View Full Version : [EMPIRE] Vizini's Flashing Courage

2015-01-16, 03:14 PM
Those at the outskirts of the empire's greatness grunt in a commotion at the massive shadow passing above them. A wide set of wings, long scales, a monstrous head... it is some sort of dread beast coming, surely. The call to arms would be sounded, the saroc gathered in masse, crude metal weapons at the ready...

But it passed over.

The shadow sailed towards them, blocked out the sun for a brief moment, and passed on to towards the capitol. It travelled south from the conflict of the Clanships, though not quickly. Its slow, gliding flight was easily outpaced by the quick messengers of the Megadeth Khaboss, and arrived at the capitol easily a day before.

Yet on the creature flew, until it had neared the city. The creature was... vaguely familiar. There were some Trihorns still inside the city, and those of the saroc astute enough to notice, would see that the creature above bore some similarities.

The like-dinosaur flew around the city, circling it twice as a vulture circles its carrion, before descending. It fell in a rush, diving towards the palace of Stormskull's banner, before spreading both massive wings, shading the entire courtyard as it slowed. The blast of air from its monstrous power knocked back many of the weaker saroc, throwing them to their feet. The Khabosses, of course, were too strong for this, but the hurricane force still swept around them.

Then, the shadow gave way, as the beast folded its 40-foot wings and the sun flashed through, blinding those below.

Silhouetted against the sun was a single figure, a freakishly tall, thin human in armor and bearing but a single sword.

"I come to speak to the Megadeth Khaboss. Where be him?"

2015-01-16, 10:31 PM
OOC: I'm willing to roll with he can still turn dragon assuming this takes place sometime before Nezetkhamun's letter and it's cool but for all previous appearances of Nezetkhamun one does not morph their armor or accoutrements when they transform so assuming you did arrive in dragon form changing out would mean Vizini is standing in the courtyard in the complete nude. More brave really.

The Khas were dispatched by the Khabosses to enter the great stone capital castle as the more adventurous Saroc came forward to examine the pink-white fleshy creature that stood exposed before them. They were dressed in a rag-tag assortment of clothing bearing striking similarities to records of the clothing worn by Gebui and his people but it seems ill fitting and as though it was worn more as trophy than as actual clothing. Vizini's naked form was chilled slightly by the cool valley air but his blood inheritance from his mother's side kept it at bay.

After what felt like an eternity Khas scattered from the interior and a great blue giant of an orc appeared coming through the arched door to the courtyard. He was dressed in great and boisterous fur lined robe, in purple velvet with white fur poking out from the interior and cinched at the middle to hide his nakedness though it appeared to be all he wore.

"You come to me shaper of Gilter? You come and ask me to see you?"

As he spoke the massive Khaboss, matching and exceeding the height of Vizini by at least a head marched steadily towards the intruder. He stopped a foot away from the visitor and leaned in, arching his back that his eyes were level with Vizini's and the Guilderene could smell on his breath the scent of spiced meat.

"What do you want little Gilter? Have come to accept Megadeth's most glorious offer? Or come to die?"

2015-01-19, 11:36 PM
OOC: I'm gonna go with this as post-blessing-removal. He's ridden in on a King Pterid (as they're called, real-world name Quetzalcoatlus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quetzalcoatlus)), which has folded its wings and is currently screeching at anyone coming close to it.

"I come and expect, Megadeth, just as you expected my coming. You knew that Gilter would send one of its greatest warriors, and here I am, in the flesh." Vizini stretches out his harms, showing off his near-naked form. It's not particularly amazing, unless one were to know his true age. For a 60-year old man, he's positively ripped, but to a Saroc in his prime, he looked like a taller, skinnier version of any of the Khabosses, with less arm, leg, and teeth to boot.

Still, he was standing with a single sword in the middle of hundreds of armed enemies. Perhaps the loincloth around his waist was extra long for a reason.

"I come here because I was told that you desired my head, believing Guilder to lack balsats. So, here I am to prove that, above all else, we are not weak. Then, having proven that, we may talk." He readies his sword.

OOC: He's challenging him to a simple, non-lethal duel. Or Saroc equivalent. Would you prefer to roll this out, or...?

2015-01-20, 03:15 PM
OOC: I'm gonna go with this as post-blessing-removal. He's ridden in on a King Pterid (as they're called, real-world name Quetzalcoatlus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quetzalcoatlus)), which has folded its wings and is currently screeching at anyone coming close to it.

"I come and expect, Megadeth, just as you expected my coming. You knew that Gilter would send one of its greatest warriors, and here I am, in the flesh." Vizini stretches out his harms, showing off his near-naked form. It's not particularly amazing, unless one were to know his true age. For a 60-year old man, he's positively ripped, but to a Saroc in his prime, he looked like a taller, skinnier version of any of the Khabosses, with less arm, leg, and teeth to boot.

Still, he was standing with a single sword in the middle of hundreds of armed enemies. Perhaps the loincloth around his waist was extra long for a reason.

"I come here because I was told that you desired my head, believing Guilder to lack balsats. So, here I am to prove that, above all else, we are not weak. Then, having proven that, we may talk." He readies his sword.

OOC: He's challenging him to a simple, non-lethal duel. Or Saroc equivalent. Would you prefer to roll this out, or...?

"Drop your sword little Gilterene. Do not hide behind pointed metal," the Megadeth commanded, his voice deep and insistent as he eyed the Guilderene ex-Doge.

Nearby the other Khabosses and Khas tensed up as their leader spoke those words. They had seen this before, with Khaboss Fleshmelter when he had tried to talk the Megadeth into a duel. Would the Guilderene be as foolish as the late Khaboss? Would he listen to the Megadeth?

2015-01-20, 07:35 PM
"Do I seem like a man very interested in hiding?" Vizini says, sliding his sword into its scabbard. "I have no interest in hiding behind a nation, an army, or even a sword." He gestures to the multiplicity of blue, gold, and black tattoos etched into his skin, in designs of eagles and griffons and other great beasts, besides great battles.

"I have come here for many reasons, and they may be dealt with in any order, Stormskull."

2015-01-20, 08:22 PM
"Do I seem like a man very interested in hiding?" Vizini says, sliding his sword into its scabbard. "I have no interest in hiding behind a nation, an army, or even a sword." He gestures to the multiplicity of blue, gold, and black tattoos etched into his skin, in designs of eagles and griffons and other great beasts, besides great battles.

"I have come here for many reasons, and they may be dealt with in any order, Stormskull."

"Megadeth has only one response," Stormskull moved forward quickly and reached out to grasp Vizini's head between his massive palms.

Military Roll to oppose, TN: 17 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18688543&postcount=162)

2015-01-20, 08:37 PM
Vizini grins, stepping back in a spiral motion and avoiding the Saroc's grab with ease. The two hands slapped together in a clap that resounded in the silent courtyard. "Don't hide behind a pointy thing, you say?" He shrugs.

"Let's see what your balsats are made of, tough guy." He stepped back on his right foot, gathering the momentum back from his retreat and lunged forward, spinning into a knee straight to Stormskull's most delicate region, smashing hard.

"The size of the man in the fight isn't as important..." He throws a feinting punch, and whirls around to the other side of the orc, "Isn't as important as the size of the fight in the man." Vizini holds open his arms. "Come to me, Stormskull. See what you have begun."

[Roll: 20] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?388673-EMPIRE!-The-Community-Dice-Rolling-Thread-The-2nd&p=18688596#post18688596)

2015-01-20, 09:27 PM
In response to Vizini's challenge, there was a laugh from within the castle. Striding from the same door Stormskull had emerged from was another Megadeth Khaboss, Vizini's once-cousin Ahmes, though there was little recognizable about him now. Where the young man who had ridden to consult with the saroc five years ago had been of slight and human build, the thing that stepped from the shadows was nigh seven feet tall, his body well-muscled and his bronze skin sheathed in places by navy blue scales. He wore nothing but a black skirt cinched with a layered golden belt, but behind him followed a score of towering Khas and Khabosses girded in Tzaltec steel.

"I fear you misunderstand your situation, Vizini of Guilder."

There was an ugly laugh from the crowd of saroc around the courtyard.

"When a Megadeth Khaboss fights, he does not fight alone."

Ahmes turned his golden eyes towards his Khas.

"Take him alive."

With that, the horde rushed forward, gauntleted fists and iron-shod boots lashing out to punish Vizini's mockery.


2015-01-21, 12:16 AM
OOC: @Dark: This is essentially a delay post before your roll kicks in, to dialogue with Stormskull. What he says effects my actions.

Vizini raises one eyebrow. "Does Stormskull fear me? Do you need one of the Tzaltec to defeat your enemies? Or perhaps it requires your men, subordinates, the lesser orcs who fear you, to defeat a single unarmed man.

"Of course, if you rush at me like this, I won't remain unarmed for long."

Vizini beamed maliciously, teeth grinning wide in a saurian smile.

"Tell me, Stormskull! Is this the "evermore peace" you offered? Because if so, my earlier belief that you were great was false."

2015-01-21, 12:03 PM
OOC: :smallsigh: That everyone assumes the Saroc are Klingons. Stormskull wouldn't say anything, also you need to roll for the attack on Stormskull after dodging his attack so I can roll to defend. Then you need to also roll for a defense from Ahmes' goon squad.

Stormskull groaned as Vizini's blow between his legs connected and growled fiercely as Vizini taunted him, his growl turning into a grin as Ahmes approached and the Khas and Kahbosses set upon Vizini.

2015-01-21, 03:38 PM
Attack: 17
Defense: 21 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?388673-EMPIRE!-The-Community-Dice-Rolling-Thread-The-2nd&p=18691575#post18691575)

OOC: I'm assuming that killing mooks is cleared, but I'm wondering how we want to set up the death possibilities for Vizini, Ahmes, and Stormskull?

Vizini continues his smile at the oncoming horde, dodging through their ranks with a flash of his adamantine blade. He slipped through the hole in the defense of the Saroc, and leaving behind a few holes of his own in the wake.

After the first few stabs, the former Doge shook out his arms and laughed a bit. "You know, my father was right. War really can be a rush... but not as much as it's about to be." He sliced another club to the side, dodging under the orc circle. Spinning his sword backwards, he plunged it behind him into the lower back of the nearest one, and pulled it out with a sickening splurch of blood.

The orcs backed off a little. They were supposed to take him alive, but there were already several dead from his blade. Vizini stood in the center of the ring, but he shifted his sword to his left hand.

"You see, Ahmes, you and I both made the same mistake. It's understandable really; I commiserate with you. Y'see, we both assumed our enemy would be more peaceable than he truly was. On my part, I did not expect an assassination attempt. On your part... you didn't expect..." Another laugh. He was coming a tad unhinged... there was no gold in his eyes, no scales on his skin, yet he seemed to have grown, to be standing taller and more commanding on his own.

"You didn't expect three facts. Just three, I think you can follow, and maybe even the Orcs.

"Fact the First: I rode in on a King Pterid, wingspan of 40 heads, body length 9 heads, capable of carrying 500 pounds of material on gliding currents for a hundred miles or more. Guess how many pounds I weigh? Much less than 500, in case you couldn't tell from my figure." He pointed to his stomach, which, for his age, still had decent enough muscle tone. "Work out the difference there yourself."

"Fact the Second: Your father took away only the least of the things he thought he had done for me. While my "blessing" is long gone, the willpower remains: no transformation, but all the reasons for my control of it. There is more determination in one bone in my body than the median subservient Khaboss can summon for battle."

With that, the Pterid screeched, flapping a gust of terrified wind as, suddenly, the beast felt light. From its back rose a crate, silhouetted against the sun and apparently floating on nothing. It slowly glided down, stupefying the orc-kind and probably even the Tzaltec general was left questioning. Finally, the massive crate, easily 300 pounds, hovered just above the pavement.

"And finally, Fact the Third: Hai Vyuma does not require extensive training... provided that one has the willpower to wrestle it, as well as sufficient quantities."


The crate slammed into the ground, and from its sides rose 4 streams of liquid death, raw Vyuma, outside its metal housing and floating in hissing blobs.

Vizini leapt forward, calling a fistful of the stuff to his right hand, and looped it into the air near Ahmes' neck. Sheathing his sword and calling the rest of the Hai Vyuma to him, he slashed open the crate, revealing stacks upon stacks of deadly fireblossoms (stamped with a crude visage of Nezet, no less) and even a few sealed canisters of Tzaltec Fire.

"Oh, and here's a bonus fact. Bonus Fact: If you suddenly expand at an exponential rate to a massive body... with a metal band around your neck... you're going to decapitate yourself. Just thought you should know." With that, the Vyuma swooped towards in a twirling bar, dodging around Ahmes' guards before lunging towards the dragon-blood himself.

"Now, Ahmes of Tzalteclan, I believe EVERYONE understands their situation perfectly."

[Roll: 24] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?388673-EMPIRE!-The-Community-Dice-Rolling-Thread-The-2nd&p=18692721#post18692721)

2015-01-21, 08:28 PM
OOC: Everything up to trapping Ahmes without a roll from Dark to avoid is fine. Techs don't apply to personal rolls. Otherwise acceptable.

The Megadeth looked on as the old pink skin made his play. It seemed Guilder was smarter than they led on when they'd talked of honor. They knew the risks and planned ahead. This one and all of his would still burn for this, if Stormskull didn't see to it Ironarm certainly would, but this might be a victory for the lands of Guilder. An intriguing play no doubt.

EDIT: And Hai Vyuma is half mil half faith since it relies on focused training of the mind. (Why yes, reading scripture can make you more deadly :smalltongue:)

2015-01-22, 10:21 AM
OOC: Everything up to trapping Ahmes without a roll from Dark to avoid is fine. Techs don't apply to personal rolls. Otherwise acceptable.

The Megadeth looked on as the old pink skin made his play. It seemed Guilder was smarter than they led on when they'd talked of honor. They knew the risks and planned ahead. This one and all of his would still burn for this, if Stormskull didn't see to it Ironarm certainly would, but this might be a victory for the lands of Guilder. An intriguing play no doubt.

EDIT: And Hai Vyuma is half mil half faith since it relies on focused training of the mind. (Why yes, reading scripture can make you more deadly :smalltongue:)

OOC: It's been edited. Roll was a tie, though I doubt Vyuma will trap anyone else, given that the bonus is so much smaller (-3 matters a lot in this context...). Does it apply to the main military bonus, or nah?

Vizini shook his head. Wesley had *insisted* this was the right decision, had packed it all up himself. The boy said there would be a double-cross, that he hadn't understood the orcs properly. And lo and behold... he was right. They were a culture just of strength, and not honor. It was hard for Vizini to wrap his head around such an amoral culture, whose system could be so clearly violent and, worse, unconducive to trade. Yet, here he was.

The question was, how long until his well-honed skills were simply overwhelmed by the enemy?

2015-01-23, 10:43 AM
OOC: Does what apply to the main military bonus?

2015-01-23, 10:45 AM
OOC: Does what apply to the main military bonus?

Hai Vyuma's +1. Does it only apply to the MilFaith roll, or to the main Mil Roll as well? Also, writing up my use of the roll. It should end up at a 16, which still beats Ahmes. I've heard nothing about how to kill/die though, which is problematic. :biggrin:

Also still waiting for Dark to respond to why Ahmes has such high bonuses. Darrrrrrrrk? You here?

2015-01-24, 04:22 PM
OOC: Well, to my knowledge Hai Vyuma doesn't apply a +1 to any roll in personal combat. Techs don't work that way. What it does do is allow for Half Faith/Half Mil.

As to my bonus, when I saw you rolling a +10 I assumed we were using our rulers' full bonus for this. Then I saw you weren't even using your ruler's bonus, but instead Vizini's bonus from back when he was still Doge, still had his supernatural crutch, and wasn't physically 75. So I felt pretty justified in continuing to use Senusret's bonus.

As the King Pterid rose once more from its perch and swept over the assembled warriors in the courtyard, time seemed to still. All eyes watched the crate clutched in the mighty beast's claws, watched it come loose, watched it fall. And as it shattered upon the cobblestones, there was a collective gasp, a holding of breath, a silence before the storm. Then the hai vyuma streamed forth into Vizini's outstretched hands, and the storm broke.

As the King Pterid struggled to rise from its dive, it was peppered with hand axes and quarrels loosed from the watchers standing guard on the walls of the Megadeth Khaboss' fortress, finally roused from their stupor. Gaping holes were torn in the beast's leathery wings, its pinions rained blood from dozens of punctures, but it was not until a spear fired from a Tzaltec scorpion impaled its torso that it collapsed beyond the walls.

Meanwhile, below the carnage, Vizini's silvery whip rippled past the assembled saroc warriors towards Ahmes. The Tzaltec prince was too stunned to dodge, yet as the hai vyuma took shape he understood the danger. At the last moment, he brought his arm up to shield his neck, catching the noose around his scaled forearm and allowing the liquid metal to wrap tight. Blood began to ooze from beneath the layered noose, yet he smiled. A moment more, after absorbing the sight of the crate's explosive contents, he smiled even wider.

"Back, my hadnik! I will have no more of your blood spilled for this old man's life."

The saroc backed away, the press of bodies carrying even Stormskull until Vizini and Ahmes stood alone in their arena. As the dust floated through the air, Ahmes called out to Vizini.

