View Full Version : The Forgotten Forge, Group 1 [IC]

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2015-01-26, 12:05 PM
Therendor 18
Coterminous: Kythri Effects: None
Remote: Dal Quor Effects: Quori unable to invade physically
Waxing: Daanvi, Dolurrh, Irian, Lamannia, Mabar, Risia, Shavarath, Syrania, Thelanis, Xoriat
Waning: Fernia

Sharn. The City of Towers. The largest metropolis in Khorvaire, the center of all the dragonmarked houses' dealings.

You're all sitting in the common room of the Fresh Dart Inn in Lower Tavick's Landing when a small man in a cloak wanders in and asks in a nervous voice, "Can anyone help me? I need a number of brave souls to help me with a dangerous venture."

Under his cloak, his clothing looks significantly finer than that of anyone else you've seen in Lower Tavick's Landing recently.

2015-01-26, 01:08 PM
Kara watches the man out of the corner of her eye, not even pausing her current conversation. His shirt was authentic Brelish blue rather than one of the many cheaper knock-offs, and it looked to be silk embroidered with gold. "Boss, check this guy out," she mutters, jerking her head in the nervous man's direction. Placing her hand where only Connel can see it, she rubs her thumb back and forth across her other fingertips.

2015-01-26, 05:09 PM
"We'll hear what he has to say. We're not entirely mercenary, Kara."
Connel cranes his neck to try and get a better look at the man asking the question.
"Not yet, anyway."

2015-01-26, 05:48 PM
Wrench looks up from what he is doing, but doesn't respond immediately. Neither "brave" nor "soul" are words he would use to describe himself, but he is intrigued.

Perception: [roll0]

2015-01-26, 06:04 PM
Sitting smack dab in the middle of the inn's bar was an unmarked member of the mercenary Dragonmarked House of Deneith, a man of principle and religious zeal, who went by the name of Fenix d'Deneith, a last name he intended to drop, considering his genuine dislike of his House's activities.

He was covered in armor, and had a longsword and shield right at his back, strapped right to the bands on the back of his armor. A helmet hung from the belt of his armor, which was likely the one he used to cover his head in combat, which was a rather fresh, and untouched face, only marred by a single scar near the top of his head, underneath his short hair, that usually went unnoticed.

As the hooded man entered the room, and asked for 'brave souls', he turned his head to look at the fellow. Without much difficult mental discourse, he slid off his chair, and walked to the man, his armor clinking, and said, in his brisk and slow voice, "As a servant of Dol Arrah, I'd consider myself a brave person, and so, I offer my assistance to those in need of it."

2015-01-26, 08:52 PM
The other residents of the inn draw away from the man, shooting him hostile looks or ignoring him entirely. When Fenix approaches him, he turns and beams. "Oh, thank you! Ah...I'll need more than just you, though..." he frets.

2015-01-26, 09:40 PM
Fenix raised an eyebrow at the man, and looked around, glancing into the eyes of everyone he could, and noticed their forced ignorance/dislike filled looks, and immediately frowned. He looked back at the hooded man, and said, "Of course, one man's hardly a 'number of brave souls'. But it seems you're going to have trouble finding more, what with the attitude you're getting from these people."

2015-01-26, 11:25 PM
Wrench raises his hand. "I could use a little adventure, I guess. Of course, others might need an incentive that's tangible." He rubs his metal fingers against his thumb, a gesture he'd learned from the his time among thieves.

2015-01-27, 12:08 AM
Kara waves at the squirrely man. "Tell us more."

2015-01-27, 07:32 AM
Alamryn looks up when the small man stumbles into the room, and almost pokes herself with the needle in her hand. She had noticed a hole in her left sleeve a few moments ago and had been sewing it shut, without thinking of taking the garment off, which now almost resulted in some minor pain. Fortunately only almost. She had originally come here with a friend, and not with the intention of fixing clothes, but then Kendra had suddenly remembered some urgent errand she had to run, and the young druid had been left alone. And then she had just... gotten stuck, sort of. In this room, in the comfy chair, and no one was expecting her to be anywhere else, so why leave?

The small man was now talking with a taller man, and some others, but most of the residents just threw him angry glares. Alamryn didn't understand why that was, he had just asked for help, hadn't he?

The girl puts the needle away and stands up. "What exactly do you need brave souls for? If you're in trouble, I'd like to help, if I can."

2015-01-27, 09:26 AM
The man's face brightens as three people other than Fenix speak up. "Oh, good! I, ah, I need," he stops while he wrestles with something under his cloak. Pulling out a scrap of parchment, he presses it into Fenix's hand and says in a whisper loud enough to be heard by everyone in the room. "Can't talk here. Too many untrustworthy ears around." He glances around nervously, his eyes stopping on a burly orc in a chain shirt, who glowers and lowers his hand to the hilt of one of those oversized orc axes. The man talking to you gulps and says in the same piercing whisper, "Uh, meet me here tonight."

2015-01-27, 09:47 AM
"Wait. Let's rent a room, and you can tell us everything." Wrench says.

2015-01-27, 06:09 PM
Fenix accepted the parchment he was ungracefully handed by the man, suddenly wondering what exactly was entailed in this "job", as his cousins would likely have called it, and opened it in a quick fashion, hoping to not allow anyone outside of the others who had oferred to help to see what was written on the piece of paper.

2015-01-28, 04:32 AM
Alamryn just stands there, looking confused. She nods, slightly reluctantly, when the man suggests meeting them later.

2015-01-28, 09:16 AM
"N-no, that's no good at all. Not safe to talk here." He looks at the orc again. "Come there tonight--if you're interested--it pays well, promise." He hurries out of the inn.

The scrap of parchment has an address in the Upper Ward written on it.

2015-01-28, 09:23 AM
Wrench would sigh, if he had lungs. "I'm not doing anything else. Anyone interested in a stakeout?"

2015-01-28, 09:39 AM
"Yes." Kara pauses. "I mean, if the boss says it's cool." This would be her first chance to do some real spy work in what felt like forever.

2015-01-28, 03:30 PM
"Stakeout?", the half-elf druid looks even more confused, "You think he's planning a trap?"

2015-01-28, 05:58 PM
Fenix stuffed the piece of paper into a pocket built into his belt, and turned to the rest with a frown. He said "Some place in the Upper Ward, as I remember it, so we may as well start to head there. Although I can see you want to check out the place, what do you expect to find there? A trap? Why? Unless I'm wrong, there's not much of a reason for any of us to be people that the cloaked man/his employers would want caught... Although, I don't know any of you, so maybe... If you've got nothing to hide or worry about, why bother staking it out?"

2015-01-28, 06:08 PM
"Anything is possible," Wrench says. "There's a lot about this that is suspicious, to say the least. I understand not wanting to talk in this common area, but a private room? Who would be listening?" As to why bother, he shrugs. "I don't eat, drink, or sleep. There's little for me here, so to me, the question isn't why bother--it's why not?" He stands up, and takes a look at the address. "I'm heading there now. Anyone who wishes to accompany me is welcome."

2015-01-28, 11:43 PM
"Maybe not a trap from him, but certainly a trap from someone. Guy isn't terribly subtle." Kara shrugs. "Worst case, we waste an afternoon. Best case, we get new information."

2015-01-29, 11:53 AM
"Well I doubt I'll be much use, my bodyguard has substantially sharper eyes then I. So, I suppose we will attend."

2015-01-29, 02:35 PM
All of you except perhaps Fenix head off to the address immediately (presumably copying it first if Fenix is not accompanying the rest of you). As you pass into the Upper Ward, the surroundings become considerably wealthier and you realize you're standing out a lot more in your armor. You arrive at a small residence; it's early afternoon. Do you knock, look for a place to watch the door from, try to break in? Note that this area of Sharn is considerably better patrolled than the area you just left; if you plan on loitering until night falls the Watch will likely have something to say about that.

2015-01-29, 02:58 PM
When they step out of the inn, an eagle flies down from a window ledge of a nearby building and lands on Alamryn's shoulders. "Agh, Nyra... You're heavy", the half-elf complains under the bird's weigth.

All of you except perhaps Fenix head off to the address immediately (presumably copying it first if Fenix is not accompanying the rest of you). As you pass into the Upper Ward, the surroundings become considerably wealthier and you realize you're standing out a lot more in your armor. You arrive at a small residence; it's early afternoon. Do you knock, look for a place to watch the door from, try to break in? Note that this area of Sharn is considerably better patrolled than the area you just left; if you plan on loitering until night falls the Watch will likely have something to say about that.

"So, uh...", Alamryn says glancing around, "What's the plan?" She's starting to feel quite excited about this. Finally something slightly more interesting than just running boring errands all day.

2015-01-29, 03:21 PM
"I could likely loosen the locks provided one of you would be able to keep watch for a moment."

2015-01-29, 03:25 PM
Wrench nods, and takes up a position surveying the street and blocking passers-by from seeing Connel's activities.

Perception: [roll0] to notice anyone noticing them.

As he does so, he mentions, "If some of us go inside, some of us should stay out here, keeping an eye out. I volunteer to stay out here. We can use a signal to warn those inside, something like, 'CAW'."

2015-01-29, 03:29 PM
Kara smirks to herself. It was fun to watch civvies play spy, and in fairness, these guys weren't half-bad. "I'd go in, but uh... maybe make sure no one's home first?"

2015-01-29, 03:36 PM
With not particular subtlety, Connel hammers his fist against the door in a resounding knock.

2015-01-29, 03:49 PM
After a minute, the door swings open and a young woman in a maid's uniform looks out. "What is it?" she inquires. She is very obviously taken aback by your appearance, but trying to hide it.

2015-01-29, 03:57 PM
What! You're actually going to break in?!!

Alamryn looks shocked, but is too dumbfounded to actually say anything to object.

2015-01-29, 04:10 PM
Kara is the first to recover. "Yes, is this Lord Arryl's residence?" Of course it wasn't. Arryl was one of her own aliases, but it gave them a decent excuse for banging on a door in a posh neighborhood. Not to mention, it could net her their prospective employer's actual name, depending on how credulous his staff was.

2015-01-29, 05:41 PM
Fenix did not immediately head along with the rest of the folks, since he had to pay for a mug of ale that he'd consumed just a while back. It was a few coppers, which he promptly handed to the bartender, before heading out for the location given.

When he arrived, he found the other fellows standing in front of an open door to a small residence in the wealthy neighborhood. He walked up, and quietly rejoined the group in the stealthiest way a six foot man in armor could, listening in on the conversation.

Well, I'd rather have been with you guys all along, but we can't have inter party conflict already, now can we?

2015-01-29, 09:22 PM
She frowns at Kara and says sharply, "No." Her eyes sweep across the rest of you again before she says, "If that's who you're looking for, you'll have to--look elsewhere." She closes the door.

2015-01-30, 05:43 AM
"Maybe we should just wait outside for now?", Alamryn says, finally finding her voice, "See who comes and goes?"

2015-01-30, 09:57 AM
Wrench nods, and takes up a position across the street, looking as inconspicuous as possible. "There may be an entrance in the back, someone should watch it, if there is."

2015-01-30, 01:34 PM
Racist, Kara thinks, grinding an ant into the cobblestones with her boot. She shakes her head. "We stand out here, someone'll be tellin' us to move along inside ten minutes. 'Specially you." Kara gestures at Wrench.

2015-01-30, 01:38 PM
Wrench nods, and ducks behind something to conceal him, hiding out of sight.

Take 20 if I can, otherwise, [roll0]

2015-01-30, 03:34 PM
"I could go see if there are back and side doors", Alamryn says, hoping to be helpful, "And see if there is a place where I can wait. I'm not very good at hiding and sneaking."

2015-01-30, 04:43 PM
Fenix immediately frowned upon hearing the tasks that every single member of the party was undertaking. He held out a hand, and said "Hold on, what did I miss? How did you know our employers name, and why are you people talking about back entrances and hiding?"

2015-01-30, 04:52 PM
Kara quirks a smile. "I didn't. It's an old trick. People get nervous when you ask, "Who is that?" or "Who lives here?" because they can tell you're fishing. Most of the time, though, they're perfectly happen to correct you when you're wrong." She links her hands behind her head. "Much as I hate to agree with His Royal Dullness here, I think we're blown. Maid'll call the Watch if she spots us again. Probably gonna have to find another way to kill time. Come back here closer to dark."

2015-02-01, 11:24 AM
At least three of you leave, in search of a cafe, while Wrench (and possibly Connell) try to hide behind the fountain to the north of the residential building and watch it intently.

About ten minutes later, a Watch patrol of three comes by. One of them, a female elf, looks sharply at you and bends to say something to the powerfully built bald male dwarf who leads the patrol. He turns and takes two steps toward you before shouting, "Oy! What are you skulking around there for?"

2015-02-02, 05:01 AM
"So, you guys", Alamryn tries to think of something to say to Fenix and Kara on their way to find a cafe or the like. "How come you're in Sharn? Are you locals or... from somewhere else?" Not exactly a very original question, but she hoped to open the conversation anyway.

2015-02-02, 09:03 AM
Wrench looks around innocently, as if he is uncertain that they are talking to him. Then, after it becomes apparent, he says, "Are you talking to me?" He seems friendly and unconcerned. "I was just resting here. Is that alright?"

2015-02-02, 09:57 AM
He looks at your weapons and frowns. "A warforged resting?"

2015-02-02, 10:13 AM
"Sitting, I suppose. We've got a lot of downtime, all the time you breathers need to eat, sleep, all that, we don't. I try to keep out of the way, and this happens. What are we supposed to do? Where are we supposed to go?"

2015-02-02, 10:22 AM
The human guard looks uncertain, but the dwarf and elf both seem suspicious. "Well, move along," the dwarf says.

2015-02-02, 06:19 PM
Fenix kept walking forward, without looking at the woman posing the question, and answered "I am Fenix d'Deneith, and quite frankly, I'm in Sharn because it's where I thought the closest temple to Dol Arrah was, that I could think of at the least. I am here to find inspiration, and find a use for my self in Her service. Sadly, I have had no success so far, and so am reduced to helping out others in whatever method I can."

2015-02-02, 06:31 PM
"Move along," Wrench mutters, standing up to his full (if diminutive) height. "Move along," he repeats, almost mocking in tone, but he complies with the order. He circles the block, and, if the patrol is out of sight, heads around to the back of the house to examine it, then looks at the buildings across the street from the house, to see if there are any public buildings with window views.

2015-02-02, 07:49 PM
All the buildings in the neighborhood are residences; you'll need to go well beyond the range at which you can see to this house to find a public building. The only door you can see into the house is the front one; if there's a back door it likely opens into a private yard you can't reach without going through the house (or going through the house opposite it and climbing or cutting a fence).

2015-02-02, 08:09 PM
Finding no suitable public building, Wrench takes up another position across the street, but in a different spot--again, attempting to conceal himself from view as much as possible (taking 20 on hide).

2015-02-02, 08:11 PM
You can take 10 on Sneak, but not 20; it carries penalties for failure (specifically, being seen by people you don't want to see you). Let me know if that's what you're doing.

2015-02-02, 08:50 PM
Hide: [roll0]

2015-02-02, 08:55 PM
It's starting to drizzle a little. After you've been hiding for about an hour, the patrol comes around again. They seem not to see you and continue on their way.

Half an hour after that, the man who offered to hire you, no longer wearing his cloak, comes up to his house at a hurried walk and unlocks the door.

2015-02-02, 09:10 PM
Fenix kept walking forward, without looking at the woman posing the question, and answered "I am Fenix d'Deneith, and quite frankly, I'm in Sharn because it's where I thought the closest temple to Dol Arrah was, that I could think of at the least. I am here to find inspiration, and find a use for my self in Her service. Sadly, I have had no success so far, and so am reduced to helping out others in whatever method I can."

The half-elf nods. "That is still a noble cause. I envy you in that you have at least found a purpose which to work towards. Ah, I am Alamryn Kven, from the Warning Guild." After a few moments of awkward silence, she continues, "How was your life before coming to the city?"

2015-02-02, 09:15 PM
Fenix turned hi head sideways in response to her question, murmuring "Warning Guild, eh?", before he attempted to look around for a cafe. Noticing one, he headed towards it, and replied to her question with "Well, if you know House Deneith, you'll know that any servant of an honorable divine wouldn't always be on the greatest terms with them, and truly, being unmarked meant that I was pretty much destined to be mediocre in their. I did not have... issues, as you might say, but I did not approve of my family, and nor did they care about me."

2015-02-02, 10:47 PM
Fenix turned hi head sideways in response to her question, murmuring "Warning Guild, eh?", before he attempted to look around for a cafe. Noticing one, he headed towards it, and replied to her question with "Well, if you know House Deneith, you'll know that any servant of an honorable divine wouldn't always be on the greatest terms with them, and truly, being unmarked meant that I was pretty much destined to be mediocre in their. I did not have... issues, as you might say, but I did not approve of my family, and nor did they care about me."

"Oh.. I'm sorry to hear that." Alamryn's face is unsure of which expression to adapt, as she follows the crusader. "If it is an unpleasant subject, I will not ask about it more."

2015-02-02, 10:56 PM
For the time being, Wrench continues to wait and watch, though, assuming nothing else happens, he will knock on the door at sunset.

2015-02-03, 10:38 AM
As they approach the cafe Connell does his best to flag down a server.
"Be a dear and run us a tab? We may be here some time."

2015-02-03, 10:41 AM

The same patrol comes around again, and again they don't see you. Around an hour later, the man emerges again, with a satchel under his arm, glances around nervously, and sets off at a rapid pace to the east.

You have no trouble finding a cafe; it's about thirty minutes' travel by foot away from the house you were just at if your speed is 30 (45 minutes if your speed is 20), and if you're still in the Upper Ward (which is dependent on which direction you went), rather more upscale than the inn where you started the day.

2015-02-03, 10:47 AM
Wrench follows the man from a short distance.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2015-02-03, 10:55 AM
Should be one Sneak (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=18669621&postcount=1) roll, but I'll take the first one. He heads across the bridge to the east; he glances about himself constantly, but luckily fails to look the right way to see you.
You see another warforged, a powerfully built full-size (non-scout) female, seemingly following him as well.

He hurries to the Mason's Tower, and to a small tavern called the Broken Anvil. A sign above the door indicates that the establishment belongs to House Ghallanda. A female halfling greets him at the door, which swings closed behind him, cutting off your view.

2015-02-03, 11:06 AM
Perception: [roll0]

Wrench notices the other Warforged, but says nothing to her. Instead, he follows his employer into the Broken Anvil, and does things depending on what he finds inside.

2015-02-03, 11:11 AM
He's not immediately visible when you open the door. Another halfling, this one male, greets you. "Hello, sir! Will we be seating one?" His face and voice barely betray a flicker of confusion that someone who doesn't eat has shown up alone.

2015-02-03, 11:33 AM
"I'm looking for someone, actually. A man, I think he just came in here? I have a message for him, it's very important." He looks around. "He was wearing nice blue clothes, and carrying a bag."

2015-02-03, 11:35 AM
The halfling frowns. "The party of the man you speak of asked for privacy. She--they didn't say anything about you joining them. If you give me the message, I'll make sure he gets it."

2015-02-03, 11:59 AM
"Very well. Let him know that someone is following him--another warforged--and that I'll be waiting for him when he concludes his business." Wrench says. "Thank you."

2015-02-03, 12:57 PM
Half an hour later, the man comes back out of the tavern, looking even jumpier than before he went in. "Ah...hello?" he says to you.

2015-02-03, 01:05 PM
Kara just sits and sips at her tea, content to just listen to everyone else's life stories.

2015-02-03, 01:55 PM
"We met earlier," Wrench said. "Well, not exactly. I'm Wrench. You hired me, and some others, for some dangerous work. I can see why you were so nervous, now. You've got a tail--a warforged, not me--and I'm guessing, not someone you were expecting. If you don't mind, I'd like to accompany you until we meet with the others at your home tonight, if only to ensure your safety. Truthfully, it would be best if you would accompany me to meet with the rest of the group."

2015-02-03, 03:10 PM
"I...all right," the man says. He seems more nervous than ever.

His reaction to your words seems off from what you were expecting, and he seems far more afraid of you than of anything else, but for some reason he's agreeing to let you stay with him anyway.

Let me know if you do or say anything further; if not, we'll likely rejoin the rest of the group on the way back to his house.

2015-02-04, 08:39 AM
As night falls, it begins to rain in earnest. The group at the cafe starts to head back to the house, as does Wrench and the man with him.

The man is obviously nervous, starting at every shadow. The rain falls hard, running off higher walkways and balconies in drenching waves, making it difficult to see much more than a few feet ahead of you. The distant glow of everbright lanterns, barely visible in the soaking gloom, does little to light the paths on this warm, wet evening. The group from the cafe is approaching the bridge right to the east of the house when they see Wrench and their potential employer crossing the bridge ahead of them.

You spot an unfamiliar figure in a dark cloak moving quietly through the rain on the skybridge ahead. It seems to be avoiding the dim pools of light cast by the everbright lanterns, preferring to stay to the shadows.
Blue: The fountain Wrench hid behind earlier.
B: The man with Wrench.
<-: The man's house.
S: The unfamiliar figure.

You see a figure in a dark cloak moving toward you from the way you're going. It may well be the female warforged you saw earlier, though the face is shadowed and you can't be sure.
Blue: The fountain Wrench hid behind earlier.
B: The man with you.
<-: The man's house.
S: The possibly-warforged figure.

Your darkvision clearly picks up a powerfully built female warforged skulking along the bridge, seemingly dodging from shadow to shadow.
Blue: The fountain Wrench hid behind earlier.
<-: The man's house.
B: The man with Wrench.
S: The strange warforged.

2015-02-04, 09:14 AM
Wrench grabs the man and pushes past him, positioning himself between the man and the approaching figure. "Run back," he says to the man, pointing east, toward the party.

2015-02-04, 09:27 AM
Alamryn automatically stops in her tracks when she catches a glimpse of the third figure. "There is someone behind Wrench. Someone who's trying to avoid the light, which is not a good sign."

2015-02-04, 05:40 PM
Fenix had so far been quite reliant on his more observant comrades to make their way through the darkness to their destination, and as they arrived, was still unable to pierce through the dark. So, he was caught entirely off guard when Alamryn brought up the existence of the other fellow, and squinted in order to see the figure, but could not. He leaned towards Alamryn, and said "Skulking through the shadow? Bad news, it seems then. We'd better hurry up there."

2015-02-05, 12:12 AM
Alamryn blinks. "Y-yes, we should. Just in case it wishes someone harm." The half-elf follows Fenix, though there is some nervousness in her steps.

2015-02-05, 10:00 AM
Kara falls in line behind the others, putting a hand on the hilt of her dagger.

2015-02-05, 01:59 PM
Scrambling about in his belongings Connell manages to grab his quarterstaff.
"A warforged by the look of them."

2015-02-05, 02:19 PM
Wrench steps forward, shoving the startled man behind him, as the rest of you hurry onto the bridge. The cloaked figure snarls in rage; as the hood of her cloak falls, everyone can now see a powerfully built female warforged, her face contorted with an expression of vicious hatred. "Flesh-loving traitor!" she snarls, raising a battleaxe.

The enemy: [roll0]
Wrench: [roll1]
Fenix: [roll2]
>> Kara: [roll3]
>> Connell: [roll4]
Alamryn: 7
Blue: The fountain Wrench hid behind earlier.
<-: The man's house.
B: The man with Wrench.
S: The hostile warforged.
If there's an >> before your name, you're up; post your actions for this round (being aware that Kara will act before Connell unless her action is "I delay until Connell has acted and then...").

2015-02-05, 03:01 PM
In one smooth motion, Kara draws her dagger while rushing into the fray. The shadows swirl around her. Her blade turns to blackest shadow as she strikes.

Moving 30' to M12, activating Island of Blades as a Swift Action, and attacking with Clinging Shadow Strike. If the attack hits, the enemy warforged has to make a Will save DC 13 or have a 20% miss chance for one round.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit Confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + [roll3] + 2

2015-02-08, 02:10 PM
Letting out a grunt Connell dashes into the fray, charging forward to flank the brigand opposite his bodyguard. Whistling his quarter staff through the air he brings it down in an overhead chop.

2015-02-08, 02:20 PM
With Kara between you and her you can't charge, but it'd be a miss anyway.

Kara's dagger bites into the strange warforged; Connell swings at her and misses. Ignoring both of them, she swings her axe at Wrench, hissing like a steam engine. Her axe glances off Wrench's mithral head and she makes an annoyed noise.

She has the mark of Karrnath on her brow.

That doesn't necessarily indicate any loyalty to Karrnath.

Will save: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Miss chance, if applicable: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Blue: The fountain Wrench hid behind earlier.
<-: The man's house.
B: The man with Wrench.
S: The hostile warforged.

>> Fenix: 10
>> Alamryn: 7
>> Wrench: 6
>> Kara: 23 (next round)
>> Connell: 17 (next round)
The enemy: 14 (next round)

If there's an >> pointing to your name you're up. I won't post again until everyone has acted, the enemy warforged is dead, or three days have passed, whichever comes first. Note that Kara's stance means anyone adjacent to the enemy counts as flanking her with Kara, regardless of where you're standing relative to Kara.

2015-02-08, 02:26 PM
Wrench ducks under the axe swing, thankful for the coincidental timing and the support of his colleagues in protecting their employer. He steps back, bringing his crossbow up and firing it at the Warforged. The phrase, "Flesh-loving traitor," is curious, but his mind is focused on the immediate danger.

5' step to N14, attack (-4 for firing into melee, +1 for point blank).

Crossbow: [roll0], [roll1]
Knowledge Local: [roll2]
Knowledge History: [roll3]

2015-02-08, 03:03 PM
Alamryn's heart pounds so fast she fears its going to jump out of her chest. Real danger such as this was still alien to her; an angry animal she could handle, but this one wasn't even a natural creature! Calm down, girl! Her teachers words came to her. Calm down, and think! Observe your surroundings, the people and especially your foes. If you can't figure out what's going on, then memorize the facts, so you can tell them to someone who can."

What do we have? A female warforged. Mark of Karrnath. But that doesn't necessarily mean... Complicated, leave for later. She's hostile? To whom, exactly? Why?

Alamryn moves closer, but with her meager combat experience, she doesn't dare to jump into the battle. And with everyone else around, she doesn't feel comfortable in throwing a dart either. Instead she goes to the man. "Is she after you?! Why?!"

2015-02-08, 03:09 PM
By the time Fenix was able to react to the opening of hostilities by their new confrontant, a few of his allies had already begun their barrage of attacks. His reaction speed was generally quite low, and as he began to make a move towards their attacker, he discovered that his armor prevented as speedy of a retort as he would have liked.

So, instead of taking the time to draw his weapons, he waited for the Warforged to move out of the way before he blindly ran in, shoulder first. He drew upon all those years of training, and kept his mind clear, focusing only on the point of impact, then slammed right into the warforged lady.


Charging Minotaur, will roll in OOC.

2015-02-09, 02:55 PM
Kara drops her dagger and takes a step forward inside the enemy warforged's guard. Leg behind her leg. Hip under her hip. Leverage acquired, she heaves with all her might and attempts to throw her opponent off of the skybridge.

Here we go. Using the Mighty Throw (ToB 73) maneuver to try and throw S into L10. No AoO for the warforged, no counter trip attempt.

Melee Touch Attack: [roll0]
Trip Attempt: [roll1]

2015-02-10, 11:29 PM
Whack? Smack? Knock that blaggard back.
Confirmation if needed [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2015-02-11, 07:33 AM
Wrench fires a crossbow bolt that lodges in the strange warforged's lower chest. Fenix slams into her, but she doesn't budge. Alamryn questions your dazed-looking employer.

"Th-this is unexpected," he replies. "Where did you come from?"

Kara attempts to grab the warforged, but she twists away easily. Connell swings wildly at her and misses.

She lifts her axe, glaring at Wrench before she takes a step to the south and swings at Fenix. "Out of my way, flesh-thing!" Her axe wounds Fenix severely (11 damage to Fenix).

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Blue: The fountain Wrench hid behind earlier.
<-: The man's house.
B: The man with Wrench.
S: The hostile warforged.

>> Fenix: 10
>> Alamryn: 7
>> Wrench: 6
>> Kara: 23 (next round)
>> Connell: 17 (next round)
The enemy: 14 (next round)

If there's an >> pointing to your name you're up. I won't post again until everyone has acted, the enemy warforged is dead, or three days have passed, whichever comes first. Note that Kara's stance means anyone adjacent to the enemy counts as flanking her with Kara, regardless of where you're standing relative to Kara.

Fenix gets one of his withheld maneuvers granted before he acts.

2015-02-11, 07:36 AM
"Take him out of here!" Wrench barks, firing another crossbow bolt.

Same penalties/ bonuses.

[roll0], [roll1]

2015-02-11, 09:28 AM
Wrench fires a crossbow bolt that lodges in the strange warforged's lower chest. Fenix slams into her, but she doesn't budge. Alamryn questions your dazed-looking employer.

"Th-this is unexpected," he replies. "Where did you come from?"

"What do you mean? Weren't we supposed to meet- The sentence ends abruptly as Alamryn gasps when Fenix is badly injured.

What can I do! Distract her? The druid concentrates and a burst of bright light appears right in front of the warforged.

Flare. Fort save DC 12 or be dazzled for 1 minute.

2015-02-11, 07:18 PM
Fenix let out a terrible cry of pain as the greataxe hit him, going through a part of his armor, and was only able to retaliate after a valuable second of rest, as he pushed through his pain, and drew his weapons and shield, dropped any and all sense of mercy, and struck right back in fury, his mind coursing with adrenaline and emotion, and he let out a cry of "I strike with the wrath of the righteous!" as he swung his blade at the Warforged.

Swift Action to get into my only stance
Move to draw stuff.
Roll to hit [roll0] (also add 2 from flank)
Crusader's Strike
Roll for damage [roll1]
Roll for HP received [roll2]

EDIT: Welp, I'm screwed.
One more hit like that, and I'm in the negatives and a few points from dead
What the hell is this rolling? I'm requesting to use some other method, because this always happens with this site's roller

2015-02-12, 10:43 PM
Kara snaps her holdout dagger into her hand and strikes out at the warforged. The blade appears to split into two, making it hard to decide which one to block.

Okay, if I'm gonna roll garbage, I might as well roll twice and hope that one of them is at least decent. Using Shadow Blade Technique. I get bonus cold damage if I choose the lower roll. I'll look up the specifics if it becomes relevant.

Attack: [roll0]
Reload: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

High roll it is!

2015-02-14, 10:33 AM
Wrench's second crossbow bolt glances off the enemy's chest. Fenix misses her; Alamryn creates a bright light in front of her. Kara stabs her with her holdout dagger, and Connell takes another swing at her, which misses by a mile. The air directly north of Alamryn shimmers and a woman in fine glamerweave clothing and expensive jewelery appears; as the warforged steps toward Wrench again, the new arrival blasts her with a bolt of energy from a wand and she falls to the bridge. Something that appears to be part of the fallen warforged detaches itself from her upper chest and flies off over the edge of the bridge.

The new arrival pockets her wand, mumbling something under her breath.

"So much for hoping the Lord of Blades wouldn't know about this."

"You can calm down now, Bonal," the new arrival says to your erstwhile employer. "I'm pretty sure the only immediate threat to you just fell."

She's wearing a House Cannith signet ring.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

The sound of hurried footsteps presages the arrival of a Watch patrol.

200 XP for each of you.

2015-02-14, 10:59 AM
Lord of Blades, House Cannith... the two had only one common link, as far as Wrench was aware: Warforged. He'd heard of the mad Lord; all warforged had. Some had even followed him to the desert. Wrench had not, instead casting his lot in with House Cannith. The "Flesh-Loving Traitor" comment made more sense now. "I think it's time you fill us in on what all this is about," Wrench says.

2015-02-14, 01:48 PM
Kara retrieves her fallen dagger and returns her holdout to its ankle holster. Meanwhile, she mulls over this wealth of information laid before her. The Lord of Blades had struck against members (or agents) of House Cannith right in the heart of Sharn. What a stroke of luck that her mission had maneuvered her here... or maybe it wasn't luck at all. She shrugs. "It would be good to know what exactly we've gotten ourselves into." Kara flinches at the sound of the Watch. Okay, just shut up and let the Canniths talk them out of this.

2015-02-14, 03:24 PM
With the +2, I autopass the Perception check.

Lord of Blades... who was that again? And House Cannith.. Alamryn takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself. No chance she could remember anything while being so agitated.

After a third such breath she felt stable enough to converse, and was thinking of something to say, when she remembered Fenix. "You were hurt, weren't you?", she says to the man and grimaces at the sight of the wound. "Okay. Let me try to fix it."


2015-02-14, 04:51 PM
Fenix dropped to the ground immediately as the Warforged was blasted off the bridge, plunging his sword into the ground to give him some support. Letting the shield slide off his arm onto the ground, he grunted as he pushed himself back up to his feet.

When the lady offered him help, he nodded his head, still using his sword as a pillar to support him. Her magical healing was helpful, as it closed the gash mostly, and while it did not remove it entirely, it was more than enough to keep him alive. He took a deep breath, and said "Thank you, my lady...", before bending over to retrieve his shield.

[roll0] 1st
[roll1] 2nd

2015-02-14, 05:24 PM
Alamryn blushes slightly. "Ah, I don't think growing up in the forest really qualifies anyone as a lady. Although I didn't spend all the time in the forest-"

Not exactly relevant here, is that?

"Right." She turns to face the new arrival. "I agree with my companions in that, I would like to know what is going on?"

2015-02-15, 02:21 PM
The woman smiles with one side of her mouth at Wrench and says, "I'd be happy to tell you, but I think they have different ideas." She gestures to the male dwarf, male human, and female elf running toward you; Wrench recognizes them as the three he saw earlier. The woman raises her voice. "These people are with me," she calls out, stepping forward and deliberately holding out her signet ring toward the patrol. (Anyone who didn't see it earlier sees now that she's wearing a House Cannith signet ring.)

"What is this? Are pitched battles in the streets part of your 'House business' now?" the dwarf demands.

"I'll explain everything at the Watch base."

The dwarven sergeant frowns at your group before directing the other two patrollers to pick up the fallen warforged's body. While they're doing that, the woman says quietly to Wrench, "Bring your friends to the inn where I'm staying tomorrow morning, and ask for Lady Elaydren."

"All right, let's go," the sergeant says to the woman.

The woman, the man she called Bonal, and the three patrollers hurry off across the bridge, unless one of you intervenes.

2015-02-16, 03:01 AM
Kara simply watches the watchmen and nobles depart. No sense in drawing attention to herself. Once they're out of view, she looks at Wrench. "You know her?"

2015-02-16, 10:05 PM
Before she leaves, Wrench gets the name of the Inn to meet her at. He believes it to be the same one he tailed Bonal to, but wants to be sure.

"Not well," Wrench says. "But I swear, for someone looking to hire us, they sure are doing a terrible job of telling us why." He looks around. "I don't sleep. I'm sure they'll be safe at Watch HQ, but I don't want anything to happen between then and tomorrow morning. I'm going with them, unless they stop me." Wrench hurries off after Bonal, Elaydren, and the guards.

2015-02-17, 09:48 PM
Elaydren confirms that she does mean the inn Wrench guessed. They don't stop Wrench from following along until they reach the watch headquarters, though Elaydren gives him a slightly surprised look. When they get there, she tells him, "You'd better make sure your companions can find the inn."

2015-02-17, 09:57 PM
"Alright. But if you die before you can tell us what you need from us, I'll never forgive you." Wrench says wryly, then scurries off back to the group. Once there, he informs them of the Inn and says, "I'm headed there now, if anyone cares to join me. Otherwise, I'll meet you there tomorrow."

2015-02-18, 05:42 PM
The day had been quite uneventful until the battle in the night, so Fenix was not particularly tired, but considering that his wound had not completely healed, and getting some sleep would be wise, he decided to come along with Wrench, with the words "I shall come with you. A good nights rest is all I need."

2015-02-18, 08:49 PM
"I... think I'll head back to the Guild for the night. But I'll come to this inn tomorrow."

Alamryn would like to sleep in her own bed. Unless everyone else decide to go directly to the meeting point, in which case she'll probably give in to peer pressure.

2015-02-19, 04:44 PM
Kara feels the coins in her pockets and sighs. "I might camp out in the common room. Unless..." She looks at Connell.

2015-02-20, 09:26 PM
It's been three days since I last posted, so I'm assuming that Fenix, Connell, and Kara spend the night in a room at the Broken Anvil, Wrench sits in the common room overnight, Alamryn shows up the next morning, and that when Alamryn shows up you tell the halfling matron you're here to see Lady Elaydrin.

She leads you to a private room near the common room. "My Lady, your guests have arrived," she says.

"Thank you for coming," Elaydrin says, gesturing to several comfortable chairs around a table. "Please sit down." She points to glasses and three pitchers on the table; the pitchers appear to hold ale, wine, and water. She pulls out the briefcase Bonal was carrying last night and opens it.

"First, let us be introduced. Sometimes I go by other names, but I think it'll make our business easier if I tell you my true name is Elaydren d'Cannith."

2015-02-21, 07:32 AM
In her tired state Alamryn heads straight to bed once she gets back home. A good nights sleep seems to relieve her from the excitement of the day and while she wakes up very early, she feels well rested. Before leaving for the inn to meet the others, she tries to find what information the Warning Guild has of the Lord of Blades and the old Forges of House Cannith.

She mostly seeks to remind herself of what is common knowledge.

She leads you to a private room near the common room. "My Lady, your guests have arrived," she says.

"Thank you for coming," Elaydrin says, gesturing to several comfortable chairs around a table. "Please sit down." She points to glasses and three pitchers on the table; the pitchers appear to hold ale, wine, and water. She pulls out the briefcase Bonal was carrying last night and opens it.

"First, let us be introduced. Sometimes I go by other names, but I think it'll make our business easier if I tell you my true name is Elaydren d'Cannith."

"It is an honor to meet you. I am Alamryn Kven", the half-elf druid says. That was a good polite greeting, right?

She eyes the wine, but decides to take water in the end. Her tolerance for alcohol wasn't the best in the world, and she didn't want to risk dulling her senses.

"I believe we're all quite confused of what is going on. This man, Bonal, asked for our aid yesterday, without telling what we were to do. Then close to where we were supposed to meet, this angry warforged appeared. It seems very strange to me, it is as if he knew he was going to be attacked in that place, yet still chose to go there?"

2015-02-21, 10:24 AM
Wrench introduces himself as "Wrench," then subsumes himself into the background of the conversation, letting others speak, confident they will ask all the questions he would himself.

2015-02-22, 12:39 PM
Fenix slowly took a seat, lowering himself into it while taking care so as to not have his armor cause any damage to it. He'd have to remove it sometime soon, at least before he went to bed. But of a more immediate concern was the fact that they were essentially being recruited for some unknowable cause by House Cannith. He wasn't an expert on them, but he was aware that they were one of the Dragonmarked houses, and considering what he'd seen, the major one here.

He took the ale, preferring it over the wine and water, and eyed it before returning his gaze to the woman in front of them. He did not take a sip, but instead went ahead with introductions. "I am Fenix d'Deneith, servant of Dol'Arrah... I suppose this matter is of grave importance, Madame?"

2015-02-22, 03:30 PM
Kara sits down toward the back and tries to blend in with Wrench. She doesn't introduce herself, figuring that Connell will handle it, and besides, maybe it would be better if the weird Cannith lady didn't know who she was.

2015-02-23, 11:47 AM
After you've introduced yourself, Elaydrin continues, "Provost Geldem won't be joining us, or leaving his home until we have reason to believe our enemy's attention is no longer on him. Luckily, that shouldn't take long." She smiles thinly. "I have been working with him to recover a family heirloom--which was locked away in a foundry that dates back to pre-Galifar Sharn. He believes that he discovered the location of the foundry, in an ancient House Cannith journal." She takes out a small bag and puts it on the table, closer to Wrench than anyone else. "This is your reward for your intervention last night; I believe you saved his life. I hope you will be willing to recover the heirloom for me as well, for a generous reward, of course."

The bag contains 50 platinum pieces.
She produces the briefcase Bonal was carrying last night, opens it, and takes out a small journal, measuring about 3 inches by 6 inches and 1 inch thick, with a cover of dark brown leather with strands of mithral thread woven in a strange pattern. As she holds it, her signet ring and the mithral threads on the cover glow in unison. She opens it; the pages briefly appear blank but quickly begin to fill with delicate script and line drawings. She turns to a specific page, studies it for a moment, and then pulls a folded map from inside her cloak.
"The location of the lost foundry is deep within the Dorasharn Tower," Lady Elaydren proclaims. "Fifty-seven levels below the tower's present-day sewer system. I offer you two hundred gold pieces each and the good will of my house if you recover the heirloom and return it to me. Will you help me?"

2015-02-23, 11:52 AM
Wrench picks up the bag and puts it inside his chest compartment, intending on divvying it up equally among the party once this meeting has concluded. "I will help you," he says. "Could you tell us more about this heirloom? What, exactly, are we looking for? How will we know it is the item we seek, and not a decoy? That sort of thing." As a warforged, anything having to do with House Cannith and Foundries is of interest to him, and the gold is merely an added incentive.

2015-02-24, 05:53 PM
Fenix listened closely to what the woman had to say, and while it turned out to be slightly less of a heroic deed than his illusions had consisted of earlier, it was still a request, as well as a paid one. He eyed the bag as it hit the table, until Wrench took it, although he really didn't need it himself. Perhaps the ways of his brothers truly had rubbed off on him.

He let Wrench, clearly the superior negotiator due to what seemed to be true or faked experience, handle the questions. It was hardly something he could handle himself.

2015-02-25, 09:45 AM
Alamryn considers the offer. The task didn't sound that exciting really, or to be that of that much importance. Unless there was something about the heirloom that Elaydrin hadn't mentioned. She was offering to pay well for it though... Which in itself was already a good reason to take the job; it was more than what a number of her odd jobs would get her. Not that she was exaclty collecting her fortune, but the city life had many expenses.

"Um... okay. I'll help you too."

Preparing the same spells as yesterday.

2015-02-25, 09:46 AM
Kara's eyes widen at the amount of money offered. "I'm in," she blurts out.

2015-02-25, 10:51 AM
"The relic I seek is an adamantine plate in the shape of a seven-pointed star about the size of your hand," Elaydren explains. "It has no special power by itself, but is an ancient schema--a piece of a pattern used by the Cannith artificers of old to craft unusual items. Recover this piece of history for us, and House Cannith would be extremely grateful. The map shows the way to reach the sewers of the Dorasharn Tower. Somewhere beyond the E-213 Valve Cluster you'll find a sealed door with the same mark as the one on Bonal's journal. Open the seal, and the tunnel below will take you to the long-forgotten level far below, where the foundry resides."

2015-02-25, 11:11 AM
Wrench nods. "Do we need anything special to open the seal? And do you have any idea of what we should expect to find inside?"

2015-02-26, 07:04 AM
"Most importantly, is it likely to be dangerous?" Alamryn shifts her feet nervously under the table.

2015-02-27, 01:10 PM
"The journal should let you open the seal." She closes it and points to the picture of a stylized anvil and hammer on the cover. It's an ancient version of the House Cannith seal."Touch this to the matching symbol to open the seal. Bonal said you should bring fire and watch out for aggressive insects, and any further agents the Lord of Blades has in the city are certainly aware of your presence. Other than that, I do not know, but I am completely confident that you can handle anything you may encounter in your search."

2015-02-27, 01:15 PM
Wrench nods, and looks to the others to see if they have any questions. One of the many advantages of being made of metal is neither the desire nor the need for rest, and he is ready to go investigate at any moment.

2015-02-27, 02:35 PM
Alamryn nods, implying that she has no more questions. Insects didn't scare her, though the thought that agents of the dreaded warforged might be watching or following them made her uneasy.

"Should we go right away, when the day is still new?"

2015-02-27, 06:24 PM
As Wrench got up, Fenix looked at him with the realization that he was ready to move out for the investigation at the moment. He looked at the others, and he said "Well, I bet moving out at the second would be wise. I say we get kicking as fast as possible."

2015-03-01, 01:56 AM
Kara nods. "Let's roll."

2015-03-01, 10:26 AM
Elaydren's map leads you to the lowest inhabited level of the Dorasharn Tower. The tunnels and corridors at this level of the tower are narrow and dark. An occasional window slit looks out upon the crowded walls and foundations of other towers, and infrequently placed torches sputter here and there, giving off pallid pools of light and clouds of smoke. Even so, rough and dirty people crowd the narrow corridors, and the small of sweat and sewage permeates the stale air.

One tunnel opens onto a large chamber, where a mix of goblins, humans, and shifters gather around a small pile of garbage spread across three rotting blankets. One of the goblins shouts, "No pushing! No pushing! There's always enough for everyone at the Rat's Market!"

2015-03-01, 03:56 PM
When they descend to the lower levers, Alamryn extends her hand and invites Nyra, her eagle friend, to land on it. "Best you stay close to me for a while", she says quietly and pats the bird's head, "There's not that much space to fly."

She throws a look at the 'Rat's Market', then looks back to her companions. "Uh.. Where do we go next?"

2015-03-01, 04:02 PM
Wrench grabs one of the torches off the wall, holding it high overhead--which means, giving his small stature, that it is at about eye level for a medium sized humanoid. "Well, I guess we can wander around looking for this symbol," he says, holding up the journal, "Or, we can ask around see if someone has seen it."

2015-03-01, 05:48 PM
Fenix leaned over to get another glance at the journal, before remarking "While asking would speed us along quite handily, there seems to be an abundance of danger surrounding that option. We did encounter an assassin yesterday, so maybe it might end badly."

2015-03-01, 08:45 PM
Elaydren told you to look beyond the E-213 Valve Cluster; all you can tell from the map is that that valve cluster is somewhere on this level.

2015-03-02, 12:35 AM
"Either way... if we hang around much longer, we're liable to get jumped," she mutters, warily eyeing the crowd.

2015-03-02, 12:45 AM
I'll roll here to try and find some labeling of said valve cluster. Probably assisting CWater.

Perception: [roll0]

2015-03-02, 11:00 AM
The level is big enough that it seems unlikely you'll find the valve cluster without asking somebody about it. As you search the chamber, you hear, "I've got a rare stick of sealing wax, only partially used, for a mere sixty coppers," but you see nothing that indicates which way to go next.

2015-03-02, 02:53 PM
Not sure if that 'unlikely' equalled 'no point in rolling'. But here it is just in case.
Perception: [roll0]

If their search yield no results, Alamryn looks to the others again. "Should we try asking for directions then? I must say though", she says the second sentence in whisper, "that I don't particularly like the look of the locals."

2015-03-02, 07:41 PM
"If sixty coppers can get us some sealing wax, maybe it can get us directions, too." Wrench suggests. He doesn't have any small coins, but if they can find a secluded place out of sight from the locals, he'll distribute the platinum they picked up from Lady d'Cannith.

2015-03-03, 01:36 PM
Fenix went along with the Warforged, and said "Well, it seems like a good option, since tipping someone for the info would work out. If we get ripped off, then we can't really do anything about it..."

2015-03-04, 07:49 PM
"Let's find out what passes for being in charge around here, and who passes for having that position." Wrench suggests. "They're most likely to know where what we're looking for is, or at least who we should talk to." He lets the more diplomatic members of the group take the lead.

2015-03-04, 09:24 PM
As you turn away from your conference, the goblin merchant looks directly at you and says, "Or maybe you could use this fine woolen blanket with just a hint of mildew? Only thirty-nine coppers. How about a skewer of boiled rat meat? For you, just five silver. Or, perhaps, if I could point out the way to a certain valve cluster, what would it be worth to fine explorers such as yourselves? One hundred silver?"

Note that though his price statements avoid mentioning gold or platinum coins, one hundred silver would be the same as ten gold or one platinum.

He is unlikely to help you without getting money out of it--unless you Intimidate him. It may be possible to talk his price down, though. It does occur to you that he might be more willing to lower his price for information if you buy something from him, and though he hasn't mentioned anything terribly appealing yet there might be something in his wares you'd want to buy.

2015-03-05, 05:25 PM
As they approached him, the goblin immediately faced them and started to hawk some of his items in order to get them to buy something, but Fenix didn't really care about all that. What he did care about was the fact that he knew exactly what they were looking for, and was demanding a relatively large amount of money from them. One fifth of what he had on him, or around that.

"One hundred silver? Are you sure that we cannot get that lowered by a bit? It's hardly something you'll lose much on, and perhaps we'll even buy something more, were you to tell us?"

[roll0] Sense Motive
Diplomacy [roll1] Assuming I get help from Alamryn.
Also, since Fenix never lies, and has the Honest trait, I intend to buy stuff like I said.

2015-03-05, 05:45 PM
"Hm." The goblin shows a lot of very sharp teeth; you narrowly avoid recoiling before realizing that he's smiling. "I'm sure I could...throw the information in with...something."

Looking at the wares spread out in front of him, you see that most of them are useless junk, but you also notice a sunrod for 2 silver 5 copper, a bell for 2 silver 3 copper, a scratched steel mirror for 3 silver 8 copper, and 50 feet of what appears to be hempen rope for 2 silver 5 copper.

2015-03-06, 04:51 PM
Alamryn points the four items to the merchant, "These here catch my interest", she says and looks to the others, "What do you think?"

Alamryn has some money left from character creation, so she could pay (for some or all of them). That way we don't have to show him the platinum coins.

2015-03-08, 09:26 AM
"Alright", Alamryn says, turning back to the goblin, "how about I buy all these, and you take us to the valve cluster we seek. Right away."

2015-03-08, 10:16 AM
The goblin smiles again and folds up the rest of his merchandise. (Adjust your character sheet appropriately for the purchases.)

One of the shifters in the crowd seems to be paying a lot of attention to you. Seeing you looking at her, she disappears into the crowd.

He leads you out of the room and through several more before coming to a narrow passage. "There's the cluster you're looking for," the goblin says.

2015-03-08, 10:43 AM
Alamryn hands 1 gold, 1 silver and 1 copper coin to the merchant for the items. "And you are sure that this is the right place?", she says, trying to read the goblin's expression like she was taught.


Should have paid more attention.:smalltongue:

2015-03-08, 10:45 AM
"As I just said."

He's sincere, as far as you can tell.

Possibly a little annoyed by the question.

But sincere.

Possibly also wondering why you'd expect him to tell the truth for being asked again if he lied the first time...but if he's lying, it's entirely beyond your ability to tell.

2015-03-08, 11:21 AM
Kara ignores the goblin, focused on the shifter who was watching them. She reaches discreetly for her belt, and mutters to those in the back, "We were being watched earlier. Stay on your guard. I got a bad feeling about this."

2015-03-08, 12:20 PM
Wrench nods, still following. "Thank you," he says to the goblin. Once the goblin has left, he takes out the journal and attempts to open the valve.

2015-03-08, 04:00 PM
Fenix nodded in response of Kara's words, considering her words carefully as his hand slowly drifted to his shield as Wrench opened the valve. He'd have preferred to have been entirely inconspicuous about their movements, but it seemed that would not be happening. "Thank you." he said to the goblin, and then looked at the rest before motioning that he'd want to go in first.

2015-03-09, 09:37 AM
60 XP for each of you for successfully dealing with the goblin merchant for the information you needed.

You head down the tunnel toward the valve cluster.

And now we should establish what order all of you walk in. Sorry about not asking about this earlier; I didn't realize it was necessary right now until I looked. Also, everyone make a Perception check, please.

2015-03-10, 03:29 PM
"Let's see if his wares are any good", Alamryn says and scrapes the sunrod against the wall in a attempt to light it.

2015-03-11, 05:59 AM
If the sunrod lits as normal, Alamryn steps carefully into the tunnel.

Guess she's going first.

2015-03-11, 11:40 AM
The sunrod works normally, as far as you can tell so far.
Still need to know where everyone else is in the order.

2015-03-12, 02:47 PM
Alamryn starts down the corridor.

A male warforged with a drawn rapier lurks around the bend ahead of you. You're pretty sure he sees you.
Key: 1-12: Metal iris valves
E: The strange warforged.

1-12: Metal iris valves

2015-03-12, 03:23 PM
Alamryn stops in her tracks, then backs quickly, possibly bumping into Fenix. "There's one warforged almost right behind the corner", she hisses and takes a better grip of her quarterstaff, "I think he saw me."

She moves back to U14, and is in total defence.

2015-03-13, 04:17 PM
Fenix backed away slightly in order to avoid being bumped into by Alamryn, but carefully paid attention to what she said. He immediately drew his sword and shield, just in case they'd be forced into combat. It was a bit of a tight fit, and he was unsure if he'd even be able to get past Alamryn to effectively go toe to toe with any attackers, but it was worth a try.

2015-03-14, 09:30 AM
With some scuffling, Alamryn and Fenix reverse positions. Fenix draws his sword and shield.

Now that he's been pointed out, Fenix can see the warforged lurking ahead of you, holding a rapier.

Key: 1-12: Metal iris valves
E: The strange warforged.

2015-03-14, 12:19 PM
Fenix narrowed his eyes as he saw the Warforged, and raised his shield, but kept his weapon down in order to not seem to threatening. He barked "Who are you, and what are you doing here? Reveal yourself, and do not attempt to stick to the darkness, unless if you wish to attack us. In which case, terrible luck for you."

[roll0] Intimidate

2015-03-14, 12:58 PM
The warforged briefly disappears around the corner, then reappears. "You have the provost's journal," he says. It's not a question. "Give the book to me, and you can live to see another day. Refuse, and we will make your deaths slow and painful."

>> Alamryn: [roll0]
>> Connell: [roll1]
Fenix: [roll2]
>> Kara: [roll3]
>> Wrench: [roll4]

(I won't post again until those of you who are marked as up have acted. Note that you can move through, but not end movement in, squares that contain allies.)

2015-03-14, 04:48 PM
Alamryn swallows and casts a small spell on the warrior in front of her. "It should help guide your attack, if it comes to that...", she mutters.

Casting Guidance (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/guidance.htm) on Fenix.

2015-03-14, 05:29 PM
Kara draws her weapon and enters a low stance, the shadows swirling around her.

Drawing the dagger and activating Island of Blades. No other actions aside from that, since running ahead of the tank seems like suicide.

2015-03-18, 06:21 PM
Wrench draws his crossbow and points it in the direction of the enemy.

2015-03-18, 06:27 PM
Fenix simply growled, and drew his sword. He stood his ground, bringing his shield up first, and his sword now raised, ready to strike.

2015-03-19, 06:59 AM
The warforged disappears around the corner. You hear multiple sets of footsteps moving into position to attack the first person around the corner.

>> Fenix: (1d20-1)[4]
Kara: (1d20+4)[22]
Connell: (1d20)[16]
Alamryn: (1d20+2)[14]
Connell: (1d20)[16]
Wrench: (1d20+5)[9]

(If there's a >> by your name, you're up.)

2015-03-20, 07:30 PM
Fenix heard the footsteps, and even his certain lack of intellect was not enough to hide the fact that they were preparing to attack him the second he entered. But he was daft enough to go forward anyways. He called out "I refuse to play your waiting game. I'm coming, try and get me.", before rushing in, and swinging at the first Warforged he saw.

I could use Total Defense and move in.
But I took Brash, and I rp my flaws, dammit!

I'll post my damage roll in the OOC once I know which Maneuver I can use.

Crusader's Strike
Stone Bones
Charging Minotaur
Douse the Flames
Leading the Attack

Swift Action to Martial Spirit.
Amazing. I'm not using any of my maneuvers right now, and since I'm pretty sure I missed with that, I may as well not double post in the OOC.
Tell me if I done goofed. I dunno why, but I'm suddenly incredibly accident prone in D&D this month.

2015-03-20, 08:10 PM
Fenix runs around the corner and slashes at the warforged, who he sees standing next to two men with oddly long fingernails: shifters. His blow glances off the warforged's metal skin; the warforged stabs at him with the rapier as the two shifters lunge forward with daggers. One dagger nicks him (1 damage to Fenix).

>> Kara: 22
>> Connell: 16
>> Alamryn: 14
>> Wrench: 9
>> Fenix: 4
Warforged (delayed): 4
Shifter 1 (delayed): 4
Shifter 2: 4

(Everyone is up; I won't post again until you've all acted--not counting Connell. :-/.)

2015-03-23, 09:30 AM
Alamryn is momentarily stunned by Fenix' sudden charge, but after she recoils the druid runs after him. When she sees the enemies she slides to a stop and makes the motions of a spell. "Wake. Grow."

Moving to T11 and casting Entangle. I think it should be possible to get all three enemies in the range and not Fenix, if the spell overlaps with the south wall.

Sorry for taking my time, I've had a very busy weekend.

2015-03-23, 09:46 AM
Kara rushes forward. With only a brief pause to check ahead, she steps around the corner and lashes out at the shifter next to Fenix.

Move: 30' to S11
Swift: Burning Blade (ToB 52) *wheedly wheedly wheedly!*
Standard: Attack

Attack: [roll0]

2015-03-23, 07:43 PM
Wrench slips by Alamryn, posting up in the corner with his crossbow, and firing it at the nearest shifter.

Move to T10, crossbow at R11

Crossbow (+1 point blank, -4 melee): [roll0], [roll1]

2015-03-24, 07:13 PM
By simply riding out the attacks of their assailants, Fenix managed to create a situation in which he could simply steamroll his way through, acting simply on aggression and adrenaline. The dagger that struck him seemed to not register in his mind, and he simply fought right on, striking back at one of the Shifters with all his might. "Strike from your mind any doubt of your failure, for you have decided to quarrel against the wrong crowd! Take them down!"

[roll0] +1 from Steely Resolve and +1 from Guidance
[roll1] (+3 from STR and +1 from Steely Resolve)
Attacking S1 with Leading the Attack, gives +4 to attack against S1 for one round.
Then my 1 damage disappears due to Martial Spirit's +2 HP from my strike IF I hit

2015-03-24, 09:03 PM
Kara's flaming dagger bites deeply into one of the shifters, and the shifter falls to the floor with a terrible seared wound. Connell, right behind her, lashes out with his quarterstaff at the other shifter but misses. Alamryn makes vines fill the tunnel, Wrench plugs the remaining shifter with a crossbow bolt, and Fenix's sword slices into the still-standing shifter, his wound closing as he strikes.

The enemy warforged, snarling, steps to Fenix's north and attempts to stab him with his rapier, but misses cleanly, not even hitting Fenix's armor. The shifter (who Kara recognizes from the market) shrieks in pain, drops his dagger, and turns to limp away. (Fenix can make an attack of opportunity as he retreats; if he hits the shifter falls, if not he moves to where the map has him.)

Connell's rolls: [roll0][roll1]
Warforged's rolls: [roll2][roll3]
Key: 1-12: Metal iris valves
E: The strange warforged.
Light green: Entangle radius.
>> Kara: 22
>> Connell: 16
>> Alamryn: 14
>> Wrench: 9
>> Fenix: 4
Warforged (delayed): 4
As always, if there's an >> by your name, you're up. If you move into the entangle radius, make a DC 13 Reflex save or be entangled. Note that, because of Kara's stance, if she is adjacent to the enemy warforged Fenix and Connell will both count as flanking him...though she can't move adjacent to him without risking entanglement.

2015-03-24, 11:28 PM
Alamtyn breathes a sigh of relief when the combat turns in their favour. "Should I remove the vines?", she asks.

2015-03-26, 08:51 PM
Wrench moves in, then attacks the warforged with his crossbow.

Move to R12

Crossbow (+1 point blank, -4 melee): [roll0], [roll1]

2015-03-27, 06:47 PM
Kara steps into the entangling vines and slashes at the warforged with, suddenly, two hands holding two daggers. Connell swipes at the warforged with his quarterstaff. Wrench fires another bolt that the warforged nimbly avoids. Fenix slashes at the warforged as well.

Kara's Reflex save: [roll0]
Attack rolls, using Shadow Blade Technique: [roll1][roll2]
Damage: [roll3][roll4]
Connel's attack: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Fenix's attack, using Douse the Flames:[roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

2015-03-27, 06:51 PM
Kara easily avoids getting trapped by the vines; of all the attacks aimed at the warforged, only Kara's primary blade connects, her second blade disappearing as quickly as it appeared. The warforged snarls and lashes out at Fenix, wounding him sorely with his rapier. (7 damage to Fenix.)

>> Kara: 22
>> Connell: 16
>> Alamryn: 14
>> Wrench: 9
>> Fenix: 4
Warforged (delayed): 4
Fenix now has Stone Bones, Charging Minotaur, and Crusader's Strike granted; if the battle's still going his granted maneuvers will be reset at the end of this round.
Unless Kara moves out of the Entangle radius or Alamryn dismisses it, she'll need to make another Reflex save to avoid being entangled.
Because of Kara's stance, everyone in melee with the enemy warforged counts as flanking him.

(PCs' turn.)

2015-03-28, 11:09 AM
Fenix made a small grunt as he took the blow of the rapier through one of the chinks in his armor, but he continued his aggression without stopping. His goal was set, and his mind was clear. Once more, he raised his sword, and brought it down upon the warforged that dared assail them, his intent to take him out being absolutely clear.

5 of the seven damage goes into my Steely Resolve Pool, and I channel it into Furious Counterstrike
Activating Crusader's Strike
If I hit: [roll2] and +2 hp back.

2015-03-28, 12:24 PM
Wrench reloads and fires again at the warforged.

Crossbow (+1 point blank, -4 imprecise): [roll0], [roll1]

2015-03-28, 12:50 PM
Alamryn retrieves a dart from her pocket and throws it at the warforged. Steady, keep your aim steady...

Attack: [roll0] (-4 melee included)
Damage: [roll1]

2015-03-29, 03:20 PM
Kara's blade wraps in ice-cold shadows as she lashes out at the warforged.

Using my... Shadow Blade Technique. Forgot the name there a sec.


Edit: I will select the lower one, with extra cold damage! :smallbiggrin:

2015-03-29, 03:30 PM
Kara used Shadow Blade Technique last round (when I moved for her), but it's unlikely to matter, considering how damaged the warforged is.

2015-03-29, 03:35 PM
Only Kara's dagger strikes the enemy warforged. Once again she avoids getting trapped by the vines around her feet. Though the warforged looks almost incapacitated, he stabs at Fenix again, grimly baring his metal teeth in an expression of fanatical rage.

Kara's Reflex save: [roll0]
Warforged attack: [roll1][roll2]
Connell's attack next round: [roll3][roll4]

(PCs' turn.)

2015-03-29, 05:10 PM
Alamryn pulls out another dart to throw.

Attack: [roll0] (-4 melee included)
Damage: [roll1]

2015-03-29, 05:20 PM
Wrench continues to fire away at the other warforged, despite his lack of success so far.

[roll0], [roll1]

2015-03-29, 05:22 PM
Despite the warforged's weaving, Alamryn's dart lodges in his neck and he falls to the ground. As the last time you saw a warforged fall, part of his chest detaches and flies off into the sewer, toward the west.

240 XP for each of you.
Presuming Alamryn dismisses her Entangle spell, it's easy to loot all three bodies; if not, the experience involves a lot more getting stuck. Either way, you find, on each shifter, a dagger, a suit of leather armor, and a pouch containing 5 gold. On the warforged you find a rapier, a light crossbow, a case with 10 crossbow bolts, a cloak, a set of thieves' tools, and a backpack.

2015-03-29, 05:29 PM
Wrench replenishes his own supply of crossbow bolts with the fallen enemies, then looks around to see if he can recover any of his fired bolts. "What now?"

[roll0] 1 is recovered, 2 is destroyed.

2015-03-30, 07:44 AM
Alamryn dismisses the vines then kneels next to one of the shifters, trying to stop the bleeding. If she can, she'll do the same for the other one too unless someone stops her.
Here's two, but I expect more to be needed, as she's not that good at this. You can roll the rest, as how many she can make depends on how far in the negatives they are.

Can she retrieve the darts? They are thrown weapons, so I'm not entirely sure what's the ruling with them.

After, she awakens the power of her Mark, to take a look at the looted items, just to check if any are magical.

Wrench replenishes his own supply of crossbow bolts with the fallen enemies, then looks around to see if he can recover any of his fired bolts. "What now?"

[roll0] 1 is recovered, 2 is destroyed.

"I guess we... continue?", the druid says, standing up.

2015-03-31, 07:00 AM
None of the items are magical.
Darts aren't propelled with nearly as much velocity as bolts or arrows, so I'll say you can retrieve all the ones you just threw.
The shifter Fenix slashed as he tried to run died within six seconds of Fenix doing so. The other one:
[roll0] -5
[roll1] -6; here combat ends
[roll2], Alamryn's already-made check fails, -7
[roll3], Alamryn's already-made check fails, -8
[roll4], Heal check: [roll5],
[roll6], Heal check: [roll7], you manage to stabilize the nearly-dead shifter. The warforged, of course, stabilized automatically and is alive. What do you wish to do with them?

2015-03-31, 03:59 PM
Alamryn tries to fractically stop the bleeding and finally manages to do so. She lets out a deep sigh. Then it occurs to her that she has no idea what next. When the adrenaline goes down a bit her head clears a bit and she realizes what a problem a prisoner, or two actually, she throws a quick glance at the warforged, might be for their mission. She stands up and takes a nervous look around, kind of hoping that someone else would take charge. "...The items are nothing unusual", she states after casting the spell to have something to say, "So what do we-", her sentence interrupts suddenly when she notices Fenix' wound. "You're bleeding." She states the obvious. Why didn't I notice that earlier, what, what if it had been worse?

Should she heal him? The reason I'm asking is that there's only one healing spell and it's probably the only change to get either of the prisoners into talking shape at this moment. We don't have to do that though, Alamryn can just Fenix and the we can all move on, if you guys want to.

2015-03-31, 05:07 PM
Fenix let down his shield, and took a deep breath, as he began to feel the pain of his wound begin to sink in. He'd managed to get through the fight without paying too much attention to it, but it was still there. He, however, pulled himself together and said "'Tis but a scratch. I'll make it through the day. We need to get the Warforged awake, and get what his employer wants from us out of him."

2015-04-01, 07:16 AM
"Uh, okay... If you think so", the druid looks worried, but agrees. She approaches the unconsciuos warforged, "Though should we, restrain him first? If he hates people made of flesh and blood, I'm afraid he might attack us again right away."

2015-04-01, 08:00 PM
"I can repair him," Wrench says, thinking of the infusion he'd been saving for himself, in case of emergency. "Tie him up good and tight, and I'll fix him up." Wrench says. Once the warforged is properly restrained, he will cast Repair Light Damage.

Repair Light Damage: [roll0]

2015-04-01, 08:35 PM
Wrench binds and repairs the enemy warforged, and he jerks awake and attempts fruitlessly to lunge at Wrench "Grah! Ah," he snarls. "The Lord of Blades will have you turned into scrap metal, flesh-lover!"

2015-04-01, 08:45 PM
"Can it," Wrench says, amusing himself. "What is it you're after?"

2015-04-02, 09:27 AM
"I can repair him," Wrench says, thinking of the infusion he'd been saving for himself, in case of emergency. "Tie him up good and tight, and I'll fix him up." Wrench says. Once the warforged is properly restrained, he will cast Repair Light Damage.

Repair Light Damage: [roll0]
"Oh, that is a better solution", Alamryn nods and walks back to Fenix, "Best fix that wound then."

CLW: [roll0]

2015-04-02, 04:08 PM
As Fenix's wounds began to clear up, he said "Thank you once again, ma'am.", before waltzing over to the Warforged on the ground, and stood next to Wrench with his arms together.

2015-04-02, 10:32 PM
The warforged on the floor squirms and laughs harshly. "The end of your world! You haven't even been told what your master wants here, have you?"

2015-04-03, 10:33 AM
As Fenix's wounds began to clear up, he said "Thank you once again, ma'am.", before waltzing over to the Warforged on the ground, and stood next to Wrench with his arms together.
"You're welcome", Alamryn says with a smile.

The warforged on the floor squirms and laughs harshly. "The end of your world! You haven't even been told what your master wants here, have you?"

The druid holds back a shudder, no need to show that those words made her nervous. "You say that, how do you know what their goal is?"

2015-04-04, 08:50 AM
"I'll tell you nothing, flesh-beast. Nor you either, traitor. Die as you lived, as pawns." He squirms.


2015-04-04, 09:55 AM
"Enough of this," Wrench says. "He's not going to talk. Take his head off." He turns his back on the warforged.

2015-04-04, 05:50 PM
"The Lord of Blades will rebuild me, but no one's going to rebuild you!" The warforged continues to wriggle.

2015-04-04, 07:05 PM
The armored man of religion knelt next to the Warforged, pushing his hand outwards to stop anyone from actually killing the fellow. He glared into the Warforged face, removed his sword, putting it to his face, and said "Tell us what this is all about, or I'll make sure that your 'Lord of Blades' will never find your parts. And believe me, I never lie."

Intimidate roll: [roll0]
If anyone wants to Aid Another, well, go ahead.

2015-04-04, 09:15 PM
You think Fenix's words would scare anyone but a fanatic. Unfortunately, the warforged shows every sign of being a fanatic; though he grinds his metal teeth, he only repeats, "I will tell you nothing."

2015-04-06, 08:51 AM
"It would be easy to do so too", Alamryn says, trying to keep her voice stern, "After all, much gets lost in a city like Sharn. Especially at the lower levels.."

Heh, oh well, I guess she can try to help..
Intimidate, Aid Another: [roll0]

EDIT: Yeah, didn't think so.:smalltongue:

2015-04-06, 08:56 AM
Wrench brushes his hands together up and down as if he were wiping the dirt off of them, as if to indicate that he has no desire to question this warforged further. "Shame I wasted that infusion on him," he says.

2015-04-06, 10:21 AM
"A waste like everything you've ever done, flesh-lover," the warforged agrees. His voice sounds kind of distracted; his bound hands writhe.
You can tell, in a less referencing-game-mechanics way, that he's taking 20 on an Escape Artist check, which means you have two minutes to interrupt him before he gets whatever the result of rolling a 20 on his Escape Artist check would be.

2015-04-06, 11:47 AM
Fenix grumbled something about 'fanatics' and their 'absolute devotion', entirely ignoring the irony in his thoughts, and then said "Well, if I can't make you talk, then I can still stop you from trying to escape. We are right here, you know? I'd say that we should take him back to the Cannith's once we're done. Only issue is, how do we get him there without him getting away?"

2015-04-06, 04:28 PM
Wrench slams the warforged against the ground. "That ought to keep him under." He takes another look at the bonds to make sure they are still tight.

Coup de grace against a bound opponent, automatic critical and fortitude save DC 14 required in order to live.

Slam damage: [roll0]

2015-04-06, 10:15 PM
Wrench's blow shatters something vital in the warforged's spine, and he stops moving entirely.

What do you do now?

2015-04-07, 02:38 AM
The sound of something breaking when the warforged is slammed to the ground makes Alamryn flinch. "..Guess we won't get anything else out of him."

Should we just continue forward?

2015-04-07, 11:57 AM
"Indeed. Let's press on," Wrench says, pausing only to search the warforged again for anything they might have missed the first time.

2015-04-07, 12:42 PM
Fenix sighed as he unfolded his hands, and sheathed his blade. He thought for a moment, then pulled his blade back out, figuring that perhaps they were not in the clear yet. "Then onwards we'd better go."

2015-04-08, 08:14 AM
Leaving the bodies behind, you head west and turn north. A circular metal hatch, set into the tunnel wall and engraved with arcane runes, must be the sealed door that Elaydren told you about. In the middle of the hatch, a glowing circle of mithral depicts the same icon as on Bonal's journal--a stylized anvil and hammer.

2015-04-08, 11:13 AM
Wrench holds up the journal to the hatch. If that doesn't open the hatch, he will search around the chamber. If it does open the hatch, he will search around the chamber anyway, just in case.

Take 20 on Search for 26.

2015-04-08, 11:19 AM
Holding up the journal in front of the hatch produces no result.

I need more details of exactly where you're searching. The hatch is set in the wall to the north of A1 and B1; taking 20 to search will take two minutes for each square you search, so it'll be hours if you search every square on the map. (Never mind the letter tags or the entangle coloration; I just didn't change the map since the end of the battle.)

2015-04-08, 11:33 AM
Wrench touches the symbol on the front cover of the journal to the symbol on the hatch.

Searching the square in front of the hatch, can I make a general search check of the whole area (not taking 20): [roll0] or a spot check to notice anything unusual: [roll1]

2015-04-08, 11:38 AM
Kara offers to hold the journal for Wrench while he feels around for a trigger mechanism. While he does so, she pages through the journal to see if there are any clues on how to open the hatch.

2015-04-08, 12:26 PM
The arcane runes in the hatch radiate mystic fire and the hatch slides open onto a vertical shaft 5 feet wide and cloaked in pitch blackness. Wind rushes from the depths to find release somewhere higher in the tower; it appears that fresh air continues to circulate even in the forgotten sections of the tower.

2015-04-08, 02:02 PM
Alamryn gulps and pats her eagle companions head while it's resting on her shoulder. "Down there then...", she says, sounding slightly nervous.

2015-04-08, 04:02 PM
Wrench takes out a torch and lights it, then drops it down the shaft. He watches as it falls, looking down into the depths to see how far the shaft goes, and if there's anything curious on the sides of the shaft.

2015-04-08, 04:37 PM
Fenix was slightly intimidated by the show of arcane power that the door radiated for the one moment, before coming forward to watch the torch fall down in the pitch black.

2015-04-08, 06:25 PM
The torch falls out of sight, and you see that it's more a steep slope than a direct drop; the rough stone looks fairly easy to climb down, though it goes as far as you can see.

2015-04-08, 07:21 PM
Wrench takes out the rope (which of course he took off the now-deceased warforged) and looks for something nearby to tie it to. "Don't fall," he says.

Take 20 on tying the rope securely to something.

2015-04-09, 11:04 PM
You gain 60 XP each for getting past the door.

The shaft is far deeper than fifty feet, but by tying the rope in such a way that you can pull it loose after climbing down, you can make your way down in stages.

The vertical shaft is a mix of crumbling earth and ancient stone, and centipedes and other insects cover the walls like living decorations. The long descent takes you deeper into the bowels of Dorasharn Tower. Soon, the shaft begins to angle, and by bracing yourselves you can actually walk along one of the surfaces. Farther still, and the shaft becomes a tunnel, where the footing is no longer difficult to maintain or treacherous.
The tunnel eventually opens into a vast chamber, though it emerges about six feet above the floor. You can't see the distant walls in the darkness, and the ruins of nearby walls and buildings appear as deep shadows in the eternal tower night, but you can feel the change in air currents and pressure that indicate a large open space ahead of you.

2015-04-11, 07:09 AM
When they reach the bottom, Wrench puts his rope away and picks up the torch that he dropped down, re-lighting it to provide them with the light to see by. "I wouldn't be surprised if there were traps or automatons ahead protecting whatever is down here." he says, to no one in particular. He notably does not move forward, waiting for someone else to take the lead.

2015-04-12, 01:16 PM
Funny enough, the small critters on the wall made the place seem more likeable to Alamryn, as they made it feel more alive, rather than like a forgotten old tomb.

When they reach the bottom, Wrench puts his rope away and picks up the torch that he dropped down, re-lighting it to provide them with the light to see by. "I wouldn't be surprised if there were traps or automatons ahead protecting whatever is down here." he says, to no one in particular. He notably does not move forward, waiting for someone else to take the lead.

"Lovely." Alamryn mutters, not looking very amused at the thought. She holds the sunrod up, trying the get a better idea of their surroundings. "Well... we should tie a rope and climb down I guess. Though best to leave it in place this time so we can get back up."

Just to see if there's anything to notice.

2015-04-12, 02:14 PM
For Fenix, the climb down was a tad bit annoying, although he tried to show it, since he was rather unfond of vermin, and them crawling all over the walls only served to disgust him. By the time they reached the open space, he'd grown somewhat used to it, but he was still glad to be out of the shaft. In response to Wrench's words, he replied "Where even is this? A random tomb in the middle of the city?"

2015-04-12, 02:41 PM
"Don't forget, this city is about a billion years old," Wrench says, exaggerating for effect. "Each new level is built on the bones of those beneath it."

2015-04-12, 05:27 PM
The level you're on now seems to open out to your north.

You hear a faint buzzing noise, but you have no idea where it's coming from.

2015-04-12, 06:23 PM
"I hear something", Alamryn states and stands still for a moment, trying to listen to it better. "A sort of... buzzing noise. But... no, I can't tell where it's coming from.. Or what could be causing it", she adds with a frown. "It's strange though, one would think it'd be silent here."

2015-04-12, 06:26 PM
Kara tilts her head to better listen for the noise.


2015-04-12, 06:28 PM
Kara hears nothing.

2015-04-13, 12:38 AM
Kara shakes her head. "Don't hear anythin'. Sure it's not your imagination?"

2015-04-13, 08:35 AM
Kara shakes her head. "Don't hear anythin'. Sure it's not your imagination?"

Alamryn shakes her head, "No, it's there, though very faint." She shrugs, "Well, we won't find out what it is by standing here." She tries to find something to tie the rope to.

2015-04-13, 08:39 AM
Alamryn ties the rope to an outcropping of rock to climb down the last six feet onto solid ground.

2015-04-14, 02:55 PM
Alamryn climbs down.

2015-04-14, 10:03 PM
Alamryn drops to the floor. A constant background noise rises from walls and ruins around you. It takes a moment to recognize, but eventually the sounds of chittering and buzzing can be picked out from among the cacophony. It's not unlike the sound of insects in the King's Forest, except that the chamber seems to amplify and echo the noise in disturbing ways.

The chittering and clacking noise rises sharply; it's unmistakably moving toward you now.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C2-NvDQYOWDc2WHL0mkZEAh6nqvPKADP3vElDXuCQZY/edit?usp=sharing); only Alamryn is on the floor yet so she's the only one placed. Grey is a place where the rubble makes it difficult terrain; black is impassable.

2015-04-15, 01:25 PM
"Uh.. Whatever it is, I think it's coming this way", Alamryn says, sounding nervous.

2015-04-15, 07:09 PM
Fenix climbed down alongside Alamryn, and steeled himself along with his weaponry. "What faces us yet? Another machination of the Lord of Blades, or something from the heart of this dungeon itself?" he said.

2015-04-15, 09:27 PM
Wrench climbs down after the rest. "Ten copper on mechanical spiders," he says, nonchalantly drawing his crossbow.

2015-04-16, 07:56 AM
Alamryn draws out a dart, while clutching her quarterstaff in the slighlty trembling other hand.

2015-04-16, 10:29 AM
A dark carpet slides across the dusty floor and moves toward you. No, not a carpet, but a mass of squirming, chittering, shiny black beetles that swarm toward you with hungry purpose.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C2-NvDQYOWDc2WHL0mkZEAh6nqvPKADP3vElDXuCQZY/edit?usp=sharing). B is the beetle swarm. You won initiative, but this is a surprise round; those who heard the beetles coming (Alamryn and Wrench) can act, those who did not (Kara and Fenix) cannot. If you choose to retreat, getting back up to the tunnel in one action is a DC 13 Climb check.

2015-04-16, 03:55 PM
Alamryn's eyes widen at the sight of the swarm of approaching critters, and she takes an instinctive step back towards the rope. She perhaps didn't mind insects, but she also didn't want to be eaten by them! "We should get back up! There's too many for our weapons!"

I think I'll try that Climb check, though Alamryn is not very good at that. :J

2015-04-16, 07:22 PM
Wrench switches out his crossbow for his dagger, holding it in one hand and brandishing his still lit torch in the other, waving it back and forth to hopefully hold the beetles at bay. "You two go up first, I'll follow. I doubt they'll like the taste of me."

2015-04-16, 08:26 PM
Alamryn climbs back into the tunnel. Wrench waves the torch at the beetles, but their forward momentum is unchecked. The fire licks at the beetles, but Wrench doesn't manage to incinerate enough of them to make a difference.

Attack roll for Wrench with the torch: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
The beetles chew on Fenix's flesh and Wrench's organic components.
[roll2] damage to Fenix and [roll3] damage to Wrench.
Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C2-NvDQYOWDc2WHL0mkZEAh6nqvPKADP3vElDXuCQZY/edit?usp=sharing); the orange area is where the swarm is now.
PCs' turn. If those on the ground try to climb up, it will require a DC 13 Climb check; the fire does seem theoretically able to disrupt the swarm, however.

2015-04-16, 08:39 PM
Fenix cursed as the horde came upon them, and began to bite. He was not a smart fellow, but he knew that swinging a sword against a bunch of beetles would get nothing done. However, Wrench's attacks were certainly doing something to the group. Their bites caused quite a bit of pain, as they dug into him.

However, Fenix could not do the same, as he lacked a torch, and so attempted to follow Alamryn in order to gain a higher ground, and perhaps find a way of using the flint and steel he had. His armor and shield, however, were going to be an issue

This gonna fail so badly.
But I can do nothing else, really.

2015-04-16, 08:47 PM
"****!" Wrench curses. "That hurt!" He drops his torch and attempts to scurry up the rope with the rest.

Climb: [roll0]

At 2 HP

2015-04-16, 08:52 PM
Alamryn peers back down, worried after the others. Despite his armour Fenix seems to be able to drag himself up through sheer willpower, but Wrench is still down there, covered in beetles. "We need to get him up!"

I don't think there is much for her to do this round save for fretting.

..Unless it's possible to lift Wrench up somehow?

2015-04-17, 07:47 AM
You notice that they don't seem able to cover more than four contiguous squares without dispersing. You would guess that, if someone who was made of meat rather than metal and wood was on the floor twenty feet away from Wrench, they'd go after that person in preference to the warforged.

2015-04-18, 04:05 AM
Alamryn swallows, looking at the skitterring mass below. "I think they could be diverted... The're animals, they'd prefer live prey I think", she says for an explanation of somekind before jumping back down.

Acrobatics: [roll0]
After the jump, moving to 20 ft. away from the beetles.

Making it just past the swarm, she quickly makes some distance between herself an them.

2015-04-18, 07:35 PM
Figuring it'd be unfortunate if the people she was spying on died, Kara jumps down after Alamryn.


2015-04-18, 07:48 PM
Fenix scrambles up, but Wrench is unable to do so. Seeing this, Alamryn and Kara both jump over the swarm; Alamryn runs further into the ruins. The swarm turns to chew on Kara.

Kara takes [roll0] damage.
Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C2-NvDQYOWDc2WHL0mkZEAh6nqvPKADP3vElDXuCQZY/edit?usp=sharing).
PCs' turn.

2015-04-19, 08:30 AM
Leaving the torch for whoever wants to use it, Wrench tries again to scramble up the rope.

Climb [roll0]

2015-04-19, 08:56 PM
Fenix, noticing that his help was required, dropped down from the ledge and picked up the dropped torch in order to actually harm the swarm as he moved. He then yelled "Move!" as he attempted to strike the swarm in a fashion that would disrupt it.

[roll0] (Taking into account the improvised weapon stuff)
[roll1] Damage
Using Douse the Flames.
Swift to get into Martial Spirit, so say hello to 2 health!