View Full Version : Player Help Pathfinder Gunslinger Multiclass

2015-01-16, 04:58 PM
Like the titles says I wanted to talk about a concept I had for an effective switch hitting Gunslinger. So for background this is for a small group so being able to fill two main combat roles is useful to have.

So I was looking at Fighters, Samurai, Cavalier, Ranger, even Barbarian. Trying to find the best class to help my Gunslinger not flop when an enemy gets into range. I was looking at the Gunslinger Archetype: Musket Master so I can reload faster.

But that doesn't help when we get into the melee ranges. Since Gunslinger is focused on DEX the most, that is something I have to think about when looking at my multiclass. As far as I know everything is fair game.

So please any thoughts, tabletop veterans?

2015-01-16, 05:14 PM
Gunslinger/swashbuckler seems like the obvious choice. They are both Dexterity focused, panache and grit can be combined to a single resource pool, and thematically they are very tight.
The only drawback, apart from normal multiclassing concerns, is that you are slightly more MAD than otherwise, but that might be much of a problem since you can ignore Strength but still be a decent melee type.

2015-01-16, 05:18 PM
Like the titles says I wanted to talk about a concept I had for an effective switch hitting Gunslinger. So for background this is for a small group so being able to fill two main combat roles is useful to have.

So I was looking at Fighters, Samurai, Cavalier, Ranger, even Barbarian. Trying to find the best class to help my Gunslinger not flop when an enemy gets into range. I was looking at the Gunslinger Archetype: Musket Master so I can reload faster.

But that doesn't help when we get into the melee ranges. Since Gunslinger is focused on DEX the most, that is something I have to think about when looking at my multiclass. As far as I know everything is fair game.

So please any thoughts, tabletop veterans?

My question becomes: why even multiclass?

Swashbuckler has the Musketeer and Picaroon archetypes, which allow you to gun and swash equally well, with the panache to spare.

2015-01-16, 05:45 PM
My question becomes: why even multiclass?
Swashbuckler has the Musketeer and Picaroon archetypes, which allow you to gun and swash equally well, with the panache to spare.

Picaroon I am guessing is pistols... I will check d20sdpf on that. But I will check it out.

The reason for multiclassing was cause I though Musket Master was the best "Gunslinger type." and for theme. Since Guns exist in this campaign but aren't super common. I would want to "specialize" but if my gun breaks or get dragged into melee I could still do my job of "Hit things hard" EDIT: And be able to take hits.

Thanks for the responses, by the way.

2015-01-16, 06:46 PM
I have a Gunslinger in PFS that I'm planning to multiclass into Monk with the Sohei, and possibly Master of Many Styles, archetype. Sohei is mainly for the ability to always act in the surprise round, which combined with a high initiative modifier, Gunslinger's Initiative and Quick Draw would mean that I almost never have to worry about not having my gun ready. With (Greater) Snap Shot I'd be almost impossible to approach safely.

2015-01-16, 06:53 PM
Yeah, swashbuckler seems like the way to go!

2015-01-16, 09:25 PM
Sweet this was easier solution than I was expecting. Especially since it is Paizo standard

Thanks for responding you guys :D

EDIT: I found this and this is also promising, http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/gunslinger/archetypes/rite-publishing---gunslinger-archetypes/teppou-bushi

Basically a samurai gunslinger, though I have to figure out what their honor system is I think this might also be as good as being a Swashbuckler...