View Full Version : Homunculus as a familiar?

2015-01-15, 11:17 PM
The homunculus is detailed in the Monster Manual, but only the vaguest details are given about how one is created or their purpose. Historically, they served as familiars, but there's no mention of that in the 5e Monster Manual.

So what do y'all think; yay or nay on homunculus familiars?

2015-01-15, 11:44 PM
The homunculus is detailed in the Monster Manual, but only the vaguest details are given about how one is created or their purpose. Historically, they served as familiars, but there's no mention of that in the 5e Monster Manual.

So what do y'all think; yay or nay on homunculus familiars?

Compared to Imps and Quasits, they dont look broken at all.

2015-01-16, 08:34 AM
As part of the standard find familiar spell, nay.

As a special familiar one can acquire like the imps, yay.

I'd probably just port over the homunculi crafting process from third edition and let people run with that.

2015-01-24, 10:10 PM
Well the MM says that: "Shaping a mixture of clay, ash, mandrake root, and blood, one can channel rare ritual magic to create a faithful, squirrel-sized companion.", at least you know what are the materials, the ritual? well ask your DM if there's a way for you to find out how to make that ritual (maybe a powerfull mage will know), that would be a nice side quest for your group