View Full Version : GITP Financial Threads

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-04-02, 04:24 PM
Is there any specific ruling about if you can or cannot mention things you are willing to sell, such as gaming books and the like?

Have a couple things I've stuck on Ebay and thought I might make mention of it, but don't know the rules for such.

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-04-16, 04:43 PM
If there is no ruling or concern over such a thread then I suppose there won't be any difficulty if I went and did so?

Roland St. Jude
2007-04-16, 04:49 PM
My concerns would be this:

Banning Offenses
Violating any of the following rules will result in an immediate ban from the Giant in the Playground forums, regardless of how many active Infraction Points the user has. ...

Commercial (For-Profit) Advertising
Posting advertisements for commercial products, services, or events will result in an immediate ban, and all advertisements removed. Note that a suggestion of a product in the course of a related discussion is not considered advertising (unless the poster holds a personal stake in the finances of the company suggested). For example, if you are posting to a thread regarding d20 rules for shipboard combat, feel free to point other posters to a sourcebook on the topic. You can even link to the company that publishes it—as long as you don't work for that company. But don't start a thread whose sole purpose is to trumpet Book X and declare its greatness to the population at large.

(Exception: Representatives of Giant in the Playground and/or its licensees and distributors are permitted to make posts advertising services and products related directly to Giant in the Playground. They are not permitted to make posts advertising other services they might provide.)

If you wish to advertise a non-commercial website, please refer to rules regarding advertising.

and this:

As noted above, commercial (for-profit) advertising is not allowed on GiantITP.com. However, you ARE permitted to start threads advertising non-profit websites; either charity events or merely amateur/fan sites that don't sell anything. Please be sure to observe the rules governing Spam and multiple-thread cross-posting, however, and make sure your plug is in the most appropriate forum (usually Friendly Banter).

You may always advertise or link to works of art online, such as other webcomics, fiction sites, music sites, or anything else that generates original artistic content—even if that site also makes a profit off of that work. We don't want the rules against advertising to prevent people from discovering new creative works that they will love, and don't want to penalize artists for trying to make a living off of their work. However, if a site only resells creative work and does not have any of that work available online, then it is primarily a commercial site and cannot be advertised here.

I would suggest that you 1) PM Wampa and ask directly and 2) don't do anything until you get an answer. No response does not equal permission, typically.

The Vorpal Tribble
2007-04-16, 05:44 PM
Ah, those answer my questions quite thoroughly. Thanks :smallwink:

Roland St. Jude
2007-04-16, 06:44 PM
No problem, sorry I didn't see your question a week ago! :smallredface: