View Full Version : DM Help Wild Shape Capabilities

2015-01-18, 10:14 AM
If a PC Wild Shapes into a creature that has special capabilities, do they gain access to the full use of the ability?
For example, an 8th level Druid of the Moon Circle can Wild Shape into creatures up to CR 1, and creatures that also have a swim/fly speed.
If this said Druid wishes to Wild Shape into a Brass Dragon Wyrmling, does the druid gain access to the Wyrmling's Breath Weapons? The rules on Wild Shape only speak about gaining the creature's STR, CON, and DEX ability scores.
I've decided that if she does, she gets a weakened version of the fire breath; halved range, 2d6 damage instead of 4d6, and DEX save 8 instead of 11.
I want to make sure i'm not missing some rule that prohibits this from happening, though.

2015-01-18, 10:34 AM
Wild shape allows you to take the form of a beast.

Dragons are not beasts. Beast is a type of creature (ie regular animals), dragons are of the 'dragon' type.

That aside, you DO gain access to the full abilities of a creature you turn into. But a druid absolutely cannot take the shape of a dragon.

2015-01-18, 10:54 AM
Also, starting at 6th level, a Moon Circle druid can transform into CRs of 1/3 level rounded down so CR 2 beasts.