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2015-01-26, 12:16 AM
Nerv-Brazil, nestled deep within the Amazon basin, is a fortress-city built around an artificial lake. More accurately, the heavily-fortified infrastructure is all carefully arranged around a hemispherical body of water some 14km in diameter, with a greenery-studded shell sitting on top like a lid. The camouflage, supplemented by a number of technological countermeasures, is remarkably effective, especially considering the sheer scale of the construction.

Yet this massive site contains only around three-quarters of a million people, most of whom are Nerv-affiliated. A fair number of these are strictly non-combatants who generally comprise the nuclear families of those that do serve in some combat-related capacity. Indeed, there is no illusion here that the citywide peace will last forever; there are semi-frequent drills at random intervals to maintain a constant level of alert- and readiness. Only the need for vigilance is made public, however, not its object.

The pilots have had to put up with this strange, expansive new atmosphere for at least a few days now. Their recruiter had insisted on escorting each of them personally, so the earliest arrivals were put up in fully public living areas to await further instruction. Up to this point their lives have been as routine as everyone else living in Nerv-Brazil - assigned ID cards permitted them access to basic utilities across the city, and an issued smartphone gave them limited updates as to the status of their recruiter.

It was through these smartphones that the pilots received the notification to meet up in the early morning of August 12th, 2017.


The room to which the pilots have been summoned is a nondescript staff lounge, one of countless near-identical copies peppered throughout the Nerv-Brazil complex. There are four leather sofas arranged around a circular table. The Lazy Susan built into the center of the table is burdened by a large messenger bag containing two thick binders and enough open space to carry a third. This last binder lays open in the hands of a fidgeting teenage girl seated on the sofa facing the door.

Even seated, it is obvious that the girl possesses a high degree of physical fitness. Her evident nervousness aside, her posture is perfectly straight, and her immaculately tailored suit somehow manages to present an air of modesty while not leaving any of her physical assets to the imagination. In fact, her appearance echoes that of a certain Nerv recruiter, albeit smaller and significantly less intimidating. That idea, along with her possession of the binders, seems to indicate that she is the contact specified in the summons.

That being said, the girl pays no heed to the new arrivals; she is hopelessly preoccupied with absorbing every word written on the pages of the so-called Nerv Pilot's Uplifting Primer and challenging the world record for "deepest forehead wrinkles".

2015-01-26, 01:04 AM
Click. Click. Click. Click.

The sound of metal crutches touching firm floor greets the room far before the boy does, his simple pace allowing a few moments of such a sound before he enters the room itself, door sliding open and then closed once more as Silvanus surreptitiously glances around the room for a moment, looking over the binders and the woman peering through them. His phone had told him to come here, but he didn't yet know this girl. He moves quietly and then falls to sitting with a soft thud on the sofa opposite LN, coughing a bit and offering his best smile as he holds his crutches near the armrest.

"H-Hello... I uh... I was t-told to come here? I'm... S-Silvanus. This is the right room, yes...?"

His eyes glance at the binder, and despite his awkwardness, he reaches out to claim one for himself relatively quickly, though he mostly examines the cover at first before regarding LN once more with that polite smile, gray-blue eyes soft in the false light of the lounge as his light figure relaxes from its arduous travel on the crutches.

2015-01-26, 01:19 AM
The girl fails to respond immediately. She blinks once, twice, before raising her eyes from the binder. "Eh?" A flat, monosyllabic response. She calmly flips back to the beginning of the binder where the pilots' pictures are posted. It takes her another moment to make the connection. "Ah, so you're Silvanus then," she echoes absentmindedly before returning to the binder.

After a long moment, the light of realization dawns upon her face. "Oh! Right, yeah, I'm the one who called you here. The pilots are all meeting up today. I'm Ell En." She stammers a bit, but manages to squeeze out a comprehensible introduction. "The others should be here soon. You can start looking through that binder, if you like - it has all sorts of useful information, though only the non-classified stuff."

2015-01-26, 01:28 AM
He fidgets awkwardly as she fails to respond, looking to the binder as she flips through her own. "Y-Yeah... That's me...?"

"Oh! Then it's a pleasure to m-meet you, Ell En. H-Heh... Good to see... another person... with a strange name about..." He chuckles lightly to himself as he flips his binder open finally, letting his crutches rest on the chair now that he was confirmed to be in the right place. He flips carefully through the primer, reading each page carefully as he knits his brow, murmuring confusedly "...W-Why do they need us to be pilots, anyways...? I'm not complaining, but don't adults usually do the fighting...?"

He cracks his knuckles with a roll of the hand one by one, a nervous tick, as he looks over the information presented.

2015-01-26, 01:58 AM
There's a bump on the other side of the door Silvanus came from. Followed by confused grumbling. It slides open after a few moments of audible fumbling.

"If it slides, why doesn't it slide when I walk through it...?"

That's him. Right through the door. Big guy in bigger clothes. A hand-me-down jacket, jeans, converse, goggles and a ratty Gatsby cap. A guitar case slung over wide shoulders and a map crumpled in a jacket pocket. Slightly protruding gut and even bigger hands. And a stance suggesting significant absent-mindedness. That's Othello.

He turns his goggles up after getting his bearings. Soft eyes for somebody his size. "Uh, hey. I'm looking for a-" His hands go digging for a written primer. Somewhere, in those deep pockets. "... Ell En? I think? I honestly just followed the guy on crutches around because I can't read maps for bubkiss. Thought it'd be awkward if I said hi, probably turned out more awkward that I didn't."

2015-01-26, 02:06 AM
"Hey! What's with that? I didn't call your name strange," LN pouts. "I think it'd be better to answer your questions after the others get here, so I only have to say things once." The indignation in her voice and manner only fades when she sees Othello walk through the door. "Ell En, that's me!" she affirms merrily.

"That guy's pretty rude, so it's probably best you didn't talk to him. Anyway, here's a Primer with info about the base. There are maps, too, but you can skip those if you don't like them." She pauses for a moment. Then, with a mischievous grin, she whispers, "I'm no good with maps either. I learn by doing more than by reading."

2015-01-26, 02:27 AM
Silvanus blinks, looking from LN to Othello, then back, a bit flustered himself at the comments, and his shy slip up "I-I didn't mean- nnn... S-Sorry... And uhm, it's o-okay... I used to be really... Good at geography, I guess... Mrm. I'm Silvanus... "

Shrinking somewhat after his introduction, his hand returns to gripping those crutches, looking at them both now in embarrassment as he lets the second halves of their comments lie.

2015-01-26, 02:55 AM
Othello waves curtly back. More to Sil than LN, but he could share the love. "Hi, uh. Othello. I'm usually not so blunt. You know where you're going, at least. I'm grateful for that."

He picks up a binder out of the messenger bag and sets his case down with a thunk. And then himself with a creak. Him and his instrument end up occupying most of the couch opposite LN.

"I know what you mean." He beams back. "Works better for me when I can see something 'do,' y'know? Get a feeling on it."

