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Fax Celestis
2007-04-02, 09:02 PM
Does anyone have the 2e Wild Magic table?

2007-04-02, 11:16 PM
This is the Wild Surge table, which is probably what you're looking for. There was another table that wild mages rolled on that would modify their caster level, and determine whether or not they'd have to roll for a Wild Surge.

I've added a few notes, which I put in brackets.

The table mentions turns, which were 10 rounds in 2nd ed. I can't remember whether 2nd ed considered a combat round to be 6 seconds or 1 minute.

01 Wall of force appears in front of caster
02 Caster smells like skunk for spell duration
03 Caster shoots forth eight non-poisonous snakes from fingertips. Snakes do not attack
04 Caster's clothes itch (+2 to initiative) [Note: +2 to initiative is a penalty to initiative in 2nd ed rules]
05 Caster glows as per a light spell
06 Spell effect has a 60 ft. radius centered on caster
07 Next phrase spoken by caster becomes true, lasting for 1 turn
08 Caster's hair grows one foot in length
09 Caster pivots 180 degrees
10 Caster's face is blackened by small explosion
11 Caster develops allergy to his magical items. Character cannot control sneezing until all magical items are removed. Allergy lasts 1d6 turns.
12 Caster's head enlarges for 1d3 turns
13 Caster reduces (reversed enlarge) for 1d3 turns
14 Caster falls madly in love with target until a remove curse is cast
15 Spell cannot be canceled at will by caster
16 Caster polymorphs randomly
17 Colorful bubbles come out of caster's mouth instead of words. Words are released when bubbles pop. Spells with verbal components cannot be cast for 1 turn.
18 Reversed tongues affects all within 60 ft. of caster [in 2nd ed. reversing tongues either cancels existing tongues effects, or confuses verbal communication in the area of effect]
19 Wall of fire encircles caster
20 Caster's feet enlarge, reducing movement to half normal and adding +4 to initiative rolls for 1d3 turns
21 Caster suffers same spell effect as target
22 Caster levitates 20 ft. for 1d4 turns
23 Cause fear with 60 ft. radius centered on caster. All within radius except caster must make a saving throw
24 Caster speaks in a sqeaky voice for 1d6 days
25 Caster gains X-ray vision for 1d6 rounds
26 Caster ages 10 years
27 Silence, 15 ft. radius centers on caster
28 10 ft. x 10 ft. pit appears immediately in front of caster, 5 ft. deep per level of the caster
29 Reverse gravity beneath caster's feat for 1 round
30 Colored streamers pour from caster's fingertips
31 Spell effect rebounds on caster
32 Caster becomes invisible
33 Color spray from caster's fingertips
34 Stream of butterflies pours from caster's mouth
35 Caster leaves monster-shaped footprints instead of his own until a dispel magic is cast
36 3-30 gems shoot from caster's fingertips. Each gem is 1d6 x 10 gp
37 Music fills the air
38 Create food and water
39 All normal fires within 60 ft. of cater are extinguished
40 One magical item within 30 ft. of caster (randomly chosen) is permanently drained
41 One normal item within 30 ft. of caster (randomly chosen) becomes permanently magical
42 All magical weapons within 30 ft. of caster are increased by +2 for 1 turn
43 Smoke trickles from the ears of all creatures within 60 ft. of caster for 1 turn
44 Dancing lights
45 All creatures within 30 ft. of caster begin to hiccup (+1 to casting times, -1 to THAC0)
