View Full Version : The Forgotten Forge, Group 2 [IC]

2015-01-26, 12:06 PM
Therendor 18
Coterminous: Kythri Effects: None
Remote: Dal Quor Effects: Quori unable to invade physically
Waxing: Daanvi, Dolurrh, Irian, Lamannia, Mabar, Risia, Shavarath, Syrania, Thelanis, Xoriat
Waning: Fernia

Sharn. The City of Towers. The largest metropolis in Khorvaire, the center of all the dragonmarked houses' dealings.

You're all sitting in the common room of the Fresh Dart Inn in Lower Tavick's Landing when a small man in a cloak wanders in and asks in a nervous voice, "Can anyone help me? I need a number of brave souls to help me with a dangerous venture."

Under his cloak, his clothing looks significantly finer than that of anyone else you've seen in Lower Tavick's Landing recently.

2015-01-26, 12:29 PM
Marrady Fiddletwine stands nearby the table where his companions are sitting, playing a song on his accordion for the patrons of the bar, outlining a specific adventure in whish he was used as bait for a shark.
Perform (keyboard): [roll0]

Ending the song, clearly enjoying it more than any listeners, he looks to the newcomer, grinning and waving him over. "Ooh! We're brave souls! Bravest souls I've ever seen."

2015-01-26, 04:35 PM
A haggard looking man in a brown coat sits at a bar, staring forlornly into a tankard of ale. In front of him, hovering a few centimeters above the bar, is a tiny bubble of light. From a distance it almost looks like a dimly glowing dust mote, but closer inspection reveals it to be some kind of living creature, drifting through the air as if swaying in a non-existant breeze.

What do you think, Jupe? I've already outpaced Dorian. He was a good teacher, but I can contract with twice as many vestiges as him! I just need a chance to use my skills. Hone my power, until I can reach the very edges of the void. The spark dimmed visibly.

"Can anyone help me? I need a number of brave souls to help me with a dangerous venture."

Hello. Szilard turned to examine the newcomer, and saw a bard trying to catch the man's attention. Szilard darted up and walked over to the performer, wary of losing the opportunity to others. The man said he needed a number of contractors. I think we could work together? My name's Szilard - that's s-z-i.

Szilard turned to the cloaked man, who was looking a little lost in the middle of the raucatious common room. I think the bard was serious, come over and we will discuss your venture!

2015-01-26, 08:02 PM
It towered over the other patrons at 6'8" as it came through the door behind him. At least it thought it was a him. It still hadn't gotten used to the distinctions flesh beings used to differentiate one another. It wandered towards the bar to ask about the adventurers. It had learned that bar keeps and the like were great sources of knowledge. Then it heard him request help and saw the others begin to gather. It slowly turned its head in the general direction of the group. "This must be one of those groups of adventurers about which I've heard. Perhaps they will permit me to accompany them," it thought to itself. It approached to group timidly, yet sure footed. Its 300 pound bulk crashing to the floor with every step sending small tremors. It was extremely aware of how close the ceiling in this establishment was to its head. As it approached the haggard man his the cloak fluttered, just long enough for it to see under the cloak and more importantly the fine silks underneath it. "He does not match the other patrons or those gathering around him. Those introductions indicate he did not know those gathering around him beforehand. Perhaps he has a mission. I could use a mission." It saw the floating speck next to the one being. It willed his own speck into action. Its black armor pulsed a silver, purple streak as the stone wound around his arm. The stone rested in its palm as it brought the stone to its face. It paused as if the two were discussing something before the stone slowly drifted closer to the others.

Hope this works, that 60s cd on posting may mess up this roll.
Perception: [roll0]

2015-01-26, 08:51 PM
Vermillion Teacup nursed her drink in her usual corner of the Fresh Dart Inn. This was her usual meeting place for contacts and prospective clients but business has been slow recently. Too much peace, not enough strife, she thought. Even the Boromars were currently content with status quo. When things stop moving, that's when the rot sets in.

Carefully observing the speaker when he came in [roll0], she immediately noticed he was trying to hide a sure sign of wealth. Mmm, let's see, minor House noble? A indiscretion perhaps that needed some encourage to be quiet? Industrial jealousy? Let's see what he has to say. She took a large gulp of her spiced ale and called out.

You. What do you want? Not your usual part of the city eh?

2015-01-26, 08:56 PM
The other residents of the inn draw away from the man, shooting him hostile looks or ignoring him entirely. When Marrady calls out to him, he hurries over. "Oh, good! You look like just what I'm looking for. I, ah, I need," he stops while he wrestles with something under his cloak. Pulling out a scrap of parchment, he presses it into Marrady's hand and says in a whisper loud enough to be heard by everyone in the room. "Can't talk here. Too many untrustworthy ears around." He glances around nervously, his eyes stopping on a burly orc in a chain shirt, who glowers and lowers his hand to the hilt of one of those oversized orc axes. The man talking to you gulps and says in the same piercing whisper, "Uh, meet me here tonight."

At Vermillion's question, he blushes brightly and says, "I don't know what you mean."

2015-01-26, 08:59 PM
Verm sees the prospective client scurry to a weak looking musician who first called out to him. Pathetic! she thought.

She strained her ears to listen to the conversation they had

When the small man responds to her question.

Got some fancy threads under there eh guv? Wha brings a Mr Fancy 'ere like you eh? And ta first person who acknowledges you like dat fop of a musician you run too? Tell yer story eh guv? She whistles to the barkeep to get him a cup of ale.

2015-01-26, 09:14 PM
It continues to lumber towards the nervous flesh being. It hears the half-woman challenge the man. "Not the brightest that one. Calling out a person of wealth in such an establishment. This is how one gets mugged," it thinks to itself and stone. The stone spins rapidly, unable to contain its energy, as it moves out ahead of It. It continues to approach, hoping to convince the being with the noisemaker to allow It to tag along. "They are not adventurers. No, not a group of adventurers," it corrects itself, "but they may individually be such. I wonder if the nervous man meant for just the noisey one to go or all those speaking with him now."

2015-01-26, 09:56 PM
Szilard looks up at the man. Excuse me, might we know your name before we discuss further business?

Jupiter is always suspicious of new people, and Szilard wonders if he's being played by the apparently oblivious man as well. As Szilard waits for the man's reply, he dredges through the knowledge granted to him by Naberius, looking for any gems of information about the man.

At the same time, Szilard whispers to Marrady: Do you recognize this man, my good bard? The loud mouth at the bar seems to think he's a wealthy individual.

Jupiter's Sense Motive roll to see if he likes the newcomer:

Szilard's Knowledge roll to see if he recognizes the man/name (I don't know which subtype it would be, he can use Local and Noble at the moment):

2015-01-27, 03:07 AM
Marrady frowned slightly as his conversation seemed to attract a lot of suspicious attention, trying to smile and address the many people coming to him. He looks down towards the Halfling, grinning politely. "Oh, the rich have just as many problems as the poor. It's just that the rich can often throw money at the problem until it goes away." Marrady says to the Halfling, slowly turning his attention back to the cloaked man, "Perhaps a demonstration of that is in order, hrm?" he perked an eyebrow at his own mention of payment, trying to get the point across to the man.


"But I digress," he said after, "you are attracting a lot of attention, perhaps we should wait until we arrive at, er, " Marrady peers at the given piece of paper, "this location, before continuing?"

Marrady stepped back to the bar, still keeping eye contact with the cloaked man, and glancing around at the patrons whom attention he had gathered. "I may bring a few friends. If I'm sure I can trust them, of course."

2015-01-27, 09:21 AM
He's not well-known enough for you to recognize him, nor is he someone you're seen, you're pretty sure. His manner and naivety are genuine as far as Jupiter can tell.

"Yes, I...it'll pay well. Promise. Come there tonight, if you want to know more." He turns and hurries out of the inn.

The scrap of parchment lists a residential address in an Upper City ward.

2015-01-27, 09:47 AM
Szilard glances at the sheet of paper and commits it to memory.

Please excuse me he says to the bard. Our recalcitrant potential client has sparked my interest. I'm still keen to join whatever party you form, I'll find you at that address tonight.

Szilard discreetly follows the man out of the inn and down the street, keeping a constant pace a few feet behind him. As he stalks the stranger, he occasionally calls upon the power of Naberius to change his appearance, rotating between a variety of plain looking commoners. Szilard gets the distinct feeling the subterfuge is wasted on the oblivious man, as he shadows the stranger to his destination.

2015-01-27, 09:48 AM
Marrady smiles and waves politely as the mysterious cloaked man flees from the scene with no suspicion whatsoever. "Alright, see you there!"

As the man leaves and attention from him is forced to be abandoned, Marrady looks down at the piece of paper, reading the information. Marrady picked up his accordion again, looking around the small crowd he had amassed.
"Well. I don't suppose a human, a halfling and a, er..." Marrady paused, looking from the others to the huge Warforged, his gaze pausing on it for a while before dropping back to the shorter ones, "and company, would be interested in this micro-quest I've just agreed to? In my experience, situations like this always lead to being kidnapped, or mugged. And there's safety in numbers."

2015-01-27, 10:30 AM
"I am no ones company. I came here seeking adventurers. If you are such, I would consent to joining you." Its eyes flicker, the black orbs dimming for a second as if it blinked. It didn't of course, but it had found that simulating some of the characteristics of the flesh beings made them more comfortable in Its presence. It reached up and called the stone back to it. The stone rushed back, racing up Its arm leaving a trail of vibrant light before settling into position underneath one of Its shoulder plates.

2015-01-27, 11:27 AM
The man hurries, on foot, through the streets to the Upper Ward. He leads you into an area where you need to make your clothes look much fancier to avoid standing out. The address on the parchment is a small residence; he goes inside and shuts the door.

Let me know what you plan on doing then, if you're going to just hang around and watch the door until night falls and the others show up (may well draw attention from the Watch even if it looks like a series of unrelated people are loitering rather than just one; this area is significantly more faithfully patrolled than the poorer areas of Sharn), or if you plan on going elsewhere.

2015-01-27, 12:30 PM
Marrady nods slowly at the Warforged, evidently not accustomed to giant rock men. "Right, well...I suppose you'll dissuade people from picking a fight with me so...I guess you can hang around."
He smiles, somewhat nervously before looking down to the Halfling. "Right, well. I guess you could come too, if you're so inclined? Ah, but I forget myself. My name is Marrady Fiddletwine, Traveling Bard." Marrady grins, giving a deep performance bow.

2015-01-27, 03:50 PM
Szilard watches as the man closes the door.

He invited a group of strangers to his own house, interesting. He really was as naiive as he seemed.

Szilard performs a quick circuit of the area to make sure the man hasn't been followed by any less benign patrons of the inn, That rogue for example, before releasing the illusion that masks his appearance and heading back down to Tavick's Market, to buy the kinds of things he imagines freelance adventurers buy.

He spends all of his savings on weapons, armour and equipment, before heading back to the address for the meeting.

Until this afternoon Szilard's days involved working in an apothecary and studying at night. So, assuming he didn't see anyone suspicious/he recognizes around the house, he goes to buy the items listed on his character sheet.

2015-01-28, 06:22 PM
To clarify in case someone is unfamiliar with this convention, I am using italicised coloured text to denote thoughts and internal monologue, and "coloured text in quotation marks" to indicate speech. I also generally mark player character names with their respective corresponding speech colours for additional (and absolutely redundant) clarity.
Sitting alone in an alcove at one of the few tables sized for halflings in the crowded room, Elle initially pays little attention to the man stumbling into the inn asking for...

'Brave souls'? What an aged cliché! A drunk having listened to a tall tale too many, most likely.

Seeing a brief glimpse of the man's carelessly covered finery, however, her interest is piqued. If the man is wealthy, then surely he has coin to offer for whatever help he requires, and one never knows, he could actually have a real problem and be in need of real help, drunk or not. She closely follows his movements, overhearing most of the discussion with the bard and the motley crowd of characters gathering to inquire of him his intentions.

A minstrel with the pointy ears of elven progeny, a shifty-looking halfling, Ghallanda perhaps, and one of those warforged that has had its appearance customised... a curious gathering indeed. I guess there is no harm in asking them what the man wanted more exactly, and seeing as I seem to have already convinced myself, there is little use in staying and reasoning about it any longer.

The gaunt halfling jumps out of her chair and walks briskly towards the accordionist, carefully minding her posture to make a proper impression.

"Esteemed minstrel, pray tell, of what business did the troubled man who left in such a hurry speak?"

2015-01-28, 08:19 PM
Marrady peered down at the second Halfling to approach, still smiling.
"Well. Aren't I the popular one today?" he said, chuckling briefly, "But, er...I don't really know. Just some apparently rich guy who wanted the help of an adventuring party for...something or other. I already have the help of that wizard-looking guy who left, and this big fella. But if you lovely halfling ladies feel like coming along, I'm sure we could use your help. And methinks the reward will be decent."

Marrady grinned, nodding to each of his apparent new companions. "Well, like I said, my name is Marrady. Nice to meet you all. How about as a little added incentive to assist me, I buy the next round, hm?"
Ever cheerful, Marrady approached the bar, motioning for the bartender. "Barkeep! four ales, if you would," Marrady asked, fairly loudly, placing the appropriate coins on the bar.

2015-01-28, 11:35 PM
The name's Vermillion, but you can call me Verm and I thank yews for ta ale.

Verm downs the cup in one gulp and burps heartily. She reads the address on the parchment.

The job seems interestin' enough, I'll see you fellas tonight then. Lemme go have a looksee eh?

Verm vaults off her chair and proceeds out the inn.

Verm takes the time to Gather Information on the man. Taking 20, total = 20
Knowing where he lives and where she looks like, Verm consults her contacts within the Boromar Clan on who he might be and possible motives. Most important, can he pay well?

If possible, Verm will stealthily stake out his residence for an hour before the meeting time. Taking 10 (20 if possible) on her stealth check (Modifier +15)

2015-01-29, 06:17 AM
"Well, I'll see you all then, then," Marradysays, downing his own ale after handing out the mugs. "For the meantime, I'm gonna see about making the money back on those drinks. You folk have a good day, alright?"

With that, Marrady leaves the table, donning his accordion once more. By an empty table, he places his hat on the ground, and begins playing for the bar once more, hoping to earn some change.