2015-01-26, 09:30 AM
As the room on that suddenly shared couch is rapidly taken up by Othello and his instrument, Silvanus does his best to retain his own space, trying to resist encroachment directly into such with the subtle elbow of youthful resistance as he finished reading over the other pilots' profiles and moves to the more day to day parts of the primer itself.

He gives that polite smile, a skein of smooth ice over whatever thoughts he may be having underneath, barely obscuring.

"...H-Heh, it's kind of a strange idea t-to learn about people by reading, at least... T-That is done better by doing, er... G-Getting t-to know someone, maybe?"

2015-01-26, 10:15 AM
All other pilots have gathered. Enter and observe.

It has taken for some time for his fellow pilots to arrive but Alexander is patient. He walks in barely a minute after Othello and confidently picks up a primer pack.

Calm. Read the book and then introduce. So far, so good.

The primer is placed on the table and Alexander looks LN in the eyes. His posture firm, his face resolved and his voice smooth, he says:

"So why are we here, LN? Is this some preliminary for the main event?"

Aggressive. Maybe a little too aggressive.

Oh dear.

2015-01-26, 11:03 AM
The Primer is equal parts travel brochure and instruction manual. The introduction contains a pilot-oriented mission statement and short bios for each of the four children; nothing is written that would cause undue controversy or embarrassment. For those familiar with the concept, it's fairly similar to what one might find in a school yearbook. That said, it's clearly worded to portray the pilots and Nerv itself in as positive a light as possible.

"Ah, Alexander. You're the last one." LN perks up on seeing the final member of their group walk in. She adds, "Don't worry, Tanaka told me how much your name means to you, so I'm not going to be a jerk and mess with it," with a smile at Alexander followed by a dirty look at Silvanus. The implication is clear.

"Anyway, I think you might be overestimating exactly what we're trying to do here." She relaxes into one of the free sofas and gestures for Alexander to join her. "The main goal for this meeting was really just a meet and greet. All the official stuff is already scheduled for later on in the week, so Tanaka said we might as well get to know each other before then. There's some basic info about each of us in the Primer, but that's no substitute for sharing a table and spending time together."

2015-01-26, 12:10 PM
Othello unzips his guitar case. He hefts out a guitar with sweeping edges and a pincer-like body, dipped in a coat of cool, cobalt blue. Intrepid (http://shredguitars.com/imagehosting/4524f7a0d4b2eb82.jpg). And an old one too. There's a little wear and tear on it. A few nicks here, a scratch following along the bottom string. Really, though - any old girl with the courage to show her scars's got more respect than all those floosies wearing makeup to cover theirs up.

He's glad he didn't voice that.

He just gives Alexander a nod as he slides his guitar onto his lap and starts to tune it. And his primer? Probably stuck in one of his pockets. For his purposes, it's long gone. The big guy's just content to hang for the time being.

"Fly sweet. Learn a few names. Ride the smokey midnight train to casual acceptance. Set alight the flames of maybe-sorta-know-this guy-I-think." He clears his throat. "This has been overwrought lyrics with Othello Washington."

2015-01-26, 12:20 PM
LN tilts her head, her smile vacant. "...I don't get it." She gets up, still dazed, to retrieve five cans of coffee from a vending machine in the corner of the room. It was black, of course; undiluted rocket fuel. "Since we're probably going to be here a while, let's share some drinks," LN says as she places three of the cans upon the table. She keeps the last two for herself. "I guess we should start with Q&A? The Primer's only full of boring stuff, not the sort of things you're probably interested in."

2015-01-26, 12:23 PM
Well, that makes sense. Group cohesion would be a priority...

Alexander visibly relaxes at LN's words and takes a seat close to Othello. His guitar causes a glint to come to Alexander's eye as he spots a proper musician.

"Do you know any Glenn Miller? File said you were a musician and you've got a fine instrument there."

"Actually, anyone else here like big band? Like, blaring trumpets and smooth voices? Either of you two?"

Alexander looks smiling at the other recruits as he waits for their response. His eyes give away just how excited he is at the prospect of finding other music lovers.

2015-01-26, 01:01 PM
Silvanus shrinks more at the look, fidgetting aside the much larger seeming musician as he coughs, murmuring another 'sorry' in LN's direction at the obvious distaste while managing a chuckle towards Othello, then finally turning to Alexander "I k-kinda like those old tunes... I l-like most music, though, I kinda don't have favorites."

He reaches out for a can and gingerly takes it, working it open and drinking from it deeply, that bitter taste running quickly into him and snapping him somewhat out of his awkwardness, simply by the blunt force perhaps, his eyes firmer once it's done and the questions begin. "M-My question from before... Why are w-we the ones to do this fighting...? A-And who are we... f-fighting? Terrorists?"

2015-01-26, 01:46 PM
"Hmm... I like to listen to the kind of music that gets my heart and legs pumping. I guess there's probably big band out there that fits the bill, but I don't think it'd be my first pick." She pops the top of her first coffee can and drains half its contents in one fell swoop without so much as flinching. When LN next speaks, it's clear she hasn't yet forgiven Silvanus.

"Really now, getting straight to business when I just said the official stuff can wait? No manners and no patience either," she scoffs, refusing to look in his direction. "I'm sure Tanaka gave you all you need to know on that subject for now. Perhaps Alexander will tell you more - ask him."

2015-01-26, 01:55 PM
Silvanus blinks, and exhales, murmuring quietly as he rubs his forehead with a free hand "...You told me to ask when everyone was here... I'm... Fine, I'm sorry. Getting to know eachother, then." His eyes turning up as he sips down some more coffee, looking among those present "...D-Does anyone play sports...? I used to be good at S-Soccer, heh."

"I w-was never as far into music as I was just... messing around with friends on the field." He shrugs almost apologetically to Othello and Alexander at that.

2015-01-26, 02:13 PM
Alexander looks at LN, still smiling. "Yeah, big band stuff is fast and seemingly chaotic. It's loud, thumping and just plain awesome." His smile turns into a grin. One down, two to go...

Before he indulges, his face goes into a neutral, military expression as Silvanus asks his question.

"Silvanus, correct? You a total civ before they brought you in? Or you just on sick leave between training? There's nobody I know with a name like that that ain't got some kind of history or training."

Alexander stares at the boy in crutches as he awaits an answer. His stare does not even waiver as he reaches for the black canned coffee and takes a small gulp.

"As for sports, before you ask again, I played hide and seek. I got pretty good, so they brought me in here. I'm the champion where I come from."

Alexander's eyes become momentarily challanging as he stares down his fellow pilot. He thinks of this as a small combat, a small potential victory for himself.

I wonder just how much the others really know...

2015-01-26, 02:29 PM
"I... I don't have training, I went to school, though...? I'm-" He stops, catching himself at that "...I was, rather, a civilian. I've never fought before, besides... Well, you know, just normal stuff. My name's weird, but it's nothing I did, I was just named after this... God or something, or this guy from the Bible. My family's not from around here. Er... From around the US, that is."

As the other pilot's eyes become challenging, there is a momentary stiffening of muscles readable across his form, he sits straighter, taller for a moment before he catches himself and shrinks back down under that gaze "O-Oh, that's nice... C-Competitive hide and seek must be v-very hard. H-How do you train for that kind of thing...?"

His stance firms up again somewhat at the end as he catches himself shrinking, a momentary glance over his legs before those eyes return to Alexander's.

2015-01-26, 02:47 PM
Othello, in the meanwhile, lowered his eyes and sorta forgot about coffee. He just went to playing (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BEmFQw5-s8). Better than talking for him.


The color was soft, but full. Gentle, but as big as he was. The strums and the echo of the chords had a definite shape to them. Eerily similar to Moonlight Serenade (if that smile to Alexander meant anything, he knew exactly who the military boy was talking about), but with a jazzy, moody style one could only get from the careful pucks of a guitar string. His hums match the jumps and flourishes of the instruments that would've normally accompanied the melody.

2015-01-26, 04:19 PM
"Hehe, sports are my forte!" LN bellows, thumping her chest proudly. "I'm an all-around track star - I can run, jump, and throw with the best of them. I can show you the medals whenever you want~" "Yeah, she's not kidding. LN might not look the type, but she's got muscles for brains. Hey, at least you're not blonde." The new voice comes from the doorway, where a familiar Japanese woman in a suit has just made her appearance. LN, unsure of whether she was being complimented or insulted, fails to make any sort of greeting beyond an open-mouthed stare.

"The recruits finally have come together, huh? I'd have gotten here earlier myself if I didn't have so many meetings. So, you guys get all chummy yet, or should I let social hour continue a bit more?" Her husky voice is vaguely condescending.

2015-01-26, 04:51 PM
"...!" He ends on a good note, as Smith enters. His fingers stray down the guitar's neck, eying up. Equating condescension more with acknowledgement. "Oh hey, Miss Smith. I'm in, uh, no rush. My fingers aren't even sore."

Truth be told, he was eager to see what she had been alluding to. But showing that kind of eager when there's an audience around is bad form.

2015-01-26, 05:14 PM
His eyes peer at the proud LN, nodding "S-Sure, sometime soon enough... I h-have to get my barings a bit, I t-think, map reading skills or not..." He smiles with a bit less frosty politeness, instead an attempt at the warmer, fetching smile of two years prior. Whilst it doesn't hit in full, it is a good bit friendlier.

Looking up at the entering Ms. Smith, Silvanus isn't quite sure what kind of emotion to take either, though for different reasons perhaps than the excitable LN. So out comes that simple, polite look. "W-Welcome, Miss Smith. I uh... I defer to the rest, y-yes?" As if it were an actual question she was giving them.

2015-01-26, 06:10 PM
The woman clicks her tongue in annoyance. She rests one hand on her hip and gestures angrily with the other. "'You have to use a pseudonym when you leave the base', they said. As if a fake name makes me any less recognizable. Listen up, blockheads. The name's not Smith, it's Tanaka. You'd do well to remember it, since I'm going to be your boss until this is over."

2015-01-26, 06:20 PM
"O-Oh, a pleasure to reacquaint, Miss Tanaka..." He bows his head at that.

2015-01-26, 07:15 PM
Othello blinks. "But my head's an egg..."

And then shakes his head when he realizes where that came from. "A-alright, alright, okay. Remembered. Miss Tanaka. It feels like a commanding name."

2015-01-27, 08:02 AM
As soon as Miss Smith, now Miss Tanaka, walks into the room, Alexander's eyes move off from Silvanus and focuses on her. His eyes widen as his mind processes the woman before him.

Commanding officer. High rank. Limited room for adaptivity. A DNFW certainly.

He springs to his feet and gives a typical American salute. He knows what to do with superiors.

"Commander in the room! Ma'am." He nods to Miss Tanaka before going back to ready position. His arms clenched to his sides and his head focused directly forward, he remains still in stark contrast to his previous behaviour. His mild smirk is gone and his jovial tone of voice vanishes in the presence of his commander.

Await orders. Remain in ready position until dismissed or ordered otherwise.

Why aren't the other pilots moving? Don't they know proper procedure?

2015-01-27, 12:11 PM
"Oi, oi." Tanaka tenses in anger. "You're wrong on two counts, kiddos. First, don't call me 'Miss', unless you want to get whacked. It's Tanaka or Tanaka-san to you. Second, who the hell told you I'm the Commander? I might be big, but I'm not the kind of person who can fill that chair. Besides, I prefer being more hands-on. That's why I took the job of Operations Director." She strides into the room and seizes LN's second coffee from the table. The girl's initial reaction made it obvious that she had originally intended to drink both of them, but now LN was trying to play it off like she meant to save it for Tanaka from the start.

2015-01-27, 01:10 PM
"Y-Yes, Tanaka-san. A-Apologies, we are glad t-to have you here h-helping us." His eyes glance across the table to LN, and he slowly places his half-full can down on the table, moving it in such a way to be within her reach without being overly obvious as he folds his hands in his lap simply and looks up to Tanaka.

His hands, despite being at rest, fidget regularly, running over one another or occasionally cracking a knuckle as he looks around the room. "...A-Are we supposed to be getting to know you too...?"

2015-01-27, 01:16 PM
LN finishes her own coffee just as Silvanus pushes his across the table. She offers a small smile of appreciation, but doesn't move to take it. Tanaka, heedless of this exchange, scoffs at Silvanus' timidity. "If you're going to ask me a question, ask it properly, or else I'm going to ignore you. And you there, what are you standing around gawking at me for? Sit, boy!" She barks the latter part of her speech at Alexander.

2015-01-27, 03:01 PM
Like a deer caught in a trucker's headlights. Othello didn't know what exactly to say to Tanaka's verbal lashings.

Well, at first.

After a moment to survey her reactions, he laughs. "A-alright, then. I got it. Tanaka-san. My mistake." He taps his temple. "Stored. If I mess it up again, you can call me out on it."

He might've just sat up straight for that. At the very least his hand was shaking. As much as he tried to smile it off, he couldn't deny that he was playing a tough crowd.

2015-01-27, 04:51 PM
Silvanus blinks as he hears someone... else stutter? Relaxing significantly at the thankful smile from LN, which he is careful not to broadcast to the mean-seeming woman in front of them, his eyes turn to Othello.

"But... He's so big! And he plays music! W-What? ...And here I was thinking I was alone in a group of military..."

His right hand moves to pat Othello's shoulder tentatively "H-Heh yeah... stored. I like that."

Perhaps now less nervous, he looks up to Tanaka, and forces his stutter to drop with visible effort and concentration "Tanaka-san, what are we to do now...? We've met, in this unknown place, and some... well, really it just seems like I, rather, haven't much of a clue what we're doing here aside from... piloting some weapons...? With legs?"

2015-01-27, 05:26 PM
Alexander flinches at the rebuke from Tanaka but still manages to hold his composure. Mostly.

"It's Alexander, Director Tanaka." The tone is as scathing as it can be while still remaining vaguely respectable.

Obeying the order, Alexander takes his seat. He stares at Silvanus after he asks his question.

Don't they know? Why weren't they briefed? They should have been training for this for...

The realisation hits Alexander like a brick to the face.

Oh hell. I'm working with civillians.

"Director Tanaka, how much do my... comrades here actually know about what is really going on? The tone is once again strained, this time with worry and a degree of panic.

2015-01-27, 05:39 PM
True to her word, Tanaka pays not a single ounce of attention to Silvanus' inquiries. Neither does she have anything so say to Othello, who was doing a good job of being compliant. Alexander, on the other hand... "Are you deaf, boy? Was 'Director' one of the options I gave you? To think you, a soldier, would have worse discipline than these two greenhorns." She sighs and slumps against the arm of the sofa. Tanaka, trying to find the right words, swirls around the coffee before taking a swig. "I'm afraid that your other concern is well-founded. These two are completely ignorant of the situation. LN's a little better off, but she's not nearly as thoroughly trained as you are."

LN opens her mouth to interject, but from her facial expression it's clear that what she says and what she thinks are two separate things. "That's right. I've been here in Nerv-Brazil for two years, so I know at least some of what's going on. Othello and Silvanus, on the other hand, haven't been here more than two weeks."

2015-01-27, 05:52 PM
Remember. High ranking. DNFW is in effect.

No matter how you might want to, there is no victory to be gained in resistance here.

Pushing down his anger, Alexander breathes in and ignores the slight towards his discipline. "My apologies, Tanaka-san. I was only following what I had been taught."

The next part of Tanaka's answer causes Alexander's eyes for widen significantly. It takes a supreme act of control not to burst out and object to this fact.

"Nothing at all, Tanaka-san? Well, at least we have one other pilot somewhat in the know. He nods towards LN with a look of relief.

"Are you going to tell them more or are they going to be thrown head first into combat? I must admit, this is... different from what I expected. But not insurmountable. This will work."

Any trace of anger or frustration has passed from Alexander's face and is replaced with a calculating look as his eyes quickly dart from pilot to pilot.

Musician, Athlete and Unknown injured Civilian allies along with a DNFW Director and leading officer in this scenario. Probable consequences....

2015-01-27, 06:00 PM
Othello grins. "I got told in a car about things which may or may not be science fiction. That's about it. I'm hoping to see what you got me so hyped for."

"Also-" He reaches over the guitar neck to shake Sil and Alexander's hands. "I'm green and clueless. Nice to meet you two."

2015-01-27, 06:14 PM
Alexander briefly shakes Othello's hand and says "Nice to meet you, Othello Washington. Thank you for your music." A smile and a glimmer of happiness are shown before Alexander returns to glancing rapidly around the room.

No way they know nothing. They are aware of the combat systems being used and will most likely have some sort of natural talent in utilizing it. Doubtful that they would bring in completely green recruits on something like this. Possible, considering our leader, but still unlikely...

2015-01-27, 06:29 PM
"Our sources say that we've got around a month to prepare. More than that if we're lucky. I wouldn't expect you to know any of the details, but this is pretty much the earliest we could've gotten everyone together. There were a lot hoops to jump through just to get to this point, so we should probably be counting our blessings instead of cursing our shortcomings." Her tone implies that this is an issue she's gone over countless times before. LN cuts the sinking atmosphere with optimistic enthusiasm.

"With Alexander, Tanaka, and me as your teachers, one month's a long time to get acquainted with Nerv-Brazil and the Evas. I'm sure you can get down the basics of piloting in half that time; if we end up in a battle before then, then Alexander and I will protect you. Right?" She beckons for Alexander's assistance in raising morale.

2015-01-27, 07:09 PM
Silvanus nods a few times, listening as his experience is laid out, and his question ignored, his greenness definitely showing as his brow knits and he tries to figure out how to communicate with this strange being known as Tanaka-san.

He blinks and shakes Othello's hand as it's thrust to him "N-Nice to meet you again as well... Uh... G-Glad I'm not the only one new here, and glad to have such e-experienced teachers then." He nods appreciatively to the soldiery boy and the excitable girl. "S-So the weapons are called Evas...? A-And science fiction, so they shoot... L-Lasers or such...?" He offers a small chuckle at that, but when he looks to Tanaka, his brow knits as he clearly still doesn't know how to approach the subjects or the people here. "A-And I will do my best to f-fulfill my duties, at that. W-Will work, yes."

2015-01-28, 05:21 AM
Wait, what?

Alexander's mental gymnastics suddenly come to a screeching halt as the word "teacher" hits his ears.

Right. This is going to be interesting...

"The Evas are giant robots that we will have to pilot. It's not as simple as using controls or learning a set routine of machine commands. It's a little... complicated as to how we pilot them actually. All you need to know is everyone here is more than capable of doing so. You would not be here otherwise."


"What you really need to know is who we are fighting. Your enemy will not be like you. They will be completely alien to what you may have encountered before. Literally in most cases. I'm sure Tanaka-san and LN will help you with more information.

"This will not be easy, but we are all here because we are the best, last and only defense. Remember the word "best." Victory, such as it is, requires that we be the best. But we're all here because that is what we can be."

Alexander's voice throughout this impromptu speech is... rehearsed in tone. This is not something he came up with in the moment but rather a rehash of something he's heard before. He may genuinely believe what he is saying but it is clear that this is not originally from him.

2015-01-28, 11:10 AM
Silvanus tilts his head curiously as the speech is delivered.

"Giant robots... Predetermined ability...? That sounds easy enough, right...?"

He externally exhales, a small relieved sound"A-Aliens, huh...? Well, that's both weird and a r-relief... I've never killed a h-human before, but it'll be j-just like killing animals then. T-That makes things much easier, even if it might a-also make it harder in other ways..." His nervous ticks die down substantially.

"Fighting aliens in a super weapon. This is really sounding simpler by the minute, but..." His gaze leaving Alexander finally near the end of the speech to rest directly on Tanaka's eyes "...with what she said... This can't be that easy. No, no... I just don't... Maybe can't, understand just yet."

His fists tightening with his interior monologue's tenacity "W-We will be the best, yes. I-I'm sure we all have our reasons to survive this t-to the end... So we will just have to be so." And he cracks the confident smile so rare to meet his features.

2015-01-28, 03:08 PM
There's a glint in Othello's eye. Absolutely one word (okay, it's two, if you really want to get technical) was all it took to get his imagination working. Make him feel heady again. Everything else turned into an incomprehensible mess of blahs.

"... giant robots? We're getting giant robots?"

His smile's getting so big. Bless him, he's still 14. He still daydreams. He's still a boy growing up in an age of cartoons and TV. This kind of thing may not have been his passion, but give him some time and he might as well take it up.

"Heheheh. I-I honestly didn't even think we'd be getting giant robots..." He keeps that to himself, but otherwise? He tries to hold his energy in. At least listen to the details. So, to that, he gives a dumb, grinning nod to Alexander.

"... yeah. I getcha. Be the best. I don't think this is even happening right now, but I'll take it anyway."

2015-01-28, 04:12 PM
Tanaka and LN share a knowing glance. Then, the Operations Director says, "Well, that's the gist of it anyway. This is probably as good a time as any to show you the Evangelions. Let's wrap up here and visit the cages." LN retrieves her bag from the table, and places Silvanus' half-full coffee in the lounge's refrigerator. Without waiting for anyone else to move, Tanaka heads out into the hallway.

Given the speed and length of Tanaka's strides, the journey to the elevator is more jog than stroll. The gate rattles shut almost before the last person makes it inside, and then the wire basket bears them down to the cages below. "Acquiring and testing the Evas took some time, which is one of the reasons why we didn't summon you sooner. LN here has a knack for piloting all sorts of Evas; since her head's empty, she never experiences interference in the plug. Ain't that right, LN?"

LN starts to protest, but shuts up and merely nods. "That's not the way I'd put it, but it's true that I've been able to advance the testing schedule a bit, and to help form the Eva-pilot pairs. I'll point out which ones you've been assigned to when we get there." The elevator comes to a stop just as LN finishes speaking, so she takes the first step out and leads the way.

2015-01-28, 10:21 PM
Struggling to keep up with the brisk pace at first, Silvanus switches into a loping, somewhat awkward stride with those metallic supports, clicking along the hallways the whole way. He mostly listens to the banter between LN and Tanaka, still not understanding enough to comment as he focuses instead on maintaining that quick pace with his less than ideal mode of transport.

The elevator's whirs resound through the underground shaft as time slowly stretches on in their travel, the facility's depth and size perhaps being impressed on the newcomers even further than the difficult trip to the lounge. Finally, though, the elevator would come to an end in the aforementioned 'Cages'. A large space stretches out ahead, below, and above them, a number of catwalks and lattice-iron stairs bridging out from the main walkway, suspended over the cavernous, dark below, to the furthest reaches of the chambers. The whole set up a spiderweb starting out from that main, single line from elevator to a small, control room-seeming facility on the far end. And, more importantly, spread out in an orderly line on either side of that facility were four huge tanks, filled near to the brim with a strange, pale red liquid that churns and glints with the movements of a cycled fluid. And through that liquid, and the thick glass encompassing each tank, was one huge, humanoid figure. The Evas, two giants on the right, and two runts on the left, sat in these tanks, attached to rails leading up out of the liquids, towards hatch-sealed shafts above, to places unknown in the facility. One retractable walkway lead out from behind the Evas towards the Entry Plugs of each biomechanical creation, allowing simple access.

Turning one's eyes to the spiderweb of walkways and stairs once more, see the purpose of these labyrinthine constructions; each surrounds a large rail, leading one of such to each individual tank, equipment and materials of various purpose and varying make hang from here, waiting its purpose in the care or equipping of these massive, and massively expensive, constructs. While right now they are inactive, the calibration of replacement armor, systems, or weapons would see engineering staff crawling along these many interconnected passages alongside the clatter of tools.

This and the approach to the control room was all shrouded in the bright glare of artificial light, strangely not florescent but more of the sun-lamp kind, though why they'd need to emulate natural light underground was anyone's guess. It lends a dry heat to the whole area and, unfortunately, intensifying a necrotic stench emanating from the right-side tanks. To LN this would be the welcoming and familiar scent of Liner, but to the rest of the visitors it would be the estranged scent of rotting meat, left out in the sun to sit.

As the elevator finally dips down to reveal such a scene, Silvanus gags quietly, but as his hands are busied with his support, he simply grits his teeth and smiles a bit wider as he gets set to endure this new sensation. "G-Guh... What are those things...?"

2015-01-28, 10:32 PM
Those would be mankind's Ultimate All-Purpose Humanoid Decisive Battle Weapons, the Evangelions." The wordy title easily rolls off Tanaka's tongue. "Their official designation manages to be both descriptive and empty at the same time. Thankfully, most people just call these Eva. That smell, by the way, is proof that these aren't just giant robots. They're living things interfaced with technology - cyborgs, in common terms."

LN nods energetically, and points to the tank on the far right side. "That's my Eva, Assault-Type Unit-13. I call him Liner. He does stink a bit, but he's the strongest, toughest Eva we have! That's why I said I'd be able to protect you - there's no way Liner will go down easy!"

2015-01-28, 10:44 PM
"...Evangelions, w-where did that name come from...?" He tilts his head, half-musing to himself even though he voiced it as a question "And... C-Cyborgs... Is Liner okay...? Is he s-sick? Or is that normal? S-Still, I appreciate t-the offers of protection, heh, I p-probably am going to need it..."

He then lifts a finger and counts them "A-And there's one for each of us. Are t-there any other teams like us...? Do you have one, Tanaka-san...?"

2015-01-28, 10:58 PM
"I'm no scientist, so this is just conjecture on my part, but 'evangel' roughly means 'good news', and for whatever reason a lot of giant robots from anime seem to have names ending in the suffix '-ion'. The first Evangelions were made in Japan, so I guess someone over there had the bright idea of calling these, the decisive weapons in mankind's battle for survival, the 'bearers of good news'. Honestly, what a melodramatic load of bull." Tanaka snorts derisively at her own explanation. LN, meanwhile, nervously picks up the slack to answer Silvanus' other questions.

"Liner's fine. You'll see what I mean when we get a closer look at him, but he's the only one that has an obvious smell because he's the only one with his skin exposed. I guess the others would smell the same if we took off their armor?" She shrugs indifferently; this is clearly not a matter of any importance to her. "Anyway, Evangelions and their pilots are very hard to come by. Evas naturally take lots and lots of resources to build and maintain, and for whatever reason not everyone's compatible with them; even then, there's a lot of variability in the pilots that are compatible. At any rate, you're not likely to find a team as complete and well-equipped as we are here." She gestures to the group and to their surroundings.

2015-01-29, 02:04 AM
Othello quickly packs his things and follows through the elevator and down, almost bouncing with joy. BUT, keeping his trap shut. And his eyes open.


... if there was any reason why he wasn't saying much, it was probably a mix of sheer wonder and apprehension, staring up at the hulking machines. He was clutching to Alexander's shoulder during the tour, head craned up, nose burning, expression shifting rapidly between awe and contemplation.

Tempered, however, as the reality of things began to set in, walking between the units. As details were slowly revealed, that these giant 'machines,' in the loosest sense, were not 'right.' If a preconception of a giant robot could ever be right. But... the fact that they stunk, that there were already questions forming in his head about origins, components, the 'lives' of these things. His smile slowly withers. In its place, a contemplative frown.

After Tanaka's comment... his head sinks. His fingers tap against his instrument case. He was mumbling to himself. "Evangelion... why is good news a... weapon...?"

2015-01-29, 09:51 AM
Silvanus chuckles lightly "B-Because if we'd been caught defenseless, t-that'd be bad news for sure. M-Maybe that's the joke...?"

His eyes span across the tanks and the expansive metalwork, considering the creatures before them pragmatically as he attempts to understand function and intent.

2015-01-29, 11:07 AM

Here they stood. Quite possibly the greatest weaponry mankind had ever developed, standing vigil before their eventual deployment. Their majestic armour clad forms dominated the view from where Alexander stood. Such was his awe that he even managed to ignore the smell coming from "Liner."

As he hears Silvanus, Alexnader smiles.

"They are weapons. There is little better news than having one of these on your side when the enemy show up. Trust me, when we go out to fight, you will be glad to be in your EVA."

He turns his head towards LN.

"So what's your specialisation? Judging from "Liner" over there, I'd say you're our frontline combatant against the enemy."

While his tone is military, his face suggests he is simply trying to learn about the only other trained pilot in the room. The same way one might ask one's favourite colour or food.

2015-01-29, 05:27 PM
LN smiles sheepishly. "I wouldn't say I'm a specialist. I'm not trained for combat the way you are - I just have very good all-around athleticism. Between my speed and Liner's strength, we can cover the team's close combat needs." Tanaka clears her throat to set the girl back on task.

"Oh, right. I should probably introduce you to your respective Evas. The other giant over there is Legacy Unit EXSI-1. It follows a different naming convention than the other Evas because of its unusual construction. It's quite the peaky machine, with sensory feedback mechanisms that far exceed the recommended level. That's one of the main reasons we assigned it to you, Silvanus." She leaves the obvious part unsaid.

"Directly across from EXSI-1 we have Test-Type Unit-14. He's pretty much Liner's opposite - not exactly fragile, but best relegated to a support role far from the thick of combat. We determined that it would be best suited to you, Othello."

"Last but not least, Sniper-Type Unit-16 here is a well-rounded combatant. There's not much in the way of strengths or weaknesses, so at the end of the day pure skill is what will win out. That's Alexander, our resident soldier boy, will be piloting this one."

"And that's about wraps up introductions," she finishes with a beaming grin. "Any questions?"

2015-01-29, 05:52 PM
"I have just one."Alexander says, a gleam of eagerness in his eye.

"When do we get to actually pilot them? I can not wait to actually start training with these."

Alexander then registers what LN said and the gears in his head slowly start turning.

"You are a fighter, yes? You have been taught to fight when you have to? Even if does not involve your fists, you still try and rebel against that which you hate? If that is true, then you are a specialist. Whether you do it here or there,"Alexander points to Liner. "It does not matter. The EVA is an amplifier of sorts for what we are. You fight? Your eva is a fighter. I am a soldier and so to is my EVA The other two EVA's I am certain have their own unique qualities."

"Like these two here, they"He points to his fellow pilots"each have their own specialties . It will be our task to find out what exactly that is. Once that is complete, we will be all that more efficient and that much more victorious."

Less rehearsed this time, but definitely familiar to Alexander's lips and it shows. Once again, he clearly believes that what he saying but it does not seem entirely his. He is clearly trying to do something he wants to do, but he is doing so through a filter of someone else's words.

2015-01-29, 05:59 PM
"Well, the first tests are scheduled for tomorrow. Today was meant just for getting acquainted." LN is taken aback by Alexander's sudden enthusiasm, most of which goes over her head. She scrambles to put together a comprehensible response. "Um, I don't really get what you're saying, but I guess I am a specialist fighter person after all?" She resists the urge to shrug and instead looks to the other two pilots for assistance.

2015-01-29, 07:59 PM
Silvanus blinks at his assignment, and the reasoning. That polite smile returns to reign at that, as he glances down at his legs for the moment, thoughts hidden from the world as he learns of his assignment. Without much in response but a nod before his head turns back up to regard the group at the most recent energetic chatting spree. Tilting his head at Alexander as he gives another militaristic speech, he looks to the confused LN, and subtly click-clacks between the two to examine the Evas a bit closer, before looking left and right and speaking. "I suppose we all have our talents, yes. And I'm sure these Eva's do as well... I'm sure you work together with Liner well, LN. And it is likely more than just... fighting. Living life makes us people, not only soldiers... And if these Eva's are alive, then that is true for them as well, whatever their roles. We'll get to know how to work with one another on the field as well as off it, mm? From music to sports trophies, it's who we are that landed us here, it seems, not what we will do." Speaking fluidly and without stutter for the moment, before he smiles sheepishly in turn for his finishing remarks "S-So, y-yeah, lets not worry t-too much about c-complicated things yet, heh...?"

2015-01-29, 09:04 PM
Othello snaps out of his contemplative daze in time. He gives LN a knowing nod. "I think what he means to say is, we each do something special. Strong in our own ways. Your special is throwing punches and takin'em."

"Although..." His eyes are caught on the slender, almost feminine shape on 'his' unit. "... I have to wonder what exactly my 'special' is."

2015-01-29, 09:35 PM
LN calms down considerably after Silvanus and Othello offer their interpretations on the subject. "Oh, is that all you meant, Alexander? Sorry, I'm a little dumb, so I don't get things sometimes." She bumps her fist against her temple almost apologetically. "Anyway, Othello, in some ways your Eva is more special than the other three. It'll be easier to show than tell, but you might be able to think of him as a... magician?" She offers a half-baked euphemism for whatever idea she was trying to convey.

"Indeed. That kind of magic is the reason we're using these Evangelions instead of conventional weapons like tanks or jets. We still have those, mind, but they're not going to be all that useful except as distractions." Tanaka speaks up after a long period of silent observation. "Since intros are well and done with, I'll be heading off. Like I said, I've been running back-to-back meetings ever since you kids got here. If you've got any more questions, LN here can handle them." Without another word, she turns on her heel and walks away with one arm raised in parting.

2015-01-30, 12:31 AM
"...M-Magic? Wha- Mnn... No, there's p-plenty of time for that later." Silvanus chuckles lightly to himself before looking to the other three "S-So what now...? Demonstrations of E-Eva's or the facilities themselves...? H-Heh, maybe I'm the strange one o-out, but I -am- feeling a bit empty after that coffee... A-As intriguing as these weapons are, n-not that much use if we die of starvation!"

2015-01-30, 11:24 AM
There was a blank moment where Othello considered what 'magic' could've meant... but he puts on a smile. "Yeah! Dinner! I don't think I've had a good meal since I walked off the plane."

2015-01-30, 03:54 PM
"Food would be apprciated, certainly. The sooner, the better."

Following the clear sign-posting (for once) to the cafeteria, Alexander steps first in the vast, cavernous room that serves as mess hall and off duty room for the base. Its' cold steel walls are off set by the warmth the massive steel cookers on the left hand wall generate. There are no less than ten staff cooking, each working on some small part of a dish to serve the small line of NERV employees that are currently holding trays neatly lined up.

Along with the hot food station are several generic vending machines that provide small bags of sweets and bottles of various drinks. They fill most of the left hand side along with the hot food station. Along the right hand side, the cold food section awaits hungry employees as the food has been laid out for consumption.

While the room itself is huge by itself, the effect is lessened by the many tables and chairs that are stapled to the floor. Unlike the cold steel walls, the chairs have cushions and the tables seem designed for smaller groups for chatting and post hours discussion. There is plenty of space for people to spread out and relax. It gives off the feel of a casual lounge designed for an office rather than a military canteen for the last defence of humanity.

The cafeteria is quite quiet at the moment. A few people are sitting around, chatting or just enjoying their breaks. It is calm enough that the pilots could probably get by without notice.

"I wonder what food they cook here..."

2015-01-31, 09:22 PM
"This cafeteria is just one of many throughout the complex. They've got pretty much anything you can think of, and if you give notice far enough in advance they can shuttle ingredients or even complete meals via the rail system. It's super convenient!" With a smile, LN trots ahead to scope out the menu. "Looks like chicken cordon bleu and brussel sprouts for the entree today. Works for me!"

LN falls in just after the last person leaves the queue. Still beaming, the energetic girl delivers an enthusiastic peace sign to the staff members on the other side of the glass. They're clearly familiar with her gesture, and give her a friendly wave to go along with her double helping. "I'm gonna run ahead and get us a table. If chicken's not your thing, check around. There's all kinds of food here - this is just the feature entree line."

2015-02-01, 11:43 AM
Silvanus looks around the large steel lounge, watching LN's usual energetic approach as she bounds up and retrieves a plateful of chicken. He clicks up into line, and awkwardly takes up a plate, balancing haphazardly on his secondary crutch as he offers a small smile to the staff, not saying much, and showing whatever identification was necessary to receive his share of the entree. After such, he hobbles ever so slowly, having to use his arm and armpit to guide the second crutch as he grips that plateful of lovely sustenance in his right hand, taking a good deal longer to find where LN has snagged a table. Hopefully without dropping everything along the way, he would settle down into a cushioned chair with another exhale, and survey the food in front of him, waiting for the rest before starting to eat.

2015-02-03, 02:53 PM
Seeing the cold food trays having sandwiches and a vending machine having sports drinks, Alexander walks quickly to one then the other and finally sits down at LN's table.

He looks at her for a second before asking a question that has been on his mind since he met the girl.

"So how much do you actually know about what we are fighting?"

2015-02-03, 11:00 PM
"About as much as you do, I reckon," LN mumbles through a mouthful of food. She swallows, then explains, "Unlike the Evangelions, there's only a few things to be said about the Angels. I mean, the Evas were built as a counter, right? So if you just imagine something on the scale of an Eva but worse, that's good enough. That's also the reason we have four Evas in Nerv-Brazil. Numbers are going to be our most important advantage."

2015-02-04, 01:35 PM
Picking up a knife and fork to contemplatively cut into that chicken, he considers the words before speaking quietly "...A-Angels? We're fighting Angels...? W-What? I thought Angels were supposed to protect good people..."

Taking a bite out of that chicken, he savors the taste, and then swallows "A-And advantage by numbers d-does not sound good."

2015-02-04, 03:19 PM
"...you know, I have a bad habit of assuming that everybody knows what I do. Alexander might be different, but I guess you two haven't heard of the Angels before. We're not talking wings and halos... though they might have those. The first Angel humanity ever discovered was the one who caused Second Impact. That stuff about the meteorite was a government cover-up." LN describes all this while nonchalantly continuing her meal.She gives the impression that the Angels' involvement in worldwide cataclysm was an obvious fact hardly worth mentioning.

"I dunno what you mean by numbers not being good. If you think about what sort of enemy the Angels must be to demand something on the scale of an Evangelion, more is better. Honestly, I just hope four on one is enough to even the odds."

2015-02-04, 04:02 PM
"If the Angels are half as adaptable or powerful as they are theroised to be, then four on one might just even the odds."

It's clear that this does not obviously scare Alexander. At least, it seems like a fact of life to him; one that he had to deal with a long time before this small conversation.

"Imagine a foe that can define what is and is not within a certain radius. In theory at least, the Angels can essentially just say "No" and we can do nothing to stop it.

"The only advantage we have is the EVA units. They can help neutralize the Angels "NO" ability. Once again, in theory, the EVA units could potentially do the same thing. But then the people they asked to train us started to panic and warn us that if we were ever to try that, we would turn to mush."

It is a much colder analytic tone that Alexander uses to speak here. It isn't fun or jovial, just illustrating the cold hard facts.

"Angels here don't protect good people. We protect good people here."

With his little spiel done, Alexander returns to his lunch muching away as he awaits his fellow pilots responses.

2015-02-04, 04:31 PM
Blinking and cocking a brow at everything presented to him, he takes a little while to listen and think further. "...S-Second Impact... Mmgnn... I don't know how to imagine something c-capable of that. Let alone..." He motions to Alexander "I d-don't like numerical advantage, because usually that means... W-Well, some are going to be l-lost, right...? I'm no soldier, but... T-That seems dangerous?" Even though his statement is at odds with his situation, perhaps naivety is still strong enough in him despite all he'd been told or shown so far.

"A-And... Do Angels t-talk...? Because if not... w-why did we choose to call them Angels and not Devils?"

2015-02-07, 06:44 PM
"Maybe they just like the poetic justice of it."

It's funny how such big kids can slip in so easily. Othello slides into a seat across from LN. He had stuck around a little too long at the hangar, pulling together his own observations about the units. Considering how much he spoke while the others were around, he probably wouldn't have been noticed!

His tray drops. He front-loaded on chicken. And beef. And corn. Pretty much everything. He had at least two of most of the menu items on his plate, stacked on top of each other like an abortive food tower.

But, of course, he digs into it with a fork and knife and a relaxed demeanor.

"It's a strange thing, angels being the 'bad guys.' But it fits a kinda... John Milton... rebellion 'gainst God kinda deal, y'know? We're gettin' our wings."

2015-02-07, 07:38 PM
"Taken literally, an angel is simply a messenger. All that other superstition is stuff people tacked on later," LN muses before sucking her juice box dry. "In the end, I think Othello's right - it doesn't really matter what we call them, so someone decided to pick a fancy name with all kinds of imagery attached.

Ah, but don't tell anyone else about this, especially civilians. Tanaka and the Commander made it clear that this is privileged information. While Nerv isn't exactly a military organization, there's still a hierarchy and set of rules for everyone to follow."

2015-02-09, 01:19 PM
Silvanus' brow knits, but he nods at the words given. "...Mnnn alright, I guess. And we're not really military...? This place is strange. But I guess it is home now or something."

He jabs another piece of chicken and gulps it down, looking around the room "So aside from food, lounges, beds, and ultra-cyborgs, anything especially interesting h-hidden away in here...?"

2015-02-09, 02:53 PM
"...it's the most secret of secrets, but there's a rumor that Tanaka is actually... a man!" LN doesn't manage to keep a straight face for very long, and gives up the joke for what it is almost immediately. Her raucous laughter draws more than a few glances from the neighboring tables. "Haha, seriously, though, what do you expect? The Evas are fascinating enough, aren't they? Here we are sitting on some of the most advanced tech in the world, and you're wondering 'what else'? Kinda greedy, aren't you?" She teases Silvanus with a carefree grin.

2015-02-09, 09:22 PM
Silvanus smirks to LN at that, laughing a bit at her jokes, some simple merriment and lowered guard showing in his countenance finally "H-Heh, maybe I am... B-But I'd r-rather be greedy and find s-something more than m-modest and poor! T-Tanaka aside, of course. I f-feel like finding secrets out about her would be more harm than g-good if she ever found out about my knowledge!"

2015-02-14, 03:38 PM
"Hahahaha!" It is a full, rich laugh that bursts forth from Alexander's mouth as LN takes Tanaka down a peg. He quickly regains his composure as he quickly looks around for any indication that the woman is near by.

"Is there any chance we can get an actual pilot session? Even if we just get into the plugs and get a feel for the real controls, it'd allow us to be a little more effective when Angels start to attack. The sooner, the better."

It's clear that Alexander is anxious to get training or fighting in some fashion. While he is partially enjoying the pilot banter, his soldier training and natural inclinations are itching to get practicing. Especially considering the standard of his fellow pilots.

He doesn't think they're useless, but they are definitely... different from what he was expecting.

2015-02-15, 09:33 AM
"Sure thing, Alexander. I think the first tests were scheduled for tomorrow, but I don't think they'll mind if we get our feet wet a little early." LN takes her empty trays to the bins by the exit, separating the cutlery and plates to be washed from the refuse to be thrown out. "C'mon, I'll lead us back to the Eva cages. Once we get there, Alexander, I'll show you through the basic procedures specific to Nerv-Brazil, and then you can you can show off your training."

2015-02-18, 03:22 PM
LN takes the lead as she guides the pilots down a long, featureless corridor towards a sign saying “Pilot Locker Room.” The corridor twists, turns and seems to slope upwards as LN keeps ploughing forward.

After what seems like a good hike, LN stops outside a set of wooden double doors and turns to grin at her followers.

“This here is where you go to get changed. In the event of Angel attack, this should be the first place you come to. It may not look like much, but this room is one of the safest in the entire base!" She pauses for a small second while she seems to consider something. “Well, that's what they told me...”

She shakes her head as she ignores that train of thought. “Anyway! Through here, go to the right and you should see your name on a locker and your plug suits will be inside. Be sure to put those on before you come through to the Plug Launch Bay. I'll explain more there.”

“Oh! Make sure you don't go left. That's the girls changing room area. They wanted pilots to be able to communicate pre-battle so only a wall really separates them. If I catch you peeking on me...” The unspoken threat lingers in the air like a black thunder cloud but does nothing to dampen LN's chirpy exterior.

“I'll see you in the Launch Bay!” With that, she opens the door and quickly turns left towards her allotted changing room.

Alexander, still wary from the threat, carefully opens the door into the next room. Being sure to keep his vision focused on the right side, he gets his first clear view of the room.

It is very clean. The highly polished tile floor along with the pristine white walls and overhead lighting make the room feel more like a hospital than a changing room. The wall LN mentioned goes straight down the middle, allowing passage to the left and right sides while making sure to cover the sides from floor to ceiling. Brand new lockers line the wall, presumably on both sides, as they are mirrored on the other side by shower cubicles.

Alexander looks towards the lockers and sees three plug suits hung up in front of a locker, each with a small note. One has “Unit 16 - A” on it, which catches Alexander's attention, while the other two are noted with “Unit XX - O” and “EXSI I - S” on them.

Walking forwards into the locker room, Alexander's anticipation to get going overwhelms him and he rushes over to his plug suit and puts it on. The gloves and boots are separate but otherwise the suit is one piece of material. He slides in, finding the fit a little roomy until he presses a small button on his wrist. The suit hisses and tightens to the young man's form as it compresses. It is black and red, in a similar design to his EVA that he'd had pointed out to him earlier.

Suit on, and eagerness tangible within him, Alexander walks quickly through the other set of double doors at the opposite end from the entrance.

They open onto a large metal balcony that overlooks the EVA cages. The room beyond is huge and cavernous, and the balcony is merely one of a good few that are dotted around. Directly in front are small chutes that appear to link up with Entry Plugs. They don't appear too deep and they do little to distract from the giant metal claws that are dangling from the ceiling.

Dull grey cables of metal snake into four large, three pronged claws that appear deactivated and haven't moved in a long time. Their purpose is unknown until LN walks calmly out behind Alexander.

“They manage the Entry Plug system and move plugs from below this balcony to the EVAs. They're pretty scary, huh?” That same grin stays upon her face even as Alexander's remains stunned.

“The only real thing that's unique here is the drop in plugs. All you have to do is go down those chutes and you'll be in a regular plug cockpit. Beyond that, and the claw transportation system, there's nothing more I need to tell you. If you wanna go in and get started, go ahead. I'll talk to the others.”

She smiles and Alexander hops the chute closest to the left. He lands comfortably in the plug and looks around to see the basic cockpit design. His anticipation finally quenched, he relaxes into the familiar controls.

This is where I belong.

2015-02-20, 08:31 AM
Walking behind the group with his constant click-click, Silvanus takes in the new room as much as the last many. At the instructions given, he simply nods and moves towards the changing rooms, a deadset look in his eye telling of s challenge to come.

Awkwardly depositing himself on a bench, he pulls out the slack suit curiously, looking it over for interesting signs before he looks up at the suctioning sound from Alexander, blinking to himself once, he started the arduous process of removing his own clothing, which would cause the teen to be a good deal later than the soldier-boy. Putting the suit on was easier than expected, however, it's initial slackness helping him maneuver deadened legs into their places long before fumbling for the button, a hiss of air, and the suit was sealed.

Coming out just in time to see Alexander leap into a plug, Silvanus was quick to follow. He gathered his crutches and, holding them right, ignobly tumbled down the chute with a few clatters and clangs, headed for that unfamiliar territory...

2015-02-22, 05:37 PM
Othello wolfs down the last bits of dinner before joining the crew. He was a little ways behind before he caught up at the locker room.

The big guy is left blinking at his plug suit, as everyone else eagerly or otherwise tepidly goes about putting theirs on. He pinches at it, lays it over his body, feels the texture.

It's as rubber-y and form-fitting as he expected.

Othello gulps. He shuffles over to the most out-of-place part of the locker room to get dressed. Silently, mind. As much as he could get away with. He couldn't actually *dress* with other guys. Not with his body shape and the ugly paunch that defined his midsection.


He comes out of his corner in a colossally tight, white and red plugsuit. Stomach excessively outlined, chubby body on full display. To nobody, because his fetters had made him take too long! He follows the sound of clinking crutches over to the plug chute room. Thankfully, he catches the last bits of LN's explanation.

With some help from the attending maintenance staff, he climbs into the chute...