View Full Version : Making Pestilence/Famine

2015-01-25, 04:24 PM
Hello everyone. Long time lurker, first time poster here. So, were currently working on a short term, mess around evil campaign. Basically, be overpowered destroyers until we get bored of it. That said, I'm helping someone design a character and would appreciate your input.

Basically, she wants to play as Pestilence and Famine. She wants to spread disease, poison, starvation, etc. Something that can kill quickly, or slowly, as she desires. Also, some ability to disguise would be good, as she envisions infiltrating royal families and such and to spread disease to their children. I've got some stuff I've been working on, but I would love to hear all your ideas as well. The main point she's made is to play as a Kenku, as she likes that their face resembles the old plague masks.

2015-01-25, 04:42 PM
Hmmmm I'd go with a trickery domain cloistered cleric.

She can lie, disguise herself, cast contagion, anyone can kill slowly, she can CoDzilla and kill quickly, etc etc...

Seems like what you're looking for.

2015-01-25, 04:42 PM
I'd recommend perusing the Book of Vile Darkness. Cancer Mage specifically springs to mind (though it's not all that great unless you're OK with festering anger shenanigans). Almost certain there are some PrCs and domains for disease oriented clerics and druids in it as well.
If you're playing Pathfinder then the Antipaladin (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/alternate-classes/antipaladin#TOC-Archetypes-Alternate-Class-Features) has some disease themes to it. There's also an archetype for the alchemist called plague-bringer (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/featured-races/arg-ratfolk/plague-bringer-alchemist-ratfolk), though it's supposed to be specifically for ratfolk but you could ask the DM if he'd be ok with waiving that requirement.

2015-01-25, 04:51 PM
she can CoDzilla and kill quickly, etc etc...

Seems like what you're looking for.

What do you mean by CoDzilla? I don't know that term.

PS: I like the idea of the Cancer Mage, but were avoiding the "infinite stat" rules. Festering Anger Cancer Mage is a bit too far.

2015-01-25, 05:02 PM
What do you mean by CoDzilla? I don't know that term.

"Cleric or druid-zilla". Basically, clerics and druids are very powerful in 3.5.

PS: I like the idea of the Cancer Mage

Here is a neat Iron chef build for Cancer Mage (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=8337459&postcount=109) without anything really cheesy.

2015-01-25, 05:25 PM
So, I've been working myself and a bit of what I churned up. First, I forgot to lay out the rules were doing for this. Starting level 20, with +10 LA allowed by templates/race. Flaws allowed.

Anyway, here's what I got so far from my own early work.

10 cleric(Trickery, Pestilence)/10 Vermin Lord.
Kenku with Blightspawned(Unapproachable East 59, hoping to talk to DM about scrapping the save or die feature), Hivenest(Dungeonscape 116). Vermin route.

Alternate: Mummified with Swarmshifter(Libris Mortis 110 and 123). My mind has been turning towards more vermin based disease, mostly because that's what I've been finding. Any thoughts?

2015-01-26, 06:36 AM
The Dragonmarked book has a perfect PrC to fit the bill: Nosomatic Chirurgeon.

The class is designed all around learning diseases and how to infect people with them.

2015-01-26, 07:04 AM
Walker in the Waste. Sandstorm.

It has a Desiccation Aura ability which damages the land around it, draining moisture and transforming the land the Walker steps, into desert. Asherati Race gives a weakness to water before becoming a Dry Lich, which have an even greater weakness to water, water, the substance all living things require for sustenance.

Desiccation Aura can be suppressed, which allows a Walker to get into the middle of a society without being noticed for what they are. Even should they become Undead, the Spell Disguise Undead is good for sneaking by those pesky living creatures. Though it'd be most effective as a Magic Item.

Andion Isurand
2015-01-26, 08:29 AM
I would check out using Plague (PH2) as a general cleric spell.

I also think cleric domains should be made to offer more spells from the spell lists of other classes, or offer typical cleric spells at a reduced spell level.

So if you can get a pass to change the Pestilence domain...

I would swap out Doom, for Breath of the Jungle (SpC 39).
I would swap out Poison, for Contagious Touch (SpC 52).

As for making a Famine domain, I'd suggest some possibilities at the indicated spell levels:

3 - Diminish Plants
4 - Starvation (SpC 206)
6 - Insatiable Hunger (Dragon #312 pg 71)

I'd make this one a Curse, as opposed to something that can be easily dispelled.
7 - Befoul (FC1)
8 - Despoil (FC1)

2015-01-26, 10:07 AM
See if you can convince your DM to create a divine version of the psionic power Mind Seed. How much more corrupt can you get than infecting other people with yourself?