View Full Version : DM Help Shapechange inside of gizzard

2015-01-21, 10:05 PM
What are the checks if any for a druid trying to shape change while inside of a creature. Namely trying to turn into a whale, while inside of a trex.

2015-01-21, 10:36 PM
What are the checks if any for a druid trying to shape change while inside of a creature. Namely trying to turn into a whale, while inside of a trex.

i believe there's a rule about size changes in a closed space, namely, it doesn't work, you cant expand beyond the limits of your confines, unless there's a strength check involved to break out (like say, manacles, or a cage). Since there is no such check for a gizzard, you'd simply expand to the limits of your confines and then the effect would fizzle and you'd return to normal. You would be better off turning into something large BEFORE getting swallowed, to prevent it from happening in the first place.

2015-01-21, 11:08 PM
Should have had a few Quaal's Feather Tokens of oak trees. That works very well.

There's nothing like a massive 60' tall, 6' wide oak tree suddenly bursting out your guts...

2015-01-21, 11:17 PM
Or, do what V-on-a-demonic-contract did when she was swalled by the black dragon.

2015-01-22, 12:13 AM
i believe there's a rule about size changes in a closed space, namely, it doesn't work, you cant expand beyond the limits of your confines, unless there's a strength check involved to break out (like say, manacles, or a cage). Since there is no such check for a gizzard, you'd simply expand to the limits of your confines and then the effect would fizzle and you'd return to normal.

Why wouldn't there be a strength check to break out of a gizzard? That it doesn't have a listed DC just means it is up to the DM to assign one.

2015-01-22, 04:42 AM
Why wouldn't there be a strength check to break out of a gizzard? That it doesn't have a listed DC just means it is up to the DM to assign one.

I agree. DM fiat on this one.

2015-01-22, 06:01 AM
I'd probably just rule it uses rules similar to Enlarge Person: You get a STR check when you expand to try to bust out (not sure on what the DC would be, maybe it should be an opposed check with the one who swallowed you?). If you fail, then you end up immobilized , stuck at the largest size the creatures stomach can hold (which still has the nice benefit of making sure it can't swallow anything else).

2015-01-22, 06:03 AM
Or, do what V-on-a-demonic-contract did when she was swalled by the black dragon.

DAMN! I thought about exactly that!

2015-01-22, 03:00 PM
This needs DM judgement, because RAW doesn't have a rule about using Shapechange to grow larger while inside something. Enlarge Person has such a clause, sure, but Shapechange doesn't, nor does Polymorph (which Shapechange is based on) or Alter Self (which Polymorph is based on). Thus, there is no RAW rule saying what happens next. Furthermore, the Enlarge rule says that, if you try to grow to full size in a space not large enough to accomodate your full size, you get a Str check to break out. Success means you break free; failure means you stop growing and don't kill yourself by continuing to grow (although this is still only for Enlarge Person, but it sets a precedent).

Ultimately, whether your DM has to make something up completely or base their ruling on the Enlarge Person clause, this still requires the DM to make a judgement call.