Marrady will spend the rest of the night playing if no further interruptions arrive

2015-01-29, 07:07 AM
As the time of the meeting approached, Szilard made his way back up towards their mysterious employer's house. He reached the threshold of the property on time, and looked around for the others.

Szilard looked a lot more imposing after his shopping trip. The ragged brown coat was still there, but this time it was covering a suit of studded leather armour. His city shoes had been replaced by high walking boots, and a back harness held a spear and crossbow, both securely clipped down so as not to shift as he walked.

Szilard had let his soulspark unbind during his earlier pursuit, and here, alone, he missed his tiny mute friend. As he stood waiting, he alternated between looking at the house, looking out for the others, and walking short circuits around the property.

2015-01-29, 10:46 AM
It didn't drink or eat, so it merely stood by while It's new companions enjoyed their evening waiting for the appointed time. The small stone tucked just underneath Its shoulder plates was a cascade of purple and silver light. There was no set pattern, it was almost like the stone was communicating. It sat and waited, talking with Its stone and friend until the others were prepared to leave. When they were ready it started off down the street, following the noisemaker towards the location...or wherever he was headed.

2015-01-29, 03:39 PM
The address belongs to one Bonal Geldem, provost at the School of Pre-Galifar Studies at Morgrave University.

In midafternoon, it begins to rain.
Though Marrady's performance is not remarkable and few people show interest, by the time the sun begins to set, he's still gotten twenty-one copper pieces. It's raining hard by the time you leave.

Curtains of water fall from the sky as you traverse the labyrinthine walkways of Sharn. The stone and wooden paths wind around and between the towers and spires high above the ground, forming a complex latticework that can be very confusing on evenings such as this. The rain falls hard, running off higher walkways and balconies in drenching waves, making it difficult to see much more than a few feet ahead of you. The distant glow of everbright lanterns, barely visible in the soaking gloom, does little to light the paths on this warm, wet evening.

(Szilard and Vermillion see this from the west side of the bridge, having crossed it earlier; the others see it from the east side of the bridge as they approach it.)

You spot an unfamiliar figure in a dark cloak moving quietly through the rain on the skybridge ahead. It seems to be avoiding the dim pools of light cast by the everbright lanterns, preferring to stay to the shadows. Lightning flashes, and you see another shape fall to the stone floor of the bridge in the brief illumination, some sixty feet ahead of you.

Key: <- leads to the man's address.
Blue: Fountain.
Black: Impassable.

2015-01-29, 04:09 PM
Marrady holds his hat onto his head, sighing in discomfort about the pouring rain. He looks down at the now wet piece of paper, checking he's going the right way, occasionally peering over his shoulder to make sure the companions he somehow picked up are still there.
"Come along then, you two, could be big money in this if we're careful. And remember; if anyone attacks me, then the big guy leaps in the way, and Elle keeps him alive. Sound good? Good."

Trudging through the rain, Marrady whistled, trying to ignore the weather, until a flash of lightning briefly illuminated the road. Marrady paused, holding his arm out to the side to stop his two followers. "Wait, wait...shh." Marrady lowered his voice, staring silently for several seconds before lightning struck again. In the darkness, Marrady barely caught a glimpses two figures on the bridge, about sixty feet away.
"Shh!...A guy in a cloak just dropped from the rooftops...in my experience, that usually means they're a thief."

Marrady remains still for several seconds, staring at the figures, attempting to listen or spot something suspicious. Perception Check: [roll0]
Also, Bardic Knowledge check to see if I know anything about local/recent rumours of thieves in the night and the like. [roll1]

2015-01-29, 05:31 PM
It lets out a light mechanical laugh. "Just because I'm big doesn't mean I like to be hit. Perhaps I should use you for a shield," it lets out a light laugh at the end of Its "joke". It thinks it sees something in the dim lighting through the flashes of lightning in the dark. It focuses off in the distance at the bridge, but fails to see anything of important. It quietly suggest that his companions check as well. "I thought I saw something on the bridge... I couldn't find anything on closer inspection. What is it you saw bard, exactly?"

2015-01-29, 05:58 PM
Szilard pulls his coat tighter against the rain, he looks around for the rest of the band, but doesn't spot them.

2015-01-30, 07:42 AM
Another convention that I seldom find the need to promote personally is that to use bold paragraph titles to specify the point in space-time certain actions and/or events take place for clarity in such cases confusion could otherwise arise. As I said, I seldom find it necessary or even useful, but in the case where one falls behind in posting, it makes a lot of sense :smallsmile:.
Earlier at the inn

Having shared her full name, watchful for any negative response given the reputation of the House among those less fortunate in life, and profession, Elle declines the offer of a drink but accepts Marrady's invitation to join him and the others in inquiring the troubled man's needs during the evening. After inquiring of them the prearranged location of the meeting in case she would not return in time, she excuses herself and leaves the inn.

The halfling does not return to the hospital, however, taking the opportunity instead to offer prayer at the nearest temple of the Host, beseeching Olladra and Kol Korran for good fortune in the hopes that the evening's events will prove fruitful. She then spends a few hours tending to the minor tasks of an acolyte although they are no longer her duty, enjoying the simple work and the time to think it offers.

Late afternoon

Elle returns to the inn well before the daylight begins to dim, and finding Marrady and his warforged companion still there, she is somewhat relieved the bard has not gathered an even larger crowd for this his latest adventure, as competition is not always a good thing. After enjoying a light meal, she leaves in their company as the sun begins to set.

The downpour does little to dampen the halfling's mood, on the contrary, she feels refreshed by the streams of water trickling down across her face. Trying to stay dry in the Brelish south, or in Sharn in particular, is a futile venture, and one dries quickly in the warmth anyway.

When her guide stops and signals for silence, Elle stops abruptly as well and backs off for a few brink steps before replying in a whisper just loud enough to pierce the rainfall.


Elle normally prepares spells useful in case of an accident, or incident for that matter, just in case, since she usually ends up converting them all to restorative spells anyway during the workings of a normal day serving at a hospital or other House Jorasco ward. She prays for spells at sunrise (more for practical reasons than anything else). Today (and until further notice), her daily spell selection is as follows:

Orisons: Amanuensis, Light, Mending
Level 1: Resurgence (x2), Entropic Shield (D)

I would say a fair assumption would be that she has expended both the Amanuensis and Mending preparations for Cure Minor Wounds as part of the morning's work.

While on the subject of preparations, Tuft is currently stabled and Elle only carries the gear specified on the character sheet.

My feel for the place so far puts a single meal at around 1 sp, so I am expending that.

2015-01-30, 09:07 AM
"Those figures don't look particularly trustworthy...Alright, you two stay close behind me. Time to work the ol' bardic charm."
With a smirk, Marrady straightens out his cloak and hat, lowering his arm and taking a deep breath before striding confidently over to the two figures in the dark.

"Excuse me! Hello there." Marrady announces, waving as he walks towards the figures. "Sorry, don't mind us, we were just wondering if this was the Upper city ward? Can get a bit tricky to navigate at this time of night. You doing anything particular at this time?"
Marrady continues his stride while talking, not bothering to look back to see if his companions followed him. Starting talking a distance away from the figures in the hopes that they would not flee or attack. Assuming nothing stopped him, he would continue all the way up to the figures, with an air of odd innocence and infectious friendliness.


2015-01-30, 09:20 AM
As Marrady steps forward, everyone sees a figure in a cloak run toward the south side of the bridge and climb over the rail out of sight.

A body lies on the floor of the bridge, and you can see a mixture of rain and blood pooling around it. A leather satchel, still clutched tightly in the body's hand, lies in the expanding puddle of water and gore.

The body appears to be that of your erstwhile potential employer.

2015-01-30, 10:53 AM
It continues behind the overly cheerful bard. "This one is seeking death. Are all adventurers so reckless?" it thinks to Itself and the stone. It sees the 2nd figure flee. "Curse this weather. I cannot see what happened there. But 2 appearing, 1 fleeing is never a good sign. Whatever awaits ahead will not be positive I warn you." It follows along behind the bard.


2015-01-30, 11:40 AM
As the cloaked figure escapes, Marrady breaks into a light sprint. "Hey!" is all he says before accepting that there's nothing he can do. Slowing down, he pauses infront of the corpse, looking down. He pauses for a few seconds, raising his hand to his mouth. "Oh dear..."

Marrady peers over his shoulder at his companions, waving them over. "Guys, quick!" he shouts, "It's that guy who hired us!"

Looking back at the corpse, Marrady quickly looks him over for anything of interest.
and picks up the satchel, opening it and looking through it's contents.

2015-01-30, 01:59 PM
"Be quick noisy one. This will not look good if guards show up soon. We are innocent, but your rummaging will be hard pressed to prove this. Remember he had not hired us yet...see if he has money on him." It says in a low voice, taking great pains to make sure only those close can hear.

2015-01-30, 05:41 PM
Szilard hears a shout from the bridge behind him.

Guys, quick! It's that guy who hired us!

He turns to see the bard, and several other figures from the Fresh Dart looking at a body on the ground - and the body was apparently the man they were expecting to employ them. A wave of nausea floods over Szilard - he's staked everything on this, abandoning his apprenticeship, spending his savings, all for an opportunity that now seemed to be dead.

Maybe there's still a way to salvage the situation

Szilard walks over to the corpse on the bridge and greets the others. He notices with distaste that the bard is searching the dead man. Szilard looks over the edge of the bridge, straining his eyes in the darkness to see anywhere the mysterious attacker might have jumped down to.

2015-01-30, 07:09 PM
At Marrady's signal, Elle gives the bard the benefit of the doubt and follows him towards the unseen presumed thief or thieves, keeping a fair distance between them though, just in case. Closing the distance, she spots the motionless body on the ground, and rushes forward to its side to check for any signs of life.

"I am a physician, stop touching him and get out of my way, he may still draw breath."

Seeing Marrady rummage through the man's belongings rather than attempt to save him fills her with a bitter distaste for the bard. Beginning the search for vital signs, she snarls at the him through clenched teeth.

"Make yourself useful instead and find a member of the Watch, we need to report this at once."

Yes, I know the man is probably very dead, but it definitely makes sense to make that fact sure before doing anything else. I also know I am being a bit of a stick in the mud... but I am sure the rest of you can talk me out of it :smallwink:.

Attempting to first confirm death, and also determine cause of death if applicable (though I would wager it is rather obvious)... obviously I will stabilise the man with Cure Minor if he is alive, but we all know that is not going to happen.

2015-02-02, 09:03 AM
You see a network of cables holding up the bridge. Just as it occurs to you that it would be easy to climb along them, you hear someone moving below you and then to your north, and you realize that the figure that went over the side was not fleeing but rather getting into position for an ambush.

In a few seconds, the figure you hear will come over the north side of the bridge. You can ready an action.

The body's throat has been slashed open; healing it is beyond Elle's capabilities.

You hear the sound of someone climbing up from below you on the north side of the bridge. You can ready actions if you wish.

Black is impassable.
Blue is the fountain.
X is the body.
<- leads to the residence.

2015-02-02, 11:03 PM
"We should not contact the guards. We should leave. We can try and figure out what this job was, but sitting here is unwise." It becomes nervous at the delay near a dead body. It readies itself to defend from an attack, fully expecting this to be a trap and guards to come rushing in at any moment.


2015-02-02, 11:25 PM
Someone's climbing up from below the bridge. I think it's the murderer - he's going to ambush us! My current contract doesn't grant me any powers useful for combat, but...

Szilard walks to the North edge of the bridge, drawing his spear to hold in his left hand and his net in his right. He looks down over the edge of the bridge and along it, watching for anyone trying to climb up, preparing to draw on Naberius' commanding voice to try and drop the attacker before he can climb onto solid ground.

... this probably won't work. Does anyone have a backup plan? Make him think the watch has arrived using illusions? Convince him we mean him no harm? I feel so weak without Savnok's strength. He's coming!

Szilard walks to N12 looking over the edge and along the north border of the bridge.

Prepared Action
The second he sees an attacker, he'll command him to fall using Naberius' Persuasive Words (DC13 will to negate), ideally before he finishes climbing up, and 'the ground' is still whatever's below the bridge.

2015-02-03, 01:47 AM
Vermillion sees the commotion on the bridge. Looks messy, she thought, think I'll stick here for a while.

Vermillion continues to stay hidden.
Hide Check if needed [roll0]

2015-02-03, 02:00 AM
Oh, and if I die... Szilard says, straining his eyes and ears to detect any sign of the attacker he knows is beneath the bridge ...make sure the rogue doesn't get my equipment

2015-02-03, 07:11 AM
Marrady immediately drops the satchel as he's glared at, chuckling nervously.
"I was just...seeing if there was anything that would tell us about...the job." he dropped his head, still smiling uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his neck.


Pausing, Marrady hears the sounds from below, remaining quiet as he listens. "...Oh dear...er, big guy? Remember that plan I proposed earlier? Do that."

Marrady places a hand on his rapier, swallowing hard, not a man for combat of any sort.
"Make him think the watch has arrived using illusions?" Szilard said. Marrady widened his eyes, smiling, looking excited.
"Oh, oh! I can do that, hold on."
With a wave of his hand, Marrady attempted to manipulate sound, conjuring the sound of marching feet and the bustle of armoured gentlemen from a little way off the bridge.

Marrady is casting Ghost Sound to try and mimic the sound of an approaching guard force.

2015-02-03, 11:17 AM
It points to itself, "big guy?" It states the confusion clearly evident. It readies to defend itself, from the watch or this supposed attacker. It draws Its weapon and places it in hand.

2015-02-04, 11:24 PM
Having confirmed the death of the mysterious man, Elle opens her mouth to voice her frustration, but hearing Szilard and the warforged, she instead gasps and remains silent.

What have I gotten myself into... these people are seasoned killers!


2015-02-05, 07:57 AM

The head of a powerfully built female warforged pops up over the north side of the bridge. As Szilard urgently commands her to fall, her head tilts back, and then she jumps up and lunges at Marrady.

2015-02-05, 08:07 AM
"Mine, flesh-beast!" she snarls as she strikes at Marrady with a battleaxe.


The axe connects solidly. (7 damage to Marrady.) You hear the sounds of people in armor approaching.

Black is impassable.
Blue is the fountain.
X is the body.
C is the enemy warforged.
<- leads to the residence.
Considering it's an ambush, we'll just do group initiative for this one; she's acted, and now it's the PCs' turn.

2015-02-05, 10:37 AM
Having readied for danger It grabs Marrady as the other warforged swings an axe. Realizing It is unable to move the fleshy one out of the way, it instead invigorates the poor creature. "Stop." It says to the other warforged. "I am like you and these are my companions. We mean you no harm. Why did you kill this other one? Why attack us?"

Casting Vigor on self. Gain 5 Temp HP.

2015-02-05, 04:29 PM
With mounting horror, Szilard feels the warforged reject Naberius' compulsion, and watches helplessly as the construct leaps onto the bridge and slices at Marrady.

Unable to use his longspear at close quarters, Szilard lets it fall to the ground and unclips the morningstar from his belt.

He swings at their attacker, angry after seeing the peaceful bard almost cut down.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Szilard also has time to wonder if he recognizes anything about the warforged that might indicate its faction, backers or might help identify it
Knowledge (local): [roll2]

2015-02-05, 05:12 PM
Marrady had no time to react. By the time he noticed the Warforged woman, the axe was already at the apex of it's swing.
"Big guy do-" Marrady shrieked before the axe made connection. Marrady immediately went limp, the blow of the axe throwing him backwards and too the ground. Smashing against the ground several feet back with a loud groan. "still alive..." he grumbled, very slowly and painfully pushing himself to his feet.

"You guys just...let me know if you need me...I'll be with you...in spirit..." Marradys words were slurred with potential brain damage, and he slowly backs away from the fight.

Marrady is at 0 health and staggered. Assume I made a movement action to J13. I just thought me physically being thrown there would be more amusing.

2015-02-06, 10:04 AM
Seeing the warforged almost split the noisy bard in half with her axe, Vermillion springs into action.

She moves quickly forward, drawing her bow.

Draw shortbow
Move to E13

2015-02-07, 03:11 AM
Before being allowed to brood about the bard for too long, Elle is shocked and more than a little angered seeing the warforged assailant gash her new acquaintance, almost as much for being interrupted when about to make a point as for the actual attack. Hard-pressed to react to the new situation, she barely manages to utter a single defiant word before invoking the Host to reverse Marrady's injury, unconsciously taking a step towards him as she does.


In order to handle the still somewhat undetermined state of Marrady's movement, this description will be a little convoluted. The gist of it is that Elle makes a short movement after which she expends a prepared Resurgence to cast Cure Light Wounds on him:


In case the bard stays in his current square (O13), squeezes into Elle's (O14, a choice that would be greatly frowned upon), or moves to either side of her (N14, the space occupied by the body, or P14), the movement is purely for dramatic effect.

In case the bard moves towards the fountain (to N12-13 or beyond), Elle moves into N14.

In case the bard moves away from the fountain (to P12-13 or beyond), Elle moves into P14.

If this movement puts Elle within 5 ft. of Marrady, she will merely touch the bard in order to heal him. If he is further than 5 ft. but within 30 ft. and within both LoS and LoE, she will expend three daily uses of Turn Undead to cast the spell using Reach Spell. If he for some reason manages to move even further away or to impose a barrier between the two, she will not take any further steps to accomplish the task of healing him (even though I (presumably) have an entire move action to dispose of).

2015-02-07, 08:33 AM
Elle heals Marrady (Marrady's current health is 3), and as Marrady and the briefcase move away, the warforged glares after them briefly before It's words draw her attention. Szilard's morningstar slams into her head with a powerful blow, but her gaze remains fixed on the other warforged. Her face contorts with an expression of utter loathing. "No true warforged calls flesh-beasts companions!" she tells It, punctuating her sentence with a viciously accurate swipe from her axe (11 damage to It).

Her forehead has the mark of Karrnath on it.

That doesn't necessarily denote any allegiance to Karrnath now that warforged are free citizens, particularly if her expressed hatred for "flesh-beasts" is sincere.

Black is impassable.
Blue is the fountain.
X is the body.
C is the enemy warforged.
<- leads to the residence.

PCs' turn.

2015-02-07, 08:59 AM
Thank you for distracting her, big guy... big guy?

Szilard lets his net fall to the ground from his left hand, and makes a two handed swing with the morningstar.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-02-07, 12:18 PM
Marrady is briefly overcome with holy energy, eyes widening and standing up straight as the worst of his wounds are healed. He pats himself down quickly, trying to assess the damage, still slightly woozy from remaining damage. Realising what happened, he looks up to Elle and smiles, giving a little wave as thanks.
He looks towards his attacker again, now drawing his rapier, narrowing his eyes as he scrutinizes her.

"Hey! That's a mark of Karrnath. On her head!" He shouts back to his companions. His useless trivia being used to save the day.

2015-02-07, 01:50 PM
Confused and harmed, it quickly shields itself against the warforged. "Why would I not? These flesh creatures have done no harm to me, unlike you. A true warforged would not harm one of its own kind for asking questions." It takes a 5' step back and prepares to continue defending itself.

Casting vigor again. 5 temp HP. Fighting defensively.

2015-02-09, 09:21 AM
Marrady narrows his eyes, rather wary of the giant metal woman who seemed ready to liberate his organs from his body. Fleeing in blind terror was always a good option at this point, but as his new companions joined the fray, he felt abandoning them to this battle was a choice he'd regret. Though also, he didn't want to get anywhere near the psychotic woman again. He reached a compromise internally.

Readying his sling, he loaded a bullet into it, twirling it above his head as he stepped closer to the target, before chucking the small pebble at the warforged.

Marrady moves to L14 before attacking.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2015-02-09, 06:28 PM
For a moment Elle considers magically healing the as of yet not introduced warforged as well after it takes the hit for their mutual acquaintance, but having little experience with its kind, she has trouble judging the amount of damage actually dealt by the initially savage-looking chop, suspecting the brief shimmering sheathing its body to be an indication of some sort of defensive magic.

She instead decides to draw her crossbow, but aiming it at their assailant, she hesitates when about to pull the trigger. Having never had to deliberately injure another intelligent creature before, the very prospect of the act seems wrong to her, even if it is in self-defence.

A lot of nothing to see here.

Treat the situation as Elle readying an attack against approach by the female-looking warforged.

2015-02-09, 10:00 PM
Vermillion is puzzled "Why are you all so hesistant on putting down that hunk of junk? That thing damn near cleaved Maraddy in half! Have at ye, pig-iron!"

Full Round Attack - Rapid Shot
Arrow 1 [roll0] if crit [roll1] dmg [roll2]
Arrow 2 [roll3] if crit [roll4] dmg [roll5]

2015-02-09, 10:11 PM
Szilard swings wildly, coming nowhere near the enemy. Marrady's sling bullet bounces harmlessly off her chest with a metallic clang. Vermillion fires two arrows, one of which lodges in her neck, seeming to cause her mild annoyance. She glares after It, seeming to want nothing more than to continue their philosophical debate (with her axe), but as the armored figures you hear (Marrady, at least, knows they're not real) get closer, she turns and lunges at Marrady; Szilard catches her a powerful blow across her head as she moves away from him, but even though it leaves a noticeable dent, her axe still smashes Marrady to the ground (7 damage to Marrady). Even as her axe swings down, she says in a harsh voice, ""Give me the briefcase and I'll kill you quickly, flesh-worm!"

Attack of opportunity from Szilard as she charges out of his threatened area: [roll0][roll1]
Attacking Marrady: [roll2][roll3]
Black is impassable.
Blue is the fountain.
X is the body.
C is the enemy warforged.
<- leads to the residence.
PCs' turn; Marrady is now at -4 and thus unconscious and dying.

2015-02-09, 11:17 PM
Szilard sees Marrady cut down as he tries to run to safety. The binder turns and follows, bypassing the hostile warforged completely to stand over Marrady's unconscious body, shielding him and the breifcase from the axe-wielding woman.

Do you really think a swift death is an attractive offer? We didn't even care about the briefcase, not before we started bleeding for it!

Did you hear what the bard said? Here's what will happen- either you leave, now, without further violence, or I will throw the briefcase into the streets below. If you survive us, and the city watch, then you'll still have to track down whatever penniless denizen decides to take it while you're held up here...

As the warforged seems to be mulling his speech over, Szilard swings his morningstar to punctuate his ultimatum.

Szilard moves to J14 (provoking an AoO if you want) and standing over Marrady.

He swings his MS two-handed at the warforged
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If I get knocked out in a single AoO before reaching Marrady, then I give a generic threat about the watch getting here soon before I fall unconscious.

Edit: changed my dialog to include Marrady's (hopefully not) final words.

2015-02-09, 11:35 PM
As the bullet bounced uselessly off the Warforged metal skin, Marrady lowered his sling, whimpering slightly as the woman charged at him. "Oh dear..."

The axe struck, nearly cleaving him in two, and certainly causing enough damage to offens onlookers. Sliding off the axe, eyes wide in shock, he stuttered just loud enough to hear. "Guard's coming..."
before falling unconcious.


2015-02-10, 12:13 AM
It takes another step backward from the other warforged. It grabs the long spear from its back and prepares to attack if the aggressive warforged insists on pressing its attack.

2015-02-10, 11:16 PM
Seeing two of her would-be companions fall in sequence after hefty hits from the warforged, Vermillion pressed the attack. Grah. Eat pointy death warforged!

Full Round Attack - Rapid Shot + PBS
Arrow 1 [roll0] if crit [roll1] dmg [roll2]
Arrow 2 ([roll3] if crit [roll4] dmg [roll5]

5 ft step to E14

2015-02-11, 07:43 AM
Even as the warforged pulls back her axe to finish off Szilard, two arrows sink into her body and she topples to the ground. Part of her upper chest detaches itself, spreads clockwork wings, and flies away into the night.

The sounds of approaching people get louder, even though Marrady's spell should have ended some eighteen seconds ago. Then a deep male voice yells, "Oy! What's going on there?"

Three people in Watch uniforms, holding crossbows, rush up to you; a male human, a female elf, and the apparent speaker, a male dwarf.

120 XP for each of you.

2015-02-11, 01:44 PM
It puts away the spear in the presence of the guards. "This one came into a tavern looking for help." It says pointing to their potential employer. "He seemed to be in great distress, so we agreed to meet this evening and discuss the nature of this help. Upon arriving one of our company," It points to Marraday, "spotted him under attack. We rushed to try and see if we could save the mans life. The attacker fled by the time we were able to get here. We were sending some to inform the watch when we were attacked by the warforged that lies there broken." It hopes that one of the others is smart enough to stash the briefcase while It interacts with the city watch.

2015-02-11, 05:19 PM
Officers, can you postpone your questioning until our friend has been taken care of!? He's dying! The watch must give you some training as healers!?

Szilard crouches by Marrady and ineptly tries to take care of his wounds.

Heal (first aid): [roll0]

2015-02-11, 08:38 PM
Elle's is interrupted in weighing the tactical advantages of healing either of her wounded companions currently under attack by their assailant being felled by two short arrows flying seemingly out of nowhere. Scanning the area for their origin, she finally spots the familiar-looking halfling from earlier at the inn.

So she was interested in the job offer after all... interesting...

The realisation that Marrady is still wounded, perhaps mortally, causes her instantly to cast her pondering aside for later and rush into action. Seeing the man who fought by their side fumbling in attempts to stop the bard's bleeding, she calls out in her most authoritative voice, granting the situation an unnerving resemblance to their first encounter with the dead body.

"Stand aside and let me through to him. Now!"

Olladra, grant him the fortune to see another day.

Unless physically stopped, Elle moves to Marrady's side and expends her second preparation of Resurgence to cast Cure Light Wounds on the bard. She can leave the talking to someone else for now.


2015-02-11, 09:29 PM
Szilard sighs in relief as he sees the faint light wash over the bard's body, stopping the bleeding at least if not reviving him. No longer so worried about the wounded half-elf, Szilard looks up to add to the warforged's answer.

The big guy over there is right enough.. we were in the Fresh Dart inn in lower Tavick's Landing when we first met him. Of the dozens of patrons who must have heard his request for help, only we Szilard gestures to the group on the bridge, not explicitly pointing to the rogue lurking to the west approached him for more information.

He gave us an address at which to meet him tonight, Szilard thinks for a moment and then repeats the address, but on our way there we saw him ambushed and cut down by a warforged. Szilard goes on to describe the attacker, including the mark on her head and describe how she escaped, leaving out her interest in the briefcase, which at this point must just look like one of Marrady's possessions.

Szilard remembers the bard as having a particularly genial nature, and wishes he were awake to talk to the city watch on their behalf, but failing that hopes that the guards approve of his attempt to give them most of the details.

Being very cooperative (without giving anything away about the briefcase) to gain their approval
Diplomacy: Rushed take 10+3 (Naberius)

2015-02-11, 09:34 PM
Out of the pan and into the fire eh? Typical day in the Sharn I guess. Vermillion thought wryly to herself as she put away her bow.

She minces forward quietly and pretends to help with the healing of Marrady. She then attempts to stow the briefcase stealthily ((Sneak [roll0] and Sleight of Hand [roll1]))

Seeing that the bard seems to breathing regularly, she straightens up and says to the guards Thank tha gods ye ar here! Didja see tha warforged who damn near ripped my friend 'ere in 'alf? Mark of the House Karnath and all! She waves her arms around to emphasise her point

2015-02-12, 10:15 AM
"Wait, wait, wait." The dwarf shakes his head. "Is he all right now?"

Confirming that Marrady is, if not exactly all right, no longer in danger of dying, he continues, "I heard three versions of what happened here. In one of them this warforged," he points to your recent assailant, "killed that man," he points to your erstwhile potential employer. "In another, he was killed by someone else who fled and then that warforged appeared. In the third, he was killed by a different warforged with the same mark who then fled...This warforged's presence unexplained. I'll give you one more chance to get your story straight, or we can sort this all out at the Watch base." He looks expectantly, and not very kindly, at Szilard.

2015-02-12, 04:29 PM
There was only one assailant officer, the female warforged we described with the mark of Karnath, who's partial remains lie here.

Immediately after the murder she appeared to flee into the shadows below the bridge, but it was only a feint while she prepared to ambush us. A scuffle ensued between our group and the murderer, and eventually she shucked her damaged body and escaped, more or less as a disembodied head. She flew off in that direction Szilard points.

More diplomacy: [roll0]

2015-02-12, 10:59 PM
Vermillion, switches over to the Dwarven tongue to better state her case.

