View Full Version : Can you help me build a character?

2015-01-15, 05:52 PM
For about levels one to 10. Maybe to level 20 but probabably not. I have a concept but am not sure how to do it, here it is.

The basic idea is that he was a clown that used shadow monk techniques. He tried to look under the mask of the ringleader, instead the mask sewed itself to his face, and began to wisper secrets into his hears, granting him eldrich powers, and makeing him look exactly like the ringmaster, who disapeared after he was unmasked. He know goes around trying to make himself useful, become an even greater master of the shadowy techniques that the ringmaster tought him, and hopeing to find some information on the ringmaster.

So yeah the basic idea is an entertainer shadow monk/ old one warlock.

However I am not sure what level to take first, or anything else like that. What do you think?

2015-01-15, 06:31 PM
Based on your description, I'd say start with five levels of monk and then switch to warlock for the rest of the campaign.

2015-01-15, 08:17 PM
Based on the background any build is possible as long as it has a level from each class. The question is what do you want to be able to do with this character, what role do you want to fit yourself in? Is there a particular ability that you want him to build around? It would be easy to answer something like monk x/ warlock y but it doesn't make sense if i don't know how you wanna play him as the possible combinations are endless.
In case you haven't thought much of it, i'd advise you mainly focus on one class.
Personally i find both classes very interesting on their own but a combination of them is a bit weird.
If you focus on the warlock side, the monk levels offer you almost nothing. A small dip is not worth the stats needed to multiclass as the abilities gained (unarmored defence, martial arts, ki and movement) are mostly favorable to a character that fights in melee. This would mean that you go bladelock to make your abilities synergise. TBH i can't find a way to make the early monk abilities help a warlock.
Unarmored defence is useless, even if you start with 16 of wis you have just +1 ac compared to a studded leather.
Martial arts may help at early levels but when resistances come in play you'll need to have your unarmed strikes count as magical which comes at 6. This is more than just a dip. Still, Monk 6/Warlock 14 is not that bad.

In case you want to be a scout/scirmisher you'd better have more monk than warlock. First take 6 levels of monk. After that, 2-3 level of warlock can offer you decent ranged scaling damage through eldritch blast. Hex is awesome with flurry of blows and armor of agathy's is nice early but loses it's effectiveness as you stop getting warlock levels. Try picking spells that dont rely much on cha cause you may not have the chance to raise it a lot.
Invocations are highly related to the pact you wanna make. If you want to be a ritual caster get book pact. Probably chain pact will help you the most, a strong familiar can assist you both in scouting and combat.
As for invocations, eldritch sight, mask of many faces and misty visions are all very handy. The common dip for agonizing+repelling blast doesn't help you as your cha should be low.

As for the race, wood elf is great but half-elf may be better if you need more skills and it also helps a lot with MAD. Halflings are good statwise (both subraces) and you shouldn't underestimate mountain dwarves but both of these races have lower movement which may be bad for a skirmish type of guy.

Finally, if you tell me more on what playstyle appeals more to you, i'd probably help you more precisely. Now i just throw ideas around.:smalltongue:

2015-01-15, 08:23 PM
Based on the background any build is possible as long as it has a level from each class. The question is what do you want to be able to do with this character, what role do you want to fit yourself in? Is there a particular ability that you want him to build around? It would be easy to answer something like monk x/ warlock y but it doesn't make sense if i don't know how you wanna play him as the possible combinations are endless.
In case you haven't thought much of it, i'd advise you mainly focus on one class.
Personally i find both classes very interesting on their own but a combination of them is a bit weird.
If you focus on the warlock side, the monk levels offer you almost nothing. A small dip is not worth the stats needed to multiclass as the abilities gained (unarmored defence, martial arts, ki and movement) are mostly favorable to a character that fights in melee. This would mean that you go bladelock to make your abilities synergise. TBH i can't find a way to make the early monk abilities help a warlock.
Unarmored defence is useless, even if you start with 16 of wis you have just +1 ac compared to a studded leather.
Martial arts may help at early levels but when resistances come in play you'll need to have your unarmed strikes count as magical which comes at 6. This is more than just a dip. Still, Monk 6/Warlock 14 is not that bad.

In case you want to be a scout/scirmisher you'd better have more monk than warlock. First take 6 levels of monk. After that, 2-3 level of warlock can offer you decent ranged scaling damage through eldritch blast. Hex is awesome with flurry of blows and armor of agathy's is nice early but loses it's effectiveness as you stop getting warlock levels. Try picking spells that dont rely much on cha cause you may not have the chance to raise it a lot.
Invocations are highly related to the pact you wanna make. If you want to be a ritual caster get book pact. Probably chain pact will help you the most, a strong familiar can assist you both in scouting and combat.
As for invocations, eldritch sight, mask of many faces and misty visions are all very handy. The common dip for agonizing+repelling blast doesn't help you as your cha should be low.

As for the race, wood elf is great but half-elf may be better if you need more skills and it also helps a lot with MAD. Halflings are good statwise (both subraces) and you shouldn't underestimate mountain dwarves but both of these races have lower movement which may be bad for a skirmish type of guy.

Finally, if you tell me more on what playstyle appeals more to you, i'd probably help you more precisely. Now i just throw ideas around.:smalltongue:

I am not sure what role I want to fit. I think a front line fighter would be cool. I just wanted the telepathy and the shadow leap thing. The whole at will disguise also sounds cool. An agile stealthy guy.
I think I want to be more monk. Oh yeah also, we are starting at level 2. I think it might be good to show my intent by going 1 monk/1 warlock. Not sure though, I may save this character for another camaign and pick a diffrent character for the campaign that may never go past level 2 as I like this concept.

The low charisma is an interesting thing.

Thank you for the reply!

2015-01-16, 01:20 AM
I am not sure what role I want to fit. I think a front line fighter would be cool. I just wanted the telepathy and the shadow leap thing. The whole at will disguise also sounds cool. An agile stealthy guy.
I think I want to be more monk. Oh yeah also, we are starting at level 2. I think it might be good to show my intent by going 1 monk/1 warlock. Not sure though, I may save this character for another camaign and pick a diffrent character for the campaign that may never go past level 2 as I like this concept.

The low charisma is an interesting thing.

Thank you for the reply!

You are more than welcome, i love building such concepts!

Starting 1/1 seems the right thing to do although perhaps not the optimal one...
As for level progression it should be something like:

-Monk 1 (fits the background and it also dex saves proficiency which suits you the most)
-Warlock 1 (patron comes in, important due to rp but not very usefull that early. Utilise the most out of it by casting hex while flurring your enemies. For cantrips pick eldritch blast and presidigitation)
-Monk 2 (for ki and some extra movement)
-Monk 3 (spells are nice but better use your ki for flurry of blows. bonus cantrip rocks!)
-Monk 4 (rushed this for extra dex)
-Warlock 2 (the invocations should kick in before it's too late. At will illusions, detect magic or disguise self are all too temting. Pick the two you like most. Also, you get a second spell slot which would be hex again or hellish rebuke to utilise one of your reactions)

After that point you have to choose whatever serves your needs better:
-warlock 3 will give you higher level slots and pact boon. Blade should be avoided as you don't need it. Book is good only if you want more cantrips and rituals though the latter would cost you an invocation so i'd personally pass. The very utility of the find familiar spell plus the improved monsters available make it the best choise IMHO.
-warlock 4 is there only for the asi. Do this only if you feel you need more dex.
-Monk 5 nets you the extra attack. Although nice, don't overestimate it as you make most of your damage through hex and martial arts' bonus action unarmed strikes.
-Monk 6 is really important as you need to bypass the resistance to non-magical weapons most monsters will have and finally you get shadow step.

Beyond this go full monk, you won't get much from warlock unless you desperatelly need an invocation and specific spells.

Stat-wise you should go
str 8
dex 14+
con 14
int 8-10
wis 14+
cha 13 (+?)

Your race will determine the minor details left on stats. It's highly recomended that you start with as high dex as possible but you should avoid having more than 2 odd scores.
Remember that you need the 13 in all cha, wis and dex to be able to multiclass. In case your dm is not that strict on it make your cha 12 or even 10.

1) You won't get many warlock spells and the ones you'll pick will be those that can help you in melee (Hex synergises greatly with monk, armor of agathy's or hellish rebuke). Feel free to know other spells too but you shouldn't invest much in those with dc or attack cause you can't afford a high cha and your warlock progression is too slow. Of course one or two save-or-suck won't hurt you as long as you can afford to see them fail sometimes. The most part of warlock in you will be the boon (better be the familiar), the invocations and the eldritch blast which you get in full scaling as it goes by character and not warlock level.
2) You don't need any feats more than stats' increases. Your classes offer great versatility in terms of skill selection, damage dealing and defences. On the other hand your stats will never be enough. Try having at least 16 dex and 14 wis at level 4, though you could easily have 18 dex and 16 wis at this point too if you pick a race that helps.