View Full Version : The Quorum of the Pax Varinel

2015-01-15, 11:48 PM
The Rotan Palace
Midwinter, 492

Snowflakes drifted lazily from a heavy slate sky as you made your way through the great avenues of the city, cleared either due to the bitter weather or, more likely, by some royal order. Bare trees lined the streets and the windows and archways of the fine buildings were barricaded against the cold by heavy shutter. They couldn't have made their city more uninviting if they had tried.
Briefly, you consider what the city would look like during its famous Festival of Lights held early in the Spring with the trees in bloom and decorated with crystal lanterns, the streets themselves filled with dancers and market stalls. Your guide interrupts your reverie and you find yourself before the great bronze and silver gates of the Rotan Palace. They open noiselessly to admit you and a second guide in deep scarlet takes over to accompany you across the great court towards the entrance to the palace proper.
It was a chaotic building, clearly built over centuries and under many different architects and master builders. If the sky were clear and the Sun able to shine through you might have been impressed by how the domes, the intricate spires and stained glass caught the light. But today the sky was not clear and the overall effect was of great bleak claws reaching up to tear at the heavens and an oppressive heaviness from the main body of the structure.
Your guide speaks, reminding you of what the guards at the city gate had said concerning your guards and servants. The King asks that only two guards could accompany you into the home of the Toranath Family and that a hot meal and warm fire was waiting for the remainder of your entourage. Perhaps with one last look around at the stark trees that would in more amenable seasons fill the court will colour, you step through the doors and into another world.

The corridors and halls of the Rotan Palace were freezing. The cost after all, to heat such an interior with such high ceilings would be exorbitant. But as you were lead through the labyrinth of passages you got a good look at just what one could have with sufficient wealth. The finest materials were used from floor to ceiling and great works of art covered the walls, each room and hall unique and equally as splendid.
At last, your guide leads up a short flight of onyx and carnelian steps and through a pair of engraved silver doors. Unlike the palace thus far, this room is warm, heated by a vast lightly scented fire, the flickering light of which was the room's primary light source aside from the dim light that made its way through its several full length stained glass windows.
"I am sorry about the weather, the sky is usually clear on Midwinter."
Looking around, you easily locate the speaker, a man wearing a fur lined robe of deep blue and a bejewelled crown that you recognise as the King of Ashenia. He is standing next to an elliptical table covered with warm food and spiced wine.
"Weather aside, I would like to welcome you and thank you for participating in this quorum. No doubt you are fatigued from your journey. Please, have something to eat and rest by the fire while we wait for the others to arrive."

2015-01-16, 07:07 PM
Alexander Bordeux approached the city accompanied by a token guard of four men, all from the company stationed in Bordeux. He had never seen the city in winter; since Miranda took power, his family never spent much time in the north during winter, preferring the humid summers of the southern court. Still, the city had a sort of distant, jarring beauty to it. As he approaches the gates, all four guards are left behind to the hospitality of the Ashenians.

As Alexander enters the palace proper, he smiles wanly at the opulent decorations contained within. The Bordeux's had never taken the time to build a proper palace in Valterre, instead concentrating effort on public works in the south, while reigning from the Castle Tagne, the ancestral home of his great-grandfather. It serviced, though it did not feel very royal.

Upon entering the conference room, he is jarred from his revery by the voice of King Kellan. No need for apologies, King Kellan. Indeed, it has been far too long since I experienced a good northern winter.

2015-01-16, 11:55 PM
Mormaer Ogier arrived in the hall without guards, having left them outside the inner walls of the city to find their own entertainment and ask the many questions they had about the Sulvai and the reports of great monsters worthy of Eyeslayers. The Mormaer himself was cloaked in a thick black fur that made his short frame appear at once broader and and less over-stuffed at the middle. A great greying bear, almost 2/3 silvered now, hung in braids over his chest and stomach and he wore only a ceremonial sword which he unbuckled and passed to a retainer as he entered the palace properly.

Though it had not been during his lifetime the Razdissi had once held Sulvan's Fury as a province of the Underpire and the Mormaer was relatively aware of UN history and relations. After all, some still argued Razdis was a member of the Union of the Northwest due to their former administration of the Sulvai in which treaties made by the Sulvai had been accepted as agreements to be carried on by the Razdis. Ogier found such arguments intriguing if prone to becoming sufficiently uninteresting and while he had toyed with legalisms in his youth he had found the position of Mormaer demanded more attention to governing than it did to examining old documents of dubious relevance.

He had re-familiarized himself with the Pax Varinel during his journey to Ashenia, having learned about in governance classes during his upbringing. It seemed a relatively straight forward document but such things rarely were and if that were true the King of Ashenia would not have called this meeting. He arrived to the warm room set aside for deliberations and greeted the arrived Lord Alexander and the King of Ashenia and removed his great fur cloak.

"A dwarf embraces the cold of the underground but the cold of the surface is a different matter!" the Mormaer said with a friendly smile, "I think it's the wind that makes the difference. Not much wind underground you see," he explained to the Bordeusi and the Ashenian.

"There was something about food? I myself am famished and none too eager to hurry into deliberations have naught to eat but tea and biscuits in front of me," the Mormaer said with a friendly tone, "I take no issue with tea and biscuits mind you," he continued to Alexander who he now stood near as he approached the food table, "But it isn't a proper meal by any stretch of the imagination. Oh, King Kellan you've outdone yourself! Compliments to the staff!" the Mormaer said, beginning to pile a plate with the more succulent offerings.

"Lord of Bordeux, might I ask a question of you that if my retainers heard me ask would have them in tithers but is something that's nagged at myself for ages, what is your leading title with the formation of your Empire? I have insisted to my retainers it was in all likelihood Emperor befitting the titling of your realm as Empire but they all insist obscure cultural reasons might preclude such a title. So no doubt you might settle this matter once and for all?"

2015-01-17, 03:22 PM
Upon entering the conference room, he is jarred from his revery by the voice of King Kellan. No need for apologies, King Kellan. Indeed, it has been far too long since I experienced a good northern winter.

Kellan bowed politely
"As always you are welcome here Lord Alexander, as is your illustrious family. Though I feel I should point out that these good Northern Winters wear thin after a while, I cannot blame the Kingdom, or Empire as I should say, of the Silver Moon for its decision to establish itself in a warmer climate."

"A dwarf embraces the cold of the underground but the cold of the surface is a different matter!" the Mormaer said with a friendly smile, "I think it's the wind that makes the difference. Not much wind underground you see," he explained to the Bordeusi and the Ashenian.

"There was something about food? I myself am famished and none too eager to hurry into deliberations have naught to eat but tea and biscuits in front of me," the Mormaer said with a friendly tone, "I take no issue with tea and biscuits mind you," he continued to Alexander who he now stood near as he approached the food table, "But it isn't a proper meal by any stretch of the imagination. Oh, King Kellan you've outdone yourself! Compliments to the staff!" the Mormaer said, beginning to pile a plate with the more succulent offerings.

"Thank you for attending Mormaer Ogier. Fortunately, the spirits have kept the wind mostly in check this year."
He smiled as the Mormaer commented on the food.
"I'll convey your compliments to them. Make certain to try the Sulvan brandy, I find that nothing is more effective at taking the edge off the chill. Save of course a warm fire and good food."

2015-01-17, 08:14 PM
The Queen of Faedas, High Prince of Sanctuary, and current Queen of the Heartwaste Holds and Princess of the Heartwaste, Kyria Varinel arrived at the great Ashenian palace. She might have been awed by the towering and marvelous structure, that is, if she were capable of seeing it. All she saw around her was darkness, though the Mother's Blessing had begun to allow her to view the greater and lesser shades of darkness, a skill lost to many including herself when she still possessed her vision but that had slowly come revealed as time wore on and her vision did not return. This dark sight allowed her to travel through the portals of shade as the other Chosen were and had become more and more her reliant form of movement.

Still, much of her surroundings was lost to her and it was for that reason she did not travel alone. Hilja Sam Rivitar, half-elf bastard of the Qzare Gun Huang and member of The Watchers who had pledged their loyalty and the loyalty of their family lines to the Queen and her Brood traveled alongside the Queen, a step ahead. The young half moss-elf was also one of the descendants of Jarrow who had been blessed by the Lord of Fire by King Elwyr with the ability to glow with the Lord's light. It was for this latter attribute the young half-elf had been chosen by the Queen and the fact that young Hilja pulsed slowly as she walked in front of the Queen explained why. The light given off by the half-elf, while somewhat strenuous to Kyria's dark vision also provided a point to reference against the many shades of black for it pierced not only material light but into the ethereal lightness and darkness through which Kyria was now confined to witness the world.

The chill of the cold northern winter went unnoticed by the Queen, her flesh had, since the Grove, grown accustomed to chill and remained cooler than the majority of living beings she interacted with at all times. This perhaps helped explain her dress which was stylized in a far more Autumnal fashion with thinly sewn sleeves of Kinu Kuroth lace and an open neckline that modestly but not conservatively accentuated her figure. The dress was black, as if in mourning, and she wore her veil as she always had even before the attack on her sight which hung lazily in front of her eyes and hid their scarred image from onlookers. Her silvery hair was tied in a tight and intricate pattern on the back of her head and she wore only the barest of jewelries, a simple necklace of bronze set with an amethyst and a golden ring bearing Aukii bat seal of Sanctuary upon its raised circle for stamping upon documents. Her skin was as light as the snow around them and stood out sharply against her darkly colored lips and nails which bore the black coloration of makeups.

Hilja wore a well cut dress herself, though in a more winter fashion than that of the Queen, as well as cloaking herself in a fashionable fur coat to keep back the chill of the north. Her skin was a light grey and even when she didn't pulse with the blessing of her father's ancestry her mother's kept her glowing faintly as her veins emanated a soft pink glow beneath the surface of her skin. Her hair was dark red and held back with hair sticks made of mammoth ivory and topped with amethysts in the Salterri high-born style. A simple silver necklace about her throat bore the symbol of the Jarrow cadet branch of Eyrecradia, her adopted house within Court society.

The two women made their way through the Palace, Hilja leading the Queen with soft pulses of light until they entered the warm room where the deliberation was to be held. At King Kellan's words the Queen nodded her head in the direction of his voice and replied politely,

"Thank you for agreeing to host this event King Kellan," the Queen said, her voice reminding those familiar with such things of the purr of a great cat preparing to face off against another predator, "It is my dearest hope the matters causing of your concern will be resolved in a satisfactory way and that any misgivings might be clarified by this meeting among the friends of the Heartwaste."

"Might I request my companion be allowed to stay for these deliberations? Though I am learning to adapt to my new handicap I regret I still need occasional help and Hilja is one of my finest caretakers. She will of course be sworn to any oaths of secrecy or non-disclosure should you feel this meeting merit such."

Hilja stood respectfully beside the Queen, no longer emitting any glow from the Lord's Blessing and allowing the King to appraise her.

2015-01-17, 08:34 PM
The Sycian ambassador arrived with little fanfare, accompanied by a drakeborn and a wolfborn. The former was a massive juggernaut of a being, with a pair of curving horns that gave the impression of a crown. He had bronze scales, and a massive scar over his blind right eye. He wore a pair of tower shields on each arm, but otherwise wore only a pair of pants.

The wolfborne bore no visible weapons, but was wrapped up in... well, let's be honest, he was dressed like a ninja. The mouth full of canines was hidden by the clothing's half-mask, but his shaggy gray hair, slitted yellow eyes and wolf ears left his race in no doubt.

The ambassador herself was an old catfolk woman, past the point where such a journey would be expected of her. She wore a robe that indicated her position as a Head Priestess, and a necklace set with an ice blue gem. She stood hunched over, as if she had problems in her spine.

Marvella, unfortunately, could not personally attend. Eirlys wished she could just retire already, but finding a priestess as knowledgeable as she'd been about the world's affairs had proven difficult. She had a duty to the Doctrine and would not forsake it until she died or a suitable replacement was found.

When the king presented himself, both the drakeborn and wolfborne guards knelt in reverence.

"Honor to Ashenia and her king." The drakeborn said quietly. Or rather, tried to: his voice was deep and booming, a result of his large size.

"May your winters make you strong." The wolfborne intoned. His voice was raspy, though this was evidently because of his body and not an intended effect.

"And may you see many... I would bow as well, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to stand back up. These old bones aren't what they used to be, as the King well knows." Eirlys placed both hands on her cane and tilted her head down. She turned to the others there. "I apologize that Lady Marvella could not personally attend - I'm afraid she's become ill. I am Eirlys, Head Priestess of Foreign Affairs."

Eirlys knew the situation and had done her research. This would not be easy, but she felt she could adequately sway the opinions of the people here... provided, of course, that they cared more about the potential breach of the Pax Varinel than the Sunset War. Which admittedly was in doubt given the situation she now found herself in, but if this had been done with less than pure intentions then she had no chance anyway. She was glad she'd been here on business already, it made the trip less stressful.

More importantly, she was glad she was allowed to keep two guards.

2015-01-18, 09:43 PM
"Thank you for agreeing to host this event King Kellan," the Queen said, her voice reminding those familiar with such things of the purr of a great cat preparing to face off against another predator, "It is my dearest hope the matters causing of your concern will be resolved in a satisfactory way and that any misgivings might be clarified by this meeting among the friends of the Heartwaste."

"Might I request my companion be allowed to stay for these deliberations? Though I am learning to adapt to my new handicap I regret I still need occasional help and Hilja is one of my finest caretakers. She will of course be sworn to any oaths of secrecy or non-disclosure should you feel this meeting merit such."

The King of Ashenia bowed his head respectively.
"It is my hope also that this matter be resolved in a satisfactory manner.
"And of course, I would not think of denying you the assistance of your companion. I have no doubt that she is a woman of considerable honour and discretion. If you feel confident placing your trust in her then I will do the same."

"Honor to Ashenia and her king." The drakeborn said quietly. Or rather, tried to: his voice was deep and booming, a result of his large size.

"May your winters make you strong." The wolfborne intoned. His voice was raspy, though this was evidently because of his body and not an intended effect.

"And may you see many... I would bow as well, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to stand back up. These old bones aren't what they used to be, as the King well knows." Eirlys placed both hands on her cane and tilted her head down. She turned to the others there. "I apologize that Lady Marvella could not personally attend - I'm afraid she's become ill. I am Eirlys, Head Priestess of Foreign Affairs."

Kellan strode forward and knelt in seeming deference before the foreign priestess.
"Excellency, I am glad you are able to be in attendance."
He stood and politely led Eirlys over to a chair so she could sit down.
"Tell me, what is the nature of the High Priestess's illness? I can dispatch physicians should they be required."

2015-01-18, 11:48 PM
Kellan strode forward and knelt in seeming deference before the foreign priestess.
"Excellency, I am glad you are able to be in attendance."
He stood and politely led Eirlys over to a chair so she could sit down.
"Tell me, what is the nature of the High Priestess's illness? I can dispatch physicians should they be required."

"Thank you for your hospitality and your offer, but it is unnecessary. It's nothing life-threatening, but she can't travel - she isn't lucid, and has a strong fever and a slight cough. Or so I'm told." Eirlys gratefully took the offered seat. The drakeborn and wolfborn took positions at Eirlys' side. "I was already here in Ashenia in any case, and foreign diplomacy is my entire job. Made sense to send me in her place." She smiled at the king. "That said, she was quite eager to meet you personally."

The King already knew Eirlys had been here, of course - her words had helped persuade them to convert to the Doctrine, much to the surprise of the world around them. She'd also been practically begging him not to call this Quorum against Faedas, or to at least delay it until after the Sunset War, when a proper unbiased judgement could be made.

Obviously, she'd failed. But when life gave you a tundra, build an igloo.

2015-01-19, 10:01 PM
Guilder entered the building quietly, eyeing the diverse assortment of those in attendance. There were the frozen silent folk of their opposite sides of the globe; Ashenia and Glazfell. The frozen-talkative ones, Sycia, stood alongside as well, accompanied by creatures that many would consider monstrous. The Bordeusi beside them, an odd sight to be sitting right alongside Raneeka and Guilder in such a friendly fashion.

The room was thick with tension; obvious hatred or quiet distrust abounded and every eye roved across the room, looking for threats. There were few guards, but they stayed wary, weapons at their hips.