46 All normal doors, secret doors, portcullises, etc. (including those locked or barred) within 60 ft. of caster swing open
47 Caster and target exchange places
48 Spell affects random target within 60 ft. of the caster
49 Spell fails but is not wiped from the caster's mind
50 Monster summoning II [Monster summoning spells work a bit differently in 2nd ed, and Monster Summoning II is a 4th level spell]
51 Sudden change in weather (temperature rise, snow, rain, etc.) lasting 1d6 turns
52 Deafening bang affects everyone within 60 ft. All those who hear must save vs. spell or be stunned for 1d3 rounds
53 Caster and target exchange voices until a remove curse is cast
54 Gate opens to randomly chosen outer plane; 50% chance for extra-planar creature to appear.
55 Spell functions but shrieks like a shrieker
56 Spell effectiveness (range, duration, area of effect, damage, etc.) decreases 50%
57 Spell reversed, if reverse is possible
58 Spell takes physical form of free-willed elemental and cannot be controlled by caster. Elemental remains for duration of spell. Touch of the elemental causes spell effect (THAC0 equal to caster's)
59 All weapons within 60 ft of caster glow for 1d4 rounds
60 Spell functions: any applicable saving throw is not allowed
61 Spell appears to fail when cast, but occurs 1-4 rounds later
62 All magical items within 60 ft. of caster glow for 2d8 days
63 Caster and target switch personalities for 2d10 rounds
64 Slow spell centered on target
65 Target deluded
66 Lightning bolt shoots toward target
67 Target enlarged
68 Darkness centered on target
69 Plant growth centered on target
70 1,000 lbs. of non-living matter within 10 ft. of target vanishes
71 Fireball centers on target
72 Target turns to stone
73 Spell is cast; material components and memory of spell are retained
74 Everyone within 10 ft. of caster receives teh benefit of a heal
75 Target becomes dizzy (-4 AC and THAC0, cannot cast spells) for 2d4 rounds
76 Wall of fire encircles target
77 Target levitates 20 ft. for 1d3 turns
78 Target suffers from blindness
79 Target is charmed as per charm monster
80 Target forgets
81 Target's feet enlarge, reducing movement to half normal and adding +4 to all initiative rolls for 1-3 turns
82 Rust monster appears in front of target
83 Target polymorphs randomly
84 Target falls madly in love with caster until a dispel magic is cast
85 Target changes sex
86 Small, black raincloud forms over target
87 Stinking cloud centers on target
88 Heavy object (boulder, anvil, safe, etc.) appears over target and falls for 2d20 points of damage
89 Target begins sneezing. No spells can be cast until fit passes (1d6 rounds)
90 Spell effect has 60 ft. radius centered on target (all within radius suffer the effect)
91 Target's clothes itch (+2 to initiative for 1d10 rounds)
92 Target's race randomly changes until canceled by dispel magic
93 Target turns ethereal for 2d4 rounds
94 Target hastened
95 All cloth on target crumbles to dust
96 Target sprouts leaves (no damage caused, can be pruned without harm)
97 Target sprouts new useless appendage (wings, arm, ear, etc.) which remains until dispel magic is cast
98 Target changes color (canceled by dispel magic)
99 Spell has a minimum duration of 1 turn (i.e., a fireball creates a ball of flame that remains for 1 turn, a lighting bolt bounces and continues, possibly rebounding for 1 turn, etc.)
100 Spell effectiveness (range, duration, area of effect, damage, etc.) increases 200%

