View Full Version : Who do doppelgangers worship?

The Shadowdove
2015-01-25, 01:59 AM
Out of curiosity,

My players may be up against an intricate and well situated group of doppelgangers.

They haven't realized it yet, and haven't had a chance to reveal one either.

My main question is, "what might be considered the doppelgänger deity!"

If there isn't one, who would they serve?

I need a greater purpose for their conspiracy than " they just want to be rich"

I appreciate your help in advance, I've had a hard time finding that answer.

For some reason I thought it was malar... But that's lycanthropes.

Looking forward to your answers and advice,


2015-01-25, 02:15 AM
They would appear to worship whichever God or Gods were appropriate for the person(s) they were portraying.
But as far as who they would truly worship, that would depend on the setting, but it would most likely be the deity with the trickery/deception portfolio.

2015-01-25, 02:18 AM
How about a trickery oriented deity? They are often portrayed as shapeshifting as part of their shenanigans. Most Olympian gods also do a lot of form-altering too, their mythology is full of gods changing into other creatures in order to lay with them.

The Shadowdove
2015-01-25, 02:23 AM
Ah, the the problem is that there "is" no doppelgänger deity?

I'm in forgotten realms setting.

Any ideas of a trickery deity or something similar?

Perhaps someone they may want power from, to speak with for something, or even to summon?

2015-01-25, 02:31 AM
I'm in forgotten realms setting.

Then Cyric is probably the most appropriate.
And I should have guessed that from you mentioning Malar. But using Cyric also gives you that little bit of something more than wealth that you were looking for.

2015-01-25, 02:58 AM
Doppelgangers all unknowingly worship a doppelganger that long ago replaced some other god and has been impersonating them ever since. :)

2015-01-25, 03:01 AM
Doppelgangers all unknowingly worship a doppelganger that long ago replaced some other god and has been impersonating them ever since. :)

Taken straight outa mine own mouth, this~

Not every bit of worship is strictly hierarchal either. Dopplegangers could worship the astral depths itself because as the seat of all will made manifest it most closely resembles their belief in the power of their assumption of identity to erase all barriers. If one has the will and focus one can achieve anything. The astral, the mind dimension, is like that too.

Or maybe limbo?

2015-01-25, 03:08 AM
Taken straight outa mine own mouth, this~

Not every bit of worship is strictly hierarchal either. Dopplegangers could worship the astral depths itself because as the seat of all will made manifest it most closely resembles their belief in the power of their assumption of identity to erase all barriers. If one has the will and focus one can achieve anything. The astral, the mind dimension, is like that too.

Or maybe limbo?

Hmm. How powerful of a doppelganger would it take to impersonate a plane(like Limbo)?

2015-01-25, 04:30 AM
A trickster god(dess)... who doesn't actually exist! *gasp*

2015-01-25, 04:59 AM
In all reality, you could create a cr 30 shifter and make them worship that as a god.
Similar to the way people worship cthulu our belial.

2015-01-25, 06:23 AM
Hmm. How powerful of a doppelganger would it take to impersonate a plane(like Limbo)?

Does Polymorph Any Object have a size limit?

2015-01-25, 10:45 AM
A trickster god(dess)... who doesn't actually exist! *gasp*
So in FR... Leira?

Really though probably none; or just on an individual basis. As an artificially created race AND abberations by most editions fluff, they don't have to fear the wall of the faithless (as they don't have souls in the traditional sense) and thus don't *need* Gods even in FR

Shining Wrath
2015-01-25, 10:53 AM
Perhaps creatures as malleable and changeable as dopplegangers worship whichever god suits their interests and ambitions at the moment. Not only are they shape-shifters, they have shifting loyalties. It seems like this batch might be LE, being as they are well-organized, so look at whatever LE, LN, and NE deities might advance whatever scheme they are up to.