakes as best he can and readies the blades.

If I understand correctly I do a DEX check, or is it a reflex? Either way here is the roll:
[roll0] +2 for DEX or +3 for Reflex

Attack nearest if I get close enough, otherwise next turn.
[roll1]/[roll2] 25 or higher will need crit
[roll5]/[roll6] crit confirm if needed
[roll7]/[roll8] crit damage if needed

2015-01-24, 09:45 AM

"Close and finish them off! We need to get behind the walls before the next group arrives!"

Noting that one of the lizards has set to receive a charge, I grant it exactly that, trusting in my armour to protect me!

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-01-25, 02:03 PM

Claire feels cold and frost exiting in her breath, and she lets loose Crimshaw to deliver her spell for her. "I ukrást vaše léto."

Casting Shivering Touch. Melee Touch attack.

As per spell rules, if I miss with it, I still keep the charge.

Crimshaw will be delivering the attack as per Familiar rules, because Familiars rule.

Melee Touch: [roll0]

Dexterity Damage: [roll1]

2015-01-25, 02:38 PM

The Halfling held for a moment, firing two arrows instead of one.

Rapid fire from 95' at Liz guarding Tal
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-01-25, 03:32 PM
Its a blood bath for the lizards. Goat swings his massive club and the reptile literally explodes into a mushy pile of scaled goo. The other one paling beneath its green scales! The one by Talsien fares little better, Hal leaping over a stake in a dramatic leaping attack slashing the creature down the arm, seconds later it sons around like a puppet with its strings cut as an arrow pierces its chest killing it. Goat's other lizard snarls, clubbing at the monstrous cleric with its hammer.

The last spearman standing firm thrusts at Mirriana as she charges in, seconds later her sword scrapes down its scales without drawing blood. It snarls, dropping the spear and just clawing at her face with its long clawed hands.

Ready: stab [roll0] dam [roll1]
On his round 3
Claw/Claw: [roll2], dam [roll3] ; [roll4], dam [roll5]

Hit Goat [roll6] dam [roll7]

The druid stands there, watching as the vulture swoops down, beak chilled and freezing with dark cold energy. The vulture slashes at the druid, the lizard stiffening as its blood freezes and it falls over, paralysed with cold.

Vulture takes [roll8] and a Fort DC 13 save
Druid drops to < 0 dex and falls over

As you slaughter the lizards the men in the tower push open the door, a blood stained veteran with a bandage on his arm shouting. Theres 2 more packs of them coming in, an the big one. Get inside will you!"

2015-01-25, 03:47 PM
Taliesn, waking up on the ground sees the open door to the tower, closes his eyes, and imagines himself already inside . . .

. . . and he is there.
Use my blink shirt ability to teleport inside. I can stand up inside. Nice job, people.

2015-01-25, 04:20 PM

Pleased with his distant kin's resilience, Hal rushes to him inside the fortification.

"You humble me as always, O Juggernaut of Nature," he says in Elven, a small surge of healing energy from his belt pouring into the battered shifter.

Healing Belt 1 charge [roll0]

2015-01-27, 08:34 AM

Lan rushed forward, sprinting the last bit of distance quickly, pausing to make sure the druid didn't rise again. And since he was there ... he searched the druid and gathered any arrows that might be handy. Then he slipped inside with the others.

Three rounds? Run, coup de grace (if not already done), search the druid

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-01-27, 04:58 PM

His hands, still slick in wet lizard blood, the Goliath bounds forward after his companions.

2015-01-27, 05:38 PM

"A little help here!"

I thrust my blade at the lizard in front of me once again. To be fair I never claimed stabbing things in close combat was my forte.

Attack [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

AC: 24

2015-01-27, 05:41 PM

"There are still two at the door!" Hal shouts. "We must secure the door! Lady Mir is pressed!"

2015-01-27, 05:54 PM

Like a child who thought he was sipping hot chocolate but grapped as espresso, Taliesn sits bolt upright at Hal's healing touch. Seeing Mirriana's danger and hearing the call for help, he moves out the door to attack.
Can't trample this round, as that's a full round action and I had to stand up, so for the first time in a very long while, people get to see me try to bite:

[roll0] damage: [roll1]

EDIT: This is why I trample. :smallsigh:

2015-01-27, 06:04 PM
Still this round and am waiting to see AoO on Hal before acting, but am carrying on for next round.


As the shifter bounds out as if nothing was wrong, Hal shoulders the bow and draws another arrow, ready to let let at any lizard who remains.

[roll2] crit if required
[roll3] x2
[roll4] x3

2015-01-28, 01:24 AM
The two wounded lizards were dispatched quickly by the party as the heroes ate able to scurry in through the open heavily reinforced door. Inside there are about 12 soldiers, all looking weary and exhausted from their few days of fighting.
"Adventurers! By the gods we are blessed. You lot seem handy with your weapons.. " a few if the soldiers cheer looking at the piles of dead outside. "What brings you to Blackwall?".

Your led through the tight entrance hall into the open main room of the tower. A stair climbing up one side of the room to the higher levels. Another stair heading down to the basement. The main room is a mix of hospital and barracks where the men have been staying, a lot of them wounded but all in much better spirits now with the appearance of the heroes.
"Scaled bastards having a pause. Not a fan of getting a beating like that" one of the men shouts from the upper levels.

For lan the warmth is nice but it also gives him a chance to go through his loot from the frozen druid he had efficiently put out his misery...

Just ignore the two wounded lizards, you'd have slaughtered them easily

Necklace of pretty shells ~ 45gp
Jade idol of a lizard ~150gp
Potions [Barkskin, Cure Moderate, Bite Wererat]
Lesser rod of chaining

2015-01-28, 01:27 AM

The Goliath grabs the nearest rag to wipe his blood drenched hands and face off. Turning to the leader of the tower he states, "By the will of Kavaki we chanced upon you in your hour of need. We shall defend you and your kinfolk until the bitter end. We must regroup and ready ourselves for the oncoming storm."

2015-01-28, 02:05 AM

"You have wounded," the Champion of the Obvious states. "This respite is likely to be brief and we should get a many of you up and able as possible. Do you have means of calling for relief?"

Hal surveys the door as he is taken upstairs, ready to offer whatever meagre aid he can.

I figure we shan't use up our healing gear, but maybe Taliesn's vigor is still active? And with no ranks in siegecraft or architecture I doubt Hal can make any real assessment about the door other than it is a door.

2015-01-28, 02:30 AM
The oldest of the veterans nods. Aye, we've a few wounded and lost a few dead including the Captain but we are okay. You just killed a giodky number of them and that thrice dammed shaman."

He looks at his men who all nod. Our biggest problem is them scaled bastards took our mage and 3 of the lads. Scurried back towards the swamp. I don't like the idea of 'em being cooked and sliced in a stew pot. Could you lads and ladies see fit to save 'em? We've enough arrows and wood to barricade the door for a few more days and with you killing half 'em they'll be a bit more twitchy."

2015-01-28, 02:48 AM

My heart falls at the news. I turn to the others. "They have Marzena." I state.

"Your mage is the reason we're here." I tell the survivors. "She has knowledge that could avert a coming disaster. If the lizards have her we must leave at once. Stay strong, hold out, and we shall provide healing on our return."

2015-01-28, 02:53 AM

The Goliath frowns at Marianna, "We cannot abandon these people. There must be something we can do to help them as well as their lost kinfolk."

2015-01-28, 03:06 AM

"Goattracker." I say with infinite patience, placing my hand on the goliath's towering shoulder.
"What did they just ask us to do for them?"

2015-01-28, 03:18 AM

The Goliath is clearly disatisfied with his fellow Cleric's apathy towards ghe plight of the people whose tower they now occupy, These people were almost dragged off themselves. Had it not been for us, they would be food right now. We cannot simply leave them to the coming slaughter to save a few others. This tower may hold, it may not. The lizards could have been scared off or not. We should not leave before helping to heal their wounded and ready their defenses. We are a light and mobile group, we can afford to take a small amount of time to ensure these people do not become sacrifical lambs while we run around in a swamp playing hero.

2015-01-28, 08:40 AM

"Playing the hero is exactly what they've asked us to do!" I counter, looking to the militiamen for support.

"Time is crucial if we're going to rescue the captives! These guys will be fine- they've told us so. And the lizards won't trouble them much whilst we're away when they have us to deal with!"

2015-01-28, 08:43 AM

Moving over to Mirriana, Lan handed the items he found on the druid to her, not really concerned about the trinkets and uncertain about the value of the potions and rod. As she and the goliath argued, he moved to climb up to the parapets and count the lizards approaching, making sure to keep his head down as he did so. Glancing back at Goattracker, he almost snorted at the huge man's comments. This is why you don't run with arses who think with their nobility ... and not their brains ...

Aloud, he nodded down to the lizards. "Hey Goat, you know the best way ta kill a snake? Cut off its head or cut out its heart ... I'm guessin' the same holds true for lizards. And where d'ya think these damn things are comin' from? I say we go cut out their heart ..."

Lan will count the number of lizardfolk approaching, as well as loading up on replacement arrows :smallsmile:

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-01-28, 09:11 AM

Goat walks out of the building, obviously disgruntled. He is too bound up in Goliath tradition to debate his Chieftess, even when he believes she is making a wrong - and callous - decision.

2015-01-28, 09:58 AM

Not taking part in the debate between Mirriana and GoatTracker, Taliesn does nod at Hal's suggestion that he use his spontaneous rejuvenation to heal the wounded ––

–– on the other hand, though, if they are leaving immediately on a rescue mission, perhaps he should preserve that resource?

Decisions, decisions. He finally elects to expend one of his spells for that purpose. That should at least stabilize them. His other spells, he reasons, might be very useful on a rescue mission.
Expend Scent, giving essentially everyone in the tower fast healing 2 for three rounds.

The other two spells are Charm Animal and Speak With Animals. Maybe we can find a friendly pet to scout the lizard base for us.

I'll also use a CLW wand charge to top me up: [roll0]

2015-01-28, 11:15 AM

"Your honor wars with your reason, Mighty One," Hal says to Goattracker as he wipes some lizard Gore from his thinblade.

"I make no claim to fully understand your blessed Kavaki, but I do know he holds War and Strength in esteem. So surely you must have faith that He will watch over the warriors of this keep, as long as their convictions are strong?

In truth Hal knew Mirriana was right, but he also knew the goliath would serve better if he came willingly.

"There are people in that swamp who will surely be killed if we do not act, Kavuloia Nanuthethokanelonuvuthetha. I will go, but I need you at my side."