An unnamed diplomat sat down, and quietly waited in his place. Few of those here had any chance of actually representing their countries should a change of opinion occur. No, this was not a conference for those open-minded. It was thinly disguised, if at all, as another excuse to be fought over, for one side or another to pull, dirty, from the heap and claim. He sighed, awaiting the proceedings.

2015-01-19, 11:53 PM
The King of Ashenia bowed his head respectively.
"It is my hope also that this matter be resolved in a satisfactory manner.
"And of course, I would not think of denying you the assistance of your companion. I have no doubt that she is a woman of considerable honour and discretion. If you feel confident placing your trust in her then I will do the same."

"Thank you Your Grace, if you'll excuse me I must prepare myself," the Queen nodded respectfully in the direction of the King's voice and Hilja led the Queen to a seat at the conference table.

"Have something to eat Hilja, you'll be starved during the proceedings, I'll be fine just sitting here," the Queen said after a moment of Hilja standing dutifully by.

The half-elf thanked the Queen and headed over to the food buffet where the Dwarf was piling his plate and speaking with the other attendants.

"Hello cousin," she said with a smile, for the Eyrecradian and Razdissi people were of a shared ancestry, "What have you found pleasing to the palette of the underworlder?"

Guilder entered the building quietly, eyeing the diverse assortment of those in attendance. There were the frozen silent folk of their opposite sides of the globe; Ashenia and Glazfell. The frozen-talkative ones, Sycia, stood alongside as well, accompanied by creatures that many would consider monstrous. The Bordeusi beside them, an odd sight to be sitting right alongside Raneeka and Guilder in such a friendly fashion.

The room was thick with tension; obvious hatred or quiet distrust abounded and every eye roved across the room, looking for threats. There were few guards, but they stayed wary, weapons at their hips.

An unnamed diplomat sat down, and quietly waited in his place. Few of those here had any chance of actually representing their countries should a change of opinion occur. No, this was not a conference for those open-minded. It was thinly disguised, if at all, as another excuse to be fought over, for one side or another to pull, dirty, from the heap and claim. He sighed, awaiting the proceedings.

The Queen sensed another diplomat sit down at the table, she could smell their warm flesh and sense them through her dark vision.

"Perhaps this discussion might go quicker if it were only the two of us stranger," the Queen said a smile playing at the corner of her lips, "I find the more people become involved in a conflict only the more disastrous and ruinous it becomes for all parties, wouldn't you agree?"

2015-01-19, 11:56 PM
"Thank you for your hospitality and your offer, but it is unnecessary. It's nothing life-threatening, but she can't travel - she isn't lucid, and has a strong fever and a slight cough. Or so I'm told." Eirlys gratefully took the offered seat. The drakeborn and wolfborn took positions at Eirlys' side. "I was already here in Ashenia in any case, and foreign diplomacy is my entire job. Made sense to send me in her place." She smiled at the king. "That said, she was quite eager to meet you personally."

"Despite your assurances, I admit that I remain concerned. I can only hope that Yphine's grace will guide her through this Winter."
He bowed his head and made the Sign of the North Wind, an old charm for good luck and strength associated with the Spirit of Winter now co-opted by the King for use in regard to Yphine.
"Upon the cessation of the war that rages far to the East, I will make certain to travel to Sycia for the necessary pilgrimage. I would do so now and though I trust that King Torre would ensure safe passage, I fear that not all of his subjects are as honourable as he is."

"Thank you Your Grace, if you'll excuse me I must prepare myself," the Queen nodded respectfully in the direction of the King's voice and Hilja led the Queen to a seat at the conference table.

"Of course Your Grace. Once all the signatories have arrives and you are ready, we will begin."

2015-01-20, 12:00 AM
The Queen sensed another diplomat sit down at the table, she could smell their warm flesh and sense them through her dark vision.

"Perhaps this discussion might go quicker if it were only the two of us stranger," the Queen said a smile playing at the corner of her lips, "I find the more people become involved in a conflict only the more disastrous and ruinous it becomes for all parties, wouldn't you agree?"

The diplomat bows. "But a few years ago, many people would have disagreed with you, until they saw the death-toll for the war. But what simple solution would you suggest for just us two?"

2015-01-20, 12:16 AM
The diplomat bows. "But a few years ago, many people would have disagreed with you, until they saw the death-toll for the war. But what simple solution would you suggest for just us two?"

"It is a matter of accepting responsibility and facing ones dues as judged them to be fairly and impartially. For the case of ourselves, I stand accused of breaking the words set forth by my mother over a century prior. The King of Ashenia has called my actions to be examined. So perhaps we shall examine them? I stand accused of sending forces to defend the regions of the Glazfell Hegemony and the Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine, both signatories of the Pax, both allies to my greater nation of Faedas. While I can find no wording in the Pax that discourages such things it has been nearly two years since I have laid my eyes on anything of particular written relevance given the unprovoked attack on myself and my family."

"Nevertheless, that would be the first issue to resolve, have I in my position as ruler of the Heartwaste breached the ancient Pax? I do not believe so, but it shall be for the Quorum to decide. If they agree I have not we shall return to the status quo and the Pax remains valid. If they do not agree than my authority as ruler of the Heartwaste shall be voided and I shall submit to the Quorum the opportunity to appoint a line of Varinel successor to the Principality of the Heartwaste. I do not overly mind if I no longer control the direct fief of the Heartwaste, and little will change for I am still Queen of Faedas, Queen of the Heartwaste Holds, and High Prince of Sanctuary, but I am ever attendant to the desires of those who swore to uphold the Pax Varinel even if some may attempt to destabilize it."

"A similar attitude might have avoided this war. One must take responsibility, accept the judgment of their jurors, and pay the price for their offense if found to have offended. It is this very concept from which we build nations stranger, and when it is breached and unrepaid the breachers are set upon as a criminal would be set upon by law for avoiding sentence for their crimes. I am no criminal though, I am a citizen of this world and a leader within it and will hold myself to my word as long as I am able."

2015-01-20, 12:20 AM
"Despite your assurances, I admit that I remain concerned. I can only hope that Yphine's grace will guide her through this Winter."
He bowed his head and made the Sign of the North Wind, an old charm for good luck and strength associated with the Spirit of Winter now co-opted by the King for use in regard to Yphine.
"Upon the cessation of the war that rages far to the East, I will make certain to travel to Sycia for the necessary pilgrimage. I would do so now and though I trust that King Torre would ensure safe passage, I fear that not all of his subjects are as honourable as he is."

"Your concern is understandable - many of our new converts in Serendel are waiting until this entire incident abates as well." She nodded. "We look forward to it - in part because the war will be over, but also because Marvella has been most interested to meet you." Eirlys grinned wide. "And the Icefall is beautiful - quite worth the wait to see."

Morgthar didn't say anything but he did grin. The wolfborn's* nose twitched as well, and a slight twinkle entered his eye.

*(that I haven't named yet)

2015-01-20, 12:26 AM
"It is a matter of accepting responsibility and facing ones dues as judged them to be fairly and impartially. For the case of ourselves, I stand accused of breaking the words set forth by my mother over a century prior. The King of Ashenia has called my actions to be examined. So perhaps we shall examine them? I stand accused of sending forces to defend the regions of the Glazfell Hegemony and the Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine, both signatories of the Pax, both allies to my greater nation of Faedas. While I can find no wording in the Pax that discourages such things it has been nearly two years since I have laid my eyes on anything of particular written relevance given the unprovoked attack on myself and my family."

"Nevertheless, that would be the first issue to resolve, have I in my position as ruler of the Heartwaste breached the ancient Pax? I do not believe so, but it shall be for the Quorum to decide. If they agree I have not we shall return to the status quo and the Pax remains valid. If they do not agree than my authority as ruler of the Heartwaste shall be voided and I shall submit to the Quorum the opportunity to appoint a line of Varinel successor to the Principality of the Heartwaste. I do not overly mind if I no longer control the direct fief of the Heartwaste, and little will change for I am still Queen of Faedas, Queen of the Heartwaste Holds, and High Prince of Sanctuary, but I am ever attendant to the desires of those who swore to uphold the Pax Varinel even if some may attempt to destabilize it."

"A similar attitude might have avoided this war. One must take responsibility, accept the judgment of their jurors, and pay the price for their offense if found to have offended. It is this very concept from which we build nations stranger, and when it is breached and unrepaid the breachers are set upon as a criminal would be set upon by law for avoiding sentence for their crimes. I am no criminal though, I am a citizen of this world and a leader within it and will hold myself to my word as long as I am able."

The diplomat was apparently a man of far fewer words than the Queen, for his only response to her speech was, "You assume this is not a battlefield. But it is."

2015-01-20, 12:30 AM
The diplomat was apparently a man of far fewer words than the Queen, for his only response to her speech was, "You assume this is not a battlefield. But it is."

"I assume this is what I was told it was and believe it to be by the word of Ashenia, a court, one of law and justice. That you see it as a battlefield is disturbing and I hope only that you do not make me out to be your opposing army before the testimony is heard," the Queen said, her tone cool.

2015-01-20, 12:34 AM
The diplomat was apparently a man of far fewer words than the Queen, for his only response to her speech was, "You assume this is not a battlefield. But it is."

Eirlys stared at the Guilder diplomat for a few brief moments before pinching the bridge of her nose. "Morgthar, please take this imposter into custody."

Morgthar blinked twice and looked down to the Sycian diplomat. "Uh... ma'am?"

"No one with even the slightest experience in foreign policy would ever try to manipulate justice to selfish ends. And if they did, they sure as Flame wouldn't admit it to an entire room of people charged with upholding aforementioned justice. This man has clearly been hired as a poor and stupid attempt to slander Guilder's name. I will not have some hobo in a suit playing the role of a diplomat. So please, throw him out of these proceedings."

Morgthar blinked again, then glanced to the King of Ashenia. "It's your palace, my lord. Should I?"

2015-01-20, 12:56 AM
"I assume this is what I was told it was and believe it to be by the word of Ashenia, a court, one of law and justice. That you see it as a battlefield is disturbing and I hope only that you do not make me out to be your opposing army before the testimony is heard," the Queen said, her tone cool.

The man bows, his arthritic pain clear in the deferential motion. "I apologize that you should misunderstand me. No swords shall be drawn here, of course. Justice may even be dispensed, if we are in fact lucky.

"But to assume that any meeting of nations is one where the various parties do not have their own ends in mind... is rather--" but he is in fact cut off as the Sycian delegate breaks into the conversation.

Eirlys stared at the Guilder diplomat for a few brief moments before pinching the bridge of her nose. "Morgthar, please take this imposter into custody."

Morgthar blinked twice and looked down to the Sycian diplomat. "Uh... ma'am?"

"No one with even the slightest experience in foreign policy would ever try to manipulate justice to selfish ends. And if they did, they sure as Flame wouldn't admit it to an entire room of people charged with upholding aforementioned justice. This man has clearly been hired as a poor and stupid attempt to slander Guilder's name. I will not have some hobo in a suit playing the role of a diplomat. So please, throw him out of these proceedings."

Morgthar blinked again, then glanced to the King of Ashenia. "It's your palace, my lord. Should I?"

"Ah! You have detected the ruse, milady. I am no diplomat... Though, in truth, I am appointed one. I am sent of Guilder, and I am supposedly to bear witness to this trial. Yet my heart is darkened. I have been upon this earth 4 score and 8 brace of years, and I have never yet seen the man, woman, or child who could be wholy, utterly, unselfish.

"In this room the fate of twenty thousand young men, if not forty, is being decided. Countries, empires, power blocs are represented, each with their own desires. Every nation, of course, says they desire justice. I do, certainly." Another bow.

"But as I said, I am not born to be a diplomat. I am born to be an honest man, straightforward and true. I will not come here under pretense, though others shall. Let justice be attempted, please. But equally, I beg of you not to place such faith in the system, or the Pax. Justice is not a foregone conclusion, please do not treat it as such."

2015-01-20, 01:06 AM
The man bows, his arthritic pain clear in the deferential motion. "I apologize that you should misunderstand me. No swords shall be drawn here, of course. Justice may even be dispensed, if we are in fact lucky.

"But to assume that any meeting of nations is one where the various parties do not have their own ends in mind... is rather--" but he is in fact cut off as the Sycian delegate breaks into the conversation.

"Ah! You have detected the ruse, milady. I am no diplomat... Though, in truth, I am appointed one. I am sent of Guilder, and I am supposedly to bear witness to this trial. Yet my heart is darkened. I have been upon this earth 4 score and 8 brace of years, and I have never yet seen the man, woman, or child who could be wholy, utterly, unselfish.

"In this room the fate of twenty thousand young men, if not forty, is being decided. Countries, empires, power blocs are represented, each with their own desires. Every nation, of course, says they desire justice. I do, certainly." Another bow.

"But as I said, I am not born to be a diplomat. I am born to be an honest man, straightforward and true. I will not come here under pretense, though others shall. Let justice be attempted, please. But equally, I beg of you not to place such faith in the system, or the Pax. Justice is not a foregone conclusion, please do not treat it as such."

"So Guilder did not think this matter important enough to send a proper delegate. The absolute least required for such a matter." Eirlys took her head in both hands. "And your entire defense of yourself boils down to 'I'm too incompetent as a diplomat to be judged as a diplomat'. I will assume all those present know the problem with this and ask that we move on before my migrane grows any worse."

"The Pax exists because it was necessary when it was signed. As such, it should be obeyed until such time it is no longer relevant, and at that point either stricken down or revised. This meeting is not to determine whether the Pax is worth obeying, it is to determine whether or not it has been meaningfully violated."

2015-01-20, 01:08 AM

The seated bow was lost on Kyria for she could not perceive the motion. Suddenly another voice entered the conversation, two new voices. A woman, older, and a male, non-human she would guess by the voice. Then the response by the stranger, ah, a Guilderene, that would explain it.

"Unlike you non-diplomat of Guilder, I place my faith in the honor and justice of the world, especially when sitting in the halls of the King of Ashenia. Perhaps I am naïve to do so, but I prefer to think of myself of simply putting faith in the words of other nations and in their reputations. Perhaps if I were of a nation that put less emphasis on their word or if this Quorum were hosted by another I might trust less the word of my fellow states but I trust justice to come through, and if it does not then the true core of a nation's word is revealed."

2015-01-20, 01:30 AM
The man smiles genuinely to both of them. "That optimism is good. It means that I might even... might, even, be wrong."

2015-01-20, 04:17 AM
"Your concern is understandable - many of our new converts in Serendel are waiting until this entire incident abates as well." She nodded. "We look forward to it - in part because the war will be over, but also because Marvella has been most interested to meet you." Eirlys grinned wide. "And the Icefall is beautiful - quite worth the wait to see."

Morgthar didn't say anything but he did grin. The wolfborn's* nose twitched as well, and a slight twinkle entered his eye.

*(that I haven't named yet)

"It will be an honour to meet with the High Priestess. Of course the journey will not be entirely one out of faith, there are after all, a few minor issues regarding pilgrimage and religious education to sort out."

OOC: In the interim his name shall be Steve.

Morgthar blinked again, then glanced to the King of Ashenia. "It's your palace, my lord. Should I?"

"No. I have plenty of my own guards should I desire someone arrested."

He stood silently and listened as the man of Guilder and the other delegates engaged in their discussion as if deciding what to do.
"Guilder has the right of representation at this quorum. Whether they choose to send a man trained in diplomacy and protocol is their own prerogative.
"Though I require two things from you. The first is your name and some proof that you are truly who you claim to be and the second is that you refrain from being needlessly disruptive. Failure to provide the first will result in arrest as an impostor and the latter with expulsion from these proceedings. The decision we are gathered here to make is of considerable importance and I will not allow the Sun to set on failure to reach a consensus.
"That goes for all of you. We are nobles and lords, let us do our duty and not allow the latest distraction to snare our attention."

2015-01-20, 09:57 AM
A set of sounds could be heard approaching the hall just before the conference began. Three people were approaching, although the footsteps of one were drowned out by the sheer volume of the other two.

Rove Earthguard, Grïend and an old man nobody really recognised entered the hall and stood at the entrance.
Kialdo whispered something to the Arche of the Eternal Mountain and Rove nodded.

The group made their way to the Ashenian King, bowing before him.

"May Prowess bend destiny forever in your favor, King Kellan. I am Arche Rove Earthguard, Arche in service of the Hurosha Empire. As you are probably familiar with the Pax, I will keep it short and blunt if that is alright with you. Would it be possible for us to observe the proceedings? Of course, we will not cast a vote or participate in the conference itself, unless somebody that has signed the Pax asks for our opinion. If you would rather have us leave, you just need say so. We understand if you would want that and we'll not be insulted by such a decision."

Rove pointed at Kialdo.

"May I introduce you to the Grand Minister of Alzeroth?"

"Greetings." The old man said.

"My name is Kialdo Visontas, Grand Minister of the Alzeroth Collective. It is good to meet you, King Kellan. I feel there is a significant amount of learning to be had here, hence the proposition of the good sir Arche here.

2015-01-20, 10:04 AM
"No. I have plenty of my own guards should I desire someone arrested."

He stood silently and listened as the man of Guilder and the other delegates engaged in their discussion as if deciding what to do.
"Guilder has the right of representation at this quorum. Whether they choose to send a man trained in diplomacy and protocol is their own prerogative.
"Though I require two things from you. The first is your name and some proof that you are truly who you claim to be and the second is that you refrain from being needlessly disruptive. Failure to provide the first will result in arrest as an impostor and the latter with expulsion from these proceedings. The decision we are gathered here to make is of considerable importance and I will not allow the Sun to set on failure to reach a consensus.
"That goes for all of you. We are nobles and lords, let us do our duty and not allow the latest distraction to snare our attention."
The man bows, producing a scroll written and signed by Doge Wesley, and hands it to the king.

"To answer the other question, I believe that I was not disruptive, merely illustrative. Note that at all times I was calm, quiet, and did not raise my voice. I am not, however, responsible for other delegates' failure to do the same."

He sits down without further comment.

2015-01-20, 11:08 AM
The group made their way to the Ashenian King, bowing before him.

"May Prowess bend destiny forever in your favor, King Kellan. I am Arche Rove Earthguard, Arche in service of the Hurosha Empire. As you are probably familiar with the Pax, I will keep it short and blunt if that is alright with you. Would it be possible for us to observe the proceedings? Of course, we will not cast a vote or participate in the conference itself, unless somebody that has signed the Pax asks for our opinion. If you would rather have us leave, you just need say so. We understand if you would want that and we'll not be insulted by such a decision."

Rove pointed at Kialdo.

"May I introduce you to the Grand Minister of Alzeroth?"

"Greetings." The old man said.

"My name is Kialdo Visontas, Grand Minister of the Alzeroth Collective. It is good to meet you, King Kellan. I feel there is a significant amount of learning to be had here, hence the proposition of the good sir Arche here.

Kellan bowed his head respectfully, as much to conceal a look of confusion and annoyance as to follow proper protocol.
"Lord Arche, Ambassador Grïend, Grand Minister. This is most irregular and were the weather more amenable I'd have you all thrown into the street for not awaiting permission to enter my home. Nevertheless, I shall forgive this oversight and will not deny you my hospitality. Please, eat, drink and warm yourselves by the fire.
"However... Whether or not you are to be permitted to observe these proceedings is not my decision to make. I believe that under the circumstances Kyria of Faedas should be the one to decide."
The King poured himself a very large glass of Sulvan brandy before finishing.
"Now, if it as I suspect and you are not simply passing through as you travel between Kasumor and Alzeroth and you wish to speak with me concerning a matter of importance, I will of course be available after Sunset."

The man bows, producing a scroll written and signed by Doge Wesley, and hands it to the king.

"To answer the other question, I believe that I was not disruptive, merely illustrative. Note that at all times I was calm, quiet, and did not raise my voice. I am not, however, responsible for other delegates' failure to do the same."

For about half a minute, Kellan examined the scroll.
"This seems to be in order. I am confident that you are here for the reasons you claim, though I fear the war does much to distract Lord Wesley as he seems to have forgotten the simple expedient of recording your name. I'll let that slip for today."
The King downed half his glass of brandy before addressing the room.
"He wasn't the only one I was warning. If anyone disrupts these proceedings from their intended purpose, raised voice or not, they insult not only myself but the Queen of Faedas and all who are assembled here. I am an accommodating host, do not force me to show just how accommodating I can be."

2015-01-20, 11:48 AM
Kellan bowed his head respectfully, as much to conceal a look of confusion and annoyance as to follow proper protocol.
"Lord Arche, Ambassador Grïend, Grand Minister. This is most irregular and were the weather more amenable I'd have you all thrown into the street for not awaiting permission to enter my home. Nevertheless, I shall forgive this oversight and will not deny you my hospitality. Please, eat, drink and warm yourselves by the fire.
"However... Whether or not you are to be permitted to observe these proceedings is not my decision to make. I believe that under the circumstances Kyria of Faedas should be the one to decide."
The King poured himself a very large glass of Sulvan brandy before finishing.
"Now, if it as I suspect and you are not simply passing through as you travel between Kasumor and Alzeroth and you wish to speak with me concerning a matter of importance, I will of course be available after Sunset."

OOC: Wait wut, I think I screwed up there. Oke, I'll roll with it xD.

Rove bowed deeply, his head down as he spoke.

"My most sincere apologies, sire, we were not aware we entered unannounced. I send a messenger ahead to make ourselves known. We were directed to here by the guards aswel, so it would seem some communication errors between yours and mine occured. It shows your kindness that you allow us entry even under these conditions. Again, my apologies."

"If you would excuse me, I will inquire with my sister if she can allow us to attend."

Although I judge our chances quite slim, knowing that overcooked hitsuji. The Arche thought as he left.

Kialdo spoke to the King directly. "My apologies, King Kellan. I should've been more vigilant. After sunset you say? Does this conference last that long? Alas, I am not very knowledgable on Ashenian culture and customs, so please excuse my confusion about certain matters."

OOC: As Alzeroth is quite far away from the battlefield, Kialdo would probably not use the "Sunset" war description. Hence his confusion.

2015-01-20, 12:09 PM
OOC: Wait wut, I think I screwed up there. Oke, I'll roll with it xD.

Rove bowed deeply, his head down as he spoke.

"My most sincere apologies, sire, we were not aware we entered unannounced. I send a messenger ahead to make ourselves known. We were directed to here by the guards aswel, so it would seem some communication errors between yours and mine occured. It shows your kindness that you allow us entry even under these conditions. Again, my apologies."

"If you would excuse me, I will inquire with my sister if she can allow us to attend."

Although I judge our chances quite slim, knowing that overcooked hitsuji. The Arche thought as he left.

Kialdo spoke to the King directly. "My apologies, King Kellan. I should've been more vigilant. After sunset you say? Does this conference last that long? Alas, I am not very knowledgable on Ashenian culture and customs, so please excuse my confusion about certain matters."

OOC: As Alzeroth is quite far away from the battlefield, Kialdo would probably not use the "Sunset" war description. Hence his confusion.

OOC: I like the communication errors explanation as that is more than likely.

"It is no matter, errors do sometimes occur."
The King would definitely have to speak with the captain of his guard later. If Grïend got in without anyone noticing, there could very well be a herd of horses wandering the corridors.
"It is my plan to have this conference finished by the end of the day, if not, we'll adjourn until tomorrow. In either case, I will be available this evening, perhaps before then if things proceed smoothly."

OOC: By a force of habit, I capitalise the word sun when referring to the Sun, hence the capitalisation of Sunset. I apologise for any confusion.

2015-01-20, 12:32 PM
For about half a minute, Kellan examined the scroll.
"This seems to be in order. I am confident that you are here for the reasons you claim, though I fear the war does much to distract Lord Wesley as he seems to have forgotten the simple expedient of recording your name. I'll let that slip for today."
The King downed half his glass of brandy before addressing the room.
"He wasn't the only one I was warning. If anyone disrupts these proceedings from their intended purpose, raised voice or not, they insult not only myself but the Queen of Faedas and all who are assembled here. I am an accommodating host, do not force me to show just how accommodating I can be."

The diplomat bows. "My name, sadly, is of little consequence. I have no standing myself, being neither a Prince nor a minister... though Wesley seemed to believe that to be the most important reason for my choice. Nonetheless, I know that it is inconvenient to call me by no name; simply refer to me as Guilder."

2015-01-20, 03:43 PM
"It is fitting, then, that Guilder sends a man of dust and straw, without title or personage, to fill its shoes and its place in the Quorum, just as it did with Columbo Fiassa when the Pax Varinel was first signed.", speaks the elder Frosten man being escorted into the room by an Ashenite servant and apparently trusting enough of Ashenian hospitality to bring no guards of his own. He was clearly quite aged, even the long youthfulness of the fae having abandoned him by now, and leaned on a cane as he moved. His hair was a stark white but short and trimmed carefully, but his beard grew long and was braided in a Planin style. He wore a cloak arrayed in fine Planin dyes, a luxury to a Frosten in the depths of Winter.

"Apologies for my lateness, friends! I am Lord Philos of Nebelrief, the Seneschal of Glazfell, here to cast judgment on behalf of King Torre. The King apologizes for his inability to personally attend, and expressed to me deep sadness, for he has long wished to visit Ashenia personally. Duke Ironfang of Sympolemou also cannot attend, but asked me to pass along a letter to the King of Ashenia."

A sealed letter is produced from the folds of Lord Philos' cloak, and passed toward its intended recipient.

Hey there! Haven't put in the action yet IC but will later. Elemental, expect a PM from me regarding Ironfang's letter. It's up to you how much of it you care to share with the others here.

2015-01-20, 07:13 PM
"It is fitting, then, that Guilder sends a man of dust and straw, without title or personage, to fill its shoes and its place in the Quorum, just as it did with Columbo Fiassa when the Pax Varinel was first signed.", speaks the elder Frosten man being escorted into the room by an Ashenite servant and apparently trusting enough of Ashenian hospitality to bring no guards of his own. He was clearly quite aged, even the long youthfulness of the fae having abandoned him by now, and leaned on a cane as he moved. His hair was a stark white but short and trimmed carefully, but his beard grew long and was braided in a Planin style. He wore a cloak arrayed in fine Planin dyes, a luxury to a Frosten in the depths of Winter.

"Apologies for my lateness, friends! I am Lord Philos of Nebelrief, the Seneschal of Glazfell, here to cast judgment on behalf of King Torre. The King apologizes for his inability to personally attend, and expressed to me deep sadness, for he has long wished to visit Ashenia personally. Duke Ironfang of Sympolemou also cannot attend, but asked me to pass along a letter to the King of Ashenia."

A sealed letter is produced from the folds of Lord Philos' cloak, and passed toward its intended recipient.

Hey there! Haven't put in the action yet IC but will later. Elemental, expect a PM from me regarding Ironfang's letter. It's up to you how much of it you care to share with the others here.

"it seems that the Glazfell man has seen fit of the truth! It is good to hear that some of the common wisdom may be seen. I welcome you, as much as those embattled can. I may yet give into the hope of Sycia, as you might be reasonable."

2015-01-20, 07:54 PM
"My hope dwindles with every word out of your mouth." Eirlys growled dryly, pulling herself to her feet (Morgthar and Sain* helping) and leaning on her cane. "If we might go to business."


*This is Steve's name now. Deal with it.

2015-01-20, 11:00 PM

At the sound of the approaching heavy footsteps and following the words from earlier Kyria turned her veiled and unseeing gaze to fall upon the arriving troupe.

"Dearest brother Rove, is that you?" the Queen asked, her voice unnaturally sweet, "It pleases me to my very core that you took this journey all the way from the front lines to support me here in my hour of trial. And what guests and friends of the family have you brought to join us on this day?"

2015-01-21, 04:01 AM
The diplomat bows. "My name, sadly, is of little consequence. I have no standing myself, being neither a Prince nor a minister... though Wesley seemed to believe that to be the most important reason for my choice. Nonetheless, I know that it is inconvenient to call me by no name; simply refer to me as Guilder."

"Very well then Guilder. Now that this is resolved we can perhaps get this quorum under way."

"Apologies for my lateness, friends! I am Lord Philos of Nebelrief, the Seneschal of Glazfell, here to cast judgment on behalf of King Torre. The King apologizes for his inability to personally attend, and expressed to me deep sadness, for he has long wished to visit Ashenia personally. Duke Ironfang of Sympolemou also cannot attend, but asked me to pass along a letter to the King of Ashenia."

A sealed letter is produced from the folds of Lord Philos' cloak, and passed toward its intended recipient.

Hey there! Haven't put in the action yet IC but will later. Elemental, expect a PM from me regarding Ironfang's letter. It's up to you how much of it you care to share with the others here.

"Greetings to you Lord Philos. Of course I understand that King Torre and Duke Ironfang cannot attend. No doubt events elsewhere demand their full attention."
He took the offered letter and opened it carefully. As he read the letter, he seemed to let his attention lapse regarding the other occupants of the room. He would leave Kyria to make her decision before he once more took charge.

I shall look forward to said letter then.

*This is Steve's name now. Deal with it.

OOC: I propose that Sain be the Sycian/Felitoran version of Steve.

2015-01-21, 04:10 AM
OOC: I propose that Sain be the Sycian/Felitoran version of Steve.

Agreed. Sain is now the most common name in Felitora. For wolfborn, at least.

2015-01-21, 04:13 AM
OOC: I like the communication errors explanation as that is more than likely.

"It is no matter, errors do sometimes occur."
The King would definitely have to speak with the captain of his guard later. If Grïend got in without anyone noticing, there could very well be a herd of horses wandering the corridors.
"It is my plan to have this conference finished by the end of the day, if not, we'll adjourn until tomorrow. In either case, I will be available this evening, perhaps before then if things proceed smoothly."

OOC: By a force of habit, I capitalise the word sun when referring to the Sun, hence the capitalisation of Sunset. I apologise for any confusion.

"It would be my honor to treat with you when you have the time." The Grand Minister replied. "That reminds me." He rummaged through the contents of a large bag, which Grïend put on the floor a moment ago.
"For our intrusion, a gift." Kialdo handed Kellan a small chest. Upon opening, it was divided into two departments, one holding a fair big of Sun Fragments (OOC: Hey, capital Sun as well), the other was full of Grey Flame.
"When combined, these two substances create Firestone. It burns hot and long, but does not ignite that what is comes into contact with. I hope it may find good use warming your homestead in these cold and dark times."

"If you excuse ME *ahem*, your Grace, Grand Minister, I hear my name being called...." Grïend spoke in his deep, rumbling voice.

At the sound of the approaching heavy footsteps and following the words from earlier Kyria turned her veiled and unseeing gaze to fall upon the arriving troupe.

"Dearest brother Rove, is that you?" the Queen asked, her voice unnaturally sweet, "It pleases me to my very core that you took this journey all the way from the front lines to support me here in my hour of trial. And what guests and friends of the family have you brought to join us on this day?"

It took all of his discipline not to push her square in the face.
No it isn't, you big, fat....uurrgghh. Ryena, why? Just WHY?! He thought to himself. Conjuring a smile on his face, he stopped his fully armored form next to Kyria. He spoke to his sister, his voice dripping with veiled...somethings.
"It is, sweet sister. I have come in your time of need. However, as Hurosha did not sign the Pax, I humbly ask your humble permission to allow me and my companions to observe the proceedings. Would you do me the pleasure? As for my companions, I am sure you still remember Grïend. I mean, you met him many times when we were young. Oh, good times, good times."

Something (or someone) rumbled behind the Arche and Rove glared back to Grïend, who was suddenly intensely studying the undoubtfully very interesting ceiling. The Menhîrin nevertheless walked closer, treading carefully towards the Faedas queen.

"Greetings, Queen Varinel.... It HAS *ahem* been too long... I hope you are in good health, despite the loss OF your...vision..."

*If the Huroshans get permission, they take a seat at the edge of the conference room and just observe the proceedings without interrupting anything*

2015-01-21, 12:15 PM
The half-elf thanked the Queen and headed over to the food buffet where the Dwarf was piling his plate and speaking with the other attendants.

"Hello cousin," she said with a smile, for the Eyrecradian and Razdissi people were of a shared ancestry, "What have you found pleasing to the palette of the underworlder?"

"I would heartily recommend you try of these sweetbreads, most unusual in texture but of quality taste," the Dwarf answered with a smile, "What brings a Sambli to these proceedings? I was told this was only a matter of the Heartwaste itself, not the entire Holds? Not that I'm complaining of course, a fine young lass such as yourself is a pleasure to look upon and I really ought to just enjoy the accompaniment of a fellow underowrlder, but I'm a curious man by nature." the Razdissi grinned.

