View Full Version : Optimization Making Quinn

2015-01-18, 08:33 PM
What it says on the tin. How would you go about making Quinn from League of Legends? For those of you who dont play League, Quinn is a Ranged Champ who uses a crossbow and her Eagle Valor. Ill list her abilities

Passive: Harrier. Valor swoops down and makes a target "vulnerable" allowing Quinn to hit for more damage.
Blinding Assault: Quinn has Valor swoop in and attack a target causing them to be temporarily blinded.
Heightened Sense: Reveals a large area around Quinn
Vault: Quinn jumps at a target and then flips off of them a decent distance away.
Tag Team/Skystrike: Quinn and Valor swap places, and when they switch back Quinn returns in a hail of arrows(Skystrike).

Now Heightened Senses seems fairly easy to replicate, just get an Empathic link on an Eagle or Dire Hawk (or something similar) and it could relay basic info.

Skystrike seems doable with Arrow Storm.

Other than that, Quinn attacks, pretty quick, especially against "vulnerable" targets, as well as slowing targets after she Vaults off them.

So thats Quinn. The easiest way to replicate her i see is to go Ranger, but im sure the playground has a better plan than that.

Note: this character will most likely never see actual play, this is just for fun.

Just to Browse
2015-01-18, 08:53 PM
The easiest thing to do is probably harrier, because you can model Valor as a cohort of some kind that sets up sneak attacks for Quinn. The rest I'm not sure about.

The biggest obstacle I think is probably quinn being replaced by valor on the battlefield. I don't think Riot employees are satisfied with it either right now, but in D&D it's really weird to have someone just disappear and be replaced by their companion, especially without polymorph shenanigans.

The vault effect sounds hard to do with an animal companion because you need to get Valor to the target whenever Quinn jumps on them. The blind effect sounds even harder to do, and I'm not sure how to reconcile using blind while valor simultaneously marks another target somewhere else, which definitely happens in LoL.

Quinn and Valor are pretty video-gamey in their interactions, so I think it will be hard to boil them down into something that makes sense in D&D.

2015-01-18, 09:07 PM
Standard Ranger/Scout Swift Hunter build. With eagle as animal companion.

Maybe a one-level dip in barbarian to get pounce to emulate Vault.

2015-01-18, 09:08 PM
The easiest thing to do is probably harrier, because you can model Valor as a cohort of some kind that sets up sneak attacks for Quinn. The rest I'm not sure about.

The biggest obstacle I think is probably quinn being replaced by valor on the battlefield. I don't think Riot employees are satisfied with it either right now, but in D&D it's really weird to have someone just disappear and be replaced by their companion, especially without polymorph shenanigans.

The vault effect sounds hard to do with an animal companion because you need to get Valor to the target whenever Quinn jumps on them. The blind effect sounds even harder to do, and I'm not sure how to reconcile using blind while valor simultaneously marks another target somewhere else, which definitely happens in LoL.

Quinn and Valor are pretty video-gamey in their interactions, so I think it will be hard to boil them down into something that makes sense in D&D.

Ya the swap thing isnt entirely necessary, i was just adding it for completeness sake. And Ya Vault is gonna be super wonky, i mean the closest thing i could do would be Spring Attack but it would require absurd movement speed to make it worth it. As for blindness, poison on Valor's claws?

Edit: Waaaait a minute, make Valor an Awakened Eagle. Then take Leadership and have Valor as a Cohort, that way Valor can take 5 levels of Ranger and get distracting attack, which then solves a bunch of problems.

2015-01-18, 09:55 PM
I don't think there's any need to get fancy with this one. Quinn is about as Rangery as they get. Heck, she's one of the standard examples I use when explaining the Ranger class to new players.

You might say she's the Quinn-tessential Ranger. :smallcool:

2015-01-18, 10:11 PM
You might say she's the Quinn-tessential Ranger. :smallcool:

Oh god the puns, the puns!! But i guess your right, standard crossbow usage and straight Ranger, with an Awakened Eagle cohort of course. Still trying to figure out how to do vault with a single action.......

2015-01-18, 10:16 PM
Not an awakened eagle, just a regular eagle. Valor doesn't, like, talk or anything. It's more like they have Teamwork feats.

2015-01-18, 10:43 PM
Oh god the puns, the puns!! But i guess your right, standard crossbow usage and straight Ranger, with an Awakened Eagle cohort of course. Still trying to figure out how to do vault with a single action.......

Bullrush + Travel Devotion?

(Okay, technically that's another swift action tacked on, but still.)

2015-01-19, 06:21 AM
There are some Setting Sun maneuvers that might be of use.
Other than that, I wouldn't really sweat it. It's not like a vault-like skill would be really needed in D&D.

I'd say that a Ranger with a Warblade dip for some Tiger Claw and White Raven (for tag-teaming with Valor) works well.

In this particular case, I'd rather re-enact the general flavor than go for the exact QWER replication.

Alternatively, but I'm saying this tongue-in-cheek, the Knight of the Raven class is a fun option, albeit really... Specific.

Still, a Ranger4(/Cloistered Cleric 1)/Knight of the Raven9 allows for... Well, lterally ALL the stuff Quinn gets from Valor. The build suffers on the archery side though (then again, mostly feats, which can be picked up with a fighter level or two).

On the other hand, a Scout4/Cloistered Cleric2/Prestige Ranger 2/Knight of the Raven 9... Well. Might be worth the hassle. Would need to be fleshed out to really know if it works, though.

2015-01-19, 06:55 AM
Not an awakened eagle, just a regular eagle. Valor doesn't, like, talk or anything. It's more like they have Teamwork feats.

I was saying Awakened Eagle because Valor seems incredibly intelligent, also i could then make him a Distracting Attack Ranger for extra flanking fun :smalltongue:

2015-01-19, 04:04 PM
For the "disappear and be replaced with companion" ability, you can use Share Skin (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/share-skin) from Pathfinder. That'll probably push you towards Hunter or Druid rather than Ranger though.