View Full Version : World of Warcraft Alliance or Horde?

Sage in the Playground
2007-04-03, 11:32 AM
Title says it all. Tell me which you prefer and why.

2007-04-03, 11:47 AM

Because my friends were there first. Also, I like Taurens quite a bit.

Sage in the Playground
2007-04-03, 11:48 AM

Because my friends were there first. Also, I like Taurens quite a bit.

Funny. Thats pretty much why I picked Alliance, except replace friends with brother. On PvE server so it doesn't matter much anyway.

2007-04-03, 11:51 AM
Most my characters are Alliance. The first one I made was a Paladin so I stuck with the Alliance so I could group with my friends no matter what. I do have a Blood Elf priest and rogue just for fun though.

2007-04-03, 12:55 PM
I don't play but in here in general there is more horde players.

2007-04-03, 01:00 PM

Because on every server I ever played on Alliance was full of prima donnas and jerks. I understand it's not like that everywhere, but it was nice to play on horde and find a little teamwork going on.

Then I quit. Oh well.

2007-04-03, 02:05 PM
I prefer neither. When I did play I had an equal number/levels of characters on both. There is virtually no difference once you get past mid levels. The only thing then is who you play with and who you have to put up with which is pretty much the same no matter which side you are on. There are good people and jerks on both sides and you will run into every type of player no matter which side you are on. Alliance generally has the highest population, which isn't relivent unless you are playing on a PvP server and even then some people prefer the higher population while others prefer lower population.

Since Blizzard has removed all differences between classes the only choice is which race you want to play.

My personal preference is to not play WoW at all though. It wasn't a bad game for a couple months, but it wasn't a great game either.

2007-04-03, 04:38 PM
Meh, some places have loads more people. The number 1 reason I don't play horde: Barrens chat. EVERY server I have been on, spams "OMG CHUCK NORRIS FTW!!". Plus, all shaman are noobs on my server...

2007-04-03, 04:44 PM
Horde, 'cuz I was the last person to get it out of a group of 8 friends, and that's what they all were, so I didn't have a whole lot of say in the matter.

2007-04-03, 06:15 PM
Horde, since it seemed everyone was playing Alliance. I wanted to check out Kalimdor more to be honest, and the Tauren looked cool.

2007-04-03, 06:20 PM
I like Horde. I was all about the Horde. Why, you say?

Jamaica + Rage + Regen + Raptors = Awesome.

Trolls are me all the way. I enjoyed my Trolls very much. I had a Tauren too, who was kinda' cumbrous, but useful, even though his tactics we a little straightforward. My Troll Rogue was actually pretty awesome, for a while.

Alliance has its pros. I'm cliche in my enjoyment of Night Elves, though I was able to combat my teenagerosity enough to play a male instead of a voluptuous druid or the like. Dwarves can be pretty nice, too.

The Orange Zergling
2007-04-03, 07:02 PM
Alliance. You just kind of learn to tune out the morons after a while.
Reasoning: The Horde are silent enough it was like playing a CRPG, not an MMORPG. While not bad in itself, if I pay $15 a month for an MMO, I want it to feel like an MMO, damnit.

2007-04-03, 07:53 PM
I like Horde. I was all about the Horde. Why, you say?

Jamaica + Rage + Regen + Raptors = Awesome.

Trolls are me all the way. I enjoyed my Trolls very much. I had a Tauren too, who was kinda' cumbrous, but useful, even though his tactics we a little straightforward. My Troll Rogue was actually pretty awesome, for a while.

Alliance has its pros. I'm cliche in my enjoyment of Night Elves, though I was able to combat my teenagerosity enough to play a male instead of a voluptuous druid or the like. Dwarves can be pretty nice, too.

Trolls unite mon!!

I've enjoyed playing my troll Shaman for quite sometime, exploring enhancement up to 60 (and noting it can do some good fun PVE wise), Elemental for some time, Which I personally enjoy the most, but for where things are currently, Restoration. I don't mind healing all so much.

So, yes, I am horde. Though I did play Alliance enough initially to see that there are no major differences other then simple population. At that point, it's all just the proportion of people you see.