2015-01-21, 01:31 PM
It took all of his discipline not to push her square in the face.
No it isn't, you big, fat....uurrgghh. Ryena, why? Just WHY?! He thought to himself. Conjuring a smile on his face, he stopped his fully armored form next to Kyria. He spoke to his sister, his voice dripping with veiled...somethings.
"It is, sweet sister. I have come in your time of need. However, as Hurosha did not sign the Pax, I humbly ask your humble permission to allow me and my companions to observe the proceedings. Would you do me the pleasure? As for my companions, I am sure you still remember Grïend. I mean, you met him many times when we were young. Oh, good times, good times."

Something (or someone) rumbled behind the Arche and Rove glared back to Grïend, who was suddenly intensely studying the undoubtfully very interesting ceiling. The Menhîrin nevertheless walked closer, treading carefully towards the Faedas queen.

"Greetings, Queen Varinel.... It HAS *ahem* been too long... I hope you are in good health, despite the loss OF your...vision..."

*If the Huroshans get permission, they take a seat at the edge of the conference room and just observe the proceedings without interrupting anything*

"It would be my eternal pleasure to have you observe dear brother, simply knowing you are near shall provide me all the comfort and confidence I might need to carry forward this day of trial."

"Dear sweet Griend," the Queen intoned, the sweetness of her voice becoming less sickly and was it possible it was more sincere?

"Yes my Menhirin friend, I fare as well as one can when robbed of sight and family. Thank you for your concern. I still remember the days of our youth, don't you Rove? Such times long past now, but still sweet in memory."

"I would heartily recommend you try of these sweetbreads, most unusual in texture but of quality taste," the Dwarf answered with a smile, "What brings a Sambli to these proceedings? I was told this was only a matter of the Heartwaste itself, not the entire Holds? Not that I'm complaining of course, a fine young lass such as yourself is a pleasure to look upon and I really ought to just enjoy the accompaniment of a fellow underowrlder, but I'm a curious man by nature." the Razdissi grinned.

Hilja smiled at the Dwarf's compliment, at first a smile of platitudes, finding his possessive nature off-putting but as he continued she realized the comment seemed genuine, even if somewhat poorly versed. And of course, she was here to make friends for her Queen, not enemies.

"I am the attendant to the Queen of Faedas, the subject of today's proceedings," the half-elf said, daintily picking up one of the suggested pastries and putting it on a small saucer, "Since her eyesight was lost my blessing from Uncle Elwyr has proved to be a boon to her. I must admit my own surprise the Razdissi Mormaer has come, not that I am displeased to see a cousin of the underdark, especially one of your stature, but I had taken the Razdissi to have returned to private matters?"

2015-01-21, 05:21 PM
"It would be my eternal pleasure to have you observe dear brother, simply knowing you are near shall provide me all the comfort and confidence I might need to carry forward this day of trial."

"Dear sweet Griend," the Queen intoned, the sweetness of her voice becoming less sickly and was it possible it was more sincere?

"Yes my Menhirin friend, I fare as well as one can when robbed of sight and family. Thank you for your concern. I still remember the days of our youth, don't you Rove? Such times long past now, but still sweet in memory."

"I'm delighted to hear that from my dear sister." Rove replied.

"Yes, I remember like it was just a single solar cycle ago. The sight and smell of the trees in bloom at the outskirts of Earthhome. Running circles around the Throne of Thorns, the three of us. Sweet memories indeed. Now if you excuse me, darling sister, we'll take our place at the edge of the hall. We'll be....observing closely."

"Take care, Kyria.... If it pleases you, we'll speak AGAIN *ahem* after the conference...." Grïend rumbled, before walking after Rove with massive steps.

Kialdo, when he was finished talking to the Ashenian monarch, joined them at their seats, whispering softly with Rove and Grïend. Rove took of his scabbard, letting his weapon rest upon his lap. From the outside, the weapon itself couldn't be seen aside from the fact that it was a Kasumori sabre-handle greatsword.

OOC: Grïend isn't sitting on any of the chairs, he is just sitting down, slightly reshaping his body for a good fit so he takes up a little space as possible.

2015-01-21, 09:48 PM
Hilja smiled at the Dwarf's compliment, at first a smile of platitudes, finding his possessive nature off-putting but as he continued she realized the comment seemed genuine, even if somewhat poorly versed. And of course, she was here to make friends for her Queen, not enemies.

"I am the attendant to the Queen of Faedas, the subject of today's proceedings," the half-elf said, daintily picking up one of the suggested pastries and putting it on a small saucer, "Since her eyesight was lost my blessing from Uncle Elwyr has proved to be a boon to her. I must admit my own surprise the Razdissi Mormaer has come, not that I am displeased to see a cousin of the underdark, especially one of your stature, but I had taken the Razdissi to have returned to private matters?"

"Oh we take our breaks from time to time but always calling us back are our neighbors," the Mormaer said, his joviality seemingly unaffected by the somber or conflicting moods of those around him, "It was a great shame to hear of the attack on the Faedas Queen. My great grand-uncle* lost an eye in the war with the Salterri. People say he was never quite the same, I can only imagine what losing all one's sight to be like. But he was a stronger Mormaer for it too. I've always believed within every gravel vein lies sprinkling of mithril."

"I don't think I got your name lass, I am Ogier of the Unbroken line, and you are?"

*OOC: I did not check family records, pretend he used the correct name/title

2015-01-22, 08:26 AM
"It would be my honor to treat with you when you have the time." The Grand Minister replied. "That reminds me." He rummaged through the contents of a large bag, which Grïend put on the floor a moment ago.
"For our intrusion, a gift." Kialdo handed Kellan a small chest. Upon opening, it was divided into two departments, one holding a fair big of Sun Fragments (OOC: Hey, capital Sun as well), the other was full of Grey Flame.
"When combined, these two substances create Firestone. It burns hot and long, but does not ignite that what is comes into contact with. I hope it may find good use warming your homestead in these cold and dark times."

"Thank you kindly Grand Minister, gifts always go far to bring warmth to an otherwise dark and dreary season."
The King bowed his head humbly.
"If you will excuse me, I feel that the time has come to begin today's deliberations."

With the small chest still in his hands and held close to his chest, Kellan Toranath III, King of Ashenia walked to a position directly in front of the blazing fire that was the main source of heat and light in the room and addressed the assembled leaders and representatives.
"Ladies and gentlemen, lords, nobles and honoured ambassadors, though I note with some displeasure certain absences, I feel we can wait no longer and thus I nevertheless call this quorum into order.
"As we are all aware, a most unfortunate event occurred far to the East, specifically the beginning of armed hostilities between certain states over certain grievances that need not and will not be discussed at this time beyond one point we can all agree on, that point being that the Concordat of Frost and Flame declared war on the Empire of Dawn. The specifics of their declaration and their grievances and accusations will be left for the nations in question to resolve and is not the purpose of this quorum.
"We have gathered here today for one reason only, to pass judgement on the actions of Kyria Varinel as sovereign of the Heartwaste. Specifically, whether their participation in the aforementioned war constitutes a breach of the Pax Varinel and if she is found in violation of this treaty whether she is to removed from her position as ruler of that land and the Throne of Thorns given to another of the House of Varinel.
"Note that I will tolerate no move made to remove her as sovereign over any lands not considered part of the Heartwaste at the time the Pax was signed and I will not allow any moveable property to be denied to her save that which is considered part of the regalia of the Kingdom of the Heartwaste."
He paused looking around the room to judge the expressions of the assembled before continuing.
"The main point of contention as I see it stems from whether acting in defence extends to aiding one's allies in a war in which they are the aggressor. Aggressor here defined for those who may find that term ambiguous as "a person or group who initiates hostilities". It is the opinion of the Crown of Ashenia that the involvement of the Heartwaste in this in no way constitutes a defensive act.
"This is a clear violation of the Pax Varinel and we as signatories are duty bound to appoint a new ruler to the Throne of Thorns in her stead."

2015-01-22, 10:45 AM
"Thank you kindly Grand Minister, gifts always go far to bring warmth to an otherwise dark and dreary season."
The King bowed his head humbly.
"If you will excuse me, I feel that the time has come to begin today's deliberations."

With the small chest still in his hands and held close to his chest, Kellan Toranath III, King of Ashenia walked to a position directly in front of the blazing fire that was the main source of heat and light in the room and addressed the assembled leaders and representatives.
"Ladies and gentlemen, lords, nobles and honoured ambassadors, though I note with some displeasure certain absences, I feel we can wait no longer and thus I nevertheless call this quorum into order.
"As we are all aware, a most unfortunate event occurred far to the East, specifically the beginning of armed hostilities between certain states over certain grievances that need not and will not be discussed at this time beyond one point we can all agree on, that point being that the Concordat of Frost and Flame declared war on the Empire of Dawn. The specifics of their declaration and their grievances and accusations will be left for the nations in question to resolve and is not the purpose of this quorum.
"We have gathered here today for one reason only, to pass judgement on the actions of Kyria Varinel as sovereign of the Heartwaste. Specifically, whether their participation in the aforementioned war constitutes a breach of the Pax Varinel and if she is found in violation of this treaty whether she is to removed from her position as ruler of that land and the Throne of Thorns given to another of the House of Varinel.
"Note that I will tolerate no move made to remove her as sovereign over any lands not considered part of the Heartwaste at the time the Pax was signed and I will not allow any moveable property to be denied to her save that which is considered part of the regalia of the Kingdom of the Heartwaste."
He paused looking around the room to judge the expressions of the assembled before continuing.
"The main point of contention as I see it stems from whether acting in defence extends to aiding one's allies in a war in which they are the aggressor. Aggressor here defined for those who may find that term ambiguous as "a person or group who initiates hostilities". It is the opinion of the Crown of Ashenia that the involvement of the Heartwaste in this in no way constitutes a defensive act.
"This is a clear violation of the Pax Varinel and we as signatories are duty bound to appoint a new ruler to the Throne of Thorns in her stead."

"I'm afraid I must object King Kellan," Kyria said, rising from her seat slowly, "In our correspondences I was told this was to be a Quorum to determine my guilt or innocence and I had taken you to have expressed an interest in truth and justice not expediting my deposal in the aid of your allies for whom you march across three continents to war beside. If I am to be given no chance to defend myself on the first claim against me and our host who promised a fair deliberation is already manifestly expressing his opinion that the Pax has been broken than this entire Quorum is a farce and I would be far better served leaving and abiding by none of the proceedings had this day."

"You say the specifics of the war are unimportant yet turn to label the Concordat aggressors which is to accept one side's explanation over that of the other. While I am aware in Ashenian logic that because Guilder was not responsible for the massacre of the Li family they must surely be free of guilt in attempting to bribe and promote the Saroc to attack the lands of the Concordat not all subscribe to such interesting logic and there is strong reason to believe the Saroc attack on Planinfrag was at the prompting of Guilder and that the weapons they carried were of Guilder design and made of Guilderene metal. If this truth that the Concordat proclaims is the actual truth then the Concordat are no more aggressors than the Empire of Dawn. That the Concordat sent a proper declaration of war rather than resorting to matters of improvable or investigation prompting terrorism should be no cause to label them aggressors."

"Yet ultimately it does not matter who started the war or why and labeling one side aggressors and the other defenders is a fallacy. The facts are that the soldiers of the Heartwaste acted defensively against an attack on a signatory nation whose leader was preoccupied defending another nation, a nation so small as to be of little value, itself under the attack of combined Guilderene and Saroc forces. If defending a sovereign nation, more to the point, a signatory nation is an assault of aggression than our definitions are so far removed as to be irreconcilable King Kellan."

"So I will ask," she concluded, "Is this to be a determination of my guilt or innocence or a predetermined stage play to accuse me without evidence? If it is the latter we need not waste everyone's time and move right into voting along the lines of this war. If it is the former I would ask we actually bring out provable charges and allow my defense and explanation, and then allow the Quorum to vote. If that vote is still to be political in nature and not based on justice and facts then I will respond in due accord, if it is to truly be a trial of justice and facts and the votes based upon those tenets then I shall abide by that decision as is my honor bound duty by the name of my mother written upon the Pax."

2015-01-22, 11:17 AM
"Fine words," the voice came from the door, Sucheta entering with it. Looking to King Kellan, she gave a slight bow, clearly apologetic - the wrapping of bright fabric around her far more conservative than most at the table had ever seen upon a Raaneki. "I must beg pardon, King Kellan, for my late arrival. I was unavoidably delayed in my entrance to the city, and I must confess that your palace is a veritable maze." She smiled faintly - apologetic still - and then (OOC: assuming his acceptance) moved to take a chair at the table - one very close to the fire.

"May I address Queen Kyria's concerns, your majesty? Given it was my hand that set this Quorum in motion."

2015-01-22, 11:38 AM



"Hhhmm, a bold opening statement indeed." Kialdo whispered to Rove, making sure nobody could hear them. "From what I heard, ultimately, he is correct. Queen Kyria made a sound, tactical decision on a militairy level, that is certain. On a global diplomatic level however..."

"Hhhmmm." Rove's face betrayed nothing of his emotions. "There are people here who would vote against justice even if it were the right thing to do. Corruption runs deep, Grand Minister. We can only hope, observe and take measures if this gets out of hand."

Grïend rumbled softly in agreement, afraid he might disturb the convention if he tried to whisper.

2015-01-22, 12:34 PM
"Guilder" stands and motions to speak, but upon Sucheta's entrance, falls quiet. "I have words to speak, but I feel certain that the Painted Queen shall address them. I withdraw my request to speak."

2015-01-22, 03:07 PM
Eirlys held up a finger. "Forgive me, I was under the impression that Raaneka had left the Pax some time ago? This was part of the basis for numerous discussions I have had over the last few days regarding the breach of the Pax - in particular, the thorny issue of Raaneka's troops using Faedas' land for military movements, thus breaching the Pax themselves."

Upon receiving an answer, Eirlys sighed.

"Ashenia is already aware of Sycia's position on the matter." Eirlys leaned on her cane. "But for the sake of the rest in attendance, I shall outline in brief my opinion on the matter: Faedas has not broken the Pax. Period."

2015-01-22, 03:45 PM
Sucheta raised her hands from in front of the fire. "Ah, much better." She muttered, before turning to face the Sycian diplomat.

"The Pax Varinel protects the lands of the Heartwaste, not those of all of Faedas. If my memory is right," she cleared her throat, then recited, "'To this end, signatory nations pledge that their troops shall never enter into the Heartwaste, unless it is to defend the Heartwaste or by specific agreement with the sovereign ruler of the Heartwaste.' The soldiers of Raaneka did not cross into the Heartwaste, my lady Eirlys. I will admit that I had considered it, given the level of breach I saw to the Pax, yet in the end it was believed to be wiser to settle that question in a chamber such as this - and a very nice one too," she smiled at Kellan, "instead of upon the field of battle."

"So with that, your Majesty, can I ask again to address the concerns of Queen Kyria?"

2015-01-22, 03:50 PM
Sucheta raised her hands from in front of the fire. "Ah, much better." She muttered, before turning to face the Sycian diplomat.

"The Pax Varinel protects the lands of the Heartwaste, not those of all of Faedas. If my memory is right," she cleared her throat, then recited, "'To this end, signatory nations pledge that their troops shall never enter into the Heartwaste, unless it is to defend the Heartwaste or by specific agreement with the sovereign ruler of the Heartwaste.' The soldiers of Raaneka did not cross into the Heartwaste, my lady Eirlys. I will admit that I had considered it, given the level of breach I saw to the Pax, yet in the end it was believed to be wiser to settle that question in a chamber such as this - and a very nice one too," she smiled at Kellan, "instead of upon the field of battle."

"So with that, your Majesty, can I ask again to address the concerns of Queen Kyria?"

"But you did not address the central question." Eirlys said quietly. "Raaneka withdrew from the Pax Varinel. Yes or no?"

2015-01-22, 04:22 PM
"No." Sucheta replied. "I would not have been invited to this Quorum had the Council chosen to remove Raaneka from the Pax."

2015-01-22, 04:42 PM
"Ashenia is already aware of Sycia's position on the matter." Eirlys leaned on her cane. "But for the sake of the rest in attendance, I shall outline in brief my opinion on the matter: Faedas has not broken the Pax. Period."

The old man sighed. "And here we find the first incorrigable opinion in the room. I had truly hoped that we could discuss, but it seems not."

2015-01-22, 04:54 PM
The old man sighed. "And here we find the first incorrigable opinion in the room. I had truly hoped that we could discuss, but it seems not."

"Do not lie, 'Ambassador'. You already said that you came here expecting no proper discussion." She moved towards the center of the room, wooden cane clunking against floor. "And it's clear from your own response you're more interested in obtaining a moral high ground than being correct." She placed both hands on her cane and glared at Guilder. "Innocent until proven guilty, Guilder. The burden of proof falls to the accusers."

2015-01-23, 12:16 AM
"Do not lie, 'Ambassador'. You already said that you came here expecting no proper discussion." She moved towards the center of the room, wooden cane clunking against floor. "And it's clear from your own response you're more interested in obtaining a moral high ground than being correct." She placed both hands on her cane and glared at Guilder. "Innocent until proven guilty, Guilder. The burden of proof falls to the accusers."

Guilder shrugs his shoulders. "I hesitate to correct someone of such age, but I feel it necessary to state that I made no statement about Guilder's affiliation or decisions. I am, in fact, intending to keep an open mind.

"The fact that you have so soon revealed that you intend the opposite is in no way effecting my own choices." He nods to Ashenia. "I do thank you, however. While it is not true of all, I believe that at least one nation may make a judgement after hearing the facts. And that nation shall be Guilder."

OOC: I feel like this is getting a bit too tense...?

2015-01-23, 01:20 AM
-A very long speech-

The King of Ashenia turned his gaze upon Kyria, managing to lock eyes with her despite her veil.
"Apologies Queen Kyria. I did not believe that laying out the case against you would constitute this quorum becoming a farce. After all, if we are to make any decision it is essential that we look at the relevant facts. If we are forbidden to do so we will all grow old and die in this chamber having accomplished nothing.
"And the origin of the declaration is relevant. It was penned by the leaders of the Concordat and whatever their grievances are that makes them the aggressive party in the current conflict. Your attempts to obscure the issue by bringing up actions which may or may not have been perpetrated by another state is a pointless endeavour and I will not brook any attempt to, as my locomotive engineers say, derail this quorum into petty bickering over details that can neither be proved nor disproved at this time."
He paused momentarily before continuing.
"You say it is entirely seemly for you to act in defence of a signatory nation, yet you conveniently deploy no troops to defend the lands of Guilder. This is hypocrisy of the highest degree. Either you are required to leap to the defence of Pax signatories or you are not. I can see no reason why you should be so obligated so I am forced to conclude that you, Kyria Varinel of the Heartwaste, are merely using this Pax as an excuse to pursue your own interests, the same crime you so boldly accuse me of."

"Fine words," the voice came from the door, Sucheta entering with it. Looking to King Kellan, she gave a slight bow, clearly apologetic - the wrapping of bright fabric around her far more conservative than most at the table had ever seen upon a Raaneki. "I must beg pardon, King Kellan, for my late arrival. I was unavoidably delayed in my entrance to the city, and I must confess that your palace is a veritable maze." She smiled faintly - apologetic still - and then (OOC: assuming his acceptance) moved to take a chair at the table - one very close to the fire.

"May I address Queen Kyria's concerns, your majesty? Given it was my hand that set this Quorum in motion."

Kellan bowed his head respectfully, though perhaps a little too quickly.
"You are excused for your lateness Sucheta, please feel free to address the concerns of Queen Kyria."

"Ashenia is already aware of Sycia's position on the matter." Eirlys leaned on her cane. "But for the sake of the rest in attendance, I shall outline in brief my opinion on the matter: Faedas has not broken the Pax. Period."

"Then please Excellency, if you are so firm in your position then argue in their defence. This quorum will make no progress should only argument against them be made, your concision does them no favour."

She placed both hands on her cane and glared at Guilder. "Innocent until proven guilty, Guilder. The burden of proof falls to the accusers."

Upon hearing this, it was extremely difficult for Kellan to avoid commenting on the war. Nevertheless, he gritted his teeth and let it pass.

OOC: I feel like this is getting a bit too tense...?

OOC: I'm having fun actually. I rarely get the chance to talk so much.

2015-01-23, 01:30 AM
Lord Philos harrumphs, frustrated by this turn of events, before annoyedly speaking again.

"If you might, your Majesty, would you please point out where the document states that the Queen of the Heartwaste may not use it to pursue her own interests? I, at least, would prefer to stick to the words on the page in front of us, rather than debating whether its intangible properties have been upheld. It is difficult enough to fully understand laws as they are written without calling upon shamans and priests to conjure its spirits for us to interrogate.

If you wish to call upon a breach of a document, you must demonstrate where and how the breach has taken place, within the document itself. Not making up your own rules and declaring it broken upon them."

2015-01-23, 01:42 AM
The King of Ashenia turned his gaze upon Kyria, managing to lock eyes with her despite her veil.
"Apologies Queen Kyria. I did not believe that laying out the case against you would constitute this quorum becoming a farce. After all, if we are to make any decision it is essential that we look at the relevant facts. If we are forbidden to do so we will all grow old and die in this chamber having accomplished nothing.
"And the origin of the declaration is relevant. It was penned by the leaders of the Concordat and whatever their grievances are that makes them the aggressive party in the current conflict. Your attempts to obscure the issue by bringing up actions which may or may not have been perpetrated by another state is a pointless endeavour and I will not brook any attempt to, as my locomotive engineers say, derail this quorum into petty bickering over details that can neither be proved nor disproved at this time."
He paused momentarily before continuing.
"You say it is entirely seemly for you to act in defence of a signatory nation, yet you conveniently deploy no troops to defend the lands of Guilder. This is hypocrisy of the highest degree. Either you are required to leap to the defence of Pax signatories or you are not. I can see no reason why you should be so obligated so I am forced to conclude that you, Kyria Varinel of the Heartwaste, are merely using this Pax as an excuse to pursue your own interests, the same crime you so boldly accuse me of."

"Guilder? I do not recall any reports of Guilder being attacked? The Colonies of Guilder, known as the Guilderene Expanse? Surely. But Guilder proper? No, I don't recall any foreign boots falling upon the ground there. After all, this is a discussion of the Heartwaste's troops deployments is it not? And the question upon the table is whether the Heartwaste breached the Pax, not whether Faedas who is no signatory did such?"

"Sympolemou, the signatory, was defended, not the Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine, Sympolemou. Guilder was never under threat. No other signatory was. This is a document pertaining to nations as they were nearly a century ago and as we have agreed to apply it solely to the Heartwaste so to is it applicable only to the Signatories, not what those signatories may have grown into. Look at the signatories, it is a list partially filled by nations that are nearly unrecognizable in this day. This of course does not even bring forward that the Heartwaste is not obligated to defend a signatory either, and certainly not one outright hostile to multiple other signatories."

"The fact is the Heartwaste did not breach the Pax, Faedas is not bound to it, and half the signatory nations are no longer the signatory nations they once were. We have called ourselves to hold ourselves to these century dated words and I have held the Heartwaste to them. If people wish to elaborate this document into something it is not then perhaps the document as it stands is no longer relevant. If it is to be relevant than it must be held relevant to what it was made for and what is written upon it, not what we might want to twist it to be. I did not call for aid in this war from the signatories because the Heartwaste itself was not under assault, because the document does not provision me to request aid outside that scenario. Equally it does not bind areas outside its domain to the words. My actions did not break single line in the Pax and I challenge any to offer proof that is untrue."

2015-01-23, 01:51 AM
Guilder shrugs his shoulders. "I hesitate to correct someone of such age, but I feel it necessary to state that I made no statement about Guilder's affiliation or decisions. I am, in fact, intending to keep an open mind.

"The fact that you have so soon revealed that you intend the opposite is in no way effecting my own choices." He nods to Ashenia. "I do thank you, however. While it is not true of all, I believe that at least one nation may make a judgement after hearing the facts. And that nation shall be Guilder."

OOC: I feel like this is getting a bit too tense...?"Ah, my favorite part of this job." She said dryly. "The blatant lies coming from a man who asked for truth."

The King of Ashenia turned his gaze upon Kyria, managing to lock eyes with her despite her veil.
"Apologies Queen Kyria. I did not believe that laying out the case against you would constitute this quorum becoming a farce. After all, if we are to make any decision it is essential that we look at the relevant facts. If we are forbidden to do so we will all grow old and die in this chamber having accomplished nothing.
"And the origin of the declaration is relevant. It was penned by the leaders of the Concordat and whatever their grievances are that makes them the aggressive party in the current conflict. Your attempts to obscure the issue by bringing up actions which may or may not have been perpetrated by another state is a pointless endeavour and I will not brook any attempt to, as my locomotive engineers say, derail this quorum into petty bickering over details that can neither be proved nor disproved at this time."

"Excuse me, but how is 'who started the Sunset War' related to the Pax Varinel in first place? You say the origin of the declaration makes it relevant, but the origin of the Declaration was Tzalteclan, making it completely irrelevant to the question of Faedas' actions."

"You say it is entirely seemly for you to act in defence of a signatory nation, yet you conveniently deploy no troops to defend the lands of Guilder. This is hypocrisy of the highest degree. Either you are required to leap to the defence of Pax signatories or you are not. I can see no reason why you should be so obligated so I am forced to conclude that you, Kyria Varinel of the Heartwaste, are merely using this Pax as an excuse to pursue your own interests, the same crime you so boldly accuse me of."

Eirlys raised an eyebrow. "Good king, declaring that because Kyria defends Sympolemu she must defend Guilder is a false dichotomy. The Pax does not require that the Heartwaste provide defense to its signatories, nor does it disallow it. If she wishes to play favorites and send her troops to defend one or the other, then she may."

"Then please Excellency, if you are so firm in your position then argue in their defence. This quorum will make no progress should only argument against them be made, your concision does them no favour.""I cannot defend against accusations that have not been made, good king. That was the point." She calmly put one hand over another. "If we're here to determine Faedas' guilt, I would hear the charges. Formally."

OOC: I'm having fun actually. I rarely get the chance to talk so much.OOC: Agreed ^_^ Tension's good for a scene like this.

2015-01-23, 03:16 AM
Lord Philos harrumphs, frustrated by this turn of events, before annoyedly speaking again.

"If you might, your Majesty, would you please point out where the document states that the Queen of the Heartwaste may not use it to pursue her own interests? I, at least, would prefer to stick to the words on the page in front of us, rather than debating whether its intangible properties have been upheld. It is difficult enough to fully understand laws as they are written without calling upon shamans and priests to conjure its spirits for us to interrogate.

If you wish to call upon a breach of a document, you must demonstrate where and how the breach has taken place, within the document itself. Not making up your own rules and declaring it broken upon them."

"The Pax Varinel was written to ensure the continued sovereignty of the Heartwaste. To hide behind it while engaging in a foreign war is an insult to the signatories who signed it out of free will and in good faith.
"Nevertheless, you asked that I point out where I find fault in the Heartwaste. I point to Section One Subsection Four:
"The Heartwaste pledges to use its troops only for its defense and shall not hinder the just military efforts of signatory nations."

-Another long speech-

"Unlike the Heartwaste, the Pax does not define the geographic extent of the signatory states. It was signed by the rightful governments of those realms, not by a line on a map and therefore all territories and peoples so governed are considered bound by the Pax Varinel. To claim that Guilder's colonies are a separate sovereign state has no meaning here, they remain governed by the Doge of Guilder and for all intents and purposes the same realm. Unless of course you would find it no fault in Guilder as a signatory should an army originating from Guilder's most recently acquired colonies lay siege to the Heartwaste? I do not believe that you would and thus I must dismiss such an argument.
"Furthermore, if I were to accept your arguments of the validity of your participating in the defence of Sympolemou, which is in no way part of the Heartwaste, I would ask that you prove conclusively that the thousand troops you sent to the Planinfrag were not deployed from the Heartwaste."
The King carefully removed a sheet of aged parchment from within his robes and held it up so that all present could see it. The words "PAX VARINEL - Pact for Eternal Peace in the Heartwaste (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17327946&postcount=41)" could be seen in faded ink and slightly outdated calligraphy.
"Here is the proof you demand Kyria Varinel, an original copy of the Pax penned a hundred years ago and kept safe by my family. The actual original is I believe kept in the Library of the Ice Palace. As I stated to Lord Philos, Section One Subsection Four specifically states that the troops of the Heartwaste may only be used for its defence and unless you are claiming that Sympolemou is part of the Heartwaste your violation is clear. Those who wish to examine this document and confirm my statements may do so."

"Excuse me, but how is 'who started the Sunset War' related to the Pax Varinel in first place? You say the origin of the declaration makes it relevant, but the origin of the Declaration was Tzalteclan, making it completely irrelevant to the question of Faedas' actions."

Kellan handed the aged parchment to Eirlys.
"Section One Subsection Five makes it relevant. As this is a war in which Tzalteclan and Glazfell comprise the aggressive party participating as their ally makes one also a member of the aggressive party. I consider therefore that the Heartwaste is acting on the offence."

Eirlys raised an eyebrow. "Good king, declaring that because Kyria defends Sympolemu she must defend Guilder is a false dichotomy. The Pax does not require that the Heartwaste provide defense to its signatories, nor does it disallow it. If she wishes to play favorites and send her troops to defend one or the other, then she may."

"I cannot defend against accusations that have not been made, good king. That was the point." She calmly put one hand over another. "If we're here to determine Faedas' guilt, I would hear the charges. Formally."

OOC: Agreed ^_^ Tension's good for a scene like this.

"If her defence of Sympolemou is legal or required, then so would such a defence of Guilder. Furthermore, by defending Sympolemou she acts against other signatories. She does not have the option to play favourites and indeed she should not."

"Very well then Excellency, seeing as my opening statement was apparently ambiguous."
He once more moved to the position before the fire and spoke with a clear and slightly raised voice as though he were addressing a larger assembly.
"I, Kellan Toranath III, King of Ashenia, do hereby claim that Kyria Varinel, Queen of Faedas, has betrayed our sacred trust and wilfully violated a treaty signed between the House of Varinel and sundry realms and noble houses. I, as heir to Idrisa Toranath II, Queen of Ashenia and signatory of the aforementioned treaty, do hereby seek justice in this matter such that this insult to my esteemed ancestor may be resolved.
"In specific, I do hereby state that Kyria Varinel has violated Section One Subsections Four and Five by aligning with the Concordat of Frost and Flame against the Empire of Dawn in their current war and by the deployment of troops to participate in battle in the Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine, specifically the realm of Sympolemou, thereby acting against signatory nations of the Pax Varinel.
"We, the signatories of the aforementioned, have convened on this day to determine whether or not these charges are true and the guilt of Kyria Varinel in regards to them. May the Spirits watch over our proceedings and ensure that justice prevails."
Kellan looked straight at Eirlys.
"Is that formal enough for you Excellency?"

2015-01-23, 03:36 AM
"Unlike the Heartwaste, the Pax does not define the geographic extent of the signatory states. It was signed by the rightful governments of those realms, not by a line on a map and therefore all territories and peoples so governed are considered bound by the Pax Varinel. To claim that Guilder's colonies are a separate sovereign state has no meaning here, they remain governed by the Doge of Guilder and for all intents and purposes the same realm. Unless of course you would find it no fault in Guilder as a signatory should an army originating from Guilder's most recently acquired colonies lay siege to the Heartwaste? I do not believe that you would and thus I must dismiss such an argument.
"Furthermore, if I were to accept your arguments of the validity of your participating in the defence of Sympolemou, which is in no way part of the Heartwaste, I would ask that you prove conclusively that the thousand troops you sent to the Planinfrag were not deployed from the Heartwaste."
The King carefully removed a sheet of aged parchment from within his robes and held it up so that all present could see it. The words "PAX VARINEL - Pact for Eternal Peace in the Heartwaste (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17327946&postcount=41)" could be seen in faded ink and slightly outdated calligraphy.
"Here is the proof you demand Kyria Varinel, an original copy of the Pax penned a hundred years ago and kept safe by my family. The actual original is I believe kept in the Library of the Ice Palace. As I stated to Lord Philos, Section One Subsection Four specifically states that the troops of the Heartwaste may only be used for its defence and unless you are claiming that Sympolemou is part of the Heartwaste your violation is clear. Those who wish to examine this document and confirm my statements may do so."

