View Full Version : 3rd Ed Extra Spell on a Gaara Build (3.5 Only)

2015-01-19, 06:20 PM
Hey guys,

As with the last couple of times I've posted I'm working on a character that is Modeled after Gaara from Naruto (Other threads Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?383982-Modeling-a-Character-after-Gaara)and Here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?384755-Sand-Elemental)).

Right Now I'm looking at Hitting Level 9 (Sorcerer 5, Sand Shaper 4), and I have a feat to spend. I'm leaning toward Extra Spell (Complete Arcane). I know that it isn't terribly amazing as far as uses of a feat goes, but I thought it would be neat, so I'm going for it. Also, I got a bonus feat from the DM due to stuff. So It's a free feat to burn really.

Now, my DM has ruled that I can use Extra Spell on any Arcane Spell of up to 3rd level. Knowing that I could naturally get a hold of any spell that's already on the Sorc/Wizard list I decided to post here to see if anyone could think of any other useful Arcane spells I could swipe from somewhere else that either fit my theme or can be easily refluffed to fit my theme. I would appreciate any input.

Here is my current Spell List if you're interested. The ones that are marked with a letter instead of a number are from the Sand Shaper Prestige Class.

I want to avoid any shenanigans such as taking a "level 3" spell off of the trap smith spell list and stuff.

Sources: Any official D&D 3.5 book.

Level 0
1. Prestidigitation (PH 264)
2. Create Water (PH 215)
3. Create Sand (As Create Water, 1 cubic foot/2caster levels)
4. Detect magic (PH 219)
5. Light (PH 248)
6. Launch Bolt (SC 130)
7. Caltrops (SC 42)

Level 1
1. Mage Armor (PH 249)
2. Magic Missile (251)
3. Grease (PH 237)
4. Blockade (CS 95)
5. Armor Lock (CS 95)
a. Bear's Endurance (PH 203)
b. Bull's Strength (PH 207)
c. Cat's Grace (PH 208)
d. Endure Elements (PH 226)
e. Parching Touch (SS 118)
f. Speak with Animals (PH 281)
g. Summon Desert Ally I (SS 122)

Level 2
1. Wings of Cover (RotD 119)
2. Shatter (PH 278)
3. Invisibility (PH 245)
a. Eagle's Splendor (PH 225)
b. Fox's cunning (PH 233)
c. Heat Metal (PH 239)
d. Owl's Wisdom (PH 259)
e. Resist Energy (PH 272)
f. Summon Desert Ally II (SS 122)
g. Summon Swarm (PH 289)

Level 3
1. Fly (PH 232)
2. Fireball (PH 231)
a. Control Sand (SS 112)
b. Desiccate (SS 114)
c. Dispel Magic (PH 223)
d. Dominate Animal (PH 224)
e. Haboob (SS 117)
f. Slipsand (SS 121)
g. Summon Desert Ally III (SS 122)
h. Sunstroke (SS 123)
i. Tormenting Thirst (SS 124)
j. Wind Wall (PH 302)

I would appreciate any input you guys have!

tl;dr- I need a spell from an Arcane list (up to third level) that I can take with Extra Spell that matches my "gaara" theme or are easily refluffed to that theme. And I want to do it without shenanigans like taking spell off of the Trap Smith list.