2007-04-03, 11:26 PM
Ally myself. Why?

My gnomish mage and Engineer. Something about explosive sheep just drew me to the tradeskill. Went Frost Spec so I had some amazing CC as well as serious DPS (+50% crit rate when target frozen + +50% damage on crit + 30% mana refund on crits = fun times). Sure, I could have gone arc/fire and been a three minute wonder, but I actually wanted to have some fun.

My Dwarven Hunter is pretty awsome. Come on, a dwarf with a gun and a big wolf as a pet. Well, usually I use an Owl because it has better DPS and Screech helps offset the lack of HPS/Armor. Wolf only usually comes out when grouping with a bunch of melee types to get the most out of Furious Howl, otherwise it's my Owl all the way.

Although I do like my troll Hunter. Out of all the horde races, my fav had to have been Troll. Stay Away from da Voodoo, mon. Had that named scorpid from Durotar, the black and red one with the faster attack rate (until they normalized pet attack speeds >.>). He looked awsome for a Scorpid.

2007-04-03, 11:34 PM
Back when I did play (a year or so ago), Horde. Because except for the Undead, not one of us was an annoying teenager who played to look badass and anime-ish.

2007-04-04, 04:59 AM
I used to play Horde, almost exclusively.
I had two Alliance characters I liked, a human rogue who just hung around in Stormwind, and a gnome mage who proclaimed himself kin and started conquering lands. That gnome became a minor celebrity for Argent Dawn actually...I miss him sometimes...
But, otherwise, the Alliance always came across so evil to me. I don't wanna spark off the moral debate we had before, but the Horde is after peace (ruling out Undead and Blood Elves here), and what are the alliance doing? Butchering them, attacking them, yet not making that little jump to war. The Horde has its mess ups too, sure, but to watch a noble orc kill a kodo for the hunt, and watch a human kill another human for rewards...
Yeah, I'll take the Horde anyday.

2007-04-04, 05:13 AM
Alliance have a overall better starting areas, quests and their cities are far better and more functional then the horde ones (Ironforge is the most user friendly city ever). Also they have gnomes. Then again, they have night elf males.

I played both alliance and horde, and I can tell you dont fall in the stupid "alliance is for kids, horde are more serious bla bla" drivel, because its not true. All sides are pretty much retarded nowadays.

2007-04-04, 05:28 AM
Bah, gnomes are like rats with larger teeth!

I much prefer Horde. Humans have nice racial abilities (or had before they changed how PvP rep worked.) But come on, a 9 foot tall minotaur? How do you say no? Besides, you can play a human, dwarf or elf in any game. How often can you be the insane undead, or brutal orc?

Also, when I started WAY back in the day, Alliance really was all 12 year olds. I have played PvP matches against all NE hunters/druids, all female. Granted, it is pretty even stupidity wise now, I still couldn't get the bad taste out of my mouth.

Now, the down side to Horde was getting my fiance to quit complaining about how all the girls looked "hideous". She got over it, but if you harbor fantasies of roping your girlfriend into the game, better roll alliance.

Still makes you a soft, pink, honorless worm, fit only to bloody my horns!

2007-04-04, 09:15 AM
When I played, I played Alliance, because I started Horde on the server the computer gave me, and all of them it seemed, ALL of them, were morons and jerks. Then I switched to Ally, found a good guild within 5 minutes of signing in, and they helped me to 60 and helped me get gear. It was quite awesome.

2007-04-05, 03:45 PM
I played both alliance and horde, and I can tell you dont fall in the stupid "alliance is for kids, horde are more serious bla bla" drivel, because its not true. All sides are pretty much retarded nowadays.I don't think there's ever really been much of a difference. I play Alliance* but I've tried Horde several times on different servers going back to mid-2005 and never noticed much of a difference. You run into plenty of idiots on both sides. You would see that "alliance is for kids" talk on Horde chat channels occasionally, but it always came across to me like a bunch of kids congratulating themselves for being so much more mature than the kids a year or two younger than they are. The mature players, IME, really don't spend any time participating in the various chat channels.