"Kyria's argument about only protecting the signatory regions instead of nations is moot." Rove muttered to his companions. "The Ignato Empire signed it as well, and unlike the other signatories, isn't the name of one region, but the Empire as a whole. It doesn't exist anymore today, swallowed by the Triumvirate, but the fact remains." He took a good swig of a flagon of Sublime Scotch he had taken from his travelpack. To his right side, Grïend was silently enjoying a fistfull of gems while amusedly watching the proceedings.

"A very interesting turn of events, that's for sure." Kialdo replied softly. "Ashenia has a point, wherever Faedas likes it or not." Eying the flask of Sublime Scotch he added,"Do you mind if I also have a swig, Sir Rove?"

"Not at all, not at all." Rove conjured another flagon of Scotch from his backpack and gave it to Kialdo, who immediately took a good swig himself.
The drink warmed him up inside. He developed a taste for the stuff during the time he lived in Hurosha. A shame it couldn't be produced in large quantaties.

"It's rather relaxing, just observing. Instead of standing there yourself I mean." The Grand Minister said with a smile on his face.

"Tell me about it." Rove said while he took another swig.

OOC: Rove's appearance: Classic Earthguard diplomatic garb (He is fully armed and armored), a fur and cotton cloak against the cold.
Kialdo's appearance: Non-armored, thick cloth clothing, thick fur cloak against the cloak.
Grïend's appearance: Yeah...Grïend....you know....is still Grïend.

2015-01-23, 09:51 AM
"And there's a proper accusation! Much better."

Two more violent coughs erupt from Lord Philos, but he waves away the attendant that starts to reach for him.

"Goodness, my apologies. But I would certainly dispute the accusation under subsection five, your majesty. To declare a defensive intervention an offensive action merely because of who was defended is absurd. And to call the Concordat 'the aggressor' for having the decency to bother declaring war before sending thousands of soldiers into the borders of another polity is equally ridiculous.

Nevertheless, even if we were to ignore the silliness of that claim, Subsection five includes a specific exception for those who violate the Heartwaste's peace, as both Raaneka and Guilder did when they deliberately undermined its trade as part of a blockade against greater Faedas and the Concordat in full. Violating subsection one, of course."

2015-01-23, 10:58 AM
"And there's a proper accusation! Much better."

Two more violent coughs erupt from Lord Philos, but he waves away the attendant that starts to reach for him.

"Goodness, my apologies. But I would certainly dispute the accusation under subsection five, your majesty. To declare a defensive intervention an offensive action merely because of who was defended is absurd. And to call the Concordat 'the aggressor' for having the decency to bother declaring war before sending thousands of soldiers into the borders of another polity is equally ridiculous.

Nevertheless, even if we were to ignore the silliness of that claim, Subsection five includes a specific exception for those who violate the Heartwaste's peace, as both Raaneka and Guilder did when they deliberately undermined its trade as part of a blockade against greater Faedas and the Concordat in full. Violating subsection one, of course."
Guilder shook his head. "Dear Lord Philos, if you're going to cite that, it comes back to our side as well.

"You see, which nation cut off trade first? Was it Guilder, or Faedas? For several years Guilder actually shipped crops and wood to Faedas and the Heartwaste after IT had already cut off trade. Thus, it was not Guilder who broke the pact, but Faedas. By your own accusation, Faedas is guilty yet again...

"But let us turn to your other point. Our issue is not that you declared war. Having sent a nice piece of paper to us declaring that you would murder our people, burn our homes, and ravage the countryside... we appreciated that paper warning. Rather, the problem is the fact that you have, in fact, sent thousands of troops across our border.

"That is called 'hostility'. And that makes you the aggressor. You declared war. You sent the troops. You are, regardless of what you may claim or think, the aggressor. I will listen to reason on many points, and am still keeping tally of all arguments that do not smirch my nation's honor. But your attempt to claim that you, the invader, are not the aggressor in a war..."

He shook his head. "To be honest I don't even know how you could think that. You were serious, correct?"

OOC: To explain, I actually had a clause declaring that I wasn't breaking off my trade until long after Faedas had cut off mine (about an RL week). So saying that *I* was the one who stopped trade is in fact not true.

2015-01-23, 11:57 AM
"And there's a proper accusation! Much better."

Two more violent coughs erupt from Lord Philos, but he waves away the attendant that starts to reach for him.

"Goodness, my apologies. But I would certainly dispute the accusation under subsection five, your majesty. To declare a defensive intervention an offensive action merely because of who was defended is absurd. And to call the Concordat 'the aggressor' for having the decency to bother declaring war before sending thousands of soldiers into the borders of another polity is equally ridiculous.

Nevertheless, even if we were to ignore the silliness of that claim, Subsection five includes a specific exception for those who violate the Heartwaste's peace, as both Raaneka and Guilder did when they deliberately undermined its trade as part of a blockade against greater Faedas and the Concordat in full. Violating subsection one, of course."

"You are more than welcome to dispute the accusation under subsection five Lord Philos, that is why I invited you all here after all. That said, I pressed that claim only because I am obligated to do so. That subsection is subjective so any accusation regarding it is also subjective. I consider the actions of the Heartwaste to be militarily offensive, you do not. Neither side can be conclusively proved right or wrong so I concede that that it is pointless to press such a charge when there are more grievous violations.
"As for your claim that Raaneka and Guilder violated subsection one by participating in the blockade against the Concordat of Frost and Flame and by extension the Heartwaste. The blockade in question did in no way impede its trade with signatory nations as the overland routes between the Heartwaste, Sycia, Sympolemou and Glazfell remained unaffected by the Empire of Dawn's naval blockade. The only signatory nations that could have been inconvenienced by such a blockade were those who initiated it and my own Kingdom which was not engaged in trade with the Heartwaste at that time and as subsection one applies only to the disruption of trade between the Heartwaste and signatory states of the Pax Varinel there has been no violation of subsection one."

2015-01-23, 12:29 PM
"Very well then Excellency, seeing as my opening statement was apparently ambiguous."
He once more moved to the position before the fire and spoke with a clear and slightly raised voice as though he were addressing a larger assembly.
"I, Kellan Toranath III, King of Ashenia, do hereby claim that Kyria Varinel, Queen of Faedas, has betrayed our sacred trust and wilfully violated a treaty signed between the House of Varinel and sundry realms and noble houses. I, as heir to Idrisa Toranath II, Queen of Ashenia and signatory of the aforementioned treaty, do hereby seek justice in this matter such that this insult to my esteemed ancestor may be resolved.
"In specific, I do hereby state that Kyria Varinel has violated Section One Subsections Four and Five by aligning with the Concordat of Frost and Flame against the Empire of Dawn in their current war and by the deployment of troops to participate in battle in the Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine, specifically the realm of Sympolemou, thereby acting against signatory nations of the Pax Varinel.
"We, the signatories of the aforementioned, have convened on this day to determine whether or not these charges are true and the guilt of Kyria Varinel in regards to them. May the Spirits watch over our proceedings and ensure that justice prevails."
Kellan looked straight at Eirlys.
"Is that formal enough for you Excellency?"
Eirlys bowed her head. "Your accommodation is much appreciated, your Majesty. And please, 'excellency' is not necessary. Eirlys, Ambassador or Priestess will do fine."

"The Pax Varinel was written to ensure the continued sovereignty of the Heartwaste. To hide behind it while engaging in a foreign war is an insult to the signatories who signed it out of free will and in good faith.
"Nevertheless, you asked that I point out where I find fault in the Heartwaste. I point to Section One Subsection Four:
"The Heartwaste pledges to use its troops only for its defense and shall not hinder the just military efforts of signatory nations."

"Unlike the Heartwaste, the Pax does not define the geographic extent of the signatory states. It was signed by the rightful governments of those realms, not by a line on a map and therefore all territories and peoples so governed are considered bound by the Pax Varinel. To claim that Guilder's colonies are a separate sovereign state has no meaning here, they remain governed by the Doge of Guilder and for all intents and purposes the same realm. Unless of course you would find it no fault in Guilder as a signatory should an army originating from Guilder's most recently acquired colonies lay siege to the Heartwaste? I do not believe that you would and thus I must dismiss such an argument.
"Furthermore, if I were to accept your arguments of the validity of your participating in the defence of Sympolemou, which is in no way part of the Heartwaste, I would ask that you prove conclusively that the thousand troops you sent to the Planinfrag were not deployed from the Heartwaste."Eirlys raised a hand. "Ah, but Raaneka defended its troop movements through Faedas by claiming that the Pax only applied to the Heartwaste territory, and not to a particular nation. So either Raaneka was in violation of the Pax by moving its troops through Faedas, or the troops sent to defend the Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine were of the Faedas Freehold and the Heartwaste has done no wrong."

"Good king, the burden of proof falls on the accusatory party in legal matters. You cannot prove conclusively that the deployed troops came from the Heartwaste, so the argument that they might have becomes irrelevant."

The King carefully removed a sheet of aged parchment from within his robes and held it up so that all present could see it. The words "PAX VARINEL - Pact for Eternal Peace in the Heartwaste (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17327946&postcount=41)" could be seen in faded ink and slightly outdated calligraphy.
"Here is the proof you demand Kyria Varinel, an original copy of the Pax penned a hundred years ago and kept safe by my family. The actual original is I believe kept in the Library of the Ice Palace. As I stated to Lord Philos, Section One Subsection Four specifically states that the troops of the Heartwaste may only be used for its defence and unless you are claiming that Sympolemou is part of the Heartwaste your violation is clear. Those who wish to examine this document and confirm my statements may do so.""'The Heartwaste pledges to use its troops only for its defense and shall not hinder the just military efforts of signatory nations as long as they do not hinder the sovereignty and peace of the Heartwaste and the freedom of its people.'" Eirlys read aloud. "The Empire of Dawn formed a blockade around Faedas, cutting off its trade and threatening both its sovereignty and the freedom of its merchants to trade. As such, the Heartwaste was perfectly in its right to deploy its troops in a defensive action." She held up a hand to cut off the response she knew was coming. "Yes, I know that Faedas' trade was only cut off from its signatories in the Empire, but that does not change that its trade was cut off. There is no clause allowing the signatories of the Pax the right to cut trade off, it specifically states that the Heartwaste's sovereignty - and therefore its trade - cannot be disrupted. Therefore, the signatory nations of Guilder and Raaneka broke the Pax Section One Subsection Four before the Heartwaste, and the Heartwaste was right to retaliate. However, they still did not - they deployed their troops defensively."

"In fact," She looked more intently at the document, "Section 5 requires that Guilder continue trade with the heartwaste for its alchemical resources."

OOC: Sam, Can we please not argue from an OOC standpoint? Moving troops in a medieval fashion takes months, even years. Unless Guilder was specifically going to wait until it was too late to form a blockade, then the blockade was being formed before Faedas moved its troops.

Kellan handed the aged parchment to Eirlys.
"Section One Subsection Five makes it relevant. As this is a war in which Tzalteclan and Glazfell comprise the aggressive party participating as their ally makes one also a member of the aggressive party. I consider therefore that the Heartwaste is acting on the offence."

"For the sake of expediency and staying on topic, I will ignore the question of how true it is that Tzalteclan and Glazfell are the 'aggressive party'." Eirlys raised an eyebrow at the document in her hand and read section 1.5 aloud. "'The Heartwaste pledges to never conduct military actions that could in any way be considered offensive actions, other than against those who invade it and violate its sovereignty, peace and freedom.' Defending the territories of another nation involved in war is not an 'aggressive' act by any stretch of the imagination, and the declaration of war was not only not a military action, but was performed by another nation. Further, the Concordat of Frost and Flame does not require that Faedas assist us in war - it only requires mutual defense. Therefore, being a part of the Concordat is not the equivalent of being part of the aggressive party."

"Therefore, the Heartwaste did not break the Pax Varinel Section One Subsection Five."

"If her defence of Sympolemou is legal or required, then so would such a defence of Guilder. Furthermore, by defending Sympolemou she acts against other signatories. She does not have the option to play favourites and indeed she should not."

"It is legal, but it is not required. The two are not synonymous. Further, to suggest she has a responsibility to defend all signatory nations is not only nowhere in this document, but it is utterly absurd. I count " ((OOC: I'm not sure how many have signed... 8? 9? Whatever, Eirlys can count, assume the number on the original document is here)) "nations, and not all of them were one territory at the time of signing. Does the Pax require that she defend them and all their territories? Of course not, that would be a logistical impossibility! It's especially absurd for a document that's supposed to limit conflict over the Heartwaste to demand that it create an army too vast to feed."

2015-01-23, 01:00 PM
"In fact," She looked more intently at the document, "Section 5 requires that Guilder continue trade with the heartwaste for its alchemical resources."

OOC: Sam, Can we please not argue from an OOC standpoint? Moving troops in a medieval fashion takes months, even years. Unless Guilder was specifically going to wait until it was too late to form a blockade, then the blockade was being formed before Faedas moved its troops.
OOC: My point was that his argument either had no teeth, or couldn't be argued. If he withdraws the argument, I have no purpose in continuing.

"I believe your copy of the Pax must be faulty, miss, for no such language is present. Read: with me..." (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17327946&postcount=41)

Guilder pledges to bestow upon the Heartwaste their alchemical technology once it has been developed, so that it may be used to create non-volatile bloodfire. In return, Guilder has first rights to the non-volatile bloodfire, should they wish to exercise it.

"Bestow. Bestow. We have already granted them our Steam Power technology, the fruits of that alchemical experimentation, as well as Loader technology, and off-shoot of it. I believe we have more than fulfilled that aspect of the Pax. Interestingly, the Heartwaste has made no motions to fulfill their ends. Nevertheless, it is Guilder's opinion that this is better for the world, and we bear them no ill-will for it."

2015-01-23, 01:10 PM
OOC: My point was that his argument either had no teeth, or couldn't be argued. If he withdraws the argument, I have no purpose in continuing.OOC: Then make the argument in character.

"I believe your copy of the Pax must be faulty, miss, for no such language is present. Read: with me..." (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17327946&postcount=41)"You believe the original copy to be faulty, then?" Eirlys smirked. "After all, it's the one the king just handed to me." OOC: This is by far the funniest thing I've read all thread. Thanks for that. :smallwink::smalltongue:

"Bestow. Bestow. We have already granted them our Steam Power technology, the fruits of that alchemical experimentation, as well as Loader technology, and off-shoot of it. I believe we have more than fulfilled that aspect of the Pax. Interestingly, the Heartwaste has made no motions to fulfill their ends. Nevertheless, it is Guilder's opinion that this is better for the world, and we bear them no ill-will for it."

"The implication being that you would continue to do so until the non-volatile bloodfire was developed. Further, the document states you have first rights 'should you choose to exercise them' when the non-volatile bloodfire is developed, the Heartwaste doesn't need to make a motion to- this is irrelevant to the discussion at hand, my apologies."

2015-01-23, 02:15 PM
Guilder shook his head. "Dear Lord Philos, if you're going to cite that, it comes back to our side as well.

"You see, which nation cut off trade first? Was it Guilder, or Faedas? For several years Guilder actually shipped crops and wood to Faedas and the Heartwaste after IT had already cut off trade. Thus, it was not Guilder who broke the pact, but Faedas. By your own accusation, Faedas is guilty yet again...

"But let us turn to your other point. Our issue is not that you declared war. Having sent a nice piece of paper to us declaring that you would murder our people, burn our homes, and ravage the countryside... we appreciated that paper warning. Rather, the problem is the fact that you have, in fact, sent thousands of troops across our border.

"That is called 'hostility'. And that makes you the aggressor. You declared war. You sent the troops. You are, regardless of what you may claim or think, the aggressor. I will listen to reason on many points, and am still keeping tally of all arguments that do not smirch my nation's honor. But your attempt to claim that you, the invader, are not the aggressor in a war..."

He shook his head. "To be honest I don't even know how you could think that. You were serious, correct?"

As Eirlys moved to dominate the conversation, the Frosten diplomat took a moment to sit back and breathe properly, holding his chest, glaring at the Guilderene as he spoke.

"You...you dare?", he said with wheeze as he lifted himself with his seat to approach the other representative.

