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2015-01-23, 02:06 PM
Dragonsoul Acolyte

”There is no form more perfect than the draconic one. I am merely the next best thing.”

A Dragonsoul Acolyte is one who emulates dragons, and worships the ideal they represent. They draw power from the essence of the draconic, allowing it to alter their bodies and their souls, letting them become beings more dragon than man, with magical powers and physical might to vie directly with their idols.

Adventures: A dragonsoul acolyte might adventure for several reasons, many unrelated to their class. Even so a disproportionately large one for dragonsoul acolytes is wealth. They seek to emulate dragons in all things this includes their tendency to hoard large amounts of monetary wealth for no reason other than status. Others do it simply out of pride and a desire to prove themselves in the pecking order of things; amongst dragons physical power is second only to wealth as a determinant of social status, and in seeking to prove their mettle a dragonsoul acolyte proves themselves to be like a true dragon in both deed and stature. Some dragonsoul acolytes adventure in the service of dragons that seek mortal agents, or of the draconic gods, acting as their priests and mortal servants. A few dragonsoul acolytes travel as dragon slayers; usually these acolytes fight the traditional foes of their Tutelary Dragon’s species, such as a Brass Dragonsoul Acolyte hunting blue dragons.

Characteristics: A dragonsoul acolyte emulates dragons. As such they are capable of standing on the front lines when needed, even if not as well as a true melee combatant such as a barbarian or fighter. Their destructive breath weapons allow them to open with a single powerful blow which can tear down foes, or with the right tutelary dragon weaken or even disable enemies. As their bodies transform, growing ever more draconic, they gain a variety of natural weapons which can be used in combat, and powerful draconic wings which allow them to take the fight even to the air. Their draconic powers are not merely the physical as their minds and souls grow more draconic gifting them with the senses of dragons and the ability to tap into the natural sorcerous heritage of all dragons to fuel spontaneous magical powers. A dragonsoul acolyte’s magic is not simply that bred in to them, or what they have studied, but a tapping into the spiritual power of a whole draconic species if not more, drawing from the spells of dragons long dead to perform what is needed. This is a dangerous process and a soul, mortal or dragon, can only harness so much and it is not efficient in energy but as a dragonsoul acolyte’s power grows so too does their ability to draw upon this force.

Alignment: A dragonsoul acolyte can be any alignment, but must be close to the alignment of their tutelary dragon. They must emulate it not only in powers, but ideology. As such a dragonsoul acolyte is often much like a dragon of a similar alignment and this can often matter more than their alignment in ways. A Chaotic Neutral dragonsoul acolyte who idolizes Brass Dragons might be a friendly and garrulous person always willing to chat, even if he does steal a few apples, coppers, and golds here and there, conversely one who idolizes Red Dragons might be a brusque warrior who believes only in his own strength and independence, willing to talk to only those who prove themselves to him, but who would never harm a traveler that did not give him cause.

Religion: Dragonsoul acolytes are priests of dragonkind. If they worship gods they serve the gods of dragons, and are quite literally their priests and acolytes, believing their powers of draconic emulation to be divine gifts (and who is to say that Bahamut must imbue his clerics only in the ways that human gods do). Those that do not worship gods often worship dragons, not necessarily individual ones, but consider true dragons to be a race of creatures partially divine and above humans. Others instead worship the ideal of dragons and the power and potential they represent. These dragonsoul acolytes may not consider an individual dragon as a divinity, but they would agree with the others that they are somewhat closer.

Background: Most dragonsoul acolytes are awakened to their calling either by the close association and guidance of a dragon, or by the clergy of one of the draconic gods. This training involves a great deal of faithful mental dedication, introspective meditation, and consideration of draconic nature to stir the flames of draconic energy within the adherent, drawing it into them from the souls of dragons long dead and the power of draconic deities. Others awaken themselves. Sometimes it is a stirring of draconic blood long submerged in their heritage during an hour of great danger. Other times it is stirring of some draconic essence within them in resonance with an external draconic force, the presence of a dragon, an artifact of ancient wyrms, or a visit to a dragon graveyard or site of draconic power; this last is especially likely to cause such a stirring, as the spirits of draconic power in the place attach themselves to even a human soul, spurring it into something draconic.

Races: Kobolds and lizardfolk often become dragonsoul acolytes in their attempts to emulate the dragons they believe themselves related to. Spellscales often become Dragonsoul Acolytes as their naturally flexible magic is drawn from the same draconic source and the ambient power of dragon souls is something natural for spellscales to tap into, their racial blood quickening sharing many points of similarities. Among the common races, humans are significantly the most likely to dedicate themselves to the emulation of another species and have the most malleable souls allowing them to most easily become a dragonsoul acolyte, these two factors combine to make dragonsoul acolytes within the common races predominantly huma. Few dragonsoul acolytes are true dragons, although it is not completely unheard of. These dragons tend more towards emulation of a draconic god or the ideal form of a species of dragon, even so few see it as any route to power and most would rather dabble in mortal sorcery to awaken further power themselves.

Other Classes: Dragonsoul acolytes often find kindred spirits in sorcerers and dragonfire adepts who both are, like dragonsoul acolytes, mortals with a spark of draconic power which they fan into a blaze, while each has their own path and methods to do so they can each respect the others’ draconic powers and magical might. Dragonsoul acolytes and clerics can find common ground in that they are both people of strong faiths and dedicated beliefs, but they can also grate upon each other as many clerics consider the idea of dragons being akin to gods blasphemy; although those dragonsoul acolytes which dedicate themselves primarily to draconic deities relate to clerics much like a cleric of that god would. Dragonsoul acolytes share rogues’ fondness for shiny baubles, which often ends with the two butting heads, and dragonsoul acolytes have little instinctive trust to self-stylized thieves. When dealing with warriors dragonsoul acolytes can sometimes make themselves respected for their physical strength, and combat prowess, but they usually fall behind true melee combatants.

Role: A dragonsoul acolyte makes an excellent fifth man. Their spell pool allows them to pull out a weak spell that is needed on the fly, almost like a living collection of scrolls, while their natural weapons and increased Strength allow them to serve as secondary natural weapons. Their breath weapons can serve as crowd debuffs, save or loses, or simply as area damage to take out weak and weakened foes. Their tutelary dragon will also push a dragonsoul acolyte towards a specific role; a black dragonsoul acolyte is more liable to be an agile skulker with stealth capabilities and eventually a potently powerful sudden strike, while a blue dragonsoul acolyte is liable to find themselves fulfilling some extent of a healing role amongst otherwise a healing poor evil party, and a gold dragonsoul acolyte might find themselves opening battle with a swift action Strength damaging gas followed by a charge into melee.

Adaptation: A DM might tie a dragonsoul acolyte more strongly, and strictly, to the draconic deities. To do so they could select a list of tutelary dragons appropriate to each deity (for example all Chromatics for Tiamat) and make the alignment restrictions the same as for a cleric of that deity. They could then pick any dragon from that deity as their tutelary dragon or possibly even mix and match aspects from them; it might be that with this variant a dragonsoul acolyte of Bahamut could select Brass Dragon for their Tutelary Skills, their first draconic aspect being the lesser aspect of any metallic dragon say silver, their second the lesser or specialized aspect of any (say bronze) and their greater aspect belonging to a fourth dragon (say gold); the DM might want to add prerequisites to certain aspects (Greater Theocrat requires Theocrat) in this case and strictly limit your second aspect to dragons from your deity’s lists and potentially a common list (Many Guises, Sea Dweller, Animal Forms, Burrow, etc) and even then this would most likely increase a dragonsoul acolyte’s building flexibility and optimization ceiling unless there was a particularly disbalanced combination of lesser aspects it disallowed.

Dragonsoul Acolytes have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Constitution determines your breath weapon’s saving throw DC, your hit points, and ability to take powerful metabreath feats the most ideal of which have relatively high Constitution requirements. Charisma determines your spell save DCs which are already going to be relatively low, adds to your breath weapon damage (although the raw dice will make a larger impact), and determine certain other saving throw DCs. Strength determines how well you can fight without using your dragon form ability and is necessary if you wish to make use of your class based Strength bonus and not rely upon fighting in the shape of a dragon. Dexterity adds to your AC and is therefore useful on a class with medium armor. Wisdom adds to your Will save and Intelligence determines your skill points.
Alignment: Any (see Tutelary Dragon for restrictions).
Hit Die: d10
Starting Age: As bard.
Starting Gold: As barbarian.

Class Skills
The Dragonsoul Acolyte's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (any, each taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Speak Language (n/a), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), and Use Magic Device (Cha). A Dragonsoul Acolyte’s choice of Tutelary Dragon may add up to 3 additional skills to this list.

Skill Points at First Level: (4 + Int modifier) x 4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier


Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Spell Pool
Hoard Size (GP)





Tutelary Dragon, Tutelary Skills, Breath Weapon (1dX+1/2 Charisma modifier), Darkvision, Dragonblooded, Hoard





Cantrips, Claws, Fundamentalis Diet





Breath Weapon (2dX+1/2 Charisma modifier), Lesser Energy Resistance, Draconic Immunities





Scales (+1), Spell Pool (1st), Lesser Draconic Aspect





Draconic Body (+2 Strength), Skill Aptitude, Breath Weapon (3dX + Charisma modifier)





Dragon Form 1/day, Draconic Spirit (+2 Charisma)





DragonType, Energy Resistance, Spell Pool (2nd level), Breath Weapon (4dX + Charisma modifier)





Scales (+2), Dragon Form 2/day, Superior Low-Light Vision





Second Draconic Aspect, Penetrate Resistance, Dragon Form (Large), Breath Weapon (5dX + Charisma modifier)





Draconic Body (+2 Strength), Draconic Wings, Skill Aptitude





Dragon Form 3/day, Greater Energy Resistance, Spell Pool (3rd level), Breath Weapon (6dX + Charisma modifier)





Fangs, Scales (+3)





Draconic Body (+2 Constitution), Dragon Form (Huge) 4/day, Talented Spells, Breath Weapon (7dX + Charisma modifier)





Second Breath Weapon, Spell Pool (4th level)





Draconic Body (+2 Strength), Draconic Senses, Energy Immunity, Breath Weapon (8dX + Charisma modifier)





Dragon Form 5/day, Greater Draconic Aspect, Scales (+4)





Draconic Spirit (+2 Intelligence), Tail, Dragon Form (Improved Huge), Breath Weapon (9dX + Charisma modifier)





Blindsense, Dragon Form 6/day, Spell Pool (5th)





Signature Spell, Skill Mastery, Breath Weapon (10dX + Charisma modifier)





Draconic Body (+2 Strength), Scales (+5), Improved Spell Pool

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Dragonsoul Acolyte.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A Dragonsoul Acolyte is proficient in all simple weapons and one martial melee weapon of their choice. They are proficient in light and medium armor and shields (but not tower shields).

Tutelary Dragon: A dragonsoul acolyte worships the powers of dragonkind, attempting to emulate the majesty and powers of these creatures. At 1st level a dragonsoul acolyte must choose a single Tutelary Dragon, this is the breed of dragon which they emulate most directly (not an individual of that species). A dragonsoul acolyte must normally be within 1 step of the Tutelary Dragon’s (normal) alignment, although this restriction is somewhat modified for Planar Dragons and dragons that have multiple listed alignments and a few have additional special prerequisites (see below under the listing of Tutelary Dragons for any such irregularities). If you waver from these requirements you cannot progress as a dragonsoul acolyte and are considered to have half your maximum Spell Pool points (see below) until you return to fulfilling the prerequisites or have an Atonement spell cast upon you to change your Tutelary Dragon. If you do this all ranks you have in your Tutelary Skills are instantly changed to be in one or more of your new dragon’s Tutelary Skills (if all your new dragon’s Tutelary Skills are filled to max ranks this way you may immediately retrain excess skill ranks from your old ones), your breath weapon, and energy resistance become those of your new Tutelary Dragon, and your Draconic Aspects also change replacing your Lesser Aspect and Greater Aspect (if you have those) with those of your new dragon; if you had the Specialized Aspect you gain the Specialized Aspect of your new Tutelary Dragon, if you had a 2nd Lesser Aspect you may either keep it or gain the Specialized Aspect of your new Tutelary Dragon. Your Tutelary Dragon determines many of your class features.

If you select a Gem Dragon or other Psionic Dragon as your Tutelary Dragon you gain a single bonus power point, this power point is lost if you stray from your Tutelary Dragon’s alignment.

For Tutelary Skills, Breath Weapon, Energy Resistance, Draconic Abilities, and any special notes associated with a Tutelary Dragon see the “Tutelary Dragon List” below.

Tutelary Skills: A dragonsoul acolyte’s Tutelary Dragon guides them towards certain skills. Each dragon has 3 Tutelary Skills (4 in the case of Steel Dragons). These skills are added to your Dragonsoul Acolyte class skill list if they are not there already (they often are). If they are normally on the class skill list you gain a +1 bonus to them.

Breath Weapon (Su): Even at the beginning of their career a dragonsoul acolyte gains a breath weapon based upon their Tutelary Dragon. This is either a 15-ft cone or 30-ft line, dependent upon whether your chosen dragon has a cone or line. This ability does 1d10 + ½ Charisma modifier damage at 1st level if your dragon’s breath weapon is Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Sonic unless noted otherwise under the specified dragon, and 1d8 + ½ Charisma modifier damage if it deals damage in another form (unless noted otherwise under the specified dragon). At 3rd level, and every odd level of this class thereafter, this damage increases by 1 die of whichever type it dealt. At 5th level you now add your full Charisma modifier to damage with your breath weapon. At 7th level the range of your breath weapon becomes a 30-ft cone or 60-ft line although you may choose to use your original more limited range. At 11th level it increases to 40-ft cone or 80-ft line, increasing to 50-ft cone or 100-ft line at 13th, then to 60-ft cone or 120-ft line at 15th, and 70-ft cone or 140-ft line at 19th. You may always choose to use one of the reduced ranges you have obtained and these ranges apply to all cone or line breath weapons gained from this class even if not your initial breath weapon. Once you have used any breath weapon granted by this class you must wait 1d4 rounds before using one again. A successful saving throw (DC 10 +1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Constitution modifier) halves this damage; this saving throw is Reflex unless otherwise noted and this DC is used for all Breath Weapons even non-damaging ones.

Darkvision (Ex): You gain a portion of a dragon’s senses. You gain Darkvision 60-ft if you do not have it already.

Dragonblooded (Ex): A Dragonsoul Acolyte’s emulation of draconic form and energy grants them the Dragonblood subtype.

Hoard (Su): In emulation of a dragon a Dragonsoul Acolyte often keeps a hoard of material wealth. This hoard must consist only of objects which are valuable due primarily to their rarity and aesthetics and not due to functionality (aside from functionality as currency) such as coins, gems, and pieces of art work (but not trade goods like sheep). By performing a 1 hour meditation amongst their hoard (the hoard must be physically around them during this ritual and they must touch it, lie in it, snuggle against the precious metals, etc) a Dragonsoul Acolyte can gain various benefits from the list below. The maximum size of a hoard a Dragonsoul Acolyte can benefit from is determined by your level (see table above) and each benefit costs a certain amount of wealth from the hoard. This does not destroy, or permanently reduce, said hoard only counting it as expended for the day. If you give up ownership of part of the hoard you lose abilities until they fit under the amount granted by your now smaller hoard.

These benefits last for 24 hours, and you may only perform this ritual once per day.

+1 Competence bonus to Skill(s): 100 GP per Skill.
+2 Competence bonus to Skill(s): 400 GP per Skill.
+3 Competence bonus to Skill(s): 900 GP per Skill.
+4 Competence bonus to Skill(s): 1600 GP per Skill.
+5 Competence bonus to Skill(s): 2500 GP per Skill.
+6 Competence bonus to Skill(s): 3600 GP per Skill.
+7 Competence bonus to Skill(s): 4900 GP per Skill.
+8 Competence bonus to Skill(s): 6400 GP per Skill.
+9 Competence bonus to Skill(s): 8100 GP per Skill.
+10 Competence bonus to Skill(s): 10,000 GP per skill.
+2 Enhancement bonus to Ability Score(s): 4000 GP per ability.
+4 Enhancement bonus to Ability Score(s): 16,000 GP per ability.
+6 Enhancement bonus to Ability Score(s): 36,000 GP per ability.
Enchantment on all Natural Weapons: GP cost of said enchantment on a manufactured weapon x 1.5.
+1 Enhancement bonus to Natural Armor: 2000 GP
+2 Enhancement bonus to Natural Armor: 8000 GP
+3 Enhancement bonus to Natural Armor: 18,000 GP
+4 Enhancement bonus to Natural Armor: 32,000 GP
+5 Enhancement bonus to Natural Armor: 50,000 GP
+6 Enhancement bonus to Natural Armor: 72,000 GP
+7 Enhancement bonus to Natural Armor: 98,000 GP
+1 Deflection bonus to AC: 2000 GP
+2 Deflection bonus to AC: 8000 GP
+3 Deflection bonus to AC: 18,000 GP
+4 Deflection bonus to AC: 32,000 GP
+5 Deflection bonus to AC: 50,000 GP
Evasion: 25,000 GP
+1 Resistance bonus to Save(s): 500 GP for 1 save, or 1000 GP for all saves
+2 Resistance bonus to Save(s): 2000 GP for 1 save or 4000 GP for all saves
+3 Resistance bonus to Save(s): 4500 GP for 1 save or 9000 GP for all saves
+4 Resistance bonus to Save(s): 8000 GP for 1 save or 16,000 GP for all saves.
+5 Resistance bonus to Save(s): 12,500 GP for 1 save or 25,000 GP for all saves.
Energy Resistance 5: 4000 GP per energy type.
Energy Resistance 10: 12,000 GP per energy type.
Energy Resistance 20: 28,000 GP per energy type.
Energy Resistance 30: 44,000 GP per energy type.
Heal 2d8 damage with touch (Su): 250 GP/daily use.
Speak/Understand Specific Language: 300 GP/language.
+10-ft Enhancement bonus to Speed: 3000 GP.
+20-ft Enhancement bonus to Speed: 12,000 GP.
+30-ft Enhancement bonus to Speed: 27,000 GP.
+1 Enhancement bonus to CL/ML with Spell Pool: 10,000 GP.
+2 Enhancement bonus to CL/ML with Spell Pool: 40,000 GP.
+3 Enhancement bonus to CL/ML with Spell Pool: 90,000 GP.
Freedom of Movement (continuous): 40,000 GP.
+1 to essentia capacity for soulmelds in specified chakra(s) (does not stack with Incarnum Foci for those chakra): 15,000 GP per Chakra.
Improve flight maneuverability by 1 grade: 12,000 GP
Improve flight maneuverability by 2 grades: 90,000 GP
Poison Immunity: 27,000 GP
Dimension Door SLA: 11,000 GP/use per day.
Additional daily use of Dragon Form: 10,000 GP/use.

Claws: Beginning at 2nd level your hands begin to transform as the power of dragons reshapes your body. You gain a pair of claw attacks which deal 1d4 damage if you are medium sized and are considered primary natural weapons. If you already have claw attacks they instead deals damage as if you were 1 size category larger.

Cantrips: Beginning at 2nd level you may select one spell from the following list. You gain it as a spell-like ability usable at will, with a caster level equal to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level. At 4th level, and every even level thereafter you may select another such spell.

Acid Splash
Arcane Mark
Dancing Lights
Daze (requires Dragonsoul Acolyte level 4 or higher)
Detect Magic
Detect Poison
Electric JoltSpC
Ghost Sound (requires Dragonsoul Acolyte level 4 or higher)
Know Direction
Mage Hand
Mending (requires Dragonsoul Acolyte level 6 or higher)
Prestidigitation (requires Dragonsoul Acolyte level 8 or higher)
Ray of Frost
Sonic SnapSpC
Touch of Fatigue

Fundamentalis Diet (Su): A fledgling Draconis Fundamentalis is forming within every Dragonsoul Acolyte, it is what fuels their breath weapon just like in a true dragon. Beginning at 2nd level this Draconis Fundamentalis is advanced enough to perform some of its energy conversion capabilities allowing the Dragonsoul Acolyte to eat a large variety of things. Beginning at 2nd level a Dragonsoul Acolyte can gain sustenance from dirt, metal, gemstones, and nearly any other substance they can swallow as if it were food. This does not give them any special resistance to ingested poisons, or ability to chew/swallow such things, but ensures they can use it as food even if it will poison them.

Lesser Energy Resistance (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level a Dragonsoul Acolyte gains Energy Resistance 10 to the energy type listed under their Tutelary Dragon. Some Tutelary Dragons have other abilities they give in place of the varying levels of Energy Resistance see the individual dragon for more details.

Immunities (Ex): At 3rd level a Dragonsoul Acolyte’s nature has become so draconic that they are now immune to sleep and paralysis effects like a true dragon.

Lesser Draconic Aspect (Ex/Su): At 4th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte gains the Lesser Draconic Aspect associated with their Tutelary Dragon.

Scales (Ex): At 4th level the transformation into a more draconic creature has progressed to granting a Dragonsoul Acolyte a thin, but noticeable, layer of scales across their body. This increases their natural armor by +1. This bonus increases by another +1 (to +2 if they had none previously) at 8th, and every 4th level thereafter as the scales grow thicker and thicker.

Spell Pool: Beginning at 4th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte may tap into the cosmic power of magic, channeling it through their Draconic Fundamentalis. A Dragonsoul Acolyte does not learn spells, even as dragons do, instead tapping into the essence of the draconic races, using the magic therein to emulate various spells and effects. A Dragonsoul Acolyte gains a number of Spell Pool Points based upon their level listed on the table above as SPP. A Dragonsoul Acolyte can use these points to cast any spell on the Sorcerer spell list of a level they have access to as a spell-like ability; all spells used this maintain their original casting time. The spell must not have a material component costing more than 5 GP per Dragonsoul Acolyte level otherwise it cannot be activated this way and it cannot have an expensive Focus costing more than 100 GP per Dragonsoul Acolyte level or a XP component greater than 1 XP per Dragonsoul Acolyte level (you do not need to pay such XP costs). A Dragonsoul Acolyte does not choose which spells to use from their Spell Pool beforehand and do not learn spells in it. At 4th level they may cast up to 1st level spells from their Spell Pool, at 7th this increases to 2nd, becoming 3rd level spells at 11th, 4th at 14th, and finally gaining access to 5th level spells at 18th. A Dragonsoul Acolyte may only use one spell of their highest spell level from their Spell Pool each day regardless of how many Spell Pool Points they possess. A spell of their highest 2 spell levels costs 4 Spell Pool Point, unless it is a Lv 0 spell in which case it only costs 2. A spell which is 2 or 3 levels lower than the highest they have access to costs 2 Spell Pool Points to use. A spell which is 4 or more levels lower than their highest costs only 1 Spell Pool Point. A Dragonsoul Acolyte with a Gem Dragon or other psionic dragon as their Tutelary Dragon instead gains access to psionic powers from the Wilder list. A psionic Dragonsoul Acolyte must still pay the same number of Spell Pool Points based upon Power Level instead of Spell Level, and any power that had 4 Spell Pool Points paid to activate it is considered to be fully Augmented to the Dragonsoul Acolyte’s Manifester level, while any that had less is only Augmented to half of their Manifester level, a Dragonsoul Acolyte may choose to pay 4 Spell Pool Points to fully Augment a lower level power. Some Tutelary Dragons (such as Incarnum Dragons) may affect your access to the Spell Pool more heavily, and some Draconic Aspect abilities may be fueled by Spell Pool Points or add additional spells to your Spell Pool. In the latter case if they add it as if it were a spell of a certain level this only affects its level for the purposes of determining how it interacts with cost and use limits of the Spell Pool and it retains its normal level for save DCs, Concentration DCs, overcoming Globes of Invulnerability and other effects.

Draconic Body (Ex): At 5th level, and every 5th level thereafter, a Dragonsoul Acolyte’s transformation into a draconic being grants them a +2 increase to their Strength score, and at 13th level they gain a +2 increase to their Constitution score. This is not applied to other forms they may assume if those forms would normally set their Strength to a specific number (such as Polymorph or Wild Shape) if instead they simply add a modifier for their new form (such as Bear Warrior) it is added.

Skill Aptitude: At 5th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte gains Skill Focus in any one of their Tutelary Skills of their choosing. At 10th level they gain it in the remaining 2 (or 3 in the case of a Dragonsoul Acolyte with Steel Dragon as their Tutelary Dragon). If one of your Tutelary Skills is a skill which comprises several skills, such as Craft or Perform, you select one skill, such as Craft (Alchemy) or Perform (Vocal), to gain this feat for.

Draconic Spirit: At 6th level the draconic energy flowing through a Dragonsoul Acolyte has permanently altered how they interact with others granting them a +2 bonus to their Charisma, and at 17th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte’s mind becomes more cunning as even it changes to become more like the dragons they have long emulated granting them a +2 to their Intelligence and retroactively gains additional skill points for this increase in Intelligence.

Dragon Form (Su): At 6th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte gains the ability to fill themselves with draconic energy assuming the shape of a true dragon. This requires a full round action and lasts 1 round per class level but any round in which the Dragonsoul Acolyte does not use a Full Round action or both a Standard and Move action does not count against this duration. This functions as Wild Shape except that instead of taking the form of a specific species of dragon, a Dragonsoul Acolyte’s abilities in Dragonform are based purely on their class level as shown below. A Dragonsoul Acolyte always appears as a dragon of their Tutelary Dragon’s species of the appropriate size. While in Dragonform the Dragonsoul Acolyte is Medium sized and has Str 15, Dex 10, Con 15, +5 natural armor, Speed 40-ft, fly 150-ft (poor), and full access to a true dragon’s suite of natural weapons and reach based upon their size; if the Dragonsoul Acolyte’s natural Constitution is better than their Dragon Form’s they may use it instead. A Dragonsoul Acolyte retains all Draconic Aspects they possess and their Breath Weapon while in Dragon Form, but lose wings, natural armor, and natural weapons granted by this class while transformed. A Dragonsoul Acolyte gains additional uses as shown on the table above (2/day at 8th, 3/day at 11th, 4/day at 13th, 5/day at 16th, 6/day at 18th) and gains access to larger sizes of dragon as indicated on the table above (large at 9th, huge at 13th). Assuming a Large dragon form a Dragonsoul Acolyte gains a Str of 21, Dex of 10, and Con of 17, with +7 natural armor, Speed 40-ft, fly 150-ft (poor). Assuming a Huge dragon form they have Str 27, Dex 10, Con 21, +10 natural armor, Speed 40-ft, fly 150-ft (poor). At 17th level your Huge dragon form improves its Str increasing to 33, its Con to 25, and its natural armor to +12.

If your tutelary dragon does not grant the normal draconic wings ability you do not gain a fly speed, if it offers another movement mode instead you gain that at the land speed of the dragon form (if applicable); if it offers non-wing based flight you lose 50-ft of speed but your maneuverability is 1 stage better.

Dragon Type: Beginning at 7th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte is more dragon than whatever they once were gaining the Dragon type and the Augmented Subtype for their previous type. An undead or construct Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain this ability. A Dragonsoul Acolyte also becomes immune to the Frightful Presence ability of dragons; this portion of this ability applies even to Undead or Construct Dragonsoul Acolytes.

Energy Resistance (Ex): Beginning at 7th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte’s energy resistance improves. It becomes Energy Resistance 20 against the type in question, or they gain whatever ability is indicated by their Tutelary Dragon to be gained instead.

Superior Low-Light Vision (Ex): At 8th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte gains the ability to see in poor lighting even better than elves or cats, gaining Superior Low-Light Vision (x4 vision distance in low light conditions).

2nd Draconic Aspect (Ex/Su): At 9th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte gains a 2nd Draconic Aspect. They may either re-dedicate themselves to their Tutelary Dragon gaining its Specialized Aspect, or dabble in the powers of other dragons gaining the Lesser Aspect of any true dragon. Note that fluff-wise this latter may still be re-dedication as, for example, many water dwelling dragons do not gain the Sea Dweller Aspect due to it being possible to pick it up this way, and the same is true of dragons with Alternate Form not gaining the Many Guises or Animal Forms aspects. You do not need to meet any requirements for the 2nd dragon whose aspect you are obtaining this way.

Common Draconic Aspects, or lesser draconic aspects common enough as traits of dragons that even if the dragons that grant these lesser aspects as their specific aspects do not exist in the setting should still be allowed will be listed below.

Animal Forms (Su): You gain the alternate form ability (see the Monster Manual). You may use this ability to assume the form of any Small Animal. You may use this ability at-will.
Blade Proof Scales (Su): You gain DR 1/magic per 3 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels.
Burrow (Ex): You gain a burrow speed equal to half your base land speed.
Many Guises (Su): You gain the ability to change your appearance at will, as if using the disguise self spell, but only while in your normal form. This affects your body but not her possessions. It is not an illusory effect, but a minor physical alteration of the your appearance, within the limits described for the spell. In addition you may use this ability to hide any or all of the physical transformations granted by this class, retaining your natural armor but losing access to your natural weapons and wings when they are disguised this way; you may cause a feature from this class to reappear again as a free action although fully ending this ability or assuming another form is a standard action.
Sea Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based).
Spell Resistance (Su): You gain Spell Resistance 8 + your Dragonsoul Acolyte level.

Energy Penetration (Su): At 9th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte gains the ability to reinforce their breath weapon with the spiritual power of dragons, both of their Tutelary breed and others. This allows their breath weapon to treat a creature’s Energy Resistance as if it were 10 lower against their breath weapon. If the creature has ablative energy resistance (such as Protection from Energy) then it is immediately reduced by 10 before applying against the breath weapon. This has no effect on other sources of energy damage dealt by the Dragonsoul Acolyte or their allies.

Draconic Wings (Ex): At 10th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte’s physical transformation takes another major step forward as the draconic energies they imbue themselves with cause them to grow powerful wings. These wings allow them to fly at a speed equal to twice their base land speed with average maneuverability. Due to the power of these wings they may fly when carrying up to their lift over head weight and/or wearing heavy armor.

Greater Energy Resistance (Ex): At 11th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte’s resistance to energy increases further to 30, or they gain whatever ability their Tutelary Dragon replaces this feature with.

Fangs (Ex): At 12th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte’s teeth have become fully developed capable of being used as a natural weapon. They gain a bite attack which is a secondary natural weapon dealing 1d6 damage if medium sized. If they already have a bite attack it instead deals damage as if they were 1 size category larger.

Frightful Presence (Ex): Beginning at 12th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte gains the Frightful Presence ability while using Dragon Form. The ability takes effect automatically whenever the Dragonsoul Acolyte attacks, charges, or flies overhead while in Dragon Form. Creatures within a radius of 30 feet +30-ft per size category larger than Medium the Dragonsoul Acolyte are subject to the effect if they can see the dragon. A potentially affected creature that succeeds on a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Charisma modifier) remains immune to the Dragonsoul Acolyte’s frightful presence for 24 hours. On a failure, creatures with 4 or less HD become panicked for 4d6 rounds and those with 5 or more HD become shaken for 4d6 rounds. Dragons ignore this ability.

Talented Spells (Sp): Tapping routinely into the Spell Pool of draconic essence a Dragonsoul Acolyte eventually learns to harness certain spells more easily. At 13th level they may select 2 1st level spells available to them through the Spell Pool (1st level for the purposes of the Spell Pool) they may use these spells 3 times per day without paying any points to activate them, and any additional uses beyond the 3rd cost only 1 Spell Pool Point per use. If your tutelary dragon is a psionic dragon you instead select a 2 1st level powers and they can be used at ½ augmentation for the above costs and at full augmentation for an additional 1 Spell Pool Point.

2nd Breath Weapon (Su): At 14th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte learns to harness the general power of dragonkind. A Dragonsoul Acolyte chooses either: Line of Electricity, Cone of Fire, Line of Fire, Cone of Cold, Cone of Acid, or Line of Acid and gains a new breath weapon of that type in addition to that granted by their Tutelary Dragon. It deals damage and has an area as normal for a Dragonsoul Acolyte’s breath weapon. If the Dragonsoul Acolyte’s Tutelary Dragon did not offer a breath weapon they still gain this ability.

Energy Immunity (Ex): At 15th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte gains immunity to the energy type that they are resistant to due to their Tutelary Dragon; or whatever ability their Tutelary Dragon grants instead.

Draconic Senses (Ex): At 15th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte’s senses are on par with those of a true dragon. Their Darkvision now extends 120-ft if it did not already, and they suffer half the normal distance penalty on Spot and Listen checks.

Greater Draconic Aspect (Ex/Su): At 16th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte gain the Greater Draconic Aspect associated with their Tutelary Dragon.

Tail (Ex): Becoming ever more draconic at 17th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte grows a long, powerful tail. This grants them a tail attack as a secondary natural weapon dealing 1d6 damage if they are medium sized. If they already had a tail attack it deals damage as if they were 1 size category larger.

Blindsense (Ex): At 18th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte has the full suite of senses of a true dragon gaining Blindsense out to 60-ft.

Signature Spell (Sp): At 19th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte has become attuned to a single more powerful spell. They may select a single 2nd level spell available to them through the Spell Pool (2nd level for the purposes of the Spell Pool) they may use this spells 3 times per day without paying any points to activate it, and any additional uses beyond the 3rd cost only 1 Spell Pool Point per use. If your tutelary dragon is a psionic dragon you instead select a single 2nd level power and it can be used at ½ augmentation for the above costs and at full augmentation for an additional 1 Spell Pool Point.

Skill Mastery (Ex): Beginning at 19th level a Dragonosul Acolyte’s mastery of their Tutelary Skills has become truly casual. They may take 10 on any of their Tutelary Skills under any circumstances even when threatened and/or it is a skill which normally cannot be taken 10 on. If one of your Tutelary Skills is a skill which comprises several skills, such as Craft or Perform, you select one skill, such as Craft (Alchemy) or Perform (Vocal), to gain this benefit for.

Improved Spell Pool (Su): At 20th level a Dragonsoul Acolyte gains the ability to use their highest level spells from the spell pool more freely. They are no longer limited to a single spell-like ability from their highest level from the Spell Pool each day, and may instead use it as often as they have Spell Pool Points for.

Half-Dragon Dragonsoul Acolytes:

Half-dragon Dragonsoul Acolytes may select their draconic ancestor's variety as their Tutelary Dragon regardless of their alignment.

You gain the Draconic Wings ability at 7th level (instead of 10th) and at 10th level you gain a +10-ft increase to your base land speed.

In addition Dragonsoul Acolytes with the half-dragon template which choose their draconic ancestor as their Tutelary Dragon gain the following modifications:

Breath Weapon: If you gained a breath weapon from the half-dragon template (not all half-dragons do, such as many varieties of half-lung dragons) you may select another dragon and gain the breath weapon it grants as a tutelary dragon, you also gain the one granted by your draconic ancestor; you must fulfill the alignment requirements of the selected dragon.

Energy Resistance: You may select another dragon and gain the energy resistance/immunity abilities associated with it instead of your draconic ancestor; you must fulfill the alignment requirements of the selected dragon and if you selected a dragon for the breath weapon ability you must select the same dragon for energy resistances/immunity.

2015-01-23, 02:07 PM
Tutelary Dragon List: 1st Party

Black Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Swim
Breath Weapon: Line of Acid.
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Least Aspect: Rebuke Reptiles (Su): This ability functions as Rebuke/Command undead but affects Animals, Humanoid (Reptilian), and Magical Beasts which are reptilian in nature instead of undead creatures.
Greater Aspect: Sudden Strike (Ex): You gain the sudden strike ability (as the ninja ability of the same name) dealing +1d6 damage with it per 4 class levels. If Complete Adventurer is not used replace this with +1d6 Sneak Attack (as the rogue ability) per 5 class levels.
Specialized Aspect: Marsh Camouflage (Ex): Hide in forests, swamps, aquatic environments, and natural caverns without cover or concealment.

Blue Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Hide, Spellcraft
Breath Weapon: Line of electricity
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Least Aspect: Theocrat: May select Create Water as a cantrip, may use your spell pool to cast Conjuration (Healing) spells from the cleric spell list as if they were Sorcerer spells of the same level. If you have the Draconic Theurge Greater Aspect you may treat Cure spells and Heal as if they were 1 level lower; you may also cast Revivify with your spell pool despite its material component. You may select any Cleric spell (including Conjuration healing spells) as your Signature Spell when you gain it.
Greater Aspect: Draconic Theurge: You may use your spell pool to use spells from the Cleric spell list in addition to Sorcerer spells and gain 2 additional Spell Pool Points.
Specialized Aspect: Sustaining Faith (Su): For every 10 creatures you lead in earnest prayer either to yourself, a dragon, or a draconic deity you worship you can create food and water for 1 creature (the quality of this food is determined by a Knowledge (religion) or Spellcraft check to replicate a Profession (Chef) or Craft (Food) check). Your own prayers can sustain you without food or water indefinitely.

Green Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Hide, Move Silently
Breath Weapon: Cone of acidic gas (acid).
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Least Aspect: Charming Drake: Treat the spells Charm Person, Charm Monster, Mass Charm Person, and Dominate Person as one level lower for your Spell Pool. In addition Enchantment and Telepathy spells, powers, and spell-like abilities you use get a +1 to their Save DCs.
Greater Ability: Mind Warping Susurrus: As a standard action you may cloud a creature’s mind granting it a -5 to Will save; you must succeed on a Bluff check (DC 15 + their Wisdom modifier + their CR) to affect them this way. Alternatively as a standard action you may offer a suggestion as the spell (requires a Bluff check with the same DC), they are allowed a Will save (DC 15 + your Charisma modifier) to resist normally albeit at a heightened DC.
Specialized Ability: Tyrant of the Woods (Su): Any weapon you wield, and your natural weapons, are considered to be Fey Bane and gain half those benefits against Plant and Animal creatures (+1 increase to their enhancement bonus and +1d6 damage) this does not stack with the Bane property. In addition your Breath Weapon(s) and any Spell-like Ability used via your Spell Pool gain a +2 to their save DCs against Fey, and a +1 to their save DCs against Plants and Animals. As a final benefit any Spell-like Ability which you use from your Spell Pool which would normally only affect humanoids (such as Charm Person or Dominate Person) may affect Fey as well.

Red Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Jump
Breath Weapon: Cone of fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Least Aspect: Treasure Sense (Su): By spending a standard action you can sense the direction and distance of all coins and gems within 100-ft.
Greater Aspect: Tyrant’s Fear (Su): By expending a spell pool point you may force a creature struck by your natural weapon or damaged by your breath weapon to make a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Charisma modifier) or be shaken for 1d4 rounds; by expending 3 points (before they roll their save) you can increase this effect to frightened. In addition by expending 4 Spell Pool Points as a free action you can cause your Frightful Presence ability to function in your natural form in addition to when you are using Dragon Form for 1 minute.
Specialized Aspect: Draconic Rebuke (Su): This ability functions as Rebuke/Command Undead against Evil dragons and as Turn Undead against Good and Neutral dragons except it cannot destroy them. Unlike Turn or Rebuke Undead this is a mind-affecting fear effect. You may use this ability 3 + Charisma modifier times per day.

White Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Swim
Breath Weapon: Cone of cold.
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Least Aspect: Hunter (Ex): You gain Track and Endurance as bonus feats.
Greater Aspect: Pack Hunter (Ex): When flanking a creature you deal additional damage equal to ½ your class level (this is precision damage) and gain an additional +4 to hit.
Specialized Aspect: Ice Walker (Su): You may move at full speed over ice and snow, suffering no penalty to skill checks due to snow or ice, and suffer no penalties to spot or listen due to snow storms. In addition you may climb across icy surfaces as if you were under the effects of a spider-climb spell.

Metallic Dragons:
Brass Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Good
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Gather Info, Survival
Breath Weapon: Line of Fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Draconic Polyglot (Su): Continuous Tongues effect.
Greater Aspect: Sleep Breath (Su): Instead of dealing damage with your breath weapon you may release a cone of sleep gas which puts any creature which fails their Will save to sleep (as the spell sleep with no HD limit) for 1d6+1 rounds, this is a mind-affecting sleep effect.
Specialized Aspect: Summon Desert Companion: You may use your spell pool to summon Air Elementals or animals as if with Summon Nature’s. You may use Summon Nature’s Ally II as a 1st level spell for your Spell Pool, Summon Nature’s Ally III as a 2nd, Summon Nature’s Ally V as a 3rd, Summon Nature’s Ally VI as a 4th, and Summon Nature’s Ally VIII as a 5th level spell from your Spell Pool.

Bronze Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good
Tutelary Skills: Disguise, Survival, Swim
Breath Weapon: Line of Electricity.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Lesser Aspect: Repulsion Gas (Su): You a second breath weapon a cone of repulsion gas. Instead of dealing damage creatures within the cone must succeed on a Will save or be compelled to do nothing but move away from the you for 1d4+1 rounds. This is a mind-affecting compulsion enchantment effect.
Greater Aspect: Dragon of Justice (Su): Your natural weapons and any weapon you wield are considered to have the Holy property. In addition you gain the ability to Smite Evil as a paladin of your Dragonsoul Acolyte level by spending 2 Spell Pool points.
Specialized Aspect: Adept of War (Ex): You gain proficiency in all shields, armor, and weapons including exotic ones.

Copper Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Good
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Hide, and Jump
Breath Weapon: Line of Acid.
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Lesser Aspect: Slow Breath (Su): Instead of using a damaging breath you may release a cone of slowing gas. Any creature within the area must make a Fort save or be slowed (as spell slow) for 1d6+1 rounds.
Greater Aspect: Priest of Earth: You can use any spell on the Cavern, Earth, or Metal domains as if it was a Sorcerer spell 1 level lower for the purposes of your Spell Pool, and gain their first level spells as cantrips. In addition you may use Earthquake as if it were a 5th level spell with your spell pool but suffer a 2 point surcharge when doing so.
Specialized Aspect: Spider Climb (Su): You gain the effects of a spider-climb spell continuously.

Gold Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good
Tutelary Skills: Disguise, Heal, and Swim
Breath Weapon: Cone of Fire
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Least Aspect: Weakening Breath (Su): When using your breath weapon you may release a cone of weakening gas instead of a damaging breath. This gas deals 1d6 Strength damage +1/2 dice your breath weapon would normally do. A successful Fortitude save negates this Strength damage, effects which would normally add to the damage dealt by your breath weapon do not add to the Strength damage dealt by this breath weapon.
Greater Aspect: Blessed with Luck (Su): Each round you gain a pool of luck points equal to your class level. Whenever you make a saving throw, attack roll, skill or ability check you may as a part of making the roll spend 1 or more Spell Pool Points to get a +2 luck bonus to roll per Spell Pool Point you spend.
Specialized Aspect: Draconic Blessing: You, and allies within 60-ft of you, gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and damage against Evil creatures, as well as a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against all effects originating from Evil creatures or Fear effects.

Silver Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Disguise, Jump.
Breath Weapon: Cone of cold.
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Least Aspect: Many Guises (Su): You gain the ability to change your appearance at will, as if using the disguise self spell, but only while in your normal form. This affects your body but not her possessions. It is not an illusory effect, but a minor physical alteration of the your appearance, within the limits described for the spell. In addition you may use this ability to hide any or all of the physical transformations granted by this class, retaining your natural armor but losing access to your natural weapons and wings when they are disguised this way; you may cause a feature from this class to reappear again as a free action although fully ending this ability or assuming another form is a standard action.
Greater Aspect: Paralysis Breath (Su): When using your breath weapon may release a cone of paralyzing gas instead of dealing damage which paralyzes creatures that fail their Fortitude saves for 1d4+1 rounds.
Specialized Aspect: Social Chameleon (Su): You gain a +6 insight bonus to Bluff, Gather Information, and Sense Motive checks.

Gem Dragons
Special: Instead of their normal specialized ability any Gem Dragonsoul Acolyte may select the Planar Gem Draconic Aspect.
Planar Gem: You gain the ability to Plane Shift as a spell-like ability 1/day per 5 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels you possess but may only use it to travel between the Prime and the Inner Planes, if not on one of these planes you cannot use this ability. This ability only affects you and requires 1 minute of concentration to activate.

Amethyst Dragon:
Alignments allowed: True Neutral, Neutral Evil, Neutral Good, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Neutral
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Hide, Move Silently
Breath Weapon: Line of Force (d8s), you may choose to deal nonlethal damage with this breath weapon instead of lethal damage; this choice applies to all creatures within the area.
Energy Resistance: Instead of Lesser Energy Resistance you gain a +4 on saves versus Force effects and immunity to Magic Missile. Instead of Energy Resistance you gain a +4 on saves against Poison. Instead of Greater Energy Resistance you gain the ability to roll twice on save versus Poison taking the better result. Instead of Energy Immunity you gain Poison Immunity.
Lesser Aspect: Explosive Gem (Su): Hock up a crystalline loge which explodes on impact (treat as a grenade-like weapon with a range increment of 15-ft) with a 20-ft radius dealing damage as your breath weapon.
Greater Aspect: Telekinetic Hand (Su): You can manipulate an object as if one handed from a range of up to 30-ft. You retain fine manual Dexterity while doing so and may use this ability to wield a weapon. If also wielding a weapon normally this counts as an extra off-hand weapon otherwise you may use it as your main weapon and still use both of your hands to hold objects or attack with natural weapons.
Specialized Aspect: Body Equilibrium (Su): You are continuously affected as if by the Body Equilibrium psionic ability.

Allowed alignments: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Evil, or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Gather Information, Jump, Swim
Breath Weapon: Cone of brilliant light dealing light based, untyped damage (d8s).
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Lesser Aspect: Telepathic Leash: You may use Psionic Charm, and Psionic Dominate as if they were Wilder powers (or Sorcerer spells). Psionic Charm costs 1 SPP to use at ½ augmentation, and 2 SPPs to use at full augmentation, and once you have access to 4th level psionic powers you can use Psionic Dominate at half augmentation for 2 SPPs, and full augmentation for 3 SPPs.
Greater Aspect: Blinding Breath: Your cone of light breath weapon blinds creatures which fail their save for 1d3 rounds in addition to dealing damage.
Specialized Aspect: Crystal Flash (Su): You may spend 2 Spell Pool Points to release a blinding ray at a target within 30-ft. This is a ranged touch attack which on a successful hit blinds the target for 1d3+1 rounds; a successful Reflex save reduces this to dazzle for the same duration. By spending 4 Spell Pool Points you can release this as a line and all creatures within the line must make the save. Every additional Spell Pool Point you pay increases the range of this ability by 30-ft, whether it is a line or a ray.

Emerald Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, Lawful Evil, and True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Gather Information, Hide, Swim
Breath Weapon: Cone of keening Sonic energy.
Energy Resistance: Sonic.
Lesser Aspect: Deafening Breath: When you use your sonic breath weapon (or any sonic breath weapon you possess) creatures which fail their save are also deafened for 1d4 rounds.
Greater Aspect: Shield of Prudence (Su): You gain a +4 Insight bonus to AC
Specialized Aspect: Object Reading (Psi-like): You may use the Object ReadingXPH power as a psi-like ability at-will but no more than 1/day on a specific item (ML = Dragonsoul Acolyte level).

Sapphire Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, Lawful Evil, and True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Climb, Jump, Move Silently
Breath Weapon: Cone of nearly inaudible sonic energy.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Lesser Aspect: Sense Psychoportation (Su): You automatically detect when any creature teleports from or to within 10-ft of you per class level. You know the distance and direction to where they appeared/disappeared from for whichever is within this range (or both and which is which if both are), and the direction to where they teleported to if that is outside of range (or if it is off the plane you are aware that it is off the plane)
Greater Aspect: Panicking Breath: In addition to damage creatures within the area of your sonic breath weapon must make a Will save or be panicked for 1 round.
Specialized Aspect: Psychoportive Step (Su): You can teleport your land speed as a move action, or up to double it by spending 2 Spell Pool Points.

Topaz Dragon
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Evil, or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Survival, Swim
Breath Weapon: Cone of Dehydration (d8s). When directed against an aqueous liquid (water or a liquid which is primarily composed of water) this effect evaporates 1 cubic foot per point of damage which would be dealt.
Lesser Aspect: Sea Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based).
Greater Aspect: Shapechanger (Su): You may use Metamorphoses as if it were a 3rd level Wilder Power for the purposes of your Spell Pool. In addition you can as a Standard action assume the shape of a creature as if through the Shapechange spell by paying 8 points from your Spell Pool, this ability lasts for 1 minute per Dragonsoul Acolyte level.
Specialized Aspect: Dehydrating Aura (Su): Any creature starting or ending their turn within 10-ft of you takes 2d6 damage per round; water within the range is evaporated at 5 cubic feet per round. You may activate or deactivate this ability as a swift action.

Planar Dragons
Battle Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Good, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Diplomacy, Perform, Sense Motive
Breath Weapon: Cone of sonic energy.
Energy Resistance: Sonic.
Lesser Aspect: Frightful Breath (Su): You gain a second breath weapon which is a cone of fear gas. Instead of dealing damage creatures within the cone must succeed on a Will save or be shaken for 4d6 rounds; this is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Greater Aspect: Inspire Courage (Su): You may use the bardic music ability Inspire Courage a number of times per day equal to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level, as a bard 2 levels lower.
Specialized Aspect: Battle Fury (Ex): 1/day per 8 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels you may enter into a Battle Fury in which you gain a +4 morale bonus to Strength, and Constitution, and +2 morale bonus to Will saves but suffer a -2 penalty to AC for 3 + Constitution modifier rounds; you may act freely while under this effect and do not suffer fatigue or similar after it ends.

Chaos Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, and Chaotic Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Balance, Tumble, Use Magic Device.
Breath Weapon: Line of chaotic energy (when used roll 1d%, 1-20 = acid, 21-40 = cold, 41-60 = electricity, 61-80 = fire, 81-100 = sonic) deals d10s.
Energy Resistance: +4 bonus to saves against Compulsion effects instead of Lesser Energy Resistance, increasing to +8 when you would gain Greater Energy Resistance. Once you would gain Energy Resistance whenever you have to make a saving throw against a Compulsion effect you may roll twice and take the better result. When you would gain Energy Immunity you instead gain Immunity to Compulsion effects.
Lesser Aspect: Child of Chaos (Su): You may re-roll miss chances (regardless of source) and roll twice when using a magic item with a random effect (such as a Rod of Wonder). In addition your spells are unaffected by wild magic.
Greater Aspect: Confusion Breath (Su): You gain a second breath weapon, a cone of confusing gas. Any creature within the cone must make a Will save or be confused for 1d6+1 round; this is a mind-affecting compulsion effect.
Specialized Aspect: Bastion of Chaos (Su): You become surrounded by constant Magic Circle against Law, and Chaotic creatures within the area gain a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls.

Ethereal Dragon:
Allowed alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Good, Neutral Evil, Lawful Neutral, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Spellcraft.
Breath Weapon: Cone of Force
Energy Resistance: You gain resistance to Force damage equal to what you would normally gain against an energy type, increasing up to immunity at 15th level. In addition beginning at 7th level you are immune to the effects of Ether Cyclones.
Lesser Aspect: See Invisibility (Su): You may see invisibility as the spell as a continuous effect.
Greater Aspect: World Step (Su): 4/day you may move into the Ethereal from the Prime or the Prime from the Ethereal, carrying up to a heavy load. You may remain on the chosen plane for as long as desired. Activating this ability is a standard action.
Specialized Aspect: Ethereal Strike (Su): You may attack creatures across the boundary between the material and ethereal planes; in addition all your melee attacks may affect incorporeal creatures as if they were made with ghost touch weapons.

Howling Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Intimidate, Jump, Listen
Breath Weapon: Cone of howling sound (sonic).
Energy Resistance: Sonic.
Lesser Aspect: Maddening Breath (Su): When using your breath weapon you may release a cone of weakening gas which,instead of dealing damage, deals 1d6 Wisdom damage +1/2 dice your breath weapon would normally do. A successful Fortitude save negates this Wisdom damage, effects which would normally add to the damage dealt by your breath weapon do not add to the Wisdom damage dealt by this breath weapon.
Greater Aspect: Winds of Insanity (Su): You may create a windstorm around you in a 20-ft radius. This has all the normal effects of windstorm force winds (normal ranged attacks through the area are impossible, siege weapons suffer a -4 penalty to attack rolls, all listen checks are made at a -8 penalty, small or smaller creatures must make a DC 18 Fort save or be blown away, with medium creatures which fail being knocked down, and even large creatures which fail are checked) blowing either clockwise or counterclockwise around you (your choice when you activate it). You do not suffer the penalty to Listen checks and do not need to make Fortitude saves to resist being blown regardless of your size. In addition creatures within the area suffer a -4 penalty to Wisdom (this penalty may not reduce their Wisdom to less than 1).
Specialized Aspect: Child of Pandemonium (Ex/Su): You gain immunity to confusion spells and effects and deafness (this is Ex). In addition you may, as a standard action, dispel any magical silence effect created by anything less than a major artifact or god which includes you in its area of effect (this is Su).

Oceanus Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Good.
Tutelary Skills: Diplomacy, Knowledge (the Planes), Swim
Breath Weapon: Line of electricity.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Lesser Aspect: Sea Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based)
Greater Aspect: Dazing Breath (Su): You gain a second breath weapon, a cone of tranquilizing gas. This breath weapon does not deal damage but any creature within this cone must make a Will save or be dazed for 1d6+1 rounds.
Specialized Aspect: Smite Evil (Su): As a paladin of your level 1/day + 1/day per 5 class levels.

Pyroclastic Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil or Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Climb, Intimidate, Jump
Breath Weapon: A cone which is half fire and half sonic (once Penetrate Resistance is gained you penetrate 10 points of each resistance whenever it is used); uses d10s.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Word of Destruction: You may use Shatter for 1 Spell Pool point; this never counts as a use of your highest level spell-like ability and ignores your spell level limit on Spell Pool. In addition you may use Incendiary Cloud as a 5th level spell for the purposes of your Spell Pool but must pay a 4 point surcharge when doing so.
Greater Aspect: Disintegrating Breath (Su): By paying 4 Spell Pool Points you may use an alternate breath weapon which is a line of disintegrating force. Anything within the line must make a Fortitude save or be instantly destroyed (a large object caught in the path will only have the portion in the line destroyed) as if disintegrated and reduced to 0 hp; this is a disintegration effect. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect entirely.
Specialized Aspect: Sonic Resistance (Ex): You gain Sonic Resistance/Immunity equal to that granted by your Energy Resistance/Energy Immunity class features.

Radiant Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, or Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Diplomacy, Intimidate, Spot
Breath Weapon: Line of Force (d8s)
Energy Resistance: You gain resistance to damage from light effects equal to that which you would gain against an energy type. In addition you gain Immunity to Blindness at 3rd level, Force Resistance 10 at 7th, 20 at 11th, and 30 at 15th.
Lesser Aspect: Blinding Breath (Su): When using your breath weapon you may release a cone of blinding light instead of dealing damage. Any creature within the area must make a Fortitude save, on a failure they are blinded for 1d4+1 rounds and on a success they are dazzled for the same duration.
Greater Aspect: Healing Touch (Su): 3 times per day you may touch a creature (or yourself) as a standard action to heal them as if with a Heal spell as a supernatural ability. Use your Dragonsoul Acolyte level as your caster level in any place where it is needed and you can heal up to 200 hit points at level 20 instead of capping at 150.
Specialized Aspect: Radiance (Su): As a standard action you can produce light up as if the target of a daylight spell but its spell level is considered to be equal to the number of dice of damage your breath weapon deals. Any evil creature within the bright illumination shed by this effect is dazzled. This effect last indefinitely or until you suppress it as a standard action.

Rust Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Hide, Move Silently.
Breath Weapon: Line of Acid.
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Lesser Aspect: Rusting Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of reddish-brown liquid which instantly corrodes and destroys any metal it touches. Attended and magical metals receive Reflex saves to avoid this effect, but any metal is susceptible: iron, steel, silver, gold, even mithral and adamantine.
Greater Aspect: Rusting Body (Su): If you make a sunder attempt or attack against a metal object it must make a Reflex save (DC 10 +1/2 your class level + your Constitution modifier) or be destroyed. Any metal weapon with less than a +5 enhancement that hits you must also make a Reflex save or be destroyed. Finally if you successfully bite an opponent any metal armor they must make a Reflex save or any metal armor they are wearing is destroyed.
Specialized Aspect: Metal Resistance (Su): You gain DR 5/non-metal.

Styx Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Knowledge (History), Swim
Breath Weapon: Line of clinging acid. This deals d8s for damage instead of d10s but also deals half damage 1 round later to any creature which was within the effect.
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Draconic Wings: You may trade Draconic Wings for Styx Adaptation; Styx Adaptation works like the Lesser Aspect Sea Dweller but also grants immunity to the memory draining effects of the River Styx.
Lesser Aspect: Stupifying Breath (Su): When using your breath weapon you may release a cone of weakening gas instead of dealing damage which inflicts a 1d6 point Intelligence penalty +1/2 dice your breath weapon would normally do; this penalty may not reduce a creature’s Intelligence below 1. A successful Fortitude save negates this Intelligence penalty, effects which would normally add to the damage dealt by your breath weapon do not add to the Intelligence penalty dealt by this breath weapon. Beginning at 9th level this upgrades to Intelligence damage and can reduce a creature’s Intelligence to 0.
Greater Aspect: Mind Draining Fangs (Su): Your bite attack deals inflicts 1d8 Int damage per strike (no save); you gain a +4 insight bonus to any Knowledge check which the target had ranks in for 1 minute after you bite them and may gain scatterings of information and memories they possessed at DM’s discretion.
Specialized Aspect: Memory Surgeon: You can use the Modify Memory spell as a spell-like ability by spending 2; this never counts as your highest level spell for the use of Spell Pool and ignores your spell level cap from Spell Pool completely. In addition you may spend 20 points from your Spell Pool to use Programmed AmnesiaSpC as a spell-like ability (with its normal casting time).

Tarterian Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Listen, Sense Motive, Spot
Breath Weapon: Line of Force.
Energy Resistance: You gain a +4 bonus to saves versus Force based spells and effects at 3rd level, a +4 bonus to saves versus Charm and Compulsion effects at 7th, the ability to apply a Freedom of Movement effect to yourself for 1 round per level each day as a free action (rounds need not be consecutive) at 11th, a continuous Freedom of Movement effect upon yourself at 15th level.
Lesser Aspect: Despairing Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of will-sapping gas. Creatures within the cone must succeed on a Will save or be affected by a crushing despair effect, taking a –2 penalty on saving throws, attack rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls for 1 round per 2 class levels.
Greater Aspect: Dragon Gaoler: You may use Maze as 4th level spell with Spell Pool paying a 2 point surcharge to do so, Imprisonment as a 5th level spell with Spell Pool and a 2 point surcharge, and Forcecage as a 5th level spell with Spell Pool and a 4 point surcharge; you may use Forcecage this way even though it normally would have a Material Component too expensive to be used via Spell Pool.
Specialized Aspect: Dimensional Gaoler (Su): By spending a Spell Pool point as a free action for one round your natural weapons and breath weapon apply a dimensional anchor effect against any creature damaged by them, this dimensional anchor effect lasts for 1 round.

Lung Dragons:
Special: Instead of their normal specialized ability any Lung Dragonsoul Acolyte can select Plane Step as their second draconic aspect gaining the ability to use Plane Shift as a spell-like ability to transport themselves only (and up to their lift overhead) to the Spirit World (if it is used) or to the Prime Material Plane 1/day per 6 class levels.

Draconic Wings: If you select a lung dragon other than Li Lung as your Tutelary Dragon instead of gaining wings when you gain the Draconic Wings ability you gain the ability to fly with good maneuverability and a speed equal to your base land speed.

Chiang Lung Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Lawful and True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Disguise, Perform, Swim
Breath Weapon: A stream of water in a line. This deals d6s of bludgeoning damage and bull rushes creatures within its range as if you were a medium creature with a Strength bonus equal to your class level; you are considered to move with targets out to the maximum range of the line. A successful Reflex save prevents the bull rush and halves the damage as normal.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance/immunity you gain 1 daily use of Invisibility usable only on yourself at 3rd level, gaining an additional use at 7th and then 11th, and the ability to use it at-will beginning at 15th.
Lesser Aspect: Sea Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based).
Greater Aspect: Priest of Rain: You gain Create Water as a cantrip, you can use Control Water with your spell pool as if it were a 3rd level Sorcerer spell (it is still considered a 6th level spell-like ability), Control winds as if it were a 4th level Sorcerer spell (it is still considered a 5th level sla) and Control Weather as if it were a 5th level Sorcerer spell (it is still considered a 7th level sla). Finally you may use TsunamiSpC 1/day as if it were a 5th level Sorcerer spell but must pay an additional 16 spell pool points to do so (total 20).
Specialized Aspect: Call Rain (Su): 1/day per class level the Dragonsoul Acolyte can create rain in a 2 mile radius, this rain lasts 2d4 hours and functions as ordinary rain. This requires a standard action.

Li Lung Dragon:
Allowed alignments: True Neutral, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Disguise, Perform, Swim
Breath Weapon: You gain the ability to perform a Quake Stomp. This deals d8s of damage to all creatures touching the ground within range and knocks them prone. A successful Fortitude save halves this damage and prevents them from being knocked prone. Once you use this ability you may not use it or any breath weapon from this class for 1d4 rounds and while you have a breath weapon recharging from this class you cannot use this ability. You must be touching the ground to use this ability.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance/immunity you gain 1 daily use of Invisibility usable only on yourself at 3rd level, gaining an additional use at 7th and then 11th, and the ability to use it at-will beginning at 15th.
Lesser Aspect: Burrow (Ex): Gain burrow speed = ½ base land speed.
Greater Aspect: Priest of Earth: You can use any spell on the Cavern, Earth, or Metal domains as if it was a Sorcerer spell 1 level lower for the purposes of your Spell Pool, and gain their first level spells as cantrips. In addition you may use Earthquake as if it were a 5th level spell with your spell pool but suffer a 2 point surcharge when doing so.
Specialized Aspect: Roar (Ex): As a free action you may roar. This roar is so loud as to block out all other sounds within 60-ft effectively deafening all creatures within 60-ft.

Lung Wang Dragon:
Allowed alignments: True Neutral, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Disguise, Perform, Swim
Breath Weapon: Line of steam dealing fire damage.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Draconic Wings: A Pan Lung Dragonsoul Acolyte can trade their Draconic Wings ability for at-will Invisibility.
Lesser Aspect: Sea Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based).
Greater Aspect: Sea Tyrant (Su): You gain a continuous Freedom of Movement effect, and as long as you are underwater you gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls, +4 dodge bonus to AC, and +2d6 damage with all natural weapons.
Specialized Aspect: Rebuke of the Lung Wang (Su): This ability functions as Rebuke/Command undead but affects Animals, Humanoid (Reptilian), and Magical Beasts which are reptilian in nature as well as any aquatic subtype animal or magical beast and dragon turtles instead of undead creatures.

Pan Lung Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Lawful, or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Disguise, Perform, Swim
Breath Weapon: Line of ghostly fire (deals fire damage).
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance/immunity you gain 1 daily use of Invisibility usable only on yourself at 3rd level, gaining an additional use at 7th and then 11th, and the ability to use it at-will beginning at 15th.
Lesser Aspect: Sea Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based)
Greater Aspect: Water Fire (Su): As a swift action you may surround yourself with ghostly fire dealing 2d6+1/2 Dragonsoul Acolyte level fire damage to any creature striking you in melee, you may use this ability any number of times per day and it lasts until dismissed as a swift action or you take fire damage. Taking fire damage ends this ability immediately and you cannot reactive it for 1 round/5 point of fire damage (rounded up).
Specialized: Turn Undead (Su): You gain the ability to Turn Undead as a cleric of your Dragonsoul Acolyte level.

Shen Lung Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Lawful, or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Disguise, Perform, Swim
Breath Weapon: Line of ghostly fire (deals fire damage).
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Lesser Aspect: Poison Immunity (Ex): You gain immunity to poison.
Greater Aspect: Blessing of Fortune (Su): Whenever you need to roll a saving throw, roll it twice taking the better result.
Specialized Aspect: Deadly Tail (Ex): You gain a tail attack like that which is granted by this class. When you gain the tail attack from this class at higher level you can use it as if your natural reach was 5-ft longer and it deals damage as if you were 1 size category larger.

T’ien Lung Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Lawful, or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Disguise, Perform, Swim
Breath Weapon: cone of fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Sea Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based).
Greater Aspect: Rebuke Spirits (Su): Rebuke/command any creature with the spirit subtype, as well as any elemental, fey, incorporeal undead, or outsider with an alignment subtype (uses/day 3 + Cha mod).
Specialized Aspect: Lung Invisibility (Sp): Invisibility 1/day per 3 class levels becoming at-will at Lv 18.

Tun Mi Lung Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Evil or True Neutral
Tutelary Skills: Disguise, Perform, Swim
Breath Weapon: Line of Electricity
Energy Resistance: Air and Water: You gain resistance to damage from such effects as listed and +4 to saves versus these effects at 3rd, a re-roll against them at 7th, mettle/evasion against them at 11th, and total immunity to such effects at 15th.
Lesser Aspect: Sea Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based).
Greater Aspect: Disciple of Divine Wind (Su): You can use Wind Wall and Gust of Wind for only 1 Spell Pool point each. You can use Control winds as if it were a 4th level Sorcerer spell, Control Weather as if it were a 5th level Sorcerer spell, and Whirlwind as if it were a 5th level Sorcerer spell but must pay an additional 2 Spell Pool Points to do so. Finally you may create Hurricane force winds within an area out to 1 mile by spending 12 Spell Pool points, these winds last for 1 hour.
Specialized Aspect: Lung Invisibility (Sp): Invisibility 1/day per 3 class levels becoming at-will at Lv 18.

Epic Dragons
These work just like normal dragons.

Force Dragon:
Allowed alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral
Tutelary Skills: Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device
Breath Weapon: Cone of Force
Energy Resistance: Force; once you have obtained immunity you may pass through barriers made of force freely as if they were not there, in fact you must consciously choose to be affected by any Force effect in any way (this is a free action which can be performed outside of your turn).
Lesser Aspect: Blurred Form (Su): Your form is blurred slightly. Attacks against you suffer a 10% miss chance, increasing to 20% when you reach 14th level as a Dragonsoul Acolyte, as long as they are reliant upon sight. This is considered an illusion effect, and does not stack with concealment or similar miss chances.
Greater Aspect: Master of Force: You treat all Force descriptor spells as if they were 1 level lower for the purpose of your Spell Pool and gain any Force descriptor spells treated as 0 level spells this way as Cantrips. When using Magic Missile as a spell-like ability you may by spending 1 Spell Pool Point Empower it, and by spending 2 Spell Pool Points you may Maximize or Quicken it (by spending 5 you may do all three). You may also use Bigby's Grasping Hand as a 5th level spell for your Spell Pool by paying a surcharge of 2 Spell Pool Points, and may use Forcecage as a 5th level spell with Spell Pool with a 4 point surcharge; you may use Forcecage this way even though it normally would have a Material Component too expensive to be used via Spell Pool.
Specialized Aspect: Deflective Force (Su): You gain a Deflection bonus to AC equal to your Charisma modifier.

Prismatic Dragon:
Allowed alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral
Tutelary Skills: Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device
Breath Weapon: Cone of Prismatic Energy; this is a [light] based effect and destroys magic darkness with a spell level lower than the dice of damage it deals if its area of effect would include the origin of the magical darkness, although while destroying such darkness it deals no damage within its area. Whenever this ability is used it deals Fire, Acid, or Electricity damage determined randomly (1d6, 1-2 fire, 3-4 acid, 5-6 electricity). This ability deals d10s for damage.
Energy Resistance: Light: You gain a scaling resistance to damage from light based effects as normal for a Dragonsoul Acolyte. In addition beginning at 3rd level you gain a +4 bonus to saves versus Blindness and Prismatic effects (such as Prismatic Spray, Prismatic Wall and the like). At Lv 7 this increases to immunity to blindness. At Lv 11 you gain total immunity to prismatic effects.
Lesser Aspect: Spell Resistance (Su): You gain Spell Resistance 8 + your Dragonsoul Acolyte level.
Greater Aspect: Prismatic Breath (Su): You gain a second breath weapon which is also a cone of prismatic energy. This functions as Prismatic Spray except it uses the area and save DC of your breath weapon, and is a supernatural ability (no SR, no concentration).
Specialized Aspect: Deflective Force (Su): You gain a Deflection bonus to AC equal to your Charisma modifier.

2015-01-23, 02:08 PM
Tutelary Dragon List: 1st Party Cont.

Other Dragons:

Brown Dragon: (Monsters of Faerun)
Allowed alignments: Any Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Climb, Hide, Survival.
Breath Weapon: Line of Acid.
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Draconic Wings: May instead gain burrow speed equal to land speed.
Lesser Aspect: Tremorsense (Ex): You gain tremorsense out to 5-ft per class level.
Greater Aspect: Sandstorm (Su): You can (at will) generate an aura of spinning sand 10-ft out; deals 2d6 damage to each creature within it per round they are within it. Also provides concealment. You do not take this damage, and can see through it freely. This also produces strong winds, which extinguish open flames, cause ranged attacks and listen checks through the area to suffer a -2 penalty, and Tiny or smaller creatures must make a DC 10 Fort save or be knocked down.
Specialized Aspect: Summon Desert Companion: You may use your spell pool to summon Air Elementals or animals as if with Summon Nature’s. You may use Summon Nature’s Ally II as a 1st level spell for your Spell Pool, Summon Nature’s Ally III as a 2nd, Summon Nature’s Ally V as a 3rd, Summon Nature’s Ally VI as a 4th, and Summon Nature’s Ally VIII as a 5th level spell from your Spell Pool.

Deep Dragon: (Monsters of Faerun)
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Swim
Breath Weapon: Cone of flesh-corrosive gas (acid).
Energy Resistance: At Lv 3 you gain immunity to charm spells and effects. At Lv 7 you gain a continuous Supernatural See Invisibility ability. At Lv 11 you gain the ability to use True Seeing as a spell-like ability on yourself only 2 times per day. At Lv 15 you gain a continuous Supernatural True Seeing.
Lesser Aspect: Snake Form (Su): You gain the ability to turn into a snake at-will. This functions like the ability alternate form but allows you to turn into any viper huge or smaller or a constrictor snake at 4th level, gaining dire snake and giant constrictor at 9th level. You retain your class based Strength and Constitution bonuses when using this ability and you may apply the ability score modifiers for a medium or smaller viper to your abilities instead of just using their average. Beginning at Lv 7 you can do this for large vipers or constrictor snakes, expanding it to huge vipers at Lv 10, giant constrictors at Lv 13, and dire snakes at Lv 16.
Greater Aspect: Venomous Fangs (Ex): You gain poison on your bite attacks. This poison deals 1d6 Constitution damage as initial and secondary damage to any creature you bite which fails a Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 level + Con mod, deals 1d6 Con).
Specialized Aspect: Dragon’s Liberty (Su): For a total time per day of 1 round per dragonsoul acolyte level you possess, you can act normally regardless of mundane or magical effects that impede movement as if you were affected by the spell freedom of movement. This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day (up to the total daily limit of rounds). This ability is a supernatural ability.

Fang Dragon: (Draconomicon)
Alignments allowed: Any Chaotic or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Intimidate, Jump, Survival.
Breath Weapon: Instead of a breath weapon you gain a Constitution damaging touch. You may use this ability as a Standard action inflicting it with either a melee touch attack or a melee natural weapon attack and dealing 1 point of Constitution damage per die of damage you would normally deal with your breath weapon. A successful Fortitude save negates this damage, and regardless of whether the attack hit or missed you may not use this ability or any breath weapon from this class for 1d4 rounds and may not use this ability when your breath weapon is recharging. In addition any bite attack you use deals 2 points of Constitution damage; a successful Fortitude save negates this Constitution damage.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining Energy Resistance you gain DR ½ class level/magic beginning at Lv 3. At Lv 11 it becomes DR X/adamantine and magic and at Lv 15 it becomes DR X/-.
Lesser Aspect: Sound Imitation (Ex): You can mimic any voice or sound you have heard, anytime you like. Listeners must succeed on a Sense Motive check opposed by your Bluff check to detect the ruse; you gain a +5 circumstance bonus to this check.
Greater Aspect: Fast Healing (Ex): You gain Fast Healing 2.
Specialized Aspect: Powerful Armaments (Ex): All your natural weapons deal damage as if you were 1 size category larger.

Incarnum Dragon: (Magic of Incarnum)
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Evil, Chaotic Good, and Chaotic Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (the Planes), Spellcraft
Breath Weapon: Cone of resonating energy that separates incarnum from living matter. This deals d6s for damage and reduces the essentia capacity of each target by 1 point per die of damage; this reduction lasts for 1 hour. A successful Fortitude save, instead of Reflex, halves the damage and the essentia reduction. This breath weapon has no effect on objects.
Energy Resistance: An Incarnum Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain Energy Resistance/Immunity abilities, instead their Spell Pool ability is highly modified and it is folded into those modifications.
Spell Pool: An Incarnum Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain a Spell Pool as a normal Dragonsoul Acolyte. While they do still gain a small number of Spell Pool Points, Their max spell level for the purposes of the spell pool is always 0. Instead they gain the ability to shape and bind soulmelds from the Soulborn list, gaining Soulmelds, Essentia, and Chakra binds based on their level as shown below. An Incarnum Dragonsoul Acolyte may use Essentia granted by this class to fuel abilities which normally require points from the Spell Pool at a rate of 1 essentia = 2 Spell Pool points (if an ability requires an odd number of spell pool points the excess point is wasted), essentia used this way is refreshed when spell pool points would be.

Chakra’s Unlocked
Chakra Binds
Spell Pool Points






Feet, Hands





Arms, Shoulders








You still gain Cantrips, Talented Spells, and Signature Spell as normal for a Dragonsoul Acolyte gaining the ability to use the selected 1st and 2nd level spells from Talented and Signature Spell abilities in defiance of their max Spell Pool level.
Lesser Aspect: Consume Essentia (Su): When you strike a creature that has essentia with your claws you drain 1 points of essentia from that creature per hit; essentia drained this way recovers at a rate of 1 point/hour. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 your class level + your Con modifier) negates this loss. When you successfully bite a creature with one or more soulmelds shaped they must make a Fort save (same DC) or have one soulmeld they possess immediately unshaped.
Greater Aspect: Incarnum Radiance (Su): Choose 1 alignment which you have. You may use Incarnum Radiance as an Incarnate of your class level and the chosen alignment 1/day; you are treated as having Share Incarnum Radiance for this effect.
Specialized Aspect: Knowledge of Timeless Souls (Su): Insight bonus to all Knowledge checks equal to +2 +1/3 class levels.

Mercury Dragon: (Dragons of Faerun)
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Balance, Jump, and Tumble
Breath Weapon: Line of intense, burning light (Fire)
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Protected Sight (Ex): You gain immunity to blindness and dazzle, and a +4 on saves vs any light or pattern effect.
Greater Aspect: Aerial Warrior (Ex): May move up to your fly speed as part of a full attack action (before, after, or between attacks; one instance of movement).
Specialized Aspect: Wind Rider (Ex): You gain the Draconic Wings ability; if you already have it or would gain it your fly speed improves by 30-ft and your flight maneuverability improves by 1 step. When you use your Dragon Form ability your fly speed improves by 50-ft and your flight maneuverability improves by 1 step.

Mist Dragon: (Dragons of Faerun)
Allowed alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Survival, and Swim
Breath Weapon: Cone of scalding steam (fire).
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Caustic Slime Breath (Su): You gain a second breath weapon a line of caustic green slime. Any creature within this line must make a Fortitude save or be sickened for 1d6+3 rounds.
Greater Aspect: Mist Form (Su): By spending 2 Spell Pool Point you may assume a mist form. This functions like the spell Gaseous Form except it lasts until you dismiss it (as a standard action) and you retain full use of your breath weapons granted by Dragonsoul Acolyte and your fly speed in this form is equal to that granted by your Draconic Wings ability. Note: As your Spell Pool Powers are spell-like abilities that lack verbal and somatic components you may use them while in this form.
Specialized Aspect: Acid Resistance (Ex): You gain Acid Resistance and Immunity equal to what is granted by your Energy Resistance and Immunity class features.

Rattelyr Dragon: (Shining South)
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Climb, Hide, Move Silently.
Breath Weapon: Cone of fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Tremorsense (Ex): You gain tremorsense out to 5-ft per class level.
Greater Aspect: Hood Extension (Su): You grow a cobra-like hood (this is Ex). As a standard action you may pay 2 Spell Pool Points to extend this hood. While this hood is extended you gain a spell turning effect (as the spell). Once this ability has affected 10 levels worth of spells, you are rendered unconscious, or you take a standard action to close the hood, the hood retracts once more, otherwise this ability lasts indefinitely.
Specialized Aspect: Rattle (Su): You grow a tail ending in a rattle, or your existing tail grows a rattle (this is Ex). You may not use this tail to attack (until you gain the Tail ability). As a standard action you may spend 2 Spell Pool Points to rattling this rattle forcing any non-dragon creature within 60-ft of you when you begin to shake the rattle must make a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Charisma modifier) or be shaken for 2d6 rounds + 1 round/2 dragonsoul acolyte levels you possess; creatures with 4 or less hit dice are panicked instead; this is a mind-affecting fear effect. In addition you may shake this rattle as a free action, for as long as you are shaking this rattle creatures within 60-ft of you must make a DC 15 Concentration check to cast spells, use spell-like abilities, or other abilities which require concentration.

Sand Dragon: (Sandstorm)
Allowed alignments: Any Chaotic or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Survival.
Breath Weapon: Cone of flaying grit which deals slashing damage (d8s).
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Burrow (Ex): You gain a burrow speed equal to half your base land speed.
Greater Aspect: Sneak Attack (Ex): You gain the ability to sneak attack (as a the rogue ability) dealing +1d6 damage/5 dragonsoul acolyte levels you possess.
Specialized Aspect: Earth-dweller (Ex): You gain Tremorsense out to 5-ft per dragonsoul acolyte level, and as long as you are standing on the ground or burrowing you gain a +2 to attack rolls and opposed Strength and/or Dexterity checks against creatures that are touching the ground.

Shadow Dragon: (Draconomicon)
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, or Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Hide, Move Silently.
Breath Weapon: Cone of billowy shadows which inflicts negative levels. This ability inflicts 1 negative level per 2 dice of damage it would normally have dealt (rounded up) with a successful Fortitude save halving the negative levels inflicted (rounded down).
Energy Resistance: Beginning at 3rd level you gain a +4 bonus to saves against effects which inflict negative levels or energy drain and on saves to remove negative levels. Beginning at 7th level when you gain negative levels you may immediately make a Fortitude save to remove them; you do not suffer the penalty inflicted by the negative levels you are attempting to remove on this save and they still do not become permanent level loss if you fail this save unless you fail the save 24 hours later. Beginning at 11th level whenever you do gain 1 or more negative levels you may ignore their effects for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (track each negative level’s round ignored separately). Beginning at 15th level you are completely immune to negative levels and energy drain.
Lesser Aspect: Toughened Scales (Ex): You gain an additional +2 to your Natural Armor.
Greater Aspect: Shadow Walker (Sp): You may pay 4 Spell Pool Points to use Shadow Walk as a Spell-like ability, 2 Spell Pool Points to use Dimension Door as a Spell-like ability, or 1 Spell Pool Point as a move action to teleport your land speed as a 2nd level spell-like ability. These effects ignore level limits on your Spell Pool.
Specialized Aspect: Shadow Merge (Su): In any condition of illumination other than full daylight you may hide without cover or concealment.

Steel Dragon: (Dragons of Faerun)
Allowed alignments: Lawful Neutral and Lawful Good.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Craft, Disguise, and Profession
Breath Weapon: Line of Acid.
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Lesser Aspect: Spell Resistance (Su): You gain Spell Resistance 8 + your class level.
Greater Aspect: Poison Breath (Su): When using your breath weapon you may release a cone of poisonous gas which, instead of dealing damage, deals 1d8 Constitution damage +1/2 the dice your breath weapon would normally do (this is a poison effect). A successful Fortitude save negates this Constitution damage, and effects which would normally add to the damage dealt by your breath weapon do not add to the Constitution damage dealt by this breath weapon. Any creature which had to save against this effect, whether they succeeded or failed, must make another Fortitude save 1 minute later or suffer 1d8 Constitution damage +1/2 the dice your breath weapon would normally do.
Specialized Aspect: Spell Shield (Su): Your spell resistance increases by 10 against spells of any level you can cast through your spell pool.

Song Dragon: (Monsters of Faerun)
Alignments allowed: Chaotic Good and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Disguise, and Perform
Breath Weapon: A cone of electrically charged gas (electricity).
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Lesser Aspect: Many Guises (Su): You gain the ability to change your appearance at will, as if using the disguise self spell, but only while in your normal form. This affects your body but not her possessions. It is not an illusory effect, but a minor physical alteration of the your appearance, within the limits described for the spell. In addition you may use this ability to hide any or all of the physical transformations granted by this class, retaining your natural armor but losing access to your natural weapons and wings when they are disguised this way; you may cause a feature from this class to reappear again as a free action although fully ending this ability or assuming another form is a standard action.
Greater Aspect: Infiltrator’s Guises (Su): Designate 3 forms you have assumed with “Thousand Faces” when in these forms you are considered to be in your natural form for the purposes of True Seeing and similar effects, and cannot be forced from them to your natural form. In addition you can alter your body with “Thousand Faces” further allowing you to reinforce it. Whenever you use “Thousand Faces” choose one of Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution and gain a +2 bonus to it. Ignore penalties to Disguise for race, gender, and age when using “Thousand Faces”
Specialized Aspect: Truth’s Eyes (Su): As a free action you may simulate True Seeing for 1 round as a supernatural ability. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your dragonsoul acolyte level.

Web Enhancements
Both of these dragons are psionic dragons, one of them being a renegade breed of Gem Dragon while the other being a more generic psionic dragon, and use the Spell Pool for psionic powers accordingly.
Ectoplasm Dragon: (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psb/20040123a)
Alignments allowed: Any Chaotic and True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Autohypnosis, Knowledge (Psionics), Psicraft
Breath Weapon: A burst of flaming ectoplasm (whitefire). This burst is situated anywhere within the range that you would have for a line breath weapon and is 5-ft in radius with a 30-ft line, 15-ft radius with a 60-ft line and its radius increases by 5-ft for every 20-ft your line increases after that point.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Ectoplasm Shaman: You can use Shaper powers, and the Ectoplasmic Form power, with your Spell Pool as if they were Wilder powers (or Sorcerer spells, although augmentation must still be paid for) and can select them as Talented and Signature Powers.
Greater Aspect: Astral Knight (Su): Ectoplasm laces your being. Your natural weapons are automatically considered ghost touch, and you may apply your natural armor against touch attacks (including incorporeal touch attacks). In addition you can coat your body with your ectoplasm to shield you from attacks. By spending 1 or more points from your Spell Pool as a standard action you reduce all hit point damage you would take except from mind-affecting effects by an amount equal to the number of Spell Pool Points spent; this functions similarly to energy resistance and Damage Reduction but applies even against untyped magical damage and gain half this bonus to Fortitude saves as a competence bonus. This ability lasts 1 minute per use, although you may pay a number of points equal to the amount used for this ability to extend it to 10 minutes, or equal to twice the amount use for this ability to extend it to 1 hour. While this ability is active your speed is reduced to one-half, you have an armor check penalty equal to half the amount of damage negation you paid for, and a maximum Dexterity bonus to AC equal to 6 minus the amount of damage negation you paid for.
Specialized Aspect: Whitefire (Su): By spending a point from your Spell Pool as a swift action you may cloak yourself in an aura of Whitefire. This whitefire persists as long as you pay 1 point from your Spell Pool each round to maintain it. Any creature striking you in melee, except with a reach weapon, takes 1d6 fire damage per die of damage your breath weapon deals; like your breath weapon this effect benefits from your Pierce Resistance class feature if you have it.

Obsidian Dragon: (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psb/20030124b)
Alignments allowed: Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Knowledge (Psionics), Swim
Breath Weapon: A cone of fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Fiery Kineticist: You can use Kineticist powers with your Spell Pool as if they were Wilder powers (or Sorcerer spells, although you must still pay for Augmentation, if you are non-psionic). In addition when using a Power from the Psychokinesis discipline to deal fire damage you may pay a 1 Spell Pool Point surcharge to fully augment it instead of paying the full 4 points if this surcharge would result in a lower total cost.
Greater Aspect: World-Wright (Sp): You gain the ability to use the Genesis power 1/week (with its normal casting time) as a Psi-like ability.
Specialized Aspect: Raging Intellect (Ex): You gain a permanent +2 to your Intelligence, unlike normal Intelligence increases this increases your skill points retroactively.

Deities and Vestiges
Draconic gods, and even the vestige Ashardalon, might be considered accepted Tutelary Dragons depending upon the DM. In the case of gods this makes the character more directly a dragon priest, as they serve in that position to their Tutelary Dragon, and requires that the deity also be their Patron God. You are also expected to abide by any rules of conduct that they hold their clerics to, and they can cut off your ability to draw power from them as Tutelary Dragon as easily as a god can cut off their cleric.

At a DM's discretion Kurtulmak, the god of kobolds, can also be included as he is according to in universe mythology either the son of Tiamat or raised to godhood by Io.

Allowable alignments: Any Chaotic.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Sleight of Hand
Breath Weapon: A line of fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: You may use spells from the Luck, Travel, and Trickery domains with your Spell Pool, and spell from them cost 1 less Spell Pool point (to a minimum of 1) to use.
Greater Aspect: Sleep Breath (Su): Instead of dealing damage with your breath weapon you may release a cone of sleep gas which puts any creature which fails their Will save to sleep (as the spell sleep with no HD limit) for 1d6+1 rounds, this is a mind-affecting sleep effect..
Specialized Aspect: Spiral of Degeneration (Su): You gain an additional breath weapon, a cone of chaotic magical energy which disrupts magic in the area. Any creature capable of casting spells loses 1 spell of each spell level they have up to spells with a level equal to your breath weapon dice (if you have 5d10 breath weapon they lose 1 spell of each level 5 or lower). Any magic items within the area have to make a Will save; on a failure single use items are destroyed, items with charges lose 1 charge per die of damage your breath weapon normally deals, and other items cease functioning for 1d6+1 rounds.

Allowable alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty), Spot
Breath Weapon: Line of electricty.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Lesser Aspect: Expanded Hoard: You can benefit from a hoard of up to double the normal size.
Greater Aspect: Blessing of Wealth (Su): Items which you have that grant you enhancement bonuses to ability scores grant you +2 to that score. Enhancement bonuses you receive from magic armor, weapons, and shields are considered 1 higher (this does not apply to enhancement bonuses that the items have due to spells). Deflection bonuses, enhancement bonuses to natural armor, shield bonuses and armor bonuses you gain from magic items which grant them directly (as opposed to through being armor or shields) are increased by 1. Bonuses to your skill checks and saving throws from magic items are also increased by 1. Finally when using an item with daily charges you gain 1 bonus daily charge on that item each day.
Specialized Aspect: True Oligarch (Su): You know at a glance someone's relative wealth to you (greater, less, or equal). If you are wealthier than a creature you gain a +6 competence bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive checks against that creature.

Ashardalon: The red dragon who nearly won in a bid for godhood and became a powerful vestige (see Dragon Magic).
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Knowledge (the Planes), Search.
Breath Weapon: Cone of Fire
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Spell Pool: An Ashardalon Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain normal access to the spell pool. Instead they may use the Spell Pool to pull a vestige into them. It requires a standard action to bind a vestige this way, and they may expel a bound vestige as a standard action at no cost and with no penalty for doing so. They must still make a Binding Check as normal, but do not need to draw a seal or abide by any special requirements as to how the seal is drawn, and the vestige does not physically manifest. A vestige bound with this ability remains bound for an amount of time determined by how many Spell Pool Points the Dragonsoul Acolyte spends to bind it, 1 minute if they spend 2 points, 10 minutes if they spend 3 points, 1 hour if they spend 4 point. A Dragonsoul Acolyte needs to spend 1 less Spell Pool Point to bind 1st level vestiges or vestiges at least 3 levels below their maximum, and may spend 1 extra point to bind a Vestige as a swift action. They may also spend 1 Spell Pool Point to expel a vestige as a free action. Dragonsoul Acolyte has an effective binder level for soulbinding as a binder of 3/4ths their level for the purpose of determining their maximum vestige level bound (see table below for equivalency, Max Vestige level bound, and Max Vestige level bound with the Improved Binding feat), but use their full Dragonsoul Acolyte level for the purposes of vestiges' granted powers. They do not intrinsically gain the ability to bind multiple vestiges at a time. An Ashardalon Dragonsoul Acolyte treats Ashardalon as a 7th level vestige to determine whether he can be bound.

An Ashardalon Dragonsoul Acolyte retains full spell pool points but does not intrinsically gain the ability to cast spells with it; their maximum spell level is - and only spell-like abilities granted ignoring this cap completely can be used (as opposed to ones which are as a Xth level spell for the purposes of your spell pool). They still gain Cantrips, Talented and Signature Spells and are able to use the spells chosen for Talented and Signature Spells normally as per those abilities. In addition you may select Detect Vestige as a cantrip beginning when you gain this ability (at 4th level).

If you have the ability to bind vestiges from another source (binder levels, vestige priest (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?329655-3-5-Vestige-Priest-%28Soulbinding-Base-Class-PEACH%29) levels, or the bind vestige feat) your vestiges bound are tracked separately for the two sources, and you may take the Bind Vestige feat despite having this ability and retain its function. If your ability to bind vestiges is not from the Bind Vestige feat, however, you may add your Effective Binder level from Dragonsoul Acolyte to that of your other class to determine the maximum level of vestige bound by both classes. Your ability to expel and rapidly bind vestiges with your Spell Pool Points only apply to vestiges bound with your spell pool ability.

Dragonsoul Acolyte Level
Effective Binder Level
Maximum Vestige Level
Improved Binding


















Lesser Aspect: Tanar'ric Resistances (Ex): You gain Acid, Cold, and Electricity resistance 10 and a +4 bonus to save versus Poison.
Greater Aspect: Soul Dominion: You automatically succeed at all binding checks, and may have an additional vestige bound at a time (if you have multiple sets of maximum vestiges bound select one pool to apply this too). If you use your Spell Pool to expel or bind a vestige you may expel or bind 2 vestiges (up to your maximum number you may bind with your Spell Pool at once) instead of 1; you must pay Spell Pool Points for the durations of these vestiges separately but not to expel them or to bind them more quickly (for example expelling 2 vestiges as a free action would cost 1 spell pool point, while binding 2 max level vestiges for 10 minutes each would cost 6 Spell Pool Points as a standard action and 7 as a swift). Finally you may use vestige abilities that have a recharge time measured in rounds 1 round more quickly than normal (4 rounds instead of 5, 3 rounds with Rapid Recovery).
Specialized Aspect: Draconic Rebuke (Su): This ability functions as Rebuke/Command Undead against Evil dragons and as Turn Undead against Good and Neutral dragons except it cannot destroy them. Unlike Turn or Rebuke Undead this is a mind-affecting fear effect. You may use this ability 3 + Charisma modifier times per day.

Allowable alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Diplomacy, Knowledge (Religion), Sense Motive
Breath Weapon: A cone of cold.
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Lesser Aspect: Tempest Breath: You gain the Tempest Breath meta-breath feat (see Draconomicon) as a bonus feat and may apply it without increasing your breath weapon's recharge time.
Greater Aspect: Discorporating Breath (Su): You gain another breath weapon a line of blue-white energy. To use this breath weapon requires you to pay 3 Spell Pool Points and it deals double the normal dice of damage in d10s. Creatures and magic items struck by it are allowed both a Fortitude save and a Reflex save to half the damage, and any creature or object reduced to 0 hit points by this effect is disintegrated leaving only dust.
Specialized Aspect: Divine Grace (Su): You gain the Divine Grace ability as the paladin ability of the same name (you add Charisma to saving throws).

Allowable alignments: True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Listen, Search, Sense Motive.
Breath Weapon: A cone which disintegrates living matter. Living creatures within the area take damage (in d8s) with a Fortitude save (instead of Reflex) for half, being turned to nothing more than a small pile of dust if they are reduced to 0 hit points.
Energy Resistance: Instead of the normal energy resistance at 3rd level you gain Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic Resistance 5. This increases to 10 at 7th level, 20 at 11th level, and 30 at 15th level.
Spell Pool: You gain access to Divination spells all base class spell lists, and may treat such spells as 2 levels lower for the purposes of the Spell Pool. You may ignore the material component required for True Seeing to determine whether you can use it with your spell pool or not.
Lesser Aspect: Uninterfering Watcher (Su): As long as you are not interfering in events concerning a creature* you are protected by it as if by a Sanctuary spell. The Will save DC for this effect is 10 + 1/2 your dragonsoul acolyte level + your Charisma modifier. This protection resumes against a creature 1 hour after you have stopped interfering in events concerning them.
Fighting a creature or its allies is interfering with it. Trying to rob a creature is interfering with it. Traveling a road that the creature has decided to enforce a toll on is not, nor is simply moving through a creature's territory, but poaching a creature's food supply or animals would be as would be damaging its belongings. Aiding creatures attacking a creature is also interfering. Trying to stop a creature's plans is interfering with events concerning it, as is saving the creature's life.
Greater Aspect: Final Judgment (Su): You deal +3d6 damage with your natural weapons to creatures at below half health and they suffer a -4 penalty on all saving throws against your breath weapon. In addition when you kill a creature, or destroy an undead or deathless creature, you may determine the final destination of its soul, selecting which plane it ends upon; creatures you slay cannot return as a ghost, and ghosts you destroy cannot revive with their rejuvenation ability.
Specialized Aspect: Unseen Watcher: You gain the ability to use Invisibility as a spell-like ability at-will except it has a 1 round duration, or with its normal duration by spending 1 Spell Pool Point. By spending 1 spell pool point as a free action you may become invisible even to See Invisibility for that round (you must still be under an invisibility effect), by spending an additional 1 (total 2) you are invisible to special senses (blindsight, mindsight, life sense), and by spending another one (total 3) you cannot be seen even by a True Seeing effect.

Allowable alignments: Any Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Knowledge (Religion),
Breath Weapon: Cone of billowy shadows which inflicts negative levels. This ability inflicts 1 negative level per 2 dice of damage it would normally have dealt (rounded up) with a successful Fortitude save halving the negative levels inflicted (rounded down)..
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Lesser Aspect: Paralyzing Touch (Su): As part of any natural weapon attack you make which successfully hits a target you may pay 4 Spell Pool Points to cause it to paralyze the target. The target is allowed a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Charisma modifier), and if they fail they are paralyzed for 1d4 rounds, increasing to 1d6 at 7th level, 1d8 at 11th, 1d10 at 14th, and 2d6 at 17th.
Greater Aspect: Body of the Night Dragon (Ex): Your flesh falls off in sloughs as life ceases throughout your body and the negative energy of Faluzure the Night Dragon fills you. Your type becomes Undead with the Augmented Dragon subtype (in addition to whatever other subtypes you may possess). You no longer have a Constitution score; Constitution based save DCs (such as your Breath Weapon's) are now Charisma based for you, and you gain bonus hit points equal to your Charisma modifier on each hit die. You also gain DR 5/bludgeoning.
Specialized Aspect: Electricity Resistance (Ex): You gain electricity resistance and immunity equal to that granted by your energy resistance and immunity class features.

Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Intimidate, Jump, Spot.
Breath Weapon: Cone of Fire
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Flaming claws (Su): Your natural weapons (whether claws or not) gain the Flaming weapon quality.
Greater Aspect: Aspect of the Destroyer (Ex): Your melee attacks deal +5 damage per attack, this damage increases to +10 before multiplier on a critical hit. You gain a +5 bonus to Strength checks made to break objects and deal double damage to objects.
Specialized Aspect: Garyx's Strength (Ex): You gain a +2 untyped bonus to your Strength score.

Allowed alignments: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Sleight of Hand.
Breath Weapon: Line of Acid
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Lesser Aspect: Many Guises (Su): You gain the ability to change your appearance at will, as if using the disguise self spell, but only while in your normal form. This affects your body but not her possessions. It is not an illusory effect, but a minor physical alteration of the your appearance, within the limits described for the spell. In addition you may use this ability to hide any or all of the physical transformations granted by this class, retaining your natural armor but losing access to your natural weapons and wings when they are disguised this way; you may cause a feature from this class to reappear again as a free action although fully ending this ability or assuming another form is a standard action.
Greater Aspect: Master of Trickery: You may use Illusion spells as if they were 1 level lower for the purposes of your Spell Pool and select any Illusion spell considered Lv 0 for your spell pool as a Cantrip. You immediately gain a bonus Cantrip.
Specialized Aspect: Free of Restraints (Su): You may constantly act as if under the effects of a Freedom of Movement spell.

Allowable alignments: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Evil
Tutelary Skills: Craft (Trapmaking), Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering), Search.
Breath Weapon: Cone of acid.
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Lesser Aspect: Trap Seeker (Ex): You gain the Trapfinding ability (as the rogue ability of the same name), and Trap Sense as a rogue of your level.
Greater Aspect: Builder of Works (Su): You can use any spell on the Cavern, Earth, and Kobold (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060420a) domains as if it was a Sorcerer spell 1 level lower for the purposes of your Spell Pool, and gain their first level spells as cantrips. In addition you may use Make Whole as if it were a sorcerer spell, Fabricate as if it were a 4th level spell on your list, and Move Earth and Greater Stone Shape as 5th level spells.
Specialized Aspect: Slight Build (Ex): Your body shrinks slightly. You are treated as one size category smaller than your actual size whenever it is beneficial.

Allowed alignments: Any Lawful.
Tutelary Skills: Concentration, Sense Motive, Spot.
Breath Weapon: Cone of cold
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Draconic Wings: Like Lendys's manifestation you lack wings. Instead you gain a supernatural ability to fly at your base land speed with good maneuverability.
Lesser Aspect: Unswerving Justice (Su): You gain a +4 bonus on Will saves against mind-affecting effects. If a creature attempts to use a mind-affecting effect on you, you gain a +2 morale bonus to attack and AC against that creature for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
Greater Aspect: Pay like unto like (Su): As a standard action you may pay 4 Spell Pool Points to deal damage to 1 creature within 30-ft equal to the damage it dealt another single creature since the beginning of the target's last turn. There is no save to resist this effect and the damage is pure divine force which ignores energy resistance, damage reduction, and energy immunity.
Specialized Aspect: Eyes that See All (Su): You gain a +6 competence bonus to Spot and Search checks. By paying 2 Spell Pool Points you may use True Seeing as a spell-like ability on yourself only, while this ability is active your eyes glow brightly, producing bright light in a 60-ft cone ahead of you (this interacts with magical darkness as normal for magical light, and is considered a 6th level spell effect).

Allowable alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty), Spot
Breath Weapon: Line of force (d8s).
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Spell Pool: Sardior is a psionic dragon (and a gem dragon) and grants Wilder powers instead of Sorcerer spells.
Lesser Aspect: Deep Pool (Su): You gain 4 bonus Spell Pool Points.
Greater Aspect: Ruby of the Mind: Any power you use through your Spell Pool is always fully augmented (you do not have to pay 4 Spell Pool Points minimum)
Specialized Aspect: Unclosed Mind: You gain access to all Discipline power lists and gain 3 Spell Pool Points.

Allowable alignments: Any Good.
Tutelary Skills: Diplomacy, Gather Information, Heal.
Breath Weapon: Cone of cold.
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Lesser Aspect: Touch of Tamara (Su): You gain the ability to heal creatures with a touch. This functions as a the Lay on Hands ability of a paladin of your level but you may spend points from your spell pool to refill it, 1 point refilling it by 25%, or 4 points fully; refilling this pool this way is a standard action.
Greater Aspect: Healing Grace: You may use your spell pool to cast Conjuration (Healing) spells from the cleric spell list as if they were Sorcerer spells 1 level lower; you may also cast Revivify with your spell pool despite its material component. In addition when using a Conjuration (Healing) spell you can use it as a swift action (if it is normally a standard action or less) or with a range of close if it is normally touch, or pay 1 Spell Pool Point to gain both benefits.
Specialized Aspect: Mercy of Tamara (Su): All attacks made by or against creatures within 30-ft of you deal nonlethal damage to living creatures unless the attacker takes a -4 penalty to hit, spells and spell-like abilities deal nonlethal damage in this area as well unless the caster succeeds on a DC 20 + Spell level Spellcraft check. You may suppress or reactivate this aura as a Standard action.

Allowable alignments: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Evil
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Intimidate, Spot.
Breath Weapon: When you gain this ability choose one of: Cone of Fire, cone of cold, cone of acid, line of acid, or line of electricity.
Energy Resistance: You gain immunity to the damage dealt by your chosen breath weapon.
Lesser Aspect: Prophet of the Dragonmother (Su): You gain a +4 bonus to Charisma based checks made to deal with Evil dragons and dragonblooded creatures and they instinctively recognize you as one of Tiamat's servants. In addition you are protected as from Evil dragons and dragonblooded creatures if by a Sanctuary spell (Will save DC 10 + 1/2 Dragonsoul Acolyte level + Charisma modifier), this effect is not broken if you attack a creature, but if you attack an Evil dragon or dragonblooded creature it is broken for all creatures present who are aware it was you. It begins working against them once more after 1 hour.
Greater Aspect: Visage of Tiamat (Su): By spending 3 Spell Pool Points as a swift action you can conjure forth four additional heads, each with the appearance of the head of one of the five chromatic dragons, your own head taking on the appearance of the fifth. You can make bite attacks with these heads (these attacks are identical to your pre-existing bite attacks), you head gains one of the flaming, frost, acidic, or shock weapon properties and each of these four heads get one of them until 1 has each and a second has acidic. If you use your Tutelary Dragon's breath weapon while this effect is active you fire a cone of cold, a cone of fire, a cone of acid, a line of electricity, and a line of acid; the areas of these breath weapons may overlap but if they do they do not deal any extra damage instead dealing to each target whichever energy type dealt by the overlapping areas that is most effective against that creature and forcing the creature to make a Reflex save for each area of effect they are in and are considered to have failed the save against the breath weapon unless they succeed at all of them. You must pay 1 Spell Pool Point at the beginning of each of your turns to maintain the heads for an additional round.
Specialized Aspect: Five Breaths of the Goddess (Su): By performing a 10 minute ritual you can change your breath weapon to one of the other options available at 1st level; your energy resistance/immunity abilities changing to match. By spending 1 Spell Pool Point you may do this as a standard action, by spending 4 Spell Pool Points you may do this as a Swift action, and by spending 6 Spell Pool Points you may do this as a free action.

2015-01-23, 02:09 PM
Tutelary Dragon List: 2nd Party (Dragon Magazine)

Dragon Magazine Compendium
Orange Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any Evil or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Survival, Swim.
Breath Weapon: Line of explosive ooze. Breathed out as a line dealing no damage (Reflex negates). 2 rounds later it explodes in a 15-ft radius burst centered on each creature that failed their save dealing d8s for damage. Creatures covered in the slime take full damage (no save), while other creatures within the area of the explosion are allowed a Reflex save for half damage. You are immune to this damage, and no creature takes damage from a single instance of this breath weapon more than once regardless of how many overlapping explosion areas they are in.
Energy Resistance: An Orange Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain energy resistance as normal. At 3rd level they gain +4 on saves vs Poison. At 7th they gain a Swim speed equal to their base land speed. At 11th level they gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and use their breath weapon normally when underwater. At 15th level they gain immunity to poison.
Lesser Aspect: Woodland Stride (Ex): You may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at your normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect you.
Greater Aspect: Timed Detonation (Su): You can choose to have your breath weapon detonate immediately or up to 1 minute after use instead of 2 rounds later than initial use. This choice is made when you use your breath weapon, but you may spend a standard action to explode it prematurely.
Specialized Aspect: Marsh Camouflage (Ex): Hide in forests, swamps, aquatic environments, and natural caverns without cover or concealment.

Purple Dragon
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Hide, Move Silently.
Breath Weapon: Cone of Force (d8s).
Energy Resistance: Force.
Lesser Aspect: Brilliant Burst Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon. Instead of dealing damage this breath weapon manifests as a burst of light centered on yourself. Creatures other than yourself within the area must make a Fortitude save or be permanently blinded. This is a 10-ft radius when your line is 30-ft, increasing to 30-ft at 60-ft line, and is 40-ft smaller in radius than your line's length once your line extends beyond 60-ft.
Greater Aspect: Blade of Force (Su): By expending your breath weapon you can create a sword of glowing energy. You treat this as a held weapon, but do not apply your Strength bonus to damage with this weapon. Attacks made with this force sword ignore all physical barriers acting as an incorporeal touch attack and each hit deals half the damage of your breath weapon (no save). This blade lasts until the end of your turn.
Specialized Aspect: Draconic Rebuke (Su): This ability functions as Rebuke/Command Undead against Evil dragons and as Turn Undead against Good and Neutral dragons except it cannot destroy them. Unlike Turn or Rebuke Undead this is a mind-affecting fear effect. You may use this ability 3 + Charisma modifier times per day.

Yellow Dragon
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Balance, Swim, Tumble.
Breath Weapon: Cone of Salt dealing Dessication Damage (see Sandstorm, otherwise treat as untyped with no damage to non-living creatures) in d8s.
Energy Resistance: Dessication; this functions as normal but applies against dessication damage instead of one of the common energy types.
Draconic Wings: Instead of gaining wings when you gain the Draconic Wings ability you gain the ability to fly with good maneuverability and a speed equal to your base land speed.
Lesser Aspect: Sea Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based).
Greater Aspect: Aerial Warrior (Ex): May move up to your fly speed as part of a full attack action (before, after, or between attacks; one instance of movement).
Specialized Aspect: Wind Racer (Ex): You gain the Draconic Wings ability; if you already have it or would gain it your fly speed improves by 60-ft. When you use your Dragon Form ability your fly speed improves by 50-ft and your flight maneuverability improves by 1 step.

Ferrous Dragons
Chromium Dragon (Dragon #356)
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Jump.
Breath Weapon: Line of solid ice (cold damage).
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Lesser Aspect: Freezing Crystals (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of freezing crystals which cling to a creature. A creature within this cone takes 1d4 Dexterity damage + 1 per 2 dice of damage your breath weapon would normally deal. A successful Fortitude save halves this damage.
Greater Aspect: Shatterfrost (Su): Your natural weapon attacks deal +2d6 cold damage, this cold damage benefits from your Pierce Resistances ability. In addition when you make an attack with a natural weapon you may spend 1 to 3 points from your spell pool as part of the attack dealing 2 points of Dexterity damage to any creature not immune to cold per point spent. A creature reduced to 0 Dexterity by this effect is rendered into a crystalline form, similar to if they had been the target of Flesh to Stone but becoming crystalline instead of stone (and thus vulnerable to shatter and similar effects).
Specialized Aspect: Ice Armor (Su): When wearing metal armor you may, as a standard action, spend Spell Pool Points to reinforce it with magically crafted ice. Your armor's armor bonus to AC increases by +1 per Spell Pool Point you spent, your armor check penalty is reduced by an amount equal to the points spent, your maximum Dexterity bonus to AC is increased by +1 per 3 points spent and any creature striking you in melee takes 2 cold damage per point spent. You may spend no more than 1 Spell Pool Point per 3 levels this way and these benefits last for 1 hour.

Cobalt Dragon (Dragon #356)
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Craft, Hide, Jump.
Breath Weapon: Line of magnetic force dealing Force damage (d8s); you are immune to the breath weapons of Cobalt dragons and they are immune to yours.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Lesser Aspect: Repelling Breath: When you use your force breath weapon (or other breath weapon which deals force damage) you also bull rush creatures in the line. When you bull rush a creature this way you make the check with a bonus of +4 + your Constitution + the number of dice the breath weapon would normally have dealt instead of using your normal size and strength modifier for bull rush checks. You may push a creature more than 5-ft with this ability as if you were moving along with them.
Greater Aspect: Thunder Snares (Su): By spending a standard action and a number of spell pool points you may create a series of electric runes which serve as traps for your enemies. These runes are subtle things requiring a Spot check DC 20 plus your class level to see (as a reaction or active spot check) or a Search check DC 10 plus your level to find (as an active action on the target's part). When a creature enters a square bearing one of these runes it triggers dealing 10d6 electricity damage in that square and all adjacent squares (Reflex halves). A creature does not trigger runes unless it enters a square with them it was not already in. You may only put 1 rune in any given square and no two runes may be closer than 10-ft from each other (there must be one square between each rune). These runes last 24 hours, but a successful Disable Device check (requiring 1 full round, DC is 15 + your class level) can be used to destroy them.
Specialized Aspect: Island of Solitude (Ex): As long as no allied creature is within 15-ft of you, you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls, a +2 Dodge bonus to AC, a +4 bonus to melee damage, and +1 damage/die with your breath weapon.

Iron Dragon (Dragon #356)
Allowed alignments: Any Lawful and True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Disguise, Gather Information, Jump.
Breath Weapon: Cone of superheated sparks dealing half fire and half electricity damage (d10s).
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Many Guises (Su): You gain the ability to change your appearance at will, as if using the disguise self spell, but only while in your normal form. This affects your body but not her possessions. It is not an illusory effect, but a minor physical alteration of the your appearance, within the limits described for the spell. In addition you may use this ability to hide any or all of the physical transformations granted by this class, retaining your natural armor but losing access to your natural weapons and wings when they are disguised this way; you may cause a feature from this class to reappear again as a free action although fully ending this ability or assuming another form is a standard action.
Greater Aspect: Sleep Breath (Su): Instead of dealing damage with your breath weapon you may release a cone of sleep gas which puts any creature which fails their Will save to sleep (as the spell sleep with no HD limit) for 1d6+1 rounds, this is a mind-affecting sleep effect.
Specialized Aspect: Gruaghlothor's Telepathy (Su): You gain telepathy out to 100-ft. In addition you may link with a number of willing creatures up to your Charisma modifier; this requires touching the creature and spending a standard action. You may read these creatures' minds as if using Detect Thoughts as a swift action at-will, this ability functions even when they are more than 100-ft away from you. As long as these creatures are within your telepathy range, you and them gain an additional +2 to hit when flanking a target with you or a creature you are linked to, and grant a +4 bonus instead of +2 when using aid another when dealing with each other as you act as a telepathic node to coordinate efforts.

Nickle Dragon (Dragon #356)
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Hide, Swim.
Breath Weapon: Cone of corrosive gas (acid damage, d10s).
Energy Resistance: Acid
Lesser Aspect: Sea Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based).
Greater Aspect: Cloud of Irritation (Su): You are continuously surrounded by a cloud of mild corrosive which irritates the skin and flesh of creatures within 20-ft of you. This irritation causes creatures within the aura to suffer a -4 penalty to AC, a -2 penalty to attack rolls and Dexterity based checks for as long as they are within this aura and 1d4 rounds thereafter. A successful Fortitude save prevents these penalties and grants immunity to this effect for 24 hours. Creatures non-living creatures, creatures immune to acid or with acid resistance 20 or higher, oozes, elementals, and plants are immune to this effect.
Specialized Aspect: Marsh Camouflage (Ex): Hide in forests, swamps, aquatic environments, and natural caverns without cover or concealment.

Tungsten Dragon (Dragon #356)
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Gather Information, Spellcraft, and Survival.
Breath Weapon: Cone of blasting sand dealing half fire and half bludgeoning damage (d10s).
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Immolation (Su): As a standard action you may cause 1 or more creatures within 60-ft of you to burst into flames. This costs 2 points from your Spell Pool per target and deals 1d6 fire damage per Dragonsoul Acolyte level to each target, who then catches on fire taking 1d6 fire damage + 1d6 per 4 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels you possess for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier or 1/4th your Dragonsoul Acolyte level (whichever is smaller); this fire resists most attempts to extinguish it but total submersion in sand, water, or another similar substance will extinguish it. Targets are allowed a Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte + your Charisma modifier) to half the initial damage and prevent them from catching on fire.
Greater Aspect: Concealing Sands (Su): By spending a point from your Spell Pool as a swift action you may surround yourself with a cloud of sand which extends from you 20-ft. This sand grants any creature within it concealment, and total concealment against creatures if they have at least 5-ft of sand between them and the creatures. This sand even obscures blindsight, granting creatures within it concealment even against creatures with blindsight. You can see through the sand with some skill, creatures outside of it gain concealment against you, but creatures within it gain no concealment against you.
Specialized Aspect: Hound Evil (Su): You can sense evil creatures within 30-ft as if you had blindsense. You know that such creatures are evil, and the strength of their aura of evil.

Planar Dragon
Adamantine Dragon (Dragon #321)
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Heal, Intimidate, Tumble
Breath Weapon: Line of fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Adamantine Form (Ex): Your natural weapons overcome damage reduction as if they were adamantine. In addition you gain DR 2/adamantine.
Greater Aspect: Holding Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of hold monster gas. Any creature within the area must make a Will save or be held for 1d4+1 rounds. This is a mind-affecting compulsion enchantment effect.
Specialized Aspect: Powerful Armaments (Ex): Your natural weapons deal damage as if you were 1 size category larger.

Arboreal Dragon (Dragon #321)
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Climb, Spellcraft, Survival
Breath Weapon: Cone of thorns (d8s).
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Lesser Aspect: Animal Forms (Su): You gain the alternate form ability (see the Monster Manual). You may use this ability to assume the form of any Small Animal. You may use this ability at-will.
Greater Aspect: Fey Curse: You may use Bestow Curse, Baleful Polymorph, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Blindness/Deafness, and Geas/Quest from your spell pool as if they were each 1 level lower. By paying a 4 Spell Pool Point surcharge you may use Greater Bestow Curse and Otto's Irresistible Dance as if they were 5th level Sorcerer spells for the purpose of your Spell Pool, and by paying a 2 point surcharge you may use Insanity as if it were a 5th level spell for the purpose of your Spell Pool.
Specialized Aspect: Fey Warding (Ex): You gain sonic resistance/immunity equal to the amount granted by your Energy Resistance/Immunity class features and once you reach 15th level immunity to enchantment spells and effects.

Astral Dragon (Dragon #344)
Allowed alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (the Planes), Knowledge (Religion).
Breath Weapon: Cone of scouring planar dust dealing untyped damage (d6s).
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance/immunity as normal you gain the following abilities. At 3rd level you gain the ability to detect extraplanar creatures as a 1st level spell-like ability usable at-will; this functions as detect evil except it reveals extraplanar creatures instead of evil ones and functions in a 30-ft radius around yourself instead of a 60-ft cone; on the 1st round you learn whether there are extraplanar creatures or objects within range, on the 2nd you learn the number of such auras within range, and on the 3rd round you can learn the location of each aura and the native plane of one creature or object with such an aura. At 7th level you gain DR equal to one-half your class level overcome with good or evil weapons (this is a supernatural ability). At 11th level you gain Astral Familiarity granting you a +8 to your Wisdom for the purpose of traveling through the Astral Plane. You do not gain an additional ability at 15th level (although your damage reduction continues to improve).
Lesser Aspect: Dismissing Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a line of planar energy which dismisses extraplanar creatures. Extraplanar creatures within this line must make a Will save or be returned to their home plane as the spell dismissal.
Greater Aspect: Null Gravity Aura (Su): You radiate an aura of null gravity. Within 60-ft of you the plane is treated as having no gravity as its gravity trait. Creatures cannot walk normally and flying creatures other than you must make a DC 15 Wisdom check to fly successfully. You may suppress or reactivate this ability as a swift action.
Specialized Aspect: Call Astral Curtain (Su): By spending 10 minutes, and 4 points from your Spell Pool you may create a portal to the Astral Plane. This portal remains open for 3 rounds. You are not considered extraplanar on the Astral Plane.

Axial Dragon (Dragon #321)
Allowed alignments: Any Lawful.
Tutelary Skills: Intimidate, Sense Motive, Spellcraft.
Breath Weapon: Cone of Force (d8s).
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Lesser Aspect: Toughened Scales (Ex): You gain an additional +2 to your Natural Armor.
Greater Aspect: Implacable Form (Su): By spending 3 points from your Spell Pool as a Standard action you can gain immunity to one of the following for 1 hour: Mind-affecting effects; death effects; disease and poison; nonlethal damage; polymorph effects; cold damage; or sneak attacks and critical hits.
Specialized Aspect: Fire Retardant (Ex): You gain Fire resistance/immunity equal to the amount granted by your Energy Resistance/Immunity class features.

Beast Dragon (Dragon #321)
Allowed alignments: Neutral Good or Chaotic Good.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Survival
Breath Weapon: Cone of cold and electricity. Half the damage dealt is cold and half is electricity (d10s).
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Lesser Aspect: Hunter (Ex): You gain Track and Endurance as bonus feats.
Greater Aspect: Mighty Horn (Ex): You gain a gore attack dealing 1d8 damage if medium sized usable as a primary natural weapon if you have no other primary natural weapons or choose to use them as secondary ones, or as a secondary natural weapon. This horn deals double damage on a charge and, if used as a primary natural weapon on a charge, damage as if it were your only natural weapon. In addition you gain a +2 to hit with your Gore attack on a charge.
Specialized Aspect: Cold Adapted (Ex): You gain Cold resistance/immunity equal to the amount granted by your Energy Resistance/Immunity class features.

Chole Dragon (Dragon #344)
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Intimidate, Sense Motive.
Breath Weapon: A cone of poisonous, insanity inducing gas. This gas deals 1d3 Wisdom and Charisma damage plus 1 per 2 dice your breath weapon would normally deal. A Fortitude save negates this damage, instead of a Reflex save, and like most poison a 2nd save is required 1 minute later.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance and immunity as normal a Chole Dragonsoul Acolyte gains damage reduction equal to half their level overcome with Lawful weapons and damage. At 15th level this becomes DR X/-.
Lesser Aspect: Sea Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based).
Greater Aspect: Fast Healing (Ex): You gain Fast Healing 2.
Specialized Aspect: Tentalces (Ex): You grow 4, 7, 9, or 13 tentacles and an equal number of runes across your body. You do not have full control of these tentacles. 2 of them can attack each round when you take a full attack action. The target of these attacks is chosen at random from the creatures within your tentacle range which you have not spent a 1 full round action to prevent your tentacles from attacking them within the last 24 hours. Your tentacles have 5-ft longer reach than is normal for a creature of your size and are secondary natural weapons which deal 1d3 damage if you are medium sized.

Concordant Dragon (Dragon #321)
Allowed alignments: True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Intimidate, Knowledge (the Planes), Sense Motive
Breath Weapon: Line of antithetical energy. This breath weapon deals damage in d6s, but deals double damage against creatures which are not Neutral in either alignment and no damage to True Neutral creatures.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance/immunity as normal you gain various other abilities. At 3rd level you gain a +4 bonus on saves versus poison. At 7th you gain the ability to use Detect Chaos, Detect Evil], Detect Good, and Detect Law as spell-like abilities at-will. At 11th level you gain immunity to poison. Beginning at 15th level you are warded as if by a permanent non-detection effect (this is a supernatural ability).
Lesser Aspect: Thick Scales (Ex): Your natural armor improves by an additional +2.
Greater Aspect: Warden of Balance (Su): Your natural weapons deal +1d6 damage for each step removed from True Neutral the target's alignment is, and ignore any Damage Reduction overcome by aligned damage. In addition you may spend 4 Spell Pool Points to Smite any non-True Neutral creature as a paladin smites evil.
Specialized Aspect: Stand in the Center (Su): You are continuously surrounded by a Magic Circle against Alignment. You may select which alignment (Chaos, Evil, Good, or Law) this circle protects against, or change it at any time, by spending a Standard action and a Spell Pool Point.

Elysian Dragon (Dragon #344)
Allowed alignments: Any Good.
Tutelary Skills: Gather Information, Diplomacy, Perform.
Breath Weapon: A line of sonic force (d10s, sonic).
Energy Resistance: Sonic.
Lesser Aspect: Poison Immunity (Ex): You gain immunity to poison.
Greater Aspect: Elysian Resistance (Su): You gain damage reduction equal to one half your class level overcome only by weapons/attacks which are evil and either slashing or piercing.
Specialized Aspect: Shrink (Su): By spending 1 or more Spell Pool Points as a standard action you shrink down a number of size categories equal to the points spent to a maximum of 3. Your ability scores do not change due to this transformation, although weapon damage dice, size modifiers to AC/Attack rolls, ability and skill checks, and your space/reach all change to reflect this size change. You remain shrunken this way for 1 minutes.

Gloom Dragon (Dragon #344)
Allowed alignments: Any Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Knowledge (the Planes), Sense Motive.
Breath Weapon: A cone of apathy inducing gas. All creatures within this cone must make a Will save (instead of a Reflex save) or be rendered apathetic and uncaring for 1d4+1 rounds. Treat creatures affected this way as dazed. Damaged dealt to an apathetic creature allows it a second Will save to end the effect prematurely. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance or immunity your apathetic breath improves. At 3rd level the duration increases to 1d6+1 rounds. At 7th level creatures which fail their saves are considered helpless for the 1st round of the effect instead of merely dazed. At 11th level it is no longer considered a mind-affecting effect. At 15th level creatures which fail their saves are considered helpless for 2 rounds instead of 1.
Lesser Aspect: Wasting Wounds (Su): In addition to dealing their normal damage creatures struck by your claw attacks must make a Fort save (DC 10 +1/2 your dragonsoul acolyte level + your Charisma modifier) or contract Gray Wasting. Gray Wasting is a disease which has an incubation period of instant when inflicted this way and deals 1d4 Charisma drain. You gain immunity to Gray Wasting.
Greater Aspect: Consume Souls (Su): By spending 1 minute over the body of a creature slain within the last 30 minutes and spending 2 Spell Pool Points you may consume the soul of the deceased. This causes a tiny tomb-stone like growth to form from your body, bearing their name in small writing. As long as you live their soul is stored within you, and even once you die it requires a carefully worded Wish or Miracle coupled with a Resurrection or True Resurrection effect to revive the creature whose soul you consumed.
Specialized Aspect: Mists of Gloom (Su): You are surrounded by thin mists which feel those within with supernatural unease. These mists stretch 10-ft from you and any creature beginning their turn within these mists must make a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 your dragonsoul acolyte level + your Charisma modifier) or be shaken for as long as they are within these mists plus 1 round afterwards. Successfully saving against these mists does not confer immunity to their effects, but these mists may not drive a creature to higher than Shaken (i.e. they do not stack with themselves or other sources of fear).

Miscellaneous Dragon Magazine Dragons
Brainstealer Dragon (Dragon 337)
Special: Brainstealer dragons are psionic dragons and as such a brainstealer dragonsoul acolyte is a psionic dragonsoul acolyte.
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Gather Information, Survival.
Breath Weapon: Instead of a breath weapon a Brainstealer Dragonsoul Acolyte gains the ability to release a devastating mind-blast. This functions as a breath weapon for the purposes of recharge times and area. This is a mind-affecting enchantment (compulsion) effect with a caster level of your dragonsoul acolyte level and spell resistance applies against it and counts as a spell 1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level. Any creature caught within the area must make a Will save (instead of a Reflex save) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds; unlike normal for a Breath Weapon the save DC for this effect is Charisma based.
Energy Resistance: Acid. In addition at 3rd level you gain immunity to Mind-Blast (including those of dragonsoul acolytes, brainstealer dragons, and illithids).
Fangs: Instead of fangs and a bite attack you gain a mass of mouth tentacles and a single Tentacles attack dealing the same damage as the bite attack granted by this ability would.
Lesser Aspect: Telepathy (Su): You gain telepathy out to 10-ft per dragonsoul acolyte level.
Greater Aspect: Extraction (Ex): You gain improved grab with your Tentacles attack. This ability functions on creatures up to 1 size category larger than you as long as you can reach their head. In addition if you manage to hold a creature in a pin for 1 round you may extract its brain. This normally kills the creature instantly, although it has no effect on creatures without brains (constructs, undead, elementals, plants, and oozes being the normal suspects).
Specialized Aspect: Mind of Control: You can use Telepath discipline powers as if they were Wilder spells. In addition you may use Psionic Charm, Psionic Suggestion, and Psionic Dominate for 1 less Spell Pool Point than normal (to a minimum of 1) and fully augment them for a 1 Spell Pool Point surcharge if that would be less than 4 (or 4 otherwise).

Dzalmus Dragon (Dragon 349)
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Intimidate, Spot.
Breath Weapon: A cone of vampiric gas which deals 1d4 Constitution damage +1 per 2 dice your breath weapon would have dealt, and then 1 minute later. A Fortitude save prevents this Constitution damage, instead of a Reflex save to avoid; even on a success the save must be made again 1 minute later.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining normal energy resistance and immunity you gain a +4 bonus on saves versus enchantment and telepathy spells and effects. At 7th level whenever you would have to make a saving throw against an enchantment spell or effect you may roll twice and take the better result. At 11th level you gain immunity to enchantment and telepathy spells and effects. At 15th level this immunity applies to all mind-affecting effects.
Lesser Aspect: Plains Strider (Ex): You gain a +10-ft increase to your base land speed and trackless step as a druid.
Greater Aspect: Three Heads of the Dzalmus (Ex): You grow a pair of stunted draconic heads, little more than eyes, ears, and jaws. You gain all-around vision (Ex) granting you a +4 bonus to Search and Spot checks and immunity to flanking, in addition you gain 2 extra bite attacks (these are identical to your preexisting bite attack). If you normal head is removed you do not die for 1 round per Dragonsoul Acolyte level.
Specialized Aspect: Warrior in Solitude (Su): As long as their is no ally within 15-ft of you, you gain a +2 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls, as well as AC and saving throws.

Hex Dragon (Dragon 343)
Allowed alignments: Any Evil or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (the Planes), Spellcraft.
Breath Weapon: A cone of contact poison which deals 1d4 Constitution damage +1 per 2 dice your breath weapon would have dealt, and then 1 minute later. A Fortitude save prevents this Constitution damage, instead of a Reflex save to avoid; even on a success the save must be made again 1 minute later.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining normal energy resistance and immunity you gain a +4 bonus on saves versus Poison and Disease, and a +2 on saves versus Death effects, Enchantment spells, and spells and effects which deal negative energy damage. At 7th level you gain immunity to disease. At 11th level you gain immunity to poison. At 15th level the bonus to saves from this ability doubles (to +8 and +4 respectively, although you are immune to poison and disease).
Lesser Aspect: Necromancer's Hex: You may treat Necromancy spells as if they were 1 level lower than normal for the purposes of your Spell Pool.
Greater Aspect: Extended Spell Pool: You can use Sorcerer spells 1 level higher than the normal allowed with your Spell Pool. Until you have the Improved Spell Pool ability you are limited to 1 spell of the level granted by this ability and 1 spell of the highest level you would normally have. Spells of the level accessed this way cost 6 Spell Pool Points to use. You gain 2 additional Spell Pool Points.
Specialized Aspect: Retributive Curse (Su): As a swift action you may spend a number of Spell Pool Points to curse a creature which injured you (dealt hit point or ability damage/drain) within the last round. This curse forces them to make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Charisma modifier) or suffer an effect based on how many spell pool points you spent. For 1 point they are sickened for 1d4+1 rounds, for 3 they are blinded for 1d4 rounds, and for 4 they are nauseated for 1d3 rounds. Each Spell Pool Point you spend beyond the minimum to obtain the effect extends the duration by 2 rounds.

Time Dragon (Dragon #359)
Allowed alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Knowledge (the Planes).
Breath Weapon: Line of Ravaging Time. Creatures and objects within this line are temporarily aged 1 year per die of damage your breath weapon would normally deal and 1d4 Constitution damage + 1 per 2 dice of damage your breath weapon would normally deal and any object within the area's hardness is reduced by the same amount. These effects (except for the Constitution damage) last for 1 hour. A successful Fortitude save (instead of a Reflex save) negates this effect.
Energy Resistance: You do not gain the normal energy resistance and immunity of a Dragonsoul Acolyte. Instead at Lv 3 you become immune to Slow spells and effects. At Lv 7 you may haste yourself as a free action for up to 1 round per Dragonsoul Acolyte level each day. At Lv 11 you gain immunity to time based effects, such as a time dragon's breath weapons, Cast through Time, Deceleration, Déjà vu, Haste, Slow, Time Hop, Word of Momentary Disruption, unless you choose to let the effect affect you. Beginning at 15th level whenever any creature within 60-ft uses Time Stop you may choose to be transported with them into their apparent time, able to affect them and be affected by them as if not under the effects of Time Stop but otherwise under its effects as normal.
Lesser Aspect: Time Expulsion Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon, a cone of time expulsion. Any creature within this cone must make a Will save or be expelled from time for 1d4+1 rounds. In effect, the subject seems to disappear in a shimmer of silver energy, then reappear after the duration of this power expires. The subject reappears in exactly the same orientation and condition as before. From the subject’s point of view, no time has passed at all. If the space from which the subject departed is occupied upon his return to the time stream, he appears in the closest unoccupied space, still in his original orientation. Determine the closest space randomly if necessary.
Greater Aspect: Mastery of Time (Su): You are continuously affected as if by a Haste spell. In addition you may use Deceleration, Déjà vu, and Time Hop with your Spell Pool as if they were Sorcerer spells. By spending a 4 Spell Pool Point surcharge and providing the material component you may use Temporal Stasis with your Spell Pool as if it was a 4th level spell, or by spending a 4 Spell Pool Point surcharge you may use Time Stop with your Spell Pool as if it was a 5th level spell.
Specialized Aspect: Draconic Surge (Su): You may expend magical power to temporarily quicken yourself, acting in a sudden burst of speed. By expending 2 Spell Pool Points as a swift action you gain a bonus move action, or you may spend 3 Spell Pool Points to gain a Standard action.

Tome Dragon (Dragon #343)
Allowed alignments: Any Lawful or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device.
Breath Weapon: A burst of explosive elemental force. This burst is situated anywhere within the range that you would have for a line breath weapon and is 5-ft in radius with a 30-ft line, 15-ft radius with a 60-ft line and its radius increases by 5-ft for every 20-ft your line increases after that point. When you use this ability select an element (air, earth, fire, or water) it deals sonic damage for air, piercing for earth, fire for fire, and nonlethal bludgeoning damage for water. This ability deals damage in d8s.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining Energy Resistance/Immunity a Tome Dragonsoul Acolyte gains the following abilities. At 3rd level they gain Detect Magic as a spell-like ability at-will. At 7th level they gain the ability to spend 1 Spell Pool Point to Empower a spell they activate through their Spell Pool. At 11th level they can spend 2 Spell Pool Points to Maximize a spell they activate through their Spell Pool. At 15th level they gain the ability to spend 3 Spell Pool Points to Quicken a spell they activate through their Spell Pool.
Lesser Aspect: Power of the Spell Pool: You gain a +2 to your Caster Level for all abilities cast through your Spell Pool and gain an additional 2 points in your Spell Pool.
Greater Aspect: Extended Spell Pool: You can use Sorcerer spells 1 level higher than the normal allowed with your Spell Pool. Until you have the Improved Spell Pool ability you are limited to 1 spell of the level granted by this ability and 1 spell of the highest level you would normally have. Spells of the level accessed this way cost 6 Spell Pool Points to use. You gain 2 additional Spell Pool Points.
Specialized Aspect: Power Overflowing: You gain an additional point in your Spell Pool for every 2 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels you possess.

Dungeon Magazine Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any Evil and True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Concentration, Escape Artist, Spot.
Breath Weapon: Instead of a true breath weapon you gain the ability to fire spines from your body. This functions as a breath weapon (same recharge timer, etc), except for each die of damage your breath weapon would deal you may fire 1 spine at a target within the range of your (potential) line breath weapon dealing 2d6 piercing damage as a ranged attack. You may divide your targets with these spines as you wish but must decide the number of spines per target before making any rolls, and if you hit a single target multiple times you may add together the damage from all successful spine attacks before applying Damage Reduction. For each die of damage your breath weapon would deal you may have these spines overcome DR as a material, damage type (slashing or bludgeoning), or alignment which you possess of your choice, and when you gain Pierce Resistance they also ignore the first 10 points of DR.

Any creature struck by a spine must make a Reflex save (your breath weapon DC) or have the spine become lodged in their flesh giving them a -1 penalty to attacks, saves, and checks; this save must be repeated for each spine which strikes them and the penalty is cumulative.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining Energy Resistance you gain DR ½ class level/magic beginning at Lv 3. At Lv 11 it becomes DR X/adamantine and magic and at Lv 15 it becomes DR X/-.
Claws: Instead of true claws you develop bony spines which extend from the back of your hands and your forearms; these function as claw attacks.
Spell Pool: Spinewyrms are psionic dragons.
Draconic Wings: Instead of gaining wings when you gain the Draconic Wings ability you gain the ability to fly with good maneuverability and a speed equal to your base land speed.
Lesser Aspect: Spines (Ex): Any natural weapon you possess grows bony spines causing it to deal slashing and piercing damage in addition to any damage types it may have already dealt. In addition all of your natural weapons inflict spines as a spinewyrm dragonsoul acolyte’s breath weapon, 1 spine per successful hit with a natural weapon.
Greater Aspect: Blades of the Spinewyrm (Ex): Your natural weapons each inflict 2 spines per hit with a Reflex save halving the number of spines received to 1 instead of negating them completely. In addition your Bite attack inflicts damage as if you were 2 size categories larger and gains +1.5 Strength damage instead of +0.5 as normal for a secondary natural weapon.
Specialized Aspect: Wind Rider (Ex): You gain the Draconic Wings ability; if you already have it or would gain it your fly speed improves by 30-ft and your flight maneuverability improves by 1 step. When you use your Dragon Form ability your fly speed improves by 50-ft and your flight maneuverability improves by 1 step.

Dragonlance Setting Dragons
The other weirdly positioned 2nd/3rd party works for 3.5 Dragonlance also has its fair share of dragons.

Amphi Dragon: (Bestiary of Krynn)
Allowed alignments: Any Evil and True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Jump, Swim
Breath Weapon: Line of acid.
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Lesser Aspect: Sea Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based).
Greater Aspect: Striking Tongue (Ex): You gain a long, striking tongue. Once per round, as a free action, you may make an attack with this tongue as a primary natural weapon, even if you use another primary natural weapon that round. This tongue has a reach of twice your normal melee reach and deals 1d8 + 1-1/2 your Strength modifier (as if it were your only natural weapon). You may use this tongue to make attacks of opportunity and may use it to disarm or trip opponents gaining a +2 to opposed checks made as part of these attempts.
Specialized Aspect: Acidic Skin (Ex): Your skin produces acid causing it to harm those that touch you. A creature grappling you, or striking you with a natural weapon, unarmed strike, or touching you takes 1d6+1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte acid damage.

Aquatic Dragon: (Bestiary of Krynn)
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Disguise, Hide, Move Silently
Breath Weapon: Your breath weapon manifests in two different forms. If used out of the water it manifests as a cone of cold. If used underwater it manifests as a cone of inky darkness which slows creatures that touch it for 1d6+1 rounds (Fort negates) and which lingers in place for 1 minute.
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Draconic Wings: You do not gain the Draconic Wings ability. Instead at Lv 3 you gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed. At Lv 6 you gain the ability to breath water as easily as air. At Lv 10 you gain immunity to damage dealt by pressure.
Lesser Aspect: Animal Forms (Su): You gain the alternate form ability (see the Monster Manual). You may use this ability to assume the form of any Small Animal. You may use this ability at-will.
Greater Aspect: Clear as Water (Sp): You can use Invisibility as a spell-like ability on yourself only at-will, and may use Greater Invisibility as a spell-like ability by spending 1 Spell Pool Point. By paying a surcharge of 4 Spell Pool Points you may even use Superior Invisibility from your Spell Pool as if it was a 5th level spell.
Specialized Aspect: Acid Resistant (Ex): You gain resistance/immunity to acid equal to your Energy Resistance/Immunity granted by class features.

Fire Dragon: (Bestiary of Krynn)
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Climb, Jump, Survival
Breath Weapon: Cone of Fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Chaotic Breath (Su): The damage from your breath weapon comes half from the pure essence of chaos. This renders half of the damage from your breath weapon effectively untyped, unaffected by energy immunity or resistance.
Greater Aspect: Inner Heat (Su): Your body glows with an inner fire. You produce heat and glow faintly orange with heat. Any creature striking you with a natural weapon, unarmed strike, or grappling you or touching you takes 2d6 fire damage (this damage receives the benefits of your Pierce Resistance ability). In addition your natural weapon attacks also inflict this fire damage on each hit.
Specialized Aspect: Igniting Breath (Su): Creatures damaged by your fire breath weapon must make a second Reflex save (same DC) or catch on fire for 1d4 rounds taking 1d6 fire damage per 2 dice of damage your breath weapon deals each round. Your Pierce Resistance ability applies to this damage. They may spend a standard action to attempt this save again to end this effect prematurely.

Frost Dragon: (Bestiary of Krynn)
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Climb, Hide, Spellcraft
Breath Weapon: Cone of Cold.
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Lesser Aspect: Cold Body (Su): Your natural weapons deal +1d6 Cold damage. This damage benefits from your Pierce Resistance ability.
Greater Aspect: Charged with Death (Su): Your breath weapon becomes charged with deathly energy dealing 1d6 Charisma damage +1 per 2 dice of damage your breath weapon deals. The target may make a Fortitude save (they must make this save in addition to the normal Reflex save) to halve this Charisma damage.
Specialized Aspect: Oblivion Breath (Su): A creature killed by your breath weapon vanishes, leaving only clothing and possessions. All memories of the victim vanish from the minds of those who knew them unless they have more hit dice than your Dragonsoul Acolyte level and succeed at a Will save against your Breath Weapon DC. The target cannot be revived short of a Wish or Miracle spell followed by a True Resurrection spell.

Sea Dragon: (Age of Mortals)
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Survival, Swim
Breath Weapon: Cone of superheated steam (fire).
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Draconic Wings: You do not gain the Draconic Wings ability. Instead at Lv 3 you gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed. At Lv 6 you gain the ability to breath water as easily as air. At Lv 10 you gain immunity to damage dealt by pressure.
Lesser Aspect: Rebuke Scaled (Su): This ability functions as Rebuke/Command undead but affects scaled Animals (reptiles and fish) instead of undead creatures. In addition you may communicate with any creature commanded by this ability as if under the effects of a Speak with Animals spell.
Greater Aspect: Lateral Lines (Ex): You gain Blindsight out to the range of 30-ft or out to any Blindsense range you possess whichever is greater.
Specialized Aspect: Seasense (Ex): When underwater you gain Blindsense out to 120-ft.

2015-01-23, 02:10 PM
Tutelary Dragon List: Homebrew

Sublime Dragons:
Certain dragons will be marked as sublime dragons. These dragons put the powers of the sublime way over arcane mastery. Like psionic dragons the Spell Pools of Dragonsoul Acolytes which dedicate themselves to these tutelary dragons function differently. Instead of being able to use various spells as Spell-like Abilities through the Spell Pool a Dragonsoul Acolyte can spend a single spell pool point to initiate a martial maneuver or enter a martial stance level 3 or lower, 2 Spell Pool Points to initiate a martial maneuver or stance level 4 to 6, or 3 Spell Pool Points to initiate a martial maneuver or stance level 7 or higher. A Dragonsoul Acolyte does not need to meet any prerequisites for the maneuver or stance other than the initiator level requirement to initiate a maneuver of that level, and uses their full Dragonsoul Acolyte level for their initiator level with maneuvers and stances initiated this way (but not for other purposes). A Dragonsoul Acolyte cannot initiate the same maneuver 2 rounds in a row with this ability but is otherwise not limited to readied/unexpended/known maneuvers when using this ability and in fact does not know, ready, or expend any maneuvers with this ability. Each Sublime Dragon grants access to a certain limited pool of disciplines.

Miscellaneous Dragons
Amber Dragon:
Allowed alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Handle Animal, Hide, Survival
Breath Weapon: A cone of entangling sap. Creatures within the area must make a Reflex save or be entangled for 1d6 rounds + 1 round per die of damage your breath weapon would deal. Once you have 2 or more dice this effect immobilizes targets for 1 round per 2 dice of damage you would have dealt making them unable to move for that duration, and even on a successful save they are entangled for the duration they would have been immobilized. Once you have 5 or more dice a creature which fails its save is almost completely immobilized for 1 round per 5 dice of damage you would have dealt, leaving them unable to apply their Dexterity bonus to AC or take any actions which require bodily movement including speaking, and even on a successful save is immobilized for this duration.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance an Amber Dragonsoul Acolyte gains the ability to Wild Shape as a druid. At 3rd level they can Wild Shape into a Small Animal 1/day. At 7th level they can use this ability 2/day and assume Medium sized forms. At 11th level they can use this ability 3/day and assume Large and Tiny sized forms. At 15th level they can use this ability 4/day and assume Huge and Plant forms.
Spell Pool: An Amber Dragonsoul Acolyte gains access to Druid spells instead of Sorcerer spells via their Spell Pool.
Lesser Aspect: Woodland Stride (Ex): You may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at your normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect you.
Greater Aspect: Magnetize (Su): By spending 3 points from your Spell Pool as a Standard action you may magnetize a target within 60-ft. If they are wearing metal armor or a metal shield their armor check penalty increases by 2 (to a minimum of -2), or to double their existing armor check penalty (whichever is worse) and suffer a -10-ft speed reduction if wearing medium armor and a -20-ft speed reduction if wearing heavy (this cannot reduce their speed below 5-ft), their arcane spell failure also increases by 20% or doubles (whichever is worse). They suffer a -2 to attack rolls with metal weapons, and cannot use ranged weapons with metal ammunition, and attacks against them using metal weapons (including metal ammunition) gain a +4 bonus to hit. In addition if they are near a metal wall or floor they are Slowed as per the spell unless they succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Charisma modifier).
Specialized Aspect: Magnetic Shield (Su): A magnetic force field surrounds you granting you a +3 Deflection bonus to your AC equal to, this bonus increases by +1 for every 6 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels you have beyond 6th. This bonus is doubled against attacks from metal weapons (including metal ammunition).

Argentum Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Any Lawful or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Gather Information.
Breath Weapon: Line of energy that coalesces into a series of blades. Damage reduction applies against these blades but they deal slashing and piercing damage and overcomes damage reduction and regeneration as Magic, Lawful, Cold Iron, Silver, and Adamantine. This breath weapon deals damage in d8s, but once you gain the Pierce Resistance ability it ignores the first 5 points of a creature's Damage Reduction.
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Lesser Aspect: Rime Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of cold dealing d8s for damage. Any creature within the area is must make a Fortitude save for half damage (instead of a Reflex save) and if they fail they are entangled for 1d4 rounds.
Greater Aspect: Channeling Fangs (Su): When you make a successful bite attack (even as part of a full attack action or attack of opportunity) you may expend spell pool points to cast a touch range spell and channel it through your bite affecting the struck creature.
Specialized Aspect: Warrior Spellburst (Su): 1/round as a free action you may spend up to 5 spell pool points to gain an insight bonus to attacks equal to the expended points and a bonus to damage equal to twice the number of points expended.

Ashwood Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Any non-Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Survival.
Breath Weapon: Line of fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Spell Pool: You may cast spells from the Druid spell list and the Fire portion of the Wu Jen spell list instead of the Sorcerer spell list.
Lesser Aspect: Extinguishing Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of thick white gas which extinguishes fires and slows creatures reflexes. This gas automatically extinguishes all non-magical fires within its area of effect, and acts as a targeted greater dispel magic (Caster level equals your Dragonsoul Acolyte level) on each magical fire within the area. Creatures within the area take 1d6 Dexterity damage + 1 per 2 dice of damage your breath weapon would deal, and Elementals with the Fire subtype take untyped damage in d10s from this breath weapon; a successful Fortitude save negates the Dexterity damage and halves the damage that would be dealt.
Greater Aspect: Warden of the Wild: You treat Druid spells and Fire aspected Wu Jen spells as if they were 1 level lower for the purposes of your Spell Pool.
Specialized Aspect: Face of Beasts (Su): You gain the Alternate Form ability and can use it to take the shape of any Large or smaller animal with hit dice equal to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level or lower. Any ability score bonuses from this class, your Scales ability, and your draconic wings abilities apply to this new form and you may use your breath weapon normally; you gain any natural weapons from this class that your new form does not already possess but do not increase the damage dice of those that they already have. While in this form you may speak normally despite your animal form.

Avenger Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive.
Breath Weapon: Cone of holy fire; half of this breath weapon's damage is pure holy power and not affected by energy resistance or immunity. It still deals damage as d10s.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Awaken Inner Power (Su): As a swift action you may invoke the inner spiritual power of yourself and or one or more willing good aligned creatures within 30-ft. This costs 1 Spell Pool Point per creature (including yourself) which must be paid again at the beginning of each round to keep the effect active. Creatures under this effect gain a +4 sacred bonus to all ability scores, and a +2 sacred bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, and Caster Level but when it ends such creatures are exhausted until the end of the encounter and fatigued until they have rested for 1 hour thereafter.
Greater Aspect: Sleep Breath (Su): Instead of dealing damage with your breath weapon you may release a cone of sleep gas which puts any creature which fails their Will save to sleep (as the spell sleep with no HD limit) for 1d6+1 rounds, this is a mind-affecting sleep effect.
Specialized Aspect: Smite Evil (Su): As a paladin of your level 1/day + 1/day per 5 class levels.

Barrow Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Jump
Breath Weapon: Cone of fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Spell Pool: A Barrow Dragon is considered a Sublime Dragon for the purposes of their Spell Pool. A Barrow Dragonsoul Acolyte may initiate maneuvers from Feral Hunter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?306672-Feral-Hunger-%28Martial-Discipline%29), Stone Dragon and Tiger Claw disciplines.
Least Aspect: Treasure Sense (Su): By spending a standard action you can sense the direction and distance of all coins and gems within 100-ft.
Greater Aspect: Tyrant’s Fear (Su): By expending a spell pool point you may force a creature struck by your natural weapon or damaged by your breath weapon to make a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Charisma modifier) or be shaken for 1d4 rounds; by expending 3 points (before they roll their save) you can increase this effect to frightened. In addition by expending 4 Spell Pool Points as a free action you can cause your Frightful Presence ability to function in your natural form in addition to when you are using Dragon Form for 1 minute.
Specialized Aspect: Draconic Charm: You gain the ability to use Charm Person and Suggestion as spell-like abilities by paying 2 and 3 Spell Pool Points respectively. Beginning at 13th level this expands to include Charm Monster for 4 Spell Pool Points, at 17th Dominate Person for 4 Spell Pool Points, and at 20th level Mass Suggestion for 8 Spell Pool Points.

Basillo Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Any Chaotic or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Intimidate, Survival, Swim
Breath Weapon: You gain the ability to perform a song of destruction which functions like a breath weapon. This ability deals sonic damage as a breath weapon in a burst centered on yourself (a successful Fortitude save halves this damage, not reflex). This burst has an area of 5-ft away from you, increasing by 5-ft each time the area of your breath weapons increase and double that range when used underwater. You are immune to this breath weapon as are basillo dragons (but not other basillo dragonsoul acolytes).
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Draconic Wings: A basillo dragonsoul acolyte does not gain wings and cannot fly. Instead they gain a +30-ft increase to their swim speed, the Jet ability allowing them to run at 6 times their normal speed when swimming (8 times with the run feat), and immunity to the negative effects of pressure.
Lesser Aspect: Sea Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based).
Greater Aspect: Lingering Song (Su): Any creature damaged by your song of destruction takes damage again on the next round dealing 3 less dice of damage, and the next until the damage reaches 0. Any metabreath feats do not apply after the initial attack, and the target is allowed a new Fortitude save for half.
Specialized Aspect: Giant Among Dragons (Ex): Your size increases. You gain the Powerful Build special quality (see half-giant (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/halfGiant.htm)).

Bellum Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Balance, Jump, Tumble
Breath Weapon: Cone of fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Spell Pool: A Bellum Dragon is a Sublime Dragon for the purposes of their Spell Pool. A Bellum Dragonsoul Acolyte may initiate maneuvers from Iron Heart, Stone Dragon and Tiger Claw disciplines.
Least Aspect: Draconic Reserves (Su): You may spend 2 Spell Pool Points as a move action to gain a +2 morale bonus to saving throws for 1 + your Charisma modifier rounds (minimum 1). In addition you may make a 2nd saving throw against any ongoing effect affecting you (it must have allowed a save to avoid the effect in.
Greater Aspect: Extra Arms (Ex): You grow 2 additional arms. These are fully functional arms, and each end with a claw granting you 2 additional claw attacks beyond those already granted by this class with the same damage.
Specialized Aspect: Pounce (Ex): You gain the pounce ability (you may make a full attack on the end of a charge).

Black Lotus Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Any Evil or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Swim
Breath Weapon: Cone of contact poison dealing 1d4 Strength damage + 1/2 dice your breath weapon would normally deal.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance as normal you gain the following abilities. At Lv 3 you gain Poison Immunity. At Lv 7 you gain Acid Resistance 10, which increases to 20 at 11th level, and 30 at 15th.
Lesser Aspect: Black Lotus's Fragrance: Your Strength poison breath also deals 1d4 Constitution damage +1 per 2 dice your breath weapon would normally deal.
Greater Aspect: Deathly Miasma (Su): You are surrounded by a blackish gas out to 10-ft. This gas is a dangerous poison, and any creature entering or starting its turn in the miasma must make a Fort save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Constitution modifier) or take 2d4 Con damage; this poison has no secondary damage. This gas does little to obscure vision, but other creatures looking through it suffer a -2 penalty to Spot and Search checks if their line of sight to the object passes through the gas.
Specialized Aspect: Envenom Claws (Su): A magically potent poison coats your claws. Your claw attacks gain a poison with an initial and secondary damage of 1d6 Dexterity (Fort save DC is 10 +1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Constitution modifier). This poison is supernaturally fortified and ignores any save bonuses or immunity to poison the target has from spell effects or magic items.

Blood Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Jump, Move Silently
Breath Weapon: Cone of searing hot, acidic blood dealing half acid and half fire damage (d10s).
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Lesser Aspect: Blades of Blood (Su): You can inflict 2 points of Constitution damage to yourself to grow a pair of claw-like tendrils of blood which strike at your foes. These function as secondary natural weapons and deal 1d4 damage (if you are medium sized) dealing an additional point of fire and acid damage per die of damage your breath weapon deals; damage from these claws is considered magic. You must take an additional point of Constitution damage per round or these claws fade once more. The Constitution damage you inflict yourself to create these claws cannot be reduced in anyway and cannot be healed as long as you maintain these claws; if for some reason you cannot take Constitution damage (you have none for example) you cannot use this ability.
Greater Aspect: Blood Drain (Su): Your natural weapons gain the Wounding magic weapon quality.
Specialized Aspect: Fire Retardant (Ex): You gain fire resistance and immunity equal to the resistance/immunity granted by your Energy Resistance/Immunity abilities.

Chitin-Skin Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Any Evil, and True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Jump, Move Silently
Breath Weapon: Line of Acid.
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Lesser Aspect: Sonic Burst (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a burst of sound centered on yourself dealing Sonic damage (Reflex still halves). This burst has an area of 5-ft away from you, increasing by 5-ft each time the area of your breath weapons increase. You are immune to this breath weapon, and the sonic breath weapon of Chitin-Skin dragons and Sound Burst of other Dragonsoul Acolytes; Chitin-Skin dragons are immune to this ability.
Greater Aspect: Hunting Leap (Ex/Su): All jumps you make are considered running jumps (this is Ex). By spending 2 Spell Pool Points you may make a Jump check to move as a Swift action, or by spending 3 Spell Pool Points you can make a Jump check to move as part of a full-attack action; if you do so all your natural weapon attacks deal +2d6 damage until end of turn.
Specialized Aspect: Rebuke Vermin (Su): You gain the ability to Rebuke and Command Vermin as an Evil Cleric of your Dragonsoul Acolyte level Rebukes Undead. You are treated as a Cleric 1 level higher for every 4 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels you possess.

Coral Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Any Evil, and True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Jump, Move Silently
Breath Weapon: Instead of a damaging breath you may release a cone of slowing gas. Any creature within the area must make a Fort save or be slowed (as spell slow) for 1d4 rounds, this increases to 1d4+1 when you'd normally have 3 dice of damage and to 1d6+1 at 7.
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Lesser Aspect: Sea Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based).
Greater Aspect: Sea Tyrant (Su): You gain a continuous Freedom of Movement effect, and as long as you are underwater you gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls, +4 dodge bonus to AC, and +2d6 damage with all natural weapons.
Specialized Aspect: Breath of the Sea (Su): You gain a second breath weapon, a cone of invigorating energy filled with the essence of the sea. Any creature with the aquatic or water subtype, or dragonblooded creature with draconic heritage of a dragon with either subtype (whether half-dragon, draconic template, or draconic heritage feat), caught within it (other than yourself) gains 1d6 temporary hit points per die of damage your breath weapon would normally do and is hasted; both the haste effect and temporary hit points last only 1d6+1 rounds.

Cyclopean Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Craft, Decipher Script
Breath Weapon: Line of Electricity.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Lesser Aspect: Smite (Su): You may pay 3 points from your Spell Pool to smite a creature; this functions as a paladin of your Dragonsoul Acolyte level's Smite Evil but adds a +4 to hit instead of your Charisma modifier and functions on a target regardless of alignment.
Greater Aspect: Channeling Fangs (Su): When you make a successful bite attack (even as part of a full attack action or attack of opportunity) you may expend spell pool points to cast a touch range spell and channel it through your bite affecting the struck creature.
Specialized Aspect: Giant Among Dragons (Ex): Your size increases. You gain the Powerful Build special quality (see half-giant (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/monsters/halfGiant.htm)).

Dance Dragon:
Allowed Alignments: Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Balance, Perform, Tumble.
Breath Weapon: Line of concentrated music, intensified, sped up, and with its frequency heavily increased; deals sonic damage (d10s) and Fort (not Reflex) halves.
Energy Resistance: A Dance Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain the normal Energy Resistance abilities. Instead at 3rd level their base Reflex save from Dragonsoul Acolyte levels becomes good (+2 +1/2 class level instead of +1/3 class levels; same base save as Fort or Will). At 7th level they gain Evasion. At 15th level they gain Improved Evasion.
Spell Pool: A Dance Dragon is considered a sublime dragon for a Dragonsoul Acolyte's Spell Pool. They grant access to the Desert Wind, Setting Sun, and White Raven disciplines.
Lesser Aspect: Battle Dance (Ex): When you are unarmored and not wearing a shield and carrying a light load you gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Charisma modifier + 1 per 3 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels; this functions like a monk's AC bonus. In addition you may make Perform (Dance) checks in place of Concentration checks.
Greater Aspect: Strafing Dance (Ex): As a full round action you may move up to double your speed and make a single attack with a natural weapon against any number of creatures you threaten during this dance (but only 1 attack against each creature). Whatever natural weapon you use during this ability is treated as a primary natural weapon and adds 1-1/2 times your Strength bonus (if positive) instead of just your Strength modifier.
Specialized Aspect: Spell Guard's Dance (Su): In any round you move at least 10-ft you gain Spell Resistance 8 + your Dragonsoul Acolyte level. As long as you move at least 20-ft this increases by 2 and you gain a +1 bonus to saving throws against Spells and Spell-like abilities. If you move at least 30-ft this Spell Resistance increases to 12 + your Dragonsoul Acolyte level.

Dark Cloud Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Move Silently, Spot
Breath Weapon: Cone of Electricity.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Lesser Aspect: Storm Summoner (Sp): You may pay 3 Spell Pool Points to summon a storm elemental as a standard action; this storm elemental remains for 2 rounds per Dragonsoul Acolyte level you possess and this is considered a spell 1 level higher than the highest level you can access with your Spell Pool (1st if you do not have access to spells). If you have access to 1st level spells this effect summons a small storm elemental, when you gain 2nd level spells this increases to medium storm elementals, when you gain 3rd level spells this becomes a large storm elemental, at 4th level spells this becomes a huge storm elemental, and at 5th level spells this becomes an elder storm elemental. By choosing to summon a storm elemental one grade weaker (greater instead of elder, large instead of huge, etc) you may summon 1d3 instead, and by choosing to summon a storm elemental 2 grades weaker you can summon 1d4+1 instead.
Greater Aspect: Aerial Warrior (Ex): May move up to your fly speed as part of a full attack action (before, after, or between attacks; one instance of movement).
Specialized Aspect: Wind Rider (Ex): You gain the Draconic Wings ability; if you already have it or would gain it your fly speed improves by 30-ft and your flight maneuverability improves by 1 step. When you use your Dragon Form ability your fly speed improves by 50-ft and your flight maneuverability improves by 1 step.

Dawn Dragon:
Allowed Alignments: Any Good.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Craft, Profession.
Breath Weapon: Cone of searing light; deals fire damage (d10s).
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Spell Pool: A Dawn Dragon is considered a sublime dragon for a Dragonsoul Acolyte's Spell Pool. They grant access to the Desert Wind, Devoted Spirit, and White Raven disciplines.
Lesser Aspect: Resist Blows (Su): You gain DR 1/magic per 3 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels you possess.
Greater Aspect: Radiant Aura (Su): You are surrounded by an aura of radiant light which produces bright light out to 30-ft per 2 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels (this is considered a light spell of 1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level). Evil Outsiders and undead within the bright light of this aura take 4d6 damage per round and any undead creature within the bright light of this aura is considered to be turned as if by a cleric of your Dragonsoul Acolyte level, if they have too many hit dice to be turned by a cleric of that level they are unaffected. As a standard action you may spend 1 or more Spell Pool Points to intensify this aura, dealing 1d10 damage per Spell Pool Point spent to all Evil Outsiders and Undead within the aura (Will halves) and increasing your effective Cleric level for the aura's turn undead function by 1 per 2 Spell Pool Points spent.
Specialized Aspect: Smite Evil (Su): As a paladin of your level 1/day + 1/day per 5 class levels.

Death Dragon:
Allowed Alignments: Any Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Concentration, Intimidate, Knowledge (Religion).
Breath Weapon: Cone of of brownish gray gas with the gritty feel of crypt dust. Creatures within the cone gain 1 negative level per 2 dice of damage it would normally have dealt (rounded up) with a successful Reflex save halving the negative levels inflicted (rounded down).
Energy Resistance: Beginning at 3rd level you gain a +4 bonus to saves against death effects, effects which inflict negative levels or energy drain and on saves to remove negative levels. Beginning at 7th level when you gain negative levels you may immediately make a Fortitude save to remove them; you do not suffer the penalty inflicted by the negative levels you are attempting to remove on this save and they still do not become permanent level loss if you fail this save unless you fail the save 24 hours later. Beginning at 11th level you are completely immune to negative levels and energy drain. Beginning at 15th level you are immune to death effects.
Spell Pool: You gain access to the Dread Necromancer spell list instead of the Sorcerer spell list, and spells that are natively on this list are considered 1 spell level lower for the purposes of your spell pool.
Lesser Aspect: Aura of Desecration (Su): By spending 2 Spell Pool Points you may use Desecrate as a spell-like ability except that it is always centered on yourself and you are considered to be an altar of a dark god for its effects.
Greater Aspect: Reanimating Breath: Any creature killed by your energy draining breath immediately revives as a wight (if possible) or a zombie (if not). Any resulting wight has an initial attitude of friendly. You do not automatically control the revived creature but you may choose to immediately gain control of it as if you had use Rebuke Undead; you must have available hit dice in your pool to command it.
Specialized Aspect: Rebuke Undead (Su): You gain the ability to Rebuke and Command Undead as an Evil Cleric of your Dragonsoul Acolyte level.

Deep Trench Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Evil or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Jump, Swim
Breath Weapon: Line of super-heated water; deals fire damage.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Sea Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based).
Greater Aspect: Priest of Depths (Ex): You are immune to damage from pressure, and may see twice as far through water. In addition you may use any spell on the BlackwaterStormwrack, OceanStormwrack, or StormSpC domains as if it was a Sorcerer spell 1 level lower for the purposes of your Spell Pool, and gain their first level spells as cantrips. In addition you may use WaterspoutStormwrack as if it were a 5th level spell with your spell pool but suffer a 3 point surcharge when doing so.
Specialized Aspect: Mighty Claws: Your claw attacks deal damage as if you were 2 size categories larger.

Devastation Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Truespeak
Breath Weapon: A cone of force (d8s) which ignores hardness of objects and deals full damage against them.
Energy Resistance: Force; once you have obtained immunity you may pass through barriers made of force freely as if they were not there, in fact you must consciously choose to be affected by any Force effect in any way (this is a free action which can be performed outside of your turn).
Spell Pool: A Devastation Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain access to the Sorcerer spell list with their Spell Pool. Instead they may use Doomsayer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?368342-Doomsayer-%283-5-Base-Class%29) invocations. They treat least invocations as 1st level sorcerer spells, lesser invocations as 3rd level sorcerer spells, and greater invocations as 5th level sorcerer spells, all regardless of the invocations' actual levels. When you gain your Talented Spells you instead select 2 Least Invocations you may use at-will, and when you gain your Signature Spell you instead choose a single Lesser Invocation you may use at this reduced cost.
Lesser Aspect: Accursed Words: You may use Doomsayer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?368342-Doomsayer-%283-5-Base-Class%29) malisons as if they were sorcerer spells of the same level (if you could not already use them). In addition when you use a malison it costs only 1 Spell Pool Point regardless of its level.
Greater Aspect: Soul of Apocalypse: You gain a +2 to your caster level for the purpose of Malisons and may use Least and Lesser Malisons as swift actions by paying an additional 2 Spell Pool Points. You may also spend 10 Spell Pool Points to call down an apocalyptic force. This counts as a 9th level spell-like ability and causes destructive energy to rain down dealing 10d6 fire, acid, or sonic damage (your choice) within a radius of 1 mile + 1 mile per additional Spell Pool Point beyond 10 which you spend. You are not damaged by this effect.
Specialized Aspect: Select 1 Path of the Apocalypse (see Doomsayer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?368342-Doomsayer-%283-5-Base-Class%29)) you gain the first 2 Signs of that path.

Dry Dragon:
Allowed alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Survival
Breath Weapon: A cone of desiccating sand. This deals half slashing and half desiccation damage (see Sandstorm for details on desiccation damage) in d8s.
Energy Resistance: Desiccation.
Lesser Aspect: Tremorsense (Ex): You gain tremorsense out to 5-ft per class level.
Greater Aspect: Desert Skirmisher (Ex): You gain +1d6 damage per 4 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels with melee attacks in any round in which you move at least 10-ft. This damage is considered precision damage.
Specialized Aspect: Fire Resistance (Ex): You gain fire resistance and immunity equal to that granted by your Energy Resistance and Immunity abilities.

Ebony Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, and Lawful Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Spellcraft.
Breath Weapon: Line of eldritch energy (untyped, like eldritch blast, d8s).
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance or immunity you gain the following abilities. At Lv 3 you gain Spell Resistance 8 + your Dragonsoul Acolyte level. At Lv 7 this SR improves by 2 (to 10 + your DSA level), and again at Lv 11 (to 12 + DSA level). Beginning at 15th level you absorb spells which fail to penetrate your Spell Resistance gaining 4 temporary hit points per spell level, these temporary hit points last 10 minutes.
Spell Pool: An Ebony Dragonis considered a Sublime Dragon for the purposes of their Spell Pool. An Ebony Dragonsoul Acolyte may initiate maneuvers from Diamond Mind, Iron Heart, and Lunar Spirit (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?253718-Lunar-Spirit-%28Martial-Discipline%29&p=13783066#post13783066) disciplines.
Lesser Aspect: Dispelling Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of dispelling energy. This breath weapon acts as an area dispel magic in its area with a caster level equal to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level and no cap to its dispel check bonus from Caster Level.
Greater Aspect: Spell Immunity (Su): Select up to 2 spells of each spell level 0 to 9 which allow spell resistance. Your spell resistance against these spells is considered infinite. By spending a standard action and 3 Spell Pool Points you may reselect one of these spells.
Specialized Aspect: Antimagic Scales (Su): You gain a +5 bonus to your AC against spells, including touch spells or attacks channeling spells. In addition any magical weapon striking you must make a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Charisma modifier) or have its magical properties suppressed for 1 minute. Any creature striking you with a natural weapon or unarmed strike is affected as if by an area Greater Dispel Magic effect with a caster level equal to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level.

Eclipse Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Disguise, Heal.
Breath Weapon: Instead of a breath weapon you gain a profane touch. This ability uses the same recharge time as your breath weapon would/does and is used as a standard action requiring a melee touch attack. This touch deals 2d6 damage per die that your breath weapon would normally deal (it still gains Charisma based damage bonuses); this damage is pure profane energy and is not reduced by energy resistance or damage reduction and interacts with regeneration as damage from an evil spell.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Spell Pool: You gain access to the Cleric spell list instead of the Sorcerer spell list.
Lesser Aspect: Vile Darkness (Ex/Su): You gain a bonus Vile feat you fulfill the prerequisites for (this is Ex unless the feat itself is otherwise). In addition any attempt to detect or determine your alignment via means other than observing your actions reveals you to be Good aligned with an aura of good as a Good cleric.
Greater Aspect: Dark Pact (Su): You can make a dark pact with a creature. This grants the creature 1 bonus Vile feat it meets the prerequisites for and a +2 profane bonus to Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, and Charisma. You may also make 1 Suggestion to a creature in such a pact with you against which its spell resistance does not apply and which it does not gain a saving throw. The effects of this pact end after 1 week, or if the dragon is slain. Entering into this pact is a highly evil act that requires accepting all of one’s soul’s darkness and giving it free reign; any creature who accepts such a pact has their alignment immediately become evil. As the act of willfully accepting one’s own darkness is required for the pact to be completed a creature entering the pact will automatically know that it is an unquestionably evil act and must willingly accept that fact. Creating a dark pact requires 1 hour, 10 Spell Pool Points, and you may only have a number of dark pacts equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) at a time. You may not create dark pacts with creatures with the Evil subtype, evil dragons, any creature with more hit dice than your Dragonsoul Acolyte level, or yourself.
Specialized Aspect: Profane Spell Shield (Su): You gain Spell Resistance 15 + your Dragonsoul Acolyte level against Divine spells; this spell resistance has no effect against arcane spells, spell-like abilities (unless flagged as divine spells in some way), or psionics, only functioning against Divine spells. If you already have Spell Resistance from another innate source (class feature, race, feat, soulmeld, vestige; not item or spell) you use either this spell resistance or that spell resistance + 10, whichever is better, when dealing with divine spells.

Electrum Dragon:
Alignments allowed: Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Nature)
Breath Weapon: Line of sound.
Energy Resistance: Sonic.
Lesser Aspect: Immobilization Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of immobilizing gas which roots creatures in place. Any creature within this breath weapon must make a Will save or be immobilized (unable to move from their current square) for 1d4+1 rounds; they may still teleport and flying creatures can still hover or if they cannot fall 20-ft per round.
Greater Aspect: Aerial Warrior (Ex): May move up to your fly speed as part of a full attack action (before, after, or between attacks; one instance of movement).
Specialized Aspect: Wind Rider (Ex): You gain the Draconic Wings ability; if you already have it or would gain it your fly speed improves by 30-ft and your flight maneuverability improves by 1 step. When you use your Dragon Form ability your fly speed improves by 50-ft and your flight maneuverability improves by 1 step.

Enyo Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Chaotic or Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Choose 3 disciplines. You treat these disciplines' associated skills as Tutelary Skills.
Breath Weapon: Cone of Force (d8s).
Energy Resistance: Force.
Spell Pool: An Enyo Dragon is a sublime dragon. You gain access to whichever three disciplines you chose to gain your Tutelary Skills from.
Lesser Aspect: Warrior's Reflexes (Ex): When you are unarmored and not wearing a shield and carrying a light load you gain a bonus to your AC equal to your Wisdom modifier + 1 per 3 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels; this functions like a monk's AC bonus and does not stack with a monk's AC bonus, although you may add your Monk level to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level to determine your Dragonsoul Acolyte level for this effect. In addition you add your Wisdom bonus as an Insight bonus to Reflex saves and Initiative checks.
Greater Aspect: Twin Stance (Su): You may enter a 2nd martial stance through your Spell Pool while maintaining another you already have active. You may only maintain 2 stances at a time for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier after which point one of your stances end. Your 2nd stance activated must be one activated (and paid for) via your Spell Pool.
Specialized Aspect: Deflect Rays (Su): You gain Deflect Arrows as a bonus feat (this is Ex). In addition you may use this feat to deflect rays and ranged touch attacks as if they were arrows.

Feathered Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Good or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Heal, Perform, Survival.
Breath Weapon: Instead of a breath weapon you gain the ability to invoke the wrath of the spirits; this functions as a breath weapon using the same recharge timer as your breath weapons from this class but deals damage to up to 1 target creature per die of damage your breath weapon deals, all creatures must be within 30-ft of you. Undead and aberrations take d10s for damage, while fey, animals, and magical beasts take only d6s, everything else takes damage in d8s. Each target is allowed a Will save to half the damage (instead of Reflex).
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining Energy Resistance and Immunity as normal you gain a variety of abilities. Beginning at 3rd level you are immune to poisons. At 7th level you gain the Voice of Spirits ability (see below) and the Woodland Stride ability. At 11th level you gain Trackless Step (as a druid) and the ability to See Invisibility as the spell (this is an Su ability). At 15th level you gain the ability to use Invisibility as a spell-like ability by paying 1 Spell Pool Point.
Your connection with spirits has advanced to such a degree that you may speak normally in magical silence, the spirits acting as your voice allowing you to be heard as if there was no magical silence. This also allows it to cast spells with verbal components normally in such conditions.
Spell Pool: You gain access to the druid spell list and the Air, Good, and Healing domains instead of the Sorcerer spell list.
Lesser Aspect: Turning Breath (Su): You gain a breath weapon, a cone of positive energy which turns undead as a cleric of your Dragonsoul Acolyte level. While you still must make a Turning Check to determine the highest individual hit dice of undead which may be affected you do not roll turning damage instead having infinite turning damage.
Greater Aspect: Shed Flesh (Su): As a full round action you may, by paying 5 Spell Pool Points, become Incorporeal for as long as you desire. While Incorporeal you may use your natural weapons as incorporeal touch attacks against corporeal foes, using Dexterity to hit and adding Charisma to damage as if it were Strength (your Strength score becomes - while incorporeal). You are considered a summoned extraplanar creature for interacting with Protection from Evil and similar effects while incorporeal this way; becoming corporeal once more is a standard action which does not cost Spell Pool Points. You may not use this ability while on the Ethereal Plane. Alternatively you may use this ability to enter the Ethereal Plane while on a plane connected to it. You may return to the Prime as a standard action (this does not cost spell pool points) but cannot in an area warded by Protection from Evil or similar effects unless the opposite alignment to that which it protects against. By paying 3 Spell Pool Points you may return to the Prime and be Incorporeal, or while Incorporeal you may pay 3 Spell Pool Points to enter the Ethereal Plane where you will be corporeal.
Specialized Aspect: Poison Healing (Su): You may use Neutralize Poison at-will with a touch as a supernatural ability. In addition you may pay 1 Spell Pool Point and touch a creature to heal any effects from poison they are currently suffering (such as ability damage), this costs 3 Spell Pool Points to heal if they suffered ability drain. By paying 6 Spell Pool Points you may revive a creature that was killed directly due to poison as if with Raise Dead except they suffer no level loss.

Fog Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, and Lawful Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Swim.
Breath Weapon: Line of electricity. This breath weapon deals damage in d8s, but deals +2 damage per die against creatures made of metal or wearing metal armor.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Lesser Aspect: Sea Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based).
Greater Aspect: Blindsight (Ex): You gain Blindsight out to 60-ft, doubling to 120-ft in the water.
Specialized Aspect: Fog Summoner: You can select Obscuring Mist as a cantrip and treat Obscuring Mist, Fog Cloud, Cloud of BewildermentSpC, Malevolent MiasmaSpC, Stinking Cloud, Contagious FogSpC, Solid Fog, Cloudkill, Mind Fog, Acid Fog, and Freezing FogSpC as if they were 1 spell level lower for the purposes of your Spell Pool.

Fungal Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, and Lawful Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Climb, Jump, Survival.
Breath Weapon: Line of Energized Spores which deal untyped damage (d6s). Any creature damaged by these spores must make a Fortitude save or be nauseated for 1 round/die of damage dealt.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance a fungal dragonsoul acolyte gains resistance to mind-affecting effects. At 3rd level they gain a +3 on all saves against Mind-Affecting spells and effects. At 7th level whenever they must make a save against a mind-affecting effect they may roll twice taking the better result. At 11th level their bonus against Mind-Affecting spells and effect increases to +6. At 15th level it becomes full immunity.
Lesser Aspect: Infectious Breath (Su): You gain a second breath weapon a cone of spores that infest an affected creature dealing 2 Con damage per round for 1 round per two dice of damage it would have dealt. A successful Fortitude save prevents this effect, and the damage can be halted by a Remove Disease spell.
Greater Aspect: Fungal Regeneration (Ex): You gain Regeneration 5 overcome by cold and fire.
Specialized Aspect: Plant Body (Ex): You gain certain plant-like traits, granting you immunity to stunning and poison and a 5% chance per Dragonsoul Acolyte level of negating critical hits and precision damage (becoming full immunity at 20th level).

Gorgonid Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Chaotic or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Jump, Tumble, Survival
Breath Weapon: Cone of fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Hunter (Ex): You gain Track and Endurance as bonus feats.
Greater Aspect: Deadly Fangs (Ex): Your bite damage increases by 2 dice sizes as if you had grown 2 size categories, and your bite attack gains a critical rating of 18-20/x3. Finally whenever you bite a creature you may make a trip attempt as a free action without needing a touch attack to initiate it, you gain a +4 bonus to this trip attempt and if you fail your opponent cannot react to trip you back.
Specialized Aspect: Hunter's Nose (Ex): You gain the Scent special quality and may track at full speed without penalty. Your scent is especially keen allowing you to detect things by scent at twice the normal range (60-ft, 120-ft if you are downwind of them, 30-ft if you are upwind of them, 10-ft to pin point their location).

Glacier Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Chaotic or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Balance, Climb, Survival
Breath Weapon: Cone of Cold.
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Lesser Aspect: Keen Nose (Ex): You gain the Scent special quality.
Greater Aspect: Frigid Bite (Su): Your bite attack deals 2d6 cold damage (this benefits from Pierce Resistance) and 1d4+2 Dexterity damage per hit.
Specialized Aspect: Ice Walker (Su): You may move at full speed over ice and snow, suffering no penalty to skill checks due to snow or ice, and suffer no penalties to spot or listen due to snow storms. In addition you may climb across icy surfaces as if you were under the effects of a spider-climb spell.

Grim Crag Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Balance, Jump, Swim
Breath Weapon: Line of fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Elemental Flesh (Ex): You are more elemental in nature, your flesh beneath your scales turning partially into elemental matter. When a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on you, there is a 5% chance per Dragonsoul Acolyte level (maximum 75% at 15th level) that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.
Greater Aspect: Inner Heat (Su): Your body glows with an inner fire. You produce heat and glow faintly orange with heat. Any creature striking you with a natural weapon, unarmed strike, or grappling you or touching you takes 2d6 fire damage (this damage receives the benefits of your Pierce Resistance ability). In addition your natural weapon attacks also inflict this fire damage on each hit.
Specialized Aspect: Pyromantic Spell Pool: You may treat spells with the fire descriptor as 2 spell levels lower (minimum 0) for the purposes of your Spell Pool. In addition you may ignore caster level caps on such spells, increasing your CL by 2 and the save DCs by 1 for all fire descriptor spells used through your Spell Pool.

2015-01-23, 02:12 PM
Tutelary Dragon List: Homebrew Part 2

Miscellaneous Dragons continued
Hooded Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, or Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Autohypnosis, Bluff, Intimidate.
Breath Weapon: A cone of mystical gas. Any creature caught in this gas has it seep into them igniting them from the inside out. This deals half the normal damage of your breath weapon ability (in d10s) as fire damage and the creature must make a Fortitude save or take the same fire damage each round during your turn for 2 rounds. Multiple uses of your breath weapon do not stack for damage, but reset the duration each time.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Spell Pool: A hooded dragon is a psionic dragon gaining access to the Wilder power list instead of the sorcerer spell list.
Lesser Aspect: Poison Immunity (Ex): You gain immunity to poison.
Greater Aspect: Paralyzing Gaze (Su): You grow a cobra-like hood. You may infuse yourself with draconic power by spending 4 Spell Pool Points as a free action if you do you gain a Gaze attack with a range of 60-ft until the start of your next turn. Any creature affected by your gaze is Dazed for 1 round, a successful Will save (DC 10 +1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte Level + your Charisma modifier). If you focus your gaze on a creature (as a standard action) and they fail their save they are Paralyzed for 1 round instead of Dazed. This is a mind-affecting ability.
Specialized Aspect: Mind of Control: You can use Telepath discipline powers as if they were Wilder spells. In addition you may use Psionic Charm, Psionic Suggestion, and Psionic Dominate for 1 less Spell Pool Point than normal (to a minimum of 1) and fully augment them for a 1 Spell Pool Point surcharge if that would be less than 4 (or 4 otherwise).

Hymn Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Good.
Tutelary Skills: Disguise, Heal, Perform.
Breath Weapon: A cone of sound (sonic).
Energy Resistance: Sonic.
Spell Pool: Instead of gaining access to the Sorcerer spell list through your Spell Pool you gain access to the Cleric spell list. Likewise your Talented Spells and Signature Spell are chosen from the Cleric spell list instead of the Sorcerer list.
Lesser Aspect: Draconic Bard: You may use Bard spells as if they were Sorcerer spells (or Wilder powers, or whatever list you have access to) of their Bard spell levels (using whichever spell level you prefer); they retain their Bard level for save DCs and Globe of Invulnerability and the like even if they have a different level for a Sorcerer.
Greater Aspect: Healing Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of healing energy. This energy heals all creatures within the area 1d8 hit points per die of damage your breath weapon would normally deal. This is a positive energy effect and damages creatures harmed by positive energy and no effect on creatures neither harmed nor healed by such. A successful Will save halves the healing or damage from this effect.
Specialized Aspect: Draconic Hymnist (Su): Select 1 draconic hymns (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?312878-Dragon-Chorister-%283-5-base-class-PEACH%29) you may sing this hymn by paying 1 Spell Pool Point per round you sing. You may choose to sing the same verse of a dragonic hymn for multiple consecutive rounds, without needing to wait 3 rounds between singing the same hymn. Initiating this song is still a standard action, and maintaining it is a free action. In addition you gain a number of ranks in Perform (Vocal) equal to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level +3 (if this would push you over your maximum ranks in Perform Vocal you may immediately retrain excess skill points).

Kraken Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Evil and True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Disguise, Perform, Swim.
Breath Weapon: A cone of mind-rending energy which deals damage in d8s. This is a mind-affecting effect which requires a Will save instead of Reflex to half, and the DC is based off of your Charisma modifier instead of your Constitution modifier.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance a kraken dragonsoul acolyte gains resistance to mind-affecting effects. At 3rd level they gain a +3 on all saves against Mind-Affecting spells and effects. At 7th level whenever they must make a save against a mind-affecting effect they may roll twice taking the better result. At 11th level their bonus against Mind-Affecting spells and effect increases to +6. At 15th level it becomes full immunity.
Lesser Aspect: Charming Drake: Treat the spells Charm Person, Charm Monster, Mass Charm Person, and Dominate Person as one level lower for your Spell Pool. In addition Enchantment and Telepathy spells, powers, and spell-like abilities you use get a +1 to their Save DCs.
Greater Aspect: Tentacles (Ex): You grow several long, constrictive tentacles. These four tentacles allow you to make tentacle attacks each acting as a secondary natural weapon dealing 1d4 damage (if you are medium sized). These tentacles have a reach 5-ft longer than is normal for you.
Specialized Aspect: Depths Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to twice your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based). In addition you are immune to damage from pressure.

Lepidodendron Dragon:
Allowed alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Autohypnosis, Hide, Survival.
Breath Weapon: A ball of lightning which you fire at a single target as a ranged touch dealing electricity (d10s) damage (no saving thow).
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Spell Pool: You gain access to the Druid spell list instead of the Sorcerer spell list.
Lesser Aspect: Wood Walker (Ex): You gain Woodland Stride and Trackless Step as the druid abilities of the same names.
Greater Aspect: Chain Breath (Su): When you use your ranged touch attack breath you may have it leap to another target within 30-ft of the original. This requires another ranged touch attack and deals the same damage. You may have it perform this leap again on this attack, but it may not leap to the same target twice. This may continue until one of the following happens: You miss, you strike an object, or there are no legal targets you wish to strike within range.
Specialized Aspect: Breath Barrage (Su): When using a touch attack breath weapon you may use it as a full round action to make multiple attacks with it. If your Base Attack Bonus is at least +6 you can make 2 attacks, if it is at least +11 you can make 3, and if it is at least +16 you can make 4, and if you are hasted you can make an additional attack. When you use your breath weapon this way you cannot apply metabreath feats to it, and it deals damage 1 die size smaller than usual, or 2 die sizes smaller than usual if you are making 4 or more attacks. Each use after the first, with the exception of the bonus for being hasted, suffers a -5 to hit, increasing to -10 and -15 on the 3rd and 4th non-hasted attack respectively. In addition when you make a full attack that includes a bite attack you may replace the bite attack with a breath weapon (even if not a ranged touch one), if you do so its damage is reduced by 1 die size.

Maleficence Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Concentration, Intimidate, Knowledge (Religion).
Breath Weapon: A line of soul disrupting energy which harms living creatures and the undead (constructs are immune). This deals damage in d8s and a Will save is used to half this damage instead of a Reflex save.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance and immunity you gain the following abilities. At 3rd level you gain +4 to saves versus death effects, negative energy effects, and saves to remove negative levels. At 7th level you reduce damage you take from negative energy by 10. At 11th level this negative energy resistance increases to 20 and you may roll twice on any save this ability gives you a benefit to. At 15th level you gain total immunity to death effects, energy drain, and any negative energy effect.
Taint Suppression: If you select Maleficence Dragon as your Tutelary Dragon you gain the Taint Suppression ability (see Heroes of Horror page 89) at 1st level. At 4th level you no longer show symptoms when in tainted areas. At 9th level you become a creature of Taint; you no longer suffer effects from taint and your depravity and corruption scores are set to equal one-half your Charisma score +2 and cannot be increased or lowered.
Lesser Aspect: Tainted Blows (Su): You are wrapped in an evil and soul-rending force, a force which twists body and spirit. Your claws become tainted and any time you strike a creature with a claw attack they must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 your dragonsoul acolyte level + your Constitution modifier) or gain 1 point of corruption and take 1d6 additional damage. Your bite attack, if any, inflicts this effect as well.
Greater Aspect: Tainted Breath: Your breath weapon now inflicts 1 point of depravity per 2 dice of damage it deals (or would deal if you are using a non-damaging breath) if the target fails their save against the breath. Note the effects of gaining more depravity than your current Wisdom modifier (Heroes of Horror page 62). In addition the soul of any creature killed or destroyed by your breath weapon is pulled into your tainted being where it is tortured to fuel your powers. Such a creature cannot be revived as long as you live and even once you are dead it requires a carefully worded Wish or Miracle followed by a spell to revive the dead and the creature is revived with 1 less than Severe Taint in both Corruption and Depravity if it did not already have higher taint totals.
Specialized Aspect: Aura of Fear (Su): You radiate an aura of fear. Any creature in the area must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your dragonsoul acolyte level + your Cha modifier) or become shaken for as long as they are in the aura and for 1d4 rounds thereafter and take 1 point of Depravity (this never causes the creature to be stunned regardless of their Wisdom modifier). A creature who successfully saves cannot be affected by your aura of fear for 10 minutes, and must save each round until they succeed; each failure adds 1d4 rounds to the shaken effect but does not progress it further (although if they are shaken by another effect this effect will increase it to frightened). You may suppress or reactivate this ability as a free action at-will.

Moon Dragon
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Disguise, Perform, Swim.
Breath Weapon: Cone of freezing gas (cold)
Energy Resistance: Handle Animal, Knowledge (Nature), Survival
Spell Pool: You gain access to the Druid spell list instead of the Sorcerer one.
Lesser Aspect: Slow Breath (Su): Instead of using a damaging breath you may release a cone of slowing gas. Any creature within the area must make a Will save or be slowed (as spell slow) for 1d6+1 rounds.
Greater Aspect: Shifting Prowess (Su): You gain a +4 untyped bonus to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. As a swift action you may pay 1 Spell Pool Point to change which score this bonus it applied to. When using any ability to change your form which changes your ability scores this bonus doubles to +8.
Specialized Aspect: Goring Horns (Ex): You gain a pair of curved, bull-like horns, which you can use to make a gore attack as a secondary natural weapon dealing 1d6 damage (if you are medium) on a hit.

Necrocarnum Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Bluff, and Spellcraft.
Breath Weapon: A cone of soul-shattering energy which deals 1d6 Constitution damage + 1 per 3 dice of damage your breath weapon would normally deal and reduces the target's essentia by an amount equal to the number of dice your breath weapon would normally deal (this essentia reduction lasts for 1 hour). A successful Fortitude save halves the damage and the essentia reduction.
Energy Resistance and Soul Pool: Like an Incarnum Dragonsoul Acolyte a Necrocarnum Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain Energy Resistance or the normal spell pool ability. While they do still gain a small number of Spell Pool Points, their max spell level for the purposes of the spell pool is always 0. Instead they gain the ability to shape and bind soulmelds from the Incarnate list, gaining Soulmelds, Essentia, and Chakra binds based on their level as shown below. An Incarnum Dragonsoul Acolyte may use Essentia granted by this class to fuel abilities which normally require points from the Spell Pool at a rate of 1 essentia = 2 Spell Pool points (if an ability requires an odd number of spell pool points the excess point is wasted), essentia used this way is refreshed when spell pool points would be. In addition to the essentia you gain directly from leveling up, you gain the ability to harvest essentia from the death of creatures. You gain 1 point of essentia whenever a creature with at least 1 hit die within 30-ft of you dies, +1 per 6 hit dice they possess. You may only have an amount of essentia gained this way based upon your dragonsoul acolyte level and may not use this essentia to power abilities which cost spell pool points. Temporary essentia gained this way lasts for 1 hour and is then lost.

Chakra’s Unlocked
Chakra Binds
Spell Pool Points
Necrocarnum Cap






Feet, Hands





Arms, Shoulders








You still gain Cantrips, Talented Spells, and Signature Spell as normal for a Dragonsoul Acolyte gaining the ability to use the selected 1st and 2nd level spells from Talented and Signature Spell abilities in defiance of their max Spell Pool level.
Lesser Aspect: Expanded Necrocarnum Capacity: The essentia capacity of any soulmeld you shape with the Necrocarnum descriptor is increased by 1, increasing by another 1 at 15th level.
Greater Aspect: Consume Essence (Su): Whenever you bite a creature that creature has one soulmeld it currently has shaped (at random) unshaped and any essentia the creature has in that soulmeld is lost and the creature recovers that essentia after 1 hour. If it does not have any soulmelds they instead take 2 points of Constitution damage. You gain essentia equal to any essentia a target loses or Constitution damage they receive due to this ability, but may only have 1 point of essentia gained this way per 4 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels; this temporary essentia lasts 10 minutes.
Specialized Aspect: Shield of the Heart (Ex): You are immune to ability damage and drain.

Occulus Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device.
Breath Weapon: A Cone of Acid.
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Spell Pool: An Occulus Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain access to the Sorcerer spell list with their Spell Pool. Instead they may use a series of eye rays as spell-like abilities. They may use one of these eye rays as a swift action, and all such rays require ranged touch attacks with a range of 60-ft. Available eye rays, the level they are gained, and the cost to use them are shown on the table below. Beginning at 8th level you may pay a 2 Spell Pool Point surcharge when using your eye rays to fire 2 rays as a single (swift) action, or beginning at 16th level 4 Spell Pool Point one to make 3 as a single action; this cost is in addition to the cost of each spell used in this volley and no ray can be used more than once as part of this volley.

Spell Level

Inflict Wounds
1 or more d8s +CL level (max +5/d8) negative energy damage, Will save halves
# of dice or 1/2 Dragonsoul Acolyte level whichever is lower.
1 per die of damage dealt

Charm Person
Charm Person

Target is exhausted for 1 minute/caster level, Fort save reduces to Fatigue

Slows target for 1 round/caster level (Will negates)

Dispel Magic
Targeted dispel magic on target, pay 2 extra spell pool points for Greater Dispel Magic

Target is frightened for 1 round/caster level (Will negates)

Move object up to 25 lbs as if with Telekinesis, creatures are allowed a Will save to resist.

Charm Monster
Charm target as spell Charm Monster

Dazes target for 1 round (this is a mind-affecting enchantment compulsion effect)

As spell Enervation (inflicts 1d4 negative levels for 1 hour)

Dominate Person
As spell Dominate Person

Flesh to Stone
As spell Flesh to Stone

Puts target to sleep for 1 minute/caster level (they may be awoken as normal for sleep spell); Will negates

As Finger of Death

As Disintegrate

You still gain Talented Spells and a Signature Spell from the Sorcerer spell list as normal. You may pay an additional spell pool point to cast any of these spells, or other spell-like abilities fueled by your spell pool, through your eye stalks as long as they have a single target and a range other than personal. If you do so they are used as a swift action, and require a ranged touch attack with a range of 60-ft.
Lesser Aspect: Eye Stalks (Ex): You grow 4 eye stalks (from which you use your eye rays). These eye stalks grant you All-Around Vision (Ex), which gives you a +4 bonus to Search and Spot checks and renders you immune to being flanked.
Greater Aspect: Magic Suppressing Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon, a cone of anti-magic which suppresses existing magical energy. This breath suppresses all pre-existing magical effects in the area for 1d6+1 rounds. The suppressing effect does not dispel effects, nor does it prevent new effects from being activated, but effects in existence before the dragon’s breath are treated as if they were in anti-magic for the duration. Creatures struck may cast spells, use spell-like abilities, and activate supernatural abilities, but magic items become inert for the duration, summoned creatures vanish only to reappear after the duration of this effect has passed. Supernatural abilities that cannot be voluntarily activated are also suppressed. Vestige pacts and soulmelds are suppressed for the duration as if affected by an antimagic field and still count against maximum number of pacts/soul melds.
Specialized Aspect: Gaze of Power (Su): Your normal (non-stalk) eyes merge together to form one large, cyclopean eye. You gain a gaze attack with this eye with a range of 30-ft. Any creature affected by this gaze attack must make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Charisma modifier) or be shaken for 1d6+1 rounds (this gaze cannot stack with itself). By spending 3 Spell Pool Points you may change this gaze into a Dazing Gaze for 1 round which dazes creatures which fail their save for 1 round; this is a mind-affecting effect. Beginning at 13th level you may make it Stun instead of Daze when using this ability. Beginning at 17th level you may pay 3 Spell Pool Points to instead make it an anti-magic gaze which creates an anti-magic zone within a 30-ft cone in front of you for 1 round. You must choose which gaze you are using as a free actin at the beginning of your turn and its effects last for 1 round.

Palladium Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, and Lawful Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Disguise, Heal
Breath Weapon: A cone of magical gas which stuns those within it. Any creature within the cone must make a Will save or be stunned for 1d3 rounds, this increases to 1d4 when your breath weapon would deal 4 dice of damage, and 1d4+1 when it would deal 8 dice of damage.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Spell Pool: You gain access to the Cleric spell list instead of the Sorcerer spell list.
Lesser Aspect: Divine Blessing (Su): You can use your Charisma modifier instead of the normal ability score modifier for any and all saving throws.
Greater Aspect: Holy Dread (Su): Evil creatures within 30-ft suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage, saving throws, skill and ability checks, and to their Caster Level.
Specialized Aspect: Frost Proof (Ex): You gain Cold resistance and immunity equal to that granted by your Energy Resistance and Energy Immunity class features.

Plasma Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Chaotic and True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Craft, Gather Information, Spellcraft
Breath Weapon: A line of plasma dealing half fire and half electricity damage (d10s).
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Flames' Rebuke (Su): You gain the ability to Rebuke creatures with the Fire subtype as an evil cleric of your dragonsoul acolyte level Rebukes Undead (or as a cleric with the fire domain rebukes fire creatures).
Greater Aspect: Powerful Breath: Your breath weapon(s) damage dice increase by one size (d4 -> d6 -> d8 -> d10 -> 2d6 -> 2d8 -> 3d6 -> 4d6 -> 5d6... etc). You gain Maximize Breath as a bonus feat, if you already have it you gain another meta breath feat instead.
Specialized Aspect: Electricity Immunity (Ex): You gain Electricity Resistance and Immunity equal to that granted by your Dragonsoul Acolyte level.

Peanut Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Spellcraft, Survival
Breath Weapon: A cone of sticky acidic peanut butter. This breath weapon deals d8s for damage, but any creature which fails their saving throw is entangled for 1d3 rounds.
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Spell Pool: A Peanut Dragonsoul Acolyte gains access to Druid spells instead of Sorcerer spells via their Spell Pool, and uses Intelligence instead of Charisma for the saving throw DCs of Spell-like Abilities used via their Spell Pool.
Lesser Aspect: Rebuke Plants (Su): You can rebuke and command plant creatures as an evil cleric rebukes and commands undead. You may use this ability 3 + Charisma modifier times per day (minimum 3).
Greater Aspect: Legume Dragonsoul (Ex): You gain immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning.
Specialized Aspect: Sorcerous Mastery: You gain access to the Sorcerer spell list in addition to the Druid spell list.

Plague Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Heal, Survival
Breath Weapon: A cone of disgusting, bacteria-ridden acidic sludge. This cone deals acid damage (in d10s), Reflex halves, and any creature which takes damage from this breath weapon must make a Fortitude save or become infected with Black Spit.
The disease’s name come from one of the more interesting symptoms, it colors the patient’s saliva and phlegm an ashy black. As a warning to caretakers the disease seems to spread through bodily fluids. This is a supernatural disease.
Incubation Period: 1d4+1 days. Fort save DC: 14; when infected directly through your breath weapon the DC is 10 + 1/2 your dragonsoul acolyte level + your Constitution modifier and set when you infect the target. Damage: 1d3 Constitution, and 1 Wisdom.
Energy Resistance: Acid. In addition you gain Disease Immunity at Lv 3.
Lesser Aspect: Sea Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based).
Greater Aspect: Festering Wounds (Su): Your natural weapons inflict dangerous wounds that continually bleed. Any living creature damaged by your claws or bite attack is left with a wound that bleeds badly taking another 2 damage each round for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier (minimum 1 round) or they are healed at least 2 points of hit points through magical healing per wound. Each attack inflicts a wound this way and the duration of each wound is tracked separately. Elementals, Oozes, and unliving creatures are immune to this effect.
Specialized Aspect: Power of Plague: You may use doomsayer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?368342-Doomsayer-%283-5-Base-Class%29) invocations from the Apocalyptic Path of Plague with your Spell Pool. You treat Least Invocations as 1st level spells, Lesser Invocations as 3rd level spells, and Greater Invocations as 5th level spells. In addition you gain the ability to carry diseases without suffering their effects (this replaces your immunity).

Plains Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Chaotic or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Gather Information, Survival, Swim.
Breath Weapon: A ray of searing light. This is a light-based ranged touch attack that deals d8s for damage with a range of your line breath weapon; this touch attack does not allow a saving throw.
Energy Resistance: You gain resistance to damage from light based effects (such as searing light, but not energy damage from them such as the red curtain of a prismatic spray) and eventually total immunity. In addition at level 3 you gain immunity to blindness. At 7th you gain a +4 on saves versus death effects, increasing to immunity at 15th level.
Lesser Aspect: Blinding Breath (Su): When using your breath weapon you may release a cone of blinding light instead of dealing damage. Any creature within the area must make a Fortitude save, on a failure they are blinded for 1d4+1 rounds and on a success they are dazzled for the same duration.
Greater Aspect: Spell Proof Hide (Su): You take 10 less damage from spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural effects which deal damage. In addition you gain Spell Resistance 16 + your Dragonsoul Acolyte level (if you also have the Spell Resistance Lesser Aspect this increases to 18 + your Dragonsoul Acolyte level).
Specialized Aspect: Enchantment Proof Hide (Su): Your scales act to reverse the flow of magical energies within weapons that strike at you, turning their edge by their own magical might. You gain 2 points of damage reduction per 3 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels you possess. This damage reduction is penetrated only by non-magical weapons and attacks. For example at lv 12 you'd have DR 8/non-magic.

Racer Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Balance, Jump, Tumble.
Breath Weapon: A Line of Electricity.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Draconic Wings: A Racer Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain draconic wings as normal. Instead they gain a +10-ft enhancement bonus to land speed for every 3 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels they possess; this bonus functions when wearing light or no armor and carrying no more than a light load.
Lesser Aspect: Slow Breath (Su): Instead of using a damaging breath you may release a cone of slowing gas. Any creature within the area must make a Fort save or be slowed (as spell slow) for 1d6+1 rounds.
Greater Aspect: Combat Strafe (Ex): You may move up to your speed as part of a full attack. This movement does not have to be all at once but can instead be spread out between multiple attacks. Alternatively as a full round action you may move up to twice your speed and make a bite attack as a primary natural weapon attack against any number of targets that are within reach at any point during this movement.
Specialized Aspect: Pounce (Ex): You gain the pounce special quality.

Renewal Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Heal, Hide, Swim.
Breath Weapon: A Cone or Line of Pacifying Gas (chosen when used). This breath weapon deals no damage instead making a creature unable to take any combative action (including defensive buffing or summoning) for 1d4+1 rounds if they fail a Will save. This is a mind-affecting effect, and any attack made against an affected creature immediately ends it for that creature.
Energy Resistance: Instead of normal energy resistance you gain the following abilities. At 3rd level you gain a +4 bonus on saves versus death effects. At 7th level if you would have to make a saving throw against a death effect you roll twice taking the better result. At 11th level you gain immunity to death effects. At 15th level you gain the ability to Forbid Death (Su); 1/day as an immediate action, you can prevent a single attack or effect from killing any creature within 60-ft. This only works on a spell, effect, or attack which would have killed one or more creatures within the range and completely negates all effects and damage of it within the range. For example if a fireball would kill a creature within range it could be used to prevent all damage from the fireball within the area, but any portion of the fireball’s area outside the range of this effect would not be prevented. You may, and often must, use this ability after damage has been rolled. If you would be killed by an effect or attack and the dragon has uses of this ability remaining this ability automatically activates even if the renewal dragon is unaware of the effect or attack and without it being required to use an immediate action to activate it.
Spell Pool: Instead of gaining access to the Sorcerer spell list through your Spell Pool you gain access to the Cleric spell list. Likewise your Talented Spells and Signature Spell are chosen from the Cleric spell list instead of the Sorcerer list.
Lesser Aspect: Healer's Soul: You treat Conjuration (Healing) spells as if they were 1 level lower for the purposes of the Spell Pool and may select Cure Minor Wounds as a cantrip but you may only use it as a cantrip to heal creatures up to 1/2 health. Beginning at 8th level you may select Cure Light Wounds, Faith HealingSpC, and Lesser VigorSpC as cantrips with the same restrictions on use. You may use RevivifySpC through your spell pool despite its normally too expensive material component.
Greater Aspect: Rejuvenation: You gain Fast Healing 4.
Specialized Aspect: Life Inviolate (Su): You are surrounded by an aura which preserves life of all creatures within it other than yourself. Creatures within 10-ft of you other than yourself cannot die, this does nothing to prevent them from being reduced to -10 or lower hit points or 0 Constitution. A creature with 0 Constitution is knocked unconscious. A creature which has less than -10 hit points, or 0 Constitution, or another condition which would normally kill them (not an instantaneous death effect) immediately dies if you move further than 10-ft from them or teleport or otherwise cease to be within 10-ft of them.

Saurian Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Survival.
Breath Weapon: Line of acid.
Energy Resistance: Acid
Spell Pool: A Saurian Dragon is considered a Sublime Dragon for the purposes of their Spell Pool. A Saurian Dragonsoul Acolyte may initiate maneuvers from Feral Hunter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?306672-Feral-Hunger-%28Martial-Discipline%29), Stone Dragon and Tiger Claw disciplines.
Lesser Aspect: Petrifying Breath (Su): You gain a second breath weapon a cone of petrifying gas. Any creature within the area takes 1d4 Dexterity damage + 1 per 2 dice of damage your breath weapon would normally deal, if this Dexterity damage reduces their Dexterity to 0 they are instantly petrified. A successful Fortitude save halves this Dexterity damage.
Greater Aspect: Body of Stone (Ex/Su): Your natural armor improves by an additional +3 and you gain immunity to petrification; this is Extraordinary. In addition you gain damage reduction equal to half your class level overcome only by weapons which have their striking surfaces made of stone (including flint and obsidian); this is supernatural.
Specialized Aspect: Natural Arsenal (Ex): Your natural weapons deal damage as if you were 1 size category larger.

Sliver Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, and Lawful Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Knowledge (Dungeoneering).
Breath Weapon: Line of electricity.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Hivemate: Beginning at 4th level a Sliver Dragonsoul Acolyte gains the Sliver subtype. Slivers are automatically considered your "Companions" (see Companions' Breath) without counting against your limit of companions.
Lesser Aspect: Companions' Breath (Su): You may designate a creature as a "Companion"; to do so you must touch them (as a standard action) and spend a spell pool point. That creature remains your Companion until they die (your own death does not sever such bonds) or you dissolve the bond (requiring a standard action and a spell pool point, but no range limit). You may have a number of Companions equal to your Charisma modifier (a reduction in Charisma does not dissolve bonds). Any companion within 100-ft of you gains the ability to use a breath weapon with the same area as any damaging breath weapon you possess which deals damage with dice 2 sizes smaller than your breath weapon but the same number (d12 -> d8, d10 -> d6, d8 -> d4, d6 -> d3, d4 -> d2, d3 -> 1/die); the save DCs for these breath weapons is 10 + 1/2 their hit dice + their Constitution modifier, and these breath weapons require 1d4 rounds between uses. Companions' breath weapons do not gain any non-damaging effects of your breath weapon.
Greater Aspect: Hivemind (Su): Your Companions' Breath ability now functions on companions within 1000-ft, or 1 mile if you also have Companions' Immunity. In addition you and your companions within that range share a hivemind, none of you are surprised unless all are surprised, and none are flat-footed unless all are, and none are flanked unless all are. In addition you all are considered to have the highest Int, Wis, and Cha from amongst your Companions and yourself for Will saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. You and your companions may communicate telepathically within this range, and you may control any sliver other than a Queen, Overlord, Legion, Hivelord, Sliver Dragon, or Sliver Dragonsoul Acolyte with this ability within this range unless it is already controlled by one of the aforementioned.
Specialized Aspect: Companions' Immunity (Ex): Your Companions' Breath ability now functions on companions within 1000-ft. In addition your Companions within this range also gain your Electricity Resistance or Immunity granted by the Dragonsoul Acolyte class.

Soulshell Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device.
Breath Weapon: Line of spiritual energy which deals untyped (d8s) damage to creatures within its area. A successful Fortitude save (instead of Reflex) halves this damage.
Energy Resistance: Instead of normal energy resistance you gain the following abilities. At 3rd level you gain immunity to fear. At 7th level you gain Slippery Mind (as the monk ability). At 11th level as long as you have a vestige bound you gain a +4 on Will saves against mind-affecting effects. At 15th level you gain immunity to mind-affecting effects as long as you have a vestige bound.
Spell Pool: A Soulshell Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain normal access to the spell pool. Instead they may use the Spell Pool to pull a vestige into them. It requires a standard action to bind a vestige this way, and a Soulshell Dragonsoul Acolyte may expel a bound vestige as a standard action at no cost and with no penalty for doing so. A Soulshell Dragonsoul Acolyte must still make a Binding Check as normal, but do not need to draw a seal or abide by any special requirements as to how the seal is drawn, and the vestige does not physically manifest. A vestige bound with this ability remains bound for an amount of time determined by how many Spell Pool Points the Dragonsoul Acolyte spends to bind it, 1 minute if they spend 2 points, 10 minutes if they spend 3 points, 1 hour if they spend 4 point. A Dragonsoul Acolyte needs to spend 1 less Spell Pool Point to bind 1st level vestiges or vestiges at least 3 levels below their maximum, and may spend 1 extra point to bind a Vestige as a swift action. They may also spend 1 Spell Pool Point to expel a vestige as a free action. A Soulshell Dragon has an effective binder level for soulbinding as a binder of 3/4ths their level for the purpose of determining their maximum vestige level bound (see table below for equivalency, Max Vestige level bound, and Max Vestige level bound with the Improved Binding feat), but use their full Dragonsoul Acolyte level for the purposes of vestiges' granted powers. They do not intrinsically gain the ability to bind multiple vestiges at a time.

A Soulshell Dragonsoul Acolyte retains full spell pool points but does not intrinsically gain the ability to cast spells with it; their maximum spell level is - and only spell-like abilities granted ignoring this cap completely can be used (as opposed to ones which are as a Xth level spell for the purposes of your spell pool). They still gain Cantrips, Talented and Signature Spells and are able to use the spells chosen for Talented and Signature Spells normally as per those abilities. In addition you may select Detect Vestige as a cantrip beginning when you gain this ability (at 4th level).

If you have the ability to bind vestiges from another source (binder levels, vestige priest (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?329655-3-5-Vestige-Priest-%28Soulbinding-Base-Class-PEACH%29) levels, or the bind vestige feat) your vestiges bound are tracked separately for the two sources, and you may take the Bind Vestige feat despite having this ability and retain its function. If your ability to bind vestiges is not from the Bind Vestige feat, however, you may add your Effective Binder level from Dragonsoul Acolyte to that of your other class to determine the maximum level of vestige bound by both classes. Your ability to expel and rapidly bind vestiges with your Spell Pool Points only apply to vestiges bound with your spell pool ability.

Dragonsoul Acolyte Level
Effective Binder Level
Maximum Vestige Level
Improved Binding


















Lesser Aspect: Soul Hollowing Breath (Su): You gain a second breath weapon a cone of soul shrivelling gas which deals 1d6 Wisdom damage + 1/2 dice your breath weapon would normally deal. A successful Will save negates this damage.
Greater Aspect: Soul Dominion: You automatically succeed at all binding checks, and may have an additional vestige bound at a time (if you have multiple sets of maximum vestiges bound select one pool to apply this too). If you use your Spell Pool to expel or bind a vestige you may expel or bind 2 vestiges (up to your maximum number you may bind with your Spell Pool at once) instead of 1; you must pay Spell Pool Points for the durations of these vestiges separately but not to expel them or to bind them more quickly (for example expelling 2 vestiges as a free action would cost 1 spell pool point, while binding 2 max level vestiges for 10 minutes each would cost 6 Spell Pool Points as a standard action and 7 as a swift). Finally you may use vestige abilities that have a recharge time measured in rounds 1 round more quickly than normal (4 rounds instead of 5, 3 rounds with Rapid Recovery).
Specialized Aspect: Soul Protection (Ex): As long as you have a vestige bound you gain immunity to energy drain and negative levels.

Spellweave Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any.
Tutelary Skills: Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device.
Breath Weapon: Your breath weapon takes the form of numerous missiles of concussive force similar to magic missiles. This deals force damage within the area with no save, striking unerringly like magic missile; as such it deals 1d4+1 per die of damage it would normally deal (it still gains 1/2 Charisma bonus damage increasing to full, but only 1/target). A Shield spell, Brooch of Shielding, or similar effect which protects against magic missiles protects against this breath weapon but each die of damage the breath weapon deals counts as one missile blocked.
Energy Resistance: Force.
Lesser Aspect: Chain Breath (Su): When you use your breath weapon additional missiles of energy shoot off. You gain 1 missile this way per die of damage your breath weapon deals, and each missile deals 1d4+1 damage, and can be blocked by any effect which blocks magic missiles. These missiles deal the same type of damage as your breath weapon and each strike a target within 30-ft of your breath weapon which was not within the area of the original effect; you may direct multiple missiles against the same target. If your breath weapon does not deal damage it does not gain the benefit of this ability. No secondary effects of your breath weapon are carried by these missiles.
Greater Aspect: Draconic Theurge: You may use your spell pool to use spells from the Cleric spell list in addition to Sorcerer spells and gain 2 additional Spell Pool Points.
Specialized Aspect: Metamagic Spell Pool: When activating a spell from your spell pool you may spend 2 Spell Pool Points to Empower it, 3 to Maximize it, or 4 to Quicken it. In addition you gain 2 bonus Spell Pool Points.

2015-01-23, 02:13 PM
Tutelary Dragons: Homebrew - Part 3

Miscellaneous Dragons continued
Spellwaste Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Spellcraft.
Breath Weapon: Your breath weapon is a cone of energy which distorts the magic within all creatures and the world itself. This deals d6s to creatures within the area, gaining +1 damage/die against dragons, aberrations, fey, undead, constructs, outsiders, and elementals, as well as any creature that can cast spells and any creature that is capable of using one or more spell-like ability, and an additional +1 damage per die (total of +2 damage per die) against creatures that cast spells as a sorcerer or have at-will spell-like abilities. This breath weapon does not damage normal objects, but damages magic items as if they were creatures capable of casting sorcerer spells. Instead of requiring a Reflex save to half this effect requires a Will save to resist.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining Energy Resistance/Immunity you gain Spell Resistance 8 + your Dragonsoul Ascendant level at 3rd level. At 7th level this increases by +5 against any spell which has a level you are capable of accessing through your spell pool. At Lv 11 this increases to Spell Resistance 11 + your Dragonsoul Ascendant level. At 15th level your bonus to your Spell Resistance against spells of levels you can access through your Spell Pool increases by +5 (to +10 for SR 21 + class level).
Lesser Aspect: Wild Power (Ex): Whenever you use a spell from your Spell Pool you gain a +1d4 bonus to your Caster Level. In addition you gain 2 additional points in your Spell Pool.
Greater Aspect: Create Spell (Su): By spending an additional Spell Pool Point when using a spell-like ability through your spell pool you may instead create a living spell of that spell which lasts for 1 round per caster level and has a caster level of your caster level and appears within range of the spell; you must be using a spell that is a legal target for the living spell template to use this ability. By spending another 3 additional Spell Pool Points (for 4 total) you get the effects of the spell and create a living spell as well. You can control the living spells and are able to give it telepathic commands from up to 100-ft away.
Specialized Aspect: Wild Magic Aura (Su): You may radiate an aura of wild magic. Whenever a creature attempts to cast a spell (including psionic powers or mysteries), or use a spell-like ability, within 60-ft of you must succeed on a Spellcraft check. The DC of this spellcraft check is 10 + 1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Charisma modifier and the check suffers certain special bonuses and penalties. If they are casting a prepared spell, or using a spell completion or spell trigger item, they suffer a -5 to the check; if they are casting a divine spell, using a spell-like ability (unless it is at-will), invocation, or a mystery they gain a +5 to the check; if they are using an at-will spell-like ability (other than an invocation) or a warlock’s eldritch blast/doomsayer's malison/jinnblood's elemental blast (or equivalent as determined by the DM) they gain a +10 on the check. Should they succeed the check the spell acts normally, should they fail roll 1d20 and consult the table below; a wild mage’s (Complete Arcane) Student of Chaos allows them to roll on this table twice and pick the better result. This aura does not affect spell-like abilities cast through your Spell Pool; should multiple renditions of this aura stack only the strongest (highest DC) aura is rolled for.


Spell is wasted with no effect

Spell fails, and roll again on the Rod of Wonder random effects table

Spell targets a random creature(s) within area (if targeted, or ranged touch spell) or roll on grenade-like weapons deviation and roll 1d20 for how many squares away from target for Area of Effect spells or spells that create effects

Spell fails, but is not expended.

Spell works normally

Spell works as normal but then caster and target switch places; if the spell creates a free-standing effect (such as Solid Fog) caster and spell switch places (caster is moved to origin of the spell and the spell is treated as being centered on a corner of the caster’s square)

Spell is empowered

Spell is cast at caster level 1.

Spell is cast with a -1d8 to its caster level.

Spell is cast with a +1d4 to its caster level.

Spell fails but the caster creates a bolt of magical energy dealing 2d6 damage per spell level to any creature or object within 30-ft with a ranged touch attack.

Spell fails and all creatures within the wild magic aura heal 3 damage times spell level squared.

Spell is cast with a +6 to its caster level

Spell has any saving throw DCs increased by 2

Spell works as normal but the caster suffers 1d4+1 Con burn

Spell works as normal but the caster suffers 1d4+1 ability drain to whatever stat determines their casting

Spell works as normal but the caster gains a +4 enhancement bonus to all ability scores for 1 minute per spell level

Spell fails but caster gains flight 60-ft with good maneuverability for 1 minute per spell level.

Spell has any saving throw DCs associated with it reduced by 5

Spell functions normally but is not expended

Thermite Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, or Lawful Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Spot.
Breath Weapon: A line of superheated flames (fire).
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Intensified Breath (Su): You may focus your breath weapon on one creature within its range. If you do so you make a ranged touch attack against that target and they do not get a saving throw to reduce damage dealt (they still get a saving throw against any rider effects or other effects including ability damage). In addition the breath weapon deals damage one die size larger (d6 -> d8 -> d10 -> 2d6 -> 2d8 -> 2d10 for these purposes).
Greater Aspect: Fueled by Infernos (Su): You are more than merely immune to fire damage. Whenever an effect, other than your breath weapon, would deal fire damage to you if you were not immune to fire you instead regain 1 hit point per 2 points of damage that effect would have dealt. In addition when using a breath weapon that deals fire damage you deal +1 damage per die + your Charisma modifier.
Specialized Aspect: Searing Breath (Su): Your fire breath ignores all fire resistance and deals half damage to creatures with fire immunity (but not those healed by fire).

True Linnorm:
Allowed alignments: Any Evil or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Hide, and Move Silently.
Breath Weapon: A cone of contact poison which deals 1d4 Constitution damage +1 per 2 dice your breath weapon would have dealt, and then 1 minute later. A Fortitude save prevents this Constitution damage, instead of a Reflex save to avoid; even on a success the save must be made again 1 minute later.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining Energy Resistance and Immunity you gain the following abilities. At 3rd level you gain Immunity to Disease. At 7th level you gain Poison Immunity. At 11th level you gain the ability to see in darkness, even magical darkness, as easily as full daylight. Beginning at 15th level whenever your spell resistance prevents a spell you heal 4 hit points per spell level of the spell prevented that way.
Draconic Wings: A Linnorm is a land wyrm, as such a True Linnorm Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain wings. Instead they gain Spell Resistance 10 + their Dragonsoul Acolyte level. If they have the Spell Resistance Lesser Draconic Aspect they gain an additional +2 Spell Resistance.
Lesser Aspect: Shadow Caller: You can use spells with the Darkness descriptor as if they were 1 level lower for the purpose of your spell pool. In addition your caster level for Darkness effects is increased by 2.
Greater Aspect: Poison Bite (Ex): Your bite attack gains a potent poison. This poison inflicts 1d8 Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma damage as its initial and secondary damage. The Fortitude save to resist this poison is 10 + 1/2 your class level + your Constitution modifier.
Specialized Aspect: Aura of Contagion (Su): You are surrounded by an aura of disease out to 10-ft. Any living creature entering this aura must make a Fort save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Constitution modifier) or be inflicted with filth fever with no incubation period taking 1d3 Dexterity and Constitution damage. A creature that successfully saves is immune to your aura of contagion for 24 hours; a creature that currently has filth fever suffers no effect from this aura.

Star Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Good and True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Diplomacy, Knowledge (Local), Sense Motive.
Breath Weapon: Cone of cosmic energy (untyped). It deals d6s for damage but any creature damaged by it gains fire vulnerability for 1d6+1 rounds, in addition during this period they must make a Spellcraft check (DC equals the saving throw DC + 5) each time they would cast a spell with the fire descriptor or the spell backfires dealing any damage it would normally have dealt to the caster themselves (no save allowed against this damage).
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Sustenance of the Void (Ex): You do not need to breathe and may use your breath weapon underwater (unless it is fire based). In addition you treat each week without food or water as a single day for the purposes of starvation and dehydration and only need 2 hours of sleep a night.
Greater Aspect: Maze of Stars (Su): You cannot be the target of Divination spells or Clairsentience powers except by yourself, a Star Dragon, or from a caster with a caster level and character level at least 5 higher than your Dragonsoul Acolyte level, and do not appear under these Scrying effects if cast by someone who could not target you on an area you are within. In addition you may spend 6 Spell Pool Points to use Maze as a spell-like ability; you may pay an additional 2 Spell Pool Points to make it so the target can only make 1 Intelligence check to escape the maze every 2 rounds, or to increase the DC of the Intelligence check by 5 or 4 points to do both.
Specialized Aspect: Frost Proof (Ex): You gain Cold resistance and immunity equal to that granted by your Energy Resistance and Energy Immunity class features.

Sun Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, and Lawful Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Spot.
Breath Weapon: Cone of Fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Mind Shielding (Su): You gain a +2 on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and Spell Resistance 12 + your Dragonsoul Acolyte level against them.
Greater Aspect: Inner Heat (Su): Your body glows with an inner fire. You produce heat and glow faintly orange with heat. Any creature striking you with a natural weapon, unarmed strike, or grappling you or touching you takes 2d6 fire damage (this damage receives the benefits of your Pierce Resistance ability). In addition your natural weapon attacks also inflict this fire damage on each hit.
Specialized Aspect: Death Throes (Su): When you die your body explodes in a burst of fire dealing 2d8 fire damage per die of damage your breath weapon would normally deal within a 10-ft radius; a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte + your Constitution modifier) halves this damage. If you have 13 dragonsoul acolyte levels this increases to a 20-ft, and again to 30-ft once you have 17 dragonsoul acolyte levels.

Twilight Dragon:
Allowed alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Evil, Neutral Good, Chaotic Neutral, and Lawful Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Knowledge (Arcana), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device.
Breath Weapon: Cone of Force.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance a twilight dragonsoul acolyte gains resistance to mind-affecting effects. At 3rd level they gain a +3 on all saves against Mind-Affecting spells and effects. At 7th level whenever they must make a save against a mind-affecting effect they may roll twice taking the better result. At 11th level their bonus against Mind-Affecting spells and effect increases to +6. At 15th level it becomes full immunity.
Lesser Aspect: Dispelling Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a burst of dispelling energy centered on yourself. You are unaffected by your own dispelling breath and it acts as an area dispel magic with a caster level equal to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level and no cap to its dispel check bonus from Caster Level. It begins as a 10-ft radius burst, increasing to 30-ft radius when your line breath weapon becomes 60-ft, and continuing to increase becoming 40-ft radius when your line breath weapon increases to 80-ft and by 20-ft whenever your breath weapon area increases thereafter.
Greater Aspect: Reactive Counterspell (Su): You are instantly aware whenever a spell or spell-like ability is cast within 120-ft of you, the location of the caster, and may make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + Spell level) to identify the spell. As an immediate action you may spend 2 points from your Spell Pool to use Greater Dispel Magic to Counterspell the spell or spell-like ability (this is an exception to spell-like abilities being unable to be counterspelled). This is a supernatural ability.
Specialized Aspect: Twilight Grace (Su): You add 1 plus half of your Charisma modifier (minimum +1) as a bonus to all saving throws and a deflection bonus to AC.

Victory Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, or Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Gather Information, Heal, Perform
Breath Weapon: Line of sonic energy which deals d8s for damage, but gets +2 damage/die against aberrations. The saving throw to resist is Fortitude instead of Reflex.
Energy Resistance: Sonic.
Lesser Aspect: Reinvigorating Breath (Su): Gain a second breath weapon which is a cone of invigorating gas. Instead of dealing damage this gas grants second save (with a bonus equal to number of dice it would normally deal) against any effect that causes: Fear, Daze, Nausea, Stunning, or Paralysis.
Greater Aspect: Inspire Courage (Su): You may use the bardic music ability Inspire Courage a number of times per day equal to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level, as a bard 2 levels lower.
Specialized Aspect: Draconic Hymnist (Su): Select 1 draconic hymns (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?312878-Dragon-Chorister-%283-5-base-class-PEACH%29) you may sing this hymn by paying 1 Spell Pool Point per round you sing. You may choose to sing the same verse of a dragonic hymn for multiple consecutive rounds, without needing to wait 3 rounds between singing the same hymn. Initiating this song is still a standard action, and maintaining it is a free action. In addition you gain a number of ranks in Perform (Vocal) equal to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level +3 (if this would push you over your maximum ranks in Perform Vocal you may immediately retrain excess skill points).

Weaver Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, or Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Gather Information, Knowledge (Local)
Breath Weapon: Cone of Acid.
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Spell Pool: You gain access to the Beguiler spell list instead of the Sorcerer spell list, and spells that are natively on this list are considered 1 spell level lower for the purposes of your spell pool.
Lesser Aspect: Many Guises (Su): You gain the ability to change your appearance at will, as if using the disguise self spell, but only while in your normal form. This affects your body but not her possessions. It is not an illusory effect, but a minor physical alteration of the your appearance, within the limits described for the spell. In addition you may use this ability to hide any or all of the physical transformations granted by this class, retaining your natural armor but losing access to your natural weapons and wings when they are disguised this way; you may cause a feature from this class to reappear again as a free action although fully ending this ability or assuming another form is a standard action.
Greater Aspect: Without a Ripple (Ex): Your impact on the future is obscured. You cannot receive Insight bonuses. Your opponent's cannot receive Insight bonuses on attacks against you, saves against your effects, checks opposing yours, to their AC against your attacks, or any other way against you (for example if targeting you with a spell they would lose any Insight bonus to their caster level for that spell). Magic, short of direct divine intervention, cannot be used to predict your future or your actions, instead foreseeing a future in which you do nothing. Even the gods cannot casually predict your actions through magic or give answers as to what you will do.
Specialized Aspect: Words of Honeyed Shadows (Su): You gain a +6 profane bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Information checks.

Word Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, or Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Spellcraft, Truespeak
Breath Weapon: Cone of Cold.
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Spell Pool: You gain access to utterances from the Truenamer lexicons instead of sorcerer spells. Treat Utterances from Lexicon of the Evolving Mind as one level lower than normal, those from the crafted tool as their actual level, and those from the perfected map as 2 levels higher. You must be able to speak to use this ability but do not actually make True Speak checks to perform these Utterances, instead automatically passing the basic check as the energies of dragonkind guide your tongue, but may choose to make a check to ignore Spell Resistance, use Quicken Utterance, or include a personal true name. In this case if the check fails the utterance still functions just without these benefits, except in the case of a Quickened Utterance where the Spell Pool Points are not expended but the action is wasted.
Lesser Aspect: Breath of Speechlessness (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of energy which robs those within it of their ability to use words. Any creature within the area of this breath weapon must make a Will save. On a failure they are unable to speak, make any communicative vocalizations, or perform any action which requires a verbal component or command word for 1 minute. A creature affected by this ability may attempt a Truename check (DC 15 + twice your Dragonsoul Acolyte level) as a standard action to end this effect prematurely. Your Signature Spell and Talented Spells are selected from amongst utterances instead of spells.
Greater Aspect: Word Born Flesh: When you use an utterance you may affect up to 1 + your Charisma modifier creatures (minimum 1) which share the same creature type and are all within 30-ft of each other; by spending 1 additional Spell Pool Point you can ignore the requirement that they share a creature type, or you may affect an additional number of creatures up to your Charisma modifier, or add 30-ft to the maximum distance between creatures; you may spend multiple Spell Pool Points to select the same option multiple times or different options. In addition you are unaffected by the Law of Sequence and may have 2 instances of the same utterance active at the same time. Finally all Utterances cost 1 less Spell Pool Point (minimum 1) for you to use.
Specialized Aspect: Words of Magic: When you gain this ability select one spell from any base class's spell list of each level you have access to via the spell pool. You can use those spells with your spell pool (and may select them as Talented and Specialized Spells). Whenever you gain access to a new level of spells/utterances from the Spell Pool you may select a spell of that level to be added to your list. In addition you gain 2 Spell Pool Points.

Gem Dragons
These are all non-epic gem dragons, as such they are psionic and can select the specialized aspect common to all gem dragons.

Jade Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any Lawful or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Concentration, Knowledge (the Planes), Knowledge (Psionics).
Breath Weapon: A line of electricity.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Spell Pool: Instead of gaining access to the Wilder power list with your spell pool you gain access to Elements and Knowledge MantlesCPsi gaining their granted abilities. Whenever you gain access to a new level of powers from the spell pool you may select another Mantle and gain access to it. When you gain access to 3rd level powers, and again when you gain access to 5th level powers, you may select one mantle you have access to and gain its granted power. Powers that are natively on these domains are considered 1 spell level lower for the purposes of your spell pool, and can be fully augmented for 3 Spell Pool Points instead of 4 if the base cost to use them is 2 or lower.
Lesser Aspect: Shield of Warding (Su): Ranged touch attacks directed at you have a 20% chance of being reflected towards their origin; this applies to all ranged touch attacks not just spells and is not a miss chance. An effect reflected by this ability has no effect on you.
Greater Aspect: Drain Power (Su): By paying 3 Spell Pool Points you can lace your breath weapon (any breath weapon you use) with an invisible swirling psychic force which strips energy from those that it hits. Any creature within the area of your Spell Pool loses 1 of (in descending order of priority): a prepared spell/spell slot of their highest level; power points equal to your dragonsoul acolyte level; a mystery of their highest level; an infusion of their highest level; their highest level readied martial maneuver; 4 Spell Pool Points; a daily use of a spell-like ability with limited daily uses; a daily use of another ability with limited daily uses; if they have none of these to lose they are instantly fatigued (no save).
Specialized Aspect: Divination Resistance (Su): You gain a +4 bonus to saving throws against Divination and Clairsentience effects and are constantly protected as if by a Non-Detection spell with a Caster Level of your Dragonsoul Acolyte level +2.

Quartz Dragon
Allowed alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Autohypnosis, Psicraft, Use Psionic Device.
Breath Weapon: Cone of acidic slime (acid).
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Lesser Aspect: Entangling Breath: Your acid breath weapon(s) entangle enemies that fail their saves for 1d4 rounds.
Greater Aspect: Master of Prescience: You may use all Clairsentience powers from any base class's power list with your spell pool and treat them as if they were 1 level lower. You need only pay 3 Spell Pool Points to fully augment a Clairsentience discipline power (but must still pay 4 if its level requires that for use).
Specialized Aspect: Clairsentient: You may use Seer powers and powers from the Communication, Knowledge, and Mental Power mantle lists with your Spell Pool. If you have the Master of Prescience Greater Aspect you gain 2 Spell Pool Points and 1/day may pay 6 Spell Pool Points to use a Clairsentience power on one of these lists that is 1 level higher than you can use with your Spell Pool as a psi-like ability or pay 10 points to use one 2 levels higher.

Ruby Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any Lawful or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Autohypnosis, Intimidate, Sense Motive.
Breath Weapon: A cone of fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Spell Pool: Instead of gaining access to the Wilder power list with your spell pool you gain access to Elements and Energy MantlesCPsi gaining their granted abilities. Whenever you gain access to a new level of powers from the spell pool you may select another Mantle and gain access to it. When you gain access to 3rd level powers, and again when you gain access to 5th level powers, you may select one mantle you have access to and gain its granted power. Powers that are natively on these domains are considered 1 spell level lower for the purposes of your spell pool, and can be fully augmented for 3 Spell Pool Points instead of 4 if the base cost to use them is 2 or lower.
Lesser Aspect: Sense Heat (Su): You can sense the usage, and approximate level, of any spell, power, or ability with the fire descriptor or dealing fire damage, and the presence and size of any mundane fire, within 300-ft of you (if the ability does not have a spell level or equivalent, such as a supernatural ability, use one-half the HD or relevant level of the user). In addition this ability functions as blind-sight when dealing with creatures with the fire subtype. This ability is not blocked by lack of line of sight or line of effect.
Greater Aspect: Burning Focus (Su): By expending your Psionic focus as a swift action and spending 2 Spell Pool points you can deal 1d6 fire damage per 2 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels you possess (Pierce Resistance applies) to one target within 30-ft. This target is fatigued for 1d4+1 rounds afterwards. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Constitution modifier) halves the damage and reduces the fatigue to 1 round. A creature immune to fire is also immune to the fatigue from this effect.
Specialized Aspect: Aura of Heat (Su): You radiate an aura of heat which deals 2d6 fire damage to any creature that begins its turn within 10-ft of you. Such creatures are also fatigued for as long as they remain within your aura and 1 round afterwards unless they succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Constitution modifier) each round.

2015-01-23, 02:15 PM
Dragonsoul Acolyte Tutelary Dragon List - Homebrew Part 4

Planar Dragons
Asphodel Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Hide, Spellcraft.
Breath Weapon: Cone of negative energy. Deals damage in d8s, creatures healed by negative energy only heal half the amount they would from that amount of damage. A Will save (instead of Reflex) halves this damage.
Energy Resistance: Positive Energy (resistance to damage from it, and eventually immunity).
Negative Energy Healing: Beginning at 3rd level you are healed by negative energy and damaged by positive energy (like an undead creature).
Spell Pool: You gain access to the Dread Necromancer spell list instead of the Sorcerer spell list, and spells that are natively on this list are considered 1 spell level lower for the purposes of your spell pool.
Lesser Aspect: Deathsense (Su): You can sense the presence of negative energy nearby. You can detect undead creatures and other creatures healed by negative energy within 60-ft as if with Blindsense except you do not need line of effect; you are aware of any such creature sensed this way and that they are being sensed this way (even if you can sense them with other senses). In addition you can sense the active use of negative energy within twice this range; this includes effects which deal negative energy, inflict negative levels, Necromantic death effects, and attempts to Rebuke Undead; you are aware of their use, their location, and can make a DC 15 + Spell level Spellcraft check to identify any spells involved.
Greater Aspect: Negative Energy Aura (Su): You radiate an aura of negative energy out to 15-ft. Any creature in this aura receives 3d6 negative energy damage each round, undead and creatures healed by negative energy are only healed 3 hit points each round. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Charisma modifier) halves this damage for that round. You may suppress or reactivate this ability as a swift action.
Specialized Aspect: Rebuke Undead (Su): You gain the ability to Rebuke (or Control) Undead as an Evil Cleric of your Dragonsoul Acolyte level.

Custodian Dragon
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good and Lawful Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive.
Breath Weapon: A line of frigid air (cold).
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Lesser Aspect: Draconic Polyglot (Su): Continuous Tongues effect.
Greater Aspect: Pacification Breath: You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of "pacification" gas. Creatures within this gas must make a Will save or be held (as Hold Monster no per round saves) for 1d4+1 rounds; this is a mind-affecting enchantment effect.
Specialized Aspect: Hear the Truth (Su): Continuous Discern Lies effect, in addition you gain an Insight bonus to Sense Motive checks to oppose Bluff checks equal to any bonus to Bluff checks your opponent receives from anything Supernatural or magical in nature (spells, items, etc).

Deimos Dragon
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Concentration, Intimidate, Knowledge (the Planes).
Breath Weapon: A line of electricity.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Lesser Aspect: Dragon of Terror: You may cast Fear descriptor spells through your spell pool as if they were one level lower. When you use a Fear spell through your Spell Pool you gain a +2 to the save DC and a +1 to your Caster Level and may add your Dragonsoul Acolyte level to the amount of hit dice a creature may have to be affected by Fear descriptor spells you use through your Spell Pool.
Greater Aspect: Lord of Terror (Su): Fear effects you generate ignore bonuses to saves versus and immunity to fear or mind-affecting effects gained through spells or magic items. All Fear descriptor spells you cast through your Spell Pool cost 1 less Spell Pool Point (to a minimum of 1) and have their durations automatically doubled as if Extended. In addition you may make Demoralize attempts as a swift action.
Specialized Aspect: Amdusias's Horns (Ex): A pair of ram-like horns curve upwards from your head. You gain a gore natural weapon which deals bludgeoning damage. This is a secondary natural weapon dealing 1d6 damage if you are medium sized.

Demonweb Dragon
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Hide, Move Silently.
Breath Weapon: A cone of acid.
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Lesser Aspect: Poison Immunity (Ex): You gain immunity to poison.
Greater Aspect: Mind Shielded (Su): You gain immunity to divination and mind-affecting effects as if protected by a Mind Blank spell; this is a continuous effect.
Specialized Aspect: Web Cast (Su): You can throw a web four times per day, and additional times each day by spending Spell Pool Points. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 100 feet with a range increment of 20 feet, and is effective against targets up to two size categories larger than you. An entangled creature can escape with a successful Escape Artist check or burst it with a Strength check. Both are standard actions whose DCs are 10 + 1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Constitution modifier. You can also create sheets of sticky webbing, creating a 10-ft by 10-ft square web by expending one use of this ability; this requires 4 full rounds of activity creating a 5-ft by 5-ft square of webbing each round. Approaching creatures must succeed on a DC 20 Spot check to notice a web; otherwise they stumble into it and become trapped as though by a successful web attack. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing gain a +5 bonus if the trapped creature has something to walk on or grab while pulling free. Each 5-foot section has the hit points given on the table, and sheet webs have damage reduction 5/—.

Dust Dragon
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Survival.
Breath Weapon: A line of disintegration. This ability deals damage in d8s and deals full damage to objects ignoring hardness of objects. Any creature or object reduced to 0 or lower hit points by this effect is disintegrated (as the spell disintegration). A Fort save, not a Reflex save halves this damage. Objects made of adamantine are immune to this effect.
Energy Resistance: You do not gain energy resistance or immunity as normal. Instead at 3rd level you gain DR equal to half your Dragonsoul Acolyte level overcome by magic. At 7th level you gain immunity to disintegration spells and effects (including your breath weapon, or other effects which disintegrate objects/creatures such as Sphere of Ultimate Destruction).
Lesser Aspect: Tremorsense (Ex): You gain tremorsense out to 5-ft per class level.
Greater Aspect: Winds of Wasting (Su): You may use Disintegrate as a spell-like ability by paying 4 points from your spell pool, and Gust of Wind by paying 1 Spell Pool Point. In addition as a standard action you may call up the Winds of Wasting by paying one or more points from your spell pool up to one-half your Dragonsoul Acolyte level in points. These winds whip about wearing away at all creatures and unattended objects within 30-ft of you. Any such creature or object takes 3d6 damage per Spell Pool Point spent, ignoring hardness and dealing full damage to objects, and if reduced to 0 hit points by this effect are left as nothing but disintegrated dust. Creatures and magic items within the area are allowed Fortitude saves to half this damage (DC 10 + 1/2 Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Charisma modifier), and adamantine is immune to damage from this effect.
Specialized Aspect: Disruptive Aura (Su): You radiate an aura of disruptive energy out to 10-ft which disintegrates nearby creatures and objects. Creatures and unattended non-magical objects entering this aura or beginning their turn in this aura (in the case of unattended objects treat them as having their turn begin when yours does) take damage equal to your Charisma modifier; this effect ignores hardness except of adamantine objects. You may suppress or reactivate this aura as a swift action.

Elan Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any Good, or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Heal, Spellcraft, Survival.
Breath Weapon: A cone of invigorating energy. Creatures other than yourself in this cone gain a +1 morale bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution +1 per die your breath weapon would deal (2 at 1 die, 11 at 10). This bonus lasts 1d4 rounds plus 1 per die your breath weapon would deal.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance and immunity you gain the following abilities. At 3rd level you gain +4 to saves versus death effects, negative energy effects, and saves to remove negative levels. At 7th level you reduce damage you take from negative energy by 10, and become immune to effects which cause you to die from having too many temporary hit points. At 11th level this negative energy resistance increases to 20 and you may roll twice on any save this ability gives you a benefit to. At 15th level you gain total immunity to death effects, energy drain, and any negative energy effect.
Spell Pool: You gain access to the Sacred Healer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?126750-My-attempt-at-a-healer-class-%283-5-core-class-PEACH%29) spell list instead of the Sorcerer spell list, and spells that are natively on this list are considered 1 spell level lower for the purposes of your spell pool.
Lesser Aspect: Repulse Undead (Su): By paying 1 or more Spell Pool Points you may Turn Undead (as a cleric of your Dragonsoul Acolyte level), you may pay an additional 2 or more Spell Pool Points up to 10 to increase your effective cleric level by 1 per 2 Spell Pool Points spent. You do not gain any Turn Undead attempts for the purposes of Divine Feats and Devotion Feats.
Greater Aspect: Battlefield Healer (Su): You may pay 2 additional Spell Pool Points to make any Conjuration (Healing) effect you use through your Spell Pool an Immediate action; if a creature is taking damage when you use a conjuration healing effect in this way you may heal it as it is applied. By paying 1 additional Spell Pool Point you may give any Conjuration (Healing) effect with a range of touch a range of close. By paying 3 additional Spell Pool Points you may ignore any material, XP, or focus components on a Conjuration (Healing) effect allowing you to use it with your Spell Pool
Specialized Aspect: Healing Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of positive energy. Any creature in this cone that is damaged by positive energy takes damage in d10s, creatures that are healed by it are instead healed 2 hit point per die that would have been dealt; a successful Will save halves either effect. If this would heal a creature to above their maximum hit points the excess becomes temporary hit points which last 1 minute per die of damage your breath deals.

Farspawn Dragon
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Autohypnosis, Psicraft, Use Psionic Device.
Breath Weapon: A cone of madness inducing gas which deals 1d6 Wisdom damage + 1 per 2 dice your breath weapon would normally deal.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining the normal energy resistance ability you gain the following abilities. At 3rd level you gain Energy Resistance 5 to all energy types (Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Sonic). At 7th level this increases to 10, then 20 at Lv 11, and 30 at Lv 15.
Spell Pool: A Farspawn Dragon is a psionic dragon and as such a farspawn dragonsoul acolyte gains access to Wilder powers instead of Sorcerer spells.
Draconic Wings: A Farspawn Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain draconic wings. Instead they gain the ability to teleport their land speed as a move action. They may also spend 3 Spell Pool Points to teleport 10-ft as a swift action.
Tail: A Farspawn Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain a tail attack instead gaining a tongue attack which deals bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage. They do not grow a tongue, instead their tail becomes capable of stretching out of your mouth in a dangerous spiking blow.
Lesser Aspect: Aberrant Blood (Su): Once per round, as a free action usable outside of your turn, when you take damage from a slashing or piercing weapon you may form your blood into a tentacle which lashes out at a target within your melee reach. This is a secondary natural weapon which deals 1d4 damage if you are medium sized.
Greater Aspect: Blindsight (Ex): You gain Blindsight out to a 60-ft range.
Specialized Aspect: Aura of Madness (Su): You radiate an aura of madness. Any creature within 10-ft of you suffers a -2 penalty to AC and saving throws, as well as Spot, Search, and Listen checks as they are plagued with dangerous hallucinations.

Gemini Dragon
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Spellcraft, Survival.
Breath Weapon: Altering breath; upon gaining this ability and whenever you use this breath weapon roll 1d6; this determines what your breath weapon will be the next time you use it (as you can use breath weapon once every 1d4 rounds you can easily use this ability out of combat to select the energy type in most cases). On a one it becomes a cone of cold, on a two it becomes a line of acid, on a three it becomes a cone of acid, on a four a line of electricity, on a five a cone of fire, and on a six you may pick one of these five options. This breath weapon deals d8s for damage.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Lesser Aspect: Schismed Mind (Ex): You are developing a second mind. Whenever you make a Will save you may make 2 saves and choose which one to use.
Greater Aspect: Second Head (Ex): You grow a second head. This head is capable of talking, looking about, and various other actions. 1/round this head may take an action which can be: Use a breath weapon which is a standard action; make a bite attack as a primary natural weapon (this bite is the same as your other bite attack); use a spell from your spell pool/Signature Spell/Talented Spell, you must pay a surcharge of 3 Spell Pool Points to do so; use a Cantrip; make a Diplomacy check as a full-round action or progress one by 1 round of action; make a Spot or Listen check; make a Concentration check to gain psionic focus; make a purely mental skill check which takes a full-round action or less. This head may also talk as easily as your normal head. You no longer die if you have a single head cut off, instead simply losing the benefits of having a second one until the first is regrown.
Specialized Aspect: Shifting Resistance (Ex): You gain resistance and immunity to whatever type of damage your Altering Breath deals currently (i.e. has been determined to deal on your next use). In addition your Altering Breath's damage increases from d8s to d10s.

Hellfire Dragon
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, and Lawful Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, and Spellcraft
Breath Weapon: Cone of Hellfire (d8s).
Energy Resistance: You gain resistance and immunity to damage inflicted by Hellfire. At Lv 3 you gain Fire Resistance 10. At Lv 7 you gain Cold Resistance 10. At Lv 11 you gain Acid Resistance 10. At Lv 15 you gain DR 1/4 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels overcome by magic.
Lesser Aspect: Deeper Darkvision (Su): Your darkvision functions even in magical darkness.
Greater Aspect: Stunning Prowess (Su): By paying 3 Spell Pool Points, as a swift action, you may make your next breath weapon used before the end of your turn force any creature damaged by it to make a Fortitude save (same DC) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. By spending 3 Spell Pool Points, as a swift action, you may force any creature struck by 2 or more of your natural weapons to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Constitution modifier) or be stunned for 1 round. In addition you may use Power Word Stun with your spell pool as if it were a 5th level sorcerer spell by paying a surcharge of 4 Spell Pool Points.
Specialized Aspect: Fire Retardant (Ex): You gain fire resistance and immunity equal to the resistance/immunity granted by your Energy Resistance/Immunity abilities.

Luster Dragon
Allowed alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Craft, Search
Breath Weapon: A cone of petrifying gas. Creatures which fail a Fortitude save or slowed for 1d6+1 rounds. Creatures already slowed by this effect which are caught by it again that fail their Fortitude saves are petrified for 1 minute per die of damage your breath weapon would deal; this becomes a permanent petrification effect once you have 8 dice of damage. This can affect creatures which do not have fleshy bodies even petrifying air elementals, but creatures with the Earth subtype or immunity to petrification are immune; immunity to slow effects has no effect against this ability despite mechanical similarities the two are caused by completely different things.
Energy Resistance: Acid. At 7th level you gain immunity to petrification.
Draconic Wings: Instead of gaining wings and flight, you gain a second pair of small claws that lack significant manual dexterity (can hold light/small but sturdy objects) and your claws develop further allowing you to burrow at your land speed. You may leave standing tunnels behind you, and may as a full round action burrow 5-ft through stone.
Lesser Aspect: Tremorsense (Ex): You gain tremorsense out to 5-ft per class level.
Greater Aspect: Petrifying Blows (Su): Each of your natural weapons strikes into a foe with magical augmentation to slowly turn them into lifeless stone. Each natural weapon attack you make deals 1d2 Dexterity damage to the target as part of their body turns, temporarily, into unmoving stone. If this causes their Dexterity to hit 0 then they are permanently petrified. Earth subtype creatures and creatures immune to Petrification are immune to this effect.
Specialized Aspect: Elemental Body (Ex): You gain immunity to Stunning and Poison and are no longer subject to critical hits.

Rainbow Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any Chaotic, and True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Perform
Breath Weapon: A cone of searing light (untyped) dealing d8s for damage; a Will save not Reflex halves this damage.
Energy Resistance: Light: You gain a scaling resistance to damage from light based effects as normal for a Dragonsoul Acolyte. In addition beginning at 3rd level you gain a +4 bonus to saves versus Blindness and Prismatic effects (such as Prismatic Spray, Prismatic Wall and the like). At Lv 7 this increases to immunity to blindness. At Lv 11 you gain total immunity to prismatic effects.
Lesser Aspect: Blinding Breath (Su): Blinding Breath (Su): When using your breath weapon you may release a burst of blinding light instead of dealing damage. This burst is centered on yourself and has an area of 10-ft away from you, increasing by 10-ft each time the area of your breath weapons increase. Any creature other than yourself within the area must make a Will save, on a failure they are blinded for 1d4+1 rounds and on a success they are dazzled for the same duration.
Greater Aspect: Imbue Hue (Su): As a standard action you can imbue a creature you can touch with a single hue, tinting them that color and filling them with its associated energy and powers. Imbuing a creature with a given hue costs you 2 Spell Pool Points and you may only have 1 creature imbued with any given hue at a time, and a single creature can only be imbued with a single hue at a time. Imbued hues last 1 minute dragonsoul acolyte level and a creature is allowed a Will save to resist being imbued with a hue.
Orange: The affected creature can See Invisibility as the spell, gains a +6 competence bonus to Search, Spot and Listen checks, and a +4 competence bonus on saves to disbelief illusions, but suffers a -4 to saving throws against gaze attacks, vision/color based spells and effects (such as illusions you do not get saves to disbelieve, hypnotic pattern, or the blinding effect of glitterdust), language based spells and effects, as well as any ability with the sonic descriptor or which deals sonic damage.

Blue: The affected creature gains a +4 competence bonus to Knowledge checks, but suffer a -4 to Spot, Listen, and Initiative checks. In addition they can gain a +2 bonus to their Manifester Level for psionic powers and psi-like abilities (but not Caster Level) as part of manifesting a power or using a psi-like ability but if they do so they suffer 2 points of Charisma burn each time they do so.

Red: The affected creature gains a +8 competence bonus to their Strength, but suffer a 20% miss chance with all attacks. In addition whenever the affected creature initiates a martial strike they can suffer 2 points of Constitution burn to get +2d6 damage with each attack made as part of it.

Yellow: The affected creature gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC and a +2 competence bonus to Reflex saves and Initiative checks. They must also move at least one-half their base land speed each round or fall prone.

Green: The affected creature gains fast healing 5 and heals 1 point of ability damage per minute (but not drain or burn). They suffer a -2 penalty to all Will saves.

Violet: The affected creature gains a +6 competence bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, and Intimidate, but suffers a -2 penalty to all Fort saves. In addition whenever they cast an arcane spell, use an infusion, or use a spell-like ability they may increase their CL by 2 but if they do they suffer 2 points of Constitution burn (a creature with a non-ability for Con instead suffers Charisma burn).

Indigo: The affected creature suffers 5 points of damage each round but gains a +2 competence bonus to all skill checks, saving throws, attack rolls, AC, and ability scores.

Specialized Aspect: Rainbow Armor (Su): You gain a Deflection bonus to AC equal to your Charisma modifier (min +1) and produce light out to 10-ft per point of Charisma modifier you possess (min 10-ft); this is considered a light effect with a spell level of your breath weapon damage dice for the purposes of interaction with darkness spells. You may activate or deactivate this ability as a free action.

Salt Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any Chaotic and True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Autohypnosis, Knowledge (the Planes), Spellcraft
Breath Weapon: Cone of dessication (d8s normally, d10s against things which take increased damage; see Sandstorm for dessication damage).
Energy Resistance: Dessication.
Lesser Aspect: Burrow (Ex): You gain a burrow speed equal to half your base land speed..
Greater Aspect: Desiccating Blows (Su): Your natural weapons desiccate opponents inflicting +1d6 desiccation damage per five dragonsoul acolyte levels on each attack.
Specialized Aspect: Blood to Salt (Su): As a standard action you may focus magical power against a target turning their blood, or other vital fluids, into salt. This requires you to spend 1 or more Spell Pool Points, up to 1 per 4 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels, and deals 1d4 Constitution damage to the target per Spell Pool Point spent (a Fortitude save halves this Constitution damage). Elementals without the Water subtype are immune. Vampires, despite lacking a Constitution score, take 8 points of damage per point of Constitution damage that would have been dealt.

Slime Dragon
Allowed alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Intimidate, Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Swim
Breath Weapon: Cone of acid. This cone deals d6s for damage, but continues to deal damage for 1d2 rounds after the initial attack. A successful Reflex save for the first blast halves the entire damage for the effect.
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Lesser Aspect: Sea Dweller (Ex): Gain the ability to breathe water as easily as air and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You may use your breath weapon(s) underwater without penalty (even if they are fire based).
Greater Aspect: Blindsight (Ex): You gain blindsight 60-ft.
Specialized Aspect: Shed Paraelemental (Su): Whenever you take 40 or more damage in a single round a Large Ooze Paraelemental is created (see Manual of the Planes) from your blood and ooze that you shed. This paraelemental serves you for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier + your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round) and then becomes indifferent to you. If you take 60 or more damage in a single round a Huge Ooze Paraelemental is instead created. If you take 80 or more damage in a single round it instead creates a Greater Ooze Paraelemental. 100 or more damage in a single round creates an Elder Ooze Paraelemental, and if you take at least 200 damage in a single round an Ooze Paraelemental Monolith (Dragon #347) is created.

Steam Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any Good and True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Autohypnosis, Heal, Spellcraft.
Breath Weapon: Cone of cold.
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Lesser Aspect: Slow Breath (Su): Instead of using a damaging breath you may release a cone of slowing gas. Any creature within the area must make a Fort save or be slowed (as spell slow) for 1d6+1 rounds.
Greater Aspect: Dimension Well (Su): Other creatures within 30-ft of you are unable to teleport or perform planar travel. Any attempts to use such means to travel out of this area fails automatically (should a check based on CL be allowed through some special feature this is considered to have a CL equal to your class level). Any attempt to enter this area is met with similar failure, as are any summoning or calling spells that would bring something into this area. Naturally occurring portals are unaffected. You may shut down or reactivate this aura as a swift action.
Specialized Aspect: Fog Wings (Su): Fog, mist, and clouds, whether mundane or magical, do nothing to hamper your vision or movement (you can see through and move freely within a Solid Fog effect for example). In addition your fly maneuverability is increased by 2 stages (to a maximum of perfect) regardless of the source.

Dragons of the Seven Mounts
Heavenly dragons associated with the individual layers of Mount Celestia.

Lunia Dragon
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Heal, Sense Motive, Swim.
Breath Weapon: A line of gas which deals 1d6 Strength damage +1 per 2 dice it would normally have dealt; a Fortitude save negates this effect.
Energy Resistance: At 3rd level you gain the ability to breath water as easily as air and use breath weapons under water with no penalty and a swim speed equal to your base land speed. At 7th level you gain immunity to diseases. At 11th level you gain immunity to ability damage. At 15th level you gain the ability to use Detect Evil as a spell-like ability at-will.
Spell Pool: You gain access to the Cleric spell list instead of the Sorcerer one.
Lesser Aspect: Peace Gas: Your non-poison Strength damaging breath weapon improves becoming a gas which more directly nullifies combat prowess. A Fortitude save no longer negates the effect, instead merely halving the Strength damage inflicted, and any creature which fails this save suffers a penalty to attack rolls equal to half your breath weapon dice for a number of rounds equal to your Constitution or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher).
Greater Aspect: Celestial War Magic: Whenever you cast a spell through your spell pool which targets yourself you may share it with one or more good aligned creatures within 30-ft (this functions like the Share Spells ability but applies as long as they remain within 30-ft and can be shared from up to 30-ft), to do so you must pay 1 spell pool point per creature that will receive this benefit.
Specialized Aspect: Soul of Good: As long as you are Good aligned you may use your spell pool to access the Paladin spell list and Sanctified spells in addition to the Sorcerer spell list and may take the Battle Blessing feat as if you were capable of casting paladin spells; if you do so it applies to any spell-like ability replicating a Paladin spell through your Spell Pool.

Mercuria Dragon
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Heal, Ride, Tumble.
Breath Weapon: A cone of fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Spell Pool: Instead of gaining access to the Sorcerer spell list with your spell pool you gain access to two domains from the following list, whenever you gain a new spell level for your spell pool, you gain an additional domain from this list. Spells that are natively on these domains are considered 1 spell level lower for the purposes of your spell pool.

Hero (shaman domain from OA)
Metallic Dragon (from a dragon magazine)
Wrath (BoED version)

Lesser Aspect: Hallowed Flames (Su): Your fire breath weapon(s) are laced with holy energy and ignore any fire resistance possessed by evil creatures; once you have Pierce Resistance this extends to any fire immunity they possess. In addition if you use a fire breath weapon against undead creatures they are turned as if by a cleric 2 levels lower than your Dragonsoul Acolyte level; you do not need to roll turning damage (you have infinite) but do need to roll a turning check as normal to determine maximum hit dice affected. You must be Good aligned to gain this Aspect, unless it is your Tutelary Dragon's lesser aspect.
Greater Aspect: Dragon of Justice (Su): Your natural weapons and any weapon you wield are considered to have the Holy property. In addition you gain the ability to Smite Evil as a paladin of your Dragonsoul Acolyte level by spending 2 Spell Pool points..
Specialized Aspect: Adept of War (Ex): You gain proficiency in all shields, armor, and weapons including exotic ones.

Venya Dragon
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Heal, Hide, Move Silently.
Breath Weapon: A line of electricity.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Draconic Wings: A Venya Dragonsoul Acolyte does not grow wings as normal instead gaining a supernatural ability to fly at their land speed with good maneuverability.
Lesser Aspect: Cloud Sprint (Su): By spending 1 Spell Pool Point as a swift action you can gain a fly speed as if you had the Draconic Wings ability granted by your Tutelary dragon for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier; if your Tutelary Dragon does not grant flight this has no effect. Once you have gained your Draconic Wings ability you instead gain a +60-ft enhancement to your fly speed when you use this ability.
Greater Aspect: Stunning Exhalation: Creatures that fail their Reflex save against your breath weapon are stunned for 1d3 rounds.
Specialized Aspect: Chameleon (Ex): You can hide without cover or concealment (you still cannot hide if observed).

Solania Dragon
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, or Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Balance, Climb, Jump
Breath Weapon: A cone of righteous energy which deals d6s for damage and uses a Will save in place of the normal Reflex save. This deals no damage to Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, or Neutral Good creatures, and deals +1 damage per die against Chaotic Neutral or Neutral Evil creatures, and +2 damage per die against Chaotic Evil creatures. A Neutral Evil or Chaotic Neutral creature which fails its Will save is Sickened for 1d3 rounds. A Chaotic Evil creature which fails its Will save is Sickened for 1d4+1 rounds.
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Special: A Solania Dragon is a psionic dragon and like other Dragonsoul Acolytes of Psionic Dragons a Dragonsoul Acolyte that selects Solania Dragons as their Tutelary Dragon gains a single psionic power point. However Solania Dragonsoul Acolytes do not gain access to psionic powers with their Spell Pool instead gaining access to Martial Maneuvers.
Spell Pool: A Solania Dragon is considered a Sublime Dragon for the purposes of their Spell Pool. A Solania Dragonsoul Acolyte may initiate maneuvers from Devoted Spirit, Diamond Mind, Iron Heart, and Stone Dragon disciplines.
Draconic Wings: A Solania Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain Draconic Wings instead gaining Greater Battle Art at 10th level, and True Battle Art at 20th level.
Lesser Aspect: Battle Art of the Stone Dragon (Ex): Whenever you strike a foe in melee for lethal damage with a natural weapon you gain temporary hp equal to your constitution modifier (minimum 1). In addition your natural weapons overcome damage reduction as if they were Adamantine.
Greater Aspect: Dragon of Justice (Su): Your natural weapons and any weapon you wield are considered to have the Holy property. In addition you gain the ability to Smite Evil as a paladin of your Dragonsoul Acolyte level by spending 2 Spell Pool points.
Specialized Aspect: Archon (Ex): You gain immunity to petrification and you gain Electricity Resistance and Immunity equal to the amount granted by your Energy Resistance and Immunity class features.
Greater Battle Art (Su): You automatically confirm all critical threats when you strike a foe in melee, and may regain your psionic focus as a swift action when striking a foe in melee. In addition your natural weapons overcome damage reduction as if they were silver and/or cold iron.
True Battle Art (Su): Whenever you deal lethal damage to an Evil creature with a natural weapon all Good aligned creatures within 60-ft (including yourself) are healed 8 hit points.

Mertion Dragon
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Heal, Spellcraft
Breath Weapon: A line of electricity. This line deals damage in d6s, but creatures caught in it must make a Will save in addition to their Reflex save for half damage. If they fail this Will save they are frightened for 1 round, this increases to 1d2 rounds when you obtain 3 dice of damage in your breath weapon, 1d3 when you have 6, and finally 1d4 when you have 9 or more. The frightened effect is mind-affecting and a fear effect.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Spell Pool: A Mertion dragon accesses spells from the Cleric spell list instead of the Sorcerer spell list.
Lesser Aspect: Breath of Evil Suppression (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of energy which nullifies evil magic. This breath weapon deals no damage but non-Good creatures within the area must make a Will save. On a failed save they cannot cast spells, or use spell-like abilities (this applies to psionics as well, and homebrew Supernatural casting-like systems at the DM's discretion) for 1d4 rounds if Neutral, or 1d6+1 rounds if Evil.
Greater Aspect: Battle Master (Ex): You are able to give commands and orchestrate forces even in the heat of the most fierce battle. You can direct a number of creatures other than yourself up to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1) and selecting these creatures (or reselecting them) is a swift action. You grant these creatures one of the following: +3 insight bonus to Attack rolls, +3 insight bonus to AC, or +3 insight bonus to all Saving throws. Creatures must be able to see and hear you to be affected by this ability, or you must be in telepathic contact with them. By spending 1 Spell Pool point as a swift action you may grant these bonuses to up to 5 times your normal allotment of targets (this action includes reselecting targets) for Charisma modifier rounds, and by spending 2 Spell Pool points as a swift action you may grant 2 of these bonuses for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier.
Specialized Aspect: Telepathic Circle (Su): You can craft a telepathic bond between you and your Charisma modifier number of other creatures (minimum 1) that are within 30-ft of you; to do so requires 1 minute of group meditation. This bond lasts 24 hours or until you choose to end it and allows you and the selected creatures to communicate with each other as long as they are on the same plane as you are. You may only have one telepathic bond active at a time and forming a new one disbands the old one. You may disband a telepathic circle or drop a creature from it as a free action.

Jovian Dragon
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good and Neutral Good. A Jovian Dragonsoul Acolyte must maintain an Exalted pattern of behavior and should they act in anyway which would cause them to lose Exalted feats or be unable to take Exalted feats they suffer the same penalties as if they were no longer of a proper alignment to serve a Jovian Dragon and must seek atonement and a new Tutelary Dragon.
Tutelary Skills: Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (Religion)
Breath Weapon: A cone of holy smite which deals d8s for damage. It deals no damage to good aligned creatures, half damage to neutral creatures, and full damage to evil creatures. A Will save, instead of a Reflex save, halves this damage, and evil creatures which fail this save are blinded for 1 round.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Spell Pool: A Jovian dragon is a psionic dragon. As such as a Jovian Dragonsoul Acolyte draws upon the Wilder power list instead of the Sorcerer spell list.
Lesser Aspect: Breath of Justice's Leash (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of energy charged with holy vengeance. This breath weapon deals no damage when used, but any creature which fails their Will save against it takes damage as if from your breath weapon (in d8s) whenever they willfully commit an Evil act for the next 24 hours; a successful Will save negates each instance of damage individually. Note that attacking/fighting a creature counts as (at most) 1 Evil act for the purposes of this ability.
Greater Aspect: Draconic Theurge: You may use your spell pool to use spells from the Cleric spell list in addition to Wilder powers and gain 2 additional Spell Pool Points.
Specialized Aspect: Menace of Righteousness (Ex/Su): You are immune to petrification effects and Auras of Menace (this is Ex). In addition you are surrounded by an Aura of Menace like an archon's out to 10-ft.
A righteous aura surrounds you. Any hostile creature within your aura must succeed on a Will save (DC 12 + 1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Charisma modifier; if you are an Outsider or Augmented Outsider you gain a +2 racial bonus to this DC) to resist its effects. Those who fail take a –2 penalty on attacks, AC, and saves for 24 hours or until they successfully hit you. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by your aura for 24 hours.

2015-04-12, 09:47 PM
Dragonsoul Acolyte Tutelary Dragon List - Homebrew Part 5: This Time it's Ridiculous

Dragons of the Nine Hells
Infernal dragons associated with the individual layers of Baator.

Avernine Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, and Lawful Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Diplomacy, Intimidate, Sense Motive
Breath Weapon: Cone of Fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Fear Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of fear inducing gas. Any creature within this cone must make a Will save or be frightened for 1d3+1 rounds. This is a mind-affecting, fear effect.
Greater Aspect: Dragon's Aura (Su): You gain the Draconic AuraDrM feat as a bonus feat, and the Double Draconic AuraDrM feat as a bonus feat if you fulfill its prerequisites, any Draconic Aura you possess has double its normal range. In addition enemies within your Draconic Aura suffer a -2 penalty to AC and saving throws; this is a mind-affecting, fear effect.
Specialized Aspect: Chaos Bane (Su): Damage you deal ignores the Damage Reduction of Chaotic creatures and your natural weapons deal +1d6 damage against Chaotic creatures.

Canian Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, and Lawful Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Intimidate, Knowledge (the Planes), Profession.
Breath Weapon: Line of solid ice (deals cold damage).
Energy Resistance: Cold
Lesser Aspect: Hellfire Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of hellfire dealing d8s as damage; this damage increases to d10s once you have the 2nd Breath Weapon Dragonsoul Acolyte class feature.
Greater Aspect: Forged in Hell's Flames (Ex/Su): You gain immunity to fire and hellfire damage, and Acid Resistance 10; this is Extraordinary. You also gain damage reduction equal to half your level overcome by Good (this is Supernatural).
Specialized Aspect: Death Throes (Su): When you die your body explodes in a burst of hellfire dealing 2d6 hellfire damage per die of damage your breath weapon would normally deal within a 10-ft radius; a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte + your Constitution modifier) halves this damage. If you have 13 dragonsoul acolyte levels this increases to a 20-ft, and again to 30-ft once you have 17 dragonsoul acolyte levels.

Chain Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Any Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Climb, Hide, Move Silently
Breath Weapon: Line of acid.
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Lesser Aspect: Armor Eroding Breath (Su): Any creature which fails its Reflex save against your acid breath weapon (or any acid breath weapon you possess) has their AC reduced by 1 point per 2 dice of damage dealt by your breath weapon for 1 minute. This AC reduction cannot reduce a creature's AC by more than their Armor, Natural Armor, Shield, and Deflection bonuses to AC put together.
Greater Aspect: Chains (Ex): You grow several long, barbed chains. Two of these chains allow you to make chain attacks each acting as a secondary natural weapon dealing 1d4 damage (if you are medium sized). These chains have a reach 5-ft longer than is normal for you and deal bludgeoning and piercing damage.
Specialized Aspect: Seek Foe (Su): Whenever a creature damages you, you may, as a free action, declare it your Sworn Foe. You can sense the location of your Sworn Foes as if you had Blindsense with a range of 120-ft which does not require line of effect. By spending 2 points from your Spell Pool as a free action you can increase this to the equivalent of Blindsight in regards to your Sworn Foes for 1 round. You may also use Greater Scrying as a spell-like ability to target your Sworn Foe at a cost of 4 Spell Pool Points, or Discern Location to target your Sworn Foe for 8 Spell Pool Points. You may only have a number of Sworn Foes equal to your Charisma modifier (min 1) at a time, and attempting to declare another when you already have your maximum causes you to lose one. You do not lose Sworn Foes if your Charisma modifier drops until the next time you attempt to declare a creature your foe. If a creature dies for more than 1 minute this connection is broken and they are no longer your Sworn Foe. If you die for more than 1 minute you lose all Sworn Foes.

Dis Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, or Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Gather Information, Hide
Breath Weapon: Line of sound (sonic).
Energy Resistance: Sonic.
Lesser Aspect: Draconic Diviner: You treat Divination spells as if they were 1 level lower for the purposes of your Spell Pool. Beginning at 11th level you may treat Divination spells as if they were 2 spell levels lower for the purposes of your Spell Pool.
Greater Aspect: Eyes of Dis (Su): You gain a continuous See Invisibility, can use True Seeing with a duration of 1 round per caster level at a cost of 3 Spell Pool Points, and can use Discern Location as a spell-like ability 1/day by expending 8 Spell Pool Points. Finally your Divination spells ignore effects and spells that prevent or mislead divinations of 8th level or less or of equivalent power.
Specialized Aspect: Urban Hide in Plain Sight (Su): Within a city of at least small city size, a Dis Dragonsoul Acolyte may hide without cover or concealment.

Maladominian Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Disguise, Intimidate
Breath Weapon: Cone of Charisma draining gas. This gas deals 1d6 Charisma damage + 1 per 2 dice of damage your breath weapon would normally deal, a successful Fortitude save (instead of Reflex) halves this effect.
Energy Resistance: Instead of energy immunity a Maladominian dragon gains the following abilities. At 3rd level they gain immunity to disease. At 7th level they gain immunity to poison. At 11th level they gain Damage Reduction overcome by good or silver equal to half their Dragonsoul Acolyte level.
Spell Pool: A Maladominian Dragonsoul Acolyte gains access to the Bard spell list instead of the Sorcerer spell list. This includes for the purposes of Talented and Signature Spell choices.
Lesser Aspect: Decaying Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a line of curse laced energy which decays the bodies of creatures in its area. Any creature within the area of this breath suffers a penalty to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution equal to 1d4 + 1/3 dice of damage your breath weapon would normally deal. This penalty lasts 1 minute and cannot reduce a target's ability score(s) to below 1. A successful Fortitude save negates this penalty.
Greater Aspect: Vile Beauty (Su): You have the nearly horrifying beauty of a young Maladominian Dragon, that which the old dragons covet more than all else. You gain a +4 bonus to all Charisma based checks made to deal with other creatures which can see you. You may pay 1 Spell Pool Point, as a free action, to charge this beauty with additional power for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). For this duration any creature within 60-ft of you which looks at you must make a Will save or be Charmed as if by a CL 10 Charm Monster spell (this is supernatural so Spell Resistance does not apply). Both of these effects are mind-affecting and do not affect dragons of any kind.
Specialized Aspect: Suppress Regeneration (Su): Regeneration does not convert damage dealt by your natural weapons to non-lethal damage. In addition any creature dealt damage by your natural weapons loses any regeneration or fast healing it normally would have for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round).

Malbolgian Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Hide, Move Silently
Breath Weapon: Line of Electricity.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Lesser Aspect: Sniper's Breath (Su): You may use any of your breath weapons as a ranged touch attack with a range 10 times its normal range (the length of the cone or line). If you do so the target is still allowed a save for half damage or to reduce/negate the effect as normal.
Greater Aspect: Fiery Lashes (Su): As a swift action you may conjure a whip of flame from each of your empty palms by paying 3 Spell Pool Points. You may use these whips to make natural weapon attacks dealing 1d4 damage (if you are medium) with a +10-ft increase to your melee reach, these attacks replace your normal claw attacks. Attacks made with these whips are considered melee touch attacks and deal fire damage instead of slashing, bludgeoning, or piercing damage. You must pay 1 Spell Pool Point each round to maintain these whips of flame, and may not hold objects in a hand which has such a whip.
Specialized Aspect: Fire Retardant (Ex): You gain fire resistance and immunity equal to the resistance/immunity granted by your Energy Resistance/Immunity abilities.

Nessian Dragon
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Disguise, Perform
Breath Weapon: A line of hellish red light which enfeebles the minds of those within it. Creatures caught in this line suffer a penalty to Intelligence and Wisdom of 1d6 + 1 per 2 dice of damage your breath weapon would normally inflict. This penalty cannot reduce these stats below 3 and lasts for 1 minute per die of damage it would normally do.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Spell Pool: A Nessian Dragonsoul Acolyte gains access to Shadowcaster Mysteries instead of the Sorcerer spell list. They gain full benefit from Aspects which allow them to add spells or powers to the sorcerer/wilder lists, or reduce the level of a certain school or descriptor but do not gain access to the Sorcerer spell list directly. They can use these Mysteries as a normal Dragonsoul Acolyte uses sorcerer spells; they spend spell pool points to use any mystery of the appropriate level or lower. A Nessian Dragonsoul Acolyte gains their talented spells and signature spell from the list of spells they draw their spell pool spell-like abilities from. In addition a Nessian Dragonsoul Acolyte may select fundamentals in addition to the normal cantrip list for Dragonsoul Acolytes beginning at 4th level.
Lesser Aspect: Circle of Evil’s Power (Su): You radiate an aura of evil power out to 10-ft + 10-ft per 10 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels that suppresses all Protection from Evil, Magic Circle of Protection from Evil, Protection from Law, and Magic Circle of Protection from Law within this area. If your Dragonsoul Acolyte level is 11 or higher this ability also suppresses Holy Aura, Cloak of Chaos, Holy Word, and Word of Chaos spells within its range. You show up under Detect Evil and Detect Law as a Lawful Evil cleric.
Greater Aspect: Nessian Sorcery: You gain access to the Sorcerer spell list in addition to Mysteries. You may select Sorcerer spells for your Signature Spell, and gain an additional Talented Spell selected from the Sorcerer spell list. When using 4th level Enchantment or Illusion spells or Mysteries the Spell Pool Cost is reduced by 1.
Specialized Aspect: Imp Form (Su): You may assume the form of an imp, large or smaller monstrous spider, raven, rat, dire rat, or boar as if using the Alternate Form ability. You retain your natural weapons, scales, breath weapon, and physical ability scores granted by this class. If you assume an Imp form you may use any of its at-will Spell-like Abilities for 1 Spell Pool Point, Suggestion as a spell-like ability for 3 Spell Pool Points but no more than 1/day, and Commune as a spell-like ability for 8 Spell Pool Points but no more than 1/week to ask no more than 6 questions. At level 12 you gain the ability to turn into a dire boar or huge monstrous spider with this Aspect, at level 15 you gain the ability to turn into a gargantuan monstrous spider with this ability.

Phlegethos Dragon
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise
Breath Weapon: Cone of Fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Sickening Breath: Your fire breath is tainted by hellish pollutants. Any creature caught within the area of your breath weapon must also make a Fortitude save or be sickened for 1d4 rounds. Outsiders with the evil subtype, and Phlegethos Dragon (as well as Phlegethos Dragonsoul Acolytes) are immune to this sickening effect.
Greater Aspect: Devil's Charm: You can use Charm Monster as a spell-like ability 3 times per day, and each extra use beyond that costs only 1 Spell Pool Point. You may use Dominate Person for 1 less Spell Pool Point than usual (if you have access to it), and 1/day may spend a 6 Spell Pool Point surcharge to use Dominate Monster as a 5th level spell.
Specialized Aspect: Destroy Wards (Su): As a standard action you may spend 1 or more Spell Pool Points to instantly end all Protection from Alignment, Magic Circle against Alignment, and other similar effects which ward against Charm or mind-control. Continuously active Supernatural abilities which duplicate these effects and continuous magic items are not destroyed merely suppressed for 1d4 minutes. For 1 Spell Pool Point this ability affects such effects within 5-ft, for 2 it extends 30-ft, for 3 it extends out to 100-ft, for 4 out to 400-ft, for 5 out to 1000-ft, for 6 out to 1 mile, for 7 out to 3 miles, for 8 out to 5 miles, for 9 out to 10 miles, increasing thus forth with 3x, 5x, 10x (30 mi, 50 mi, 100 mi, 300 mi, 500 mi, 1000 mi, etc; 30 would be 100,000,000 miles; 15 would be global on a world the size of the Earth). This ability does not require line of effect.

Stygian Dragon:
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Gather Information, Swim
Breath Weapon: Cone of Cold.
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Draconic Wings: You do not gain Draconic Wings, instead gaining Styx Adaptation; Styx Adaptation works like the Lesser Aspect Sea Dweller but also grants immunity to the memory draining effects of the River Styx.
Lesser Aspect: Siren's Lure (Su): As a full-round action you can sing a keening song of loss and control. Any creature within 60-ft which can hear this song must spend their next turn attempting to get as close to you as possible; they must use their fastest movement modes possible (teleporting the distance if that is required) and may only avoid obstacles and hazards if they can move around those in some way without moving farther away from you. Once they reach you they may act normally for the rest of their turn. This is a mind-affecting, sound based, compulsion effect and a successful Will save not only negates the effect, it renders that creature completely immune to your Siren's Lure for 24 hours. When you use this ability you may expend 1 Spell Pool Point to increase the range to 100-ft or 2 Spell Pool Points to increase the range to affect all creatures which can hear you.
Greater Aspect: Stygian Spy (Su): You can read thoughts as if with the Detect Thoughts spell but it is continuously active and it only requires a swift action to focus on a creature's thoughts; the save DC for this effect is 10 + 1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Charisma modifier. In addition you may force a creature whose thoughts your are perusing to forget information on a subject it is currently thinking about as a Standard action by spending Spell Pool Points. For a single spell pool point they forget 5 minutes of memories on the subject, increasing to 30 minutes for 2, 1 day's worth for 4, or all memories on the subject for 8; by doubling the number of points you spend you gain the lost memories for yourself and if you got at least a day's worth of information this way you may use the target's Knowledge skill modifiers for any Knowledge checks related to the subject for 24 hours. A target is allowed another Will save (same DC) to resist this effect.
Specialized Aspect: Touch of Styx (Su): The first time you strike a creature with one of your natural weapons each round they lose one prepared spell of their highest level as if it had been cast, or one readied maneuver of their highest level becomes un-readied; which spell or maneuver is lost this way is determined randomly. If the creature has both prepared spells and maneuvers spells are lost first.

Lung Dragons
These dragons are considered lung dragons and may select certain options based upon that kind (see spoiler in Tutelary Dragon List: 1st Party)

Fu Tsang Lung
Allowed alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Disguise, Perform, Swim
Breath Weapon: Line of Magma dealing d6s for damage but dealing the same damage to all targets caught in it for 2 rounds after its use or until they spend a full round action to scrape it off.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Burrowing (Ex): You gain a burrow speed equal to half your base land speed.
Greater Aspect: Inner Heat (Su): Your body glows with an inner fire. You produce heat and glow faintly orange with heat. Any creature striking you with a natural weapon, unarmed strike, or grappling you or touching you takes 2d6 fire damage (this damage receives the benefits of your Pierce Resistance ability). In addition your natural weapon attacks also inflict this fire damage on each hit.
Specialized Aspect: Lung Invisibility (Sp): Invisibility 1/day per 3 class levels becoming at-will at Lv 18.

Jin Lung
Allowed alignments: Any Lawful or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Disguise, Perform
Breath Weapon:
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance/immunity you gain 1 daily use of Invisibility usable only on yourself at 3rd level, gaining an additional use at 7th and then 11th, and the ability to use it at-will beginning at 15th.
Lesser Aspect: Repulse Metal (Su): Metal does not strike the Jin Lung, nor does it strike you. Attacks made with metal weapons, or weapons including metal parts, suffer a -3 penalty to hit you.
Greater Aspect: Drain Luck (Su): Your natural weapons strip the luck from your foes. Any creature you strike with a natural weapon suffers a -1 penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, caster level, AC, ability checks, and skill checks. This penalty is cumulative up to a -3 penalty, and lasts for 1 minute with its duration resetting each time they are struck.
Specialized Aspect: Boon of Luck (Su): You may grant a creature a boon of luck as a full-round action by investing 1 Spell Pool Point into the boon. This boon lasts until you sever it as a full-round action and you do not recover spell pool points invested into a boon until after it has been severed and you next regain spell pool points. This boon grants the target a +1 luck bonus to all skill and ability checks, attack rolls, AC, and saving throws. If you die all such boons are instantly severed.

Mu Lung
Allowed alignments: Any Good and True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Disguise, Perform, Survival
Breath Weapon: A glob of acid. This functions as a ranged touch attack usable at up to 5 range increments (as a thrown weapon) with a range increment equal to the range of a cone breath weapon. This ability deals damage in d10s.
Energy Resistance: Acid.
Lesser Aspect: Woodland Stride (Ex): You may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at your normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect you.
Greater Aspect: Woods Priest: You may use Druid spells and spells on the Animal and Plant domains with your Spell Pool as if they were Sorcerer spells. Spells on the Animal and Plant domains are treated as 1 spell level lower for the purposes of your Spell Pool and you gain Calm Animals and Entangle as Cantrips.
Specialized Aspect: Camouflage (Su): You can use the Hide skill in any sort of natural terrain, even if the terrain doesn’t grant cover or concealment (this functions as the ranger ability of the same name except for its Supernatural nature).

Tai Yang Lung
Allowed alignments: Any Lawful and True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Hide, Disguise
Breath Weapon: Instead of a breath weapon you gain the ability to release a Heat Pulse, or a wave of heat in a deadly pulse. This deals fire damage to all creatures within 5-ft of you (other than yourself) when it is used (same recharge as your breath weapon); when your breath weapon distance increases to 60-ft (line) this increases to a 15-ft range, and increases by 5-ft every time your breath weapon range increases thereafter (to 35-ft at 140-ft). This ability deals damage in d10s.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Spell Resistance (Su): You gain Spell Resistance 8 + your dragonsoul acolyte level.
Greater Aspect: Fire Absorption (Su): You are more than merely immune to fire damage. Whenever an effect would deal fire damage to you if you were not immune to fire you instead regain 1 hit point per 2 points of damage that effect would have dealt. In addition when you use your Heat Pulse ability you regain hit points as if your Heat Pulse had damaged you as well.
Specialized Aspect: Fiery Backlash (Su): Your Spell Resistance improves by 2. In addition whenever your spell resistance successfully prevents a spell or spell-like ability or you successfully make a saving throw to negate a targeted spell or spell-like ability that did not have an effect line you turn the magical energies back on that spell's caster. They take 2 points of damage per dragonsoul acolyte level you possess, half of this damage is pure divine energy while the other half is fire meaning only half of this damage is affected by effects which prevent or reduce fire damage. The caster is allowed a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your dragonsoul acolyte level + your Charisma modifier) to half this damage.

Epic Dragons:
Anarchic Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any Chaotic.
Tutelary Skills: Sleight of Hand, Tumble, and Use Magic Device
Breath Weapon: A cone of anarchic energy (counts as Chaotic spell/damage for the purposes of regeneration) which deals d8s for damage.
Energy Resistance: Instead of normal Energy Resistance/Immunity an Anarchic Dragonsoul Acolyte gains a variety of special abilities. Beginning at 3rd level ranged attacks made against you suffer a 20% miss chance; this is a supernatural quality. At 7th level you gain immunity to polymorph spells and effects. At 11th level you gain immunity to ability damage. At 15th level you gain immunity to ability drain.
Lesser Aspect: Universal Energy Resistance (Ex): You gain Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic Resistance 5, increasing to 10 at Lv 12.
Greater Aspect: Polymorph Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd weapon a cone of polymorphing energy. Any creature that fails a Fort save against this effect are polymorphed as if by the Baleful Polymorph spell, transforming into a random animal (non-fatal forms only) and have to make a Will save as per the spell; as a Su ability this cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed with the Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, Limited Wish, Wish, or Miracle spells.
Specialized Aspect: Choose Fate (Su): When you would make a roll you may spend a number of Spell Pool Points to treat yourself as having rolled an unmodified number equal to twice the amount of Spell Pool points spent, up to the highest number on the die. You must choose to use this ability before making the roll and it does not trigger Vorpal weapons although it does otherwise count as a natural roll of the given number.

Cataclysm Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any Chaotic, or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Handle Animal, Knowledge (Nature), Survival
Breath Weapon: When you gain this ability select an energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). You gain a cone shaped breath weapon of that energy type.
Energy Resistance: Whichever type you selected for your breath weapon.
Spell Pool: You draw spells for your spell pool from the Druid spell list instead of the Sorcerer spell list.
Lesser Aspect: Weather Resistant (Su): You never need to make saving throws against wind, whether magical or mundane, and suffer no wind or weather based penalties to skill checks, attack rolls (this allows you to shoot an arrow straight through a whirlwind), or other penalties due to inclement winds or weather. You are immune to weather based effects.
Greater Aspect: Born of Cataclysm: You gain immunity to all 5 energy types. In addition your breath weapon becomes a roiling chaos of energy which deals damage to each target as if it were the energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic) that is most effective against that creature (i.e. if it has fire immunity it deals damage as not fire, if it has cold vulnerability it's cold, if it has cold vulnerability and cold resistance 20 and is dealing less than 60 damage it's not cold and if it is more than 60 damage it is cold).
Specialized Aspect: Elemental Spell Pool: You may use your spell pool to access the Wu Jen spell list in addition to the druid spell list.

Diamond Dragon
Special Note: Diamond Dragon is a variety of Gem Dragon; is a psionic dragon and can select Planar Gem as a specialized aspect.
Allowed alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Evil, Neutral Good, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Autohypnosis, Psicraft, Use Psionic Device
Breath Weapon: A cone of psychic force. This is a mind-affecting effect which deals damage in d8s. Any creature with psionic power points lose psionic power points equal to the damage which would be dealt instead of taking damage, any damage in excess to their remaining power points is dealt as hit point damage still. A successful Will save halves this damage instead of a Reflex save.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance a diamond dragonsoul acolyte gains resistance to mind-affecting effects. At 3rd level they gain a +3 on all saves against Mind-Affecting spells and effects. At 7th level whenever they must make a save against a mind-affecting effect they may roll twice taking the better result. At 11th level their bonus against Mind-Affecting spells and effect increases to +6. At 15th level it becomes full immunity.
Lesser Aspect: Telepathy (Su): You gain telepathy out to 10-ft per class level.
Greater Aspect: Stunning Breath: Your cone of psychic force breath weapon stuns creatures which fail their save for 1 round.
Specialized Aspect: Mental Armor: When you use Inertial Armor or Force Screen with your Spell Pool it costs only 1 Spell Pool Point to use at half augmentation, and 2 at full augmentation. By paying a 3rd spell pool point you may treat your ML for these effects as if it were 50% higher. By paying 2 additional Spell Pool Points you may Quicken either power.

Malison Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Intimidate, Spellcraft
Breath Weapon: A cone of corrupting energy (untyped, d8s); counts as damage from an Evil spell for the purposes of overcoming regeneration. A Fortittude save halves this damage instead of a Reflex save.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance and immunity you gain the following abilities. At 3rd level you gain +4 to saves versus death effects, negative energy effects, and saves to remove negative levels. At 7th level you reduce damage you take from negative energy by 10. At 11th level this negative energy resistance increases to 20 and you may roll twice on any save this ability gives you a benefit to. At 15th level you gain total immunity to death effects, energy drain, and any negative energy effect.
Lesser Aspect: Diseased Breath (Su): Any creature which fails their save against your breath weapon also contracts Faceless Hate (see Book of Vile Darkness page 30) with its normal incubation period. If they already have Faceless Hate but it has not finished its incubation period yet its remaining incubation period is reduced to 0 rounds.
Greater Aspect: Word of Curse (Su): You may use Bestow Curse with a range of 30-ft as a spell-like ability by expending 2 points from your Spell Pool, and may use Greater Bestow Curse with a range of 30-ft by expending 6 points from your Spell Pool. If you die you may, with your last breath, call down a curse on up to your Charisma modifier creatures (minimum 1) 1 of which must be whoever killed you and all of which must be within a mile (if your killer is not a creature or is not within a mile you may still curse Charisma modifier -1 other creatures). This functions as Greater Bestow Curse but cannot be removed short of a Miracle spell or divine intervention. Even a Wish spell cannot remove your death curse.
Specialized Aspect: Profane Shield (Su): You gain a deflection bonus to AC equal to your Charisma modifier.

Mithral Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any Good; a Mithral Dragonsoul Acolyte must maintain an Exalted pattern of behavior and should they act in anyway which would cause them to lose Exalted feats or be unable to take Exalted feats they suffer the same penalties as if they were no longer of a proper alignment to serve a Mithral Dragon and must seek atonement and a new Tutelary Dragon.
Tutelary Skills: Diplomacy, Heal, Sense Motive.
Breath Weapon: When you gain this ability select an energy type from among Acid, Cold, Fire, and Electricity, also select cone or line. You gain a breath weapon of the selected shape and energy type.
Energy Resistance: Whichever type you selected for your breath weapon.
Lesser Aspect: Turn Undead (Su): You gain the ability to turn undead as a cleric of your Dragonsoul Acolyte level. You must maintain an Exalted pattern of behavior to select this aspect and should you act in anyway which would cause them to lose Exalted feats or be unable to take Exalted feats you lose access to this ability until you gain a level at which point you may retrain this draconic aspect unless it is the Lesser Draconic Aspect of your Tutelary Dragon (in which case you will likely be exchanging it earlier when you select a new Tutelary Dragon).
Greater Aspect: Paralysis Breath (Su): When using your breath weapon may release a cone of paralyzing gas instead of dealing damage which paralyzes creatures that fail their Fortitude saves for 1d4+1 rounds.
Specialized Aspect: Soul of Good: You may use your spell pool to access the Paladin spell list and Sanctified spells in addition to the Sorcerer spell list and may take the Battle Blessing feat as if you were capable of casting paladin spells; if you do so it applies to any spell-like ability replicating a Paladin spell through your Spell Pool.

Prana Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any except True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Hide, Move Silently, Survival
Breath Weapon: A cone of energy which rips the animating force from things, dealing untyped damage (d6s) to creatures and unattended magic items within the area and 1 point of essentia damage to the target per die of damage dealt. A Will save halves this damage and the essentia damage.
Energy Resistance and Spell Pool: A prana dragon is a dragon of incarnum much like an incarnum dragon and gains meldshaping like an incarnum dragon's except that they gain access to Incarnate soulmelds in place of soulborn soulmelds.
Lesser Aspect: Flow of Essentia (Ex): Your essentia capacity for one soulmeld per 4 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels is increased by 1. You select which soulmelds are affected by this ability each morning when you shape your soulmelds for the day.
Greater Aspect: Armored Meldshaper (Ex): You may freely bind soulmelds to a chakra and wear a magic item in the same slot.
Specialized Aspect: Shield of Heart (Su): You gain immunity to ability damage and drain that you do not inflict to yourself.

Regulator Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any Lawful.
Tutelary Skills: Autohypnosis, Knowledge (History), and Profession
Breath Weapon: A cone of absolute order. This energy deals the d8s of axiomatic damage (this is considered lawful for the purposes of regeneration), with a Will save to half instead of a Reflex save.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance a diamond dragonsoul acolyte gains resistance to mind-affecting effects. At 3rd level they gain a +3 on all saves against Mind-Affecting spells and effects. At 7th level whenever they must make a save against a mind-affecting effect they may roll twice taking the better result. At 11th level their bonus against Mind-Affecting spells and effect increases to +6. At 15th level it becomes full immunity.
Lesser Aspect: Curse of Order (Su): You may, as a swift action which costs 2 Spell Pool Points to activate, level a curse on any creature which has damaged you since the end of your last turn. This functions as a fully augmented version of deja vu (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powers/dejaVu.htm) against the target, but has no range limit.
Greater Aspect: Stunning Breath: Your cone of absolute order breath weapon stuns creatures which fail their save for 1 round.
Specialized Aspect: Pierce Illusion (Su): You automatically gain a Will save at +4 to disbelieve any illusion you encounter. In addition you may use True Seeing as a spell-like ability by spending 4 Spell Pool Points.

Sublime Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any non-Lawful.
Tutelary Skills: Choose 3 disciplines. You treat these disciplines' associated skills as Tutelary Skills.
Breath Weapon: A Sublime Dragonsoul Acolyte gains the ability to perform a Rending Strike instead; this Rending Strike requires recharge as a breath weapon and uses the same timer as any breath weapon you gain as a Dragonsoul Acolyte. You may use your Rending Strike as part of any melee attack you make, adding a number of d8s to that attack's damage equal to the number of dice your breath weapon would deal (it also gains 1/2 Charisma modifier increasing to Charisma modifier as normal for your breath weapon); if that attack misses your Rending Strike is wasted. An attack declared a Rending Strike ignores Damage Reduction and hardness and may strike incorporeal creatures as if it was made with a ghost touch weapon.
Energy Resistance: A Sublime Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain Energy Resistance/Immunity as normal. Instead at Lv 3 you gain Spell Resistance 8 + your Dragonsoul Acolyte level and a +4 to saves versus Transmutation spells and spell-like abilities as well as Psychometabolism powers and psi-like abilities. At Lv 7 this increases to Spell Resistance 10 + your Dragonsoul Acolyte level, with a +5 to your Spell Resistance against Transmutation and Psychometabolism. At Lv 11 you automatically save against all Transmutation and Psychometabolism effects unless you choose to fail and are considered to have Mettle against these effects. At Lv 15 your Spell Resistance increases to 12 + your Dragonsoul Acolyte level.
Spell Pool: A Sublime Dragon is a sublime dragon for the purposes of the Spell Pool. You gain access to whichever three disciplines you chose to gain your Tutelary Skills from.
Lesser Aspect: Rending Blows (Ex): Attacks you make with your natural weapons treats your target as if their DR and hardness was lower by an amount equal to 1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level, this cannot result in negative DR. For example a 10th level Dragonsoul Acolyte with this aspect ignores DR 5 or less (regardless of its source or what is needed to overcome it) and would treat a creature with DR 10/- as having DR 5/-; so if they dealt 8 damage before damage reduction to a creature with DR 10/- they would deal 3 after damage reduction.
Greater Aspect: Sublime Shield (Su): You are immune to damage and ability damage from spells and spell-like abilities.
Specialized Aspect: Unhealing Wounds (Su): Your natural weapons and martial strikes deal damage which is extremely hard to heal. Damage dealt by any natural weapon you possess or any attack made as part of a martial strike ignores regeneration and cannot be healed by fast healing or natural healing. In addition it is always healed last by magic and magical attempts to heal it only heal 1 hit points per 4 points they would normally heal.

Umbra Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any Evil or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Hide, Move Silently
Breath Weapon: Cone of billowy shadows which inflicts negative levels. This ability inflicts 1 negative level per 2 dice of damage it would normally have dealt (rounded up) with a successful Fortitude save halving the negative levels inflicted (rounded down).
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance and immunity you gain the following abilities. At 3rd level you gain +4 to saves versus death effects, negative energy effects, and saves to remove negative levels. At 7th level you reduce damage you take from negative energy by 10. At 11th level this negative energy resistance increases to 20 and you may roll twice on any save this ability gives you a benefit to. At 15th level you gain total immunity to death effects, energy drain, and any negative energy effect.
Spell Pool: An Umbra Dragonsoul Acolyte gains access to Shadowcaster Mysteries instead of the Sorcerer spell list. They gain full benefit from Aspects which allow them to add spells or powers to the sorcerer/wilder lists, or reduce the level of a certain school or descriptor but do not gain access to the Sorcerer spell list directly. They can use these Mysteries as a normal Dragonsoul Acolyte uses sorcerer spells; they spend spell pool points to use any mystery of the appropriate level or lower. A Umbra Dragonsoul Acolyte gains their talented spells and signature spell from the list of spells they draw their spell pool spell-like abilities from. In addition a Umbra Dragonsoul Acolyte may select fundamentals in addition to the normal cantrip list for Dragonsoul Acolytes beginning at 4th level.
Lesser Aspect: Many Guises (Su): You gain the ability to change your appearance at will, as if using the disguise self spell, but only while in your normal form. This affects your body but not her possessions. It is not an illusory effect, but a minor physical alteration of the your appearance, within the limits described for the spell. In addition you may use this ability to hide any or all of the physical transformations granted by this class, retaining your natural armor but losing access to your natural weapons and wings when they are disguised this way; you may cause a feature from this class to reappear again as a free action although fully ending this ability or assuming another form is a standard action.
Greater Aspect: Extended Spell Pool: You can use Shadowcaster mysteries 1 level higher than the normal allowed with your Spell Pool. Until you have the Improved Spell Pool ability you are limited to 1 mystery of the level granted by this ability and 1 mystery of the highest level you would normally have. Mysteries of the level accessed this way cost 6 Spell Pool Points to use. You gain 2 additional Spell Pool Points.
Specialized Aspect: Shadow Armor (Su): You are constantly surrounded by a swirling armor of shadows which grant you a deflection bonus to AC equal to your Charisma modifier.

2015-04-12, 09:48 PM
Tutelary Dragon List - Homebrew Part 6: Seriously?

Fey Dragons
Fey dragons are somehow connected with the Seelie and Unseelie courts of the fey.

Iron Rose Dragon
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Sense Motive, Spot.
Breath Weapon: Cone of Cold.
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Lesser Aspect: Pacification Gas (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of pacifying gas. Creatures caught in the cone may not take any hostile actions (make attacks etc) for 1d3+2 rounds (they may however take total defense actions, cast buff spells, flee, etc), a successful Will save negates this effect. This is a mind-affecting, compulsion effect.
Greater Aspect: Eyes of the Court Lords (Su): You gain a continuous True Seeing effect except you also know the alignment and strength of alignment auras of any creature you view with this ability (as if with the 3rd round of each Detect Alignment spell; you do not suffer effects from overwhelming auras). You are able to see through mundane and magical fogs and weather effects with no penalty as well, ignoring concealment they offer and Spot check penalties. Finally you gain a bonus to Sense Motive checks to determine if someone is lying to you equal to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level.
Specialized Aspect: Mastery of Armor (Ex): You gain proficiency in all armor (including exotic armors). Medium and Heavy Armor no longer reduce your speed, and when wearing Medium or Heavy Armor their Armor Check Penalty is treated as 2 less and their Max Dex Bonus as 2 more.

Nightmare Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Hide, Move Silently.
Breath Weapon: A cone of aggression. Any creature caught in the cone is compelled to attack the nearest living creature they can see other than you for 1d3 rounds, if there are no other creatures within line of sight then they are simply dazed. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect.
Energy Resistance: At 3rd level you gain +4 on Will saves against Compulsion effects. At 7th level you gain immunity to Compulsions. At 11th level you gain immunity to Nightmare, Phantasmal Horror, Weird, and any effect which draws upon your nightmares or invades your sleeping mind. At 15th level you gain DR equal to half your dragonsoul acolyte level overcome by magic weapons.
Lesser Aspect: Rebuke Animals (Su): You can Rebuke (or Control) Animals as an Evil Cleric of your Dragonsoul Acolyte level Rebukes Undead.
Greater Aspect: Living Nightmare (Su): You are constantly surrounded by a shifting hellscape of nightmare out to 10-ft. Any non-mindless creature other than yourself counts this area as difficult terrain, even if flying, and upon starting their turn within it or willingly entering it take 2d6 damage. This damage manifests as their own living nightmares strike at them and ignores all damage reduction, energy resistance, and the like; a successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level + your Charisma modifier) halves this damage. In addition creatures which fail their Will save are frightened for 1d6 rounds unless they make a 2nd Will save (same DC) in which case they are simply shaken for 1d6 rounds; this portion is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Specialized Aspect: Power from Nightmares: You gain the ability to use Astral Construct as if it was a sorcerer spell, paying only 3 Spell Pool Points to fully augment it. You may also use Phantasmal Killer as a 2nd level spell, Nightmare as a 3rd level spell, Invisibility as a 1st level spell, and Greater Invisibility as a 3rd level spell; you also get a 1 Spell Pool Point discount (minimum 1 Spell Pool Point) when casting these spells.

Oak Dragon
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Handle Animal, Knowledge (Nature), Survival.
Breath Weapon: Cone of electricity.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Spell Pool: You gain access to the Druid spell list and the Strength and Protection domains instead of the Sorcerer spell list.
Lesser Aspect: Lignifying Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a line of energy which causes creatures exposed to it to lignify becoming woody and plant like. This deals 1d6 Dexterity damage + 1 per 2 dice of damage your breath weapon normally deals, as parts of the creature grow temporarily wooden and stiff. A successful Fortitude save halves the Dexterity damage, and Plant creatures, as well as creatures with the Wood subtype are immune to this ability.
Greater Aspect: Aura of Protection (Su): Good aligned allies within 60-ft of you gain a Sacred bonus to AC equal to one fourth your Dragonsoul Acolyte level and half that as a Sacred bonus to all saving throws.
Specialized Aspect: Aura of Vitality (Su): Good aligned allies within 30-ft of you gain Fast Healing 1 per 4 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels as long as they are under half health. If you gain the Aura of Protection Greater Draconic Aspect this ability's range expands to match its.

Redwood Dragon
Allowed alignments: True Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Intimidate, Knowledge (Nature), Spellcraft.
Breath Weapon: Cone of bright green energy which causes magic within creatures and upon them to turn back against them. This deals d6s for damage, with a Fort (instead of Reflex) for half damage, and creatures suffer a penalty to their saving throw equal to the number of active spell effects upon them.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance or immunity you gain the following abilities. At Lv 3 you gain Spell Resistance 8 + your Dragonsoul Acolyte level. At Lv 7 this SR improves by 2 (to 10 + your DSA level), and again at Lv 11 (to 12 + DSA level). At Lv 15 you gain DR 3/cold iron.
Lesser Aspect: Toughened Scales (Ex): You gain an additional +2 to your Natural Armor.
Greater Aspect: Sanctity of the Pristine Forest (Su): You gain an aura out to 30-ft which causes all spells and spell-like abilities, except those drawn from the Spell Pool, cast as Druids or Spirit Shamans, or spell-like abilities of fey, to suffer a 50% chance of failure. You may suppress or resume this aura as a standard action.
Specialized Aspect: Giant Among Dragons (Ex): Your size increases. You gain the Powerful Build special quality (see half-giant).

Willow Dragon
Allowed alignments: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Heal, Perform, Survival.
Breath Weapon: Cone of lethargy gas. Creatures in the cone must make a Will save or be fatigued for 1d6+1 rounds, suffering a -2 to saving throws against sleep effects for the duration; creatures immune to sleep are immune to this ability. Beginning at 7th level this upgrades to exhaustion. Beginning at 15th level you may choose to instead induce sleep with your gas, putting creatures that fail their saves to sleep (no hit dice cap) for 1d6+1 rounds instead.
Energy Resistance: Instead of gaining energy resistance a willow dragonsoul acolyte gains resistance to mind-affecting effects. At 3rd level they gain a +3 on all saves against Mind-Affecting spells and effects. At 7th level whenever they must make a save against a mind-affecting effect they may roll twice taking the better result. At 11th level their bonus against Mind-Affecting spells and effect increases to +6. At 15th level it becomes full immunity..
Spell Pool: You gain access to the Druid spell list instead of the Sorcerer spell list.
Lesser Aspect: Animal Forms (Su): You gain the alternate form ability (see the Monster Manual). You may use this ability to assume the form of any Small Animal. You may use this ability at-will.
Greater Aspect: Songs of Ending and Healing (Su): As a move action you may begin singing either a song of healing or a song of ending, continuing a song as a free action, although while singing you cannot perform any actions which require you to speak, or use bite attacks or your breath weapon unless you have multiple heads. A song of healing costs 2 Spell Pool Points to initiate and 1 Spell Pool Point per minute to continue it and grants creatures within 30-ft of you Fast Healing 5 while you sing; outsiders with the evil subtype, undead, and deathless instead take 5 points of damage per round while within the area of the song. A Song of Ending costs 3 Spell Pool Points to activate and inflicts a negative level on each other creature within range each round, and costs 1 Spell Pool Point each round after the first to maintain; when you begin a Song of Ending you may exempt any number of creatures you are aware of from its effects and creatures slain by its negative levels do not rise as wights.
Specialized Aspect: Fey Beauty (Su): You gain a supernatural, fey-like beauty, to rival even a nymphs; you gain a +4 competence bonus on Charisma based checks made to interact with humanoid creatures. As a standard action you may pay 3 Spell Pool points to make a Stunning Gance (Su) at any creature within 30-ft with a look; the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 class level + your Charisma modifier) or be stunned for 1d4+1 rounds. In addition you may, as a standard action, pay 3 Spell Pool Points to gain Blinding Beauty (Su) for 1 minute per Dragonsoul Acolyte level. While this ability is active any humanoid within 30-ft which looks directly at you must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 class level + your Charisma modifier) or be blinded for 1 day; you may dismiss this ability as a free action.

Meta-Dragons are several varieties of partially mechanical dragons, living constructs of dragonkind. Many Dragonsoul acolytes that serve meta-dragons have a change in their spell pool drawing upon the powers of infusions instead of sorcerer spells. This functions the same, except instead of drawing spell-like abilities from the sorcerer spell list they draw them from artificer infusions of the same levels. The casting times of these infusions is reduced to a standard action if it would normally be longer. Those that do not have this change are noted.

Adaptive Manipulator Dragon
Allowed alignments: Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, and Lawful Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Bluff, Disable Device, Search.
Breath Weapon: A line of electricity.
Energy Resistance: Electricity.
Spell Pool: An AM Dragonsoul Acolyte uses the normal (sorcerer) spell list for its spell-pool.
Lesser Aspect: Trap Hunter (Ex): You gain Trapfinding as a rogue. In addition you gain a +1 to search checks to find traps, this bonus increases to +2 with a Dragonsoul Acolyte level of 6 and by another +1 every 4 levels thereafter (+3 at 10th, +4 at 14th, +5 at 18th), and you gain a +1 to AC and all saves against traps for every 4 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels you possess.
Greater Aspect: Far Seeing (Su): You can see and hear through the surface of any wall as long as that surface is within 20-ft of a surface you are touching. When using this ability you may pay 1 Spell Pool point to view through a location up to 200-ft away (using a specific 5-ft square as your sensor), 2 for up to 1000-ft away, 3 for up to 1 mile, 4 for up to 3 miles (this is the maximum), and may spend 2 Spell Pool points to cast a spell or spell-like ability through a surface you are viewing out of with this ability or to use your breath weapon through one. In addition you can use Scrying spells through your Spell Pool as if they were 2 spell levels lower.
Specialized Aspect: Information Network (Su): You can tap into the same information network as an AM dragon. You can consult these libraries through an Astral link, granting you a +6 bonus to Knowledge checks (this bonus does not stack with that provided by researching at a library or reference materials/Mw items). In addition you may spend 4 Spell Pool points to use a Legend Lore effect with a casting time of 1d4 minutes if the thing/person/place is at hand, 2d8 hours if you only have detailed information on the subject, and 1d4 days if you only have rumors.

Brightsteel Dragon
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Jump, Spellcraft.
Breath Weapon: A cone of cold.
Energy Resistance: Cone.
Lesser Aspect: Constructed (Ex): Your type becomes Construct with the Living Construct subtype, Dragonblood subtype, and the Augmented subtype for your previous type.
Note: If you are naturally a living construct, select a Common Lesser Draconic Aspect and gain it instead.
Greater Aspect: Construct Body (Ex): You gain immunity to poison, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, necromancy effects, and any effect which allows a Fortitude save but does not affect objects. You are not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, energy drain or death by massive damage.
Specialized Aspect: Dragon Hunter (Su): Any weapon you wield, and your natural weapons, are considered to be Dragon Bane and gain half those benefits against Dragonblood subtype creatures (+1 increase to their enhancement bonus and +1d6 damage) this does not stack with the Bane property. In addition your Breath Weapon(s) and any Spell-like Ability used via your Spell Pool gain a +2 to their save DCs against Dragons, and a +1 to their save DCs against Dragonblooded creatures.

Clockwork Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any Lawful.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Autohypnosis, and Martial Lore.
Breath Weapon: A cone of slow gas. Any creature within the area must make a Will save or be slowed for 1d4+1 rounds. This does no damage.
Energy Resistance: A Clockwork Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain energy resistance and immunity as normal. Instead at 3rd level they gain immunity to charm and slow effects. At 7th level you gain a 50% of ignoring precision damage and extra damage from critical hits. At 11th level you gain immunity to nonlethal damage and death from massive damage. At 15th level you gain immunity to critical hits.
Lesser Aspect: Haste Breath (Su): You gain a second breath weapon a cone of haste gas. Any creature within the area must make a Will save (they may choose to fail) or be Hasted as the spell for 1 round + 1 round per 2 dice of damage your breath weapon would normally do.
Greater Aspect: Overclock (Ex): Once per round you may take 40 damage to gain an extra move or standard action.
Specialized Aspect: Clockwork Body: You gain immunity to death effects, Necromancy spells and effects, and stunning.

Forgewright Dragon
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Craft, Profession, Sense Motive.
Breath Weapon: A line of fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Lesser Aspect: Dispelling Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of dispelling energy. This breath weapon acts as an area dispel magic in its area with a caster level equal to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level and no cap to its dispel check bonus from Caster Level.
Greater Aspect: Absorb Magic (Su): You gain Spell Resistance 11 + your Dragonsoul Acolyte level; if you have the Spell Resistance Lesser Draconic Aspect your spell resistance improves by 2 (to 13 + your Dragonsoul Acolyte level). If your spell resistance prevents a spell from affecting you, you regain hit points equal to 4 times the spell's spell level.
Specialized Aspect: Battle Plating (Ex): In addition to your scales you develop a thick lair of metal plating which grants you a +10 armor bonus to AC and gains a +1 enhancement per 3 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels you possess (for +13 at 9th, and +16 at 18th). This counts as medium armor and takes up the same body slot as armor or robes, except you may sleep in it freely. This armor has a Maximum Dexterity bonus of +5, a -2 armor check penalty, and a 20% arcane spell failure. You may have this plating enchanted, you must still pay for a +1 enhancement before adding special qualities but only the better enhancement applies.
Note: If you have Composite Plating this replaces your normal Composite Plating. If you have the Mithral Body feat you have a Max Dexterity bonus of +7, a +0 ACP, a 10% arcane spell failure, and treat this armor as Light. If you have the Adamantine Body feat you gain +1 to your AC, DR 3/-, and treat this armor as heavy whenever beneficial. If you have the Ironwood Body feat you have a Max Dexterity bonus of +7, a -1 ACP, and a 10% arcane spell failure rate. If you have the Unarmored Body feat I am confused by your actions and you should see if your DM will let you retrain it.

Ironrune Dragon
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Craft, Knowledge (Arcana), Use Magic Device.
Breath Weapon: A cone of force (d8s).
Energy Resistance: Force.
Lesser Aspect: Constructed (Ex): Your type becomes Construct with the Living Construct subtype, Dragonblood subtype, and the Augmented subtype for your previous type.
Greater Aspect: Ironrune Sorcery: You may use Sorcerer spells as well as Infusions with your Spell Pool. You gain an additional Spell Pool Point per 2 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels you possess.
Specialized Aspect: Redirect Spell (Su): When you are targeted by a spell you may spend a number of Spell Pool Points equal to the spell's level plus 1 as an immediate action to attempt to redirect the spell; this cost is reduced by an amount equal to the highest level infusion you may use with your Spell Pool (minimum 1 Spell Pool Point). You make a Charisma check with a +4 bonus opposed by the caster's own ability check using whichever ability score determines their spells' saving throw DC. If you win the spell affects the caster instead of you. This can affect rays, ranged touch, and melee touch spells as well as simple targeted spells.

Lodestone Dragon
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Appraise, Intimidate, Sense Motive.
Breath Weapon: A cone of cold.
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Lesser Aspect: Magnetic Cold: Your cold breath weapon(s) induce a magnetic weight in metal. Any creature which fails their save against your cold damaging breath weapon that is carrying at least 5 lbs of metal is treated as if they were carrying a load one category higher for the purposes of encumbrance (light becomes medium becomes heavy becomes lift off ground becomes push/drag becomes immovable).
Greater Aspect: Telekinetic Hand (Su): You can manipulate an object as if one handed from a range of up to 30-ft. You retain fine manual Dexterity while doing so and may use this ability to wield a weapon. If also wielding a weapon normally this counts as an extra off-hand weapon otherwise you may use it as your main weapon and still use both of your hands to hold objects or attack with natural weapons.
Specialized Aspect: Deflect Ray (Su): When you would be struck by a ray or ranged touch spell you may make a DC 15 Charisma check as an immediate action. If you succeed the spell misses as you magnetically divert it.

Pumpkin Dragon
Allowed alignments: Any Evil, or True Neutral.
Tutelary Skills: Handle Animal, Knowledge (Nature), Survival.
Breath Weapon: A line of fire.
Energy Resistance: Fire.
Spell Pool: You gain access to the Dread Necromancer spell list instead of the Sorcerer spell list, and spells that are natively on this list are considered 1 spell level lower for the purposes of your spell pool.
Lesser Aspect: Fear Breath (Su): You gain a 2nd breath weapon a cone of fear inducing gas. Any creature within this cone must make a Will save or be frightened for 1d3+1 rounds. This is a mind-affecting, fear effect.
Greater Aspect: Dread Spirits (Su): Spirits of souls lost to the negative energy plane surround you. Any creature within 10-ft of you is beleaguered by these spirits which give it a -2 penalty to: AC, attack rolls, melee damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. This is a mind-affecting, fear effect.
Specialized Aspect: Phobi-magi: You may use Fear descriptor spells as if they were one spell level lower. In addition you gain a +1 to the save DC of any fear spell you cast, and your fear breath.

Gods and Vestiges
Jormund: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?192656-Jormund-the-Sleeper-%28New-Draconic-Deity%29) The first meta-dragon and comatose god-vestige.
Allowed alignments: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, and Neutral Good.
Tutelary Skills: Craft, Sense Motive, Use Magic Device.
Breath Weapon: Cone of Force (d8s)
Energy Resistance: Force.
Spell Pool: A Jormund Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain normal access to the spell pool. Instead they may use the Spell Pool to pull a vestige into them. It requires a standard action to bind a vestige this way, and they may expel a bound vestige as a standard action at no cost and with no penalty for doing so. They must still make a Binding Check as normal, but do not need to draw a seal or abide by any special requirements as to how the seal is drawn, and the vestige does not physically manifest. A vestige bound with this ability remains bound for an amount of time determined by how many Spell Pool Points the Dragonsoul Acolyte spends to bind it, 1 minute if they spend 2 points, 10 minutes if they spend 3 points, 1 hour if they spend 4 point. A Dragonsoul Acolyte needs to spend 1 less Spell Pool Point to bind 1st level vestiges or vestiges at least 3 levels below their maximum, and may spend 1 extra point to bind a Vestige as a swift action. They may also spend 1 Spell Pool Point to expel a vestige as a free action. Dragonsoul Acolyte has an effective binder level for soulbinding as a binder of 3/4ths their level for the purpose of determining their maximum vestige level bound (see table below for equivalency, Max Vestige level bound, and Max Vestige level bound with the Improved Binding feat), but use their full Dragonsoul Acolyte level for the purposes of vestiges' granted powers. They do not intrinsically gain the ability to bind multiple vestiges at a time. A Jormund Dragonsoul Acolyte treats Jormund as a 4th level vestige to determine whether he can be bound.

A Jormund Dragonsoul Acolyte retains full spell pool points but does not intrinsically gain the ability to cast spells with it; their maximum spell level is - and only spell-like abilities granted ignoring this cap completely can be used (as opposed to ones which are as a Xth level spell for the purposes of your spell pool). They still gain Cantrips, Talented and Signature Spells and are able to use the spells chosen for Talented and Signature Spells normally as per those abilities. In addition you may select Detect Vestige as a cantrip beginning when you gain this ability (at 4th level).

If you have the ability to bind vestiges from another source (binder levels, vestige priest (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?329655-3-5-Vestige-Priest-%28Soulbinding-Base-Class-PEACH%29) levels, or the bind vestige feat) your vestiges bound are tracked separately for the two sources, and you may take the Bind Vestige feat despite having this ability and retain its function. If your ability to bind vestiges is not from the Bind Vestige feat, however, you may add your Effective Binder level from Dragonsoul Acolyte to that of your other class to determine the maximum level of vestige bound by both classes. Your ability to expel and rapidly bind vestiges with your Spell Pool Points only apply to vestiges bound with your spell pool ability.

Dragonsoul Acolyte Level
Effective Binder Level
Maximum Vestige Level
Improved Binding


















Lesser Aspect: Enduring Warrior (Ex): You gain Endurance and Diehard as bonus feats. When at 0 to -9 hit points you may continue to act normally, and do not take damage each round (automatically stabilizing).
Greater Aspect: Soul Dominion: You automatically succeed at all binding checks, and may have an additional vestige bound at a time (if you have multiple sets of maximum vestiges bound select one pool to apply this too). If you use your Spell Pool to expel or bind a vestige you may expel or bind 2 vestiges (up to your maximum number you may bind with your Spell Pool at once) instead of 1; you must pay Spell Pool Points for the durations of these vestiges separately but not to expel them or to bind them more quickly (for example expelling 2 vestiges as a free action would cost 1 spell pool point, while binding 2 max level vestiges for 10 minutes each would cost 6 Spell Pool Points as a standard action and 7 as a swift). Finally you may use vestige abilities that have a recharge time measured in rounds 1 round more quickly than normal (4 rounds instead of 5, 3 rounds with Rapid Recovery).
Specialized Aspect: Heroic Surge (Su): When at less than half health you may pay 3 Spell Pool Points to gain an extra Standard or Move action. When at negative hit points this instead grants an extra Standard and Move action.

Nykthog: (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?193073-Nycthog-The-Beshadowed-Wyrm-%28Draconic-Deity%29) The gestalt god of Umbra dragons.
Allowed alignments: Any Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (the Planes), Spellcraft.
Breath Weapon: Cone of billowy shadows which inflicts negative levels. This ability inflicts 1 negative level per 2 dice of damage it would normally have dealt (rounded up) with a successful Fortitude save halving the negative levels inflicted (rounded down).
Energy Resistance: Beginning at 3rd level you gain a +4 bonus to saves against effects which inflict negative levels or energy drain and on saves to remove negative levels. Beginning at 7th level when you gain negative levels you may immediately make a Fortitude save to remove them; you do not suffer the penalty inflicted by the negative levels you are attempting to remove on this save and they still do not become permanent level loss if you fail this save unless you fail the save 24 hours later. Beginning at 11th level whenever you do gain 1 or more negative levels you may ignore their effects for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier (track each negative level’s round ignored separately). Beginning at 15th level you are completely immune to negative levels and energy drain.
Spell Pool: A Nykthog Dragonsoul Acolyte does not gain normal access to the spell pool. Instead they may use the Spell Pool to pull a vestige into them. It requires a standard action to bind a vestige this way, and they may expel a bound vestige as a standard action at no cost and with no penalty for doing so. They must still make a Binding Check as normal, but do not need to draw a seal or abide by any special requirements as to how the seal is drawn, and the vestige does not physically manifest. A vestige bound with this ability remains bound for an amount of time determined by how many Spell Pool Points the Dragonsoul Acolyte spends to bind it, 1 minute if they spend 2 points, 10 minutes if they spend 3 points, 1 hour if they spend 4 point. A Dragonsoul Acolyte needs to spend 1 less Spell Pool Point to bind 1st level vestiges or vestiges at least 3 levels below their maximum, and may spend 1 extra point to bind a Vestige as a swift action. They may also spend 1 Spell Pool Point to expel a vestige as a free action. Dragonsoul Acolyte has an effective binder level for soulbinding as a binder of 3/4ths their level for the purpose of determining their maximum vestige level bound (see table below for equivalency, Max Vestige level bound, and Max Vestige level bound with the Improved Binding feat), but use their full Dragonsoul Acolyte level for the purposes of vestiges' granted powers. They do not intrinsically gain the ability to bind multiple vestiges at a time. A Nykthog Dragonsoul Acolyte treats Jormund as a 5th level vestige to determine whether he can be bound.

A Nykthog Dragonsoul Acolyte retains full spell pool points but does not intrinsically gain the ability to cast spells with it; their maximum spell level is - and only spell-like abilities granted ignoring this cap completely can be used (as opposed to ones which are as a Xth level spell for the purposes of your spell pool). They still gain Cantrips, Talented and Signature Spells and are able to use the spells chosen for Talented and Signature Spells normally as per those abilities. In addition you may select Detect Vestige as a cantrip beginning when you gain this ability (at 4th level).

If you have the ability to bind vestiges from another source (binder levels, vestige priest (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?329655-3-5-Vestige-Priest-%28Soulbinding-Base-Class-PEACH%29) levels, or the bind vestige feat) your vestiges bound are tracked separately for the two sources, and you may take the Bind Vestige feat despite having this ability and retain its function. If your ability to bind vestiges is not from the Bind Vestige feat, however, you may add your Effective Binder level from Dragonsoul Acolyte to that of your other class to determine the maximum level of vestige bound by both classes. Your ability to expel and rapidly bind vestiges with your Spell Pool Points only apply to vestiges bound with your spell pool ability.

Dragonsoul Acolyte Level
Effective Binder Level
Maximum Vestige Level
Improved Binding


















Lesser Aspect: See in Darkness (Su): You can see in darkness, even magical darkness, as easily as broad daylight..
Greater Aspect: Shadow Mastery: You may cast Shadowcaster mysteries with your Spell Pool as well as bind vestiges. You may select Fundamentals as Cantrips and as your Signature Spell. You gain 2 Spell Pool Points.
Specialized Aspect: Shadow Merge (Su): In any condition of illumination other than full daylight you may hide without cover or concealment.

Allowed alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, or Neutral Evil.
Tutelary Skills: Intimidate, Knowledge (Nature), Survival.
Breath Weapon: Cone of cold.
Energy Resistance: Cold.
Lesser Aspect: Claws of Winter (Su): Your natural weapons gain the Frost property.
Greater Aspect: Power from Fear (Su): You may use Intimidate to demoralize creatures as a swift action. You gain a +2 morale bonus to Strength for each creature within 30-ft of you suffering from the shaken, frightened, panicked, or cowering condition.
Specialized Aspect: Winter Unhinered (Su): All Cold damage dealt to other creatures within 60-ft of you benefits from your Pierce Resistance ability. In addition all fire damage dealt to creatures or objects within that area is halved before resistance or vulnerability is applied.

2015-04-12, 09:50 PM
Dragonsoul Acolyte Feats, Racial Substitution Levels, and ACFs

Ability Focus:
See Monster Manual.
Special: You may not take Ability Focus (Spell Pool), you may however take it in specific spells accessed via the Spell Pool. If you do its effects do not stack with Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus.

Alter Draconic Aspect: (General)
You may change one of your draconic aspects, gaining another in its place.
Prerequisites: Extra Draconic Aspect feat, 3 different Lesser Draconic Aspects.
Benefit: 1/day you may perform a 2 hour ritual of meditation to exchange one of your Lesser Draconic Aspects for another Lesser Draconic Aspect. You may not exchange the Lesser Draconic Aspect of your Tutelary Dragon in this manner.

Ambush Breath
You are adept at releasing a sudden blast of breath which catches a creature unawares before it can truly react to dodge.
Prerequisites: Breath Weapon, Dexterity 13+.
Benefit: When you use your breath weapon against a creature which would be denied its Dexterity bonus to AC if the breath weapon was an attack they do not receive any Dexterity bonus they might have to Reflex saves to half or avoid the effects of your breath weapon; this feat has no effect on Fort or Will saves the target might need to make against your breath.

Apocalypse-Soul Acolyte:
You draw upon the dragons of the last days, dragons not yet born, the last dragons before reality itself is gone.
Prerequisites: Path of the Apocalypse, 1st Sign, Hoard Capacity 1000 GP or greater.
Benefit: You may add your Doomsayer levels and your Dragonsoul Acolyte levels together to determine your breath weapons (both damage and area).

You add your Dragonsoul Acolyte level to your Doomsayer level to determine the highest grade of invocation you may select and to gain bonus Malisons, and your Doomsayer caster level. You may also add half of your Dragonsoul Acolyte level to your Doomsayer level to determine your access to Apocalyptic Signs (a Dragonsoul Acolyte 12/Doomsayer 6 would gain the 2nd and 3rd Signs as if a 12th level Doomsayer).

You add your Doomsayer level to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level to determine your Dragonsoul Acolyte level for Aspect effects, your Caster Level for the Spell Pool, the highest spell level available to you from the Spell Pool, gaining access to the Improved Spell Pool, and your Hoard Capacity. You do not use it for Scales, ability score bonuses, senses, or any other features not listed here including gaining new Aspects and determining Spell Pool Points (thus with less than 4 levels of Dragonsoul Acolyte your ability to use Spells from the Spell Pool is useless).

Azure Spell Force:
You can weave essentia into your spirit to reinforce its ability to handle the powers of the Spell Pool.
Prerequisites: Spell Pool, Constitution 13+.
Benefit: Once per day, you can invest essentia into this feat. You gain 2 Spell Pool Points per point of invested essentia. Once the amount of essentia invested is chosen, it cannot be altered and remains invested for 24 hours.

You gain 1 point of essentia.

Bolster Flesh: (General)
You have learned to harden your flesh with the eldritch energies of the Spell Pool to ward off attacks.
Prerequisites: Spell Pool access.
Benefits: As an immediate action you may spend 1 or more Spell Pool points to gain Damage Reduction until the start of your next turn. You may choose either to gain, or increase your existing, damage reduction overcome by Magic at a rate of 3 points of DR per Spell Pool Point spent, or gain, or increase your existing, damage reduction that has no means of being overcome (DR X/-) at a rate of 3 points of DR per 2 Spell Pool Points spent.

Bolster Spirit: (General)
You have learned to wrap the eldritch energies of the Spell Pool around you to ward off other magics.
Prerequisites: Spell Pool access, Spell Resistance.
Benefits: As an immediate action you can spend 1 or more Spell Pool Points to increase your Spell Resistance by 3 per Spell Pool Point spent until the beginning of your next turn.

Dragonfire Acolyte: (General)
You gain a Lesser Draconic Aspect.
Prerequisites: Dragonfire Adept level 4+.
Benefit: When you select this feat you select one true dragon. You gain the Lesser Draconic Aspect associated with that dragon and 1 spell pool point. You are considered to be a Dragonsoul Acolyte of half your Dragonfire Adept level for the purpose of this Draconic Aspect. If it grants a Breath Weapon use your Dragonfire Adept breath weapon damage to determine its damage, this breath weapon retains a 1d4 recharge time but while it is recharging you may still use your Dragonfire Adept breath weapon normally unless you applied a metabreath effect to the breath weapon in which case you must wait for the rounds added by the metabreath feat before reusing your dragonfire adept breath weapon.

Dragonsoul Adept (General)
You are able to weave the enduring magic of a dragonfire adept and the powerful depths of the spell pool composed of the spirit of dragons born and unborn.
Prerequisites: At least one Dragonfire Adept breath effect, Hoard Capacity 1000 GP or greater.
Benefit: You may add your Dragonfire Adept levels and your Dragonsoul Acolyte levels together to determine both class's breath weapons (both damage and area).

You add your Dragonsoul Acolyte level to your Dragonfire Adept level to determine the highest grade of invocation you may select and which breath effects you have available.

You add your Dragonfire Adept level to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level to determine your Dragonsoul Acolyte level for Aspect effects, your Caster Level for the Spell Pool, the highest spell level available to you from the Spell Pool, gaining access to the Improved Spell Pool, and your Hoard Capacity. You do not use it for Scales, ability score bonuses, senses, or any other features not listed here including gaining new Aspects and determining Spell Pool Points (thus with less than 4 levels of Dragonsoul Acolyte your ability to use Spells from the Spell Pool is useless).

Dragonsoul Brewer:
You weave the power of draconic souls with the intoxicants that flow through your veins, pulsing through you. Fusing them into one strong whole.
Prerequisites: Dehydrating Touch, Hoard Capacity 2001 GP or higher.
Benefit: You may add your Intoxicanter levels and your Dragonsoul Acolyte levels together to determine both your dehydrating touch and your breath weapons (both damage and area).

Add your Dragonsoul Acolyte level to your Intoxicanter level to determine your daily uses of Intoxicating Touch and the save DCs for your Intoxicating Touch.

You add your Intoxicanter level to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level to determine your Dragonsoul Acolyte level for Aspect effects, your Caster Level for the Spell Pool, your spell pool point capacity, and your Hoard Capacity. You do not use it for Scales, ability score bonuses, senses, or any other features not listed here including gaining new Aspects and determining the level of effects you can draw out from the Spell Pool.

Elemental Dragonsoul (General)
You are able to weave the elemental powers of your jinn heritage and the powerful depths of the spell pool composed of the spirit of dragons born and unborn.
Prerequisites: Detect Elementals, Elemental Blast, Hoard Capacity 1000 GP or greater.
Benefit: You may add your Jinnblood levels and your Dragonsoul Acolyte levels together to determine both your elemental blast and your breath weapons (both damage and area).

You add your Dragonsoul Acolyte level to your Jinnblood level to determine the highest grade of invocation you may select and to gain bonus Blast Invocations, and your Jinnblood caster level.

You add your Jinnblood level to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level to determine your Dragonsoul Acolyte level for Aspect effects, your Caster Level for the Spell Pool, the highest spell level available to you from the Spell Pool, gaining access to the Improved Spell Pool, and your Hoard Capacity. You do not use it for Scales, ability score bonuses, senses, or any other features not listed here including gaining new Aspects and determining Spell Pool Points (thus with less than 4 levels of Dragonsoul Acolyte your ability to use Spells from the Spell Pool is useless).

Emulate Value
You are able to perform spells and effects which have even more expensive material components.
Prerequisites: Spell Pool, Charisma 15+.
Benefit: You may use spells and spell-like effects with expensive material components costing up to 25 GP per level (instead of 5), foci costing up to 400 GP per level, and XP components of up to 5 per level.

Exaggerated Dragonsoul
You are able to fuel your feats of storied proportions with the power of draconic spirits forming the spell pool, and weave these same acts into feats of exaggerated prowess with the draconic energies within you.
Prerequisites: 3 Least Exaggerated Skills, Hoard capacity 2001+ GP.
Benefit: You may add your Tall Tale level to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level to determine your breath weapon's damage and area, as well as your Spell Pool capacity, gaining the Spell Pool ability if you do not already have it; although you do not gain the ability to soulbind, use spells, or activate maneuvers with less than 4 levels of Dragonsoul Acolyte nor do your Tall Tale levels add for the purposes of determining the highest level spells/maneuvers/soulbinding (see below for Incarnum). You may also add your Tall Tale levels to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level to determine your Scales ability, and your effective Dragonsoul Acolyte level for Draconic Aspects and to determine your Caster/Manifester/Initiater/Meldshaper/Effective Binder Level for abilities but not for access to abilities.

If you have 9 or more ranks in a skill and the Least Exaggerated Skill for that skill you may pay 4 Spell Pool Points as a free action to gain its Lesser Exaggerated Skill for 1 minute.

If you have 14 or more ranks in a skill and the Lesser Exaggerated Skill for that skill you may pay 4 Spell Pool Points as a free action to gain its Greater Exaggerated Skill for 1 minute.

If you have 19 or more ranks in a skill and the Greater Exaggerated Skill for that skill you may pay 6 Spell Pool Points as a free action to gain its Storied Exaggerated Skill for 1 minute.

Special: If your tutelary dragon offers incarnum you add your Tall Tale level to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level to determine your Essentia, Spell Pool Points, and Meldshaper level, but you do not add them together to determine chakras unlocked, chakra binds, or how many soulmelds you can shape.

Expanded Spell Font (General)
You may draw an exotic spell from your spell pool.
Prerequisites: Spell Pool ability.
Benefit: Select any spell of a level you can cast from your Spell Pool from any base class's spell list, or any base class's power list; you may also select from Sanctified and Corrupt spells as well as Invocations, Infusions, and Mysteries. This spell is considered to be a Sorcerer spell of its level for the purposes of your access to it from the Spell Pool. You may select an Utterance with this ability, those of the lexicon of the evolved mind count as 1 level lower, and those of the lexicon of the perfect map count as 2 levels higher.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times each time you take it you may select another spell.
Special: If you use psionic powers with your spell pool (your tutelary dragon is a psionic one) this feat counts as a psionic feat.
Special: If you cannot usually cast spells (or equivalent) with your Spell Pool (because your Tutelary Dragon grants Soulbinding, Incarnum, or Martial Maneuvers instead) you may select 1 of a level that would be available to you with a normal Tutelary Dragon and may use it treating yourself as being able to cast spells from your Spell Pool only for the selected spell.

Extra Draconic Aspect (General)
You manifest a wider breadth of draconic powers.
Prerequisites: 2nd Draconic Aspect.
Benefit: You gain a Lesser Draconic Aspect.

Extra Spell Pool Power: (General)
You gain additional Spell Pool Points.
Prerequisites: Spell Pool.
Benefit: You gain 2 Spell Pool Points.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. The second time you take this feat, and every 3 further instances, it increases how many Spell Pool Points it grants by 1 for that instance and every future instance (2nd 3rd, and 4th instance grant 3, 5th, 6th, and 7th grant 4 each) to a maximum of 4 at 5+ instances of this feat.

Favored Spell Tap:
You can use a spell more easily with your Spell Pool.
Prerequisites: Ability to use spells or spell-like effects with your spell pool.
Benefit: Select one spell or spell-like effect you can access with your spell pool. It is considered 2 spell levels lower (to a minimum of 0) for determining its cost in your Spell Pool.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, selecting a different ability each time.

Fuel Item:
Attuning yourself to a magical item you can use your spell pool to maintain its power through uses.
Prerequisites: Ability to use spells or spell-like effects (mysteries, utterances, etc) with your Spell Pool, Use Magic Device 8 ranks.
Benefit: Each day you may spend a 1 minute ritual to attune yourself to a Spell Trigger or Spell Completion item with a limited number of uses or charges. You gain the ability to use any spell the item is capable of producing as if it was on the list you draw from with your Spell Pool and 1 level lower than it actually is, to do so you must hold the item in hand.

Greater Animal Forms:
You can assume the forms of even larger and more powerful animals and smaller more stealthy ones.
Prerequisites: Animal Forms Lesser Draconic Aspect, Improved Animal Forms.
Benefit: When using your Animal Forms Draconic Aspect you may assume the form of a Large or Tiny animal in addition to those of Medium and Small animals. You must have at least 3 more hit dice than the assumed form to take it with this feat.

Greater Dragonfire Acolyte: (General)
You gain another more powerful Draconic Aspect.
Prerequisites: Dragonfire Acolyte, character level 11+.
Benefit: You gain the Specialized Aspect of whatever dragon you selected with Dragonfire Acolyte and 2 Spell Pool Points. You are considered to be a Dragonsoul Acolyte of half your Dragonfire Adept level for the purpose of this Draconic Aspect.

Hunter's Nose:
Your nose is keen enough to follow creatures and smell their approach.
Prerequisites: Hunter Lesser Draconic Aspect.
Benefit: You gain the Scent special quality.

Improved Animal Forms: (General)
You can assume the forms of larger and more powerful animals.
Prerequisites: Animal Forms Lesser Draconic Aspect.
Benefit: When using your Animal Forms Draconic Aspect you may assume the form of a Medium animal in addition to those of Small animals.

Improved Create Spell:
You are able to create longer lasting and enduring living spells.
Prerequisites: Create Spell Greater Draconic Aspect, Charisma 19+.
Benefit: When you create a living spell with your Create Spell Draconic Aspect you may pay an additional spell point to cause the living spell created this way to remain for 1 minute per caster level instead of 1 round per caster level.

Magical Beast Forms:
You can assume the form of magical beasts in addition to the mundane.
Prerequisites: Improved Animal Forms, Animal Forms Lesser Draconic Aspect.
Benefit: You can use your Animal Forms Draconic Aspect to assume the form of Magical Beasts as well as Animals, and of Dragons with 6 or less Intelligence which are not true dragons.

Martial Spell Font:
You are able to draw out a sublime technique with your Spell Pool.
Prerequisites: Ability to use Martial Maneuvers with your Spell Pool or Spell Pool and 5 ranks in Martial Study.
Benefit: Select 1 maneuver or stance that can be initiated by a martial initiator with an initiator level of your Dragonsoul Acolyte level. You may use that maneuver or stance through the Spell Pool as if you had a sublime dragon as your Tutelary Dragon.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, you may choose a different maneuver or stance each time.

Martial Spell Stance:
You have fully consolidated the ways of a single stance drawn from the spell pool into your being.
Prerequisites: Ability to use a Martial Stance with your Spell Pool.
Benefit: Select 1 Stance you are able to use via your Spell Pool. You are considered to know the stance for all purposes (meeting maneuver prerequisites primarily) and can initiate that stance without paying any Spell Pool Points (you still must pay spell pool points to enter it with an Enyo Dragon's Greater Draconic Aspect).

Mediate Spell Pool:
You are able to serve as a mediator between the spell pool and other creatures, allowing them to tap into its essence through you.
Prerequisites: Charisma 17+, Spell-like or Sublime Spell Pool class feature.
Benefit: With a ritual taking 1 minute and requiring physical contact you may bestow upon a creature up to 1 Spell Pool Point per 2 character levels and the ability to use spell-like abilities and martial maneuvers through the Spell Pool; you lose the same number of Spell Pool Points. They are able to access the same spells and maneuvers as you are through your Spell Pool (including ones with levels modified with aspects). If they already have access to the Spell Pool or Spell Pool Points from another source those granted by this ability are tracked separately; they may only use your spells and maneuvers with the Spell Pool Points granted by this ability and may only use the Spell Pool Points granted by this ability to use your spells and maneuvers. The target loses any benefits from this ritual when your Spell Pool refreshes.

You may perform this ritual multiple times during a day, but each time after the first you must spend spell pool points equal to the number of times you have already performed this ritual in the day, these are in addition to those being bestowed (for example if you have performed it twice and are performing it a 3rd time to give a creature 4 Spell Pool Points you'd pay 6). No creature may be granted Spell Pool Points via this feat more than once per day.

Metabreath Specialist:
You are able to compartmentalize your Draconis Fundamentalis to allow your breath weapons to be stored in different chambers to more rapidly fire off breaths while using Metabreath effects.
Prerequisites: 2 or more breath weapons on the same recharge timer, 3 or more Metabreath feats.
Benefit: When you use a breath weapon augmented by metabreath feats the time increase for your breath weapon's recharge time only applies to that breath weapon used. If you use another breath weapon on the same timer while it is recharging you add the (non-metabreath) recharge time to its recharge time. For example you have 2 breath weapons that recharge after 1d4 rounds and use one Maximized which gives it a recharge time of 1d4+3 rounds, rolling a 2 for 5 rounds; after 2 rounds you'd be able to use the other breath weapon and if you Quickened it and got a 3+4 for 7, you'd be able to use the first breath weapon in 6 rounds (3 rounds recharge remaining + the 3 you rolled) and the second one again in 7.

Midnight Breath: (Incarnum)
You can invest essentia to make your breath weapon more dangerous and powerful.
Prerequisites: Constitution 13+, Breath Weapon, 3 or more hit dice.
Benefit: Once per day, you can invest essentia into this feat. The save DC of your breath weapon is increased by +1 per point of essentia invested in this feat and its hit point damage if any is increased by 2 per point of essentia invested. Once the amount of essentia invested is chosen, it cannot be altered and remains invested for 24 hours.

You gain 1 point of essentia.

Necrocarnate Spell Pool
You can use necrotically harvested incarnum to power your spell pool.
Prerequisites: Tutelary Dragon (Necrocarnum dragon), Constitution 13+, Charisma 13+, Spell Pool.
Benefits: You may use essentia you harvest from creatures dying as spell pool points at a 1 for 1 ratio (such essentia is lost when expended as spell pool points).

Overdraw Spell Pool
Normally when your body and soul have reached their limits the powers of the draconic spirits will pull away from you making the Spell Pool inaccessible to you. You are able to power through this defense mechanism, drawing deep into the Spell Pool in an hour of need.
Prerequisites: Charisma 15+, Spell Pool access.
Benefits: You may, as a free action, pay Constitution burn to refill your Spell Pool. You take Constitution burn of X and regain X Spell Pool Points. Each time after the first you use this ability each day you regain 1 less Spell Pool Point (the 2nd time you use it you regain X-1, the 3rd X-2, the nth X-(n-1)). If you are immune to Constitution burn you cannot use this ability, and if the ability burn is reduced or prevented by some means an equal amount of Spell Pool Point gain is reduced or prevented. You cannot use this ability to increase your Spell Pool above its maximum.
Special: An undead creature with this feat may pay Charisma burn instead of Constitution burn; constructs do not have this option.

Recharge Breath:
You can use your sorcerous might to recharge your breath more quickly.
Prerequisites: Constitution 17+, Breath weapon with a recharge time measured in rounds, Spell Pool.
Benefits: As a swift action you may pay a number of Spell Pool Points equal to the time remaining for your breath weapon to recharge +1. If you do your breath weapon is instantly recharged.

Rejuvenating Spell Pool:
You can channel the power of the Spell Pool inward to heal and mend yourself.
Prerequisites: Charisma 15+, Spell Pool.
Benefits: As a standard action you may spend 1 or more Spell Pool Points to heal yourself hit points equal to your Dragonsoul Acolyte level per Spell Pool Point spent. Alternatively you can heal yourself 1 point of ability damage to one score per point spent, or 1 point of drain to one score per 10 points spent. By paying 4 additional Spell Pool points you may use any of these abilities as a Swift action.

Spell Breath:
You can intertwine your sorcerous might and your breath weapon, melding the two into a single powerful whole.
Prerequisites: Constitution 17+, Charisma 15+, Breath weapon, Spell Pool.
Benefits: When you use your breath weapon you may pay Spell Pool Points to intertwine a spell cast through your spell pool into your breath. If you do so your breath weapon takes 1 stage longer than normal to use (Swift -> Standard -> Full Round -> 1 Round -> 2 rounds, etc). This spell must have a casting time no greater than the action being used to activate your breath weapon and a range greater than personal and may not create an object or lingering effect such as a web, cloud, or wall (have an Effect line that describes an object that remains in the area). You must pay Spell Pool Points for the spell as normal and then pay an additional number of Spell Pool Points based upon its level for use in your spell pool; if it is a spell-like ability without a Spell Pool level use its Sor/Wiz level (if it has one), Cleric, Druid, Bard level in descending order (if none of these then use whatever it does appear on.

When you use this ability you infuse your breath weapon with the spell. In addition to its normal effects your breath weapon applies the spell to all targets in the area of effect. If the spell is normally a touch or ranged touch spell that does not allow a saving throw they are allowed a Reflex save (DC based upon the spell's level) to avoid its effects, otherwise they are only allowed the normal saves afforded by the spell. For example if you had a cone of fire breath weapon and chose to use this feat to apply Shocking Grasp to it, every creature in the area would have to make a second Reflex save against Shocking Grasp or take 5d6 electricity damage in addition to your breath weapon's damage. Alternatively you could apply Orb of Fire and they would only gain the usual Fortitude save against its daze effect, or you could apply Hold Person and affect the entire area and they'd have saves as normal.

Spell Level
SP Point Cost











You cannot apply Epic Spells to your breath this way.

Spell Focus:
Special: Despite abilities used via your Spell Pool being used as Spell-like Abilities you may benefit from Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus with them.

Unlock Spell Pool:
You are able to draw upon the eldritch powers of draconic souls even though the breed your soul resonates with most does not grant such powers through the Spell Pool.
Prerequisites: Ability to use Martial Maneuvers, Soulbinding, or Incarnum via the Spell Pool.
Benefits: Select any one school of magic. You can cast 1st level sorcerer spells from those schools through the Spell Pool.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, each time you do it improves the spell level you have access to by 1, but you can never gain higher level spells through the Spell Pool than a Dragonsoul Acolyte with a spellcasting spell pool would have access to (2nd at 7th, 3rd at 11th, 4th at 15th, and 5th at 18th).
Special: If an aspect adds spells to your spell list for your spell pool at a level you have access to through this feat you can use them even if they are not sorcerer spells from the selected school; if it lowers the effective level for select spells you may only use them if they are of the proper school.

Dragonborn Dragonsoul Acolyte (Racial Substitution Level):

Reborn by Bahamut's power dragonborn dragonsoul acolytes are naturally inclined towards the most exalted of practices. They represent already the tenants of metallic dragons, taking things even a step forward, forsaking draconic greed and pride, swearing themselves instead towards the preservation and advancement of good where ever they can. They wield a blessed might that is only rivaled by the dragonsoul acolytes which serve Mithral Dragons.

HD: d12.

Requirements: To take a Dragonborn dragonsoul acolyte substitution level, a character must be a Dragonborn about to take their 1st, 9th, or 10th level of dragonsoul acolyte.

Class Skills: Dragonborn dragonsoul acolyte substitution levels have the class skills of the standard dragonsoul acolyte class.
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int (or 4 times this as a 1st level character).
Class Features:
Bahamut’s Hoard: You forsake all wealth and magical items. You gain no benefit from magic items, and may keep no more than 3 weapons, a suit of armor, a shield, 100 GP in tools of your trade(s), and your hoard, you must still take your share of treasure, but must donate it at the earliest opportunity to causes that aid Bahamut’s will for the world and do not directly help you (paying a reliable person to foster a metallic dragon wyrmling, funding other dragon hunters who slay chromatic dragons, building a temple to Bahamut, aiding a good-aligned authority, funding the rebellion against a LE empire, all are examples of acceptable tithes, but funding your personal allies is not); if for some reason you will be unable to do so for an unforeseeable you may instead use this treasure to aid the agendas of Bahamut’s allies (funding an anti-Hextor awareness campaign, the construction of a wall around a dwarven settlement, hiring mercenaries to aid an inevitable in the service of Lendys). You may still use spell trigger and spell completion items that are loaned to you by other creatures or acquired while you have not yet had the chance to dispose of them in an appropriate manner, but may not use such items to directly target yourself.
You gain Sacred Vow and Vow of Poverty as bonus feats and do not lose them as long as you abide by the limitations of the above and remain non-Evil in alignment.

This ability augments (does not replace) your hoard ability.

2nd Draconic Aspect (Dragonborn) (Ex): At level 9 instead of selecting a 2nd Lesser Draconic Aspect or gaining your Tutelary Dragon's Specialized Draconic Aspect a Dragonborn Dragonsoul Acolyte gains a Specialized Dragonborn Draconic Aspect.

Specialized Draconic Aspect (Dragonborn): Soul of Good: As long as you are Good aligned you may use your spell pool to access the Paladin spell list and Sanctified spells in addition to the Sorcerer spell list and may take the Battle Blessing feat as if you were capable of casting paladin spells; if you do so it applies to any spell-like ability replicating a Paladin spell through your Spell Pool.

Frightful Presence (Ex): You gain frightful presence with a range of 10-ft per class level. Whenever you attack, cast a spell, or make your presence known in a violent manner (a standard action which can include a demoralization attempt) creatures within this area with less hit dice than you must make a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 dragonsoul acolyte levels) or be shaken for 4d6 rounds; creatures with 5 or less hit dice which fail this save are panicked instead.

This ability replaces your Draconic Wings.

Spell Pool Points

Tutelary Dragon, Tutelary Skills, Breath Weapon (1d10+1/2 Charisma modifier), Darkvision 60-ft, Dragonblooded, Bahamut’s Hoard
250 GP

Second Draconic Aspect (Dragonborn), Penetrate Resistance, Dragon Form (Large)
Draconic Body (+2 Strength), Frightful Presence, Skill Aptitude

Dwarf Dragonsoul Acolyte (Racial Substitution Level):

Dwarf Dragonsoul Acolytes are those amongst the dwarf who find their souls drawn almost magnetically to the power of dragons. They can be the noblest of heroes, like shining bronze, unyielding in their defense of their settlements, representing those traits that dwarves share with metallic dragonkind; traits both noble, like honor, bravery, and self-sacrifice, and base, such as the greed and pride which serves to dull the edge of dwarven nobility. Others are black hearted scoundrels whose greed and pride consumes them, making them like the red wyrms which war against dwarvendom, twisting their body even as it twists their spirit, giving them the appearance and power of the great drakes.

HD: d12.

Requirements: To take a dwarf dragonsoul acolyte substitution level, a character must be a dwarf about to take their 1st, 2nd, or 9th level of dragonsoul acolyte.

Class Skills: Dwarf dragonsoul acolyte substitution levels have the class skills of the standard dragonsoul acolyte class plus Disable Device (Int) and Open Locks (Dex).
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int (or 4 times this as a 1st level character).
Class Features:
Craftsman of Beauty (Ex): You gain a +3 bonus on Craft checks to create pieces of art and cut gems, this bonus increases by +1 per 4 dragonsoul acolyte levels. This bonus only applies to crafting objects for aesthetic purposes and cutting gems; if you must make a Craft check to inlay decorations onto armor this bonus would apply but it would not apply to crafting the armor itself. This repaces a dragonsoul acolyte's darkvision ability, but not its improvements.

Ironguts (Ex): A 2nd level or higher Dwarven Dragonsoul Acolyte fears no poison in their foods. You gain immunity to ingested poisons (including injury poisons slipped into food) and a +4 bonus on saves to resist effects from eating diseased or magically hexed food and drink or similar hazards. This replaces the Fundamentalis Diet ability.

2nd Draconic Aspect (Dwarven) (Ex): At level 9 instead of selecting a 2nd Lesser Draconic Aspect or gaining your Tutelary Dragon's Specialized Draconic Aspect a Dwarven Dragonsoul Acolyte gains a Specialized Dwarven Draconic Aspect.

Specialized Aspect (Dwarven): Steel Skin Steel Bones (Ex): You gain proficiency in all armor (light, medium, heavy, and exotic). You gain DR 1/- and a +1 dodge bonus against dragons when wearing light armor, DR 2/- and a +2 dodge bonus against dragons when wearing medium armor, DR 4/- and a +4 dodge bonus against dragons when wearing heavy armor, and DR 5/- and a +5 dodge bonus against dragons when wearing Mountain Plate.

Spell Pool Points

Tutelary Dragon, Tutelary Skills, Breath Weapon (1d10+1/2 Charisma modifier), Craftsman of Beauty, Dragonblooded, Hoard
250 GP

Cantrips, Claws, Ironguts

Second Draconic Aspect (Dwarven), Penetrate Resistance, Dragon Form (Large)

Elven Dragonsoul Acolyte (Racial Substitution Level):

Elven Dragonsoul Acolytes are perhaps rarer than dwarven and human acolytes; their frail bodies having more difficulties channeling the power of dragons. Those elves who walk this path long, however, find their bodies toughened by the act, draconic spirit reinforcing elven flesh. Their magical nature intermingles interestingly with that of dragons, letting them weave together masses of the simplest magics, into a single great expenditure of magical ingenuity. Elven dragonsoul acolytes are drawn towards the more sorcerous dragons such as the Tome Dragon, or towards the more social dragons, such as silver dragons; Lawful dragonsoul acolytes are drawn with a great preponderance towards Steel Dragons. Others find themselves drawn towards the beguiling might of Green Dragons, growing cold, hard, and ruthless as they serve under their spiritual tutelage.

HD: d10.

Requirements: To take an elven dragonsoul acolyte substitution level, a character must be an elf about to take their 5th, 8th, or 9th level of dragonsoul acolyte.

Class Skills: Elven dragonsoul acolyte substitution levels have the class skills of the standard dragonsoul acolyte class plus Gather Information (Cha) and Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int (or 4 times this as a 1st level character).