2015-01-28, 11:55 AM

"We are battle-brothers, forged in the womb of war. I do not fear these lizards, merely for the safety of those we leave behind. I suppose all warriors feel this way when they march off to battle, leaving their sick, elderly and children behind... Come what may, we will rescue those that were captured, then return here and ensure no lizard dares devour another plainsfolk."

2015-01-28, 11:58 AM

"I know not this word fear. Is it a human word?" Hal says with a rare laugh.

2015-01-28, 11:58 AM

Lan watched silently as the goliath left and Hal followed him. Apparently his words had no meaning to the big man, which if he viewed the halfling as a child probably made since. Shrugging away, it simply added weight to his assessment of certain members of the group. It might make for hard decisions later ... or at least place the group in a position where information was parceled out only as necessary.

Nodding to himself, he turned back to the lizards, ready to take advantage of the tower's height and excess arrows to thin the proverbial herds ...
If any of these chumps get close (i.e., within a couple of range increments) Lan will probably try to take out some lizards.

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-01-28, 12:00 PM

The Goliath slaps the Snow Elf's back and laughs jovially.

2015-01-28, 02:09 PM
Inviting Mirriana and Goat upstairs to join the halfling one of the men points further south where the rolling hills merge with swampy shrubs that spread for miles. They went that way. Scum. If you want to help us, he points at a hillock to the south where you can see one of the lizard bands. Two of the beasts bigger than the others, both considerably so are just visible. You see them, the two big uns and the chief are there. Nasty basard with some fancy feathers and a spear that burns. You kill 'im and reckon me and the lads can hold off the rest. Especially with that shaman dead.


The boss group you would have to had to sneak past anyway to go south to the swamp...
2 big, the chief and 5 normal. In cover some 600ft away.

2015-01-28, 03:22 PM

Gazing out at the gathered groups, Lan easily picked out the larger ones. Thinking back to his original comments, he glanced meaningfully at the others, absently twirling an arrow as he did. "If you want to play this fair, feel free to walk out and challenge the leader. They look like the kinda mooks who would respond kindly to that.

If you want to do this smarter ... we sneak up and ambush the sons of biatches. I'm partial to doing it that way ..."

Let's prepare to get sneaky sneaky! Of course, we have to sneak up on the group on the hill ... I wonder if we should get them to come to us? Also, keep that silent trampling in mind ... add a chained barkskin and it'll make you (and the rest of us) that much harder to hit. Or chained silence ... hmmm ...

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-01-28, 03:29 PM

Hal approaches the keep's leader.

"This may sound mercenary, but does your battle mage have any arcane items in their personal effect which may aid our rescue?" He gestures towards Mirriana. "Our commander here, Lady Conlan, is an officer of Diamond Lake's Watch and the militia would likely recompense your wizard within reason."

Not to mention the likelihood of not becoming dinner for lizardfolk, he added to himself.

2015-01-28, 04:26 PM

Hal approaches the keep's leader.

"This may sound mercenary, but does your battle mage have any arcane items in their personal effect which may aid our rescue?" He gestures towards Mirriana. "Our commander here, Lady Conlan, is an officer of Diamond Lake's Watch and the militia would likely recompense your wizard within reason."

Not to mention the likelihood of not becoming dinner for lizardfolk, he added to himself.

The veteran looks at the elf before motioning a solider to take you down a level. The basement is large and warm, the stairs leading down into a warm and hearty kitchen. Barrack rooms leading off the kitchen and a strange door that looks to be barricaded heavily with dozens of planks nailed across it and a warning of If you want to live keep shut.

Pointing at a room to the north of the kitchen area he nods, This is Miss Marzena's room. Have a look if you want." Opening the door Hal is shown the room beyond. Its a simple room with a bed, desk and storage chest. the table is a jumble of papers, sheafs of quills and small lamp. A tapestry on the wall shows a landscape with the Free City in the heart of it. Its a little messy with a couple of plates of half eaten food on the desk and the stool and clothes spilling out of the chest and strewn across the bed. Looking at the papers most seem to be drawings, mostly charcoal and many of the soldiers in the tower and quite a few of young women in risque outfits and provoactive poses. "She's a good mage. She laughs with us, swears like a trooper and is handy with a charcoal." Sadly for the party there is no sign of any magical gear in her quarters.

2015-01-28, 04:30 PM

"All right, I'm done losing time. I like Lan's plan. From nearby I can enhance Hal's strength and summon a powerful creature into their midst. We'll sneak up and spring an ambush. Sounds like enough of a plan for me. Let's go!"

2015-01-28, 04:37 PM

Hal rummages through the wizard's quarters and comes up with nothing. He shrugs, nods at Mirriana and readies his blades.

2015-01-28, 04:37 PM
Taliesn looks over his still-enlarged form. "I fear I am not particularly subtle like this. Perhaps I should go out first and draw their attention away from you. I will wait to engage until you do."
With Mirriana's approval, Taliesn will go out first, making only casual efforts to hide, taking a circuitous route either to the right or left (whichever has less cover, so the rest of the party can have the benefit of the more stealthy route), to gradually draw closer to the chieftain's group. Once he gets within 100', he'll pace back and forth, as though daring them to come out against him. He'll gradually draw as close as maybe 70', but no nearer until the rest of the party engages -- hopefully, by surprise.

Whenever (if) he sees any of the others sticking out, he'll give out a howl, just to further distract the lizardfolk's attention toward himself. Can this count as assist others on their hide and move silently rolls?

2015-01-29, 10:00 AM

Happy the group had agreed to what he considered the smarter course of action, he shrugged to himself at Taliesn's choice, but it did make sense. Once the group moved out, he slipped quickly into the brush, using his companions to shield some of his own movements. Like a shadow, he slipped forward, intent on getting as close to the lizards as possible.

Hide check sent on OOC ... just waiting to see when we get seen. :smallsmile:

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-01-31, 11:28 AM
Talsien runs out of the tower plunging through the shrubs and heather. Behind him the others scurry heads low and creeping through the undergrowth. The 2 massive black scaled lizards stand up watching the shifter approaching with a curious air, the lizard chief also rising tail erect and spear waving Talsien onwards.

Mirriana and Goat give them up, the clanking of armour and thudding of heavy foot prints. The scaled creatures spin around staring down the slope towards the majority of the party, teeth bared clubs and spears and javelins are raised!

Talsien got to within 100ft (if he was hit with wand it would have expired by now and back to medium. Its a 400ft walk for the others and hiding is half speed)

Rest of party go to 90ft.

Mirriana, Goat, Lan
Claire, Talsien, Hal

The others

2015-01-31, 01:11 PM

"Out of curiosity, does anyone know how to say 'Face me, you duskscaled coward' in their tongue?" Hal says as he closes the distance with the lizards. "If you wish to enchant my person, Lady Mirriana, I guess now is as good a time as any."

He gives up pretense to silence and moves a quicker pace.

Moving 60 ft this round, blades drawn, ready to make some zombie fodder for Claire.

2015-01-31, 09:22 PM

Goat curses under his breath when he sees their carefully laid plan has faltered. Acting quickly he casts a spell on himself then hustles as fast as he can. He comes to a stop and yells, "I CHALLENGE YOU, LIZARD-LORD! I Challenge you to a duel to the death, a battle of Champions! Such is the custom with my peoples, such is the custom with your's!" The Cleric then repeats the challenge in Gol-Kaa, the language of his people. Perhaps the Lizardfolk were familiar with one of the two languages. He draws Palefist and points it at the biggest Liazrdfolk, to emphasize his challenge. As he does he whispers to Mir, "New plan. We do this the right way. Let the child skulk all he wants. Perhaps he can sneak up on one of them while I slay their leader."

Move 20, cast Bear's Strength.

2015-01-31, 09:31 PM

Hal shrugs.

Fine enough.

Putting back the blades into their scabbards, he draws his bow and prepares to fire.

Shoot at one of the head lizzy's minions.
[roll2] crit if required
[roll3] x2 crit
[roll4] x3 crit

2015-02-02, 04:53 AM

I fight an overwhelming urge to sink my head into both palms. No. No this is ridiculous. I begin casting a summoning spell to provide some support.

2015-02-02, 09:37 AM

Lan flinched each time he heard the clinking or creaking or screeching of Goat and Mir's armor, gritting his teeth to stop from shouting at them. He figured it would have made more sense for Goat and Mir to join Talsien out in the open, but what was done was done. However, when Goat stood and challenged the chieftain, it suddenly changed the entire dynamic. Grumbling to himself, he continued to stay low, not ready to step out and get pelted with javelins and crossbows just yet.

Not sure if Lan needs another Hide check, but he'll continue to close the gap ... should be able to advance 30' total this round.

PS - Isn't it bad form to start shooting at the other group when a challenge is issued?

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-02, 02:28 PM
At the ruining of the surprise Goat leaps forward muscles swelling as he challenges the chief. Mirriana beside him looking depressed at the lack of tactical acumen whilst Lan moves like a small ghost unseen.

The chief roars acceptance of the challenge. Banging spear upon chest plate and bounding 40ft towards Goat. The two hulking brutes and 5 regular lizard guards moving more slowly and allowing the chief to edge in front (about 10ft behind the chief) forked tongues flickering with excitement.

Even as they advance their is a Twang as Hal fires at one of the lesser ones, the arrow deflected by a shield. The lizard leader hissing and gesturing with his spear at the perceived poor sportsmanship.

Claire, Talsien and then everyone else

2015-02-02, 02:40 PM

As it looks like GoatTracker's challenge has been accepted -- and the rest of the party have blown their cover (except for the little Landahl), Taliesn bounds over to Claire to be enlarged. Our brute can smash their brute!, he hopes, and in any case, I should be ready to trample the rest.
Here's hoping that a double-move (100') or run (400' if necessary) should be sufficient to get me over to Claire and the others.

Getting ready to watch some pounding. Who brought the popcorn?

2015-02-02, 03:39 PM

Seeing Hal fire off an arrow, Lan mentally winced - attacking the other lizards was counterproductive to the challenge ... something the Halfling presumed the noble Elf would understand. However, it mattered little to Lan. If he could kill the chief with a well placed bowshot, he would, challenges be damned. His only issue would be dealing with a grumbling, angry Goat ...

Sneak, sneak, sneak ... another 30 ft. I'm not sure the distance to the liz group now, since they are moving, too. Should be 30, give or take a few ...

