View Full Version : GoT game At the Heart of a Den of Dragons

2015-01-20, 09:15 PM
There he stood, tall and strong and gentle even royal, everything that made the ladies in the seven kingdoms swoon. He wasn't theirs though, they hadn't given him two beautiful children. They hadn't been the one he chose to wed. Carefully he caressed the baby in his arms, stepping into the light of the window to better see the boy's face. Silently he whispered soft soothing words.

A heavy knock sounded on the door before it swung open without a pause to admit the Lord Commander of the kingsguard. Was a knock really a knock when you barged in anyways? "You asked for me?" The knight asked in his deep clear voice.

Ignoring the knight, Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen called to his wife. "Jeyne, could you help father get ready? I fear the people may wait forever for him if he carries on like this."

Aerys II had been putting on his royal attire in the next room over and must have been fussing with it for twenty minuets if he hadn't fallen asleep in there.

2015-02-03, 09:18 PM
(double post for subscribers)
Just a heads up, since your comp is down I might end up skipping ahead so that our Mad King can act in the tourney thread, but if/when I do we can still do this one retroactively. I confess one of my reasons for starting this thread was to give you a good look at the family first since you're closest to them, but it's not too important. :smallsmile:

OOC edit

Still a thing though by the way. :smallwink: