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View Full Version : “Now What…?” – How to get Feedback on my Campaign and Spreading the word

2015-01-18, 11:43 PM
Hi, guys! :smallsmile:

(Sorry about the long, rambling post. Just stick with me to the end, okay? :smallwink: )

A short while ago I finally finished the World of Darkness-campaign (Hunter: the Reckoning, to be precise) I had been working on for a long time. It’s just about 35-pages of Calibri-10 text – a labor of love, pain and late, caffeine-fueled evenings.

I played the campaign with my usual game-group with good results. However, now I feel a bit… I don’t know… ambvialent?

While I won’t go as far as say I have made a good campaign (I’ll leave that verdict up to others), I am proud of what I have created. I would like nothing more than having other people use it as their own WoD-campaign, or even just use it for inspiration. I’d love to get feedback and, even though this sounds way pretentious :smallredface: , some sort of acknowledgement – I want others to have fun with something I have created and hear what they have to say about it.

However, I have no idea about how to go about it. I could just post it on some random forum, but how far would that get me? It is a WoD-inspired campaign after all, so I can hardly try and publish it for Intellectual Property-reasons. Anyway, I’m not interested in making money off of it (although it would be fun if I by some miracle could) – I’m a law-student with a passion for writing and roleplaying, so I’m not a professional writer in any way.

My highest hopes is for what I have written to be read by other role-players and would-be-Storytellers. I’d go absolutely apesh*t with glee should it be reviewed by some quasi-serious know-it-all on the internet who gives it a “Meh, 2 out of 5, not so bad”-score. However – I have no idea how to go about making that a reality, if it’s even possible!

Once again, I’m not saying what I have written is good enough to be appreciated by others – but I’d love for it to have the opportunity (and one can always hope, eh? :smallbiggrin: )

So, do you guys have any idea of what I could do to get people (hopefully as many as possible) to give my Campaign a shot, read it, give some feedback or something of the like? While I have written several campaigns before, I haven’t dared to actually try and get people to read them – but this time, maybe I will have something to show for it, eh? :smallwink:

I’m thankful for any thoughts you might have on the subject! Thanks in advance! :smallsmile:
