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Gwazi Magnum
2015-01-23, 04:10 PM
D&D is coming


What is this?

Basically, I always wanted to play a Game of Thrones like table top game. But the people I normally play with are always persistent on sticking with D&D 3.5, mainly out of not wanting to try new systems. But currently D&D is insanely magic heavy and goes power crazy so it's not exactly the most complimentary system. So I decided to try to make a version that works for such a setting.

Designed to be played with 3.5 rules in mind, but with alterations made to help with balancing, add to a more cold and brutal world, and draws inspiration from E6, Pathfinder, Unearthed Arcana & The Book of Erotic Fantasy. So if any rule or mechanic is left missing/lacking you are meant to refer to D&D 3.5 rules.

Now this is a work in progress mind you, at the time of making this post it is no where near complete. So I will be making a "To-do list" down below to detail what is still planned to be worked on, and what is still a work in progress. That being said though, even if something is listed as 'finished' all that means is that I'm not paying specific attention to it. If I get a random inspiration on it later, or if someone who offers an idea to improve it I am still very much willing to go back to it and modify it.


Black = Finished
Blue = In Progress
Red = Need to get started on

Ability Score System
Other Notes/Alterations
The Warrior Class

Finish the Expert Class

Start the Spellcaster Class
Start Character Races
Make list of allowed spells for Spellcaster
Create a more ritual based spell-casting system
Add and expand on traits and flaws from Unearthed Arcana
Create a PRC system

E6 Expanded Experience Chart

Now, to make sure people do not speed through the 6 levels like they do in usual D&D the exp requirement has been increased. This way each level is much more of a journey, is much more of a boon, and by the time level 6 is reached you may already feel like an entire campaign has passed.

Character Level
Experience Needed
Experience Total






After reaching level 6, every additional 15,000 experience gained (Increase from E6's normal 5,000 in order to better match the increased EXP requirements) grants the character an additional feat. When the DM is making encounters for players treat each 5 feats earned this way as +1 CR/Level for the encounter.

Ability Scores and LA Races

Follow the traditional 6 Ability scores: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom & Charisma*.
To determine one's Ability Score's roll 3d6 (+2 if total roll is 8 or less) six times, and then assign them to whatever ability score you desire.
If you're total ability score modifiers after rolling (before racial modifiers) are below +1 then re-roll your ability scores.
*Whenever referencing the book of erotic fantasy, anything based off Appearance is instead based off Charisma.

LA Races
If you pick a race with a LA you may ignore the LA. But you must take the following penalties instead.


Roll the dice 9 times for ability scores. Pick the 6 lowest results. +1 if roll is 8 or less.

Roll the dice 12 times for ability scores. Pick the 6 lowest results.


On character creation pick a general geographic area/climate your character originated from, and what level of nobility. These can be used as a baseline to flesh out your character, give some reprehensive abilities, and may affect social standing with certain NPCs.

Each comes with a list of abilities, which you must pick two of. And additionally comes with base notes as to how certain NPCs may respond to you (Though it is ultimately DM dependent).


The Cities

+2 to Gather Info skill, and gain Gather Info as a class skill.
+2 to Sense Motive skill, and gain Sense Motive as a class skill.
+2 to Bluff skill, and gain Bluff as a class skill.

Relations: Country folk see you as greedy and selfish. The wilds even more so, to the point they might be openly hostile, especially if you're unguarded. The North sees you as sneaky/untrustworthy, while the Desert folk might mistrust you as much as the wild they will not be as quick to strike. But if they do strike they do so hard. You are also looked upon better by Nobility and Royalty, more so if said Royalty also comes from a great city.

The Country

+2 to Handle Animal skill, and gain Handle Animal as a class skill.
Proficient with club, sickle, sling or quarter staffs and add +1 to attack rolls with said weapons.
+1 to two saving throws.

Relations: City folk and Nobles generally see you as expendable labour, Desert folk and Wild men may see you as exploitable resources or as friends depending on the tribe. While the North generally tries to do what they can to protect and look after you.

The Desert

+2 to Saving Throws against the heat, starvation and fatigue.
+2 to Ride skill, and gain Ride as a class skill.
+1 to dodge AC.

Relations: The North respects your people but is at the same time cautious. The city folk generally look down on you as Barbarians, unless if it's a desert city. In which case they see you like they do countrymen. Country men are generally welcoming, unless if you come in with weapons.

The North/Wilds

+2 to Saving Throws against the cold, disease and fatigue.
Animal Companion: Gain an Animal Companion like the 3.5 Ranger does scaling off of your character level.
+2 to Survival skill, and gain Survival as a class skill.

Relations: City folk see you as uncivilized, and be more guarded/cautious if North or see you as simple/dumb if Wild. While Country-men either respect you if North, or fear you if wild.



+2 to Sleight of hand skill, and gain Sleight of hand as a class skill.
Re-roll a d20 roll 1/day. Must keep the 2nd roll even if lower.
+2 Initiative

Relations: Noble's generally see you as garbage that pollutes their city. While commoner's are more likely to show mixed reactions, some many share such hatred, other's may be understanding of that times are not easy.


+2 to Profession & Craft (Pick specific one's) skills, and gain Profession & Craft (all) as a class skills.
+2 to Knowledge (Local) and gain Knowledge (Local) as a class skill.
+1 to any three skills of your choice.

Relations: Noble's generally see you as tools/resources to keep their empire going. You are expendable to them generally, but still poses some value when in numbers. While the Homeless look onto you with envy of that you at least hold a somewhat stable life.


+2 to Diplomacy skill, and gain Diplomacy as a class skill.
+2 to Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) skill, and gain Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) as a class skill.
+500 Starting Gold

Relations: All who are not Nobles look up to you and show respect to you. May it be out of fear, hatred, jealousy or genuine awe though is dependent on the individual. While most other Nobles will only care about what use or benefit you provide them, and how you may be manipulated.

Background Feats*

You may also pick one of the following feats for free at Character creation, to help flesh out your characters background and history.
*This replaces the Apprentice and Master feat lines in DMG2 along with any other feat listed as regional or background.

• Craftsman: +2 to all Craft skills and gain a 20% discount when buying raw materials.
• Criminal: +100 Starting Gold, +2 to Bluff, Sleight of Hand & Intimidate.
• Merchant: Sell items at 60% of the value instead of 50%. Buy items at 90% of its value instead of 100%, this is the default before battering begins.
• Philosopher: +2 Bonus to Concentration, Will Saves and One chosen Knowledge skill.
• Soldier: +2 to Intimidate, Perception, and Fortitude.
• University: -100 Starting Gold, +2 Skill Points per level (8 at level 1).
• Woodsman: +2 to Survival & Knowledge (Nature). If you have 'Animal Companion' treat yourself as two ranger levels higher. If not give yourself a level 1 Animal Companion.

The Classes

Hit Die: d10
Class Skills: Choose any six skills as class skills, plus Perception.
Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int Modifier
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A warrior is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).


Your Path, Fighting Style, Fighter

Lightning or Thunder

The Serpent or The Bear

General, The Tiger or The Rhino

Enhanced Fighting Style

Martial Veteran, Legendary General

Your Path: When taking your first level as a Warrior, pick 2 of the following features to enhance the class with (1 if you are multi-classing into Warrior from another class).

• Bravery: Increase your Will Save to be a High Saving throw.

• Iron Clad: Increase Hit Die to d12 & Gain Proficiency with Heavy Armor & Tower Shields.

• Outdoorsman: Gain Endurance and Track as bonus feats.

• Reactive: Increase your Reflex Save to be a High Saving throw.

• Skilled: Gain 6 + Int Modifier skill points per level and four additional class skills.

• Weapons Master: Gain proficiency with all Exotic Weapons.

Fighting Style: Select one of the following fighting style's.

• Archer: +2 bonus on Perception checks & Pick one of the following as a bonus feat.
Far Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (Bows).

• Duelist: +1 to AC, Attack roll, Damage roll, and Initiative when wielding a one handed weapon with no shield or secondary weapon.

• Improvised: +1 on all attack rolls made with a weapon.

• Mounted: +2 to Ride Skill, gain Ride as a Class Skill. Gain Mounted Combat & Ride-by Attack as a bonus feats. If this is your first level, gain an additional 100gp that can only be used on a mount and saddle. Left over gold does not go into your inventory.

• Sword & Shield: +1 AC and DR/- (Stackable) when wielding a Shield.

• Two Handed: Gain Cleave and Power Attack as bonus feats.

• Two-Weapon Fighting: Gain Two-Weapon Fighting & Two-Weapon Defense as bonus feats.

• Unarmed Fighting: Gain Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat and the Monk's 'Flurry of Blows' ability. Also pick between Improved Grapple and Stunning Fist as another bonus feat.

Fighter: A Warrior's class level counts as Fighter levels for the sake of feats.

Lightning or Thunder: Pick one of the following abilities.

• Lightning: Any weapon that weapon finesse works with you may now also add DEX to damage with instead of STR.