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-02, 03:53 PM

Mildly chagrined, Hal shoulders his bow a spreads his hands to show he no longer will attack.

Master Rinlosus was right, I have the honor of a drow courtesan.

He had little doubt in Goattracker's prowess, and spells could be flung if needs made.

2015-02-03, 05:31 PM

The Goliath rushes headlong into battle, Palefist raised high into the air, ready to slam into the Chief's head!

Not sure if I can make ti this turn or not. Preferably I want to charge, if I can.

a [roll0] <- Does not include the +2 from charge
d [roll1]

2015-02-04, 05:29 PM

The mage stands upright, face showing her clear disapproval of the plan they had embarked upon. With missile wand in one hand she drew the other and gently tapped Talsien on a furry shoulder, the shifter swelling to his 9ft tall "fighting height".

Enlarge person from wand upon Talsien

just mirriana to go then lizards

2015-02-05, 12:53 PM

I finish summoning the celestial bison fight into the midst of the smaller lizards as it's too late to abort the spell. I'm quietly fuming. Does Goattracker expect us to just fall back if he loses? This is a stupid, stupid idea. No, we'd kill them all and recover his body. It's dishonest to expect the lizards to abide by the outcome if we won't. I won't interfere in the Goliath vs the Chieftain, but a personal duel isn't going to sway me from what needs doing. I charge into the sway, blade flashing.

Charging against one of the smaller lizards flanked by the bison.
Attack: 1d+9
Damage: [roll0]


2015-02-05, 12:58 PM
The bison simultaneously attempts to gore the lizard.

Attack Gore: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-02-05, 03:10 PM

The halfling kept down, eyeing his prey as he waited to see what the others did in reaction to Hal and Mirriana's actions.

2015-02-06, 08:35 AM
Even as Talsien reaches Claire and swells into a giant monstrous shifter of destruction the halfling creeps forward under the distraction getting closer and closer to things. Mirriana appears like a shot out of the blue, her sword swinging even as the glowing golden buffalo appears behind the beast and the cleric and bison crush the lizard man between them, sword and hooves laced with reptilian blood. In the middle of the gap between the lizard and heroes Goat and the lizard chief (Kushak for posterity) the goliath arrives, club swinging with colossal force that shatters ribs and bone. The lizard hisses and ducks back, spinning and lashing out with the spear and a bite.

Spear [roll0] dam [roll1]
Bite [roll2] dam [roll3]

The rest of the lizards hiss and rage at the young female, one of the giant ones and one of the smaller ones rushing at Mirriana. The other massive one leaps towards Talisen wanting to compete might against might as it comes in swinging its massive greatclub. The remaining 3 split , two racing towards Claire and Talisen, the other one rushing Hal.

All charging!
Big one vs mirriana [roll4] dam [roll5]
Small one Vs Mirriana [roll6] dam [roll7]

Big one vs Talsien [roll8] dam [roll9]
Small one Vs Talsien [roll10] dam [roll11]
Small one Vs Claire [roll12] dam [roll13]
Small one Vs Hal [roll14] dam [roll15]

2015-02-06, 11:15 AM

Gritting his teeth against the blow, Hal tries to focus his mind. Keeping a defensive posture to reduce the target he offers, he reaches into the Art and grabs at the reptile.

Concentration vs damage (DC 15) [roll0]
Casting defensively (DC 16) [roll1]
Touch attack [roll2] (I expect he has little metal.)
Damage [roll3]

He feels the lizard jerk as the shocking grasp connects.

2015-02-06, 11:57 AM

The Goliath roars with anger as he is bit in the shoulder by the hulking lizard chief. "You fight like an angry ox! Well, the only way to defeat an anry ox is to knock it out! BY THE MOUNTAINOUS POWER OF KAVAKI I SHALL SMACK YOU DOWN FROM THE HEAVENS AND CAST YOU BACK DOWN TO THE PLAINS FROM WHENCE YOU CAME!" The Cleric throws Palefit back, then with all his might, drops it down upon the lizard's head!


Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]









2015-02-06, 12:14 PM

That hurts, but I have had worse. Taliesn howls and begins trampling.
Let's hope they don't connect on their AoOs. I think I need to start with the two who are engaging me, so I can force them to use up their AoOs with the -4:

Trample the big guy: [roll0]
Trample the little guy: [roll1]

Next, to the other little ones:

Claire's little one: [roll2]
Hal's little one, if it's still functional: [roll3]

Ending up with:

Mirriana's little one: [roll4]
and Mirriana's big one, for last: [roll5]

The goal is to end up close to Mirriana, as I may very well need some more healing after all of this.

2015-02-06, 12:47 PM

As the group rushed forward, Lan saw two surrounding Mirriana and fired at the large one in an attempt to reduce the odds. Two shafts leapt from his bow, seeking chinks in the large lizard's defenses.

Rapid fire, w/PBS, hopefully catching him unawares in his underwears.

[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-07, 06:16 AM

The big lizard's solid blow clangs harmlessly off my breastplate. The smaller lizard's strike is similarly deflected by a vambrace. I reposition to put the large lizard between the bison and myself, and then flash another strike at it.

Taliesn can have healing next round depending on the results.

Mirriana attacks the large lizard:
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

The bison attacks the large lizard or whatever's still standing.
Attack Gore: [roll2]

2015-02-07, 12:04 PM
The battle changes in a split second, the wounded lizard man fighting Hal collapsing in spasms as he sizzles and blackens. The little halfling pops up from the long grass slamming two arrows into the massive creature wounding it before Mirriana stabs it in thigh and the bison then gores the creature in the throat and stamps it into the ground.

You know you could have spellstriked him with your sword to stab him and electrocute him.

Talsien goes on the rampage then, spears and clubs bouncing off the shifter's furred hide as he tramples all the small lizard folk to death, his massive enlarged frame breaking them horribly. Leaving the only surviving hulking lizard folk behind Claire draws her wand, a pair force orbs cracking the creature's scales.

Zap [roll0]

The creature shrugs off the blow pursuing Talsien angrily massive club in hand swinging at the shifter's head...

Atk [roll1] dam [roll2] on Tal

In the battle between the chief and Goat the ground quakes as Kavaki answers his clerics call. The shaking earth rocks beneath Goat and he slips, club going wild as it bangs into the mud. The lizard chief snarls stabbing repeatedly at the Goliath...

Spear [roll3] dam [roll4]
Bite [roll5] dam [roll6]

traditionally Kavaki's power results in a miss

2015-02-07, 12:34 PM

The Goliath curses to himself when the earth beneath his feet shifts, causing Goat to miss. Thankfully, his unintentionally wide arc, confounds the Chief, causing his attacks to miss just as wildly. Recovering quickly, the cleric arcs his back and flings Palefist with his left hand in a backwards arc, striking the lizard's back.

In all out time of playing, the Strength Domain has only hit once. :(

a [roll0]
d [roll1]

2015-02-07, 01:01 PM

Still respecting Goattracker's Duel, I focus my attentions and that of my bison on the sole-remaining lizard minion.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Gore [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

2015-02-07, 01:07 PM

Satisfied that his honor is no longer in question, Hal draws his blades again.

So two kiddies still up?

2015-02-07, 04:31 PM

With the minions dead, I indicate Taliesn should approach me for some healing and then I spectate Goattracker's fight, with my bison.

"Don't mind us." I tell the lizard chief. "We'll wait until after you're done to kill you. Or bury you. All we want are the captives. Hand them over and then we can talk about whatever dispute you have with that stone tower over there."

2015-02-07, 04:49 PM

"The other lizardfolk are bound to be alerted to us by now," Hal says. He draws his bow and looks about for incoming rep's.

Spot [roll0]

2015-02-07, 04:53 PM
The last lizard is crushed as once again Mirriana slashes the beast to distract it before the buffalo kills it with gore and hoof. The lizard chief hisses at you all slashing and stabbing Goat even as he deflects Goat's attack with the spear!

He thrusts once more, teeth and spear seeking Goat's blood!

Spear [roll0] dam [roll1]
Bite [roll2] dam [roll3]

2015-02-07, 07:50 PM

"Violence it is, then."

I channel some healing magic into Tsliesn to cure his many wounds. "We have to get you a wand of Mirror Image or something," I suggest.

"Hey Goattracker, be quick, will you?"

CMW [Roll]2d8+5

2015-02-07, 09:00 PM

The Goliath roars, "Lizard-Man, you have been a worthy opponent but now is the time for you to..." He heaves Palefist at the Chief's chest, "DIE!"

a [roll0]
d [roll1]

2015-02-08, 02:04 AM
The bone armour cracks under the blow as Goat pummels the chief. He hisses loudly, scent glands filling the air with a sharp stench as he wheels around before slashing and stabbing once more, incensed with fury its clear he is willing to fight to the death...

Spear [roll0] dam [roll1]
Bite [roll2] dam [roll3]

2015-02-08, 02:49 AM

The Goliath swivels around his enemy, thus nimbly dodging the lilizardfolk's attacks. Goat takes Palefist and aims low, looking to land another bone breaking hit upon the Chief.

a [roll0]
d [roll1]

2015-02-08, 03:34 AM
Palefist connects! the lizards head tears free of its body is smashes a hundred feet across the hillside. The now headless corpse remains standing for a second before tumbling down. You can see the nearest lizards - some 400ft away go to ground, clearly shocked by the spectacular demise of the warleader! Truly Kavaki was with Goat today!

A quick search turns up some magical trinkets on the chief but nothing of note amidst the stone tipped spears or metal studded clubs. His armour, fancy and made if some sort of bone magical, and one of the teeth knocked free by the club largest than the others and gleaming black. A couple of potions and sone gems round out the haul.

MW spear
Buoyant +1 bone breastplate
Snakeblood tooth
Potion [beast claws, lesser vigour, horrible taste]
Coins 28gp, 12sp, 2pp

2015-02-08, 07:42 PM

"That was certainly...viscous," Hal says. He hands Goattracker a bottle of cure moderate wounds and shoulders his bow again.

"Lan, think you can follow those? the elf asks, cocking a thumb at the retreating lizardfolk.

If no objection, I'll take the potion of lesser vigor.

2015-02-08, 09:38 PM

With the chief dead, Lan moved closer to the group. Glancing around at the prone lizard folk, he snorted at Goat. "Looks like you've got some fans, but unless someone can chat them up and get them to follow the Goat, then we need to get to the camp."

ready to track

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-08, 09:50 PM

The Goliath sheaths his greatclub and smiles, "That was a good fight Chief. May your god reward you in the afterlife." Looking to Hal, Goat states, "I need not your potion. The enemy barely scratched me. It was a good duel but I was in no real danger."

