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2015-01-22, 01:28 AM
Life is Short
The OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?393856-Life-is-Short-Live-Well-(OOC))

Life is good for a citizen of the Garran Empire. There hasn't been a large scale dragon attack in over 1,000 years. The churches of Heironeous and Pelor have kept disease and plagues at bay. Magic has increased crop yields, and made life within the cities more entertaining. The territory belonging to the empire grows every day, and with it, the pride of its people.


The city of Timbral is alive with excitement. Shop keepers sweep their floors, Tavern cooks stoke the fires in their ovens, and sellers polish their wares. The spring festival is about to begin. Not only that, but the customers will be many! Men and women have come from all over the region to listen to the news from the emperor's personal messenger, trade the latest gossip, and see the newest edition to the city; a fifteen story tower and guildhall, paid for by the Blue Heron Wizard's Guild.


A large river runs out of the hills to the south and splits several times as it runs across the vast plateau towards Timbral before going over the edge and out into the flatlands. It is in between these rivers that a small forest grows, and upon following the road into it, you find that the road does not continue out of forest, rather it dead-ends at a small, dilapidated old keep. Its stone walls are overgrown with weeds at the bottom, and the roof has caved in at the top. The shutters on the windows have long since fallen off.

It is quite a curious thing; everyone you spoke to said this was the main road to Timbral, yet you see no indication that the road continues on. As you begin to circle the area, you hear legs brushing through the grass on the far side of the keep.

2015-01-22, 02:12 AM
Bhagwan Shkree Ragnash

An elf in somewhat worn clothes wanders right up to the keep and walks inside without hesitation.

"Hey! Is this the road house? Looking for some eats. Got this gnawing hunger, ya know?"

He proceeds to wander through the building looking around.

Search - Take 20 (22)

2015-01-22, 07:59 AM
From behind the elf comes a massive grunt of exhaustion, sounding like some large boar after a charge. Instead rounding the corner is a massive sphere shaped orc. He must weigh nearly 400 pounds and most of it in fat. He is wearing strange clothing for an orc. A uniform of blue with Pom pauldrons and golden buttons down the center. It looks like the clothing you might wear to a ball instead something road worthy. A ornate clubs hangs from his belt. The clothes are now soaked in sweat as the orc stops at the keeps gates to catch his breath. Wheezing he looks around in confusion.
" This *gasp* isn't town. *wheeze.* where the hell am I?" He manages to say before collapsing in a heap.

2015-01-22, 09:09 AM
An elf in simple but well-maintained leather armor rides up on horseback. With a swift motion, the figure dismounts. The face beneath the leather helm is quite fair, and the eyes that peer out behind horn-rimmed spectacles are a blue that matches the cloudless sky above. She removes her helmet, revealing flowing chestnut locks that fall past her shoulders. "Well met," she calls out, walking forward with her helmet under one arm and the other raised in a hailing wave. "Is this the road to Timbral?" Her horse paws the ground behind her, grazing happily on the grass.

2015-01-22, 10:46 AM
The orc upon noticing a stranger in his midst jumps up and straightens his outfit and wipes away the sweat from his forehead trying to regain some dignified pose and lordly stature. No easy task for a overweight orc with a baby face and little tusks. Upon the strangers call he makes a stiff bow. " Well met and many good days upon you." He says remembering his manners that had been drilled in him since birth. " Am afraid I do not know, I've been wondering a fortnight now and I've lost my way. If I may ask whom am I speaking to?"

2015-01-22, 11:02 AM
"I am Sarai," the elf introduces herself. She appraises the keep from outside, taking note of the materials it is made of, it's height, and other distinguishing features. Then, she turns back to the orc. "Shall we explore this construction? Perhaps someone within can enlighten us as to our location."

2015-01-22, 12:25 PM
Sion couldn't help but take a wary glance at Sarai's ears. He had been raised ignorant of the bad blood between elf and orc but often when a elf visited his fathers kingdom he had been ushered out of sight. The few encounters with elves he had experience had not gone well. He dimly remembered in a rage throwing a elf ambassador into the moat after a hurtful insult had been hurled at him. His father had harsh words with him afterwards Still this elf seemed pleasant enough and he was happy to find someone else. Traveling by himself had been a lonely/hungry/dirty business and he could use some company. ( And someone to wash his clothes but now wasn't the time.)
" It is good to meet you Sarai. I am Lord Sion, son of Edmund of the royal line of Tryce at your service."
He bowed stiffly again and consider giving her his hand to kiss the families signet ring but considering his past with elves and their stereotypical snobbiness he decided not to risk it.
He peered about at the old keep wondering why it had fallen to such ruin. In the Tryce kingdom each keep had a strict upkeep and was expected to be able to fend invaders at a moments notice.
" Yes, I'd like to do that. Perhaps we can find a kitchen and some food." Sion says hopefully.

2015-01-22, 01:24 PM
Bhagwan Shkree Ragnash

The ragged looking elf comes meandering out of the keep with a small box under his arm and overhears the lady elf inquiring about it.

"Worst service I've ever seen at a roadhouse. Still free drinks! Want some?"

He proudly holds up the box for all to see.

2015-01-22, 02:19 PM
Sions eyes instantly light up as he reaches down and swipes a bottle from the box. He pops the cork and drains the bottle in a matter of seconds getting wine on his nice uniform. Wiping his lips he grins at the newcomer.
"With free drinks one shouldn't complain about the hospitality." He says the stiffness he had before now replace with almost a bubbly enthusiasm. " Tell me is their a infestation of elves around here. I don't usually see your kind on the empires roads."

2015-01-22, 02:40 PM
Sarai declines the drink politely. "Infestation is not the word to use when talking about sentient species. It is appropriate for vermin, which I assure you, elves are certainly not." She turns to the other elf. "Well met. I am Sarai. Did you find anyone inhabiting the keep?"

2015-01-22, 02:49 PM
Bhagwan Shkree Ragnash

He just stares in shock at the orc for a moment.

"Maaannn... You sure you can take a hit like that? This here is strong stuff, but it's just s'posed to help you see your ancestors, not meet them.

Well, hey there, sister Sarai. I'm the Bhagwan, local spirit talker, and all around chill elf. I like the color of your aura. Real mellow."

2015-01-22, 03:02 PM
Sions considers the bottle in his hand while meekly apologizing for his breach of manners. Than burps loudly to prove his ability to handle the drink. He wondered if he could meet his ancestors though, that was something of interest. He always wondered what his biological family was like...Maybe he should have another.
" Am Lord Sion, of the royal line of Tryce. Are you shaman?" He asks remembering that in the history books some orcs could talk to spirits and called themselves shamans.. He wondered how different a elf shaman was to a orc one.

2015-01-22, 04:38 PM
The drink burned a little going down. Examining the bottle more closely, you notice it is small, perhaps only four ounces. Suddenly you feel much, much lighter.

2015-01-22, 06:02 PM
While the others talk, Sarai excuses herself to search the keep, taking her time and exploring each room carefully. Keeps rarely become abandoned without cause, and perhaps she can discover the reason behind this place's lack of occupancy.

2015-01-23, 04:51 PM
" Hrm, this is good stuff." Sion says preening down to see if theirs more to drink and suddenly notice the blood on the elf's chest. " Uhh, Sir, your bleeding from the chest if you don't mind me saying."

2015-01-24, 12:43 PM
Hi! I am Nebin.

How about a magic trick?

2015-01-24, 10:46 PM
In an instant the sky grows dark, then light again, as a giant form passes in front of the sun. You look up just in time to see the blue tail of a massive dragon, 200 ft off the ground!

2015-01-25, 12:15 AM
Bhagwan Shkree Ragnash

Looking up at the dragon then back at the newcomer...

"Whoa... How'd you do that?"

2015-01-25, 01:43 PM
Sion slowly reaches and pulls his club out of his belt.
" I don't really care how he did it, Am more worried about becoming toast. Everyone inside!"
Sion charges into the keep seeking shelter.

2015-01-25, 01:59 PM
Sarai heads downstairs in time to see Sion rushing in. "Did you see the dragon? Better take cover, a dragon that size is nothing to tangle with." Sarai finds an intact room to hide from the Dragon in.

Hide: [roll0]

2015-01-25, 02:28 PM
I pull a bit of fleece off my clothes and cast silent image. I make 40 cubic feet of illusion tree canopy 200 ft above us.

2015-01-25, 02:54 PM
The dragon sighting is odd, to say the least. Not only have dragons and their ilk been driven from the civilized world, but if one was to appear it would more likely be a green or red dragon; a hill dragon or razorback. Blue dragons kept to the coast mostly, and to the southern islands.

Your thoughts are soon interrupted by the sounds of a man muttering to himself, "See Cedric? What did I tell you? Dragons about! It won't happen to me again! No! Not this time. We'll be safe this time won't we?"

The voice seems to be coming from one of the rooms neer the back.

2015-01-25, 03:01 PM
"Remarkable. I thought I had searched every room, but no sign of any inhabitants." Sarai says, venturing back to discover the source of the voice.

2015-01-25, 03:25 PM
Over your shoulder, you see the orc hussle his massive bulk through the front door at the end of the long central hall way, as you make your way to the back. You find the old man in the room directly across from the stairs. He's dressed in bright blue silk and his skin is so pale that you can almost see through it.

"Who are you?" He shrieks, eyes wide with fear, "an what have you done to my house?" He motions to the floor and the rest of the room. You notice he has left no footprints...

2015-01-25, 03:36 PM
Sion payed no heed to the old man or his ramblings, instead once everyone who wants to is inside he shoves his massive bulk into the door shutting it. ( If their is a door to shut.)
" I thought the dragons in these parts were dead!" Sion says stepping back. " I remember the history books saying only hatchlings dared roamed the Garren empire and my brother killed the last hatchling in the Tryce kingdom."
Sion eyed the man for a moment before deciding he was harmless.
" This is your keep? You should be ashamed letting it fall to ruin like this, especially if theirs a dragon about. The castle is a lords pride and you've let your pride fallen to shambles."

2015-01-25, 04:02 PM
"Orc!" He cries, motiong to a seemingly invisible companion, "Cedric! Kill the beast!" He looks around suspiciously, and then his eyes unfocus, and refocus on the floor.
"Look at this mess! What have you done to my house?"

2015-01-25, 06:01 PM
"Please, relax. My companion is an orc, but he is no threat. Neither are we. We have done nothing, here. We know as much and as little as you do. Why don't we start with our names? My name is Sarai. And yours?" She then asks, "How long have you lived here?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]
Knowledge Arcana (to identify the man as a ghost): [roll1]

2015-01-25, 06:40 PM
" That's LORD orc to you!" Snarls Sion stomping up towards the man. He'd heard the snide comments from nobles and fearful remarks from simple villagers about his heritage. He didn't have to take this from one old fool.
" I don't care about the mess you think I made. You had better tell me if you had any defenses for a dragon before he torches this place to the ground."

[roll0] Intimidate roll

2015-01-25, 06:45 PM
Bhagwan Shkree Ragnash

The Bhagwan follows the others into the keep.

"Whoa... Are you guys seeing this? I haven't seen a spirit with such strong Maya in a long time. That is definitely not the tao, man. Not the tao at all.

Like, why don't you let go and find peace?"

Walking up, he attempts to poke a finger into, or rather through, the old man.

2015-01-25, 06:52 PM
" He's dead?" His sudden anger gone replaced by curiosity. He had never seen a ghost before even though his father keep was said to be haunted by a squire kicked in the face by a raging battle horse.
Sion looks at the old man with a new wariness. The dead were always unpredictable in the books he read. Either a fountain of answers for those with questions or a deadly foe which ordinary weapons could not harm. He taps knight smasher his club against his thigh and hopes the enchantment had he placed would be enough to kill even a ghost if it come to it.

2015-01-25, 06:59 PM
Sarai stifles a laugh at the orc's sudden and unpredictable mood swings, and the shaman's almost unbelievable nature, so different from the elves she had encountered. Then again, she had never met a spirit shaman before, so perhaps it was understandable. "If he is dead, and he is inhabiting this place, perhaps what caused his death and what caused the keep to fall to ruin are related."

2015-01-25, 09:12 PM
"Guys, not cool. Don't talk about him like he's not here. This guy is still a living spirit."

While scolding the others, Shkree continues to wave his hands through the spirit and starts making the equivalent of shadow puppets through its torso.

"Seriously, you must respect all life, no matter what form it takes. That's the true tao."

2015-01-25, 10:23 PM
Sion watches the elf making his shadow puppets with the spirit and wonders if their definition of respect is different.

2015-01-25, 11:55 PM
The old man's face contorts through a series of expressions as the elf's hand enters his chest and he let's out an anguished moan. You feel as if your heartbeat slows down, and the hair raises on the back of your neck.

initiative, and a will save

2015-01-26, 09:35 AM
Sarai's hands drop to her sides as she dashes out of the keep at top speed.

2015-01-26, 10:32 AM
Sion raises his club and prepares to attack the spirit at a sign of hostility.
" What are you doing! Theirs a dragon out there!!!"
He yells after the fleeing elf.


Also my club is magic which I thinks helps with ghosts.

2015-01-26, 01:20 PM
Nebin tries to spot where invisible things might be.

2015-01-27, 01:53 AM
As the three of you run for your lives out of the keep, you run full-on into a young man on the outside as he sprints towards the door.
"Wha-?" his exclamation is interrupted as the lot of you knock him off his feet. "Sorry! Sorry!" he says, seeing Sarai and blushing slightly.
He points into the keep, as if confused about why you are exiting it when there is a dragon outside. As you continue your panicked rush out the door, he decides to forget the conversation and head in by himself, leaving the door open behind him.

You notice he has dropped his pack on the ground.

"AHHHH!!" comes a scream from within the back of the keep.

2015-01-27, 02:19 AM
Two Rounds Later

"Hold it! Why are we running?!"

The Bhagwan turns and heads back inside, approaching the specter and shaking a finger at it.

"Now, you just behave yourself! That's no way to treat guests!"

[roll0] Will DC16 half

2015-01-27, 12:11 PM
[roll0] for my int

Will save

Sion come barreling out almost knocking over the young man. His eyes white with sudden fear as he grabs his knees and wheezes and gasps from his sudden sprint.

2015-01-27, 03:18 PM
Sarai falls to the ground but stands up quickly. "There is a ghost inside this keep."

Initiative: [roll0]

2015-01-28, 12:35 AM
Panic means I flee for 3 rounds? I keep fleeing.


2015-01-29, 12:06 AM
As the rest of you recollect your courage outside the keep's entrance, Bhagwan follows the stranger back into the keep. You hear the ghost moan once more.

The man hastily brushes past Bhagwan in the hallway, running for his life. Bhagwan returns to the room where the spirit waits.
"You theif!" It cries. "Give back what you--AHHH!" He lets out a bloodcurdling scream as the shaman's hand extends in a rebuke. He opens his mouth and the sound that comes out is like a howling wind straight from hell, as his eyes turn completely black.

roll a fortitude save

Outside, the rest of you see the stranger come barreling back down the hallway. He stops just short of the door upon seeing the giant orc. He pauses, either due to lack of breath, or perhaps unsure about whether or not the orc and elf are about to fight to the death.
"Bwaaaa!!" Screams Nebin, running past.
"You are indeed correct" he says to Sarai, not looking away from the orc and drawing his sword at the same time, "there is a ghost in there."

2015-01-29, 12:23 AM
Woo... [roll0]

2015-01-29, 12:39 AM
The spirit looks irritated for a moment as if expecting you to keel over dead.

2015-01-29, 01:34 AM
"Stop that! I'll use the finger again!"

2015-01-29, 08:52 AM
"I guess the question is--what do we do about it, if anything?" Sarai says. "It's not like we need to get in that keep."

2015-01-29, 11:43 AM
Sion is looking warily about still gasping for breath.
" Unless that dragon pops back up. Than we'll need it unless we want to be cooked alive..."
Sion looks for a stable or small building where shelter could be sought. He'll also climb the walls to see if the dragon is still about.

2015-01-29, 12:13 PM
"Yes, the keep seems like a pointless venture to me as well... except to take cover from that massive dragon." he speaks quickly and in a hushed tone, sneaking a peak at the canopy overhead while still keeping his shiny blade defensively placed between himself and the large orc.

He is an eccentric looking young man, perhaps in his late twenties, with a large mop of light blonde hair that feathers out slightly as it nears his shoulders. It is shiny, and well combed. The first thing you notice are the string of beads and long feathers that dangle from the purple sash around his forehead. His expensive leather cloak, covered in mud and grime (presumably from a long and difficult journey) only partially hides the pale blues and bright whites of his lavish clothing underneath. He has the air of nobility, but no ring nor brooch, nor servant. He wears riding gloves, but has no steed. The only thing that seems to fit his person is the brilliantly shining blade he wields; it is as eccentric as he is.

He watches as the overweight Sion continues to pant and wheeze, nearly doubled over, at which point he seems to relax slightly.
"My fairest of maidens; I cannot imagine why your partner would abandon you to this loathsome beast, and dragon, out here, while he runs in to fight by himself in vain against some phantom spirit." he studies your face for any signs of fear from, or hatreds towards your racial enemy. He then addresses the orc.
You! Explain yourself. What is your intention here, and how did you come to be this far inside Garran's borders?"
His pack still lays on the ground between the two of you.

2015-01-29, 12:18 PM
"Hold on," Sarai says, displaying no concern toward Sion, but rather toward the newcomer. "Let's start with introductions. I am Sarai, and this is Lord Sion."

2015-01-29, 12:31 PM
Sion manages to catch his breath before noticing the blade being pointed at him. His eyes narrow as he slowly stands to full overbearing height and glares down at the small man who dares to question him.
" You presume to order me as if I was some low born!" Sion starts towards the man gripping his clubs his voice raised in righteous anger.
" I am lord Sion of the noble line of Tryce who rule the greatest kingdom of the Garren empire!" Sion now is standing over the small showing off his small baby tusks in a threatening manner but keeping his club relaxed at his side. He is almost shouting now and a white specks of foam form on his mouth
"You are not the ones to give orders! I GIVE THE ORDERS!" He roars sending spit flying into the boys face and standing so close that the raised blade pricks his chest. " AND I ORDER YOU TO SHEATHE YOUR BLADE OR I WILL MAKE YOU EAT It!"

Sigh. see Ooc for roll

2015-01-29, 12:37 PM
"I am Leonardo Ferrara, at your service," he says in perfect elven, and bows low, "Your hair is the finest silk, and eyes are bright twin stars, I am honored and humbled to make your acquaintance. How is it that you so easily trust such a dangerous stranger as this orc? And why are you this far south, so far from your homeland?

He lowers his blade as Sion advances.

"Ahem." he nervously clears his throat and addresses Sion in common, "My humblest apologies. I thought the 'noble's orc son' was just a rumor. I see now I was quite mistaken. he flinches as the spit hits his face, and his face contort at the smell of your horrific breath. "I sense by your breath that you are in as much of a need as I for a quality drink and meal. Tell me, do you happen to know which way to Timbral, by chance?"

2015-01-29, 12:48 PM
"That he is an Orc alone, does not indicate that he is a danger, though I do believe he is sensitive to such prejudice." She says in Elven before switching back to common. "Please, show him the respect due to his noble station. If the two of you insist on brandishing your swords to see whose is bigger, I won't stand between you, but it seems rather futile. More important, to my mind, is to ascertain our location. My intention was to reach Timbral, though I seem to have failed in that regard; I understand the same for Lord Sion here. I see you are as lost as we are." She looks around. "Also, what happened to the Shaman, Bhagwan?" She looks toward the entrance of the keep.

2015-01-29, 12:52 PM
" I already know who's weapon is bigger." Sion grunts placing the huge Knight beater back on his shoulders while throwing a look of disdain at the mans shining sword,
Seeing as how he has used his lordly might to subdue the stranger Sion relaxes. His father had cautioned him not overuse his wrath lest he become a tyrant like the villains in his picture books. Only let the common folk see anger when they need to be reproached for failings not because you like to terrify them.
"Am lost." He grumbles. " I was looking for Timbral but ended up at this ruin of a keep instead.

2015-01-29, 12:58 PM
"Quite." Answers Leonardo, now sheathing his sword.

The illusion of thick canopy dissipates, and the sky is visible once more. He turns back to Sarai.
"'The shaman', not 'my friend'? There are two elves of the purest blood on the same path so far from home who do not know each other? How can this be?"

everyone roll a listen check

2015-01-29, 01:19 PM
Listen: [roll0]

"It has been many years since I have been 'home.' More importantly, race alone does not determine the qualities I deem necessary for friendship."

2015-01-29, 02:17 PM


Sion grunts and turns back to the wall and scales it amazingly fast for one so big. Once at the top he peers about looking for the dragon.

2015-01-30, 02:37 AM

Hmm not sure where I am.

2015-01-30, 11:21 AM
"That is not to say I thought you ought to be friends, but merely that I thought you were. If you found two men on the same path deep in the great elven forest, so far from their own lands, wouldn't you assume they traveled together? I am surprised to see you here, but such a coincidence as--"

His words catch in his breath as the orc swings his great bulk up off the ground as would a tiny monkey.

"My, my," he whispers, "If you didn't think he was dangerous before, you certainly should now. Orc ill temperaments and lack of self control not withstanding, for one so large to move that deftly, should conjure a life-preserving sort of fear, don't you think?"

Once Sion is atop the narrow two story wall, he scans the sky. There is no sign of the dragon to the north, but glancing the landscape below you between the trees, you see the road you came in on to the northwest, and the sprawling city of Timbral--perhaps a day's journey--to the northeast. A trail of smoke billows from the uppermost floor of the new wizard's tower.
To the south lie the hills and- there it is; now faintly visible in the distance as it flies southeast towards the setting sun.

"Was it just me, or did I see a gnome run by earlier?"

2015-01-30, 11:52 AM
"My point, is that you saw three people, and assumed that the two elves were friends, but that the orc was a threat. The most dangerous knife is the one that slips between your ribs unseen. An elf can be as dangerous as an orc." Sarai smiles slightly. "I find it curious that you so readily apply the racial tendencies of orcs to Lord Sion, here, as if they were inborn rather than cultivated through societal upbringing. As you mention, Lord Sion was not brought up among the orcs. In my travels, I have seen much that runs counter to racial prejudice, enough to suggest that these prejudices, despite whatever kernel of fact at the heart of their origins, which has by now been so obfuscated by centuries of limited perception and confirmation bias, should be used carefully, if at all, when assessing individuals." She pauses, gazing at Sion, high atop the tower. "That being said, this orc, at least, seems to be living up to reputation. Though I wonder still what impact the expectations of others have had on his behavior. People rise to the level we expect of them, and if, as I gather, he has spent a lifetime being subjugated and belittled for the circumstances of his birth, I imagine that expectations of civility in discourse were not especially high."

"Now, I do recall a gnome entering the tower with us, and I can only assume that he fled, as we all did, at the sight of the ghost. Though, it seems, the shaman is still in there. I fear what fate may have befallen him, but that ghost..." she looks down at the ground, betraying her emotion. "I fear that ghost. If you are brave enough to accompany me inside, I would accompany you as well. And the gnome, for that matter, though I did not catch his name."

She looks up at Sion again. "What say you, Lord Sion?" she calls out, "Are you willing to brave what danger lies within the keep?"

2015-01-30, 01:49 PM
I wander back to the group of people.


2015-01-30, 03:18 PM
Lord Sion smiles at the fleeing tail of dragon. For the moment they were safe from dragon flame. Plus Timbral was so close he could almost smell the flatcakes and taste the bitter mead. Soon he'd be back in the laps of luxury and not on this dirty road with only hard bread to eat.

He looked down and saw the man talking to Sarai. To far for him to hear but the nervous glances he threw at Sion told him all he needed to. In his homeland traveling visitors had done the same. Many whispering amongst each other, telling rumors of the reasons Edmund had adopted a savage into his family. He had learned to ignore such ignorance but this man irked him. Perhaps some fear would teach him to keep his eyes from wondering.

When Sarai called out to him Lord Sion leaps from the wall and hits the ground in front of the young man with a hard bang almost seemingly to make the ground shake. He stands back up He brushed himself off as the dust settles around him and smiles at Sarai.
" My lady their is no danger that a lord fears. Be it dragons, monsters or the dead. I will happily accompany you back inside the keep if you wish to have a second go at it..."

" I should however tell you that Timbral is within a days walk. Seems their wizard tower has seen betters day. It is smoking, perhaps the dragon used it for target practice. The dragon itself has flown off. We are safe for the moment."

I rolled in OOC. I got a critical for a total of 26

2015-01-30, 03:22 PM
Sarai raises an eyebrow at the gnome, but before she can respond, Lord Sion returns in dramatic fashion. "I am glad to have you at my side, Lord Sion." She turns to Leonardo, and the gnome. "Will you be joining us? And, I don't believe we've been introduced," she says to the gnome, "I am Sarai, this is Lord Sion, and Leonardo Ferrara."

2015-01-30, 11:13 PM
The Bhagwan raises his finger to scold the ghost again.

"Now, sir, are we going to talk peacefully or not? I do not wish to scold you any more. Like, just peace out and let's all get along. Okay?"

((Ready an action to wag finger and chastise spirits if he makes a hostile move. [roll0]))

2015-01-31, 12:01 AM
"Theif!" It cries again, "return what you have taken!"
Suddenly its body lurches forward, arms flailing.


You've heard of ghosts possessing people, and right now is not the best time to take that trip. You channel your own energy to disrupt his, and as you do, his body suddenly bursts apart in smoke and vapors.

The room is silent, as you now stand apparently alone.

2015-01-31, 04:06 AM
I might be a bit crazy, I might be a little hazy. I am Nebin and church is about to begin.

2015-01-31, 04:13 AM
Walking out of the keep, the Bhagwan looks at the others, sighs and says simply, "He's dead, Jim."

2015-01-31, 05:33 AM
Death is short for a trip to the Abyss. No one ever really dies.

2015-01-31, 02:26 PM
" I'm guessing you mean dead dead and not undead..." Sion says peeking over the older elfs shoulder.
" i'll take a look inside...Maybe theirs something worth keeping in this old keep."


2015-01-31, 02:31 PM
"I looked already, but a second look never hurts." She remains outside to speak with the Shaman. "Bhagwan, were you able to gain any insight into... well, anything? Why was the ghost haunting this keep, and what happened to the keep to begin with?"

2015-02-01, 01:42 AM
"Dunno, man. He had, like, real strong maya. Kept talking about something being stolen, wanting it back, and that kind of gibberish. But he was totally uncooperative man. There was no love there at all. Earth mother cries at his fate, and my heart cries with her.

Oh and, minor nitpick, I know, but it's the Bhagwan. Get it right. Okay? Respect."

2015-02-01, 02:01 AM
bahhhh! The ringing!

2015-02-01, 05:01 PM
As Leonardo hears Bhagwan speak, he gives you each a look as if to say, 'are you serious?' He turns to the elf to present himself fully.
"Leonard Ferrara, at your service. I am impressed with your empathy with the dead, and most pleased to make your acquaintance," he says in perfect elven. Then addressing the group in common;
"I would most enjoy your company if you would have me, even if it is with the fattest orc in history. His comments before were obviously in defense of a lady against a stranger. Now he is much more relaxed and at ease with the present company, and yet, it is somewhat hard to tell if he is serious or merely joking. It was such a long and lonely journey, I was afraid I might forget my manners...
This keep seems shelter enough, provided the ghost doesn't return, and then off to Timbral? You said it was but a day away, wasn't that right big guy? When we get there I'll buy you a meal fit for the Lord of the Violent himself, on account of my gratitude for not bashing my head in."
Then he turns back to the strange mannered elf.
"Tell me, Bhagwan, what is the cause of your speech impediment? Together we may quest so that your proper elven voice be restored!"

2015-02-01, 05:26 PM
"The Bhagwan," Sarai corrects, smiling. "Your company would be welcome, by me at least." After a moment, she adds, "But, why wait? We can set off for Timbral now, if no one objects."

2015-02-01, 05:40 PM
To Leonardo

"That is some serious bad aura, elf man. No way, you jagger the flow and make things totally not kosher. Capiche? You need to open your mind and your heart, drop these dark preconceptions and evil bigotry, man. "

2015-02-01, 05:44 PM
Sion returned after finding nothing of value. He listens to the older elf. Apparently Bhaqwan was some kind of title. Well he was used to titles and claims, it would be one more to remember.
When this Leonardo spoke his his wrath was raised again. Fattest orc? He had dipped guardsmen and squires in his father moat for less. Still when he spoke of the feast his mouth watered. "For that insult I'll let you pay for my meal and empty your coin pouch at the same time." He thought and he threw on his best smile as he often did in the sight of noble ladies and lords who mocked him behind his back. " Very well, You may travel with us and pay for our meal in Timbral. I in turn will try to control my savage instincts that can be so overwhelming." He said. It was hard to tell if he was being serious or sarcastic.

He turned briefly to the older elf.
" You talk strangely and yet I do not find your company disturbing. Perhaps later we drink some more of that wine you found and you can tell me about spirits. I would like know how one banishes one already dead."

" I will see if I can find a proper bed for mys-....For the lady than myself... Unless we leave now. Which am all for. This keep makes for poor shelter and I would prefer a hot meal and a decent bed."
With that said the orc wonders back into the keep to find blankets or a decent mattress, Or off to Timbral

2015-02-01, 05:45 PM
To the Bhagwan:

"Perhaps in associating himself with open-minded and impartial individuals such as ourselves, Leonardo here will be exposed to the kind of thinking that will lead to... 'jagger the flow' less."

2015-02-01, 08:34 PM
I would love to see an orc bash an elf's head in. It is one of the many joys of life. Like a dwarf dodging a giant and cutting off its toes with an axe. It is only natural.

2015-02-01, 09:00 PM
For the first time Sion takes notice of the little man. He often didn't notice people who didn't come higher than his knees.
" Natural? I haven't indulged in that part of orc culture yet. Perhaps I should.....I'd have to find a decent candidate and the present company is far to civilized and kind for me to practice my orcish roots."

2015-02-01, 10:31 PM
I can help you kill this elf. It would be fun.

2015-02-01, 10:42 PM
"That is quite enough," Sarai says to Nebin, her mood suddenly cold. "If our company is not pleasurable to you as it is, I encourage you to find others to travel with."

2015-02-01, 10:47 PM
Not you silly. The other one.

2015-02-01, 10:50 PM
"My statement stands," Sarai says, her eyes narrowing. "Despite his odd mannerisms, he has already proven braver and more useful than any of us. Of the five of us, he is the only one who stood his ground against the ghost, and successfully exorcised it from the keep."

2015-02-01, 10:55 PM
Was it evil? Was anyone harmed? Just a hole in the keep? A little bit of wood and work? What does this arrangement entail?

2015-02-02, 12:58 AM
"I will indeed fill that massive gullet," he says with a reassuring glance to Sion before turning to the elf. You call me a bigot, then say my mojo won't flow with 'the' Bag-head's? I might be close-minded, but a hypocrite I am not.
"Thank you for your tactful diplomacy my lady, he smiles at Sarai, I would love to have a chance--

-at which point the gnome pipes in.

"There, you see? The ankle-biter has proved my point; an orc is an orc. Only he chose the monster's side, and I; that of our fair maiden.
"Leonardo Ferarra the word-wizard, sword smith, romancer, son of Georges Fererra, by the way, at your service," he says in perfect gnomish. Then again in common; "If what Lord Chubby says is true about the dragon hitting the tower, I'm sure that there will be rewards doled out in the near future. Why not to us? We should off to Timbrel, post haste. The sun is setting, but rather I would travel through the night than stay in a haunted keep...
"I didn't catch your name? he says to the gnome...

2015-02-02, 02:35 AM
Shkree looks confused for a moment.

"You carry a mojo? I didn't see any mojo, juju, or charm at all, man. Butno way, man, it ain't the mojo what's bad here. It's, like, the attitude, what. You dig? Just chill and peace out, man. We're all children of the earth mother, so don't be with the bad vibes and disrespect. Relax a bit, and we'll be good."

2015-02-02, 08:54 AM
Sions wrath raised again. More fat jokes, the insolence of this human. It seems mere displays of his power aren't enough to cull this mans tongue. More direct displays of power are needed.

With one great hand he reaches over and grabs the young man by the throat and with ease lifts him up till he is eye level with the orc. His little legs kicking the air. Sion shows off his massive teeth and very calmly speaks in the way his lord father had taught.
" For a man who is seemingly polite you've forgotten your place. I am a Lord and I demand all the respect that the title demands. My father once told me stupidity is the root of bravery and you are being very bold for a man standing next to both an prince and a monster as you so persistently call me. Since you are so stupid I will say this very slowly and very simply. The next fat joke you make, the next hint of insolence will be your last..."

Sion leans real close letting his awful breath sweep over the man.
" For I am both a lord and a orc and you do not want displease a lord and you do not want to piss off a orc."

With that said Sion carelessly tosses the man aside sending him almost flying before crashing into the ground.

He turns to the others more meekly.
" I know my kin have evil reputations especially amongst elfs. I assure I am no club bearing savage who will kill you without reason. Just because I have an interest in my fellow kin does not mean I will forget my lordly father and what he taught. As long as you are pleasant and good company I do not care that you are elfs and I will offer you a lords protection. No harm will come to you while I travel with you. Shall we leave?"

Than Sion turns on the gnome.
" And as for you watch your tongue and threats. I will not tolerate it and you your head is also very crushable. I hear orcs make stews out of gnomes stupid enough to be caught. Perhaps thats a part of orc culture I should explore as well."

Touch attack


2015-02-02, 09:04 AM
Sarai does not interfere with Sion's actions. Indeed, for all his flattery and self-deprecation, this Leonardo Ferrara character seems to be the most deceptive and dangerous of the group. "Indeed, Lord Sion. Let us depart."

2015-02-02, 12:28 PM
Mind my tongue? That is no fun. I hate being serious.

2015-02-02, 11:08 PM
"I agree with the badger-buddy. Minding your tongue is no fun at all.' he says from his seat on the ground. "You better mind though, mole man, or he might sit on you!"

2015-02-02, 11:32 PM
The Bhagwan also readies to depart with the others.

"I travel with you, my friends and brothers. Let us leave Sir Upadravi and be on our path while he contemplates the results of his imbalances."

Leo is most certainly not welcome in his eyes.

2015-02-03, 05:00 AM
The rude Elf should say May I and Please if he wants to an escort so bad.

2015-02-03, 10:48 AM
Sion makes way for Timbral

2015-02-03, 10:53 AM
Sarai accompanies Sion.

2015-02-03, 11:25 AM
Abandoning the what you once thought was the road to Timbral, you now follow the river downstream, knowing that it will lead you out of the woods and to the city. Leonardo makes no more of a move to separate from the group than he does to stay with it, always lagging two steps behind.

You travel for several hours and night begins to fall in earnest. The distance is deceptive. You seem to have been perhaps two days from the city, not one. You could still travel through the night, but you will not reach town until the early evening.

2015-02-03, 11:42 AM
Sion is a little sheepish about his bad estimate, he is quite willing to sleep through the night or continue their walk.

2015-02-03, 12:02 PM
"I am equally ambivalent." Sarai says. "I can continue on, but if one among us wishes to rest, I can do that as well."

2015-02-03, 12:04 PM
"The lady Sari and Big-wand could go on ahead" Leo says in elven, "There is no need to delay your journey any further on account of those of us who need to sleep."

2015-02-03, 12:06 PM
"Traveling through the night is dangerous enough," Sarai says, in Elven. "But more important to me is to maintain the tenuous fabric of this company."

2015-02-03, 12:14 PM
The expression on his face shows you that he is perplexed by your reluctance to take your leave of strangers you only just met this day, although he doesn't ask you for an explaination.
"Very well." he sighs. "I'll take first watch."

2015-02-03, 12:21 PM
Sions collapses under a tree and falls asleep promptly. Any attempt to make him take a shift of watch is met with grunt and " Lords don't take watch."

2015-02-03, 12:54 PM
The spring days are warm, but the nights are still cold. The setting sun takes it's warmth with it, and a chill creeps over the fields. You find a flat spot with thick grass near the river, and a tree to tie your horse to after he has been watered. The sky is overcast, an uncommon occurrence out here near the eastern steppes, and with no starlight, it soon becomes difficult to see.

Leo pulls a small spade from his pack, and digs a little hole with it. He then gathers some brush, and lights a small fire. He watches the flames dance, as if they somehow offer some sort of tranquility.

The orc is the first asleep, followed soon by the gnome. You get a chance to meditate, clearing your mind of its weariness and the stresses of the day. Several hours pass. You open your eyes to clearer skies, and the sounds of the orc and gnome snoring. Leo refuses your offer to take the next watch.
"I couldn't be so selfish," comes his soft reply, The dirt dweller thirsts for violence, I'm not so sure of But-wag's state of mind, and I could not, in good conscience, let a lady take watch by herself. No, I am content to continue the watch until daybreak."
Since the other two are asleep, he is also content to continue the conversation in your native language.
"So, I hear Timbral's iron mines are doing quite well. I am traveling here to open my own sword smithing shop, fortunes willing. Why are the two of you headed here?"


The sun comes up early the next day, but the chill lingers, frost clinging to the tall blades of grass around you. You rummage through your packs, picking crumbs and whatever is left out of your now empty food bags. As the sun comes up, the city before you is bathed in warm light, its walls and buildings gleaming like a beacon of hope. It will be less than a day now, and you couldn't get there soon enough.
Lord Sion has carried his massive weight on foot all this way, and his legs and feet hurt as much as his stomach.
Nebin's little legs had to keep up with everyone else's pace, they are tired as well.
Leo looks like he hasn't slept in days; his eyes have dark circles under them.
Only the elves, one a wandering nomad and the other one riding a horse, look no less worse for the wear. Indeed, it looks as though they haven't traveled far at all, though perhaps they have traveled the farthest.

"We can head off to the King's road and enter through the main gate," says Leo, barely lifting a tired hand to point in that direction, "Or we can follow the river to the water gate, which will probably be closest to us from here, or we can walk around the city to the eastern side where the half-orcs live, and enter through the dung gate." he looks at Lord Sion, "Not very dignified your "lordship", I know, but your kinsmen are there, and we should have less trouble getting in... Then again, the elves will have trouble making it through the shanty town without sparking some sort of aggressive behavior from the half-orcs, and if you really are a prince, there should be no reason not for us to enter through the main gate and receive a prince's welcome!"

2015-02-03, 02:19 PM
" Hrm, A lord enters any gate he wishes. I do have an interesting in meeting with these half orcs but not at the risk of the elves. Let us take the front gates.
Sion stretches and groans loudly. The walk had not been kind to him. He looked forward to a good bed and better drink.

2015-02-03, 02:37 PM
Sarai nods. "Please, Lord Sion, let me do the talking. While you are well within your rights to enter through any gate you choose, it will be significantly less bloody if I use my vast array of diplomatic skills to ease our passage."

2015-02-03, 02:50 PM
Sion shrugs nonplussed. He had dealt with stubborn guards before when he want visiting with his father. King Edmund had often also talked their way through any gate that wanted to bar the orc. If this elf wanted to take up the task than so be it.

2015-02-04, 01:19 PM
I move 30. They move 30. Whisper gnome. I say little.

2015-02-04, 02:13 PM
Unless someone suggests otherwise, Sarai leads the group to the Water Gate to attempt entry. If the gate is open, she will simply walk through. If it is closed, she will approach, but say nothing until the guards speak to her.

2015-02-05, 01:05 PM
The walk along the riverbank takes the better part of the day, and Leonardo sings elven loves songs to pass the time. His irritating name calling aside, when he sings, his voice pours out as smooth as silk;
"I'll tell you of a maiden fair
With emerald eyes and golden hair
She wouldn't let me die alone
She's melting my own
Heart of stone

An angel in a stranger land
Crown jewel of the rebel band
A fighting foreigner far from home
She's melting my own
Heart of stone

A murder; no tear I've wept
Darkness o'er my heart crept
Her bright eyes 'Neath her glasses shone
Sweet Sarai's melts
My heart of stone"

As you near the water gate, you see the customary pair of guards, but there is also an old man from the Blue Heron Wizard's guild accompanying them. You can tell by the customary blue coat with a white diamond pattern over the right shoulder and left leg. His addition is due, no doubt, to yesterday's dragon attack.
"Halt!" commands the guard, "Who goes there?" both he and his partner look somewhat annoyed. The old man reaches into a pouch on his belt and starts whispering in an ancient tongue.

2015-02-05, 02:26 PM
Sion never much liked the music that's bards like Leonardo played in his fathers halls. He preferred the rough drinking songs of the inns and boarder houses of the road. Though he never heard them proper he also knew the ancient war songs of his people though when he sang them he wasn't sure he was doing it right. None of the musicians of the royal court had heard the war songs of the orcs. The only people who had was the knights and soldiers of his fathers campaigns. The soldiers had false memories and couldn't hold a tune in a barrel and the knights want quiet whenever he asked them about the songs. For them the songs was a herald of coming death and they hated to remember.
His father had no fear of the past and his memory was true and his voice deep and capable. Yet when Sion had asked him to repeat a war song his father had shaken his head. " I won't demean myself by repeating the grunts and shrieks of savages" He had said and so Sion had to read them from books.

He doubted Leonardo knew the songs and with his rude tongue properly would insult them if asked...Still he wondered if he might find someone in the half orc grottos. For now the mans singing at least kept him distracted from his hurting feet and stomach.

Sion stops about 10 feet away from the guards and places his hands over his chest in customary Garren salute.
" I am Lord Sion, son of Edmund of the royal line of Tryce. King of Ashren and all it's bountiful fields. These are my entourage.". Sion says allowing his comrades to introduce themselves

2015-02-05, 03:53 PM
Well, I guess 'let me do the talking' wasn't especially clear, Sarai thinks, but she says nothing, waiting for the guard's reaction to Sion's likely unexpected title.

2015-02-06, 04:32 PM
The first guard laughs as if you are joking. But the other one shuts him up, glancing nervously at the river that lies less than twenty yards from where he stands.
"Sorry my Lord. Please excuse his ignorance. Are you here for the festival?" He bows low as he speaks. "I must inform your men that they should comply with all requests made to them by a blue wizard. It is for the safety of the realm."

2015-02-06, 05:13 PM
" Yes though I would think that dragon would have put a stop to it. I saw flying over the road, Did you managed to run it off than? and as for you wizard we are willing to obey reasonable requests for the good of the realm. At least I am...."

2015-02-06, 07:32 PM
"Blue Wizard? Oh! I see! Yes, yes, very blue. Though, man, that's more aquamarine... maybe even turquoise. I absolutely dig the threads."

The Bhagwan walks up to the blue wizard and reaches out to shake his hand.

2015-02-07, 01:54 PM
I do not see a wizard. You seeing ghosts again?

2015-02-07, 01:59 PM
Sarai watches the others communicate successfully and says nothing, for the time being.

2015-02-08, 10:45 PM
The guards step defensively between the old man and the Bhagwan, their hands on their weapons, the wizard continuing his chant. You've heard that the shadow mages refuse offers of greeting and also affection; that their hands may be free for casting spells at all times. Perhaps the Blue Heron guild has decided recently to follow suit.

"Yes," replies the guard, "they ran it off in short order, and it was sorrier for it... or so I am told." The other guard turns to unlock the gate.

"You." the wizard directs his gaze towards the Bhagwan, "Your mind is strong. Open it that I may see no ill intent. If you wish to wear the colors of the Blue Heron, you may attend the trials during the summer solstice."

2015-02-08, 10:53 PM
"Groovy... Like, my mind is totally open. You should open your mind, man. We should all have open minds that we may accept all and experience the harmonic unity of Earth Mother, her glory be praised."

2015-02-08, 10:58 PM
Sarai continues to remain silent, but tries to recall everything she can about the Blue Heron Guild, as well as identifying the mage's chant.

Knowledge Local: [roll0]
Knowledge Arcana: [roll1]
Spellcraft: [roll2]

2015-02-08, 11:49 PM
Sion nods at the old elfs strange words with a wise look in his face although he has no idea true comprehension of what the elf is saying..

2015-02-09, 12:18 AM
After casting his spells, the elderly wizard nods to the guards that you are free to enter, and they open the gate, being careful not to turn their back to Lord Sion, nor get in his way.

The city is quiet on the inside of the wall; most of the citizens being in the city's center.

"Well, my high-born princess," says Leonardo with a twinkle in his eye, "It has been a pleasure and an honor basking in your radiance these past two days. I am headed to the Fair Maiden's Bed and Breakfast, if you care to join me. If not, I have seen you safely inside the city walls without the fat one's rage nor midget's lust for violence overtaking us, so I may bid you all adieu."

He starts off slowly at first, to see if Sarai will follow, and then with a quick skip and a hop, is down the street and around the corner.

2015-02-09, 12:24 AM
Sarai does not follow, choosing to stay with Sion and the Bhagwan, as well as the curious halfling. "Well, we've arrived. Do any of you have business to attend to?"

2015-02-09, 12:58 AM
" Yes, several in fact." Sion said pulling his belt up and than slowly counting off on his fingers the many things he has to accomplish.
" First I must arrange a place to sleep. You all, with the exception of the rude human, are my guests and are welcome to join me. I shall have to find the best inn in this town and rent a few rooms for us and have them prepare us dinner. Next I have noticed that my clothing is in need of cleaning and I need a proper bath. Obviously I no longer have my fathers servants to attend to such needs. Do not take offence but it would not be proper to have the elderly or a lady handle such delicate matters and the gnome is far to small for all the heavy lifting I will require. So I will have to a hire a boy to become my squire. Finally I need to go to the Grotto. Their are half orcs there and I am interested in meeting them. You are of course welcome to attend to me but I warn you, from the books I have read not all orcs are as good natured as I am."

Sion looks about before suddenly reaching and grabbing a peasant by the shoulder firmly and turning him around to face his smiling tusked face.
" Good sir, what is the best inn in Timbral? And do you know where I could hire a squire, a peasant boy would serve my interests."

2015-02-09, 12:59 AM
Sarai nods. "I will be happy to be your guest, Lord Sion," she says, and walks a step behind him and slightly to the right.

2015-02-09, 11:35 AM
"AHH! HELP!!" he cries, looking desperately to the elves and gnome to rescue him. Upon seeing that they will do no such thing, he is forced to pay attention to your questions. "B-b-best i-i-inn? Th-th-the King's Keep! Sq-squire? Wha--?" A dark spot appears on the peasant's left pant leg, and begins to spread. The poor man is wetting himself.

2015-02-09, 11:50 AM
"Lord Sion, please, perhaps a softer touch may be more successful." Sarai says, placing a hand over Sion's hand on the peasant's shoulder. "Thank you," she says to the peasant with a pleasant smile. "I apologize for the fright," she hands him a silver coin, and sends him on his way. "I've been to the King's Keep before, it is quite accommodating. Follow me, I know the way. It usually has a busy tavern, we can inquire about a squire there."

2015-02-09, 12:22 PM
"Sounds wondrous, elf sister. It is high time for lucubration of lubrication via libations. Lead us onward to this bacchanalian celebratory er... celebration."

2015-02-09, 01:03 PM
" Very well! Oh before you go young man." He says pulling a gold coin from his purse and placing it in the palm of the mans hand.
" Be a good man and don't spend it all one place. Perhaps new pants are in order?" He says chortling as he makes his way to the Kings Keep.

2015-02-10, 12:26 AM
The man accepts the silver from Sarai with a shaky hand, but is too afraid to grasp the golden coin, dropping it on the ground before he flees for his life.

As you take the water road north, the new Blue Heron's tower looms ahead of you, piercing the sky like a monolithic spearhead. The river deepens, eventually draining into a stone-walled waterway filled with ferries and small boats. Some of the boat men let out a gasp or a cry upon seeing Sion, and quickly paddle away. Water road eventually merges with red road, and as you come to a stone bridge by which to cross the waterway, you are again stopped by an elf in Blue Heron's robes.

"What are you doing brining one of these into the city without restraints??" the elf asks Sarai and the Bhagwan, motioning towards Sion.
When Sion's parentage inevitably comes up, he demands to see some proof of identification.

2015-02-10, 09:49 AM
"You shame yourself, sir, with your ignorance," Sarai says. "This is Lord Sion, and you would do well to let us alone. We have traveled long to reach this place, and our patience is running thin. We would be happy to discuss this matter further, after a warm bath and a hot meal."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2015-02-10, 10:42 AM
Sion shrugs and picks up the gold coin and places it in his pouch.

Later when approached by the wizard Sions yawns loudly and wonders if the inn will have boar. He for the most part ignores the wizards insolent tone and allows the elf to do the talking for him. When asked for proof of his parentage he shows his sigul ring that has the official crest of his family masterfully placed in.

2015-02-10, 10:56 AM
"Is he now?" the young elf raises a quizzical eyebrow, "The Lord son of King Edmund? Your countenance certainly fits the legend. But Edmund sent no word of your coming, nor did you, so that you may receive a proper welcome. You brought no banner men, nor steed, nor guards, nor servants? How would anyone know you are not some thief wearing his ring? And if not a thief, surely some do-gooder would spill your blood in the street thinking that he was keeping the city safe from a murderous orc?"

2015-02-10, 11:21 AM
For the first time Sion looks a little set backed and even nervous. He had not prepared himself for such questions though they surely would have come up at some point. He did not know if the Garrens would drag him back to his father but he doubted they would take the news of him running away well.
" Well....You see....Uh..." He said trying to think of something but coming up blank. Sion was not a fast thinker.

2015-02-10, 11:25 AM
"We have proved his identity, now, please, leave us to our business. My lord has displayed no murderous intent, and is well capable of defending himself, as are we."

2015-02-10, 11:28 AM
"Make no sudden moves and offer no resistance, that I may know you are telling the truth..." he says, and begins chanting.

2015-02-10, 11:33 AM
Sarai nods and complies, having nothing to hide. Spellcraft: [roll0]

2015-02-10, 11:45 AM
The elf's eyes narrow slightly as he studies each of you, one after the other. After a few moments he speaks.
""The people of Timbral are more tolerant than in the smaller towns and villages, for surely there would have been bloodshed by now if you were somewhere else. Their cautiousness notwithstanding, I would have two guards accompany you around town during your stay, just in case. If this is not to your liking, we can put you in either in the castle or the guard house while we send for some of your father's men..."

2015-02-10, 11:54 AM
" If I had wanted guards I would have brought them with me." Sion says his lips curling in a frown. " I came here on private business and I intend to keep it that way so unless your hiding a nobles ring or a commanders mark under that robe than we are done here. Move aside."

2015-02-10, 12:05 PM
The elf raises his eyebrow once more, it's implications slightly different this time.
"As you wish. I shall notify both the sheriff and the commander of the guard that you wish not to be followed. There may be a few guards that receive the command late; we are rather busy keeping the panic from yesterday's attack under control. Please try and keep disturbances to a minimum," he bows low, and moves to the side so that you may pass, "by your leave, my lord."

2015-02-10, 12:15 PM
"Thank you," Sarai says, and continues to lead the group to the inn.

2015-02-10, 12:17 PM
"Understandable..Good day"

2015-02-10, 12:33 PM
As you venture deeper into the city, the sound of music and the spring festivities grow louder. Children laugh and play, running through the legs of the adults like wild animals. The adults sing and dance and laugh together, but you can tell their heart is not in it; the dragon attack has put a damper on the revelry.

Some children let out blood-curdling screams upon spotting Lord Sion, and their parents either scoop them up and run also, or shake their fist in anger at him. "Guards! Guards!!" one shouts.

Sarai leads the group past the park and city square and to the markets. The smells of fresh bread, hot cakes, braised chicken, roasted duck, salted pork, hot porridge and spilled wine fill your nostrils. Hungry customers knock over displays of freshly cooked meals in their haste to get out of Lord Sion's way.

The crowd parts and Sarai points to a crumbly staircase of steep stone steps, perhaps 30 or more, leading to the top of a medium sized stone wall, hundreds of years old, that cuts the city in two.

2015-02-10, 12:45 PM
Lord Sion has fallen silent in the midst of fear and panic he inspires. In Ashren if he visited the outer regions he often inspired the same. He had tried to be used to it but he never could.
When the smell of chicken hits his nose he stops and his mouth begins to water. He breaks away for a moment and heads to a vendor roasting chickens over a spit. Ignoring the cries for guards he looked at the small man and placed five gold coins on the table before the man. Enough for dozens of chickens and reached over and grabbed a spit with three chickens cooking. He marched back to the other taking huge bites of the still bloody chickens on the stick.
" Mmmmf....* Gulp* That's where the inn is?"

2015-02-10, 01:05 PM
"Yes," Sarai says. "King's Keep was once the keep of the King of Harrenak, the ancient kingdom that was incorporated into the Empire. This high road was once the wall that surrounded the old town, but with the expansion of the city, has become a convenient thoroughfare. Follow me, please." Sarai heads up the stairs and along the wall to the familiar Inn.

2015-02-10, 02:15 PM
Sion takes another bite of his greasy chicken on a stick and follows

2015-02-11, 12:48 AM
You pass by a few notable places on the way to King's Keep. All the old guard's towers along the wall have been converted into small shops; Wizard's Watch; selling wands, rods, potions, and material components of all kinds, This Old Tower; basically a gift shop selling grappling hooks, Rapunzel dolls, mini church bells, and knock-off wizard paraphernalia, and The Watchtower, which sells general "adventuring" supplies and items aiding in subterfuge. A few guards stop to question Sion, but otherwise don't give you much trouble. Halfway to your destination there is a rope bridge that creaks dangerously under Sion's massive weight.

Not long after that you hear quite a commotion coming from the drunken patrons of "The Hole in the Wall". A dingy tavern built in the interior of an excavated and renovated literal hole in the old wall. You've heard stories of this place. With drinks strong enough to burn a dwarf's throat, and food good enough to die for... only those tough enough to take a fist to the face, and just as willing to throw one back, get a seat at the bar of this tiny establishment...

As you make your way to the entrance of King's Keep, their trumpets sound to announce the arrival of new guests. You are met by well mannered servants in chocolate brown tunics, who offer to take Sarai's horse and ask whether or not you would like food or drink, and how long you will be staying.

The old keep is built from the reddish-brown stone from this area; ugly and rough-hewn by the original builders. The exterior belies the beautiful renovations that have taken place on the inside. Candelabras and expensive drapery line the walls in between windows of stained glass. Exquisite crystal chandeliers light the room, and ornately carved spiral staircases ascend from every corner. A minstrel playing the harp completes the serene atmosphere with his relaxing melody.

The servants take your coats and bags, leading you past the ballroom, gambling room, and dueling room, past the dining hall and library.
"Would you like a 'private' room downstairs, or a luxury suite upstairs, my lord? There is a bath-room and a sauna on the main level, and each of the suites have their own bathtub and all-day-and-all-night service. And, how will you be paying?"

You notice her professional attitude... and that none of the servants, however intimidated they might be, have mentioned or made even the slightest hint at Sion's orcish heritage

2015-02-11, 05:42 PM
Lord Sion unbuckled his coin pouch and shook it so it clinked. " With gold." He said " I will need two suites for me and the lady and two private rooms for the Bhagwan and the gnome. I will also need my clothes washed and my bath drawn. We will be taking our dinner elsewhere. "
Lord Sion relaxed a little. Here at least he was treated a lord though only through his money and not his royal line. He would sleep well here.

2015-02-11, 06:51 PM
Sarai watches as Lord Sion deftly negotiates the social conversation, no doubt eased by the obsequiousness of their servants. She stands back, content with the arrangements he has made.

2015-02-11, 11:22 PM
"Would the two of you like adjoining suites with an entryway or without?"
More servants come forward to take each person to their room, and the rooms do not disappoint. Each of the suites have their own set of keys, (and a second set, for a shared door if you get one), deadbolt, shutters on the windows, and footlocker. The room is dominated by a massive, ornately carved, four-poster bed. The mattress is thick and plush, filled to the brim with down feathers. There is a small wine rack next to a large reading chair, and a writing desk full of ink and parchment in one corner. There is also a large fireplace with both spit, crane, and pot for cooking, and hangers for drying your clothes.

A hot bath and towels are ready and waiting for you by the time you enter, a bit of steam rolling of the water's surface. Another servant waits to take your clothes.

"You are welcome to dine elsewhere, but when you dine again, know that our teleporter has recently returned with a load of fresh fruit from the tropics... Your Lordship. My Lady." After a brief pause he bows low and makes his exit.

2015-02-12, 11:15 AM
Adjoining with entryways. Sion said without pause. His sister and him always rented rooms side by side with an entryway so he hardly paused to think of the ramifications or rumors that might start if a elf lady and orc lord got adjoining rooms.
When they mentioned their magical transportation he frowns. In Ashren magic was respected as a powerful and destructive force. Their only advantage against the orcish hordes. It's wizards used it sparingly and not for personal comfort. Here it seem the Garren nobility did not have the same respect.

He finds out the price for the inn. When he first ran off he had managed to smuggle a thousand gold out with him. Now it dwindled to a little more than 200. He'd have to find some way to fix that soon.

" Dinner now?" He asks the group after they meet.

2015-02-12, 11:24 AM
"Please," Sarai says, joining Lord Sion for dinner. She has no problem with the adjoining rooms, and would have suggested it herself. Once they are seated in at a hopefully private room, she asks, "Well, Lord Sion, I'm afraid I must be blunt. You have spent lavishly to provide these accommodations, for which I am grateful, but I wonder, what is the purpose of your travel to Timbral? Why are you here?"

2015-02-12, 12:57 PM
Sion makes his way to the Hole in the Wall.
" I left Ashren because It was time for me to leave. I was to marry but the girl did not wish to bed a monster and this monster did not have the heart to inflict himself on her. My father disagrees but in this case I would not bend knee. Instead I lifted it run. Timbral was simply the easiest road to follow."

2015-02-12, 03:34 PM
Sarai raises an eyebrow, but her face quickly resets. "That is quite... chivalrous of you. You truly are unlike anyone I have ever met, Lord Sion." She turns her attention to include the rest of the group, the Bhagwan and Nebin, if they are there. "This is not my first time in Timbral; in truth, I have worked for men and women in this city before. I am a diplomat, and my skills have been put to use by lords and businessmen alike. As a freelance diplomat, I am used to being between jobs, a state I find myself in at the moment. My intentions were to reach out to my contacts in the city to find employment, and I offer to include you in that search. Unless, of course, you have other business to attend to--in which case, if you have need of a diplomat whose skills extend beyond negotiation," she says with a wry tone indicating that she is not simply a mediator of disputes, "I offer my services."

2015-02-12, 05:19 PM
Lord Sion unbuckled his coin pouch and shook it so it clinked. " With gold." He said " I will need two suites for me and the lady and two private rooms for the Bhagwan and the gnome. I will also need my clothes washed and my bath drawn. We will be taking our dinner elsewhere. "
Lord Sion relaxed a little. Here at least he was treated a lord though only through his money and not his royal line. He would sleep well here."If I may, I would, like, prefer to sleep elsewhere. Perhaps there is an adequate location in the stable? I'd be much more comfortable curled up in the hay loft than in some stuffy confined bed space. I don't like being so cut off from the nature spirits, man, and this city be quite savage enough as is."

Sarai raises an eyebrow, but her face quickly resets. "That is quite... chivalrous of you. You truly are unlike anyone I have ever met, Lord Sion." She turns her attention to include the rest of the group, the Bhagwan and Nebin, if they are there. "This is not my first time in Timbral; in truth, I have worked for men and women in this city before. I am a diplomat, and my skills have been put to use by lords and businessmen alike. As a freelance diplomat, I am used to being between jobs, a state I find myself in at the moment. My intentions were to reach out to my contacts in the city to find employment, and I offer to include you in that search. Unless, of course, you have other business to attend to--in which case, if you have need of a diplomat whose skills extend beyond negotiation," she says with a wry tone indicating that she is not simply a mediator of disputes, "I offer my services."The Bhagwan follows from lack of anything better to do at the moment.

"I go where my feet take me and receive with open arms the gifts that earth mother grants upon me. There's no purpose greater than that. So, if you were to do her will by bringing such my way, I am happy to accept it."

2015-02-12, 06:17 PM
" Well, if that's what you like than be my guest. If it is your wish I could border some peasant house outside the city walls where you could sleep... Thats what my brother did when sick of our father. He didn't much like the city either"
Sion says and tells the innkeeper that he won't requiring one of the rooms.

Almost as a afterthought he considered Sarias words. He would run out of money soon. He expected his 200 to cover him for another month but after that the gold would run low. He had never worked before, his father always had given him what he needed and plenty of it. In fact most of the money in his pouch was from selling his emerald and ruby rings. But he didn't have anymore rings to sale except for his signet ring and that would never leave his finger.
" Should you find a job for a big orc, one that pays well, let me know. Sometimes a noble must get dirty to gather his rightful coin."

2015-02-12, 06:57 PM
The Bhagwan shakes his head as he waves off the idea.

"Thanks and all, but no. Just... no. That wouldn't really be any better. Far too indoorsy. No fresh air."

2015-02-14, 01:53 AM
The sounds of the festival get louder as the minstrels try and get he people to forget the dragon attack, and as those unmoved by the music try and forget it by way of strong drinks. As you walk along the high road towards the Hole in the Wall, you notice the crowds below begin to thin out; the people migrating to the city's center.

You reach the closest stairs down, just a few blocks from the bar. On your left is the thirty-foot wall, on your right are two story apartment buildings and warehouses with alleys in between. You hear the sounds of a scuffle, a grunt, and then nothing. You look around for a guard, but see none. As you near the corner of the next alley, you hear the low, deep growl of a large canine...

2015-02-14, 07:55 AM
Sion responds with a deep throaty growl of his own as he makes his way around the corner drawing knightbeater as he does.

2015-02-14, 09:29 AM
"Careful, Lord Sion. Imagine the impression we would make if we killed the bartender's dog. By all means, defend yourself, but perhaps this is a fight best avoided."

2015-02-14, 10:18 AM
Rounding the corner of the alley, you see a massive pool of blood and tracks where they dragged the body, and a cloak flapping around the corner at the far end of the alley.

2015-02-14, 10:55 AM
"Probably not the bartender's dog," Sarai says, moving stealthily, following the trail of blood.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2015-02-14, 12:13 PM
Sion without pauses charges after the cloak moving faster than anyone his size should be able to. His great legs pumping and his belly heaving he storms down the alley raising his club and yelling " HOLT!"

40 feet

2015-02-14, 01:17 PM
As Sion rounds the corner after the assailant, you hear a feminine voice growl in orcish,
"Leave us alone! Don't listen and you die!"

2015-02-14, 05:30 PM
Sarai catches up to Sion and takes a long look at the culprits. "They speak Orcish," she says. "Maybe there's more than just a simple mugging, here."

2015-02-15, 10:33 AM
Sion flies down the alley, the rest of you doing your best to keep up with him.
"Throw down your weapons or I'll break your skulls!" he commands.
There's no time to take a 'long look'; by the time you round the corner, his club comes down on top of the head of a short half orc, the only male in the company. The club impacts with a loud crack, sending his skull cap flying, at the same time swinging his sword at Sion, slicing his coat, shirt, and belly, sending blood running over his belt and down his pants. The short half orc reels for a split second after the impact, blood running down his face.

An old man lays motionless in a pool of his own blood, his pockets outturned.

The two shorter women flee, but the third holds her ground, her mastiff growling menacingly by her side. She chants loudly, and three wolves appear in the alley behind you. "Stand down!" She yells in common, then again in orcish, "I see you friend with pale devil, you fight against own kin??" she pulls down her hood and scarf to reveal that she is also a full blooded orc.

2015-02-15, 11:01 AM
Sarai responds in orcish, "We fight against criminals." She thrusts her palm toward the wolves and a spray of color explodes from her hand.

Color Spray, Will DC 15 negates

2015-02-15, 01:25 PM
Sion frozen when the girl removed her hood to reveal her orc nature. He had traveled outside his kingdom, lost and weary on the road, to find another orc and now that one was here he didn't know what what to say.
" Umm hi!" Sion says in orcish lowering his club a little and ignoring the bleeding cut in his belly that was staining his nice clothes.
" Say something orcish!" Sions minds roared and Sion tried to think back to the history books about the orc raids and what words they used.
" May your strength never desert you." Sion says the orc greeting awkwardly. " My name is lo.... is Sion. Whats yours?" He asks almost shyly. When she mentions fighting his own kin he winces. " Welll, um, if you mean the pink skins their not so bad once you know them and..." Sion stops when a sudden ray of colors comes flying from his friends hand.
" Uhh..." He says suddenly unsure what to do.

If the orc attacks him again Sion smashes his head in.

2015-02-16, 12:40 AM
One of the wolves runs off, and the other two block your escape, but do not attack. "Oorga, stop!" she commands the short one. He stops in mid-swing as the blood continues to flow down his head and into his eyes and mouth. He wobbles on his feet a bit.

"What do with you now?" she continues in orcish, looking at the body, then back at you. "Travel with flowers-in-blood, you not be trusted. Not kill you today, not let you go, then what?" She glances around, and then looks at her dog, perhaps to see if anyone else is coming.

2015-02-16, 08:03 AM
You can't do anything to me, I am....Umm....I am stronger than you,"
He said and to prove it flexes a muscle. He wasn't sure to do either. On one hand his upbringing demanded justice for the old man, on the other hand, pretty orc lady on whom he was quite smitten on....
Sion scratches his head and sighs. Really he should have expected this. Orc culture was pretty much based on the strong rule over the weak. He just expected to see it in the wildlands where it was pretty much expected by everyone. Not here in the middle of a city.

Sion looks helplessly at Sarai, maybe she had an idea of what to do.

2015-02-16, 09:50 AM
Sion may be guided by his baser desires, but Sarai is not. "You have killed a man, and dragged him through this alleyway," she says in Orcish, reminding everyone of what started this detour. "That is a crime, both against the city and life in general. Explain, then we will decide what to do with you."

2015-02-16, 10:15 AM
She mocks you with her laughter. As you are speaking, the two women that you thought ran away appear in the ally behind you, walking up casually behind the two remaining wolves. One brandishes a flail, the other a pair of knives.
"The elf knows our language, how quaint. Does she always boss you around like this?" She asks Sion in common, ignoring Sarai.

2015-02-16, 10:41 AM
Sions eyes farrow. This was not how he saw his first encounter with an orc going. She was mocking him. She didn't believe in his strength. He would have to prove her wrong. The orc way.
Sion suddenly swings his club into the face of the half orc hopefully crushing his skull and than brings it down on the wolf using his cleave.
" I am no ones servant." He growled raising his club. " Your coming with me."

Don't know if you'll use my old attack for my roll but here's the new ones just in case.
First attack.

[roll0] attack

[roll1] dmg

Second attack.

[roll2] attack

[roll3] dmg

2015-02-16, 11:25 AM
The stubby half orc's head explodes in a fountain of blood, and he collapses like a rag doll. The orc lets out a shriek of horror. The two other women rush forward to attack, the dark haired one raising her knife as if to throw it. It's too late.

Bright lights jump from Sarai's fingertips, and the redhead throws her arm over her face. "Silathe!" She cries, as her companion stands stupified, her knives falling to the ground. She places herself between you and the dazzeled brunette, her flail shaking in her hands. "You monsters!" She screams.

"You will pay for this," the orc says quietly then, screaming aloud, "Ahhh!! An orc! Help! HELP!!!" and then jumps into the air, her legs becoming clawed talons and arms becoming wings, and soars of into the sky as a raven.

2015-02-16, 11:32 AM
Sion sighs as the hawk flies off, This wasn't the effect going for...He still had a lot to learn about orc woman it seemed.
He looks at the shaking flail in the womans hand and than back at her.
" " Put that thing down. Your not going to much with it...."
He raises Knight Beater.
" Your under lords arrest. Yield and the courts might be merciful."

Do I get my additional attack with cleave?

2015-02-16, 11:52 AM
Seeing that Sion has things in hand, Sarai rushes to the body of the mugging victim, to see if there is anything she can do to keep him alive. She also searches the body. "Lord Sion, when the guards come, let me do the talking. Remember, they are already suspicious of you, and more likely than not, are racists like the rest of this city, and will be ill-disposed to listen to you. I intend to tell them the truth--we came to stop a mugging, things became violent, and we subdued the muggers. They may be rude to you, but I urge you resist passively, or else bring the wrath of the whole city's guard against us."

Heal: [roll0]

2015-02-16, 12:03 PM
Sions grunts in the affirmative. Racists guards are not new to him.

2015-02-16, 12:25 PM
The wolves wink out of existance as the raven disappears into the clouds.

It is too late for the old man, and searching the body reveals no clues. The dark haired woman begins to cry as the spell wears off. The one holding the flail is on the verge of tears already, and this puts her over the edge, sending a single tear down her cheek.

The guards round the corner on either side of the alleyway, spears at the ready.
"Back a way from the bodies!" Shouts a guard at Sarai, "All of you! Throw down your arms!" The two girls jump at the sound of his voice, quickly throwing up their hands.
"Thank you! Thank you! These men were about to attack us!" They cry.

2015-02-16, 12:51 PM
Sarai raises her arms high overhead. "Thank goodness you arrived when you did, officers. These women mugged that man there," Sarai says, pointing to the old man. "We followed after them to stop them. They resisted, and attacked us. We defended ourselves, and good thing too, else we would have met the same fate as him," she says, pointing at the shorter orc's body. "Their leader, seeing that we had the upper hand, ran off. If you bring a cleric here, I will gladly submit to a Zone of Truth spell prove my honesty. We can give you an eyewitness description of the orc leading them. I suspect she is a druid, as she summoned wolves to support her."

2015-02-16, 12:56 PM
Sion puts down knight beater and takes a few steps back.
" I am lord Sion of the royal line of Tryce. The elf woman speaks the truth."

2015-02-16, 01:34 PM
"Another orc within the city walls?" Gasps the brunette, "I would never align myself with such a creature!"
"That beast was on a rampage! Look at what he did!" Cries the redhead, pointing at the half orc on the ground.

"Zone of truth indeed," says the guard, looking at the blood and bits of brains dripping from Sion's club, and the half orc's caved-in head. "You are all under arrest, pending an investigation. If it is true that you are a Lord as you so claim, you will be released in short order." Two guards move forward to take the two girls into custody.

None of them touch you or even get close. The fear shows on their faces; either because they are afraid to arrest a noble or that they might suffer injury should they try.

"Perhaps we should wait for a wizard?" One suggests to the others.
"Will you come peacefully?" Asks another.

A crowd begins to gather...

2015-02-16, 01:41 PM
"I will come peacefully, to a cleric, so that the truth can be gotten. I will not allow myself nor my compatriot to be imprisoned until after that time." She is confident that a zone of truth will reveal their innocence, and imprisonment would be unnecessary. "Surely you can see the reasonableness of this measure--in a city with such a specious view of orc blood, an investigation may take an indefinite time." Sarai says, lowering her arms and standing tall. "I will, of course, comply with any investigation, once it is clear to all that I have and continue to be entirely forthright. For that matter, I suspect the women there, and the deceased orc, may have been under magical compulsion."

2015-02-16, 01:46 PM
Sion looks at the guard and shrugs.
I'll come peacefully but no manacles. I do not like to be restrained...."

2015-02-16, 01:47 PM
"In the meantime, I suggest you secure this area, so that the scene is not disturbed." Sarai says, looking at the crowd gathering.

2015-02-16, 02:02 PM
"A cleric? Ha! It is the inquisitor that determines innocence here. Men of the cloth are just as subject to corruption, we all know that." As he speaks, they spread out so what to keep the gathering crowd at bay.
"Get back!" They shout, "nothing to see here!"

And then, out of nowhere, three wizards finally arrive.
"What is going on here?" one demands. Another one casts a spell, and blue curtains appear at each end of the alley, blocking the crowd's view.

2015-02-16, 02:08 PM
"I would like to speak to an attorney," Sarai says, sighing. "A Zone of Truth spell does not determine innocence, it determines truth. The inquisitor will benefit from knowing that the answers given are honest. Regardless, neither I nor my compatriot will say anything else, nor will we go with you, until we speak to an attorney." She looks to Sion. "If you wish to force us, we will not resist, but neither will we go with you under our own power."

2015-02-16, 02:58 PM
"If you wish to force us, we will not resist, but neither will we go with you under our own power."
Sion cracks his large knuckles to help get the point across. He is a little bit confused at the mentions of an attorney. What the hell was an attorney and why did they need one?

When the wizards ask his question Sion grunts and says " Found people killing a old man. I stopped them....Forcibly." He waves his hand at the dead half orc.

2015-02-17, 02:07 AM
The guards balk at your demands.
The oldest of the wizards, his blue robes fastened with the order's white sash of authority, turns to face Sarai as she speaks.
"Attorney? My dear Lady, do not seek to confuse nor confound our honorable guard with obscure references to other countries customs. Surely this is Lord Thomas Tryce, son of Edmond Tryce, King of Ahsren. If this is the case, and you are his associate, any concerns you may have will no doubt be alleviated in short order.
"Now, if you wish for a zone of truth to be established, and have the coin to pay for such a service, it will surely be made available to you. The guards can drag you to the sheriff's office if you would prefer it, but I do think walking there would be easier, don't you?"

He turns and bows to Sion before continuing,
"Lord Tryce, we can escort you with or without guards, or you may walk completely unseen if you wish, to prevent any nasty rumors from starting?" He pulls a small potion of clear liquid from his pouch.

2015-02-17, 02:12 AM
Clearly outplayed, Sarai submits. "I suppose we have no choice," Sarai says, wary.

2015-02-17, 07:17 AM
Sion frowns at the mention of his birth name but shrugs when offered the potion.
" A lord has no fears of rumors. Lead on wizard."

2015-02-17, 12:19 PM
"Very well. If you wish not to be rendered invisible, perhaps we can stop that bleeding?" He puts away the clear potion and pulls out one that shimmers like gold and hands it to Sion. He then turns back to Sarai.
"Last I knew, the cost of a truth spell was around 100 pieces of gold, but that was before the emperor declared the church of Cuthbert his own sovereign church. The price may have gone up since then. There are smaller churches around here we could ask of on your behalf, but I make no promises on the reliability of their priests."

The guards lead you out, one trying to subtly make his way towards Sarai, but it is rather obvious.
"The inquisitor isn't that bad. Everything will be okay, I promise." he says with a reassuring simle.
"Knock it off Bors!" hisses another guard, "A pretty girl bats her eyelashes and you drool like a hound."
"Shut your mouth," he retorts "I saw you eyeing the redhead."
"She was in distress."
"Never mind him," continues Bors, "The inquisitor is probably busy anyways, and we'll speak to the constable--"
"Bors! That's enough!" Barks the sergeant, walking up to the group as the blue curtains disappear in a puff of smoke. "Master Quinn, he situation is under control by now I trust?" he asks the eldest wizard.

"Quite. Lord Tryce claims to be defending himself and his elf, while these two claim he was on a killing rampage. I will send Master Lanorran with you. You can take it from here."

Master Lanorran makes his way over as the other two wizards take their leave. The guards fall into ranks around you as you exit the alley into the now busy side-street.
"Make way!" they shout. The crowd parts obediently, their whispering and murmuring growing louder as you walk along. Lanorran pays no attention to the massive orc like the many onlookers do, but looks straight forward, head held high with typical elven pride. He occasionally steals glances at Sarai, sporadically at first, then with increasing frequency until you reach the Sheriff's office.

The massive stone building belies its cramped and busy interior. You are lead through many small rooms, passing by several holding cells full of criminals who gawk in awe as the giant orc walks by, ducking under doorframes as he goes.
You arrive at the Constable's office and each are offered a seat. They are rather small. The constable is a wrinkly old man with big bags under his eyes and a long thin nose.
"I am afwaid that the inquisitor is pweoccupied at the moment--" he says in a nasally voice. The guard called Bors winks at Sarai. "Howeveh, I am qualified in this wegahd, and unless you would like to wait for him to awwive, we could begin... now.
"Guahds, would you escoht the suspects to sepawate wooms pwease?
"Lohd Twyce, is it? I don't want to incontinence you any longew, shall we begin with you?"

2015-02-17, 12:21 PM
Sarai smiles at the guard who is apparently interested in her, but says nothing in response to his reassurances. She complies with all directives, saying nothing until spoken to.

2015-02-17, 12:24 PM
Lord Sion grunts in the affirmative and waits for the questions.
He sniffs the potion but doesn't drink it quite yet. He'll hold unto it for now.

2015-02-17, 12:27 PM
"Certainly, constable. Come with me, milady," says one guard motioning to the door.
"That's fine, I can take her," says Bors hustling forward, his plate armor banging against that of the man standing next to him as he squeezes past. "This way, milady..." he smiles.

The constable turns to Lord Sion, now the only 'suspect' in his office.
"Pwease state what happened exactly, fow the weacohd." he begins.

2015-02-17, 12:31 PM
Sarai follows Bors, trying to recall how she knows Master Lannoran.

Wisdom (for memory): [roll0]

2015-02-17, 12:39 PM
Sion stares down at the little man. In ashren his word would have been enough but here it seemed a lords worth wasn't valued as much. He knew if it had been his father through this guards and wizards would never have questioned him. His fathers wrath was legendary on the foolish enough to annoy him.
" I was walking to the hole in the wall. I was thirsty and in need of hearty drink. My diplomat and friend Sarai was traveling with me when we heard a grunt and dog growl. When we turned the corner to the alley way we saw blood and a cloak disappearing around the corner. I gave chase and discovered a dead old man, the half orc and those two ladies being led by a orc woman. It came to blows shortly afterwards. The orc woman summoned wolves and I disposed of the half orc and one the wolves. She turned into a hawk and fled and the others gave up. Than your guards came."

2015-02-17, 12:43 PM
"Vewey good. And I am told that on wiveh woad a guild membew offewed you an escoht whilst in the city and you declined? Cawe to explain that?"


"So what really happened?" asks Bors, grinning ear to ear once you are alone.
"Do tell." Lanorran says, appearing in the room after only a moment. Bors' smile disappears suddenly and is replaced with a frown.
"This is official business." he says flatly.
"And? Today I am paid by the state," there is an undertone of warmth in his voice, although his face doesn't show it. And was that a hint of a smile? You and Bors have the only two chairs at the tiny table in the room, but Lanorran shows no desire to sit. He seems taller than he did before. Or is it just because this room is so small?
"It sounded like you implied someone else killed the half-orc before Lord Tryce came out and admitted to it. You should perhaps get your story straight before speaking to the constable. Or were you going to hire a priest for a truth spell after all?"

2015-02-17, 12:47 PM
" Because I plan to drink and be merry and having guards over your shoulder ruins the moment. I also planned to visit your Ghettos and I did not think having guards with me would endure me to the locals..."

2015-02-17, 12:52 PM
"Did I?" Sarai says, recalling what she had said previously. "Perhaps you misunderstood. Lord Sion defended us from the shorter orc, killing him, which was fortunate, or we would have met the same fate as the deceased old man, the mugging victim. Pronouns can be such a tricky thing." She smiles. "I will speak to the Constable. If he is blind to the obvious truth, then, yes, I intend to secure the services of a priest."

2015-02-17, 12:54 PM
"And this guild membew told you to 'keep the distuhbences to a minimum,' did he not?" his tone gets more serious, "and you thought this was accomplished by caving in the head of a man half youw size, and scaring a couple of women?"
He obviously respects your size and strength, and must find it hard to believe that you would respond to such and insignificant threat with lethal force.


"Stop badgering her," says Bors, "I'm sure you have nothing to fear, miss, the constable will find you innocent, no doubt. Especially if you are with Lord Tryce."
"Yes... Lord Tryce..." says the wizard, almost absentmindedly. Tell me, have you ever been to the manor of Wilhelm von Shcaft?


After Sion answers, he is escorted to a comfortable room and offered water and bandages, as well as food and drink. The guards all seem too afraid to talk to him. Then Sarai is led back into the office so that the constable may resume his questioning.
"Pwease state fow the weacohd..."

2015-02-17, 02:17 PM
" Well one does tend to defend themselves when your belly is cut open with a blade." Sion growls. " The man I killed was a criminal who killed an old man. I am a lord, I do not call for help like some helpless henwife, I hand out lords justice as I deem fit. I understand that I am no longer in my territories and if I must I will prove my story with a truth zone which I will pay for but I the end you should be thanking me for removing a dangerous mugger from your streets.

Sion allows himself to be walked out and glances at the guards who have fallen silent.
" Tell me boys, which one of you is the biggest drinker. Seems I might need an escort to appease your superiors and i'd rather have someone who knows how to drink than another stick in the mud paladins like my previous bodyguards..."

2015-02-17, 02:36 PM
"Why?" Sarai asks the wizard, but before he can answer, she is called in to testify.


"Lord Sion and I were walking to the Hole in the Wall, at his request. We heard a grunt and a dog growl. Suspecting a wild mongrel, we investigated. I did not wish harm to come to an innocent person because of a rabid dog, but when we turned into the alley way we saw bloody tracks and a cloak disappearing around the corner. Lord Sion gave chase, and I accompanied him, more concerned now that it was clear we were dealing with no rabid beast, but a sentient being wishing harm to the residents of Timbral. We discovered the source of the blood--the corpse of an old man, his pockets turned out. With him was an Orc Woman, who warned us to leave and threatened us. With her were the shorter orc, who attacked Lord Sion and who Lord Sion killed, and also two women. They were cooperating with the orc woman at first. They fled at our arrival, but returned behind us with a flail and dagger. The Orc Woman also summoned wolves behind us, but when it became clear that we would overpower them--I cast a Color Spray spell that hit both the two women and the wolves, incapacitating them--she transformed into a hawk and fled. The guards were called for, the other women recovered, and before we could arrest them ourselves, the guards arrived. I investigated the old man, and found that he was dead, and stripped of all valuables. It may have been merely a simple mugging, but I suspect there is more to it. I wonder what can be learned from an examination of the shorter orc's corpse--there was something strange about him, I cannot put my finger on it. Regardless, if this is how good Samaritans are treated in Timbral, then the hospitality of this city has lessened significantly since I last was here. Is there anything further, or are we free to go?"

2015-02-18, 12:07 AM
"Well said, young lady," he replies, "You awe both attwactive and have a pleasant voice, unlike myself. You awe also vewy smaht. Smaht enough, surely, not to confuse vigilantism with chawity. The hospitality of Timbwal is as gweat as eveh, but its tolewance for lawlessness is not.
"Cwistopher!" he calls to a man in the other room, "Call for the magistwate, would you please?
"Wheaw was I? Oh yes, you awe not fwee to go quite yet, as I must question the otheh two and hand you oveh to--"
Just then, the city's trumpets sound, signaling the arrival of something important.
"Ahem. Hand you oveh--"
"Sir! The dragon slayers are here!" Shouts a young man excitedly as he bursts through the door.
"Yes, I can heah." He responds. The crowds can be faintly heard cheering in the distance.
"We should be sure to--"
"Go. Go then boy."
"Ah-ha-hem. I must hand you oveh to--" just then another man bursts in.
"Sir. The magistrate is busy."
"Then get me Clancy."
"Clancy is busy as well, sir. I checked. Jaragond is in town."
"Ah." Says the old man knowingly, "In that case I guess you should summon one of Jazeal's men to escoht these two to the castle. The magistwates will have theih hands full with the cwiminals Jaragond bwings in, and since the owc is son of King Twyce, I'm suwa Jazeal will want this matteh settled cawefully."

He turns back to you.
"It seems now that I must ask you to wait until I can hand you oveh to--" his head tilts to the side suddenly, his eyebrows narrowing in anger.
"Lanowwen! How many times must I tell you, theow is to be no spell casting inside this office??"

"Seems you are to meet Jazeal Harmeni himself! Should I tag along? Perhaps I can play the ambassador to the 'ambassador'."
You look around, but Lanorren is nowhere to be seen. Not only that, it's hard to tell where the voice is coming from.


The guards all turn to look at one of their own; an overweight, ugly, wart-covered man, perhaps in his late forties.
"What?" he demands, looking at his fellow guards with contempt. "Y-You all drink as well a-a-as I do! Shame on you! Sending an old codger like me to follow a man like this when you all have the strength of youth about you!" He begins to stammer at the thought of accompanying you to the bar, but regains his courage with anger as the younger men begin to mock him.
"Glug, glug, glug!" they hold up imaginary beer steins.
You hear the city's trumpets, and then cheering in the distance.
"That's our cue to leave!" the jeer, clapping him on the shoulder as they make their exit, "Have fun drinking yourself under the table Sal!"

2015-02-18, 12:12 AM
Sarai shrugs again. "I suppose I have no choice, then. Very well, take us where you will."

2015-02-18, 12:31 AM
As the guards lead you outside and down the street, you can faintly hear Bors still inside the jailhouse, asking where the cute elf girl went. Lanorran falls into step next to you.

"So, Jazeal huh?" says the young elf cheerfully. "Time to put those diplomatic skills to good use perhaps? We didn't quite get to finish before... I was wondering if you ever had the pleasure of meeting Wilhelm von Shaft?"

2015-02-18, 04:23 AM
Grunt, grunt, grunt. Sion is not in a very talkative mood after having to travel all about instead of drinking.

2015-02-18, 09:25 AM
"And as I said before, why do you ask?" Sarai says. There is too much about the present situation that she dislikes for her to be very forthcoming.

2015-02-18, 01:18 PM
"Wilhelm keeps talking about a beautiful, elven spy who worked for him in the past. It seems he is having trouble getting ahold of her..."

2015-02-18, 02:02 PM
"Yes, I've worked for Wilhelm. I prefer the term diplomat to spy."

2015-02-19, 10:10 AM
Oh. Perhaps he was speaking of someone else? These were not open negotiations by the way he made it sound, it was more of a subtle gathering of sensitive information. Regardless, if you are indeed her, I would like to show you to his new manor before you leave town.
"Sir Wilhelm would be pleased to meet you as well, Lord Sion, if your ventures in the city include such visits." Lanorran smiles politely. He turns back to Sarai, " The meeting with Jazeal will no doubt be a private one, so I must take my leave. When you are ready to meet with Wilhelm just stop by the tower and ask for me, and I will take you there.

2015-02-19, 10:18 AM
Sarai listens to the invisible wizard. "Very well," Sarai says noncommittally, knowing that she full well intends to do as asked.

2015-02-19, 12:32 PM
He only gets a stomach rumble and a grunt in response

2015-02-23, 11:15 AM
"Sarai, Sir Wilhelm-" he stops himself suddenly, debating whether or not he should actually tell you. He quickly makes up his mind. He leans close and whispers in your ear so that the guards cannot hear."The reason Sir Wilhelm is in a 'new' manor is due to his circle of friends and their poor standing with the Duke. His prior residence was sized and given to the Monicci's. If you could gain a little insight as to how the Monicci's gained Jazeal's favor, I'm sure Wilhelm would compensate you for it. I will leave it at that." He says his goodbyes, bowing to Lord Sion, and joking with a few of the guards before heading off back towards the tower.

The guards lead you across yet another bridge that goes over the winding waterway, past four story mansions, and to the castle gates. The portcullis stands open, and the castle guard take you from the city guard and escort you to the courtyard. You are greeted by the castle's chamberlain.
"Thank you Ector." He smiles at the guard.
"Good day Lord Sion, it is a pleasure to see you again. Good day my lady." the short man cranes his neck in an attempt to see if there are any servants in attendance behind Sion's massive bulk. He looks rather confused that he has none. "And what brings you to see the Duke on this fine afternoon?"

2015-02-23, 11:20 AM
"Good day. It is our reward for stopping a crime in progress," Sarai says. "And failing to apprehend the criminal responsible. Did the Watch not send word of our coming?"

2015-02-23, 11:42 AM
Lord Sion scratches his head and tries to remember if he had met this man before. His fathers courts were always attended by visiting lords and regents that he always got their names confused.
" The pleasure is mine. Let's get this nasty business out of the way so I can finally get some food."

2015-02-23, 11:54 AM
"Very well. Shall we discuss things in the dining hall over a meal then?" he summons a servant and orders the lad to inform the Duke that his guests have arrived.
"Reward?" his curiosity is piqued as he turns to Sarai, "No one informed me about you receiving a reward. Are the coffers in the Sheriffs house that low? What was the amount?"

2015-02-23, 11:58 AM
Sarai smirks, seeing an opportunity, but her inner honesty forces her to do the right thing. "The pleasure of meeting with the Duke is reward enough." It is clear that communication between the Watch and the Duke was minimal if existent at all. "Please, a meal would be most welcome."

2015-02-23, 12:00 PM
Sion nods his head in agreement and makes his way to the dining room.

2015-02-24, 12:01 PM
Your noses are greeted the smells of fresh bread, spices, and slow-cooked meat wafting down the hallway as you are led to the dinning hall. Small magical torches provide ample light for the large room, their white light dancing off of the silverware and the furniture's gold inlay. Two fireplaces warm the room from each end, and a large chandelier hangs over the long rectangular table.

You are surprised to see the Bhagwan seated there already, dining with the duke's youngest sister, Henna. They are talking and laughing as the two of you enter.

2015-02-24, 12:14 PM
"Ah, the Bhagwan. I was wondering where you went off to," Sarai says, smiling. "I am Sarai," she introduces herself to Henna. She waits to be invited to sit down, standing just inside the doorway.

2015-02-24, 12:52 PM
Henna stops mid-bite and stares at you, her cheek bulging from the food inside it.
"Hi..." she says, a tiny piece of turkey falling from her lower lip. She doesn't introduce herself, obviously not caring for 'proper protocol', but you know who she is, regardless. Her youthful face, beautiful body, and dazzling golden eyes are a testament to the traces of celestial blood in her parentage.
"You gonna sit, or jus stan there?"

2015-02-24, 12:55 PM
Sarai smirks, and sits. "Will the Duke be joining us?" she asks.

2015-02-24, 05:11 PM
"Bhagwan" Sion says bowing slightly. He turns to Henna who he knows slightly from some ball or minor wedding.
" Milady, you are as beautiful as always." He says before reaching over her and grabbing a turkey leg. Normally he'd mind his manners but Henna was always a little less kin on etiquette just like him. He takes a seat while tearing into the leg.
" Finally." He mutters.

2015-02-25, 05:06 AM
"Sky Father's blessings! I never thought to see the likes of you two again. Spirits, are you playing tricks again? You're ruining the mellow if you are.

Assuming you are real, I never, like, thought I'd see you in a swank place like this."

The Bhagwan stands and embraces both of you. Though otherwise apparently unchanged, it seems that somewhere he manages to lose his shoes.

"Fire Brother's warm bosom! You both be real. Well, like, chunky corporeal anyway."

2015-02-25, 09:41 AM
Henna stifles a laugh.
"Ah. Lord Sion, it is you. To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure"? says Jazeal as he enters the room and takes a seat at the head of the table.

2015-02-25, 11:56 AM
Sion embraces The Bhagwan although a look of confusion crosses his face as he tries to pierce together what he is saying. He eventually comes to the conclusion that he's happy to see him and goes back to his turkey.
At Hennas comment he lowers the leg and grunts.
" Your justice system is lacking is what you owe the pleasure of my company. In Ashren the death of criminals is a cause of celebration and not a welcome mat for harassment." He returns to tearing into his turkey leg.

2015-02-26, 11:02 AM
"Yes, that is what Azealan said the last time he was here as well. Timbral is much larger than any of the cities he governs, or any city in Ashren, for that matter. A fact which neither of you seem to appreciate." his voice belies his frustration, which his face is hiding quite well. He pauses momentarily, and Henna tries to steal the conversation.
"So you are saying that the coming of spring isn't a just enough cause for celebration? That our citizens should eagerly await an execution, holding back their joy for the death of one of their own?" You immediately think she is mocking you, but then remember she has a twisted streak in her. She could actually be serious. Is she? Its hard to tell. She raises one of her perfect eyebrows provocatively, her golden eyes alight with excitement. Jazeal knows you could take offense and cuts her off.

"What my sister means is, we have had quite a few executions recently, and with the coming of spring, it was time to get the minds of the people off of death. Things must be delicately handled in a city of this size. I am sorry for any inconvenience the guard may have caused you, but what did you expect? Rumor has it that Duke Blacliff has a few trolls in his employ, but if they wandered into town without a regiment of guards, they would have been killed on sight. Speaking of which, where are your men? Did he actually send you here by yourself? I can't imagine that he would be so rash."

He waits patiently while you explain before continuing.
"Well I wish someone would have sent word that you were coming, then I could have received you at the main gate. And that's another thing, why did you come through the water gate and not the main gate?" He doesn't seem suspicious, but you can tell that he knows that there is more to this situation than is readily apparent. "Regardless. My men are correcting false rumors that are surely spreading as we speak. I would ask that you remain here in the palace, at the room in Kings' Keep, or with a regiment of guards until tomorrow afternoon, when a formal announcement can be made to the people regarding your presence here, so that you may be left alone. Does that sound reasonable enough to you?"

2015-02-28, 11:33 AM
City Square
The crowd lets out a deafening roar as the dragon hunters are paraded through the city, towing the massive head of the slain dragon behind them. Vincent rolls his eyes.
A few fat men, an old guy and what's obviously a drunk killed this thing? Yeah right. When was the last time a slayer actually killed a dragon? 100 years ago? he approaches the cart to get a closer look at the head. The guards command him to stay back. That figures... Having seen enough, Vincent heads over to the Hole in the Wall.

2015-02-28, 03:32 PM
" You twist my words my lady. I merely meant that the death of a criminal should be treated with some degree of relief. Not that your citizens should ignores the joys of the coming spring. As for how size of your city affects your criminal elements it should not matter. The programs and laws sat down by a ruler should be enough to keep the hungry and dishonest at bay. For instance did you know in Ashren my father greatly discouraged the taking of rich families sons as squires as it's done in other kingdoms? Instead knights take the poorest families boys and make honest soldiers and knights out of them and pay them a fair wage. It has done wonders for keeping pickpockets off the streets. "
Lord Sion drinks his wine gingerly and wishes it was mug of thick mead.

At the mention of trolls, Lord Sion raises his eyebrows.
" Am being compared to child eaters now? Am I truly so scary? I brought a diplomat with me, a elf at that, to calm any questions about my nature surely that should be enough for any reasonable soldier or peasant."

He allows Jazeal to continue while munching on turkey leg.
" Ashren lords are different than your typical Garren nobility. We prefer surprise when we go visiting. We like to see our rivals when they unprepared for us. Sending word ruins that sadly... The reason am here is none of your concern, As for your kind offer I must refuse. I've already arrange comfortable bedding for myself at the Kings Keep and I intend to keep it that way. If you wish you may place guards there to quiet any restless natives but I intend to have my peace and quiet at a place of my own choosing. I expect once the festival is done I shall be moving on so I won't be troubling your fair city for long"

Lord Sion is suddenly reminded of something he always wanted to do but was barred by his father.
" Speaking of festivals does yours have a melee. Any proper one usually has a glorious fight for the peoples entertainment. I would love to test my mettle against Garren knights before I left."

2015-02-28, 04:19 PM
Sarai sits quietly, saying nothing, watching the interaction between Lord Sion and Duke Jazeal. She smiles at the tact that Sion uses in refusing the Duke's offer, and nods politely in agreement. She waits for the Duke to turn his attention to her, if he ever does, and thinks of how best to approach the subject of Wilhelm.

2015-02-28, 06:49 PM
The Bhagwan sits quietly, muttering something in whispered conversation to someone only he can see, definitely not watching the interaction between Lord Sion and Duke Jazeal.

2015-03-01, 01:53 PM
Jazeal and Henna are briefly distracted by the Bhagwan's strange behavior, but Jazeal doesn't bring it up.
"Mmm." he listens intently as you describe your father's strategy. "That sounds like a good idea. Perhaps I should speak with him at length about it. When you return home, if would tell him that I intend to visit it would be greatly appreciated. Please understand that I meant no offense by speaking of Blacliff's trolls, I was just using that as an example. Surely you are not that scary, but people are still afraid, and make poor decisions based on that fear. I wish that you would accept a guard, but if you will not, that is your right." he smiles when you ask about the mêlée. "Indeed. It has become somewhat of a championship in the last few years, with contests every day, and each winner moving on to the next bout the following day. You are free to enter if you wish, however, I think it would be less a testing of your mettle than it would an embarrassment of the knights of the realm. He then turns to the Bhagwan.

Thank you for your assistance today, Bhagwan. Are you two...?
" he looks back and forth between him and Sarai. "It has been some time since I've seen a high elf this far south. How did you come to be in Lord Tryce's employ?"

2015-03-01, 02:48 PM
Sions listen but for the most part concentrates on eating all the food.

2015-03-01, 03:18 PM
"We met on the road to Timbral. This is not my first time here, last I was here, I worked with a Lord Wilhelm von Schaft. Do you know him?"

2015-03-01, 05:10 PM
I certainly do. Why?"

2015-03-01, 05:13 PM
Sarai shrugs. "Just making conversation, I guess. How is he doing? I was thinking of looking him up while I was in town."

2015-03-04, 09:14 PM
The Bhagwan looks over as Jazeal addresses him.

"Of course we are."

He reaches over and lightly flicks Sarai on the ear while simultaneously pointing at his own ears with his other hand.

"Like, don't the ears give it away?"

2015-03-05, 01:34 AM
"No, what I meant was, are the two of you romantically involved?"
Turning to Sarai as inquires about Wilhelm he continues,
"He is doing a great deal better than he deserves!" Jazeal has kept a straight face and an even temper, as he is known to, the entire time. Only minor inflections in his voice have given you any indication of his feelings at all. Up until now. His eyebrows narrow and his lips peel back from his teeth like an angry dog. "Be careful now. You are in muddy waters. Exercise extreme caution if you visit this man's home. I had to remove him from his former residence for his refusal to pay taxes and his allegiance to a band of troublesome rebels against our great empire. He will use anyone and any means necessary to restore him and his meddlesome brother to their former positions."

He takes a deep breath and exhales it very slowly, then snaps his fingers to summon a servant. He has the chamberlain called and his empty plate taken away. He then pushes his chair back from the table and rises.
"Lord Tryce, thank you once again for coming, and also for bringing the city guard's incompetence to my attention. They will be dealt with." He watches as Sion shovels the rest of his food quickly into his mouth. "Feel free to take any of that with you-- Sarai, nice to meet you. Bhagwan, thank you once again for your services. The chamberlain will show you out. Come Henna, let us leave them to their business."

"I look forward to seeing you display your strength in combat..." Henna says to Sion as she walks by, leaning so close that her body almost touches him. She looks Sarai up and down before continuing to the door, winking over her shoulder at her before she exits.

The chamberlain enters and you are lead out of the palace in short order.

2015-03-05, 06:36 PM
Lord Sion nods his hand to both as they leave. He doesn't pay much attention to Henna. She was very attractive he was sure...For humans, him he preferred the big tavern wenches with bawdy laughs and some fat to grab onto. Except for that orc girl...She was something else. She seemed stronger than most skinny girls and those nice pointed tusks...He'd have to head to the ghetto and find if there were more girls like her. He'd spend to much time making do with humans perhaps it was time to spend sometime with his kin.

Sion heads in the general direction of the melee to get signed on for a fight.

2015-03-13, 11:09 PM
The looks people give you as you head back towards the town hall are those more of curiosity than fear now. Apparently word in Timbral travels fast. There are still children that run in fear or start crying when they see you, but most of the adults snatch them up and back away from you quickly as you travel down the street. Once inside the main hall, you notice the doorways in this building aren't any bigger than those in the jailhouse. A few moments later a clerk directs you to a side office.

Squeezing through that door, you are relieved to find the office is big enough to accommodate you, with a large chair to sit in opposite the desk. A tall skinny man in his late forties draws up the paperwork. His eyes light up upon seeing you, his left eye drooping slightly to the side.
"Strapping young man you are! With strength to boot! How may I serve you m'lord?" he smiles politely and you notice is missing some teeth. "Jousting, mêlée, or both? I dare say you will win handily. Are you taking the prize money too then? It hardly seems fair" he laughs. "Not that it's not!" he quickly catches himself, starting to get nervous, "If you win it is fair that you should get it; you earned it! Sorry! No, I-I-just meant that you have a lot of wealth already, m'lord. Quite wealthy you are. Several poor knights will take a beating and have nothing to show for it, is all. Sorry! I'm quite sorry! Please, forget I said it!" he smiles awkwardly. Then, cheering up a bit he adds, "Is there anyone you would like to fight in particular m'lord? The best knight? The weakest? A criminal, or perhaps an orcish ruffian?" His eyes twinkle with excitement.

"Very good. Sign here. Thank you. And... standard?" he asks, apparently expecting you to pull a banner with your family's colors on it out of your bag.

2015-03-14, 03:12 PM
Lord Sion allows the clerk to sputter nervously and eventually slow down before answering his questions.
" Melee, I have yet to find a horse that can support my weight during a joust, and I never had the taste for the damn things anyway. As for whom am fighting...I like to warm up before I defeat your best. Find some worthy knight for me to challenge and we shall move on from there...As for my standard I have none. You'll just have to announce that a prince of Ashren has come to take all comers."

2015-03-15, 12:24 AM
The man grins again as he puts your paper with the others.
"Anything else I can help you with?"

2015-03-16, 10:13 AM
"No, you can find me at the kings keep when my opponent is ready"

Sion heads back to the Kings Keep to get some rest

2015-03-22, 01:14 AM
After your summer fling, you travel alone in the woods, quickly discovering the wild wood is no place for a single inexperienced traveler. Catching glimpses of monsters in the woods is unnerving, and on an attest to avoid them you get lost. You hear pipes in being played, but before you can identify the source, you fall asleep.

You awaken in the midst of strangers; a freakishly tall elf smiling down at you. He introduces himself as Alphonse and explains that you were about to fall prey to a satyr, but he and his troupe rescued you just in time. He used to play the pipes himself; which the satyr stole and he was attempting to recover. He introduces you to the rest of his merry band: Allie, his wife, a nature-loving singer, harpist and poet; Daisy and Rose, blonde human twins who are singers and can play many instruments; Brooke, a drummer, acrobat, and knife thrower--and the cutest Halfling you have ever seen in your life; Fritz, a young sexy brunette that dances with silk ribbons and other eye-catching aids; and Chomp, the six-foot, 275-pound, dim-witted half-orc that serves as the group's bodyguard. (An absolute necessity when traveling to new places with this many attractive girls.) With winter right around the corner, and you apparently having no guardian, they offer that you come with them.

They travel from this town to that, singing and dancing and putting on plays for the copper the townsfolk throw down, headed nearer and nearer to Timbral. Alphonse says the Blue Heron Wizards guild has just constructed a new tower there, and everyone is eager to see it. On top of that, the spring festival is right around the corner, and the revelry and the wine make an audience generous.

"Fine day," says Alphonse, divvying up the silver. The spring air is crisp and warm, and today, each of you has made more money than all of you combined in the last three towns. "But Brooke heard the grand melee starts tomorrow, and the musicians scheduled to play there are nowhere to be found. Now we could keep playing here in the square for more silver, or we could head over to the arena, save the day, and collect some of the Duke's gold. What say you?"
They all cheer in agreement, the twins breaking out into an impromptu song. After a few drinks and raucous songs in the inn's common room that night, you all get some much needed rest for the long day ahead.

You all get dressed, put on your makeup and do your hair, and head down the street in the cold morning air before sunrise. Alphonse has everyone wait outside the grandstands while he goes up to work his magic, talking his way past the guards with his silver tongue. In less than an hour he is back down with a smile a mile wide.
"We've got the job!"

OOC: This is a talented, high-pressure job for them, so you can do your best to join them(they wouldn't ask you not to) or you can say, "no, it's okay," and just hang out. Either way, the arena is where the action is in the city today.

Albery, the winged high father of the church of Pelor, watches you closely as you grow up under the church's care. For the last several weeks he has watched you more closely than usual, often calling you into his office to ask you questions about your faith. He wants to know your faith is strong, and soon you find out why.
"You are to leave, my dear. To travel far away and to keep the faith," This is the only home you have ever known, but the warmth in his voice is reassuring. "The church of Heironeus has been corrupted by the wealth and greed of politics, and now is corrupting the churches around it. This is especially true in Timbral where the Harmeni family has wormed its way into everything that is good and pure.
"You are to go there and assess whether or not Father Herald is still pure of heart, and whether or not the church there is holding steadfast in the faith. Gerrard will go with you. May the face of Pelor shine on you both, and may his rays guide your steps." Gerrard was a knight that came frequently to confess his sins and to pray. He had a good heart, and pledged his loyalty to the church. Albery asked him to see you safely to Timbral, to which he happily agreed.

The road is long, but your mission is just, so the two of you remain in good spirits. Once at the church, one of the priests asks you if you possess the gift of healing. The crown has hired all healers to work during the days of the grand melee, so that the contestants do not die.
"Wait. Wait a minute. You mean the contestants don't battle to knock the other down, but to kill him?" asks Gerrard, quite surprised.
"No," replies the priest, but the prize that goes to the victor is quite substantial, as are the sums for second and third place, so blood is spilled quite often."
"How substantial?" asks Gerrard. Upon hearing the reply, he dashes out of the church, hoping it's not too late to sign up.
"Get some rest, my dear," says the priest to you, "we will head to the arena first thing in the morning."

The clerk tells you the melee will start tomorrow, but amateurs are the first to fight in the event, so you will most likely not be called until the following morning.

Upon returning to King's Keep a pair of fighters catch your eye. The inn has a sparring room; which had people in it earlier, but now you realize those practicing there could in fact be competing in the melee later. Both are well built young men, and they fight in the traditional style with sword and shield. You figure you could defeat both of them easily. At the same time. A third man practices his stances and maneuvers by himself, swinging his long claymore in wide arcs. He is also well built, perhaps in his early thirties, and there is nothing else really interesting about him besides his calm, quiet demeanor.

The servants keep you well fed and entertained for the night and all through the next day as well, bringing anything you desire; fine food, wine, ale, books, a chess master, weapon masters, dancers, singers, and even a jester. They take your empty plates, make your bed, and draw your bath, even washing you and giving you a shave if you so desire. The more they offer, the more worried you become over the eventual cost of the bill you are to receive. Sarai said she had business to attend to today. Thank goodness she isn't raking up the bill. Later that night a servant comes in to inform you the amateur rounds have ended and that you should come first thing in the morning.

The sun woke you up yesterday, but today it is excitement that wakes you. The air is electric. Everyone in the city is talking about yesterday's event, and which of the amateurs they think will make it in the skilled fights. Before you make it two steps out of King's Keep there is a young lad blocking your path, staring up at you, mouth gaping open. He is perhaps twelve or thirteen, skinny and scrawny and dirty, smelling like he hasn't bathed in months.
"Hi!" he says excitedly when you finally meet his gaze. He stands closer to you than anyone else on the street. He sees that you notice that too. "Oh them? Yeah, the Duke made an announcement yesterday that you were here, and that you weren't a monster and that everyone should just leave you alone. Or, make you feel welcome, or not weird, or whatever." he frowns as he tries to remember the announcement, but gives up, his smile returning in an instant. "So you're real! That's awesome! A real orc in my own town, who woulda thought? What's it like being here? Being an orc I mean, here among us? How strong are you? Did you ever kill anybody?" As you start heading in what you think is the direction of the arena, he falls in step next to you, his mouth going a mile a minute. "Where you going? I could tell you how to get there. I know where everything is in this city! Try Me! Ask me where something is, anything!"

2015-03-22, 12:53 PM
For the past twenty four years Elizabeth had lived behind the polished marble white walls of the church of the shining one under the careful watch of Father Albery. He had been many things to the young woman in her life. Father, Friend, Mentor, but never once had he felt like her superior to her, even though she treated him as such he was so much more then that. He had been the one to save her when Sister Madilne had tried to chop off her beautiful hair all those years ago, the one to raise her when her own parents didn't even want her. He even taught her all she knew now about the world, well except for what the boy Alexander had tried to teach her about the outside world, but most of that stuff was not important in her eyes. The two of them were there when she first took her sacred vows to devote herself to the church and through the church, the shining ones will, when she gave up all forms of violence to instead show people the power of diplomacy, and when she even gave up all material wealth. So when Father Albery began to call her to his office to ask her questions about faith she at first was very confused, was he trying to test her somehow, maybe he was trying to prepare her for the next stage towards Sainthood? Quietly and carefully sitting down in the chair that sat opposite his mahogany desk the young woman began to think about his questions before slowly answering.

Well High Father Albery I believe that the church of the shining light is here to help those less fortunate then ourselves, not as a sign of pity, but to uplift those to the light of our lords beauty so that they to may bask in his golden warmth away from the cold darkness. Though I also know that our lord believes it is needed for their to be darkness with the light, for if the sun shined all the time we would all be destroyed by his divine glory, not because he was upset, but because it would be so overpowering with nothing to give us relief, that is why he split days into morning and night. Our lord Pelor is closets to us during the afternoon hours, when his face is smiling down from its highest point on us, letting us know he is always there to help us when we need it, and to remind us to do the same for others in turn. We are hear to offer a spiritual center for those who wish to pray, as well as a sanctuary for those who have no where else to turn. It is why the church is built like a fortress and many of the knights come here for reprieve. Elizabeth says softly, as she crosses her arms in her lap and looks out the stained glass window behind the two of them depicting the shining ones face smiling down at them. And how the sun seemed to catch it at this point one could almost swear he was their with them at this very moment. I also know that all forms of undead are vile abominations, even those that are intelligent need to be put to rest for it is the natural way of the world, and they represent the antithesis of light, life, and warmth, and incapable of redemption because of this. The only thing we can offer them is to free their souls by destroying them and letting them pass on to the other side where they can find peace and no longer be jealous of those who still have living beating hearts and bodies filled with life. Elizabeth explains to High Father Albery repeating back to him a few of the many things he had taught her over her life.

However when Albery spoke up, explaining to her that she was to be leaving on a journey, Elizabeth's pale skin seemed to grow even paler. She had only ever known this village her entire life, and only learned about the village outside the walls of the temple only six years ago. Was she even ready for such a task, what if she failed to bring the light to her destination? What was she supposed to do, she had very little people skills besides those of her flock and her fellow brothers and sisters. To go to some strange new place she never had even seen before, and for an investigation no less. But High Father Albery, Elizabeth began, a small quizzer in her voice as she debated on whether to speak up or not. Shouldn't the church of the cudgel investigate something like this? Inquisitors mostly come from their gods hallowed halls for a reason, my skills mostly rely in diplomacy and healing. I really don't see how I could possibly do what you ask of me. Elizabeth says, clear worry in her voice. After all she knew very little about politics besides that a king or queen was at the top and that they had people serve under them who in turn had people under them.

Hearing Gerrard was going to be escorting her to Timbral did encourage her slightly however, she had seen his skills many times, and knew he was a righteous man. And what am I supposed to do if I find Father Herald lacking in faith? While I know much about our own religion, those of our allies is not as well known to me. What they may find keeping to the faith may seem different then our own? Elizabeth questions, after all to judge someone on views they themselves did not follow was a sure way to start a conflict, you had to know their own beliefs and go by what you knew about them before making a choice, not your own beliefs that should play very little into the beliefs of others. If you believe me qualified for this task I will not refuse High Father Albery, I am just worried that I may not be able to do what you ask, and if I fail the consequences could be worst then had I not tried at all. Are their any texts we have on the church of the Fist of Valor that I may borrow on our journey so that I may have a basic understanding of what I am to judge my decision on? Elizabeth asks gently, she hated asking for things. However if she was to do the task she was asked to accomplish she needed to know how to go about it. And once she knew she could always return the book with ease.

During the long journey towards Timbral Elizabeth spent much of her free time reading from the passages she was given regarding the church of the Fist of Valor, often asking Gerrard for help with certain terms as he was a knight and more inclined to understand many of their ideals much easier then she would. At each town they stopped at it was hard to leave for the two of them however as both were of the same heart, and wished to help all those suffering, however Gerrard reminded Elizabeth each morning they awoke ready to leave a town that the task the shining one had laid out for them laid on farther shores, and so the two of them would leave for their next stop along the great road to Timbral. Their spirits were always high though, which made the journey seem to go by much faster for the two of them, and before they even knew it they had arrived at the main gates of Timbral. Dressed in a simple green dress, her scarlet red hair flying behind her in a long braid down to her ankles, the young maiden grabbed the sides of her dress and did a short bow as she came to the gates and the guards standing watch. Good morning to you both, and may the shining ones face always be upon you. she called out before rising from her bow, and her emerald eyes looking at the two men. My name is Elizabeth Rose Silva of the order of the shining one, and my companion here with me is Sir Gerrard of the Shining one. We were hoping to seek hospice here to rest our weary feet from our long journey and perhaps help the good folk of your fair city while we are here. Elizabeth said kindly as she looked to the two guards, waiting for their reply to her request.

Diplomacy [roll0]
Sense motives [roll1]

Green Dress (http://s.ecrater.com/stores/68030/4b606a9812b26_68030n.jpg)

Hair braid (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-vTQoY1Ur6w0/UL2CqFLqmQI/AAAAAAAABnI/pbhmTm6mldU/s1600/Rihanna+Long+Braided+Hairstyls.jpg) just well its all the way down her back to her ankles

Once inside and directed to the church of Heironeus Elizabeth is happy to be in a familiar setting as she is greeted by one of the priests. Why all servants of the shining one have at least a small talent for the art of healing, what seems to be the malady? Elizabeth asks gently with a warm smile on her face. However her hand quickly flies up to her lips as she hears what their king was using the magic of the world for. Your king is paying people to fight, and others to keep them alive so they do not die. That is barbaric, I can understand needing to protect people from banditry, or protecting a town, but fighting for sport. And with lethal weapons no less, how....why would anyone want to do such a thing. Elizabeth says clearly unnerved by such a bold proclamation, already she was feeling very out of her element and not sure if she could help these people who seemed to get pleasure out of seeing people fight. However she couldn't let those foolish enough to try and make a few gold to support their families die because of of her feelings about such barbarism. Especially Gerrard who seemed to see nothing wrong with this, which got a very stern look from the priestess of pelor. I want it known that I am against this misuse of magic, my time should be spent helping those less fortunate as should those of all the churches. Defending the people from harm, not pampering an act that places men and women's lives on the line to entertain some king. However I will make sure to ask Pelor to forgive all those who thought of this and allow me to help ease away the pain of those who come seeking blood money. Rosalind says as she then waits to be shown to her quarters for the night. Then again did she really want to stay in a place like this, surely High Father Albery was right in sending her here. I would like to see first to those who are in need before retiring for the night. My lord is still in the sky for a few more hours, and my time would be best spent helping those I can, unless Father Herald is free at the moment and is able to speak with me? I wish to offer him my thanks for allowing me to rest here along my journies and speak to him about what to do with the money I would normally receive like all the others that are being paid to offer their aid. Elizabeth explains kindly waiting to see what she would be doing.

Basically she is going to ask how much each person is being paid, this way she can on the next day keep an eye out for those who are in need of money and hand them some, or buy food and such. At the moment she doesn't have a very high liking of this church.

2015-03-22, 01:12 PM
Sion looks the boy up and down and tries to remember if he had made the request for a squire to the innkeeper. If so he had provided well. He hitches up his belt. " Being a orc in a human town is like being a ox in a pottery shop. Everyones afraid of you and if your not careful you break something. I am the strongest you ever seen and I have killed before, Yesterday I put down a mugger robbing a old man." He paused when he says thing and releaizes that was the first person he had ever killed. He hadn't even thought about it till now. He'd heard most people remembered the first person they ever killed but for him he barely remember the mans face. Perhaps his orcish nature played a part in that."

" If you know everything than take me to the tourneys. I am to do battle with whatever fighter this city can produce..." when the boy brings him to the tourney he hands him his club still bloodied with the half orcs blood since he had forgotten to clean it. He also gives him a fancy rag which was for sneezing but he always forgot to use it for that.
" The pay is one gold piece a week, more if I deem you worthy of a reward. I'll make sure your bathed and fed and given decent shelter and in the end if you are worthy I will knight you and you can enlist under my father for good pay. In return you will tend to my needs, listen to my commands and keep yourself out of trouble. Now polish my club and make sure it's ready for the fight."

2015-03-22, 03:35 PM
Senerail happily joins the troupe, offering her own skills as an addition to their performance - leaping through the air to snatch knives thrown by Brooke, a partner for Fritz, someone to tell completely true outlandish stories before or after others do their things. At first, she spends much of her time working on a way to include herself in a routine with either or both or them, seeking to dance with Fritz as much to prepare for potentially doing so to help earn the troupe their living as much as she does so for the thrill of the act itself. She isn't shy about the fact that any time spent with the dancing brunette is time she enjoys, and as soon as her first, experimental flirtations are met with a positive response, Senerail showers the woman with compliments. As the cold of winter comes down on the land, she loses herself in the everyday life of the troupe. Each day and each night she looks forward to what comes next, seeming everything but bored with even the simplest of drudgery that comes with their traveling life. She's eager to speak with any of them about her former life, especially with Fritz, explaining the details of her education and her parents' frequent use of tutors to try and train her in the ways of courtly life. Without openly lying, Senerail leaves out some of the more arcane developments in her past, preferring to speak more about the parts she is certain won't cause trouble with her new friends.

As time goes on, Senerail's efforts bear fruit, and her open attraction to Fritz leads to ever lengthier and ever-more-private dancing. Eventually, she doesn't leave the dancer's room one night, going to her own in the morning filled with a deep sensation of success. After that night, Senerail moves her own things into Fritz's, and the joy she has at the beginning and end of each day only grows. The traveling life of the troupe continues to impress her, and as spring comes the wanderer is ready to see Timbral, hoping for even more wonders to sate her curiosity with. After all, her experiences so far had been amazing, and she hadn't even reached a proper city yet! She shares her hopes with Fritz, alternating hastily between asking the dancer of her own experiences in the city, and begging her to not reveal anything before they arrive. The success they've had only further improves her mood, and the word about performing in the arena sets her mood for the entire evening and night - only the thought of said performance keeps her in check enough to not risk cutting too much into the hours normally reserved for sleep.

As Alphonse makes his way to the Duke, Senerail takes in the sights of the arena and its surroundings, wondering what sort of events will be going on. Sure, the Grand Melee, but the specifics of even that weren't known to her. There had only been a few festivals she had actually been to, and none of them involved an arena, so her curiosity is almost completely in control of her mind as they wait - even after they get their desired role, she can barely be nervous. Between wondering what's to come and looking forward to unleashing the bountiful energy inside her, Senerail can't find the time to worry about not doing as well as she normally does, especially with the others there to help keep her mind off of any potential issues.

"When will we be up?" Senerail asks, heading over to the elf after a brief exchange with Fritz, eager to know the details of what was to be both their biggest and most profitable performance yet.

2015-03-22, 04:16 PM
The Bhagwan, having disappeared mysteriously into the background once more, reappears from nowhere as if stepping from the mists of time. Once again, he's already there before Sion arrives. Is it some inexplicable precognitive ability? Perhaps just good fortune? The direction of unknowable spirits? Or perhaps it is merely the intervention of the greatest force known to man: narrative.

"Orc Brother! Well met! Have you planned to see the feats of strength as well?"
He motions to the empty air next to him as if introducing a person.
"El-Cori'Damarik wanted to take part in the joust, but he couldn't find a suitable mount. Instead, he just dragged me along to watch. I thought about joining one of the events myself, but the currents and eddies are so chaotic here that I find myself pulled in all directions, like a leaf on the waters. But you, sir, are like a rock in the ocean, the tides crashing around you, leaving you drenched but unmoved. There's a word for it... right on the tip of my tongue... Hmm... I suppose it will come to me."

Sion notes that the Bhagwan seems strangely far more lucid and alert than he has been on previous occasions, but his words still refer to things only he can see.

2015-03-22, 07:08 PM
The Bhagwan I Plan on being the feat of strength for the day." Sion says looking around the tourney before smiling at the elf.
" I did not expect to see a friendly face when I came here. It is a nice that you came. Perhaps the word you are searching for is rooted. Perhaps not, I was not raised a poet or a wordsmith. I hope to see you amongst the audience He says giving the elf a short bow before going off to find his opponent.

2015-03-22, 08:48 PM
The Bhagwan smiles grandly while nodding sagely.

"Yes, yes, rooted... Like a great and mighty tree. A good word.

The wrong word, but a very good one. I believe we should go with that one."

He turns to the empty place beside him.

"Do you not agree? Good! That's very good."

The Bhagwan doesn't notice when Sion leaves, instead simply wandering off into the crowd holding a one-sided conversation with himself. Completely absorbed in his conversation, the Bhagwan loses track of where he's walking and somehow manages to wander into the middle of the acting troupe to which Senerail belongs. He suddenly spots, stares off into the distant sky, turns in a circle three times, and takes a few steps in a seemingly random direction before coming to sudden stop, completely off balance as if someone grabbed him by the collar and yanked backwards. After choking out a cough, the gangly, barefoot elf spins around and wags an accusing finger in the air while angrily addressing no one in particular.

"Now see here! You're the one who wanted to come this way! I wanted to to visit the confectioners, but noooo. You wanted to see where they stabled the horses. I swear, sometimes I think you care more about looking pretty horses than you do about your fellow elf. And don't forget you promised to buy the next round! I've paid for the last three, and it's your turn!"

2015-03-24, 01:00 PM
Grand Melee, Day 1

The priest tells you no one in the church needs your help, but thank you. Father Herald is busy and cannot be bothered. For your healing services during the games you will receive 10 crowns (gp) per day. They show you to your small room consisting of only a cot, chamber pot, small chair, and small table with a candle. The room is lit by a small dirty window during the day, and small oil lamp on the wall by night. There is a wooden chest at the foot of the cot for you to put your things.

The next day, you and several other priests are given white robes with badges on the shoulder to identify you to the contestants and officials that you are healers.
Fritz tells you of the good food and choice wine in the big city, and also the fun you can have getting drunk men to buy you things. It's a game that must be played carefully however; sometimes it got rough, and they had to bail Chomp out of jail.

"Right now." Alphonse says in reply to your question. An official informs the guard that you are free to come and go as you please, and leads you into the arena. A shaft of bright light from the open doorway at the end cuts through the dark tunnel, and Fritz steals a kiss just before you step out into the wondrous place.

The area is a large oval sixty or seventy feet long and about half as wide. The stands go up three stories, sitting atop an eight foot stone wall, the interior of which holds the rooms for weapons, competitors, wild animals, officials, and other equipment. There are a pair of pillars in the middle of the far wall that run from the ground up to the top of the stands, terminating into a large balcony reserved for the duke and other social elite.

The arena has been divided into four sections, crude wooden walls four feet high make up four miniature arenas where the amateurs are to compete. Around each of these small tents have been set up to house the healers, healing potions and bandages, extra weapons and shields, and wounded competitors. Elizabeth is led to one of these tents. In the center of the arena is a large stage, Alphonse and his rag-tag band of performers climb the steps and an old man hands him a few papers with the names of the contestants, and goes over the rules with him.

The twins are nervous. Fritz lets go of your hand and walks up to Daisy, slowly brushing her hair back affectionately. ""You'll be great," she says warmly, "you always are..." They begin to sing, and as they do, their nervous looks fade. They sing louder, their voices harmonizing perfectly. Alphonse sings with them, and as he does, their voices reach and unnaturally loud volume. When he speaks, his voice booms as if he was a giant, echoing off the walls and grandstands.
"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WELCOME TO TIMBRAL'S SPRING FESTIVAL GRAND MELEE!" The crowd cheers. "We begin with the amateur event! There will be 56 single-elimination amateur fights! Once a competitor kneels in submission, falls unconscious, or dies, the fight is over, and the winner will proceed to the next round! No spells! No magical weapons, armor, or enhancements of any kind! Let the games BEGIN!!!" The crowd goes wild.

He announces the first eight men to fight, in pairs of two, and each enter their respective arena. The twins pull out their violins and Allie begins to sing an epic warrior ballad. The air is soon filled with heart-pounding music, the cheers of the crowd, and the clash of steel on steel.

Fritz drops her cloak, revealing her sensual outfit, and leads Senerail to the center of the stage, her eyes burning with excitement. She pulls a long silk sash from the edge of her dress and raps it around your waist, pulling her to you. The tempo speeds up as the twins play their violins furiously.

Gerrard winks at Elizabeth as he walks by, stepping into his arena and defeating his first opponent easily. The second one gives him trouble. The brute lands a lucky shot, spilling Gerrard's blood all down the front of his armor. Gerrard defeats him eventually, and comes back for healing, but it has shaken his confidence, and he struggles in his third fight, barely pulling out another win. By the end of the fourth fight he gains his confidence back, but he is quite tired, and barely wins that one too. Luckily, it is the last fight of the morning, and the contestants are given an opportunity to rest and to eat.

While the competitors rest, food vendors flood the stands, selling their goods to the hungry crowd. The musicians and dancers get their chance to shine, and the second half of the amateur event begins.

2015-03-24, 10:09 PM
As the priest who greeted Sister Elizabeth Rose Silva informs her that none inside the church were in need of aid she looked at him for a moment, trying to understand what he meant before replying. I do not believe you understood what I was referring to brother. Elizabeth says softly with her arms folded in front of her, hands hidden in her sleeves. I was referring to the good people of this city. The very life blood which makes this city beat like a heart. While those in the church are important to me, I have always been taught to help those outside of the church first that are less fortunate then us. It is they I was referring to brother. Elizabeth explains to the man, hoping he did not take it offensively that she considered the poor more important then those who lived inside a church. 10 crowns is an awful lot of money I must admit, but wouldn't that money be better spread increasing the morale of the people? After all this is the spring festival is it not? I would like whatever pay I make brought to the nearest merchant of food who is to take a crown for his trouble, and with the rest, bring all the food the remaining 9 crowns can over to your poorest district to feed those less fortunate then ourselves. Elizabeth says, her emerald green eyes never leaving the mans face as she explains what she wants done with her pay. Normally I would do this all myself, and get to know them all on a personal level so that I could better suit their own personal needs, however as your king needs our services to make sure no good men die for his entertainment I will have to rely on the good people of Timbral to do such a small task.Elizabeth says, listening to the mans reply, while also judging his reactions.

Sense motives to see if she will do as she has asked [roll0] or if instead he is lying to her with whatever he replies

Once shown to the simple room Elizabeth looks at the place, the windows were filthy, no doubt they had not been cleaned in at least a few months by the amount of caked on gunk stopping the light from piercing into the room she was given. And while the simple cot looked stable enough, judging by how the chamberpot was underneath it, she highly doubted she would want to use it. Not wanting to see anymore of the room, she exits immediately, horrified but what she had already seen. Looking for the nearest priest or priestess, she asks where she can find a bucket and get some fresh water, before heading in the direction given. For the next several hours the only sounds that can be heard coming from the room assigned to Elizabeth is the sounds of someone scrubbing away as well as what sounds like hymms being sung, not well but clearly the woman knew her verses well enough to sing them without missing a beat.

Hush little child let me sing you a tale,
Of the Shining one and the land that he's from.
Hush little child everything will be all right,
As the morning sun shall rises.

Across the valley's of Avrolea he crosses the sky in a magical way,
He watches us from up above making the night fly away.
Hush now child though it is all okay,
For the night gives birth to the day.

Hush now child it will be okay even the orcs can see his face,
For he shines down on all from the great beyond.
Hush now child it will be all right,
The King has come to the light..


And suddenly after three hours of the sound of Elizabeth singing, silence, no sound came from that room. One would think that perhaps someone had walked by and perhaps dropped a silence spell so that no one had to listen to her singing anymore, but instead to any who looked in the open to they would see an entirely new room. Or at least it seemed that way. Not a single speck of dirt remained on the window, and though the sun was just about set, the proof that you could see outside it alone said something. The chamberpot looked almost brand new, and the cot looked a bit wet, but besides that fresh and clean. Even the wooden chess at the foot of the cot was cleaned out of all the cobwebs, leaving instead only a simple white set of robes, much like the green one she was wearing inside of it, being her only possession, besides the two books that now sat at the wooden desk. The first was closed and on the front of it was the symbol of the Fist of Valor himself, bound in blue leather with gold fringes. However that book was closed at the moment, the one that was open to the center was her own prayerbook, her direct line to pelor. Through this book she had learned how to live life, and treat people. Without it she would cease to exists, and so it was no surprise when the woman walked up to the book and bowed before kissing it and walking back to the door and closing it. And just as thy lord descends to his home to rest, so shall thy body set with the sun. Elizabeth says to no one in particular as she lays on the cot to rest for the night.

Next day

Just as the dawn began to kiss the sky, Elizabeth awoke it was a new day and she had much to do. The king had asked all those with the gift to help him, Father Albery had tasked her with making sure this place was still just and kept to the word of their faith and the day had just begun. Carefully getting up, Elizabeth conjured forth a fresh pale of water, before placing the bucket into the beam of light shining through her window.

O Domine cæli sursum, qui lux lucet in nobis daemones fugat, ad noctis huius benedicat humilitátis aquam ut emundetur a peccatis peccavi. In nomine sancte precor.

Oh lord of the heavens up above, who shines the light upon us to chase away the demons of the night, bless this water for thy humble servant so that I may be cleansed of all the sins I have committed. In your holy name I pray.

@Artman I hope you don't mind her knowing a little bit of celestial, I planned on keeping it to that until I invested a point into it next level as it would be something she said every morning as part of a routine..

And with that Elizabeth removes her clothing and begins to clean herself of the past days sins, cleansing her body for a new day so that her soul would be light going into this endeavor. Once complete, she folds up her green dress, before taking out her sparkling white one and putting it on, before placing the green one she had worn the day before into the wooden chest to be cleaned later on in the day. With her morning necessities completed Elizabeth places her simple holy symbol around her neck and picks up her prayer book before departing for morning mass. I thank you for the offer, however I have my own clothing, and as they are both white priestly robes, I am sure they will not put up a fuss. Elizabeth replies when she is offered the white robes with a badge on their shoulder to indicate that she was a healer.

As the group she travels with arrives at the arena Elizabeth looks at the massive structure and wonders how much of this money was spent foolishly that could have went to building a church or some other thing that would have benefited the people of this town more. Even an orphanage could do so much with the amount of space this took, never mind all the money. However this was not her place she is reminded as she is brought over to one of the four small tents she has been assigned to. Double checking all of her supplies that have been given to them to keep the contestants alive she quickly places them in an order she will understand before the fights begin and the band starts to play. While they sing, Elizabeth takes a moment to look up and she the girls dancing and having a good time as they performed. It was good to see such happy people, especially at something that would turn out to be so bloody. She could only hope that no one lost any limbs today.

As the first battles begin, Elizabeth looks away from the bloodshed, instead looking to the performers, hoping that they could keep her mind away from what was going on around her, a few times she had to be stopped from rushing into the arena to stop a fight herself. The guards soon learned to keep close to her tent, they didn't want the performance ruined. How could people do such things, forcing one to fight another just to see who was the strongest. Seeing all these people in pain over nothing at all. When the first round ended, Elizabeth was happy to see only minor wounds that she quickly took care of for all those who came to her tent, using magic when it was needed to help the healing process. As Gerrard winks at her she can not help but give him a scowl. He was a knight of pelor and should not have lowered himself to such a state, and as he comes back from his first fight that he one she looks at him and his blade. You didn't need to be so rough, a gentler touch. Remember this is not to kill, you already have made yourself look quite low in my eyes by even competing in this, the least you can do is try not to dirty your blade Gerrard. Elizabeth berates him, like a mother would their child before he goes back out for his second match.

As the second match ends and he Gerrard comes in for healing, she starts making a tsking sound as she cleans the wound before applying a simple spell to allow him to continue fighting. Now look, if he had gotten any more lucky you would be needing a lot more help then I could ever grant you, use your head Gerrard. Elizabeth says hoping he would surrender the next round, however doubting the knight would. Worried about her friend she watches his third fight, and is almost about to march into the arena herself and drag him out when he just barely wins. You know you keep doing this and I will run out of spells before the day is through. Elizabeth chides as she cleans a bit of dirt off of his face. Please stop this, I don't want to see you hurt Gerrard, you are a good man. And if you are having trouble now how do you expect to fight the nobles? Elizabeth points out only for him to go out once more. Stubborn mule. she says under her breath as he walks back into the arena.

Round 2 healing for Gerrard [roll2] For all healing spells she is counted as 1 level higher because of the healing domain
Round 3 healing [roll3]
After round 4 [roll4]

As the final match of the day comes to a close Elizabeth finishes closing all the wounds she can, before looking at Gerrard. You need a bath and a hot meal, why don't you return to the church and rest. However I don't want to see you doing anything to stressful okay? I am going to go see if I can talk to this Father Hearld, if you want I can walk you as far as the church though. Elizabeth says kindly to him, as she looks over her work, they would leave scars no doubt, but he would live. Thats when she notices that it was only an intermission, and they were still going to keep fighting. I thought they didn't want the competitors to die Gerrard, if it keeps up like this I won't be much of a help soon. Be careful, I will go and grab you something to eat. Just stay here and rest. Rosalind says as she looks for a vendor to come and bring him food and water.