"You confuse bravado for willpower, old man. Clearly your mind is going if you think my father could revoke your bloodline - only my grandfather has that authority, and in severing you from the family line he severed all bonds between us."

Ahmes' smile turned ugly.

"So I see no reason to continue this charade. Archers!"

There was a gathering of shadows on the walls around them, as saroc readied their own jagged axes as well as Tzaltec crossbows.

"Relieve me of this pest."

Time stilled once more as Vizini and Ahmes locked eyes, before the sky grew dark in a rain of steel.

Sam, Ahmes is trying to hold Vizini in place by taking control of the hai vyuma, which I imagine is a straight faith roll since it's more a battle of wills than actual battle.


If Vizini gets out of that, I'll gladly give you a TN to come out of this severely wounded but alive. However, as this has long since moved beyond the realm of personal combat, I'm going to ask that we drop the pretense and not pretend Vizini can dodge dozens of incoming projectiles with no cover to speak of. Unless you want to suicide with him striking the explosives?

TN to not die: [roll1]

2015-01-24, 05:52 PM
As the King Pterid rose once more from its perch and swept over the assembled warriors in the courtyard, time seemed to still. All eyes watched the crate clutched in the mighty beast's claws, watched it come loose, watched it fall. And as it shattered upon the cobblestones, there was a collective gasp, a holding of breath, a silence before the storm. Then the hai vyuma streamed forth into Vizini's outstretched hands, and the storm broke.

As the King Pterid struggled to rise from its dive, it was peppered with hand axes and quarrels loosed from the watchers standing guard on the walls of the Megadeth Khaboss' fortress, finally roused from their stupor. Gaping holes were torn in the beast's leathery wings, its pinions rained blood from dozens of punctures, but it was not until a spear fired from a Tzaltec scorpion impaled its torso that it collapsed beyond the walls.

Meanwhile, below the carnage, Vizini's silvery whip rippled past the assembled saroc warriors towards Ahmes. The Tzaltec prince was too stunned to dodge, yet as the hai vyuma took shape he understood the danger. At the last moment, he brought his arm up to shield his neck, catching the noose around his scaled forearm and allowing the liquid metal to wrap tight. Blood began to ooze from beneath the layered noose, yet he smiled. A moment more, after absorbing the sight of the crate's explosive contents, he smiled even wider.

"Back, my hadnik! I will have no more of your blood spilled for this old man's life."

The saroc backed away, the press of bodies carrying even Stormskull until Vizini and Ahmes stood alone in their arena. As the dust floated through the air, Ahmes called out to Vizini.

"You confuse bravado for willpower, old man. Clearly your mind is going if you think my father could revoke your bloodline - only my grandfather has that authority, and in severing you from the family line he severed all bonds between us."

Ahmes' smile turned ugly.

"So I see no reason to continue this charade. Archers!"

There was a gathering of shadows on the walls around them, as saroc readied their own jagged axes as well as Tzaltec crossbows.

"Relieve me of this pest."

Time stilled once more as Vizini and Ahmes locked eyes, before the sky grew dark in a rain of steel.

Sam, Ahmes is trying to hold Vizini in place by taking control of the hai vyuma, which I imagine is a straight faith roll since it's more a battle of wills than actual battle.


If Vizini gets out of that, I'll gladly give you a TN to come out of this severely wounded but alive. However, as this has long since moved beyond the realm of personal combat, I'm going to ask that we drop the pretense and not pretend Vizini can dodge dozens of incoming projectiles with no cover to speak of. Unless you want to suicide with him striking the explosives?

TN to not die: [roll1]

OOC: Problems with this.
1. Still no answer on Ahmes' stats. He's not a ruler, he shouldn't have stats higher than 4, and he has a minimum of two that are (Mil10, Faith 6, it appears...?). Wuh?
2. I'm not allowed to use Tzaltec Fire or Blackpowder bombs, both of which would easily kill the majority of the enemies in the square. So saying "drop the pretense" doesn't apply, since I've had to deal with the fact that IC logic is being set aside for OOC good gameplay.
3. You missed my attack roll, which did hit the 13 defense roll.
4. The phrase "I'll gladly give you..." indicates an opinion of control. That'd be Quinton's choice, not yours. Are you saying that on success, Ahmes will kill Vizini, but OOC you're willing to change the action to preserve fluff? If so, I appreciate it.
5. While I expect a faith-only roll makes sense, it's not borne out in RAW, so I'd again wait for a Quinton ruling. That one's not really an objection, though, since it makes a decent amount of sense IC, just a point to make.