2015-02-08, 10:14 PM

"As you like, I just figure I owe Kavaki at least three of my lives by now."

2015-02-09, 12:29 PM

With that battle behind them, Taliesn shifts upright again and pulls out his wand for some quick healing.
Probably take two or three charges to get back to full health:

heal! [roll0]
heal! [roll1]
heal! [roll2]
"To the camp?"

2015-02-09, 12:35 PM

The Goliath nods, "Kavaki has saved all of us on many occasions. He is a right and honorable deity." A bit intrigued, Goat asks, "Do Elves have many lives? I have heard kittens have nine lives. How many do Elves have?"

2015-02-09, 12:47 PM

As Goat and Hal continued their banter, Lan sighed and began to follow the tracks back to the camp. The group probably wouldn't miss him, but they would eventually remember they had a rescue to make.
Onward for plot and glory!

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-09, 12:59 PM

"Okay, settle down. The lizardfolk are watching us and we need to stay alert. Let's get moving."

I follow Lan closely, making sure he's not exposed to attack by himself.

2015-02-09, 01:14 PM

The Goliath wanders along with the group, confident in their ability to tackle these lizard-men with ease.

2015-02-09, 04:39 PM
The party stun the guardsman as the drag back the bodies of a few lizard folk and leave them in the now abandoned stable. The stack about two deep ready for Claire's nefarious schemes when they return from the swamps where the lizards have fled.

2 hours later the mistmarsh is spread out before you. A vast expanse of grasslands, shallow streams and strange hazards that lies nestled in the middle of Cairn hills. It is named for the mist that hangs near permanently over the valley. The waterways are you arrive are very common and shallow infested with crocodiles and other creatures and slow to walk across filled with heavy roots and branches.

The tracks of the lizard party vanish into the marsh Lan's tracking keeping the party on track as they wade small muddy pools, slosh through bogs and ford streams....

Please roll a track

2015-02-11, 08:36 AM

Once the group got moving, Lan slipped up front, tracking the lizards back to the swamp. Glancing across the wide expanse of boggy marsh and lurking crocodiles, the Halfling sighed inwardly. "Easier t'track a rabbit across the steppes than this ..." However, Lan gamely searched for tell-tale signs of previous passage ... a mud-filled footprint here, broken brush there, scratched on bark and broken branches ... all clues to the mystery of the hidden camp. Too bad nobody could speak the lizard's tongue, since they could have probably interrogated one of them.

Bah, if it was easy, the goliatch would be up front ...

First Track total: 23. Afterwards, unless Lan looses the trail, he'll just take 10 (total of 24).

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-11, 04:04 PM
Its a long day tracking through the swamp. Nine long hours of mud, filth, flies and scrublands as you follow the tracks of the lizards. The tracks suggesting that you are falling behind every hour that you trek, the lizards faster through their home territory.

Eventually as night falls you can make out in the dull light of the green moon and the red moon the a massed pile of roots and branches and mangroves grown together into a huge mass of vegetation some 200 hundred feet across. The swamp grove grown over the tribes lair. At one point you can make out a thin hole in the tangled branches, the level hallway faintly visible flat and level and sloping downwards in the green tinged light.

the thin path is on the top right hand side

2015-02-11, 05:22 PM

"Good work Lan!" I congratulate our tracker."I think it's my turn to take point. I'll go first."

I lead the way into the lizard's lair, picking a direction at random when the path splits.

2015-02-11, 06:14 PM

Hal searches about to see if any sentries or rearguard are about. He keeps his bow nocked and ready to shoot.

Search [roll0] or is it Spot? [roll1]

2015-02-11, 06:38 PM

The Goliath takes up the rear and confidently strides into the belly of the beast.

I kind of imagine Goat doing this...



2015-02-12, 02:51 AM
Mirriana heads into the lair, the mud wet underfoot and the air dank and heavy with mould, moisture and the smell of lizard glands and swamp. The short entrance tunnel slopoes down and is dark by the bottom, sunrods and torches being lit in the gloom. With the thick leafy canopy, the dripping and the pervasive buzz and click of insects there is almost no sound, your footfalls muffled by the thick moss and mud floor.

Please say someone has a light source

At the base of the tunnel an alcove has been formed by the roots. A few javelins and shell covered clubs lean on the wall surrounding a clay jug with crude paintings of what appears to be eggs drawn on the side filled with water and small shiny pebbles and bits of painted stone. Two paths go left and right whilst a thinner path slopes down into the heart of the nest.

Mirriana points to the right with her sword leading the party. As you creep the stench grows stronger and stronger, the oath curves around before a firm snakes off to the left and the way ahead opens up into a wide open chamber. Surrounded by roots the room stinks like a garbage tip built upon a cesspit. Soiled water pools every where amidst the massed piles of filth and animal and vegetable matter. Amongst it all hand sized beetles roll the filth into balls and push them aimlessly in the rank chamber. As the light flickers on the wall it catches on the glimmer of silver. Hal's sharp elven eyes picking out what looks like a delicate female hand protruding from a pile if filth, the rest if the body buried, the light catching on a silver ring on one of the fingers...

2015-02-12, 10:08 AM

"Can any of the rest of you see in low-light?" Hal says before entering.

2015-02-12, 12:13 PM

The Goliath strikes a torch and hands it to Claire, "Frind Claire, Palefist requires both of my hands. Your magic really only needs 1. Fling the torch into the center of the battlefield if you require both hands for combat."

2015-02-12, 12:21 PM

"Something... here. It may be one our their erstwhile captives..."

Hal once barged into an unknown stronghold and the magical trap nearly ruined him. He decides caution is a good course of action and gestures to Lan.

"It would be no shock to find them trapping corpses. The frost giants of my realm would do such things. Can you see anything... untowards?"

To aide the halfling, Hal incants and four reddish wisps float near the hand.

Casts dancing lights

2015-02-12, 12:24 PM
Taliesn back on all fours again (though long since shrunk back to medium size) nods at Hal's question. Can't everyone? he wonders.

The stench of this area is an assault upon his senses. This is the sort of place where the worst of vermin make their home among the offal, he thinks. He looks to the others, wondering if they will choose to dig through the offal, when the prisoners they have come to rescue are obviously elsewhere.

If friend Hal must give his distant kin decent burial, let us do that after we have rescued those we hope are still living.
At sixth level, I can get Open Least Chakra (Crown) and bind Shedu Crown. Then everyone will actually be able to hear my thoughts!

2015-02-12, 12:54 PM

Having found the beginning of the camp, Mirriana suddenly stepped forward, ready to take the lead. Raising an eyebrow, he shook his head in mild amusement. Just when they seemed intent on letting him do his job at scouting, they suddenly decided they needed to rush forward once again. While stopping the beasts before they hurt anyone was important, the plain truth was that the prisoners were most likely dead already. Of course, given the folks in this group, that meant the mission would turn swiftly from 'rescue' to 'vengeance.'

As they reached the offal pit, Lan slipped forward, shoving a couple of loose pieces of cloth in his nose to mitigate the odor. At Hal's request, he looked near the body, but truth be told, he wasn't sure this was the same situation as frost giants leaving their foes dead as traps - glancing up, this seemed more like the communal chamber pot.

Once he looked, he turned back to the others. "Do you want me to scout ahead, or are we going in fast and loud?"

[roll0]; [roll1]/[roll2]. Here's a [roll3], if necessary. And finally, [roll4] and [roll5]just in case we need to move quietly. :smallredface:

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-12, 01:58 PM
In the torch light Claire hangs back quietly watching the others. Hal and Talsien stride in confidently as Lan ghosts by the wall hiding amongst the roots. Then the attack happens! The filth moving as a massive round shape creature of scales, eye stalks, tentacles and a massive mouth bursts forth on its tiny legs. An otyugh, literally a **** monster in the ancient Flanaes tongue! Tentacles laced with disease lash at the heroes!

Talsien vs Tentacle [roll0] dam [roll1] + DC 14 fort vs poo
Hal vs Tentacle [roll2] dam [roll3] + DC 14 fort vs poo

2015-02-12, 02:06 PM

Yep, as expected, Taliesn thinks as he feels the thing's lash. He returns the attack.
Bite: [roll0] damage [roll1]

Fort save vs. filth fever: [roll2] I made a save!
As his jaws slide off the tough, sh*tty hide, he thinks, I am never going to get this taste out of my mouth.

2015-02-12, 02:32 PM

"If I die at the hands of sentient excrement, by the Gods LIE on my gravemarker!"

Revulsion and combat training war in Hal's mind as he brings forth his blade to strike.

[roll]1d20+7[roll]/[roll0] 25 for crit
Damage [roll1]/[roll2]
[roll]1d20+7[roll]/[roll3] crit confirm (if an otyug has an anatomy that allows critical hits...
Damage [roll4]/[roll5] crit needed or wanted

Fort [roll6] And now we see what that flaw will cost me...

Rolls to be continued in OOC Part 3 - The search for a Natural 20.

HP: 21/32; AC: 27
F +1, R +3, W +3
Status: Covered in s**t.

2015-02-12, 02:42 PM

As the fecal beast rises, Lan slipped away from the group, launching an arrow as he moved swiftly. Best to kill this thing quickly, because others would eventually come to investigate.

Move 5 feet (to keep the heroes between Lan and the Poo Monster, but stay w/in PBS).
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-12, 09:55 PM

"Hah! Haha. Hah. No. No. Why. That's just... no. I hate aberrations. But this? You people take me to the worst places." Claire says, pulling out the right wand. "Next time, I choose where we go. And Hal, if you die to this thing, I'm telling everyone how you died. I will pay a bard to sing about this death. I ublížit s kouzelnou raketu."

Magic Missle: [roll0]

2015-02-13, 12:48 AM

"Plainsfolk disgust me." With a look of disquieted horror Goat walks up to the poop monster and attacks... With Palefist... Praying to Kavaki that the poop won't splatter on his person...

a [roll0]
d [roll1]

2015-02-13, 02:01 PM
Forgot to check the threat. [roll0] total dam if confirms [roll1]

The massive filth monster is brutally assailed by everyone. Magical missiles pounding the creature as Claire levels the wand and fires. A pair of arrows from Lan at near point blank range enrage it, one merely bursting a vile looking pustule on its sturface, the other sinking deep into its rubbery flesh.