Hail, dwarven brother. It is as this gentleman says. We are glad that the Watch has arrived here on time, a credit to you and the your fellows. This errant Warforged not only killed our poor prospective employer, he nearly cut our unconscious friend here in half. You can check in with the barkeep at the Fresh Dart Inn, Lower Tavick's Landing. It was there where he made his intentions known and where all of us responded to his call.

((Diplomacy [roll0]))

2015-02-13, 06:19 PM
Elle carefully investigates the result of her spell, and far less than satisfied, the minute vassal interrupts the discussion going on around her.

"Would you stop talking and help carry this man instead? He may be stable for now, but he is still badly injured and needs bed rest and proper care, something I can not provide him while he is laying on the street in the pouring rain."

Turning to the men of the Watch more than to her temporary allies, she continues:

"Do you have a stretcher with you? Or something at all to help carry him?"

2015-02-13, 07:26 PM
Ashamed that he hadn't realised the rain might be bad for the wounded half-elf, Szilard pulls off his cloak and covers the Bard's unconscious body.

He looks so peaceful. I wonder what he's dreaming about.

2015-02-13, 08:57 PM
The dwarf sergeant looks unsure. "We could help you carry him...but we don't have any kind of stretcher, and we should take the bodies to the Watch base. It looks like you have him," he says finally.

Unless someone protests, the sergeant directs his two companions to lift the corpse of the warforged who attacked you, while he takes your late would-be employer's body, and they head east across the bridge.

2015-02-14, 09:21 PM
Officer, wait a moment, can you spare someone to escort us to a temple or inn? I'm worried the murderer might come after us again tonight, or send some of her friends to do away with the witnesses.

Also, I realise this is imposing, but could we take your name and where you're going now, in case we're questioned about it later by other members of the watch?

2015-02-15, 11:46 AM
The dwarf turns to his companions. "Can you handle that one alone?" he asks the human.

"I...suppose so?" The human nearly drops the dead warforged as the elf steps back, letting her feet go. "If you take my crossbow, anyway..."

The dwarf looks back at Szilard. "I'm Sergeant Dolom. I'm taking these to the watch base nearest the Mason's Tower. This is Orihana; she'll escort you."

The dwarven sergeant and his human companion leave. The elf woman looks at you. "An inn or temple, you said; do you have somewhere more specific in mind?"

2015-02-16, 01:54 AM
So ... ar' we splittin' up then? Anyone hurt could go wit tha accordion playa to the nearest temple o' Ollandra. Believe tha be one nearby. The rest could perhaps go with the Sarge 'ere to give tha statement on the attack? We'll meet back at tha Fresh Dart Inn in two bells?

2015-02-16, 01:09 PM
"I don't believe we are splitting up. The officer has our statement and I believe we can trust him to record it accurately. I am injured, though I doubt your healers can do much for me. I'd be better served finding a forge. I shall help you carry the noisy one to a healer first. Perhaps if all of us help carry him we can share the work." It moves to grab the half-elf by the arm pit hoping the others will help.

2015-02-17, 04:31 PM
Could you show us to the nearest hospital? Our friend has some money, and we can pay to get him back on his feet.

With the warforged's help I still don't know his name, Szilard bears Marrady along as they follow the guard to the hospital.

If nothing happens on the way to the hospital, we'll take some gold from Marrady's pack and buy him 1-2 CLW, just to get him back on his feet, then head back to the Fresh Dart for the night.

2015-02-17, 04:59 PM
The trip to the hospital is uneventful unless party members cause events, and Marrady finally regains consciousness there 108 gold pieces later.
Marrady gains [roll0] hit points and is no longer unconscious.

2015-02-17, 07:54 PM
Marrady wakes up with a gasp as the healing effects knit together bleeding chest and return him once more to the land of consciousness.
"Gah!...oh, oh good I'm alive...someone tried to kill me again, didn't they?" Marrady sits upright, groaning as his senses return to him, his arms shaking as he pushes himself upright. He looks around at those who brought him here (Szilard and the Elven guard I believe), smiling brightly at them.
"Oh, er...hello. I guess you're my heroes this time...did I do anything useful this time? Er, and where are the others? By which I mean everything involved."

2015-02-18, 10:14 AM
Before splitting up

Seeing the injured human trying to lift his unconscious kin, Elle doubts he will be able to carry the man for long.

"Come here and let me take a look at you first, you look like you are about to collapse yourself any moment."

First making sure the man is not suffering from any major injuries prone to suddenly worsening dramatically, the cleric invests in him the blessing of the Host to ensure he manages the exertion.

...thus expending her last prepared Orison of the day to cast Cure Minor Wounds, healing Szilard for a single hit point.
Elle briefly considers following along to the hospital, but decides she is not sure she would want to be seen as a companion of these people just yet in the eyes of people who might recognise her. She instead focuses her attention on the other halfling that had stepped in to save them at the last second, seemingly out of thin air.

"I believe I have not had the pleasure of making your acquaintance; my name is Ellabelle d'Jorasco. Care if I join you on the walk to the inn?"

2015-02-18, 10:42 PM
Ah, shoulda figured ya for a Jorasco. Verm's the name, nice to meetcha. Vermillion holds out her hand to the fellow halfling.

Anyway, once you guys get sorted, let's head back to the inn. She raps the hidden briefcase with a clunk. I got something we oughta be seeing.

2015-02-18, 11:19 PM
"A pleasure meeting you, Verm."

Seeing the others leave, Elle urges her new acquaintance to leave.

"After you."

Having walked for about minute in the invigorating rain still pouring from a darkened sky, she continues her inquiry.

"Do you have a room at the inn? I am not staying there personally, I was merely recommended the food. And unless you were intentionally vague in which case I will not bother you by asking, what were you referring to that we should see? Did you manage to meet with the man before... before the incident? Did he give you something?"

2015-02-18, 11:19 PM
It travels with the noisy one to the hospital. It was used to menial tasks like carrying the injured. It was a disappointment to the creator after all. It had spent a while simply cleaning up after the others and acting more as servant before it was dismissed from service all together. "The others wait at the tavern where we started. You are weak. They seemed reluctant to travel with you noisy one. Perhaps it is you. Perhaps it is this place. This one does not know." It runs a finger over the marking in the plating from the axe. The crystal sneaks out from under the plates and flashes a cascade of colors as the warforged and crystal converse mentally.

"He is weak. Leave him. The others will not wait long. We must move quickly." "I shall not. This one acted as the point of contact. The noisy one is our leader for now, until another is chosen. Though the references of big guy are confusing." "He assumes you are male as well. You are also tall and sturdy built. His kind assume this means great physical strength, your kind is a mystery to others remember?" "No, I'm still learning. How do you know it is male? Why does it assume I am male? I do not have a gender." "He lacks the features of a female. You also lack these features. Those of flesh need these labels to understand unlike your kind." "Very well. He is male. I shall be okay with such a tag as well. He seems fragile, perhaps we should replace his insides with those similar to ours." "That may help. Though we must move quickly. Speed is important. The others won't wait long."

It looked at the others in the room. "We have decided that you are a male." It tells Marraday. "We also feel you are fragile. This one is weak and much sturdier than you are. We would like to suggest you visit one like this one's creator to have your insides replaced with more durable material. We'd suggest our creator, but he has disowned us. We also feel the others will not wait for long for you to recover. You must recover quickly so we may join them. We were able to recover information about the job that is of importance."

2015-02-19, 02:33 AM
It's possible you helped Szilard says to the bard. Our attacker ran off, possibly because she thought the watch were on their way.

Szilard watches the warforged become quiet for several seconds, then listens to his advice to the bard about getting "upgrades".

Since we're made of meat' he says to the warforged, our upgrades go on the outside. But you're right.. I'll get my 'more durable parts' in the morning.

For now.. I'll come back with the two of you to the inn, I want to see what's in the briefcase we almost died for- the one the rogue nabbed, but I don't have the money to stay there. After we check the contents, I'll go back to sleep on my hay pile at the apothecary.

My name is Szilard by the way he says to both the bard and the warforged as he starts to edge towards the hospital's exit.

2015-02-19, 04:51 AM
"We have decided that you are male."
Marrady grins, giving a thumbs up in apparent approval of this conclusion. "Fantastic, I always suspected." Though through the rest of the conversation regarding upgrades and meat creatures, Marrady remained conspicuously silent, his grin slowly fading to a frown as he looks between his various escorts.

"...Well!" Marrady piped up as the conversation drew quiet again. "As I'm up and about again, barely, I suppose it would be too much to ask that you carry me. So I'll just ask that you don't walk too fast while we head back to the inn. And I'll happily pay for a room for you, it's the least I can do. Barding does pay quite well after all, and I do have a plan to get some extra coin..."
Marrady hopped out of the bed, stumbling slightly as he landed on his feet, letting out a pained groan before forcing a grin again. He walked towards his party members, giving the big guy, as he would never stop calling it, a pat on the arm as he looks to the other. "I'm thinking I could persuade the guard to pay us the money that the dead guy promised us. He did promise us, after all. I think we're entitled."

2015-02-19, 05:14 AM
You'll rent me a room? Thank you. I would probably have gotten an earful from my old master if I'd turned up at the apothecary.

I was also thinking we might visit the dead man's home. Perhaps he left a widow, or some other family who would pay us to track down his killer. Maybe we'd even get an advance to cover our expenses.

2015-02-19, 11:42 AM
"Then it is decided. We go to the tavern and meet the others. After we see what the parcel contained, you shall use these rooms. Then in the morning we replace Szilard's flesh with composite plating. It would be pleased to see how the upgrade works. It may need new plating itself one day."

It helps Marraday balance himself before heading out. It takes smaller strides than normal, hoping to not strain the injured Marraday further. "Yes we should give our condolences to the family. They may wish to know what happened to their love one. Asking for coin after bringing such news seems rude."

2015-02-19, 02:42 PM
You all meet up back at the inn where you started.

2015-02-19, 08:04 PM
"A fine idea, big guy." Marrady states, giving the construct another pat. "Yes, we should do our bit to alleviate this tragedy. Perhaps, I wonder, by discovering the cause of it. We shall commune with the others, methinks. Come along, to the inn!"
Upbeat as ever, despite the recent cleaving, Marrady left his bed and marched merrily towards the inn. Though considerably slower than he might have without being disemboweled.

Later, at the inn, Marrady waved as he saw the Halfling companions, grinning widely as he tried for their attention. "Yoohoo! Over here! I'm alive!" Yelling across the bar as he ran towards them, bumping into several people on the way. A few feet and many apologies later, Marrady stood infront of his new friends. "Hello, you two. Are you alright?"

2015-02-19, 10:03 PM
It joined the inured Marraday to the bar. When they arrived It stood beside the table. "What did the case contain?"

2015-02-20, 09:31 PM
The briefcase you took from the corpse of your late potential employer contains a small journal, measuring about 3 inches by 6 inches and 1 inch thick, with a cover of dark brown leather with strands of mithral thread woven in a strange pattern. It bears no title, just the mithral-thread icon on the front cover. Inside, every page is blank, but the sheets have a strange feel; they don't seem to be paper or leather, but something not readily identifiable. The icon depicts a stylized anvil and hammer inside a circle; it is completely unfamiliar to any of you.

2015-02-22, 12:17 PM
Magical maybe? Any spellniks here able to whazzit tha book?

Vermillion proceed to search the briefcase more thoroughly for any hidden pockets or caches
Perception [roll0]

2015-02-22, 12:22 PM
As far as you can tell, there's nothing in the briefcase at all now that the book has been removed from it.

2015-02-23, 08:56 AM
Assuming the earlier discussion was cut off with nothing but a mysterious smile, and that nothing meaningful happened in the meantime... I would have liked to make some point about being shocked at the stealing of evidence from a crime scene, but expedience is a virtue. It should be, at least.

Oh, and an unlikely-to-succeed roll to hopefully delve into the mysteries of the above spoiler:

"I can study it more closely in the morning; there may very well be magical writing, but I need to prepare first."

Considering the seemingly empty book for a moment, the vessel adds:

"Until then, perhaps it would be prudent to eliminate the possibility of mundane steganography. Is the paper entirely smooth and unstained? No pinholes or other markings? I know there are invisible inks of some kind, but I do not know how they work, exactly..."

I would assume that while Knowledge (Nature) is a good candidate for the D&D knowledge field most closely matching the natural sciences, the specific knowledge of the (bio-)chemistry of substances that decompose or denature when exposed to heat or acidic/alkaline environments is better left to a field of application, in this case Decipher Script (or Linguistics, as the even more specific case may be).

2015-02-23, 11:50 AM
While you're debating what to do with the book, a cloaked figure comes up to you, drops a note very blatantly in front of Vermillion, and hurries away.

The hand that drops the note is wearing a House Cannith signet ring.

The note reads, "If you would know the truth of Bonal Geldem's murder, go to the Broken Anvil tavern at dawn."

2015-02-23, 12:18 PM
Ehhhh wut in the Macguffin is this? Vermillion picks up the note.

Her eyes widen. Curses, after that man! 'e knows wut happened to the guvnor! She sprints after the cloaked figure, daggers in her hands

2015-02-24, 02:06 AM

Keep rollin' rollin' rollin'
Though the streams are swollen
Keep them dogies rollin'
Elle swings her rucksack on her back and goes chasing after the mysterious man, though falling a good ten or fifteen paces behind the woman she knew only as Verm, a little concerned about whether she would be able to stop the halfling from making use of those brandished daggers and turning this too to bloodshed.

"Stop! We only want to have a word with you!"

2015-02-24, 05:58 AM
Looking around at the others as they examine the suitcase and journla, I don't know if I introduced myself earlier, my name's Szilard

After introducing himself, Szilard also takes a turn to examine the now empty briefcase for clues or hidden compartments.


I'm hurt and exhausted, I think I'll retire for the night, and meet you for the cleric's examination of the dia... Szilard is interrupted by a figure dropping a note in front of Vermillion, craning his head, he reads the note over the rogue's shoulder.

So our murdered employer was called Bonal Geldem? After almost being murdered ourselves, how sure are we that this isn't a trap set by the murderer's friends?

2015-02-24, 11:08 AM
It sees the others go to dash out. It attempts to grab them to stop them. "The watch didn't arrest us when we were found with 2 dead bodies last time. Adding a 3rd to the count would seem to press our luck. Perhaps we should discuss a plan this time?"

I want to grab you to stop you, but I don't like writing others actions. If you are fine with me doing so please post as such. Thanks!

2015-02-24, 09:42 PM
The stranger manages to lose Vermillion and Elle quickly whether they let It stop them or not.
Having 2/3 his movement rate hurts.

2015-02-25, 07:43 AM
Do I see the ring?


2015-02-25, 07:50 AM
Marrady picks up the book, apparently oblivious to the commotion of the others. He flips through it quickly, briefly glancing over every page.
"It's got to be magical. There's no way he was just carrying around an empty book...I mean how had he planned to pay us?" Marrady slammed the book shut in his hand, peering at the cover again, then peering at the note. "Broken Anvil? Well...that certainly matches the front cover here." Marrady points to the icon on the front of the book.

Right, I'd like to take a Bardic Knowledge check for anything I might know about invisible writing
And a local knowledge check for any mages in the area who could help, [roll]d20+2
and a local knowledge check about the Broken Anvil [roll1]]

2015-02-25, 07:51 AM
second knowledge check didn't go through, so, check for the local mages and such [roll0]

2015-02-26, 01:56 AM
Damn, 'e got away, Vermillion, red-faced from the exertion, cursed as she re-joined the group.

If the rest of yer dinch notice, tha' runny reindeer had a House Cannith ring on 'is person. And since they know 'boot Mister Bonal's murder ... AND they wanta meet at a House Ghallanda inn ... means somethin. reeall fishy is boiling eh?

Verm looks around for anyone who might be observing them ((Perception [roll0])). When she feels they are 'safe', she proceeds to whisper to the others

Awright, here's what I think aight? Like it or not, we be in this together.

We saw a man killed by a flesh hating warforged. Now we know that House Cannith is summat involved, and they have linked us together as a group.

Like it or not, my instincts tell me great danger and great reward too. So, we don't know one another well, but let's agree to see this though to the end eh?

2015-02-26, 02:34 AM
I bet everything I own and my apprenticeship on this job, if there's a way to salvage it... count me in.

Szilard sways slightly.

But now I'm going to retire.. wake me in the morning when the cleric over there is ready to perform her magical analysis.

Grateful that Marrady offered to pay for him to have a room, Szilard stumbles away to find his room and sleep for the night.

2015-02-26, 11:47 AM
"I shall accompany you. I too need to retire and recharge my mental capacity." It finds an inconspicuous place to rest before going into a stasis like mode.

2015-02-27, 06:22 AM
Verm wordlessly scoops up the book and heads up to her own room.

2015-03-01, 08:42 PM
As Elle readies herself to run after Verm and the unknown messenger, she stops in her tracks to reply to the warforged.

"Another body is exactly the thing I am trying to avoid!"

Ready to chase after the pair, she notices that the combative halfling has already fallen behind and is stopping her pursuit, and as such, Elle stays her stride as well. After listening to the others speculate for a minute while trying to wind down from the sudden excitement, she joins in, half speaking to herself.

"A warforged assassin sure reeks of Cannith politics... if the meeting place is run by House Ghallanda though, it at least will most likely be neutral ground, and probably even safe."

After Verm raises the subject of being identified as a group, and of working together, the priest replies with a little more fervour.

"We were assaulted in the open street, and not by some common mugger either. Someone even followed us here and now they know where you are staying. Of course I will help trying to find whoever is behind this... at least for the time being."

Her voice having trailed off and turned a little unsure at the end of the sentence, Elle shrugs off her moment of doubt to throw a roguish glance at Marrady and adds, in a much lighter tone and with a wide smile painted across her face:

"Besides, I am not letting the bard out of my sight for long until his debt is repaid. I will return tomorrow after sunrise."

After having stopped by the stables to check on Tuft, instead of returning to her usual House Jorasco lodgings the vassal spends her night in one of the cramped closet-like rooms in the temple normally reserved for the acolytes.

The next morning

Rising just before dawn, Elle spends a full hour in prayer, calling upon Olladra to grant her and her new companions good fortune in their venture, Boldrei and Dol Dorn to protect them from harm in whatever form it may come upon them, and Aureon and Dol Arrah to guide them and help shed light on the mystery they had only just begun to unravel. Finally, she spends a minute in quiet prayer, offering a drop of blood in sacrifice to appease and ward off The Mockery, before leaving to meet the others in the common room of the Fresh Dart Inn, just before the first few rays of sunlight caress the tallest spires of Sharn.

Spell preparations for the day:

Orisons: Detect Magic (x2), Read Magic
Level 1: Hypnotism (D), Resurgence (x2)

...and yes, call Elle a heretic all you want.

2015-03-02, 07:16 AM
"Alright then, team, I will see you all bright and early tomorrow morning. Lots to get done tomorrow, what with the magic book and mysterious tavern and the potential widow and what have you." Marrady gives a bright grin, looking around at the few party members as they disperse.

"Right, yeah, heading to bed, good idea. Don't worry, this will make a grand bardic tale yet, I'd bet my hat on it."

Marrady headed to his room, basking in unconsciousness as he slept off the mortal wounds. At six am next morning, Marrady trudged into the main downstairs of the inn. Lazily dressed in the same clothes as yesterday, staring glassy eyed, barely able to function as he fell against the bar. "Coffee." he ordered, with the voice of a dying elder god.

2015-03-02, 10:27 PM
Verm springs out of bed at dawn.

As per her usual routine, Verm goes through her morning calisthenics, followed by a knife throwing practice before washing up and gives her daggers a quick go on her whetstone. All in all, an hour since she woke later, she bounds down the stairs to the common room for some breakfast. She spies Marrady and settles next to him

Eyyyy, not much of a mornin' person eh? Barkeep, my usual breakfast of champions please.

2015-03-03, 03:48 AM
Entering the common room of the Fresh Dart Inn as promised, Elle finds Marrady and Verm are already about. Refreshed and filled with energy from a good night's sleep, and having had over an hour to shake off any last remnants of sleep, the vassal's exuberant mood comes across clearly in her voice and body language.

"A good day to the both of you!"

2015-03-03, 07:12 AM
Marrady almost creaks, movement strained and twitchy as he forces himself to look to Verm and then Elle, glaring with the face of a dying man. He stared forward over the bar, growling. "Nobody talks to me until I get my coffee!" he growls.

As the coffee arrives, he snatches it, immediately gulping down the boiling liquid, slamming the mug on the bar as he finishes, life returning to his eyes. "Ok, I'm awake, I'm awake." he pats his own cheeks, shaking himself awake. "Alright! Elle, Verm, great to see you, beautiful morning, yada yada." He returned to obnoxious optimism, grinning at the two halflings. "Well, we've got a big day, better hurry over to the Broken Anvil. And then maybe buy some potions, if we get attacked again, I'll probably die."

2015-03-04, 01:33 PM
Verm glances around. "Where are the others? Did we agree to meet here or at the Broken Anvil directly?"

2015-03-05, 07:27 PM
You arrive in a ragtag group at the Broken Anvil. The halfling matron greets you at the door. "Lady Elaydren has been expecting you," she tells you, showing you to a private room near the common room. A human woman in fine glamerweave clothing and expensive jewelery thanks her before turning her attention to you as the matron leaves.

"Thank you for coming," the human woman says, gesturing to several comfortable chairs around a table. "Please sit down." She points to glasses and three pitchers on the table; the pitchers appear to hold ale, wine, and water.

"First, let us be introduced. Sometimes I go by other names, but I think it'll make our business easier if I tell you my true name is Elaydren d'Cannith."

2015-03-05, 08:20 PM
Szilard scratches idly at a scar on his arm and takes a seat. Lacking both the intelligence and knowledge of local politics needed to speculate on wider events, he settles for listening in silence.

While Szilard's attention is on the woman, he has Jupiter -his recently re-bound soulspark- float quietly around close to the ground and inspect the other patrons, before returning to sit on the table in front of him.

Jupe's specifically looking for anyone who seems out of place, or seems like they're paying attention to the group's meeting.

In case it's relevant, Spot: [roll0]

2015-03-06, 02:19 AM
Knowledge Local on who Lady Elaydren d'Cannith is


Never too early for what seems like a really good vintage. All this great big show and tell ... smells like an expensive job! Vermillion smirks to herself as she pours a glass of wine, sips it and raises her glass at the host.

Greetings, Lady Elaydren. Ma name be Vermillion Teacup, and I appreciate the fine hospitality you shown us. This here be our little group and you somehow know we be related to the late Mr. Donal somehow. I'll leave the rest ta introduce demselves to ya.

2015-03-06, 05:53 AM
On the way
Marrady seems to have perked right up after his mornings coffee, singing a mildly annoying tune as he wanders along with his companions.
"Oh say ye, have ye heard the tale, the murderous rein of Blackhook..." He continues until either the song ends, or someone smacks him.

As they approach the inn, Marrady turns to Elle. "So did you look into that book anymore? We may do well knowing more before we go in. They may have nefarious plans in wait...or something." he waves his hand dismissively before pushing the door to the inn open.

And now in the private room.

Marrady smiles politely, offering a deep bow to their hostess, "Good morning, my Lady. I am Marrady Fiddletwine, accomplished bard. Perhaps you've heard of me?" He grins widely, pulling up a chair to rest his buttocks in. He takes a few moments to peer around the room before focusing on the lady again, "Well, I would like to consider myself the spokesman of our little party here, so I'd like to ask if it's not too much problem; Why were we brought here? I must confess, my only plans for the day otherwise were to see about receiving the payment we were promised. Oh! And seeing about consoling the poor mans widow." Marrady waves vaguely towards it, in hopes this conveyed enough.

Bardic Knowledge check on who this woman is. [roll0]

2015-03-06, 10:13 AM
It readies itself for the day. The nights rest has recharged its mental powers an It feels refreshed. The crystal still slumbers so It refrains from bothering the crystal. It listens to Szilard talking about putting on armor and such. The being seems to feel this is what It had meant about replacing components with sturdier ones. Realizing explaining that Szilard is wrong would probably be offensive, It bypasses the conversation and joins the group preparing for the morning. The noisy one, Marraday it was called, resumes with the noise making. It started to think Marrady was never quiet. During the song It silently wondered if maybe Marrady's vocal personality hadn't been the stem of many of his stories.

As the group arrives at the Broken Anvil, It remains silent. Upon entering the private room It notices the spread laid out before them. Yet again a courtesy was extended and yet again his kind was ignored. It didn't drink like the others. It had tried once, the act was interesting but futile. It takes up a place in the corner in silence. It had used a chair once. The results were...unfavorable. It had learned from the event that the standard chair was not meant for the likes of creatures its size. The chairs were It was created were sturdier, often made of stone and metal, and could serve to hold It's weight. It stayed back against the door as they entered the private room. The size of the warforged was off-putting to those not used to them. Others seemed generally uneasy around warforged, for reasons not yet understood. The attacker on the bridge with a general hatred of all beings of flesh seemed like a clue to the reason. It finally awoke the crystal from meditation. "It is time for the day to begin. Your services are required now," It thought to the thing.

2015-03-06, 12:33 PM
No one seems to be paying attention to what's going on behind the curtain separating you from the tavern's common room.

You recognize the name as a member of House Cannith in the city, but know no more.

She's actually a member of the Aundarian branch of the family, though she's been stationed in Sharn for a while.

The woman raises an eyebrow at Marrady's words and replies coolly, "I had been working with Provost Geldem to recover a...family heirloom. I know he offered to hire you for that task. Pilfering his still-warm corpse was, perhaps, less heroic than I might have hoped...but since you did kill his murderer, I'm willing to continue the offer he made. You did bring his journal, didn't you? The chairs here are reinforced and should be able to hold you, if you want to sit down," she adds to the warforged standing in the corner.

There's something subtly different about her attitude as she looks at each of you. In order from friendliest to least friendly: Szilard, Vermillion, Elle/It tied for third place, Marrady.

2015-03-06, 04:18 PM
Well ma lady, whoever sent dat warforged made sure he or she or it knew what happened to it. Verm describes the flying object that detached from the warforged after Vermillion shot it full of arrows. The watch arrived before I could chase after it.

She digs the journal out from her pack. I hope you like blank books, she says dubiously as she passes the journal over to Elaydren.

((Sense Motive [roll0]))

2015-03-08, 10:39 AM
"Thank you for telling me. The Lord of Blades' other agents in the city will be expecting you, then." As she takes the book, the House Cannith signet ring on her finger glows, and so do the mithral threads on the book's cover. When she opens it, the blank pages immediately begin to fill with delicate script and line drawings. She turns to a specific page, studies it for a minute, and then pulls a folded map from inside her cloak.

"The heirloom, according to family legends, was locked away in a foundry that dates back to pre-Galifar Sharn. Poor Bonal believed that he discovered the location of the foundry in this ancient House Cannith journal. The location indicated here is deep within the Dorasharn Tower, fifty-seven levels below the tower's present-day sewer system. I offer you two hundred gold pieces each and the good will of my house if you recover the heirloom and return it to me. Will you help me?"

2015-03-09, 03:38 AM
On the way

Recalling the attack of the day before, Elle's mood sinks as the group begins their short journey, and as a consequence, she keeps mostly quiet during the brisk morning walk, listening to the others but paying little attention as she instead tries to work through the possible scenarios that may unravel at their destination. Her efforts being largely fruitless, frustrated by the almost complete lack of information, she mostly welcomes the interruption posed by Marrady's question.

"The book is enchanted; though little else is, that much at least is clear. I was unable to determine anything else about its nature, however, not even whether it contains any hidden information at all."

At the Broken Anvil

After entering the inn, somewhat relieved that the walk there had proceeded without incident, Elle curtseys before the matron and then again, deeper, before the Lady Elaydren before following her directions to take a seat, though the vassal silently declines the offer of drink and waits a moment to allow the others to introduce themselves before she does so herself.

"My name is Ellabelle d'Jorasco, and my services are at your disposal."

A little bothered by the impoliteness shown by the human and the warforged not introducing themselves, doubly so because she had not herself had an opportunity to learn their names, the halfling is a little distracted as the Lady continues.

Not only have I not learned their names; with the gender-neutral build, I can not even tell whether to think of the warforged as male or female... not as if that really matters, of course, but still. I really ought to ask them for a proper introduction, though now is not really the time... it may be a little embarrassing after this time, but it will only get worse if...

...wait... did she say the Lord of Blades?

Suddenly startled out of her inner musings, Elle almost whispers in response.

"Wait a moment... did you say the Lord of Blades was behind the attack?"

Gathering herself for just a moment, she continues in a more normal tone, though the startled look has not yet faded completely from her face.

"I mean... your offer is certainly generous, though we will of course need a little more information, but... what does this have to do with the Lord of Blades?"

I am assuming that we do not know anything of the Lord of Blades other than what it rumoured, based mostly on wild speculation, and probably at least half wrong, but that we have heard of him in the same way one might have heard of the bogeyman.

Given that the Knowledge (Local) Check is outside the scope of untrained Checks, I will stick with the Sense Motive Check, and instead add a purely optimistic Knowledge (Arcana) Check to see if Elle knows of any manner of dweomer that fits what little information about she has about the journal:


I will, however, ask for something else instead of the particulars of the Lady Elaydren's identity: What, exactly, does the titular construction "Lady" signify in this context? And while at it, what does the title Provost indicate (I am trying my best to stay away from any information about notable Eberron characters and such, in an attempt to avoid stumbling upon spoilers)? I will tack on a Knowledge (Local) Check for good measure, in case it is common knowledge but not widely spread enough to automatically be known to a member of a Dragonmarked House:


By the way, I was unaware that the string identifiers for text colours were still working after the update, thank you for letting me know. Not that I am likely to ever use them myself, as I like a little more control over my particular choices of colours, but it is something to be aware of.

2015-03-10, 01:22 PM
You don't recognize the magic she's using. The title "lady" by itself can indicate standing in a Dragonmarked house, but it could fall anywhere in a very big range. Provost is unfamiliar to you; you're pretty sure it's not a title used by the Dragonmarked houses, at least not universally enough to be known in House Jorasco.
"The relic I seek, an adamantine plate in the shape of a seven-pointed star about the size of my hand, is an ancient schema--a piece of a pattern used by the Cannith artificers of old to craft unusual items," Elaydren explains. "I don't know whether the Lord of Blades knows more about it than I do, less, or the same--but he knows enough to want it. Recover this piece of history for us, and House Cannith will be extremely grateful."

2015-03-10, 08:00 PM
Marrady frowns, looking between Elle and the Lady before piping up.
"So if I might ask, do you know why a certain Warforged attacked us? I'm assuming somebody doesn't want this job done? Might I ask why this is so important?"


2015-03-10, 08:43 PM
It looks at Marrady from the corner. "The Lady indicated the Lord of Blade's other agents in the city would be after us. She indicated the slain was possibly going to give us this task. Sadly he was slain before the official offer. The Lord of Blades also wants this item. So logic would dictate that the warforged was an agent of the Lord of Blades sent to insure the man was silenced before giving us the task. Most likely to eliminate the Lord of Blades competition for the piece or at least delay us enough that he finds it first." It turns towards the woman, "Or am I incorrect? Though the question of why it is important does still appear to be relevant. It would seem you wish to use this schema for yourself, thus the question is really what does it allow you to craft."

2015-03-11, 01:10 AM
Verm's eyes light up at the mention of the reward. 200 geeps? Sounds good to me. Mastercrafted daggers here I come.

Before she could say yes, that long eloquent phrase from the usually reticent warforged surprised her.

Yeeesh, that was quite a well thought out speech coming from ya, big guy. What is your name again?

2015-03-11, 01:59 AM
Szilard's expression darkens the longer Lady Elaydren's explanations continue.

If there was one thing that I thought growing up in Cliffside freed me from, it was city politics, now here I am, drawn in anyway.

Szilard pokes Jupiter, causing the soulspark to bob in the air briefly, before pointing out to the main common room. Jupe flies back out to check again for eavesdroppers.

2015-03-11, 08:25 AM
"On its own, it can be used to craft nothing. What it can craft combined with other schemas, I don't know--but would like to find out."

2015-03-11, 11:56 AM
A schema that the Lord of Blades desires? No matter how dangerous such an artefact may be in the hands of House Cannith, it could hardly be safer for us flesh-beasts if he was to get hold of it...

"You have your suspicions though, no doubt, but if you choose not to share them, so be it. My services are still for hire, and if your offer stands for keeping these people alive while they recover this object, I have no objections. We will need any additional information you can give us on its current location, however."

2015-03-12, 03:25 AM
Vermillion jumps in once Elle sounds out her assent. Yeah yeah me too! I'm in. Happy to help, m'lady ... of course ... knowing that the Host-damned Lord of Blades is involved, perhaps a little advance is in order? Y'know, for weapons and things

2015-03-12, 05:45 PM
It ponders these new developments. It is unaware of whom the lord of blades is, but others seem to fear this person. It ignores the question about its name, still unsure how to answer it. His kind never needed to use them they were able to recognize and distinguish one another when needed with ease. "It would seem that we are involved no matter what. If these agents are already seeking us out, perhaps resolving the matter as a group is the best course. It would seem they'll seek us either way." Noting that others were attempting to get money to equip themselves sparked a thought, "You wouldn't perhaps have access to healing services for us would you? The noisey one there was injured badly, and I could use my plating reinforced before we begin. I'm not sure the next time we'll encounter one able to repair me."

2015-03-12, 06:34 PM
I have to agree with the others. Lady Elaydren... we've already incurred significant healing costs from being drawn into your political games, and 200 gold per person barely even covers the costs to outfit an expedition like this.

Not to be crass, but the scrap value alone of a piece of adamantine that size would run to several thousand gold. Add its historical and esoteric value, and considering that we'd probably be clashing with psychotic warforged just to reach it...

If you're serious about getting your heirloom, I suggest you put more money on the table as a reward, and provide a portion of it in advance.

Szilard leans back in his chair and folds his arms, meanwhile Jupiter returns to the table, giving no signs that he saw anyone eavesdropping on the conversation.

2015-03-12, 08:50 PM
Elaydren is nodding at Elle and Vermillion when Szilard speaks and her face goes still. You catch a flash of anger before her face becomes expressionless. She picks up her glass of wine, drains it, and refills it, slowly. Then she looks at Szilard and speaks. "You overestimate the value of the adamantine--and, I think, underestimate the value of the work I already put into locating it, as did Bonal, who died for it." She turns to Vermillion and continues, "I can offer you one hundred gold upfront. Between you, not each. It should be enough for whatever healing you need, as well as some equipment," she addresses to It. "If that is not satisfactory, then I regret that we were unable to come to mutually agreeable terms. If you want to try to retrieve the schema without my patronage and sell it on the black market...well, I can tell you that would be a very bad idea." She shrugs, before looking at Szilard again. "I am puzzled by your objection to the likely combat aspect of the mission; you are adventurers, right? Surely you did not expect me to hire you to pick up my clothes from a seamstress."

2015-03-12, 11:12 PM
Curious lack of nerve for a 'brave soul' who so eagerly jumped at the opportunity to embark on a 'dangerous venture' not days ago.

The cynical thought almost escapes Elle's lips, but she restrains herself, instead taking a deep breath and turning ever so slightly in her chair as to face her human associate in a subconscious gesture of siding against him.

Inciting further hostility would serve no purpose, the man seems able to work himself up just fine without help. Still, I hope joining with these people will not prove to have been a lapse of judgement.

2015-03-12, 11:16 PM
Almost being eviscerated last night has made me a little wary, but I'm no coward my Lady. I'm just surprised that this 'Lord of Blades' measures the value of your heirloom in lives, and yet your budget to retrieve it is just a meagre few hundred gold.

Szilard looks around at the others before continuing.

I'll go with whatever the group decides. I don't know them well, but there are already ones among them I wouldn't see wander into danger without me.

Szilard sighs places his folded arms on the table, resting his chin on them, as if in thought.

What do you think, Jupe? he whispers to the soulspark sitting on the table, think she's telling the truth about how much the job's worth to her?

Does Jupiter think she's being honest about the amount she's willing to pay?
Sense Motive: [roll0]

(Me and Jupe have a communication system worked out, he glows greenish blue for yes, and kind of purplish for no)

2015-03-14, 06:26 AM
"My Lady, I believe we're all quite eager for an adventure such as this, but I believe the problem is simply that we are ill-equipped. We may well risk our lives here for pennies if anything unexpected happens. I don't wish to complain, but I was very nearly killed last night, and would have died if not for the assistance of my companions. We can pull this off, my lady, but only with the correct tools. If I might barter with you, would it be alright to accept the pay you offer, but also be reimbursed for healing costs, and equipment?"

Marrady holds his hands together, looking quite sincere for the entirety of his speech. He remains fairly calm, taking it almost casually, as if he's fully aware that a compromise will have to be made.
"I can't speak for the others, but I am currently fighting with no more than a stick, some rocks, and foul language. I did used to have a crossbow, but that was lost in a complicated series of events involving a gryphon and a mountain cave...Anyway, my point is that we will need to improve our condition if we are to succeed...and live."


2015-03-14, 06:38 AM
Szilard glowers at the woman, trying to aid Marrady's attempt at diplomacy by making him seem more reasonable.

Szilard's aids Marrady's diplomacy check

2015-03-14, 10:15 AM
Lady Elaydren considers Marrady's words briefly before saying, "Since apparently Bonal mishandled hiring adventurers, I'm willing to pay for you to be healed before you set off. For equipment, my previous offer stands: one hundred gold total, no more. That's my final offer."

She's perfectly sincere, and out of patience, as far as you can tell.

And repressing snarky comments along the lines of why does your asking price go up for having nearly lost a fight against a warforged you outnumbered five to one.

2015-03-14, 07:35 PM
If warforged could roll their eyes It would. His allies were valiantly attempting to negotiate but even It's patience was wearing thin. "Perhaps we should accept the lady's offer? Especially in light of her generous addition to the offer of paying to heal us. We were caught unaware at the first attack. We were expecting a simple meeting, not an ambush. I'm sure I will not make this mistake again and I wager you all won't either. I assume you have no objections to us taking other items besides the one for which you seek?"

2015-03-16, 04:27 AM
Marrady nods, smiling brightly now. "Yes, very good. We accept the offer, you'll get your relic in no time at all. We'll leave just as soon as we've gotten the proper healing and armed ourselves. Just point us in the right direction."

2015-03-16, 04:55 AM
Vermillion nods her assent as she pours another glass of wine. "It's a very good deal fellas. There are more ways to win a fight with warforged than by pure force of arms alone eh? Eager to get going m'lady. You have a map I'd assume. Oh yeah, if it would please you, could I request the 100 geeps in gold pieces? Easier to split amongst us see."

2015-03-16, 09:46 AM
Elaydren relaxes and smiles at Vermillion. "Certainly, if you find anything else in the foundry, you can keep it. Just a minute." She draws back the curtain, beckons the matron over, and asks her to fetch Thomas, then she turns back to the group and hands the map she's holding, and the formerly-blank journal, to Vermillion. "This map shows the way to reach the sewers of the Dorasharn Tower; from there you'll need to find Valve Cluster E-213. Somewhere beyond that valve cluster, you'll find a sealed door with the same mark as the one on Bonal's journal. Open the seal, and the tunnel below will take you to the long-forgotten level far below, where the foundry resides." She pulls out a wand and points it at It; its wounds heal.

A minute later, a muscular warforged arrives. "Escort these five to have the wounded ones healed, pay for their healing, and give this one" (she gestures to Vermillion) "one hundred gold pieces," she tells the warforged.

2015-03-16, 10:08 AM
It doesn't miss the mention of Thomas, so when another warforged appears It is a bit surprised. He examines the other warforged. The woman's orders to the warforged give It the idea that either the warforged is a servant or property of the Lady. A concept which It finds unsettling. He started to realize that perhaps being rejected by his creator was a good thing. His kind were viewed almost like a table or chair, property to be owned. "Thank you," It told the lady and readied himself for travel. It followed along with the group towards the back, so that he could observe the other's actions and treatment of this warforged.

2015-03-17, 04:47 AM
I wonder if there are House Cannith interests she would like to keep this information from, given her choice of meeting place... then again, she might simply like conducting her business in this place... and she could certainly do much worse in her choice of surroundings.

Quickly pondering the offer one last time as the Lady Elaydren summons who is presumably her servant, Elle adds a last comment.

"I for one do not require any advance payments or sweetened deals. Two hundred gold pieces, paid on delivery... and before we leave, if it would not be too much trouble, I would like to have that committed to writing and signed with your personal seal, milady."

2015-03-17, 07:25 AM
"All right." She asks Thomas to bring her a piece of paper, and quickly writes out, "For the delivery of the schema, 200 gold pieces will be paid on delivery, Lady Elaydren," marking it with her signet ring and giving it to Elle.

2015-03-17, 07:41 AM
As the group is being healed under the watchful gaze of Thomas, Szilard turns to Elle.

Uh, Ellabelle wasn't it? All this talk of healing costs reminds me, are you planning to charge each of us for your own healing services in the course of the job?

2015-03-17, 01:17 PM
Elle is roused from her thoughts as she is approached by the human quarter of what she has recently started thinking of as her wards.

"Ah yes, my dear expert negotiator, we have not yet been properly introduced. My name, as you no doubt have learned by now, is Ellabelle d'Jorasco..."

At this, the lithe halfling pauses to take an exaggerated bow.

"...but seeing as we are likely to spend some time together, I insist you make away with the formalities, a simple 'Elle' will do. As for your question, the generous Lady Elaydren has already hired me to keep your organs in their proper places, and so I shall. Now, if your curiosity has been satisfied, may I know your name in return?"

2015-03-19, 05:29 AM
Vermillion accepts the map and journal solemnly. Won't letcha down m'lady.

She follows Thomas closely; there's money to be dispersed after all.

2015-03-19, 01:03 PM
After you're healed, Thomas gives Vermillion one hundred gold pieces and departs, all without speaking a word unless directly addressed.

2015-03-19, 04:41 PM
Call me Szilard, he replies to Elle.

Seeing the warforged Thomas leaving without another word, Szilard hurries to call out.

Thomas, wait! How can we contact lady Elaydren on our success? We don't have her address.

2015-03-19, 04:44 PM
"She will be at the inn," Thomas replies.

2015-03-19, 08:34 PM
Content with Szilard's answer, Elle turns to her warforged companion to continue her inquiry.

"While on the subject of introductions, by what name are you known, master warforged?"

2015-03-20, 12:16 AM
It pulls out his crystal. The crystal hovers in front of his face. The crystal pulses as the two converse for some time. He then turns towards Elle, "We do not understand the question. We require further information to formulate an answer to your inquiry. Specifically, what is a name."

2015-03-20, 02:33 AM
I have to confess that I am more than a little tempted to interpret "what is a name" as a philosophical question about the value of labels, or even more abstractly about semiotics as a whole, but I feel it would be rather out of character.
At the somewhat unexpected answer, Elle raises an eyebrow, looking puzzled for a moment before realising what her conversation partner is actually asking. The revelation causes an amused smile to replace the quizzical look, and a quiet chuckle escapes her lips before she answers.

Not one to adopt the customs of us flesh-beasts it seems, this one.

"A name? Well... it is a label, a shorthand for referring to someone..."

The halfling struggles for a moment, trying to find the right words to describe what to her is such an obvious concept.

"...for instance, instead of referring to me as the 'female halfling vassal in a yellow dress' every time you want to ask or tell me something, you might elect to use my name 'Elle' instead."

2015-03-20, 02:42 AM
Eyyy I was wonderin' why ya kept goin' IT this and IT that. You have no name!

Like Elle said, a name is a short label you call yourself as part of yer identity. Everyone's different and stuff. Take mine for example. I was named like most abandoned babies are in the Halfling Quarter are: the first colour and object that the founder sees. I probably lucked out there, I had a friend once called Bluish-Green Puddle O' Piss

Vermillion jingles the bag of gold in her hand. How about you give yourself a name before we go on? Kinda funny to keep callin' you "thing" or "it".

She rubs her chin thoughtfully.

How about ... Big Guy? ... or Crystal Fellow? ... urm, Iron ... Man?

2015-03-20, 03:26 AM
You only get one name, maybe It should pick something impressive or intimidating, like.. hmm.. Eisenkaiser, Lord of Minds!

Szilard looks around at the others.

Perhaps not.

2015-03-20, 11:28 AM
Marrady bows deeply as his new employers leave him, confident that he has made a good impression for the group. Reaching into his coat, he pulls out his own purse, counting through his coin as he turns back to the rest of his group.
"Alright guys, well we've got a fair amount of coin, so I'm thinking before we leave I could buy a new crossbow. Maybe some heavier armour if there's enough left over..." he peers up with a smile, looking around the group, all curiously focusing on it ""Hey, what did I miss? Did Big guy do something?"

2015-03-20, 01:06 PM
The warforged is still a bit confused. "I call myself I, like you. My kind is able to identify one another with ease, are others not capable of this?" The stone starts flashing again and the warforged turns towards it. The two have an intense conversation for a minute or so, the telepathic link greatly speeding up the process. "We have decided that names are like gender. Others require these labels to differentiate yes? Does all this labeling not serve to just further splinter you from others? This seems as if it would only create strife. We will think on a name if you insist. In the meantime, you all seem to lack the ability to repair my wounds. If we are to leave the city perhaps I should invest in some tools with which to fix myself."

2015-03-20, 01:35 PM
Actually, names are mostly only used to attract someone's attention, and talk about them behind their back, but in our case I think a name is a necessary evil.

Think about this - if we were in a battle against enemy warforged, and I wanted to suggest that Elle heal you, what would I say? "Heal the warforged"? That's dangerously ambiguous. "Heal It?" - still ambiguous. We need a specific label for you.

2015-03-24, 04:59 AM
You'll have to let us know when you've come to a decision Szilard finishes.

Should we split up to buy our respective supplies, then meet at the entrance to the Sewer indicated on the map?

2015-03-24, 08:27 AM
Not wishing to trouble her new warforged associate more than necessary, Elle joins Szilard in instead focusing on the mission ahead.

"Give it some thought. Worst case, we start using master Marrady's suggested nickname. Now that that is settled, at least for the moment, splitting up seems like as good a plan as any if you need to resupply. At what time should we meet?"

Unless someone inquires anything further of her, or asks for her company, Elle will excuse herself and check in on Tuft, then spend the time until the rendezvous serving at her hospital, though she will attempt to conserve her spells, only using a healing spell if necessary to stabilise a dying accident victim or similar (and really, most of the day-to-day work should be in treating disease and/or delivering children). Let me know if it seems appropriate for her to have expended any spell slots in the line of duty.

2015-03-24, 08:10 PM
It's still only a few hours after dawn, lets meet there at noon.

Szilard nods to the others in farewell and heads immediately for the meeting point, where he spends the rest of the morning trying to play his violin for loose change from passers by.
Perform (strings): [roll0]

2015-03-25, 04:38 AM
"Alright all, this shouldn't take too long. I say we all just go about our business to make sure we're properly prepared, and then we can all discuss our adventures on the way to...this adventure. Ok? Ok." Marrady grins brightly, leaving towards the shops as the rest go about their way. Marrady spends a little under an hour searching the city without actually entering a shop, browsing various windows and stalls for any magical items or weapons that may be of use. After about ten minutes, he forgets why he's even browsing, just enjoying looking through the various goods and conversing with customers and shop owners as he does.
Marrady listens in on conversations and entertains idle chit chat with many people as he searches, of varying degrees of trustworthiness. Asking about where he might buy cheap crossbows or armour and the like, as well as asking about where he might find interesting magical items such as wands. [roll0]
This, of course, is in addition to his already existing knowledge of the city. (Knowledge, Local) [roll1]

Marrady's travels eventually find him back at the meeting point, attracted by the sound of music. He approaches Szilard with a smile, clapping his hands in time to the violin music.
"Szilard, I didn't know you could play! Ooh, think we could make more if we played together?"
Without waiting for an invitation, Marrady took out his Accordion and began to join in Szilard's tune.
Perform(keyboard) [roll2]

2015-03-25, 09:49 AM
Elle's duties don't require spells today. Marrady finds a weapon shop without too much trouble (you can buy either a light or a heavy crossbow for standard rates), but all the wands he can find are either newly crafted or at least far less used than he's looking for; one shifter suggests that there might be nearly-used-up wands at the "Rat's Market," on the sewer level where you're going. His knowledge of the city tells him that busking so close to the sewer level is pointless as no one with money to give away comes there if they can help it, and indeed he and Szilard have no luck.

You meet up and set off in search of the valve cluster. The tunnels and corridors at this level of the tower are narrow and dark. An occasional window slit looks out upon the crowded walls and foundations of other towers, and infrequently placed torches sputter here and there, giving off pallid pools of light and clouds of smoke. Even so, rough and dirty people crowd the narrow corridors, and the small of sweat and sewage permeates the stale air.

One tunnel opens onto a large chamber, where a mix of goblins, humans, and shifters gather around a small pile of garbage spread across three rotting blankets. One of the goblins shouts, "No pushing! No pushing! There's always enough for everyone at the Rat's Market!"

2015-03-25, 05:41 PM
Oh well, it helped pass the time, Szilard says putting his violin back in his pack. I actually can't play. At least, I'm not trained. That's probably the least dischordant performance I've ever given, and it was more luck than skill. And nobody was even around to appreciate it he sighs.

Entering the vicinity of the Rat's Market, Szilard looks around warily.

Feels like home.. Jupe? The tiny soulspark appears from where it had been hiding near Szilard's feet. Watch our backs will you? We don't want to get jumped in these close quarters.

Feeling leery of the crowd after the ambush on the bridge the previous night, Szilard unhooks a sickle from his belt, and pauses, as if to think. A few seconds later, a full suit of plate armor forms around him, seemingly condensing out of the air.

2015-03-26, 09:31 AM
Following along, mostly in silence, as the group gathers to brave the unknown depths of the Sharn sewer system, Elle contemplates the mote of light following Szilard around. It seemed to possess its own sentience almost, communicating with him in unknown ways.

Or perhaps he is crazy, talking to his own creation akin to a painter talking to his paintings.

Seeing the man conjure a suit of armour out of thin air certainly reinforces the idea that he may be more than meets the eye, however.

2015-03-28, 08:10 AM
Your gathering at the edge of this room, particularly with the mysteriously appearing suit of armor, quickly begins to draw stares, some friendlier than others. One goblin merchant bares his teeth at you and says, "I've got a rare stick of sealing wax, only partially used, for a mere sixty coppers."

2015-03-28, 04:50 PM
That's a pricey piece of wax. Who did it belong to?

2015-03-28, 04:55 PM
The goblin bares his teeth again. "Oh, the people who sell me things don't like prying questions," he says. "Maybe you could use this fine woolen blanket with just a hint of mildew? Only thirty-nine coppers."

2015-03-29, 10:11 AM
Marrady diligently ignores the peddler of slightly used, slightly useless goods, giving Szilard a tug on the arm to encourage him to do the same. "Come on, don't bother with these guys. The best case scenario here is that you spend 40 copper on a moldy rag. The worst case scenario is being sold to some gladiator slash sex ring."

Marrady continues down the room, trying to be ignored by the various vagrants as much as he can while wearing a bright green and red garb, though tries to keep an ear out for any useful information as he continues onwards to his quest.

Perception: [roll0]

2015-03-29, 10:15 AM
It quickly becomes apparent to all of you that this level will take hours, if not days, to search without help, especially since you're not certain what a valve cluster would look like, or whether Valve Cluster E-213 would be marked.

2015-03-29, 07:19 PM
Hours of wandering later, Szilard turns to the others in resignation.

As much as I hate to go back to that dank pit, we might be able to find a guide at the Rat's Market. It shouldn't cost too much, I doubt any of them have even seen a gold coin.

I know I hadn't, before I got out of Cliffside...

Szilard lifts the visor of his plate helmet to scratch his nose with a gauntleted finger.

I'm not much of a talker right now, but I can growl a bit if we can't bribe or finesse someone into showing us how to get to this valve cluster.

2015-03-30, 06:33 PM
Actually, names are mostly only used to attract someone's attention, and talk about them behind their back, but in our case I think a name is a necessary evil.

Think about this - if we were in a battle against enemy warforged, and I wanted to suggest that Elle heal you, what would I say? "Heal the warforged"? That's dangerously ambiguous. "Heal It?" - still ambiguous. We need a specific label for you.

"I would hope Elle realizes you do not mean for her to heal the opposing combatants. As I am the only one of my kind in this group, it would seem apparent who to heal. Even if there were multiple of us logic would indicate the correct answer."

After the brief conversation on a name It follows along with the group. When they decide to split up for supplies, he simply finds his way to the sewers instead. He didn't need many supplies and already had what he thought was necessary. Another weapon would be helpful, but he lacked the training for such things.

It gathered with the others when they all finally arrived at the meeting location. Having no input on the situation he remained silent and followed along. He tried to look around as they walked, attempting to find some sort of markings on the walls, openings, anywhere so that he may figure out the direction in which they were traveling. [roll0]

2015-03-30, 06:41 PM
Szilard lowers the visor of his helmet, and finds the 'friendly' goblin merchant who offered to sell them the sealing wax earlier. He approaches and speaks quietly with the junk vendor.

Hail. I'm looking for something down here, something specific. No- don't look so hopeful, it's a specific location, not one of these... Szilard indicates the goblin's wares ...items. There might be some profit in it for you, if you can recommend us a guide for this level of the sewers.

2015-03-30, 06:47 PM
The goblin bares his teeth again; you realize that that expression, frightening as it is at first glance, is apparently a smile. "Why, whatever would such fine people as yourselves be looking for down here? And how much would you be willing to pay for it?"

2015-04-01, 04:42 PM
Marrady kept his arms folded, hugging his cloal tighter to him, wary of the inhabitants of this little slice of heaven. He was not a fan of this sort of environment, it was the place where you got things cut, either coin purses, necks, or the length. To which you would trust your fellow man. His attitude certainly seemed to reflect this as he butted into the conversation.
"Look, we need to find Valve cluster E-213. There's a silver in it for you if you can point us in the right direction. Ten if you can take us there. I'll even buy that sealing wax off you as a show of customer loyalty. I'm sure you could use the money."
Marrady forced a smile, raising a brow at the Goblin.


2015-04-01, 08:12 PM
Considering the abruptness and hostility, I'm inclined to think that roll should have a big penalty, but, this time:
"You're in a hurry," the goblin comments, seeming unperturbed by Marrady's manner. "I can take you to what you're looking for." He folds up his goods except for the sealing wax and holds out the sealing wax to Marrady expectantly.
"60 copper" (6 silver) for the sealing wax, plus ten silver to be brought to the valve cluster, comes to 1 gold 6 silver, and the goblin appears to expect payment in advance.

2015-04-01, 08:23 PM
Even in the face of Marrady's aggressive diplomacy, Szilard is surprised that the goblin is willing to help so quickly. He beckons the small floating light of his soulspark up to his shoulder, and whispers to the creature.

What do we think Jupe? Can trust him?
Sense Motive: [roll0]

2015-04-01, 08:39 PM
The goblin seems to have one motivation at the moment: money. That's not necessarily comforting, since you get the impression he'd cut your throat in a minute if someone paid him to do so, but if he recognizes you as anything other than strangers with money, he's hiding it too well for you to discern.

2015-04-02, 02:20 PM

Marrady smiles, reaching into his coin purse and handing over the agreed amount. He also takes the sealing wax, unsure of what to do with it, and simply puts it in his pocket.
"Thank you very much mister...Sir." he smiles vaguely, stepping back to follow the Goblin merchant.
Marrady keeps a close eye on the Goblin, clearly suspicious of his kind. Not of Goblins, lord no, he'd met some stand up Goblins in his time, some of his best friends were goblins. But shady merchants in hidden dungeons, Marrady didn't trust them as far as he could throw them.

Marrady keeps a close eye on the Goblin, not focusing as hard on the other surroundings.
Perception- d20+3

2015-04-03, 07:13 AM
The goblin pockets the money and leads you briskly through the level's corridors, to the top of a short flight of stairs. "The valve cluster is right down there," he tells you.

2015-04-05, 10:48 AM
What a positively dismal place for such a dreadful figure to conduct such depressing business...

Uncomfortable with the sewer milieu ever since entering, Elle hopelessly tries her best to avoid further staining her robe or stepping in anything unidentifiable, her lithe frame helping little in avoiding being shoved around by the larger denizens of the underground tunnels.

She follows the others, guided by the unsightly merchant, wondering what might persuade anyone to live in this the gutter of Sharn rather than leave for the beautiful landscape surrounding the City of Towers. The thought calls memories the Dagger Wood to the surface of her consciousness, and suddenly overwhelmed with longing for her old home she lets out an audible sigh.

2015-04-05, 04:08 PM
"How will we know it? And why do you hesitate to show us directly to the cluster?"

2015-04-05, 04:14 PM
"How will you know it?" the goblin merchant repeats. "Then you have only the name? No description, you have never seen a valve cluster?"

2015-04-06, 08:10 AM
Szilard turns to the goblin, and his voice echoes slightly through the helmet of his armour.

Does he look like sewer scum to you? He's not like you and me.

For the gold we've given you, you can take us the entire way, even if only to demonstrate to us that it's not a trap. Unless... there's a reason you don't want to go down there?

2015-04-06, 08:29 AM
"Untrusting." The goblin makes a gargling sound you recognize as a chuckle. "I should have charged more. But sure, it'll only take another minute." He starts down the stairs.

Since you're suspicious, let me know what order you're following him in; I'll treat it as your standard marching order until you indicate otherwise. Also, make Perception checks.

2015-04-06, 07:49 PM
Szilard follows, allowing his soulspark to travel between him and the goblin. As he starts down the steps he pulls the longspear from his back, making to use it as a walking stick on the stairs.

Before heading down, Szilard turns for a whispered conversation with the others.

I've been around these kinds of people before, and it's not safe to trust them. I'll go first with Jupe in case there's trouble.

If we do get jumped, remember our fight on the bridge, remember what our hesitation almost cost us. Next time we face an opponent we have to strike without hesitation, or we could die down here.

2015-04-07, 02:12 PM
Elle makes little appearance of being stirred by Szilard's rousing words, but follows his advice by drawing her crossbow.

2015-04-07, 02:38 PM
It travels behind Marraday. The bard was a magnet for trouble so he felt being close might help to save him.

2015-04-07, 03:07 PM
The goblin quickly reaches the bottom of the stairs and leads you to the north.

He turns to the west and heads out into the room, not seeming to notice the warforged lurking in the shadows with a drawn rapier. Jupiter halts in place and flares red.

1-12: sewer valves
W: The strange warforged

2015-04-07, 05:10 PM
Szilard turns to the rest of the group and whispers.

Looks like this might be another ambush. There's a warforged hiding up here. I'd suggest everyone stay behind me until we know what's going on.

Before just jumping out and attacking the lurking Warforged, Szilard looks him over to see what it's holding, whether it's armed, and if it has any insignia,

Are we using initiative, or do we have a surprise round?

2015-04-07, 05:39 PM
At the mention of an ambush, Elle spins around to cover their rear from surprise assailants.


Elle readies her action to fire at any incoming obvious threat approaching from behind the group.

2015-04-09, 10:10 PM
You there Szilard says, pointing his longspear at the hiding warforged. Drop your weapon and identify yourself.

Szilard turns to whisper to his soulspark.

Jupe, get close, blast him if he does anything other than drop that rapier or run away.

Szilard transfers his longspear to his left hand and pulls the bundled net from his belt as he shuffles forward, preparing to throw it if his target doesn't comply.

Move: S11
Standard: Prepare to attack if Warforged does anything other than drop his weapon or run away.
Prepared Attack: [roll0] for [roll1]

Free: Transfer longspear to left
Move: T12, drawing Net
Standard: Prepare to attack if the warforged doesn't drop his weapon and stay still.
Prepared Attack: [roll2] vs. Touch for Entangled

2015-04-10, 01:01 PM
It readies his longspear and prepares to cast out an astral construct if needed. Having not seen around the corner makes things more difficult, but he'll insert the construct so it can outright block the enemy. If not he'll place it so that it helps act as a buffer and flanks the enemy.

2015-04-10, 01:30 PM
Well, Marrady's had three days, so he does nothing for now.
The warforged's eyes narrow as the glowing light gets closer to him. He moves out of your sight and says in tones of utter contempt despite his retreat, "You have the provost's journal." It's not a question. "Give the book to me, and you can live to see another day. Refuse, and we will make your deaths slow and painful."

"I seem to have gotten involved in something that doesn't concern me," the goblin merchant says rather apprehensively. "If it's all the same to you, I'll be on my way."

"Yes, cowardly flesh-beast, flee from your betters as you should," the warforged replies.

Unless physically prevented from doing so, the goblin will hurry past you and up the stairs. The warforged is no longer visible, but presumably is still there...waiting for you.

2015-04-10, 06:17 PM
Szilard looks back at Vermillion, who holds the journal.

What does the Lord of Blades want with the journal? What will he do with the item it describes?

2015-04-11, 12:57 PM
The warforged laughs, its tones harsh and incredulous. "Your masters didn't even tell you that? Then trust their wisdom that it's none of your concern. Give me the book now, meat, or die."

2015-04-11, 02:56 PM
Marrady scowls as their Goblin guide scarpers off, immediately regretting giving him as much as he did. He gives a warned look to Szilard, breaking a nervous frown to the immediate honesty to the huge sword wielding golem. Marrady takes a step forward to the warforged, then remembering hat happened last time, takes a step back before opening his mouth.

"Alright, now see here. Both of us are just doing our jobs here, and I can respect that. But we're not going to abandon our work just so you can do yours. There's quite a lot more of us than there are of you, so I think we'd all do better if we come to some other arrangement that doesn't involve skewering."

2015-04-11, 05:07 PM
Standard: Attack (Net) [roll0] vs Touch for Entangled
Move: None
Free: Transfer longspear to both hands

Standard: Attack (Soul Blast) [roll1] for [roll2]
Move: T11

2015-04-13, 10:51 AM
Dol Dorn protect us if the warforged decides to attack, and may he guide Szilard's mace to strike true.

Feeling the still unfamiliar weight of the crossbow in her hands, she adds a whispered personal blessing under her breath, strengthening her confidence somewhat.

"...and my bolts."

2015-04-14, 05:01 PM
Szilard transfers his longspear to his off hand and draws his net as he moves around the corner towards the warforged. Catching sight of him, Szilard throws the net and grips the spear in both hands.

Move: Around the corner, moving to 10ft from the warforged as far east as possible & draw net.
Standard: Attack (net) [roll0] for Entangled

Move: Fly around the corner, between Szilard and the warforged.
Standard: Attack (soul blast) [roll1] for [roll2]

2015-04-14, 09:50 PM
60 XP for each of you for successfully dealing with the goblin merchant for the information you needed.

Jupiter and Szilard runs around the corner and attack the warforged, who is standing next to two men with long clawlike fingernails: shifters. He sidesteps the net and Jupiter's blast misses cleanly; the shifters lunge forward with daggers as the warforged pokes at Jupiter with his rapier. The warforged and the shifter attacking Szilard miss; the shifter attacking Jupiter hits. (3 damage to Jupiter.)

Initiative roll for Vermillion:
For Marrady: [roll1]
Warforged attacks Jupiter: [roll2][roll3]
Shifter attacks Jupiter: [roll4][roll5]
Shifter attacks Szilard: [roll[1d20+2[roll6]
Something: [roll7]
Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hYKJnNDKJfpRa4S40c_5jRuvJsZJBLJmGmoVQId1LCc/edit?usp=sharing).
>> It [20]
>> Marrady [20]
>> Vermillion [15]
>> Elle [4]
>> Szilard [3]
Enemies [3] (delayed)
It, Marrady, Vermillion (NPC), Elle, and Szilard are up; I'll post again when (at least It and Marrady) have acted.

2015-04-15, 02:56 AM
Looks like he has backup, a pair of shifters. The gods only know why the Lord of Blades is working with 'flesh beasts' like them Szilard shouts to the party behind him, making sure the shifters could hear 'lord of blades' very clearly.

Does anyone know if they have any special resistances? I've heard stories that shape-shifters can only be killed with silver weapons.

As Szilard speaks, he lunges at the warforged, trying to run it through with his spear. Jupiter also attacks, aiming to blast it with soul fire.

Concerned at the presence of the shifters next to him, and realising he has no immediate way to attack them should they try and cast a spell or manuever past him, Szilard stamps his foot, triggering the release of his boot blade.

HP:11/14 AC:14
Standard: Attack Warforged (soul fire) [roll0] for [roll1]

HP:12/12 AC:19
Standard: Attack Warforged (longspear) [roll2] for [roll3]
Move: Trigger boot blade

2015-04-16, 04:54 PM
"Oh, not again!" Marrady whines, reaching for his shiny new crossbow off his belt. Rushing after Szilard, he aims his crossbow at the Warforged, hoping the shot doesn't get him murdered again.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-04-17, 07:54 PM
The massive, nameless warforged moves to T10 and manifests Vigor. Vermillion runs up to T11 and shoots at the enemy warforged.

Elle is still up.

2015-04-19, 09:13 PM
Hearing the group behind her once again rushing into combat, though this time it seems more on their terms, Elle reluctantly follows them into the fray.

Assuming the square is not occupied (given that the map currently indicates Marrady as not having LoS to the enemy Warforged), Elle moves to T12 and fires upon the closest Shifter (S2), taking the -4 Penalty for Shooting into Mêlée but hopefully at least not having to deal with firing through Soft Cover as well.

(I am thoroughly unsure how the 3.0 Weapon Size Rules will affect Reloading times for Crossbows wielded by Small characters, but it is a moot point anyway, as I do not have even the Move action to spare)


2015-04-20, 08:15 AM
Vermillion's arrow lodges in the enemy warforged; all the group's other attacks miss. One shifter moves behind Szilard before stabbing at him and missing. The other one steps to his left before stabbing at him and missing. Meanwhile, the warforged tries to skewer Jupiter and hits (7 damage to Jupiter). Down the hall, Valve #4 cycles open, producing a rush of water before it closes.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hYKJnNDKJfpRa4S40c_5jRuvJsZJBLJmGmoVQId1LCc/edit?usp=sharing).
>> It [20]
>> Marrady [20]
>> Vermillion [15]
>> Elle [4]
>> Szilard [3]
Enemies [3] (delayed)
It, Marrady, Vermillion (NPC), Elle, and Szilard are up.

Loading a light crossbow is a move-equivalent action for Small creatures as well as larger ones. A Small or larger creature can shoot a light crossbow with one hand at a -4 penalty, but would need both hands to shoot a heavy crossbow.

2015-04-21, 08:06 PM
It manifests an astral construct with the ability to trip between the two shifters (R10). It directs it to attack the shifter to the left. The construct looks vaguely like another warforged, except for the ectoplasm nature of it.


2015-04-22, 12:39 AM
Not getting a clear shot, Elle gives up the idea of shooting the enemies and instead concentrates on trying to mitigate their attacks.

Readied action to heal, using Cure Light Wounds (expending a prepared Resurgence), the first ally she sees being injured in a significant way, using DMM:Reach as necessary. An ally is here defined to include herself and exclude any creature she perceives to be summoned or similarly a magical effect, or more strictly, an ally is a member of the set [Elle, it, Marrady, Szilard, Vermillion]. A significant injury here refers to an injury that deals at least one point of lethal damage, if rules-awareness to at least such a degree is allowed.

Attacking with an effective attack bonus of -6 against moving, armoured targets seems a bit like a of a waste of time.

2015-04-26, 01:32 PM
The ectoplasm construct compresses a shifter's leg and yanks him off balance at the same time. The shifter drops his dagger with a yelp. Marrady reloads his crossbow and fires another bolt at the enemy warforged, and Vermillion fires another arrow at the same target. Szilard continues trying to skewer the same warforged with his spear, and Jupiter blasts him again.

Enemy actions follow in a separate post when I know who's still on his feet.
The shifter's attempt to resist being tripped: [roll0] (Note that being Small, the construct has a -4 to the Strength check to trip, and thus actually rolled a 7 rather than an 11.)
Marrady's attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Vermillion's attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
Szilard's attack: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Jupiter's attack: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

2015-04-26, 01:40 PM
Only Jupiter's blast connects with the warforged. He continues to stab at Jupiter with his rapier. The wounded shifter wrenches free of the construct's grasp and steps back before slashing at Szilard with bared claws; the other shifter tries to stab Szilard in the back. Luckily, all of them miss.

Critical thread check for Jupiter: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Warforged attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
S1 attacks: [roll4][roll5]
Damage: [roll6][roll7]
S2 attack: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9]
Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hYKJnNDKJfpRa4S40c_5jRuvJsZJBLJmGmoVQId1LCc/edit?usp=sharing). Once again, It, Marrady, Vermillion, Elle, and Szilard/Jupiter are up.

2015-04-30, 09:45 AM
Marrady simply reloads his crossbow, firing another bolt at the Warforged

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2015-05-07, 12:24 PM
Marrady's bolt flies off to the west. Vermillion fires another arrow at the enemy warforged. The friendly warforged's construct pursues its chosen enemy, while It simply watches. Jupiter and Szilard both attack the enemy warforged once again as well.

Vermillion's attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Szilard's attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Jupiter's attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Construct's attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
Trip if attack hits - [roll8]
Enemy turn post will follow shortly.

2015-05-07, 12:30 PM
Vermillion's arrow and Jupiter's blast both strike true, causing the enemy warforged to fall to the sewer floor; everyone else misses. Both shifters strike at Szilard, the wounded one using suddenly long claws, the unwounded one still using his dagger.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]
Attack: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]
Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hYKJnNDKJfpRa4S40c_5jRuvJsZJBLJmGmoVQId1LCc/edit?usp=sharing).
>> It and Construct [20]
>> Marrady [20]
>> Vermillion [15]
>> Elle [4]
>> Szilard and Jupe [3]
Enemies [3] (delayed)
It, Marrady, Vermillion (NPC), Elle, and Szilard are up.

2015-05-10, 03:46 PM
Seeing Szilard, whose conjured armour until now has proved impervious to the feeble enemy attempts to breach it, slashed across the inside of an elbow joint by the shifter's wicked-looking blade, Elle suppresses the urge to shriek and instead does what she has done so many times before, tracing the familiar gestures that separate this moment from the unleashed power of her divine patrons. Beseeching Dol Dorn not to falter in protecting her companion, the halfling priestess calls upon the healing energies of Olladra to close his wounds.

That would be the Readied Action, as described earlier, to heal Szilard, placing Elle right after the Shifters in the Initiative order. Rather than rolling to see if her 1d8+1 points of Healing can equal or exceed 1 point of Damage, I will save my poor dice luck for another time.

2015-05-12, 10:21 PM
It approaches around the corner with his weapon drawn. He directs the construct to attack the downed enemy.
