View Full Version : Two Weapon fighting

2015-01-24, 07:28 PM
We were playing HoTDQ and I was dual Weilding and the question came up on as we eneded the game, if I get my Ability modifier to hit. I know that you don't get to apply the ability mod to damage. I am AFB and at work and it is bugging the heck out of me so i figured I would ask on here. Thanks in advance.

2015-01-24, 07:33 PM
Yes, you add your ability modifier to hit. It's not explicitly spelled out in the brief blurb about TWF (it's only 2 paragraphs), but I'd argue it's implicit, since there's no mention of calculating the attack roll in a different way than usual.

2015-01-24, 07:37 PM
Yes, you add your ability modifier to hit. It's not explicitly spelled out in the brief blurb about TWF (it's only 2 paragraphs), but I'd argue it's implicit, since there's no mention of calculating the attack roll in a different way than usual.

Exactly. The only reason that you do not add ability mod to damage is that they made a specific exception for that. Without that exception then two weapon fighting would have attribute bonus to damage.

2015-01-24, 08:31 PM
Okay good it was just bugging the crap out of me not being able to look it up.

P.S. Thank you both for replying.