• Thunder: +2 to STR or CON.

The Serpent or The Bear: Pick one of the following abilities.

• Bear: Gain Rage ability 1/day but with no fatigue, duration = 3 + Con Mod rounds.
*On selection you can choose to have Rage provide one of the following bonuses.

+4 STR, +4 CON, +2 Will Save, -2 AC.
+4 STR, +4 DEX, +2 Fort Save, -2 Attack roll.

• Serpent: Gain one of the following abilities.

+2D6 Sneak Attack (+3D6 total if already gained from Expert)
+1D6, +1 AC Skirmish (+2D6 total if already gained from Expert)

General: Gain +2 CHA, and +2 to Diplomacy when talking with soldiers or generals. You must also pick a permanent Aura ability with the following effects to yourself and allies within 10ft x CHA Mod (Min 10ft):

+2 bonus to Will Saves.
+1 bonus to Attack Rolls.
+2 bonus to Damage Rolls.
+2 bonus to AC
+2 bonus to Initiative
+1 DR/- (Stackable)

The Tiger or The Rhino: Pick one of the following abilities.

• Tiger: Gain +10 Movement Speed.

• Rhino: Gain +2 DR/- (Stackable).

Enhanced Fighting Style: Either pick a second fighting style or improve the one selected at level 1.

• Archer: Gain Improved Precise Shot or Manyshot as a bonus feat.

• Duelist: Increase bonus to +2 AC, Attack roll, Damage roll & Initiative

• Improvised: Any slashing weapon can also deal bludgeoning. Any bludgeoning weapon can also deal piercing damage. Any piercing weapon can also deal slashing damage. Gain +1 AC whenever wielding a weapon.

• Mounted: Add your Shield AC to your Mounts AC and Ride check when avoiding an attack. Mount gains +2 CON and +10 Movement speed.

• Sword & Shield: Ignore the attack penalty from Tower Shields. Light and Heavy Shields grant +1 AC and Attack roll. With any shield you may provide +2 AC to an adjacent ally, increase DR bonus to 2/- (stackable).

• Two Handed: Double STR mod for damage when using a Two-Handed weapon but doing so make the take a -2 penalty to attack rolls.

• Two-Weapon Fighting: Suffer no attack roll penalties to Two-Weapon Fighting (Over sized weapon penalties still apply). Both weapons use your full STR modifier for damage.

• Unarmed Fighting: Increase damage die to 1d8, also gain WIS to AC & +10 Movement Speed.

Martial Veteran: You may select feats with a requirement of up to fighter level 8, and with a Base Attack Bonus requirement of up to +8. This includes your feat earned at level 6 and any additional feats earned after level 6 by gaining 15,000 XP

Legendary General: Select a second bonus from the 'General' ability to apply to yourself and allies, and increase the range to 15ft x CHA Mod (Min 15ft).
Increase the Diplomacy bonus with soldiers and Generals to +4.

Hit Die: d6
Class Skills: Choose any fourteen skills as class skills, plus Perception.
Skill Points per Level: 8 + Int Modifier
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: An Expert is proficient with all simple weapons and with light armor.


Your Path, Specialization

Talents, Serpent




Talents, Specialization, Prestige

Your Path: When taking your first level as an Expert, pick 2+1 of the following features to enhance the class with (1+1 if you are multi-classing into Warrior from another class).
The +1 must apply to one that raises a saving throw, which is identified with *.

• Battle Trained: Increase BAB growth to Medium (+0/+1/+2/+2/+3/+4) and gain proficiency with 2 weapon groups and Light Shields.

• Bravery*: Increase your Will Save to be a High Saving throw.

• Hardy*: Increase your Fort Save to be a High Saving throw.

• Outdoorsman: Gain Endurance and Track as bonus feats.

• Reactive*: Increase your Reflex Save to be a High Saving throw.

• Tough: Increase Hit Die to d8 and get proficiency with medium armor.

Specialization: At levels 1, 3 and 6 pick one of the following abilities.

• Academics: Add half of character level (Min 1) to all Knowledge Skills. Can make all Knowledge checks untrained.

• Alchemy: Add half your character level to all Craft (Alchemy) Skills. Can use Craft (Alchemy) to identify potions as if using detect magic.

• Bureaucrats: You may add both your INT and CHA modifier to Bluff & Diplomacy.

• Medical: Add half of character level (Min 1) to Heal. Heal skill doesn't provoke AoO and can heal the target by (Total Roll/10) HP with 1gp worth of bandages.

• Performing: Add half of character level (Min 1) to all Perform Skills. Can make all Perform checks untrained. Gain +2 to CHA checks (Not the actual ability score).

• Poison: Can apply poison to weapons without poisoning yourself, and can apply poisons as a swift action. Can use Craft (Alchemy) to identify poisons as if using detect magic.

• Recon: You may add both your INT and WIS modifier to Perception and Initiative.

• Stealth: You may add both your INT and DEX modifier to Stealth and Sleight of hand.

• Traps: Gain trapfinding, and trap sense equal to half of character level (Min 1).

Talents: At levels 2, 4 and 6 pick one of the following abilities. You may select a Skill trick instead if you make the requirements, doing so will increase your skill trick limit by 1.

• Camouflage: Gain the ability to spend 50gp on materials to spend 30 minutes crafting a Camouflage suit (2 lb) that provides +4 Stealth when worn in the environment designed for.

• Canny Observer: +4 to Perception when listening in on conversations or looking for something hidden.

• Deft Palm: Can use your Sleight of Hand skill to conceal a weapon in plain sight.

• Evasive: Gain Evasion as a class abillity.

• Face in the Crowd: +2 to Disguise, Sleight of Hand or Stealth when within 30ft of two non-hostile characters. Increase bonus to +4 if there are eight or more non-hostile characters.

• Field Medic: When making a heal check to heal a target heal +1 HP. You may also improvise bandages with a Survival check of DC 15 (Must have 'Medical' Specialization).

• Finesse Rogue: Add DEX to damage to any weapon that works with Weapon Finesse (Must have the Weapon Finesse feat).

• Poison Master: Add +1 to the DC of poisons you use (Must have 'Poison' Specialization).

• Potion Master: Gain 'Brew Potion' as a bonus feat. You may replace your caster level with your character level when using this feat, but you may only craft potions that heal hit points or cure a disease. (Requires 'Alchemy' Specialization).

• Social Smarts: 1/day roll twice for one the following skills (Bluff, Diplomacy, Sense Motive) and choose the better roll. You are allowed to roll the first dice and then decide to use said ability, unless if your first roll was a natural 1.

• Street Smarts: 1/day roll twice for one the following skills (Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth) and choose the better roll. You are allowed to roll the first dice and then decide to use said ability, unless if your first roll was a natural 1.

• Terrain Mastery: Pick a specific type of terrain. When in this terrain gain +2 to Initiative, Knowledge (Geography), Perception, Stealth and Survival.

• Trap Master: If you fail to disarm a trap using disable device you do not trigger it unless if you fail by 10 or more (Must have 'Traps' Specialization).

• Uncanny Dodge: Gain the Uncanny Dodge ability.

Serpent: Gain one of the following abilities.

+2D6 Sneak Attack (+3D6 total if already gained from Warrior)
+1D6, +1 AC Skirmish (+1D8 + 2 AC total if already gained from Warrior)

Prestige: You may choose to forfeit your Specialization and Talent gain at Level 6 in exchange for a third Prestige ability.

Other notes/Alterations

Archery Related
• Point Blank Shot is no longer a feat. All feats requiring it no longer require it.
• Bows add DEX modifier to damage by default.

Character Progression Related
• Bonus Feats given on levels 2, 4 and 6.
• Bonus Ability point given on levels 3 and 6.
• There are no multi-class experience penalties

Feat Related
• Meta-magic & Item Crafting Feats are unavailable unless specifically stated otherwise.
• Any feat that can be taken multiple times (Unless applied somewhere else each time, such as weapon focus) can only be taken twice.
• Weapon Finesse no longer has a BAB requirement.
• Weapon Proficiency works under the Weapon Groups system from Unearthed Arcana.

Item Related
• Only Magic Weapons and Armor with a total enchantment bonus of +3 or less are allowed. And the gold value of other magic items must be kept in a limit. The DM is advised to treat the enchantment level/gold value in the following manner.

+1/Less than 4k: A rare and powerful artifact. Only wielded by a handful of the most capable, skilled, richest men and women in the land. Often found on powerful wizards, generals of great armies and Monarchs.

+2/Less than 7.5k: A Legendary Artifact, there is a very limited number of these in the realm and each should have a back story of its own. Normally only found among the most powerful of the land, or deep within caves and ruins, guarded by mighty monsters and traps.

+3/Up to 10k: Created by the Gods or Dragons themselves. These are artifacts without value, an Artifact that even the mightiest of Kings should be envious of since they most likely do not posses one. Swords such as Excalibur belong here.

Those that fall under +1 or +2, should have their gold value multiplied by at least ten when being used in bartering (So a 4,000 gold item now has the value of 40,000 or more).

Skill Related
• Intimidate is based on STR or CHA depending on the method used.
• Acrobatics is based on STR or DEX, whichever has the higher modifier.
• Use all the skill combinations from Pathfinder.

2015-01-24, 04:32 AM
I like what I'm seeing. Will there be more classes, or just warrior/expert/spellcaster? What about priests? Will there be PrCs?

2015-01-24, 08:39 AM
The idea is very cool, and I do like what you've started. But, as you know, there is a ton of red.

Have you considered running it in GURPS? GURPS handles low-magic like Westeros pretty well, you'd already have caster-types and skill-monkey classes built. Your Ancestries could port over with a lot less effort than it would take to finish everything in red, and GURPS has almost all of that basically pre-made.

Does it help your players at all that GURPS is a system that's been running, playtesting, evolving and developing for 25+ years, not a fly-by-night homebrew or a legendary roleplaying nightmare like Rolemaster?

Gwazi Magnum
2015-01-25, 04:40 PM
I like what I'm seeing. Will there be more classes, or just warrior/expert/spellcaster? What about priests? Will there be PrCs?

More Classes

The warrior, expert and spellcaster classes are aimed at being designed to be open and modular.
So just one of them can simulate multiple other classes. Such as with Warrior, there are elements in there from Barbarian, Ranger & Fighter.
Paladin is being attempted/debated, but the issue is all their powers are very magical by nature.
So at the moment the intention is to leave it at just those three, but if later on I find it to be too constricting on certain ideas, or if someone else offers a better idea I am willing to expand it.

The Priest

I'm assuming you mean something like a Cloistered Cleric/Divine spellcaster, in which case that is one of the potential paths that spellcaster is intended to offer.
So it should be able to function as a Priest. If you simply meant "simple man of worship, but no magic" though, you could probably do that by going into Expert and focusing/specializing on knowledge and skill based features.


PRCs are something I want to implement, but I don't want to pollute with with annoying and restrictive requirements.
So the intention is make them optional abilities/powers at the Level 6 capstone of the classes, though atm my issue has been finding PRC abilities that would work for that.

Although, as I type this it does dawn on me that it comes with the issue of if someone multi-classes at all that would essentially rule out PRCs.
So it seems this will have to go back to the drawing board a bit.

Though as an idea that did dawn on me while typing this, perhaps what I can do is make another customization section like the Ancestries.
But instead of happening on creation it happens at level 6, where it has a list of abilities which a level 6 character may pick a specific amount of but must meet some (light) requirement of the specific abilities in question.

For example, an Assassins Death Attack would require Sneak Attack (Which Expert is also intended to be able to get, so it won't be a warrior specific ability).

The idea is very cool, and I do like what you've started. But, as you know, there is a ton of red.

I know. Part of the reason I brought this here in such an earlier stage was to get the advice and insight of others, that way I can implement good ideas early rather than having a finished product and then having to scrap a ton of it and go back to constant drawing boards because flaws/issues don't get exposed until later.

Have you considered running it in GURPS? GURPS handles low-magic like Westeros pretty well, you'd already have caster-types and skill-monkey classes built. Your Ancestries could port over with a lot less effort than it would take to finish everything in red, and GURPS has almost all of that basically pre-made.

Does it help your players at all that GURPS is a system that's been running, playtesting, evolving and developing for 25+ years, not a fly-by-night homebrew or a legendary roleplaying nightmare like Rolemaster?

I know of GURPS.

In fact the group I referenced in the OP had actually looked at and dabbled into GURPS briefly.
The issue though was that all of them except for one were scared/intimidated by the system, and fled back to 3.5.
And now have no real interest in trying another new system, especially GURPS.

I personally do like GURPS mind you, and I do agree it would probably do the job better.
But it's not something I wouldn't be able to sell to 3.5 centered groups.

That and what I'm making here is also meant to have GoT style and theme, but still be D&D friendly.
So people can still go as elves, orcs etc and play with similar mechanics while getting a new feel.
In other words, it's meant to be D&D but a more cold, brutal, realistic and calculating D&D.
And my ultimate hope is that if I design this system well enough that someone else might want to pick it up and use it for there own group.
Or better yet, get inspired by it and make something even better.

2015-01-26, 03:21 PM
I meant a divine spellcaster :)

Gwazi Magnum
2015-01-26, 04:33 PM
I meant a divine spellcaster :)

In that case then it is going to be an allowed option to Spellcaster, one that can be decided at Level 1 just like the spell caster in Unearthed Arcana.