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View Full Version : DM Help Brainstorming for encounters

2015-01-22, 03:30 AM
I won't know what the players will make in the way of PCs, and I don't even know for sure where in the campaign world they will start (as that should depend on their background). But I need something to start off with, in case they make their characters swiftly enough. So my first scenario is a case of "I'm dying, please take my macguffin (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ImDyingPleaseTakeMyMacGuffin)" (warning, TVTropes link), and the PCs need to get the sealed scroll to the king. I'm in the process of coming up with encounters I can throw at them as they move along.
Fairly standard pseudo-medieval campaign world, btw.

So far I have
A: The introduction of the macguffin and the bad guys trying to capture it.
B: An encounter with an informer at the stables, if the PCs decide to buy horses to speed their mission.
C: A roadblock, where the bad guys pretend to be legitimate authority and search travellers.
D: A ferry, with the bad guys waiting at the other quay, and one of them secretly on board to keep the ferryman from warning his customers.
E: A knight escorting his young charge; would like to help, but must consider his VIP first. Bad guys come along, but are rather afraid of the knight, so will try threats and bribes to get macguffin.

So I'm here to get some help brainstorming. Suggestions, thoughts, ideas, comments, etc. are all very welcome.

2015-01-22, 04:41 AM
You could probably turn any of these into encounters or game interaction moments.

What happens if they read the scroll?
What if the inn they are staying at is attacked?
What if the bad guys tell legitimate authorities that the PC's stole something?
What if the bad guys tell the kings guard that the PC's are assassins?
What if the bad guys are attacked by another random encounter leaving a survivor or two?

Just a few quick thoughts.

2015-01-22, 06:10 AM
Will the players even want to deliver the message?

And perhaps most importantly, what happens when the bad guys get it?

2015-01-22, 07:07 AM
@ Calen: Thank you! The inn thing is certainly something I should have ready, just in case they spend the night in one. And a watered-down encounter with a group of bad guys that the PCs can clearly handle if they so choose gives them some interesting options.

@ Yora: Thanks for your thoughts!