Mirriana, Talsien, Goat and Hal all surge forward to attack it with blade, tooth and club. Talsien pounces upon it his face burying itself in the thick layer of mucous and slime but failing to penetrate the rubbery skin beneath. Hal likewise is unable to penetrate the heavy blubber, his blades merely slicing through filth not flesh. Goat runs forward, a tentacle lashing at him as he runs in before he brings the massive palefist down upon it with an almighty thudding sound as it roars a deep wet throaty growl of pain!

rearing up it vomits forth a great cone of stomach acids and bile over the party, coating Hal, Goat and Talsien and reaching as far as even the patient Clarie!

AoO on Goat [roll2] dam [roll3]

Acid vomit [roll4] acid Ref DC 17 for half and Fort DC 17 or diseased

2015-02-13, 02:26 PM

I re-position myself slightly and stab again at the creature's belly!

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-02-13, 02:42 PM

Oh, my -- @#$@!^%^

No! No, this cannot possibly get any worse!

Reflex: [roll0]
Fort: [roll1]

Bite: [roll2] and damage [roll3]

Oh, great! Now I'm covered in sick, and crap, and -- even some of that got in my mouth!

2015-02-13, 02:54 PM

As the acidic bile washes over him, Hal rolls his eyes at the whole ridiculousness of it all.

[roll0] Reflex
[roll1] Sick, but alive. I'll take that.

2015-02-13, 03:12 PM

With his last gasp, Hal wills his enchanted belt to restore some vigor into his ravaged frame.

Even as his wounds knit, the seeping filth infects his wounds.

[roll0] Both charges remaining. Is it so hard to make a 24? The numbers are right there.

2015-02-13, 04:23 PM

The beast was hurt, but still fighting. In it's throes, it spewed forth a vile, burning stream that ate at his companions. Growling deep in his throat, he took another two shots, hoping to help from here, but unwilling to get within reach of the beast, and quite certain that being closer wouldn't do anyone any good.

Rapid shot again w/in PBS
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]
HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-15, 02:03 AM
The colossal feacal monster lashed Goat brutally leaving the big Goliath close yp the death, taking under breath Claire drew out her enfeeblement wand and gestured. A ray of blackness leaping at the beast... And sadly missing.

Ranged touch [roll0]
Str damage [roll1]

2015-02-15, 02:10 AM
Hal heals himself as Mrrana stabbed the monster and Lan drove another arrow deep into its blubbery body. Talsien continued to maul and tear at the creature but aside from eating the filth off its surface he cannot penetrate the blubber. With Goat disengaging due to the horrific wounds the creature turns its attention to Mirriana and Talsien, its beady eyes glancing at Lan viewing its next victim...

Vs Mirriana [roll0] dam [roll1]
Vs Talsien [roll2] dam [roll3]

2015-02-15, 04:00 AM

The Goliath scurries back ward, practically keeling over from the grievous wounds, "Kavaki has punished me for my arrogance." Looking up to the sky, Goattracker prays, "I understand your lesson, oh mighty Ram-Lord! Now gift me the power to heal my wounds and lend me the strength to fight this monstrosity!"

Cure Moderate Wounds: [roll0]

2015-02-15, 12:43 PM

Channeling arcane power through his blade, Hal stabs again at the otyugh.

[roll1] damage
[roll3] crit if needed
[roll4] x2 crit
Sigh. I don't a retroactive bless could happen?

2015-02-15, 06:24 PM

For once, the abberation misses him, but Taliesn knows his luck won't last for long. His reflexes are still benumbed from those urchin spines earlier in the day. Although he feels he has been utterly ineffective so far, he can think of nothing more to do but try to bit off another mouthful of filth. Sometimes, I really hate my job.
Bite! [roll0] Damage! [roll1]

*Sigh* Some days, it seems the best one can hope for is to serve as a distraction while the more effective party members destroy the threat.

2015-02-16, 02:00 AM

With Goat backing away, Lan knew they were seriously close to disaster. But with the majority of the group still active, he figured they could still win - but he didn't like the glare that beastie was making at him. He decided to move, just to keep it guessing, giving up volume of fire for a little more accuracy.

Move action to slip 15 feet around the battlefield
[roll0], [roll1]

HPs: 34/34; AC: 21
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-16, 04:11 PM

I continue to press an attack on the beast, deflecting its tentacle with my shield!

Hit, hit, hit the otyugh with a sword!

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Total: 7 (see OOC)

2015-02-16, 04:25 PM
The monster lashes and hacks at the party, Tal, Hal and Goat distracting it before Lan sent an arrow plunging into its eyestalk. Even as it reared up in pain Mirriana ran forward driving her blade into the primitive nerve cluster underneath the creatures primary anus. The creature let loose one last wheezing roar before deflating rapidly. Pus and other foul fluids draining onto the floor. The creature slowly twitches before finally stopping. The slow drip of viscera, the creak of the tightly wound trees and the hiss and click of the shiny dung beetles is all that you hear. The deadening effects of the marshy walls keeping things blessedly quiet...

Who was diseased?

2015-02-16, 04:31 PM

I wipe my blade clean on the mossy walls, but keep it drawn in this den of lizards.

"Is everyone alright? We'd better see if we can identify whoever that is in that refuse pile."

2015-02-16, 04:36 PM

Even as the exaltation of victory washes over Hal, the reality of his clearly disinfected wounds sobered him still.

"We must take cover my friends," he says. "Our entrance must have drawn attention by now, and we must bind our wounds.

cmw potion [roll0]

2015-02-16, 04:55 PM

The sullen Goliath looks to his companions, "I... Don't feel so well. I could use some extra healing."

Goat is at 12, his cap is 35.

He needs some HP!

Also, he is diseased.

2015-02-16, 05:02 PM

"Mystara will grant me the power to remove infection with tomorrow's morning prayers. For today, this will have to do:"

I touch a hand to the Goliath's shoulder, infusing him with healing energies!

Hold Person -> CMW [roll0]

2015-02-16, 05:18 PM

"Now before I was so rudely interrupted, Lan, do you notice any traps or pitfalls before I investigate this hand?"

2015-02-16, 05:19 PM

Reinvigorated by the healing, Goat puts his hand on Mir's shoulder and says, Praise be to your goddess, Chieftess."

2015-02-16, 05:25 PM
Healing energy flowing over each other the recovery can begin, the first of a few low hooting barks can be heard faintly in the narrow tunnel at the mouth of the chamber that must be the cess pool of the nest. Looking at the hand its clearly old, much older than any of the recent captives could be, the ring glistening slightly in the reflected lantern light, as you reach out a puff of air swirling around it.

Ring of the Four Winds
-- featherfall, plus 4/day as immediate action get +2 deflection AC

The sounds of hissing and barking can be heard getting more insistent in the nest... Do you stay or do you plunge further into the nest?

2015-02-16, 05:55 PM

Plucking the ring and handing it to Mirriana, Hal motions towards to incoming noise inquisitively.

2015-02-16, 05:59 PM
Taliesn shifts upright and uses a couple of charges from his healing wand.
heal [roll0]
heal [roll1]

At least I am not diseased. Eating filth must build up resistances. "Here, you guys have a bite!"

Edit: Whew! Now down only 2 HP, at 34. I think I can manage on that into the next fight, but no more poop monsters, okay, team?
"I fear any element of surprise may have been lost on this worthless battle. I think we should move quickly. Claire, I would not mind being bigger."

2015-02-17, 02:12 AM

"Agreed, Taliesn," Claire says, shivering at their last opponent. "Could you fix my injury while I fix your size issue?"

Enlarge Person on Taliesn.

2015-02-17, 02:56 AM

"Fair enough, it would inappropriate for the rescuers to let minor setbacks delay them, Hal says. May Kavaki, Mystara or Correlon Latherian Himself smile on their actions in the meantime.

Downing the lesser vigor potion he acquired from the Vecnan, he nods his readiness.

10+1 rounds fast healing 1.

2015-02-17, 06:48 AM

With the battle ended, Lan started to shake his head at Hal's question, but before he answer, the swordsman had reached out to nick the ring and present it as tribute to Mirriana. As the others prepared to go, Lan pointed to the piles of refuse.

"We can go full speed ahead, or use this place to ambush the lizards ... if they track by smell, they'll find us easily away from this pit. Here, however, they probably won't notice.

We're all covered in sh!t anyway ..."

It was difficult to tell if he was joking or not, but the halfling did have a point ...
Not sure what everyone wants to do ...

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-17, 09:22 AM

"It's not ideal, but we at least have chosen the ground to fight. We must avoid being boxed without knowing their number, else we are overwhelmed. Can we summon or raise a false force to draw the lizards' ire?"

2015-02-17, 11:59 AM

"Lying in wait for the auroch is a hunting tactic I know well. I would prefer if we pressed on though."

I have Enlarge Person and 2 Protection from Evils left (as well as 0 level spells.

2015-02-17, 03:53 PM

Lan shrugged his shoulders, figuring that no matter what he suggested, the big man was going to not accept ... probably because he kept thinking of him as a child.

This child just saved yer goat-lickin' arse ... However, aloud he simply grunted assent to whatever the group consensus was.

Just in case we decide to move out, here's a scouting peek (just to save time :smallsmile:)
EDIT: Two ones in four rolls ... sweet deal!

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-17, 04:31 PM

"If time were not of the essence, I'd completely agree with you Lan. Unfortunately, every moment is another that harm may befall the captives. We go on!"

I prepare to move on, ready to lead the way or follow close behind Lan if scouting ahead is what he'd prefer.

2015-02-17, 05:17 PM
Healed and ready for more the party delve deeper into the heart of the lair. The light barely penetrating the thick fog and faint swamp mist in the lair. The passage leads further around to the left before opening up into another chamber with thick mud and roots on the floor. Scattered around the room are a dozen small raised wooden platforms, each covered with leaves and brush to make a comfortable bed with a smattering of personal possessions around the edge of the sleeping platforms.

The 7 lizard folk in the centre of the room looks angrily up at the party. Half clutch spears and axes, the rest baring only their claws. Though one looks different to the others, a sickly cast to his scales and a mucous white film over his yellow eyes. All 7 hiss and snarl, one speaking in draconic to the others...

Kill the men folk. Spare the woman and the child for the king.

Hal, Mirriana,
rest of the party

2015-02-17, 07:17 PM

"Before we begin, do any of you wish to surrender?" Hal says, aware they will likely not. Not waiting for a response (since asking for mercy is the onus of the attackee in the Myth Seretyn Rules of War, not on the attacker to wait for it), he approaches and attacks the speaker.

[roll0]/[roll1] to hit, 25s will get you a crit.
[roll2]/[roll3] damage because you never know.
[roll4]/[roll5] crit confirm because we all like a good laugh.
[roll6]/[roll7] x2 crit damage cuz I totes need to.

2015-02-18, 09:41 AM

"I don't see the captives. Shock and awe, people! Let's get this over with and move on!"

I move up with Hal, moving past the same lizard tip attack it from behind and draw aggro from the others.
AoO vs AC23. I'll immediate action to AC25 the first hit that's likely to make a difference against.

Damage: [roll1]

2015-02-18, 10:32 AM

EDIT (Whoops - forgot the text!)

Lan didn't know what the lizards were saying, but it probably wasn't good the way they were moving out! Trying to keep them at a distance, he took aim at the apparent leader ...

WHEN I get a chance ... Move action - keeping w/in PBS, but out of melee. Standard action to shoot!
[roll0], [roll1] vs Milky ... or the next closest threat if he's dead.

HPs: 34/34; AC: 21
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-18, 10:55 AM

"Be wary of that off-color lizard Taliesn," Hal says in Elven,"poisoned skin seems to be their stock-and-trade."

2015-02-18, 04:52 PM
Hal and Mirriana stride forward blades swinging and chopping at the lizards, one of the blades cutting the nearest reptile. Hissing the creatures surround the two fighting heroes with claws and clubs! Others including the sickly one running at Talsien and Goat.

[roll0] dam [roll1] vs Hal
[roll2] dam [roll3] vs Hal
[roll4] dam [roll5] vs Mirriana
[roll6] dam [roll7] vs Mirriana
[roll8] dam [roll9] vs Goat
[roll10] dam [roll11] (sick one) vs Goat
[roll12] dam [roll13] vs Talsien

Please take your attack roll from this list [8][14][1][10][18][14][8]

Even as they attack Lan rolls sideways an arrow plunging into the sickly looking one burying itself in its ribs as it staggers, but does not yet fall..

2015-02-18, 05:04 PM

"Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA," it is a laughing bark that starts to sound almost like a howl, as Taliesn watches the clumsy attack miss him.

Respectful of Hal's warning, he resolves to save the sickly-looking one for last.

TRAMPLE #1 [roll0]
Oh, YOU WANT SOME, TOO, #2 [roll1]
ON MY WAY TO #4 [roll3]
FOR ALL THE @$#@$ I HAVE IN MY MOUTH, #5 [roll4]

Ah, I am feeling better now, thank you.

2015-02-19, 01:06 AM

A pang of pity pulls at Goat's heart, He is the sickly runt of the liter. I will let the child have his first real conquest as a brave warrior. Looking over to Lan, he yells, "You take the runt, I will take the big one!"

Goat attacks the note-sickly lizard

d [roll2d8+7

2015-02-19, 01:35 AM
Most of the lizards leap out of the way avoiding the massive trampling furred beast. Two are crushed to death smashes against the twisted roots. The sickly one is clipped, arm breaking but still alive before Palefist connects with its head shattering it. As the creature falls its stomach splits open as a thick heavy green worm wriggles out, its segmented body, disgusting rot coloured green flesh and toothy maw looking like the one you had found at Filge's observatory.

The surviving lizards go crazy! All turning to flee, panicked shouts and hisses about the "eggs, protect the eggs. Tell Hiska he can save us, the chief must know "
Meanwhile the green worm rises up ready to pounce!

All withdraw
Green worm looks at you. Know(Dungeoneering) or (Religion) can give information

2015-02-19, 01:56 AM

"Swarms? Never again!"

Hal reaches into his pack for his alchemical fire flask.

"The walls are fairly wet, shouldn't spread too far."

Action: talking alchemist's fire from pack. Now is anyone's chance to say "no, you fool!"

Looking closer, Hal sees it is only one worm. He puts the flask back in his pack.


2015-02-19, 03:52 PM

"Forgive my overreaction."

Hal makes a flicking gesture, and a blob of acid flies from his fingertips towards the worm.

[roll0] Ranged touch
[roll1] acid damage

2015-02-19, 09:26 PM

Standing bemusedly to the side, Lan watched as the lizards were cut down like wheat. He started to say something, but stopped when the sickening worm burst free from the diseased lizard. Instead, he moved quickly, firing an arrow at the thing ... No way it was friendly, right?

Move action - keeping w/in PBS, but out of melee. Standard action to shoot!
[roll0], [roll1]

HPs: 34/34; AC: 21
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-19, 10:58 PM

The Goliath shrugs, "Lizard, worm, it matters not to me. All enemies of Kavaki shall be felled!" He heaves Palefist back and jabs the great club into the gaping maw of the oligochaetes.

a [roll]1d20+10[/rol;]From OOC: a (1d20+10)[24]
d [roll0]

2015-02-20, 12:57 AM
The lizards flee through the other passage before the party obliterate the green worm. The acid melts off the worm without harming it before an arrow pins the beast to the floor and Palefist smashes down leaving only a smear of green slime and paste.

The shouts and hisses of the lizards in the next chamber begin to get louder as clearly more and more of them are getting agitated about the worm infesting one of their kin!

2015-02-20, 02:02 AM

"Lady Claire, you know of that human slime Filge's work, what manner of sorcery is that worm?" Hal makes a mental note of its apparent immunities.

Rellavar preserve us. An Age of these?

Musing over, he looks to Claire and Mirriana for their possible insights.

2015-02-20, 02:53 AM

The goliath wipes Palefist clean with the dirty rag that was once his nice traveling shirt. "Why are they fleeing the battlefield? Although we are very mighty, I doubt we could scare such a large group off so easily. Perhaps it has to do with this sick lizard and the worm? Regardless, we have a job to do. The sooner we save the captives, the sooner we can ensure the safety of those in the tower."

2015-02-20, 05:48 PM

"If it has anything to do with the worm from before, then it eats it's way into a body, reproduces, and takes control. Anything to do with them is toxic and viral." Claire says, pondering. "It may explain why that one lizard folk was like that. If so, they all might be infected."

2015-02-20, 05:59 PM

"Then from this we must be on guard, lest a cast-off worm infect us. Especially if we were to bite them," Hal says, knowing the point is not lost on Taliesn.

2015-02-20, 09:18 PM
"Can we still step on them?" Taliesn asks, hopefully.

"It seems these lizards fear the worms far more than they fear us. Perhaps we could negotiate with them: release our prisoners, do not attack the fort, and we will see to this worm menace? If it is at all related to what we have seen in our past adventurers, it is surely the greater threat."

2015-02-20, 10:03 PM

"It might make for a long-term solution for the soldiers at the keep, whatever spurred them to attack to begin with..."

2015-02-21, 03:11 AM
Even as Hal speaks there is a commotion at the other end of the room as a glimmer of a sunrod lights the other passage where the lizards had fled. A pair of lizards appears, both wearing chitin armour, one clutching a sunrod, the other a blade, but its the other figure that draws your attention..


The shaman, smaller than the others waves it tail hissing before speaking in broken common. Why you invade our home. You kill mates and hatchlings. You butchers. Why you bring dark worms, they kill eggs! the last puntauated with a shake of the spirit staff as they are clearly angered. Behind him you can see at least a dozen more lizards.

2015-02-21, 03:21 AM

"We have done no such thing! If you give us the humans you captured, we can leave without further bloodshed."

Nothing he'd crossed blades with since entering the Whispering Cairn had taken his offer of diplomacy and he expected no change in the statistic today.

Mother always said I was an optimist.

Oh yeah, I am totes the party face [roll0] =:O

2015-02-21, 06:07 AM

I spread my hands placatingly, if this lizard wants to talk then that's fine by me. I try and keep my words simple and non-confrontational.

"We hate the worms. We kill the worms! Our shaman knows. You took our shaman. Give her back, no more death. We go. Or... We hunt worms together?"

2015-02-21, 12:43 PM

Killing th worm was easy - but the information that came out after was ... interesting and disturbing, to say the least. As the group pondered what to do, more lizards burst in, accusing them of murder and bringing the worm. Blinking in surprise, he simpy kept his bow handy, eyeing the exits and terrain to find an advantage ... should this all go to crap.

Wait and let the diplomats diplomacize ...

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-21, 12:50 PM
The shaman tilts his head, double eyelids blinking as he/she/it considered your words. "Chief hold pink skins. Chief no listen spirits. Chief on!y listen to dragon. Dragon give egg to watch and potion for chief and boss hunters."

The shaman looks almost sly, "You make chief go away we no hunt pink skins. Stop Pink skins bring sharp iron and kill hatch-kin".

2015-02-21, 12:55 PM

Chief? Wasn't the chief dead already?

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-21, 01:40 PM

The Goliath straightens his back and confidently proclaims, "I met your chief on the field of battle. We fought one another like two great mountain aurochs vying for the right to mate with a female. I was victorious. Your chief is dead. Now free the humans."

2015-02-21, 01:49 PM

"No, that must have been one of the hunt bosses he speaks of. Where is your Chief?

Assassination seems to be their preferred method of succession, and if it results in Hal's needs being met, then so be it.

2015-02-21, 02:19 PM
The shaman gestures behind him. You know meet chief. Chief kill one two of you then you kill him. You meet Kushak, hunt boss of tower, same nest as Chief..

He hisses happily and motions for you to go past him. Chief steal heart of trive lost gods, we find gods by not see pink skin. Pink skin bad juju.

2015-02-21, 02:43 PM

"Hold on, this is not so simple," Hal says. "This doesn't deal with the attacks on the tower. We need a guarantee from your tribe that attacks will not come."

All they need is another "bad omen" and suddenly they're on the Holy War path again. And this dragon? More complications no doubt.

2015-02-22, 02:46 AM
The shaman looks at elf stepping closer, tail raised in some sort of lizard signal Hal doesn't understand. "You kill chief. We go deeper into marsh. Broken Tree tribe no like Pink skins. No dragons, no worms, no pink skins we be happy. And then in a much quieter hiss that suggests the shaman is shrewder than his broken common suggests, Me shaman. Me read signs. No holy war signs while shaman live".

The chief is a psycho and most of the tribe live in terror of him, the shaman wants the tribe to live.
If you can get rid of the chief and his dragon loyal hunt bosses then the tribe will relocate deeper into the marsh and no more raids will occur.

2015-02-22, 02:51 AM

"For peace to reign supreme between the plainsfolk and the swampfolk, your chief must die. Very well. Where is the chief? We shall defeat him as we did your champion."

2015-02-22, 02:52 AM

"For peace to reign supreme between the plainsfolk and the swampfolk, your chief must die. Very well. Where is the chief? We shall defeat him as we did your champion."

The shaman nods to a path and hisses at a juvenile lizard man. Follow zin zin. He take...

Any PC prep or game on?

2015-02-22, 03:02 AM

Halsaephus feels the remaining vigor potion dissipate, his injuries nearly healed. Before following the lizardling, he readies a shield of faith potion to down once within fighting distance.

Regained 10 hp from lesser vigor, gonna take the +2 AC for shield of faith soon as combat begins (1 minute=1 round, I presume).

HPs: 33/34; AC: 17
F +1, R +1, W +3
Incubating filth fever. 1d3 days.

"Watch for worms."

2015-02-22, 04:12 AM

I nod my assent to the shaman and also to Hal's good advice, before following after zin zin. "Bull's Strength," I cast on myself quietly.

2015-02-22, 05:51 PM
Taliesn, temporarily back in human form, "Wait. Didn't he say that people brought the worms?? You want to ask him about that now, or after we crush the chief and his hunters?"
Other than that, I'm ready: lead on.

2015-02-22, 06:38 PM

The Goliath nods and follows the Shaman.

Goat will convert a Protection from Evil to CLW: [roll0]

Right before we get to where we need to go, Goat will cast Bless on the party. +1 to attack rolls and +1 v. Fear effects.

2015-02-23, 11:34 AM

In Elven for Lan and Claire (and Mirriana since she understands) Hal offers a warning.

"We may be walking into an ambush, perhaps you should hold back in case our head-on charge somehow proves foolhardy?"

2015-02-23, 11:43 AM

<When does it ever not?> I reply with black humour.

2015-02-23, 11:52 AM

<You act like I don't think everything is a trap, Hal.> Claire says, a look of wry look on her face.

2015-02-23, 12:01 PM

The Goliath is very annoyed with the fact that everyone seems to be conversing in a different language. He mutters under his breath in Gol-Kaa, "<I can speak a different language too, I just have the the common courtesy to speak a tongue everyone understands.>

2015-02-23, 12:46 PM

As a concession to Goat, Hal says the only words he knows in Gol-Kaa (picked up in drinking and brawling):

"Mountain, alcohol, perseverance, dance, ecumenical."

2015-02-23, 12:48 PM
Taliesn thinks, I am totally going to learn mindspeak soon, which will be so much better than all of these different languages.

2015-02-23, 01:05 PM

The Goliath smiles at the Dusk Blade, "When we get back to town, we shall toss many a caber!"

2015-02-23, 04:53 PM
The small lizard scurries forward leading you three more sleeping chambers before pointing down a steep slope, as you approach you can hear crackling flames, a faint whiff of pork and the screams of a man in agony.

Racing down it opens into a large chamber with a crackling fire at the centre, a throne with skulls on its back and arms. The ground on front of the throne is stained with blood, 3 bodies lying there writhing slowly on pain, a 4th spitted through legs and shoulder rotating over the fire howling in fire. Skin charred and red raw, hair burned off and one eye burst open trailing optic jelly the soldier is clearly in agony.
Atop the throne is a hulking massive lizard with a strange purple scales.


Beside him is 2 additional lizards, both massive and hulking. Your eyes drawn to the prisoners, one in particular with long brown hair and a red dress with her jaw squint and dislocated...

Chamber is 40ft long,
Go go players

2015-02-23, 05:11 PM


Bless is up!

a [roll0] (includes 2 for charging and 1 for bless)
d [roll1]

2015-02-23, 05:22 PM

"AAAARRRRRROOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" 'Tis the best of times, as Taliesn surges forward to do what he does best.
My expectation is that the trip was not so long that I needed another Enlarge, so I'm still big, and unless these guys are Huge or bigger, they are subject to my attack:

Chief Guy: trample [roll0]
Minion #1: trample [roll1]
Minion #2: trample [roll2]

Ref Save DC 12 for half damage, still, or AOO vs. 22 AC.

Sure, someone might land an AOO that knocks my head clean off, but in this party, you go big, or you go home. AMIRIGHT?

EDIT: Oh, just look at those sweet rolls: 10, 11, 12 on 2d6. I feel the love. What could possibly go wrong?
Oh, no! Did I just say the magic words?

2015-02-23, 06:18 PM

The potion and divine enhancements wash over Hal as he calmly moves to eliminate the "king's" lackeys.

Channeling again his new shocking power he stabs the nearer of the hunt boss lizards.

[roll0] 28/29/30 will get you crit
[roll1] damage
[roll2] shocking grasp channel
[roll3] crit is needed
[roll4] x2 damage if needed

HPs: 33/34; AC: 17 19
F +1, R +1, W +3 (+4 vs. fear)
Incubating filth fever. 1d3 days.

2015-02-23, 10:52 PM

With an apparent deal struck, Lan followed the others, trying to keep to the shadows best he could, least this turn into an ambush. When Hal said something in flowery tongue, and Goat responded in a gutteral one, Lan simply raised an eyebrow in confusion and shook his head. Why didn't anyone speak a civilized tongue, like halfling?

When they entered the clearing, he scanned the space for threats, noting the three lizards at the throne room and the prisoners being burnt alive below. As Goat, Hal and the others rushed in, Lan tapped Mirriana on the leg and nodded to the prisoners. Slipping towards the prisoners, he let his companions distract the chief and his bodyguard - if they mage died, this whole thing will have been a waste ...

Stay on target ... stay on target! Slipping up to the prisoners to try and free them while Goat, Hal and Tal to keep those yahoos engaged! Hoping that's a move action and standard action. If I can only get close, then Lan will shoot if nothing else

Need any checks?

[roll0], [roll1]

HPs: 34/34; AC: 21
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-24, 04:10 PM

I nod agreement to Lan. Whilst he goes for the majority of the prisoners, I make a line straight for the one being roasted! I barge into the spit, knocking it out of the fire and away from danger. I then channel the fullest extent of my healing power into the soldier, doing my utmost to save him!

Summon Monster III -> CSW [roll0]

2015-02-24, 04:57 PM
Talsien tramples through the chamber headbutting and kicking the lizard lords. Even as he pushes through them the rest of the party rampages in. Hal slashing one of the black scaled lieutenants, lightning crackling as he unleashes magic causing the beast to roar. Beside him the Goat charges in but Palefist is parried by the spinning trident. Behind the others Lan rolled forwards reaching Merzana and the other soldiers, hand and dagger slitting free one of the prisoners.

The lizasdrs hiss and howl, the lesser ones thrusting at Hal and Goat, the massive beast stabbing at Goat as well as the big Goliath clubs and bashes at him.

vs Hal - Minion 1 [roll0] dam [roll1]
vs Goat - Minion 2 [roll2] dam [roll3]

Big chief [roll4] dam [roll5]
Big chief [roll6] dam [roll7]

2015-02-24, 05:02 PM

Apparently, they don't regard me as a sufficient threat. *Hmph!*

Trample Chief: [roll0]
Trample Minion #1: [roll1]
Trample Minion #2: [roll2]

Ref Save DC 12 for half damage, still, or AOO vs. 22 AC.

Edit: Meh. The probabilities are trying to even themselves out after last time. It's still some nice damage totals over two rounds: 28, 27, 33. I can feel like I'm holding my end up.

2015-02-24, 05:12 PM

After freeing the woman first, Lan pushed the knife into her hands. "Free the others quickly!" Once he was certain she could handle it, he moved swiftly, drawing his bow and firing off a shot at the minion engaged with Hal - it looked hurt, and the quicker they dropped one, the quicker the elf could help Goat with his opponent.

Besides, he was never certain how Goat's whole 'honor' thing worked ...

Freeing one, letting her free the others. If she's able, Lan will move on and lay down some PBS supporting fire! If not, he'll free the others.

[roll0], [roll1]

HPs: 34/34; AC: 21
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-24, 05:52 PM

The shielding potion, ineffective as it was, fizzles as Hal feels ribs cracking from the blow.

Changing to a different offensive position, Hal stabs again.

Taking -4 on bab to increase AC this round.
/[roll1] +1 due to bless = 5!/17

HPs: 22/34; AC: 21
F +1, R +1, W +3 (+4 vs. fear)
Incubating filth fever. 1d3 days.

2015-02-26, 01:02 AM

Thinking quickly, the Goliath takes up a defensive posture, then thrusts Palefist into the lizard chief's sternum!

Fighting Defensively, oh god, Fighting Defensively!

a [roll0] +1 (Forgot Bless!)
d [roll1]

2015-02-26, 04:14 AM

With the most critical of the prisoners stabilized, I can turn my attentions back to the main fight. Perhaps I can turn the odds in our favour? "Hold!" I command the chief before he can get another swing in! Then I move closer so as to present an additional target.

Hold person on chief. DC15 to save.

2015-02-26, 01:46 PM
For the chief of the lizards its all over in seconds! Even as Talsien tramples him once more he stabs back with savage strength, Lans arrow drives into his shoulder staggering him as Palefist rises and slams down smashing the chief to the floor!

His two bodyguards hiss savagely flying into a rage as the chief falls! Both unleashing a torrent of pheromones as they frenzy, one throwing off Mirranas mental commands as both are buffeted and stompd by Talsien. With sharp claws they tear at Goat and Hal!

The chief is dead!
Raging bodyguards
Vs goat
[roll0] dam [roll1]
[roll2] dam [roll3]
Vs hal
[roll4] dam [roll5]
[roll6] dam [roll7]

2015-02-26, 01:54 PM

The Goliath roars, "THE AVALANCHE HAS DROWNED YOUR CHIEF! NOW THE SNOWY TSUNAMI IS RACING FOR YOU!" The Cleric drops out of his defensive stance, whirls around and buries Pale fist into one of the Brutes' stomach.

d [roll2d8+7

2015-02-26, 02:04 PM

At Goat's exclamation, the normally stoic Lan almost snorted with laughter, choking it back as he aimed to assist his companions in killing the remaining lizards. Two arrows flew forward, leaping towards their targets as the small man tried to make a difference ...

Rapid shot, PBS, Bless ... get some!
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4
Effects: bless (+1 att/saves vs fear)

2015-02-26, 02:15 PM

The berzerker onslaught unnerves Hal slightly and he drops his defensive posture.

He stabs with his long blade, seeking a vital point in the reptile's torso.