Class Features:
Draconic Body (+2 Constitution): The spiritual power of dragons has alloyed with your flesh making it tougher, granting you a +2 bonus to your Constitution. This replaces the +2 bonus to Strength most Dragonsoul Acolytes gain at 5th level.

Weave Cantrips (Sp): A 8th level Elven Dragonsoul Acolyte gains this ability. Just as many souls empower you, you are able to create a spell empowered by many of your Cantrips. When you activate one of your Cantrips as a Spell-like ability you can activate another one or cast the same one a 2nd time as part of casting it. You may pay Spell Pool Points to add 2 more Cantrips, either different spells or additional instances of already included ones, to this weave per Spell Pool Point expended. For example an elven dragonsoul acolyte with the Ray of Frost, Detect Magic, and Light cantrips could as a standard action cast Detect Magic and Light or cast Ray of Frost twice choosing new targets each time, or pay 3 Spell Pool Points to cast Ray of Frost 8 times.

This replaces your 2nd daily use of Dragonform; from this point onwards you have 1 fewer use of Dragonform.

+1 Spell Pool Point: If you take the 8th level of Elven Dragonsoul Acolyte you gain 1 Spell Pool Point; this is shown on the table for 8th level but not for 9th.

2nd Draconic Aspect (Elven) (Su): At level 9 instead of selecting a 2nd Lesser Draconic Aspect or gaining your Tutelary Dragon's Specialized Draconic Aspect a Elven Dragonsoul Acolyte gains a Specialized Elven Draconic Aspect.

Specialized Aspect (Elven): Elven Spell Pool (Su): The spirits of dragons are not the only ones which linger with magical might. The spirits of your ancestors, the spirits of the elves hang heavy as well. You can tap into some of their ambient magical might as well as that of your draconic patrons. You gain 1 (additional) Spell Pool Point per 2 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels.

Spell Pool Points

Draconic Body (+2 Constitution), Skill Aptitude, Breath Weapon (3dX + Charisma modifier)

Scales (+2), Superior Low-Light Vision, Weave Cantrips
16,000 GP

Second Draconic Aspect (Elven), Penetrate Resistance, Dragon Form (Large)

Gnomish Dragonsoul Acolyte (Racial Substitution Level):

Gnomish Dragonsoul Acolytes are often found in gnomish settlements which have found themselves with a copper dragon as patron and guardian. Gnomish Dragonsoul Acolytes tint their draconic abilities through their own native magical gifts. Their kinship with animals calls to the similar kinship that is held by some dragons, the one reinforcing the other until it is strong enough to work on creatures other than borrowing mammals and able to work far more often. Their penchant for illusions allows a gnomish dragonsoul acolyte to delve into more powerful illusions than others of their ilk, making such tasks easier. They often show the traits of the chaotic metallic dragons, an extreme friendliness, inquisitiveness, and curiosity, with their same tinges of mental elitism, obsession with puzzles and word play, and draconic greed. Perhaps more than any other gnomes, gnomish dragonsoul acolytes have a deep love, or consuming desire, for gemstones and the lengths they are willing to go to get them sometimes puts them closer to the unbound avarice of reds than to any dragon of metallic hue.

HD: d10.

Requirements: To take a gnomish dragonsoul acolyte substitution level, a character must be a gnome about to take their 1st, 2nd, or 9th level of dragonsoul acolyte; you must have a racial Speak with Animals SLA, even if limited, to select the 2nd level substitution.

Class Skills: Gnome dragonsoul acolyte substitution levels have the class skills of the standard dragonsoul acolyte class plus Disable Device (Int) and Open Locks (Dex).
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int (or 4 times this as a 1st level character).
Class Features:
Gem Hoard: Gemstones count as being worth 25% more than their actual value for the purposes of your hoard (for example 800 GP worth of gems would count as 1000 GP for your hoard).

This ability modifies a normal Dragonsoul Acolyte's Hoard ability and replaces their Darkvision ability.

Tongue of Dragons and Beasts (Ex/Su): A 2nd level or higher Gnomish Dragonsoul Acolyte is able to speak with dragons and animals with ease, expanding their natural talents with the boon of draconic prowess, emulating the nature of brass and bronze dragons. You gain Draconic as a bonus language and the continuous supernatural ability to speak with animals as the spell.

This replaces your Cantrip you would gain at 2nd level instead gaining your first Cantrip at 4th level.

2nd Draconic Aspect (Gnomish) (Ex): At level 9 instead of selecting a 2nd Lesser Draconic Aspect or gaining your Tutelary Dragon's Specialized Draconic Aspect a Gnomish Dragonsoul Acolyte gains a Specialized Gnomish Draconic Aspect.

Specialized Aspect (Gnomish): Glamerist (Su): You may treat Illusion (Figment) and Illusion (Glamer) spells as 1 level lower for the purposes of your Spell Pool.

Spell Pool Points

Tutelary Dragon, Tutelary Skills, Breath Weapon (1d10+1/2 Charisma modifier), Dragonblooded, Gem Hoard
250 GP

Claws, Fundamentalis Diet, Tongue of Dragons and Beasts

Second Draconic Aspect (Gnomish), Penetrate Resistance, Dragon Form (Large)

Half-Dragon Dragonsoul Acolyte (Racial Substitution Level):

Half-dragons, the progeny of dragons and lesser creatures, are perhaps the most natural of creatures to become Dragonsoul Acolytes. What could be more natural to a half-dragon than seeking to become more like their draconic ancestors, to prove themselves a full dragon in spirit if not body. What mortal spirit could more easily meld with the immortal spirits of dragons than one half-immortal itself? Half-dragon dragonsoul acolytes show the fierce spirit of their draconic ancestry, melding it with the spirit of their tutelary dragon or choosing to grow closer to it, becoming more thoroughly mixed with its spirit and energy.

HD: d12.

Requirements: To take a half-dragon dragonsoul acolyte substitution level, a character must be a half-dragon (have the template) about to take their 1st, 4th, or 9th level of dragonsoul acolyte.

Class Skills: Half-dragon dragonsoul acolyte substitution levels have the class skills of the standard dragonsoul acolyte class.
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int (or 4 times this as a 1st level character).
Class Features:
Ancestral Skill: Select one Tutelary Skill granted by the dragon you have the half-dragon template of. You gain that skill as an additional Tutelary Skill. If it is already a Tutelary Skill of your Tutelary Dragon (perhaps because they're the same) you instead gain a +2 bonus to skill checks with that skill, increasing by +1 more for every 6 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels you possess.

This ability replaces the darkvision you'd normally gain at 1st level.

Draconic Feat: You gain a bonus feat, either one of those made for Dragonsoul Acolytes (see above) or a Metabreath feat.

This replaces the Cantrip you would normally gain at 4th level.

2nd Draconic Aspect (Ancestral) (Ex): At level 9 instead of selecting a 2nd Lesser Draconic Aspect or gaining your Tutelary Dragon's Specialized Draconic Aspect a Half-Dragon Dragonsoul Acolyte gains the Specialized Draconic Aspect of their dragon ancestor. If your Tutelary Dragon is the same type of dragon as you have the Half-Dragon template for you instead gain both its Specialized Draconic Aspect and one Lesser Draconic Aspect chosen from the Common Draconic Aspects list.

This replaces the normal 2nd Draconic Aspect ability.

Spell Pool Points

Tutelary Dragon, Tutelary Skills, Ancestral Skills, Breath Weapon (1d10+1/2 Charisma modifier), Dragonblooded, Hoard
250 GP

Scales (+1), Spell Pool (1st), Lesser Draconic Aspect, Draconic Feat

Second Draconic Aspect (Draconic), Penetrate Resistance, Dragon Form (Large)

2015-04-12, 09:51 PM
More Racial Substitution Levels:

Half-Elven Dragonsoul Acolyte (Racial Substitution Level):

In half-elves the versatility of humanity is mixed with the magical might of the elves. Perhaps in no group is this more pronounced than amongst Dragonsoul Acolytes who use this mixture to manipulate the already versatile magical powers granted them from the spiritual power of dragons lost and yet to come. Liable to emulate dragons of flighty and variable dispositions, half-elven dragonsoul acolytes are often nomads and travelers, combining the wanderlust of one who never quite belongs with the friendliness of the Brass Dragon or Crystal Dragons, others instead turn their bitterness at their position as a perpetual outsider against the world, embracing the fickle cruelty of white and black dragons.

HD: d8.

Requirements: To take a half-elven dragonsoul acolyte substitution level, a character must be a half-elf about to take their 1st, 2nd, or 9th level of dragonsoul acolyte.

Class Skills: Half-elven dragonsoul acolyte substitution levels have the class skills of the standard dragonsoul acolyte class plus Disguise (Cha) and Gather Information (Cha).
Skill Points per Level: 6 + Int (or 4 times this as a 1st level character).
Class Features:
Mage's Hoard (Su): You may treat spell completion and spell trigger items as well as spellbooks, magical tomes and manuals, eternal wands, and runestaffs as part of your hoard in addition to wealth and art items.

This ability augments your normal hoard ability, but replaces nothing.

Minor Magics (Sp): At 2nd level you may gain this ability. You are a master of flexible if weak magic. You may, 1/day per class level, use any spell which would be available to you through the Cantrip ability, ignoring level prerequisites on the spells, as a spell-like ability; you may only use a specific spell with this ability once each day. At level 12 you could use Minor Magics 12 times per day, but each time would have to be a different spell from the list.

This replaces your Cantrip you would gain at 2nd level, you instead gain your first Cantrip at Lv 4 and have 1 fewer Cantrip than normal.

2nd Draconic Aspect (Half-Elven) (Ex): At level 9 instead of selecting a 2nd Lesser Draconic Aspect or gaining your Tutelary Dragon's Specialized Draconic Aspect a Half-Elven Dragonsoul Acolyte gains a Specialized Half-Elven Draconic Aspect.

Specialized Aspect (Half-Elven): Versatile Spell Pool (Su): You alloy an elven penchant for magic and a human's versatility and then you mix them with draconic power to synthesize something new. This combination allows you more flexibility with your Spell Pool than others. You may cast any Spell, Mystery, Utterance, Infusion, or Psionic Power from any base class's list (including domains and mantles) your Spell Pool. For Utterances you treat those from Lexicon of the Evolved Mind as 1 level lower and those from the Perfected Map as 2 levels higher. You must be able to draw spells of the effect's level from your Spell Pool; if you have a Soulbinding, Incarnum, or Sublime Tutelary Dragon you are considered to be able to draw spells of the same levels as a Dragonsoul Acolyte with a spellcasting tutelary dragon. You may use this ability to cast one spell of each level you have available to you each day (for example if you can use 2nd level spells from your spell pool you could use this ability to use 1 2nd level effect, 1 1st, and 1 level 0 effect); you must pay 1 additional spell pool point to cast a spell from your spell pool with this ability, except the first time you use this ability each day, increasing to the first 2 times at Lv 14.

Spell Pool Points

Tutelary Dragon, Tutelary Skills, Breath Weapon (1d10+1/2 Charisma modifier), Dragonblooded, Mage's Hoard
250 GP

Claws, Fundamentalis Diet, Minor Magics

Second Draconic Aspect (Half-Elven), Penetrate Resistance, Dragon Form (Large)

(Half-)Orcish Dragonsoul Acolyte (Racial Substitution Level):

Orcish Dragonsoul Acolytes believe themselves to carry within them the raging and roiling blood of powerful elemental dragons. Pledging themselves to their ancestors, to the mighty red wyrms, and the Queen of Dragons Tiamat, they seek to become warriors with the fierce power to match even the greatest dragons. The coupling of dragon spirits and orcish passion leads to a powerful combative force. Fierce warriors they take pride in their arms, and fill themselves with draconic presence to strike out at foes with elementally powered blows.

HD: d12.

Requirements: To take a (half-)orcish dragonsoul acolyte substitution level, a character must be an orc or half-orc about to take their 1st, 4th, or 9th level of dragonsoul acolyte.

Class Skills: (Half-)orcish dragonsoul acolyte substitution levels have the class skills of the standard dragonsoul acolyte class plus Survival (Wis).
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int (or 4 times this as a 1st level character).
Class Features:
Warrior's Hoard (Su): You may treat weapons as part of your hoard in addition to wealth and art items. The value of weapons for the purposes of your hoard is equal to their value without any magical enchantments or properties; a +5 Vorpal Longsword is worth no more than a Masterwork Longsword. Material values, such as adamantine, however are included.

This ability augments your Hoard ability and replaces the darkvision you'd normally gain at 1st level.

Spellburst (Su): As part of making a melee attack, before rolling the attack, you may pay 1 Spell Pool Point. If you do so you add 1d6 damage +1/4 levels. This damage matches the damage dealt by your breath weapon gained at 1st level in this class; treat breath weapons that inflict negative levels as negative energy, and poison breath weapons as acid, if you did not gain a breath weapon but gained another ability instead or if it does not deal damage and does not inflict negative levels or poison then this ability adds Cold damage if your Tutelary Dragon is good, or Fire damage otherwise.

This replaces the Cantrip you would normally gain at 4th level.

2nd Draconic Aspect (Orcish) (Ex): At level 9 instead of selecting a 2nd Lesser Draconic Aspect or gaining your Tutelary Dragon's Specialized Draconic Aspect a (Half-)Orcish Dragonsoul Acolyte gains a Specialized Orcish Draconic Aspect.

Specialized Aspect (Orcish): Battle of Blood and Spirit (Su): You may, as a free action, spend 2 spell pool points to increase your Base Attack Bonus to equal your Character Level (maximum 20) until the end of your current turn.

Spell Pool Points

Tutelary Dragon, Tutelary Skills, Breath Weapon (1d10+1/2 Charisma modifier), Dragonblooded, Warrior's Hoard
250 GP

Scales (+1), Spell Pool (1st), Lesser Draconic Aspect, Spellburst

Second Draconic Aspect (Orcish), Penetrate Resistance, Dragon Form (Large)

Halfling Dragonsoul Acolyte (Substitution Levels)

Halfling Dragonsoul Acolytes are a rarity. While occasionally Brass, Copper, Bronze, Silver, and even Gold dragons will take up patronage of a halfling settlement ew dedicate themselves to their draconic protectors as a gnome or dwarf might. Instead it is the most adventurous halflings that find themselves called to dragons. They share a kinship with filching things, most commonly apparent in psuedodragons and wyrmlings of the metallic varieties (chromatics being more likely to threaten and demand), and a boldness seen in young dragons seeking to claim their own territories. More than often sharing traits with any specific types of dragons, halfling dragonsoul acolytes show the traits of youthful dragons. Guile and subtlety, impatience mixed with silent planning, and youthful recklessness all mix into one to make halfling dragonsoul acolytes perhaps the most adventurous of dragonsoul acolytes. The draconic power of the spell pool serves to heighten their natural stealth, their thief's pride to add personal value to their hoard, and their daring is unmatched by any save the bravest of heroes.

HD: d8.

Requirements: To take a halfing dragonsoul acolyte substitution level, a character must be a halfling about to take their 1st, 6th, or 9th level of dragonsoul acolyte.

Class Skills: Halfling dragonsoul acolyte substitution levels have the class skills of the standard dragonsoul acolyte class plus Hide (Dex), Move Silently (Dex), and Sleight of Hand (Dex).
Skill Points per Level: 6 + Int (or 4 times this as a 1st level character).
Class Features:
Thief's Hoard (Su): You may treat any item in your Hoard which you obtained through theft as being 25% more valuable than normal for the purposes of determining your hoard capacity. This does not include items which you obtained through threats of violence or acts of violence (mugging someone, killing them and taking their stuff, attacking someone to drive them off), but does include things which you obtained through confidence scams.

This ability augments your Hoard ability and replaces the darkvision you'd normally gain at 1st level.

Fearless (Ex): Despite their small size and penchant for stealth, a halfling and dragon share something important. They are both bold, bravely venturing forth against any odds. At 6th level you may select this ability. You gain immunity to fear.

This replaces your 1st use of dragonform; you are considered to have the ability usable 0 times per day, and have 1 fewer use of it from here forward (1/day at 8th, 2/day at 11th etc), but gain new sizes at the normal levels.

2nd Draconic Aspect (Halfling) (Ex): At level 9 instead of selecting a 2nd Lesser Draconic Aspect or gaining your Tutelary Dragon's Specialized Draconic Aspect a Halfling Dragonsoul Acolyte gains a Specialized Halfling Draconic Aspect.

Specialized Aspect (Halfling): Phantom Stride (Su): You gain +3 to Hide and Move Silently checks as long as you have Spell Pool Points remaining. In addition you may pay 1 Spell Pool Point to use Invisibility on yourself only as a spell-like ability, and may pay an additional 2 Spell Pool Points to increase its duration to 24 hours (or until you attack).

Spell Pool Points

Tutelary Dragon, Tutelary Skills, Breath Weapon (1d10+1/2 Charisma modifier), Dragonblooded, Thief's Hoard
250 GP

Draconic Spirit (+2 Charisma), Fearless

Second Draconic Aspect (Halfling), Penetrate Resistance, Dragon Form (Large)

Human Dragonsoul Acolyte (Racial Substitution Level):

Human Dragonsoul Acolytes do what humans do best. They flex, they bend, they do what others cannot. A human dragonsoul acolyte will match their dragon's talents in ways no other could but then turn from it to instead dabble in the arts of all dragons. A human dragonsoul acolyte dedicated to a gold dragon might be a master of disguise, able to change their face to an almost magical extent even imitating strength far beyond theirs, but might lack the rallying nature of other gold dragonsoul acolytes instead dabbling in first one and then another dragon's powers. Human dragonsoul acolytes are as varied as the dragons they serve, if not more so, and any sweeping descriptions are hard to make able them.

HD: d8.

Requirements: To take a human dragonsoul acolyte substitution level, a character must be a human about to take their 6th, 9th, or 13th level of dragonsoul acolyte.

Class Skills: Human dragonsoul acolyte substitution levels have the class skills of the standard dragonsoul acolyte class.
Skill Points per Level: 6 + Int.
Class Features:

Least Exaggerated Skill: At 6th level you may gain this ability. You are able to take one of your Tutelary Skills and take it beyond the norm; you gain a Least Exaggerated Skill (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?326799-Tall-Tale-%283-5-Base-Class-Contest-Winner-PEACH%29) as a Tall Tale of your level. You must have at least 9 ranks in the selected skill and it must be one of your Tutelary Skills; you do not gain bonus ranks in it like a Tall Tale would.

This replaces both your 1st daily use of Dragonform, you do not gain the ability until 8th level and have 1 less daily use there of, and your Cantrip you would gain at this level.

2nd Draconic Aspect (Human) (Ex): At level 9 instead of selecting a 2nd Lesser Draconic Aspect or gaining your Tutelary Dragon's Specialized Draconic Aspect a Human Dragonsoul Acolyte gains a Specialized Human Draconic Aspect.

Specialized Aspect (Human): Shifting Favor (Su): 1/day by performing a 1 hour ritual you can gain any one Lesser Draconic Aspect of your choice; this ability refreshes when your Spell Pool refreshes, and you retain the selected Draconic Aspect until you select another by using this ability again. By spending 2 Spell Pool points you may perform this ritual as a full round action. By spending 4 Spell Pool points you may perform is as a swift action. By spending 6 Spell Pool points you may perform it as a free action.

Lesser Exaggerated Skill: At 13th level you may gain this ability. You are able to take one of your Tutelary Skills and take it even further beyond the norm; you gain either a Lesser Exaggerated Skill (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?326799-Tall-Tale-%283-5-Base-Class-Contest-Winner-PEACH%29) as a Tall Tale of your level, or 2 Least Exaggerated Skills. You must have at least 14 ranks in the selected skill or skills and they must be selected from your Tutelary Skills; you do not gain bonus ranks in it like a Tall Tale would. To select a Lesser Exaggerated Skill you must already have the Least Exaggerated Skill for that skill.

This replaces your Talented Spells ability.

Spell Pool Points

Draconic Spirit (+2 Charisma), Least Exaggerated Skill

Second Draconic Aspect (Human), Penetrate Resistance, Dragon Form (Large)

Draconic Body (+2 Constitution), Dragon Form (Huge) 4/day*, Breath Weapon (7dX + Charisma modifier), Lesser Exaggerated Skill
42,250 GP

Kalashtar Dragonsoul Acolyte (Racial Substitution Level):

Tied to dreams through their Quori ancestors, kalashtar dragonsoul acolytes are those rare individuals who have attuned themselves to the dreams of the dragons, and some say of the three great dragons themselves. Kalashtar dragonsoul acolytes combine their natural psionic power with their breath weapons, and find that even their quori ancestors resonate with certain dragons more than others.

HD: d10.

Requirements: To take a kalashtar dragonsoul acolyte substitution level, a character must be a kalashtar about to take their 2nd, 6th, or 9th level of dragonsoul acolyte.

Class Skills: Kalashtar dragonsoul acolyte substitution levels have the class skills of the standard dragonsoul acolyte class plus Autohypnosis (Wis) and Psicraft (Int).
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int (or 4 times this as a 1st level character).
Class Features:
Psi-Reinforced Breath (Su): When using your breath weapon you may expend your psionic focus and 1 or more power points to increase the damage of your breath weapon. For every power point spent you increase the damage dealt by your breath weapon by 1 die; you may pay no more than 1 power point in this way per 2 dragonsoul acolyte levels you possess.

This replaces your Claws ability.

Psionic Wellspring (Su): You gain power points equal to 1/2 your Dragonsoul Acolyte level and may spend Spell Pool Points as if they were Power Points (but not vice versa).

This replaces the cantrip you would gain at 4th level.

2nd Draconic Aspect (Kalashtar) (Ex): At level 9 instead of selecting a 2nd Lesser Draconic Aspect or gaining your Tutelary Dragon's Specialized Draconic Aspect a Kalashtar Dragonsoul Acolyte gains a Specialized Kalashtar Draconic Aspect.

Specialized Aspect (Kalashtar): Sire's Patron (Ex): Even the quori ancestors of the Kalashtar resonate with certain dragonsouls more than others. When you gain this ability select a 2nd Tutelary Dragon, you do not need to fulfill this dragon's alignment restrictions. Each day when you regain your Spell Pool Points you must select one of these 2 tutelary dragons. You treat the selected dragon as your Tutelary Dragon for everything but Tutelary Skills (losing the Lesser Aspect/Breath Weapon/Energy Resistance/etc of the other dragon), you always treat your original Tutelary Dragon as your Tutelary Dragon for Tutelary Skills and abilities derived from Tutelary Skills (Skill Aptitude/Skill Mastery).

Spell Pool Points

Cantrip, Fundamentalis Diet, Psionic Breath
1000 GP

Scales (+1), Spell Pool (1st), Lesser Draconic Aspect, Psionic Wellspring

Second Draconic Aspect (Kalashtar), Penetrate Resistance, Dragon Form (Large)

Lifetorn Dragonsoul Acolyte (Racial Substitution Level):

Not quite dead, but not alive either, the lifetorn are an odd race. A lifetorn dragonsoul acolyte finds their un-lifeforce reinvigorated by the presence of draconic spirit, the energy therein restoring to them some glimmers of life, even as it brings them closer to being an entity of unlife. Necrotic energy flows through them, the souls of dragons drawn towards the negative energy plane but powerful enough to pull themselves away. A lifetorn dragonsoul acolyte often is closest to asphodel dragons, drawing their power from the negative energy plane, and death dragons who share with them a feeling of being between life and death.

HD: d10.

Requirements: To take a lifetorn dragonsoul acolyte substitution level, a character must be a lifetorn about to take their 3rd, 9th, or 14th level of dragonsoul acolyte.

Class Skills: Lifetorn dragonsoul acolyte substitution levels have the class skills of the standard dragonsoul acolyte class plus Heal (Wis).
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int (or 4 times this as a 1st level character).
Class Features:
Turn Immunity (Su): You are completely immune to turn and rebuke undead.

This replaces your Draconic Immunities ability.

2nd Draconic Aspect (Lifetorn) (Ex): At level 9 instead of selecting a 2nd Lesser Draconic Aspect or gaining your Tutelary Dragon's Specialized Draconic Aspect a Liftorn Dragonsoul Acolyte gains a Specialized Lifetorn Draconic Aspect.

Specialized Aspect (Lifetorn): Cold Grasp of Death (Su): You are able to heal naturally like most intelligent undead. You also gain Deadly Touch as a Paladin of Tyranny or Slaughter of your Dragonsoul Acolyte level. You may, as a standard action, pay 1 or more Spell Pool points to refill it by 25% per point spent.

2nd Breath Weapon (Negative Energy): You gain a breath weapon which is a cone of negative energy (d8s for damage), you are immune to your own breath weapon (both for damage and healing). A Will save, not a Reflex save, halves the damage from this breath weapon.

This replaces your normal choices for 2nd Breath Weapon.

Spell Pool Points

Breath Weapon (2dX+1/2 Charisma modifier), Lesser Energy Resistance, Turn Immunity
2250 GP

Second Draconic Aspect (Kalashtar), Penetrate Resistance, Dragon Form (Large)

Second Breath Weapon (Negative Energy), Spell Pool (4th level)

Poisondusk Dragonsoul Acolyte (Racial Substitution Level):

Poisondusk Dragonsoul Acolytes come from amongst the poisondusk lizardfolk. Dragonsoul Acolytes are common amongst the lizardfolk races, their tendency to emulate dragons showing through. A poisondusk dragonsoul acolyte learns to emulate a dragon's scales by integrating steel and iron into their flesh, scales melding with armor, to strike with deadly power from hiding, and even let their draconic energy flow forth from them. They are commonly drawn to the near invisible cunning of black dragons, their natural stealth and shared habitats making the black wyrm's natural gods and objects of devotion. Others are drawn instead to the noble pride of bronze dragons, becoming warrior-champions of their tribes, fighting to defend them against those who would do them wrong.

HD: d10.

Requirements: To take a poisondusk dragonsoul acolyte substitution level, a character must be a poisondusk lizardfolk about to take their 2nd, 9th, or 12th level of dragonsoul acolyte.

Class Skills: Poisondusk dragonsoul acolyte substitution levels have the class skills of the standard dragonsoul acolyte class plus Hide (Dex), Move Silently (Dex), and Survival (Wis).
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int (or 4 times this as a 1st level character).
Class Features:
Integrating Scales (Su): At 2nd level a Poisondusk Dragonsoul Acolyte gains the ability to extend their scales throughout clothing and armor. By spending a 10 minute ritual you may integrate armor and clothing into your form; visibly your scales grow over and through the materials. Integrated clothing and armor cannot be removed short of skinning you without you spending a standard action to de-integrate it, it also does not count as clothing or armor worn for the purposes of your Chameleon Skin racial ability. Finally integrated armor is easier for you to move in reducing its Armor Check Penalty by 2, and its Arcane Spell Failure by 10%, and increasing its Max Dex bonus by 1 (so integrated chain shirt would have a +0 ACP, 10% ASF, and a Max Dex bonus of +5).

This replaces the Claws ability they would normally gain.

2nd Draconic Aspect (Poisondusk) (Ex): At level 9 instead of selecting a 2nd Lesser Draconic Aspect or gaining your Tutelary Dragon's Specialized Draconic Aspect a Poisondusk Dragonsoul Acolyte gains a Specialized Poisondusk Draconic Aspect.

Specialized Aspect (Poisondusk): Breath Weapon Sneak Attack (Su): You gain the Breath Ambush feat as a bonus feat. Any creature which is denied its Dexterity bonus to its Reflex save against your breath weapon (or would be if your breath weapon allows a Fort or Will save instead) that fails its saving throw against your breath weapon takes +1d6 damage per 4 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels you possess; this damage applies on breath weapons that use attack rolls instead of saving throws if the target was denied their Dexterity bonus to AC. This ability is not precision damage, does not have a range limit other than the range limit of your breath weapon, applies against creatures immune to critical hits, and despite the name cannot be used to qualify for abilities that require sneak attack, apply to sneak attack, or exchange sneak attack dice.

Energized Fangs (Su): At 12th level a poisondusk dragonsoul's fangs grow filled with the elemental energies from their Draconis Fundamentalis. Any bite attack they possess deals an additional 1d6 damage of whatever type their breath weapon gained at 1st level deals (none if their breath weapon does not deal hit point damage). Pierce Resistance applies to damage dealt by this effect.

This replaces the Fangs ability they would normally gain at 12th level.

Spell Pool Points

Cantrip, Fundamentalis Diet, Integrating Scales
1000 GP

Second Draconic Aspect (Poisondusk), Penetrate Resistance, Dragon Form (Large)

Energized Fangs, Scales (+3)

Spellscale Dragonsoul Acolyte (Racial Substitution Level):

Spellscale Dragonsoul Acolytes are far from an uncommon occurrence among the race. They tap into the magical energy of dragons, letting it fill them completely, pushing their souls beyond the limits of normal mortals. In many ways they are similar to elves, tapping into greater extents of magic and reinforcing their bodies in the process. Unlike elves, spellscales have but one lineage of magic, the power of dragons tracing back to draconic gods. Their blood quickening combines with their closeness to the draconic gestalt to bring them in tune with the aspect of the god they channeled.

HD: d10.

Requirements: To take a spellscale dragonsoul acolyte substitution level, a character must be a spellscale about to take their 4th, 5th, or 9th level of dragonsoul acolyte.

Class Skills: Spellscale dragonsoul acolyte substitution levels have the class skills of the standard dragonsoul acolyte class as well as Spellcraft (Int).
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int.
Class Features:

Spell Pool: You gain 4 additional spell pool points (these points are not included on higher levels of the Substitution Levels add 4 to their totals if you take this substitution level) and may use any number of 1st level spells with your spell pool each day regardless of your maximum spell level; you must still have Spell Pool Points to spend on these effects.

This improved Spell Pool replaces the scales ability you would normally gain at 4th level, and your Scales are permanently +1 less than a normal Dragonsoul Acolyte's.

Draconic Body (+2 Constitution): The spiritual power of dragons has alloyed with your flesh making it tougher, granting you a +2 bonus to your Constitution. This replaces the +2 bonus to Strength most Dragonsoul Acolytes gain at 5th level.

2nd Draconic Aspect (Spellscale) (Ex): At level 9 instead of selecting a 2nd Lesser Draconic Aspect or gaining your Tutelary Dragon's Specialized Draconic Aspect a Human Dragonsoul Acolyte gains a Specialized Spellscale Draconic Aspect.

Specialized Aspect (Spellscale): Quickened Blessing (Su): Whenever you perform a ritual of Blood Quickening you gain the Specialized Aspect associated with the selected god, or if you select Io you gain 4 Spell Pool Points.

Spell Pool Points

Spell Pool (1st, Sorcerous Aspect), Lesser Draconic Aspect

Draconic Body (+2 Constitution), Skill Aptitude, Breath Weapon (3dX + Charisma modifier)

Second Draconic Aspect (Spellscale), Penetrate Resistance, Dragon Form (Large)

Warforged Dragonsoul Acolyte (Substitution Levels)

Some said it was impossible for a warforged, a mere construct, to aspire to the heights of a dragon, much less attain the spiritual unity with the scaled gods as a mortal. They were wrong. Warforged dragonsoul acolytes are drawn naturally towards meta-dragons. A heroic warforged may find a resonance with the bravery of brightsteel dragons which sees the creatures pushing against the more powerful reds regardless of the odds against them, while a warforged dragonsoul acolyte will often continue pressing in combat until their body is breaking or beyond. Others feel kinship with the A.M. dragons, taking their long and meticulously calculating view of the world; those enemies they cannot entrap they can outlive and their grudges last generations. Perhaps most of all, though, warforged dragonsoul acolytes are in tune with the creative impulse which designed all meta-dragons, which is a part of almost all constructs; they are crafters as well as the crafted, drawing upon the energies of their hoard to design its own guardians.

HD: d10.

Requirements: To take a warforged dragonsoul acolyte substitution level, a character must be a Warforged about to take their 1st, 4th, or 9th level of dragonsoul acolyte.

Class Skills: Warforged dragonsoul acolyte substitution levels have the class skills of the standard dragonsoul acolyte class.
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int (or 4 times this as a 1st level character).
Class Features:
Hoard Forger (Su): You may expend value from your hoard to create a temporary construct out of magical energy. You can create 1 construct in this way each day, and it vanishes when you next meditate with your hoard or in 24 hours (whichever is sooner). You subtract the constructs market price from your hoard capacity when you use this ability. Constructs made by this ability blink out of existence when exposed to an anti-magic zone for as long as the space they last occupied is within on, and are destroyed by Disjunction on a failed Will save.

This ability augments your Hoard ability and replaces the darkvision you'd normally gain at 1st level.

Scales of Steel (Ex): A warforged is a creature of metal, living and hard. When their body is hardened by draconic energies it does not form a thick layer of scales instead hardening as a scale pattern forms across it. If you select this ability you gain DR 2/adamantine, this damage reduction increases by 2 for every 4 Dragonsoul Acolyte levels you obtain beyond 4th.

This replaces the regular Dragonsoul Acolyte’s scales ability and all its improvements.

2nd Draconic Aspect (Warforged) (Ex): At level 9 instead of selecting a 2nd Lesser Draconic Aspect or gaining your Tutelary Dragon's Specialized Draconic Aspect a Warforged Dragonsoul Acolyte gains a Specialized Warforged Draconic Aspect.

Specialized Aspect (Warforged): Breath Capacitor (Su): When you use your breath weapon you may inflict 1 or more points of Constitution damage on yourself. For every point you actually take (that is not resisted or reduced or negated in some way) you add 1 die to your breath weapon’s damage. You may not add more dice to your breath weapon than ½ your Dragonsoul Acolyte level and you cannot use Heighten Breath to raise your breath weapon DC by more than your Constitution modifier will be after the Constitution damage (you still calculate the saving throw DC before the Constitution damage is dealt).

Spell Pool Points

Tutelary Dragon, Tutelary Skills, Breath Weapon (1d10+1/2 Charisma modifier), Dragonblooded, Hoard Forger
250 GP

Spell Pool (1st), Lesser Draconic Aspect, Scales of Steel

Second Draconic Aspect (Warforged), Penetrate Resistance, Dragon Form (Large)


Emulate Draconic Aspect
Level: Sorcerer 3
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action.
Range: Touch
Target: 1 dragonblooded creature
Duration: 1 minute/caster level.
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless).
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

Channeling the power of ancient dragons you bestow upon the targeted creature a portion of this power. The target gains 1 Lesser Draconic Aspect for the duration. If this Aspect grants a breath weapon the target must already have a breath weapon to use the breath weapon granted by the Aspect and it uses the longer of their normal breath weapon recharge time or 1d4 rounds. The target is considered to be a Dragonsoul Acolyte of half their character level or of their Dragonsoul Acolyte level (whichever is higher) for the purposes of this aspect.

Material Component: A small bronze statuette of a dragon which grants the selected aspect and costs 5 gold pieces.

2015-04-12, 09:53 PM
Other; Gestalt Double Class and Epic Progression/Feats:

Gestalt Dragonsoul Acolyte

This variant Dragonsoul Acolyte is intended for use in Gestalt games where it counts as both classes for the gestalt. It could also be used as a higher powered version of Dragonsoul Acolyte for a higher optimization/tier game.

HD: d12.

BAB: Full.

Skill Points: 6 + Int per level.

Tutelary Dragon: You begin with 2 Tutelary Dragons a primary and a secondary.

Tutelary Skills: You gain the Tutelary Skills of both dragons. If they have one or more overlapping skills treat one of Listen, Search, or Spot as a Tutelary Skill for each overlapping skill.

Breath Weapon: You begin with your Primary Tutelary Dragon's breath weapon. You gain your Secondary Tutelary Dragon's at 2nd level.

Energy Resistance: You gain your Primary Tutelary Dragon's Energy Resistance abilities 1 level earlier than you normally would, and your Secondary Tutelary Dragon's at the regular level. If they are identical choose another energy type (acid/cold/electricity/fire/sonic) and gain Energy Resistance/Immunity to it as your Secondary Tutelary Dragon's.

Spell Pool: Your Spell Pool Points are equal to the higher of the two Tutelary Dragon's + 50% of the other Tutelary Dragon's (unless it offers incarnum these should be equal) + 2 (8 at 4th, 9 at 5th, 11 at 6th ... 47 at 20th).

If your Tutelary Dragons offer different spell pools (such as Sorcerer spells and Cleric spells) you gain both, highest level spell uses tracked separately for each list.

If they both offer the same spell pool list (or one's list completely includes the other's) you gain a greatly accelerated access to it. At 4th level you can use 2nd level spells with it, increasing to 3rd at 7th, 4th at 9th, 5th at 11th, 6th at 14th, 7th at 16th, 8th at 18th, and 9th at 20th. You do not gain the ability to use multiple spells of your highest level each day at 20th (instead gaining 9th level spells). 8th and 9th level spells do not count for determining the cost of your lower level spells (instead treating your max level as 7th), but cost 6 and 8 spell pool points respectively.

If they both offer Infusions they follow this progression but whenever you would gain a new level beyond 6th you instead gain a bonus Item Creation feat and at 16th level you gain a Craft Pool as a 4th level Artificer increasing by 2 levels each Dragonsoul Acolyte level beyond 16th (to 12th at 20th).

If they both offer Soulbinding you gain access to vestiges as a binder of your Dragonsoul Acolyte level, and gain the ability to bind a 2nd vestige at the same time at 10th level and a 3rd at 20th.

If they both offer Incarnum; you treat them as different lists as no two of the incarnum using dragons are the same, and treat it as gestalting two incarnum using classes.

If they are both Sublime dragons you may access all granted disciplines and gain 2 maneuvers known from those disciplines at 4th level and gain one more every odd level thereafter with the ability to ready half as many maneuvers as you know, you also gain 1 Stance at Lv 4, and another at Lv 14. You must meet the prerequisites for these maneuvers and stances, and your Dragonsoul Acolyte grants you a full initiator level as an initiating class. Using these maneuvers and stances does not cost you Spell Pool Points and you can recover them like a Warblade; you do not use these maneuvers through your spell pool.

Lesser Draconic Aspect: You gain the Lesser Draconic Aspect of your Primary Tutelary Dragon at 4th level as normal, and that of your Secondary Tutelary Dragon at 5th.

Skill Aptitude: You gain Skill Focus in one of your Tutelary Skills at 5th level and another every level thereafter until 10th.

"2nd" Draconic Aspect: You gain this ability at 8th level and may select either of your Tutelary Dragons' Specialized Skills or a Lesser Aspect. At 10th level you gain this ability again.

Draconic Wings: You gain this ability at 9th level instead of 10th.

Talented Spells: You may select 2nd level spells as Talented Spells and gain 1 at 11th and another at 12th and 13th.

Greater Draconic Aspect: You gain your Primary Tutelary Dragon's Greater Draconic Aspect at 16th and your Secondary Tutelary Dragon's at 18th, if they are the same then you can gain the Greater Draconic Aspect of any dragon which you have the Lesser Draconic Aspect for, or any 2 Lesser Draconic Aspects.

Signature Spell: At 17th level you gain a 3rd level or lower spell as a signature spell. At 19th you gain a 4th level or lower spell as one.

Skill Mastery: You gain Skill Mastery in 2 of your Tutelary Skills at 18th level, 2 at 19th, and the last 2 at 20th.

Altered Table Spell Pool numbers assume 2 non-incarnum dragons, just as normal spell pool numbers assume a non-incarnum dragon.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Spell Pool
Hoard Size (GP)





Tutelary Dragons, Tutelary Skills, Primary Dragon's Breath Weapon (1dX+1/2 Charisma modifier), Darkvision, Dragonblooded, Hoard





Cantrips, Claws, Fundamentalis Diet, Secondary Dragon's Breath Weapon, Primary Lesser Energy Resistance





Breath Weapon (2dX+1/2 Charisma modifier), Secondary Lesser Energy Resistance, Draconic Immunities





Scales (+1), Spell Pool (1st or doubled up 2nd), Primary Lesser Draconic Aspect





+2 Strength, Skill Aptitude, Secondary Lesser Draconic Aspect, Breath Weapon (3dX+Charisma modifier)





Dragon Form 1/day, +2 Charisma, Skill Aptitude, Primary Energy Resistance





DragonType, Secondary Energy Resistance, Skill Aptitude, Spell Pool (2nd level or doubled up 3rd), Breath Weapon (4dX+Charisma modifier)





Scales (+2), Dragon Form 2/day, Skill Aptitude, Superior Low-Light Vision, 2nd Primary Draconic Aspect





Draconic Winds, Penetrate Resistance, Skill Aptitude, Dragon Form (Large), Spell Pool (4th doubled up), Breath Weapon (5dX+Charisma modifier)





+2 Strength, 2nd Secondary Draconic Aspect, Primary Greater Energy Resistance, Skill Aptitude





Dragon Form 3/day, Secondary Greater Energy Resistance, Spell Pool (3rd level or 5th doubled up), Talented Spell, Breath Weapon (6dX+Charisma modifier)





Fangs, Scales (+3), Talented Spell





+2 Constitution, Dragon Form (Huge) 4/day, Talented Spell, Breath Weapon (7dX+Charisma modifier)





Second Breath Weapon, Primary Energy Immunity, Spell Pool (4th level or 6th level doubled up)





+2 Strength, Draconic Senses, Secondary Energy Immunity, Breath Weapon (8dX+Charisma modifier)





Dragon Form 5/day, Primary Greater Draconic Aspect, Scales (+4), Spell Pool (doubled up 7th)





+2 Intelligence, Tail, Dragon Form (Improved Huge), Signature Spell (Lv 3), Breath Weapon (9dX+Charisma modifier)





Blindsense, Dragon Form 6/day, Secondary Greater Draconic Aspect, Spell Pool (5th or doubled up 8th), Skill Mastery





Signature Spell (4th level), Skill Mastery, Breath Weapon (10dX+Charisma modifier)





+2 Strength, Scales (+5), Improved Spell Pool or Spell Pool (doubled up 9th), Skill Mastery

Dragonsoul Acolyte Epic Progression and Feats

Spell Pool Points

+1 dice breath weapon

Extra Tutelary (Lesser Aspect), Dragonform +1/day

+1 dice breath weapon

Bonus Epic Feat, Dragonform +1/day, Scales +6

+1 die breath weapon

Extra Tutelary (Specialized Aspect), Dragonform +1/day

+1 die breath weapon

Bonus Epic Feat, Dragonform +1/day, Scales +7

+1 die breath weapon

Extra Tutelary (Greater Aspect), Dragonform +1/day

+1 dice breath weapon

Extra Tutelary (Lesser Aspect), Dragonform +1/day, Scales +8

+1 dice breath weapon

Bonus Epic Feat, Dragonform +1/day

+1 die breath weapon

Extra Tutelary (Specialized Aspect), Dragonform +1/day, Scales +9

+1 die breath weapon

Bonus Epic Feat, Dragonform +1/day

+1 die breath weapon

Extra Tutelary (Greater Aspect), Dragonform +1/day, Scales +10

+1 die breath weapon: At 21st level and every odd level you gain +1 die of damage with your breath weapon(s).

Spell Pool Points: You gain 2 Spell Pool Points each level beyond 20th.

Hoard: Your hoard quantity continues to increase, keeping a value of Class Level squared x 250 GP.

Extra Tutelary (Lesser Aspect): At 22nd level and every 10th level afterwards (32, 42, 52, etc) you may select one Tutelary Dragon whose alignment prerequisites you fulfill, you gain its Lesser Draconic Aspect.

Dragonform +1/day: At 22nd level and every even level you gain an extra daily use of your dragonform ability.

Bonus Epic Feat: At 24th level, 28th level and every 10th level after each of them (34, 38, 44, 48, 54, 58, etc) you may select one from the list below:
Any epic feat listed below, Additional Magic Item Space, Armor Skin, Damage Reduction, Energy Resistance, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Extended Lifespan, Fast Healing, Great Charisma, Great Constitution, Great Intelligence, Great Strength, Perfect Health, Superior Initiative.

Scales: At 24th level and every 4th level thereafter your scales ability improves by +1.

Extra Tutelary (Specialized Aspect): At 26th level and every 10th level afterwards (36, 46, 56, etc) you may select one Tutelary Dragon whose alignment prerequisites you fulfill and which you have the Lesser Draconic Aspect of, you gain its Specialized Draconic Aspect. Alternatively you may select any Lesser Draconic Aspect.

Extra Tutelary (Greater Aspect): At 30th level and every 10th level afterwards (40, 50, 60, etc) you may select one Tutelary Dragon whose alignment prerequisites you fulfill and which you have the Lesser Draconic Aspect of, you gain its Greater Draconic Aspect or Specialized Draconic Aspect (your choice). Alternatively you may select any Lesser Draconic Aspect.

Epic Feats

Deepen Spell Pool
You can draw upon more powerful spells from the spell pool.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (Arcana) 24 ranks, ability to cast spells,, utterances, mysteries, invocations, infusions, or powers from the spell pool.
Benefits: The highest level of spell you can access from the spell pool improves by one. If you can access 6th level spells 4th and 3rd cost 2 Spell Pool Points, and 2nd or lower cost 1. If you can access 7th level spells 5th and 4th cost 2 Spell Pool Points, and 3rd or lower cost 1. Gaining access to 8th level or higher spells does not reduce the cost of lower level spells; instead 8th level spells cost 6 Spell Pool Points to use, and 9th level spells cost 8. Dark invocations (regardless of actual level) are considered 8th level for Invocation using Dragonsoul Acolytes.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, each time its Knowledge (Arcana) prerequisite increases by 3 ranks.

Epic Emulate Value
You can create powerful magical effects which normally would require expensive components.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (Arcana) 24 ranks, Charisma 21+, Emulate Value.
Benefits: You can use spells and spell-like effects through your Spell Pool regardless of any material component or focus they'd normally have and with XP costs of up to 100 XP per Dragonsoul Acolyte level.

Epic Spell Pool Power
You can draw out even more energy from your Spell Pool each day.
Prerequisites: Spell Pool.
Benefits: You gain 5 Spell Pool Points.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, each time you take it its effect increases by 1 (the 2nd time you take it it gives you 6 Spell Pool Points for a total of 11 from the 2 instances, the 3rd 7, and the nth 4 + n).

Epic Spellcasting:
You are capable of casting epic spells.
Special: You can substitute 9th level spell pool access to select this feat.

Fabled Hoard:
You are able to draw upon a larger hoard to gain your power.
Prerequisites: Hoard capacity 100,000 GP or larger.
Benefits: Your hoard capacity doubles.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, its effects stack (twice gives you triple, seven times gives you octuple).

Gargantuan Dragon Form:
Your dragonform is more powerful.
Prerequisites: Dragonform (Improved Huge) 6/day, Dragonsoul Acolyte Level 21+.
Benefits: Your dragonform can be gargantuan. It gains 4 more Strength, 2 more Constitution, and 2 more natural armor than as Huge, and is gargantuan gaining natural attacks as appropriate.

Hoard Mastery:
You have finer control over your hoard's effects.
Prerequisites: Use Magic Device 24 ranks, Hoard value over 100,000 GP.
Benefits: You may have your Hoard grant you the benefits of any magic item that does not have a limited number of uses/charges (it may have a limited number of daily uses/charges however). This costs the same amount of Hoard value as the item's cost and can be changed each day as normal for your hoard benefits.

Improved Dragon Form:
Your dragonform is more powerful.
Prerequisites: Dragonform (Improved Huge) 6/day, Dragonsoul Acolyte Level 21+.
Benefits: Your Strength, Constitution, and Natural Armor when using your Dragonform ability increase by +2.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times each time you do it requires your Dragonsoul Acolyte level to be 3 higher.

Intensify Breath: (Meta-Breath)
You can release a sorcerously super-charged breath.
Prerequisites: Constitution 21+, 11+ dice breath weapon, Concentration 27 ranks, access to the spell pool.
Benefits: You may release a single breath weapon which deals twice the regular damage. You must pay 3 Spell Pool Points to do so, and must wait an extra 2 rounds before using it again.

Spell Font Discipline:
You can draw upon the battle skills of a certain sublime discipline.
Prerequisites: Martial Lore 13 ranks, ability to use 9th level maneuvers from the spell pool.
Benefits: Select one martial discipline. You can access maneuvers and stances from that discipline with your Spell Pool.

Spell Font School:
You can draw upon all magic of a certain school.
Prerequisites: Knowledge (Arcana) 27 ranks, ability to cast 5th level or higher spells, utterances, mysteries, infusions, or powers from the spell pool.
Benefits: Select one from the following: Abjuration, Conjuration (Healing) and (Creation), Conjuration (Calling) and (Summoning) and (Teleportation), Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, or Transmutation. You may use your Spell Pool to cast any spell from that school or subschools of a level you have access to regardless of which base class's list it appears on; you must still abide by limitations on Foci, XP, and Material Component costs. This also extends to using Mysteries and Infusions of the selected school or subschools. If you select Conjuration (Healing) and (Creation) you also gain access to powers of the Metacreativity discipline. If you select Conjuration (Calling), (Summoning), and (Teleporation) you also gain access to the Psychoportation discipline. If you select Divination you also gain access to the Clairsentience discipline. If you select Enchantment you also gain access to the Telepathy discipline. If you select Evocation you also gain access to the Psychokinesis discipline. If you select Transmutation you also gain access to the Psychometabolism discipline.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times, choosing a different school or subschool each time.

2015-04-12, 09:55 PM
6 or so posts full of stuff that I forgot to copy from the contest thread.

This includes:
The rest of my homebrew dragons.
Racial Substitution levels.
Special Gestalt Option.
Epic Progression.

Lord Loss
2015-04-13, 09:33 AM
This look amazing. I'm currently planning a campaign where dragons and dragon-worship will play an important role. I haven't had a chance to give it a thorough look, in that I'm currently finishing up a major essay, but I'll be sure to read through it tonight.