2007-04-02, 11:35 PM
2nd ed considered a combat round to be 6 seconds, for the record.

Baldur's Gate- answering your basic 2nd edition questions for a decade!

Also it taught me who Elminster was.

Inyssius Tor
2007-04-02, 11:41 PM
99 is awesome. What would happen to a lightning bolt exactly? Just keep going? Hang there in midair?

2007-04-02, 11:42 PM
2nd ed considered a combat round to be 6 seconds, for the record.

Baldur's Gate- answering your basic 2nd edition questions for a decade!

Also it taught me who Elminster was.

Actually, Baldur's Gate changed certain things about the game to make it more suitable for real-time computer play, so it's not always the most reliable resource. I think the combat round was one of those things changed.

I've played with people who insisted the round was 6 seconds, but my 2nd ed. Player's Handbook says that a round equals a minute worth of time. Hence the confusion.

2007-04-02, 11:46 PM
while never playing 2e wildmage I find the mechanics of wild mage lacking. Modiying caster level isn't that big of deal, it can be important but it isn't random enough if you get what I mean.

So how about modifying caster level and save dcs? All dcs are -3 and you then role a 1d6 and add that to the spell?

2007-04-03, 12:05 AM
Actually, Baldur's Gate changed certain things about the game to make it more suitable for real-time computer play, so it's not always the most reliable resource. I think the combat round was one of those things changed.

I've played with people who insisted the round was 6 seconds, but my 2nd ed. Player's Handbook says that a round equals a minute worth of time. Hence the confusion.

I figured it did, but I could have sworn that, even so, a round in normal 2nd ed was 6 seconds.

I mean, one minute each round is radically different than the current model. A low level fighter attacks once a minute, a wizard just sort of stands there chanting for an entire minute...
it wouldn't actually affect gameplay, and in some ways it actually seems more realistic, but it still feels... odd.

2007-04-03, 12:12 AM
A turn equaled one minute in 2e, or 10 rounds, which is likely the source of your confusion.

2007-04-03, 02:43 AM
Number 07 on the table seems way too abusable. Unless there's some caveat not included in the table itself, the caster could simply say "I am omnipotent and omniscient" and proceed to instantly accomplish every goal the party has while making his new power permanent.

2007-04-03, 02:47 AM
Number 07 on the table seems way too abusable. Unless there's some caveat not included in the table itself, the caster could simply say "I am omnipotent and omniscient" and proceed to instantly accomplish every goal the party has while making his new power permanent.
in 2nd edition that would probably require a system shock roll though.

2007-04-03, 06:16 AM
Number 7 has a duration of 1 minute, it's not that powerful. A bunch of those are fairly suicidal, so it balances out.

2007-04-03, 06:21 AM
Plus, its not like the caster knows the effect he just rolled. He just knows his spell basically failed.

2007-04-03, 08:31 AM
A turn equaled one minute in 2e, or 10 rounds, which is likely the source of your confusion.

Um, no. From my 2nd Ed. Player's Handbook:

Round--in combat, a segment of time approximately 1 minute long, during which a character can accomplish one basic action. Ten combat rounds equal one turn.

2007-04-03, 07:02 PM
I figured it did, but I could have sworn that, even so, a round in normal 2nd ed was 6 seconds.

I mean, one minute each round is radically different than the current model. A low level fighter attacks once a minute, a wizard just sort of stands there chanting for an entire minute...
it wouldn't actually affect gameplay, and in some ways it actually seems more realistic, but it still feels... odd.

Indeed. In (A)D&D there were 10 Minute Game Turns, 1 Minute Combat Rounds and 10 Second Combat Segments. However, by the time of Baldur's Gate, the Combat Round had been revised so that it took 10-15 Seconds, via Combat and Tactics. Most of the people I gamed with considered it to be 6-10 Seconds.

Fax, is this information not in the 2.x Tome of Magic?

Fax Celestis
2007-04-03, 07:05 PM
Indeed. In (A)D&D there were 10 Minute Game Turns, 1 Minute Combat Rounds and 10 Second Combat Segments. However, by the time of Baldur's Gate, the Combat Round had been revised so that it took 10-15 Seconds, via Combat and Tactics. Most of the people I gamed with considered it to be 6-10 Seconds.

Fax, is this information not in the 2.x Tome of Magic?

My selection of 2e books is mostly limited to a variety of monster manuals.

2007-04-03, 07:18 PM
You can find electronic uploads of the 2E DM's Guide and PHB. A combat round is one minute. Most people played it differently.

2007-04-04, 04:37 AM
Holy crap, Fax, you got through avatars like I go through signatures.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-04, 09:44 AM
Holy crap, Fax, you got through avatars like I go through signatures.

Every time I start playing a new character, I get a new avvie.

2007-04-04, 01:53 PM
Every time I start playing a new character, I get a new avvie.

I see. I don't have much of an explanation for my signatures. But they seemed to keep on coming sinceI killed my first one (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27066&page=2)

hey, I didn't mean to kill the thread... Come back! Don't leave me....

This is all your fault, sig! DIE!

Sig: No you can't do this! You gotta tell them, you gotta tell him that SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE! SOYLENT GREEN IS-ark! *is killed by TB...or was it the Soylent corporation? Dun Dun DUN*