"You speak, child, as if we, completely unprovoked, sent hundreds, thousands of mindless barbarians to rape and pillage the innocent lands of, of the Guilderene frontier. Is this the lie that your *cough* government tells you? Do you not know that the Doge himself sent men to spew Tzaltec Fire over the Planinfrag, a land that has done nothing to harm the Guilderenes even in war except to defend itself and the Sympol lands from shameless aggression from the...*wheeze*...damned Empire? Do you not know how many people in Guilder's subject lands have *cough* cheered and refused to raise arms in protest of Guilderene government?"

Lord Philos closes his eyes a moment, taking a deep breath and leaning in on his cane, before opening his lids to make a harsh eye contact with the man before him.

"Regardless, it is typical of Guilderene arrogance to simply assume that a treaty offers them legal protections, apparently without even bothering to read it. The Pax Varinel does not care whether Faedas actually trades *cough* with Guilder or not, merely about attempting to undermine that trade. The very fact that two signatories attempted to raise a blockade *cough* upon the Heartwaste, regardless of its effectiveness, is a violation of the treaty."

He returned to a more normal posture, relaxing somewhat.

"Do you *wheeze* understand, Guilderene?"

2015-01-23, 02:34 PM
"You are more than welcome to dispute the accusation under subsection five Lord Philos, that is why I invited you all here after all. That said, I pressed that claim only because I am obligated to do so. That subsection is subjective so any accusation regarding it is also subjective. I consider the actions of the Heartwaste to be militarily offensive, you do not. Neither side can be conclusively proved right or wrong so I concede that that it is pointless to press such a charge when there are more grievous violations.
"As for your claim that Raaneka and Guilder violated subsection one by participating in the blockade against the Concordat of Frost and Flame and by extension the Heartwaste. The blockade in question did in no way impede its trade with signatory nations as the overland routes between the Heartwaste, Sycia, Sympolemou and Glazfell remained unaffected by the Empire of Dawn's naval blockade. The only signatory nations that could have been inconvenienced by such a blockade were those who initiated it and my own Kingdom which was not engaged in trade with the Heartwaste at that time and as subsection one applies only to the disruption of trade between the Heartwaste and signatory states of the Pax Varinel there has been no violation of subsection one."

"As you say King Kellan, it appears the definitions of the common tongue are different from Ashenia to the lands of Faedas, Glazfell, and Sycia and if you are willing to dismiss the actions of my soldiers as no argument on case of conflicting definition then I will not object. I do query what the more grievous violations are though Your Majesty?" Kyria had remained standing and now leaned on the table before her, ostensibly to take a pose of strength but also to keep her brace herself and remain locked within the physical world as without her sight and with the rising tensions she felt more and more easily the call of the Mother.

Thankfully the other signatories were defending her where they could and doing an ample job, allowing her to focus again on inner calm to press down the dark storm. Hilja looked over at her Queen from the side of the room and a soft glow emanated from her which the Queen focused on as it pushed at the shadows that composed her vision.

2015-01-23, 02:50 PM
"Are you alright, sir?" Guilder walks over to one of the guards, and motions towards Philos. "I believe that man needs medical care." He continues to watch him with some concern.

2015-01-23, 04:05 PM
Eirlys raised a hand. "Ah, but Raaneka defended its troop movements through Faedas by claiming that the Pax only applied to the Heartwaste territory, and not to a particular nation. So either Raaneka was in violation of the Pax by moving its troops through Faedas, or the troops sent to defend the Kingdom of the Iron Doctrine were of the Faedas Freehold and the Heartwaste has done no wrong."

"Good king, the burden of proof falls on the accusatory party in legal matters. You cannot prove conclusively that the deployed troops came from the Heartwaste, so the argument that they might have becomes irrelevant."

"You make a rather substantial assumption as to how legal matters are conducted within this kingdom Ambassador. Nevertheless, I have the proof that is required. Reports I have received both from before and during this war indicate that Faedas possessed an army numbering at least seventeen thousand with roughly a third of that number originating from the Heartwaste. Given that they deployed sixteen thousand troops to participate in the battle in Sympolemou it not possible for them to have withheld the troops recruited from the Heartwaste. It is but simple arithmetic Ambassador."

"'The Heartwaste pledges to use its troops only for its defense and shall not hinder the just military efforts of signatory nations as long as they do not hinder the sovereignty and peace of the Heartwaste and the freedom of its people.'" Eirlys read aloud. "The Empire of Dawn formed a blockade around Faedas, cutting off its trade and threatening both its sovereignty and the freedom of its merchants to trade. As such, the Heartwaste was perfectly in its right to deploy its troops in a defensive action." She held up a hand to cut off the response she knew was coming. "Yes, I know that Faedas' trade was only cut off from its signatories in the Empire, but that does not change that its trade was cut off. There is no clause allowing the signatories of the Pax the right to cut trade off, it specifically states that the Heartwaste's sovereignty - and therefore its trade - cannot be disrupted. Therefore, the signatory nations of Guilder and Raaneka broke the Pax Section One Subsection Four before the Heartwaste, and the Heartwaste was right to retaliate. However, they still did not - they deployed their troops defensively."

"In fact," She looked more intently at the document, "Section 5 requires that Guilder continue trade with the heartwaste for its alchemical resources."

"Precisely, the Pax stipulates that the Heartwaste may only use its troops for its defence. Unless I am very much mistaken, Sympolemou is not the Heartwaste and has never been the Heartwaste. Much has been made over whether or not aiding an ally constitutes as a defensive act or not and I admit fault in that area, however we have all ignored a simple word, three letters in the common script, two and a possessive mark in Ashenite: Its. None can deny the word is there and where it is placed and its placement indicates that the rulership of Kyria Varinel has caused them to violate the Pax Varinel.
"If you have a problem with Guilder concerning Section Five, I wholeheartedly suggest you indict them for it when we are done with the matter at hand."

"Therefore, the Heartwaste did not break the Pax Varinel Section One Subsection Five."

OOC: I've already withdrawn that charge so I won't go and do it again if that's alright.

"It is legal, but it is not required. The two are not synonymous. Further, to suggest she has a responsibility to defend all signatory nations is not only nowhere in this document, but it is utterly absurd. I count " ((OOC: I'm not sure how many have signed... 8? 9? Whatever, Eirlys can count, assume the number on the original document is here)) "nations, and not all of them were one territory at the time of signing. Does the Pax require that she defend them and all their territories? Of course not, that would be a logistical impossibility! It's especially absurd for a document that's supposed to limit conflict over the Heartwaste to demand that it create an army too vast to feed."

((OOC: It's either eight or nine, probably a couple more. All I know is that it will require at least five votes to decide this either way.))
"You are correct, the Heartwaste has no responsibility to defend any signatory nation. However, participating in a war against a signatory state even if in the defence of one's ally is a clear and present insult to those who in good faith signed the Pax to protect the ancestors of both Kyria Varinel and her people. In such a war her only honourable response would be to declare the Heartwaste neutral yet she did not."

-Irritated Frosten who sounds as though on the verge of death-

Kellan raised his voice slightly.
"Lord Philos! That is enough."
He lowered his voice to a more hospitable tone.
Calm yourself before I am forced to send your body back to Glazfell packed in salt and myrrh. I specifically prohibited discussion as to the causes behind the current war for a reason. I knew there would be no possibility of civil debate and it seems I was right as you seem to be on the verge of a fit. I will send for my personal physicians, at least one of them should know enough about Frosten should you almost kill yourself again."
He spoke a command in Ashenite to one of the guards standing unobtrusively at the door who then bowed and departed.

"As you say King Kellan, it appears the definitions of the common tongue are different from Ashenia to the lands of Faedas, Glazfell, and Sycia and if you are willing to dismiss the actions of my soldiers as no argument on case of conflicting definition then I will not object. I do query what the more grievous violations are though Your Majesty?"

Kellan took a moment to compose himself before addressing Kyria.
"It is simple Your Majesty. Section One Subsection Four forbids the deployment of the troops of the Heartwaste for any purpose other than its own defence. Unless our maps are wrong, Sympolemou is definitely not located in the Heartwaste. Ultimately, whatever verdict this Quorum decides upon I must ask you not to deploy those troops in such a manner again. I apologise for any confusion as I have only retracted the charge regarding Section One Subsection Five."
He turned from her to address the room.
"Of course, having listened to all these arguments I am forced to conclude that this quorum will have no result if allowed to continue as such. However, these arguments have had one positive aspect as they have paradoxically brought clarity to my mind. Everything we discussed today can be considered as one question: Is Sympolemou located within the geographical Heartwaste?
"Now, Duke Ironfang is not here to resolve this point for us, but I think we all have a solid enough understanding of geography to know that that is not the case."

2015-01-23, 04:46 PM
Kellan took a moment to compose himself before addressing Kyria.
[COLOR="Silver"]"It is simple Your Majesty. Section One Subsection Four forbids the deployment of the troops of the Heartwaste for any purpose other than its own defence. Unless our maps are wrong, Sympolemou is definitely not located in the Heartwaste. Ultimately, whatever verdict this Quorum decides upon I must ask you not to deploy those troops in such a manner again. I apologise for any confusion as I have only retracted the charge regarding Section One Subsection Five."
He turned from her to address the room.
"Of course, having listened to all these arguments I am forced to conclude that this quorum will have no result if allowed to continue as such. However, these arguments have had one positive aspect as they have paradoxically brought clarity to my mind. Everything we discussed today can be considered as one question: Is Sympolemou located within the geographical Heartwaste?
"Now, Duke Ironfang is not here to resolve this point for us, but I think we all have a solid enough understanding of geography to know that that is not the case."

"Those troops were in its defense Your Majesty," the Queen said cooly, "As was brought up by Raaneki scholars of war and stratagem only a few years prior, an assault on a sovereign nation to attempt and divert invasion is, in some circles such as those of the members of the Empire of Dawn, a defensive maneuver. Further, a defense of their entire Empire, not one piece. I am a member of the Concordat of Frost and Flame which contains within it a clause of required mutual defense, defending my fellow Concordat members was ensuring I did not break my vows there as well as defending Faedas and the Heartwaste by proxy by ensuring continued obligation to that more recent document as well as retaining the integrity of the Pax by sending them only to defend, not to attack."

"And at the time of their deployment I'd heard many rumors that the Empire of Dawn, the Royal Council of Raaneka most especially, desired to strike directly against the Heartwaste. Their very issuance of decrying my supposed breach calls for an unjust appointment of a signatory nation as governor of the Heartwaste, not one of the Varinel line, one of their own choosing. If we take into account Raaneka's relatively recent acquisition of Grmanhil and their newfound willingness to lead a beachhead invasion of Sympolemou rather than act defensively I am certain more than a few leaders might find a demand that a neighboring state be handed off to a signatory, themselves being a signatory, rather...disturbing? The Heartwaste for all intents and purposes was under threat of war, a neighboring nation, a signatory no less, was dragging a war on the eastern continent over to the central. How is defending against such escalation and war mongering not defense of itself Your Majesty?"

"If I might be frank?" she said after a pause, "I find the general tone of this Quorum to be one in which minds are already determined and facts are meaningless. Our Guilderene compatriot was right in that, there will be no discussion of the true happenings or facts, only the twisting of things to suit one's own agendas. I had come here under pretense that the Kingdom of Ashenia was a neutral party in this war but news arrived on my travel that King Kellan's forces were marching across three continents to join the Empire of Dawn. I thought perhaps the reports were folly, but hearing now the direction this Quorum has gone I know those reports must be true. If this Quorum is nothing more than a farce perhaps we would all be better suited to vote. First on whether the Quorum determines the Pax has been broken, for despite your insistence it was King Kellan it is clear others do not agree with you and thus it falls to a vote to decide."

2015-01-23, 04:56 PM
"Please get me some water, my throat's burning." Eirlys gestured to the wolfborn. "Good king, with all due respect, that is not the question that needs to be answered and to suggest such is to do the intelligence of every delegate here a great disservice."

"One question you posed that I feel needs to be addressed immediately: does 'defense of its territory' mean deploying its troops in a location other than the Heartwaste is a violation of the Pax?"

"No, it is not. As Raaneka stated earlier, the Pax referred solely to the Heartwaste territory, which is why their troops could move through the Freehold without violating the Pax. To suggest that the Pax forbids the Heartwaste from deploying in any territory but the Heartwaste is to suggest that they cannot deploy within the Freehold. Their own nation. That is a clear violation of their sovereignty, which would render the Pax void."

"Yes, the Freehold represents the Heartwaste. But Raaneka has made it clear already that the Pax only refers to the Heartwaste territory. Either the Pax covers the Freehold - in which case Raaneka provoked a response by moving through their territory - or it only applies to the Heartwaste which means either that the Pax allows deployment in defense of its neighbors or that it violates the Freehold's sovereignty and is thus void. You cannot have both."

"I agree with Lady Kyria - this bickering is pointless and our minds are made up. Sycia holds its position that Faedas and the Heartwaste are not in violation of the Pax Varinel." Eirlys sighed and took her seat again. "I'm getting too old for politics..."

2015-01-23, 05:05 PM
"Very well then, we shall proceed with the vote. Sycia has already jumped ahead and made its decision clear so there is no need for their ambassador to have to stand again. I, Kellan Toranath III, King of Ashenia, declare that Kyria Varinel is in violation of the Pax Varinel."
He left the floor and took a seat at the table as if inviting another to cast their vote.

2015-01-24, 08:49 PM
"I am *cough* FINE, you damned *wheeze*!"

Frustrated with the Guilderene, erm, ambassador, Lord Philos returns to his seat silently glaring at the King of Ashenia as he's berated. His gaze grows more and more annoyed as the discussion continues and the King of Ashenia calls for a vote. Finally, as he hears that the Kingdom of Ashenia had already sent troops to participate, he nearly exploded with barely-subdued rage.

"You never meant to *cough* bother seeking justice, did you, King Kellan? You insist that we must not discuss the causes of the war but insist that we are the aggressors. You sent troops to fight in the war after inviting us to a Quorum under the pretense of neutrality. You didn't call this Quorum to seek the truth, you called it to render your preconcieved *cough* verdict! This negotiation has always been in bad faith, and you know it.

For whatever it is worth in this kangaroo court, I vote that Queen Kyria is not Guilty."

Quivering, the diplomat stands with his cane and turns his back to the King before storming out of the room for fresh air.

2015-01-25, 12:05 AM
As Philos reached his final peroration, the sound of footsteps could be heard from the corridor outside, and as he stormed from the room three men entered in precise, military step. They stepped aside and bowed to Lord Philos, before turning to pay similar respect to the other dignitaries. Although they had the complexion of men of the south, they were dressed in what was clearly a soldier's uniform, in red, white and gold, their chests bearing the symbol of the sun in splendour.

The leading man thumped his chest in a salute. "I must apologise, your highnesses, my lords and ladies, both for our tardiness and the interruption. I am Captain Felix Acambra of the Burning Legion, and rather out of place among such august dignitaries. I do however bear correspondence with relevance to any decision taken here."

He walked over to the Huroshans and knelt before the Empress, holding out three letters for her equerry. "My lady, in the absence of the High Priestess I shall deliver these letters unto you as her liege. Two are for her own perusal" - these are clearly addressed to Arvaya personally - "the third was prepared in case she was not present."

Having delivered the letters, he stood, and bowed again to Kellan. "I shall not disrupt proceedings further, my lords, and with your permission shall take my leave."

This letter is written in a rather childish hand.

To who m it may concern, possibly Empress Ryena your highness,

If this letter is read it means no Calorum repressen people are at the quorumm. As air heir to Calorum I think it is important Calorum has a voice even if it is not safe for any of us to jurney there. I have not herd the arguments at the meeting but have an oppinyion still.

When my pap grandfather was High Preiest, evil heretics tried to overthroew his rule. They were beaten with help from Feydas troops. The Queen of Feydas is a trez treasured friend of Calorum and we are greatful to her for her help. It would be hippo hyppocryt wrong of us to say that Feydas cannot send its soldiers to help its friends when we have had their help in the past.

I cannot vote as I am not there but if I can I will appoynt the Empress of Hurosha as a proxie as liege to the Kingdom of Calorum to vote on our behalf and having heard what others have said at the meeting.

Yours in the light of the Lord,

Brethar Divinorum
Prefex of Fire

My lady Arvaya,

It was to mine and the king's great shock that we heard of the kidnapping of your son Brethar from Caloxdur, and to the great distress of my people.

I am pleased to report that due to the efforts of our agents we have succeeded in recovering Brethar from a gang of criminals in Horbeach. He is safe and unharmed. We believe that this was the action of a group of Ascensionist traitors and rebels who I believe still flourish in Pryonia, possibly with the intention of holding him to ransom or sowing dissent between our peoples.

I can assure you that he is in good health and seems broadly untroubled by his ordeal. I shall return him to Calorum as soon as the wider military situation permits it and I can be sure he can make the journey safely. In the meantime he is being raised as a member of my own household alongside my daughter, with priests of the Reformation seeing to his education.

Malyn Jarrow, atheling of Jarrland

The second is in a more childish hand:

Dear mother

I am safe and well in Jarrland do not fear. I wos was kidnappped by Asscensinists who planned to use me in evil rituals but was rescued by Carmyn carmi JARRLAND ship who gave me cake. Mallyn says I can go home to you when the war is over and it will be safe. I like it here it is not too hot and the people are very polite also there are lots of bright colours everywhere and Princess Adylla is very kind and pretty.

May the lord smite the heretics with the fury of a thousand suns


2015-01-25, 03:34 AM
The King of Ashenia made no comment as Lord Philos left. The hypocrisy was not lost on him, but unlike the Glazfelli diplomat he realised that he was being chastised for the same act that Faedas had taken. No matter, this entire quorum was simply a delaying action.

Having delivered the letters, he stood, and bowed again to Kellan. "I shall not disrupt proceedings further, my lords, and with your permission shall take my leave."

((OOC: Ryena isn't here. Rove is however, so I assume that you were handing the letters to him.))

"I do not see why you're asking me if you can leave as you did not ask if you enter. Nevertheless, I require the names of your men and proof of your identity. Failure to comply will result in imprisonment, comply and I will only send a letter to Cousin Eldred regarding training his messengers in proper protocol."
His guards were really inept today, this was the second time that people had been allowed to enter unannounced.
((OOC: By which I mean, the Rotan Palace may be the centre of government for the Kingdom of Ashenia and the palace is often open so that people can petition the crown personally, but this isn't one of those days. In addition this is also the King's private home and he is a very busy and important person. You can't just drop by the White House to see the President of the United States of America, why do you expect otherwise with the King of Ashenia? I'll let this slip for a second time.))

2015-01-25, 06:53 AM
"Of course, lord King. Tribune Macro, tribune Hastur." He indicated each of his companions in turn, and frowned slightly. "Lord King, though I was born in Jarrland and we started our journey there I am here in my capacity as captain of the Burning Legion, at the instruction of Prefex Brethar Divinorum. You need not chastise the king, for in this respect it is to the Prefex that we answer. If our heraldry does not serve as sufficient proof of our identity, the letter I have just passed to Lord Earthguard bears his seal. It was our understanding that Calorum was an invitee to this quorum and indeed it was in hope of meeting High Priestess Arvaya or her appointed representative that we travelled here. In her absence or that of her chosen delegate the highest authority in Calorum belongs to the Prefex and he was unwilling to allow an event of this importance to pass without any word from Calorum at all."

There was a slightly learned quality about the speech, as if he had expected to be challenged and worked it out in advance.

2015-01-25, 05:02 PM
Guilder shakes his head, and reads from the scroll which was strapped firmly to his side throughout the Quorum. "I took the liberty of being prepared for this moment."

Oh, Sycia, oh Faedas, oh Ashenia, Hurosha, all.
What good did your hope do you, when pretenses fall?
Claimed you no prejudice, shrouded in justice,
But gave only bias, left discontent.
Given a scroll yesterday, I could have told of today;
What has been was what each only could say.
So now let "justice" be meted,
Each one allied as seated,
The vote pre-decided,
By the war we're fighting.
Justice? No.
Peace? Not given a chance.
Hope? In the blade and the boot.
Politics? This alone inevitable, all to lose.

"Guilder votes that the Pax Varinel has been broken, but further, we note that Guilder no more holds the Pax to be a detriment to the future of this world, and the future of the Heartwaste, and would seek a new solution with Faedas and others, when there is time."

2015-01-25, 05:27 PM
Guilder shakes his head, and reads from the scroll which was strapped firmly to his side throughout the Quorum. "I took the liberty of being prepared for this moment."

"Guilder votes that the Pax Varinel has been broken, but further, we note that Guilder no more holds the Pax to be a detriment to the future of this world, and the future of the Heartwaste, and would seek a new solution with Faedas and others, when there is time."

Eirlys cocked an eyebrow at the Guilder 'representative. "Putting aside for the moment that you just insulted every dignitary present, Hurosha didn't even sign the Pax!"

2015-01-25, 08:37 PM
Eirlys cocked an eyebrow at the Guilder 'representative. "Putting aside for the moment that you just insulted every dignitary present, Hurosha didn't even sign the Pax!"

Guilder points to Ryena, elected as the stand-in for Calorum. "You really shouldn't set yourself up like that. As to your other objection, I feel that those present who would care about such objections are already assaulting my nation for its 'crimes.' I'm not quite sure what further you would do to us because of the actions of one man."

2015-01-25, 09:38 PM
Guilder points to Ryena, elected as the stand-in for Calorum. "You really shouldn't set yourself up like that. As to your other objection, I feel that those present who would care about such objections are already assaulting my nation for its 'crimes.'

OOC: Genuinely have no idea what this first part means. Also, look up a few posts to Elemental's OOC note: RYENA ISN'T HERE EITHER :tongue:

"I'm not quite sure what further you would do to us because of the actions of one man."

"Diplomacy is as much about future interactions as it is current. I could decide from your behavior that Guilder is not worth the effort of proper diplomacy and relay such to the Head Priests and Priestesses, thereby damaging your relationship to Sycia for years to come. That would be quite a shame, as High Priestess Marvella is very fond of Doge Wesley." She gestured around the table. "And your foes are not the only ones present. Your allies and potential allies are here as well."

"As... intense as these proceedings have been, no one has conducted themselves in a way that reflects as poorly on their nation and their ruler as you. You and you alone have gone out of your way to insult not only your enemies but every nation present. You and you alone came here prepared to sling metaphorical mud in our faces and pretended yourself to be the party of calm, measured reason."

"It's especially baffling since you freely and openly insulted people who you're supposed to agree with. That means this wasn't an underhanded tactic to make your side look better, or you would have been more subtle and direct your insults towards one party. You didn't do it to undermine the legitimacy of the vote, or you would have opened with it. It isn't your genuine thoughts, or you wouldn't have needed to write them down ahead of time. It's not an opening to an assassination or kidnapping, or we would all be surrounded by Guilder soldiers. And you didn't do it to sway the vote, as you waited until after the votes had been cast!!"

"That means you spoke that poem for the sole purpose of insulting the diplomats present and proclaiming yourself righteous."

"There's 'not being trained as a diplomat' and then there's 'deliberate sabotage of your own relationship with other nations.'"

"Seriously, what the Flame?"

2015-01-26, 12:08 AM
OOC: Aed mentioned Ryena, I got lazy. Shoulda been Rove. Point stands though; he had 'predicted' that Hurosha would be involved somehow.

The man sighed. "The point that I made was to everyone. That message, by the by, was neither written nor approved by Doge Wesley, and I presume that he would have decided against it. I, however, am... tired. In fact, an assassin right now would save me the trip home, because I've got a buttercup of a wife.

"What I would like is to see a very different world. Aren't you tired of this public battle, of the various nations trying to pose? Writing poetry? That's posing, isn't it? It's a bit more blatant, of course, as a motion, but that doesn't make it less annoying. I suppose that I speak for the common people --Wesley actually held an election for me, and the sad folk of Guilder voted me here for some reason-- and they say: change it. Sah'raa and Frontier were the first, of course. But I believe that is only the first of a revolution, a change to the world.

"And I suppose I'd like to push some people out of their worldview, get them out of that mindset." He shrugs, coughing a bit. Perhaps he'd caught whatever Philos had.

"I think you should probably write an annoyed letter to Wesley, though. He should know that the experiment went this direction. The people tend not to be easy to... control. Or understand." He bows, taking off his sailor's cap in a show of genuine deference.

2015-01-26, 12:35 AM
The Mormaer had been mostly silent as the Quorum had proceeded, listening intently to both sides of the argument. He continued to sit back as the Guilder representative and the representative of Sycia exchanged words and once they were finished rose from his chair.

"Friend in Guilder, I hear your words, and while I suspect a level of diplomatic training might better them for the others I do see the point you drive at. The Pax is no longer relevant to the world as it stands, and I do agree it is the duty of every thinking man to think for himself and respond in kind. To that end I cast my vote, finding Queen Kyria not guilty of a breach though my allies stand opposed to her and my armies march against the Concordat, I do not believe her actions were outside the provisions of the document. Yet, to follow up I second the motion of Guilder, that the Pax, after this vote is decided, should be thrown out as no longer fit to guide interactions with the Heartwaste and its sovereign. Thank you."

The Dwarf sat back down, his pleasant mood having grown soured over the course of the debates.

2015-01-26, 04:43 AM
OOC: Genuinely have no idea what this first part means. Also, look up a few posts to Elemental's OOC note: RYENA ISN'T HERE EITHER :tongue:

"Diplomacy is as much about future interactions as it is current. I could decide from your behavior that Guilder is not worth the effort of proper diplomacy and relay such to the Head Priests and Priestesses, thereby damaging your relationship to Sycia for years to come. That would be quite a shame, as High Priestess Marvella is very fond of Doge Wesley." She gestured around the table. "And your foes are not the only ones present. Your allies and potential allies are here as well."

"As... intense as these proceedings have been, no one has conducted themselves in a way that reflects as poorly on their nation and their ruler as you. You and you alone have gone out of your way to insult not only your enemies but every nation present. You and you alone came here prepared to sling metaphorical mud in our faces and pretended yourself to be the party of calm, measured reason."

"It's especially baffling since you freely and openly insulted people who you're supposed to agree with. That means this wasn't an underhanded tactic to make your side look better, or you would have been more subtle and direct your insults towards one party. You didn't do it to undermine the legitimacy of the vote, or you would have opened with it. It isn't your genuine thoughts, or you wouldn't have needed to write them down ahead of time. It's not an opening to an assassination or kidnapping, or we would all be surrounded by Guilder soldiers. And you didn't do it to sway the vote, as you waited until after the votes had been cast!!"

"That means you spoke that poem for the sole purpose of insulting the diplomats present and proclaiming yourself righteous."

"There's 'not being trained as a diplomat' and then there's 'deliberate sabotage of your own relationship with other nations.'"

"Seriously, what the Flame?"

OOC: Aed mentioned Ryena, I got lazy. Shoulda been Rove. Point stands though; he had 'predicted' that Hurosha would be involved somehow.

The man sighed. "The point that I made was to everyone. That message, by the by, was neither written nor approved by Doge Wesley, and I presume that he would have decided against it. I, however, am... tired. In fact, an assassin right now would save me the trip home, because I've got a buttercup of a wife.

"What I would like is to see a very different world. Aren't you tired of this public battle, of the various nations trying to pose? Writing poetry? That's posing, isn't it? It's a bit more blatant, of course, as a motion, but that doesn't make it less annoying. I suppose that I speak for the common people --Wesley actually held an election for me, and the sad folk of Guilder voted me here for some reason-- and they say: change it. Sah'raa and Frontier were the first, of course. But I believe that is only the first of a revolution, a change to the world.

"And I suppose I'd like to push some people out of their worldview, get them out of that mindset." He shrugs, coughing a bit. Perhaps he'd caught whatever Philos had.

"I think you should probably write an annoyed letter to Wesley, though. He should know that the experiment went this direction. The people tend not to be easy to... control. Or understand." He bows, taking off his sailor's cap in a show of genuine deference.

Following the letter and the debate that spiraled from it, Rove silently looked through the letter, Grïend looking with him. Kialdo politely stayed out of it for now.

After Guilder's comment, he began laughing softly. The tone was almost eery. He slowely stood up, grabbing a different letter from his belt-pouch and holding it in his hand. He slid his thumbs under the seal of the letter, ready to open it. The seal was clearly of Calorum making.

"And here I thought an Earthguard could stay neutral for a change. Alas, Ashmar has a different rode for me in store. Despite lacking in diplomatic Prowess, the Guilder-jin is sharp. However, Hurosha will not take Calorum's place. It is not our right to do so."

He carefully left the seal intact and the letter closed, putting the parchment into his belt-pouch again.

"Even if permission is granted to me from Calorum's High Priestess to issue a verdict from my own views on things. From what I've heard and seen here, there are people here whose only purpose is to seek shallow and unsure justice, in addition to those who are blind to reason or refuse to see the heart of this matter. Therefore, I cannot make a sound decision based upon this quorum."

"For what it is worth, Hurosha remains neutral on this matter."

Grïend and Kialdo stood up with the Arche.

"I think it is time for us to go home. Thank you for allowing us passage, King Kellan. May Prowess guide your path, always."

He and Grïend bowed to the people in the room, Kialdo nodding his head politely.

"To all other diplomats, I also want to give you my thanks for this enlightening quorum. I bid thee all, farewell."

The Huroshans walked to the door, where they hoped to be escorted outside by the guards. It wasn't wise to give the Ashenians any more surprises.

2015-01-26, 04:51 AM
"Of course, lord King. Tribune Macro, tribune Hastur." He indicated each of his companions in turn, and frowned slightly. "Lord King, though I was born in Jarrland and we started our journey there I am here in my capacity as captain of the Burning Legion, at the instruction of Prefex Brethar Divinorum. You need not chastise the king, for in this respect it is to the Prefex that we answer. If our heraldry does not serve as sufficient proof of our identity, the letter I have just passed to Lord Earthguard bears his seal. It was our understanding that Calorum was an invitee to this quorum and indeed it was in hope of meeting High Priestess Arvaya or her appointed representative that we travelled here. In her absence or that of her chosen delegate the highest authority in Calorum belongs to the Prefex and he was unwilling to allow an event of this importance to pass without any word from Calorum at all."

There was a slightly learned quality about the speech, as if he had expected to be challenged and worked it out in advance.

"Brethar Divinorum? The child who was kidnapped from his home in Calorum? I am not sure on what basis you think I am likely to consider the authority of a kidnapped religious official, especially an official who is not yet an adult. I don't know what your motivation is, but I do not believe them to be entirely honourable. You will be my guests until this matter is adequately resolved."
The King said an abrupt order to his guards in Ashenite and they moved into a position around Captain Felix and his tribunes in order to take them into custody.
"Dinner will be served an hour after Sunset gentlemen. I am sure that Arvaya and Eldred will be able to help me in sorting this mess out."
One of the guards placed a hand on Captain Felix's shoulder to lead him away.

"To all other diplomats, I also want to give you my thanks for this enlightening quorum. I bid thee all, farewell."

The Huroshans walked to the door, where they hoped to be escorted outside by the guards. It wasn't wise to give the Ashenians any more surprises.

]"Farewell to you also Rove of Hurosha, Minister Kialdo and Griend of the Menhirin.
He bowed his head respectfully as a guard began to escort them away.

The matter with the Jarr soldiers resolved and his farewell given to Hurosha, Kellan returned to the matter at hand.
"You are correct of course. It would be best to dissolve the Pax. Especially as a quick count of the votes indicates that no decision was reached by this quorum despite all of our arguments.
"Therefore, I declare that no action shall be taken against Kyria Varinel in regards to this matter."

2015-01-26, 05:41 AM
]"Farewell to you also Rove of Hurosha, Minister Kialdo and Griend of the Menhirin.
He bowed his head respectfully as a guard began to escort them away.

The matter with the Jarr soldiers resolved and his farewell given to Hurosha, Kellan returned to the matter at hand.
"You are correct of course. It would be best to dissolve the Pax. Especially as a quick count of the votes indicates that no decision was reached by this quorum despite all of our arguments.
"Therefore, I declare that no action shall be taken against Kyria Varinel in regards to this matter."

If you want to discus things with Kialdo, he will wait until sunset before requesting an audience again. They just retreated to avoid any flak coming from the other representatives. Otherwise, something can be done at the Centennial Gala.