[roll1] damage

[roll2] crit if so needed
[roll3] x2 damage if needed ditto

HPs: 15/34; AC: 17
F +1, R +1, W +3 (+4 vs. fear)
Incubating filth fever. 1d3 days.

2015-02-26, 05:19 PM

I step over the chieftain's corpse, positioning myself between the two beserking lizards in order to distract them from my companions - keeping my shield raised and my sword in a position to parry, even as I stab at the stronger-looking of the two.

Provoke attacks of Opportunity from both lizards! AC 28 against first hit (ring of the four winds), AC 26 otherwise.

Fighting defensively +2 to AC -4 to hit.

Attack: [roll0] +2 flanking, -4 to hit.
Damage: [roll1]

2015-02-26, 05:39 PM
Taliesn is feeling bedraggled and exhausted, as he rounds on the lizards yet again. It's a relief to see the chieftain down, but he's unsure how much longer he can keep this up.

Trample minion #1 [roll0]
Trample minion #1 [roll1]

Here's hoping Mirriana manages to soak an AoO or two for me. The damage rolls are provisional, as once I get hit for more than 4 (22 AC), I'm going down.

2015-02-26, 07:34 PM

Claire raises her wands, pouring out more draining magic, aware of a certain... issue. "I ukrást vaše síly! Any of them could be infected and simply be incubating!"

Ray of Enfeeblement (CL4) on healthier of the two lookin' guards:
Touch Attack: [roll0]
Strength Penalty: [roll1]

2015-02-27, 01:43 AM
With Talsien staggering and Hal and Goat bleeding the lizards move to savage them but the response from the heroes is dramatic. Goat smashes one in the face shattering its snout before an arrow thuds into an eye socket... felling it.
The second crumples as an arrow drives it to its knees before swords plunge though it from both sides and it topples forwards blood pouring from its chest.

Amulet of natural attacks +1
Potion (Cure moderate, urchin spines, Bite of the werewolf)
Returning +1 trident
Armbands of might

Small chest....
Marzena's stuff:
Cloak of Salamander
Wand Fireball (4/50), Wand of Snowball swarm (Cl5, 16/50)
Ring mystic lightning
Third eye of clarity

Marzena sits up as the party cut down the cooking man and free the others. Despite her bruised and battered face she is striking with keen eyes and sharp features.


"I don't know who you are but my thanks. We thought we were for the fire" eyes staring at the downed lizard king with venom. Reaching her men she looks at Mirriana, "I saw your attemptscto hold him. Do you posses curative magics for them?"

2015-02-27, 02:22 AM

"You are the militia battlemage? We are here to retrieve you from these lizards' hands," says Hal, ever the purveyor of the obvious.

"Are you in any physical condition to cast? I cannot guarantee the efficacy of the truce we have made with the liardfolks' shaman. Any assistance you can offer would certainly ensue our continued rescue efforts."

2015-02-27, 03:01 AM

"There are several of us here skilled with healing magic," I confirm. "We made a deal with the shaman. If we took care of their zealot of a chief, the shaman will take their encampment deeper into the swamp and leave you be. There's always a chance the deal won't hold, but I don't believe he was playing us false. We should be safe to return to the keep without interference now."

I attend to the prisoners and deal out healing where required.

2015-02-27, 08:39 AM

Satisfied that the enemy was dead, Lan let the others converse with the rescued prisoners. As word turned to the bargain they had made with the shaman, Lan knew some proof would be needed. Without a word, he slipped over to the lizards, looking around for whatever egg the shaman mentioned. Of course it could have been what hatched the worm, but he wasn't sure. Once he was sure there wasn't anything else of value to their mission, Lan drew his greatsword and decapitated the chief. With the head in tow, he readied himself to move out.

Hey, the Shaman wants proof, right?

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-02-27, 11:55 AM

Not at all sure what the Shaman may have meant about a dragon, Taliesn decides it would be best to heal up as quickly as possible. Nature knows he could use some healing!

Shifting back to human form, he pulls out the small wand and shakes it a few times. "Getting low. I should get another one of these soon. Anyone else need healing?" he asks, as he gives himself three quick zaps.
Heal! [roll0]
Heal! [roll1]
Heal! [roll2]

. . . brings me down to 9 charges left. Who says wands never run out?

2015-02-27, 12:00 PM

Clutching his cracked and possible shattered ribs, Hal raises his hand.

"I would not nay 'no' to some, please"

2015-02-27, 12:08 PM

*Zap* *Zap* *Zap*
Let me know how many of these you, or anyone else needs:

Heal! [roll0]
Heal! [roll1]
Heal! [roll2]
Heal! [roll3]
Heal! [roll4]

2015-02-27, 12:36 PM

"We have saved the captives. Let us leave this den of evil." The Cleric bends down and heals those who need it with what little magic he has left.

3 Cure Minor Wounds for others to use
1 CLW [roll0]

He will claim Tal's 12 and 9.

2015-02-27, 12:44 PM
Taliesn will happily claim the other two CMW, bringing him back to full.

2015-02-27, 12:59 PM

"I am unhurt." I confirm for the benefit of the others. I then take a few moments to expend all of my remaining magic on the prisoners.

3x CLW

5x CMW

2015-02-27, 01:08 PM

Hal happily accepts the wand's curative magic.

Newly intact, he takes the potion of cure moderate wounds.

"Easy come, easy go. I trust those are yours, Lady Marzena?" Hal says motioning, to the items in the chest.

I will take the 6 and the 13, thanks and good day.

Where we at XP-wise? About half-way to 6?

2015-03-02, 03:46 AM
Marzena smiles as Mirriana cures her fractured jaw. Working her mouth she offers the heroes a strong hug each, My thanks. I had thought we were for the stew pot. Thank the gods you were here. How did you find us?

Struggling upright she checks on her men who assure her they are okay as they scrabble about finding clubs and axes. Once she is happy she eyes Talsien carefully as she thank him donning her cloak and picking up her wands. We cannot leave. Something is amiss here, the chief here is abusing his followers. There are kobolds here and something else, but occasionaly a scaled one is taken down the passage there and when he returns he reeks of death, a shadow of a worm behind his dead eyes!

At this zimzim screams Eggs! Eggs! he screeches. The shaman arrives moments later, his scaled face happy at the destruction. Please. Save eggs our colony dies!

2015-03-02, 11:02 AM

The Goliath walks forward, club in hand, "We will save the unborn. Take us to your eggs. "

2015-03-02, 12:20 PM

"This bodes ill," Hal says. "If a dragon is involved with this worm conspiracy, it runs even deeper than we thought. These kobolds are likely thralls of the wyrm."

The fate of Myth Seretyn on his mind, he is not in any mood to suffer dragons to live.

"Mistress Marzena, can you offer us any aid? We are not nearly as damaged as your compatriots, but it has been a long journey to this point. If a dragon is hereabouts, we will all need to stand together."

Hal draws his swords and heads towards where the eggs are kept.

Exposition and preparation be damned! We have eggs to save!

2015-03-02, 12:22 PM

"Why is she looking at me funny?" Taliesn whispers to whoever is closest.

2015-03-02, 04:15 PM

Tossing the head down at the shaman's feet, Lan shrugged inwardly and readied his weapons, slipping forward to support his friends as they advanced. To Taliesn's question, he snorted. "She probably likes your fur."

Ready to go! And the trident is neat (and Lan is probably one of the better people to use a thrown weapon), but it can certainly go to the pool.

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-03-08, 03:29 PM
Marzena looks at her still stunned men, clutching one of her wands with a determined expression. "I shall remain here and watch my men. They are battered and need my support." The men nod slowly and the lizard shaman makes a placating gesture clearly indicating he means no harm. The shaman then points down a tunnel to the rest of the heroes sending you splashing down a dim dark passageway, the water slowly rising up to near waist high on Mirriana and Hal, neck high for the short Lan.

The deep water is only for 20ft or so before it begins to open out into a much wider chamber. This larger chamber feeling vibrant with a dark greenish light from the moss covered mangrove roots that form the interlaced the ceiling here. Shallow water no more than a few inches deep laps about the base of the small piles of hundreds of leathery looking eggs. At the northern end of the pool, surrounded by many of the smaller lizard ones sitting like a malignant gargoyle is a massive halfling sized black slime covered egg that seems to pulse internally. At the far end of the chamber a massive matted pile of wood and roots ats like a door into what must be a dragon sized escape tunnel. Even as you look around the chamber, mist drifting at the base of the eggs you cans ee in the light of your torch the unmistakable silhouette of worms and wriggling shapes within the dragon egg!


Even as you enter a trio of savage looking man sized draconic beasts rise up from behind the dark egg. hissing loudly and preparing to make you pay for daring to threaten their progenitor's egg!

Its a 40ft long, 20ft wide chamber
Lots of eggs kicking about so if you run/charge/double moves its RefDC15 to not break any eggs
The black egg is a at the far end

Mirrian, Lan, Talsien
Blackdragon spawn
the rest of the killer PCs

2015-03-08, 04:24 PM

"I suppose we should not break the lizard eggs," Hal says, drawing his bow and readying a shot.

Fire at the Kobold who looks least hurt:
[roll2] if crit needed
[roll3] x2 crit
[roll4] x3 crit

2015-03-09, 12:05 AM

Ewwww! Taliesn does not want to imagine what the fetid worms may have done to the dragon's egg. These dragons may be evil creatures, but nothing deserves that.

Yet the three dragonspawn seem to be protecting it, and if they are as knowledgeable about the worms as the lizardfolk – how abominable!

The others may be too slow to pick their way through the eggs, but not him. He lopes carefully around the eggs and onto the defenders to deliver some Taliesn-justice.

Here's hoping that the initiative win means their unready, so no AoOs. Otherwise, at least I'll flush out how strong our attackers are:

Trample #1: [roll0]
Trample #2: [roll1]
Trample #3: [roll2]

Reflex DC 12 for half damage; AoO, if not flat-footed, vs. AC ~22, I think. (I'll doublecheck, if anyone gets close.)

2015-03-09, 03:49 PM

The three creatures suddenly rose up and Lan pulled forth two arrows, letting them fly towards the two spawn most injured by Taliesn's rolling strikes.

5' step closer, rapid shot ... any spells on us right now?
[roll0], [roll1]
[roll2], [roll3]

HPs: 34/34; AC: 20
F +7, R +11, W +4

2015-03-10, 11:17 AM

"The eggs! Try not to trample the..." Hal trails off. It would be a lot worse if those worms got out of the dragon egg and infected the...

Oh no...