* While I'd probably have ended up playing Alliance anyway, my choice was made by the fact that all of my friends who had started the game before me played Alliance.

2007-04-05, 06:35 PM
I have to kind of disagree with the guy who said don't believe the "horde are more serious, alliance is all kids."

I mean, honestly, players on both sides tend to often have the maturity of a twelve-year-old, but the hordies tend to be the twelve-year-olds with the money/time to learn to play the game better.

2007-04-05, 07:12 PM
OK first, yes I still exisit, and secon yes Wow still has my soul, now

I was primarily alliance on Alleria for quite a while, then I found the new comic Looking For Group. It is pretty dang funny. And the readers have their own guild that the writer for the comic is in. On Dark Iron. Horde. I am totaly horde now. Oh BTW. We have recently been chalanged by the guild from Penny Arcade. Come roll horde , look for the guild What Would Richard Do, and help kick their smarmy alliance Rumps!


The Orange Zergling
2007-04-05, 07:12 PM
The way I see it;

Both sides have equal amounts of mature people. The Alliance, often being larger in population than the Horde, has more stupid people than the Horde.

2007-04-06, 10:01 AM
(If I had the Game) Alliance, because the Horde is over rated.

2007-04-06, 11:01 AM
For the Horde!!!

At least, back when I played WoW. Always liked horde better, though I did usually roll allliance when playing on RP servers.

2007-04-06, 10:25 PM
Meh, I have characters on both sides, but my most powerful is a gnome mage.

2007-04-07, 03:32 AM
I don't play. If I did? Alliance. I have seen the Draenei's starting area and quests, and beheld them to be awesome. Also, hooves or no, Draenei girls are way hotter than either flavor of Elf.

2007-04-07, 09:06 PM
I don't play. If I did? Alliance. I have seen the Draenei's starting area and quests, and beheld them to be awesome. Also, hooves or no, Draenei girls are way hotter than either flavor of Elf.

Exactly the same reasons, only I actually DO play WoW. Draenei are awesome, both male and female, their starting areas and quests are two times as awesome, and they tend to (at least on my server, and there are still unfortunate exceptions) draw the more mature players to play them. As fitting for the noble race.

Just shows off that a retcon doesn't have to be a bad thing. If you can call it a retcon, since the race was described rather ambigiously the first time it appeared in Warcraft lore (Warcraft II manual).

2007-04-07, 09:37 PM


Cannibalism = steak!

2007-04-08, 12:39 AM
I play Horde, largely because a lot of the coolest characters were Horde. Especially Grom Hellscream, and I always used Orcs in WC3. (I'm more of an infantry guy, so they worked well for me.)

Also, in FT, I decided that the Alliance suck, because of the Orc bonus campaign thing, and the human campaign in which they act like idiots.

Yeah, roleplay reasons, really. That, and the most recent time I resubsribed and started playing, my friends were horde.

2007-04-08, 10:25 PM


Cannibalism = steak!

Quoth the blood elf male: "The Tauren are our allies? EXCELLENT! Steak dinners every night..."

I liked Horde. I did.

But then I made a draenei pally with the four goatees named "Illithadin" and never, EVER looked back. :D

2007-04-12, 05:08 AM
I prefer Alliance on my server, because the horde aren't very nice. On alliance if I ask for help I get a few tells, on horde i get "lol noob teh quest is eazy".

El Jaspero, the Pirate King
2007-04-20, 09:34 AM
I've got both Horde and Alliance characters, though none of any especailly high level. I gotta say, the Horde are definitely better dancers.

2007-04-20, 10:00 AM

Same reason as Zangor (hated the way the Alliance acted in FT).

I've never had trouble asking for help on quests, but I didn't overuse it, and normally played with channels off; I haven't heard of the Horde's channels being any worse, though.

Also, with Burning Crusade, the Horde now has the non-hideous Blood Elves. Of course, adding a pretty race to the Horde increased their idiot rate quite severely.

The Orange Zergling
2007-04-20, 08:27 PM
Well, after getting a troll mage to 22 on a friend's server, I can sufficiently say that both sides are about the same.

I am in his guild, though, so that helped me keep my sanity in the Barrens... and Durotar.