View Full Version : DM Help The Homebrew campaign is on! Questions questions...

2015-01-26, 01:06 PM
Ok gents.

As of this saturday the homebrew campaign for my players is officialy off. It takes place in a whole new setting that doesn´t allow planar travel or resurrection of any kind- IRONMAN MODE ON-. And is also High Magic and kinda mid to high tech.

I was wondering, besides the usual pistol and musket that can only be acquired in one kingdom, what other technological marvels are there any rules for? I really want to ARCANUM-ize my landscape a bit. Are there also any tech vs. magic rules? And how about any synergy between the both of them?

BTW I´m allowing a variation of the Crossbow Expert feat to allow it for firearms, and since there are no Magical firearms so far, I think it might work. I´m thinking of letting tech advances improve weapons with small bonuses in the future (+1 to attack, +2 lighting dmg if tesla modified, etc). Do you think it is a bit too much?

And lastly, I was considering the rules of crafting and how much to allow/disallow players to put magic effects on their items and stacking them up (a +2 firebrand returning dagger ftw). What do you think?

FYI, they are level 3, so no magic item gain till level 5-6 anyway. :smallcool:

2015-01-26, 04:13 PM
Would also be great to know if there are any Dungeon, Map and Encounter generators!

Shining Wrath
2015-01-26, 04:21 PM
Bring back the Energy Blade from 3.5, give out light sabers.

"You see a short plump goblin. The goblin says 'Judge me not by my size'". Do you attack?

2015-01-26, 04:25 PM
Bring back the Energy Blade from 3.5, give out light sabers.

"You see a short plump goblin. The goblin says 'Judge me not by my size'". Do you attack?

Well, I have GM a game of Star Wars Saga Edition until two weeks ago, so it wouldn´t have the pizzazz

2015-01-26, 04:45 PM
Are there also any tech vs. magic rules? And how about any synergy between the both of them?

Assuming that you want to borrow rules from a different system, afaik d20 Modern doesn't do that. Unless technology operates in a similar way to magic in a way that psionic powers interacted with spells in previous editions, I believe there are no rules concerning their interactions.
Unless you want them to.
Then you just make up those rules beforehand and preferably test them with someone who isn't part of the campaign. Otherwise adjust those rules on the go and figure out what makes sense for your world and your players.

I´m thinking of letting tech advances improve weapons with small bonuses in the future (+1 to attack, +2 lighting dmg if tesla modified, etc). Do you think it is a bit too much?

If you're trying to make medieval weapons and armor obsolete, I wouldn't put static bonuses on tech weapons (the common craftable ones at least). Like I would make all the common tech weapons ignore medieval armor and/or do different damage types. Common tech armor would give resistances against piercing, bludgeoning, and slashing damage against medieval weapons.
From my experiences, when a lot of static bonuses are stacked together it make rolling dice more of a formality and less of a calculated risk.

And lastly, I was considering the rules of crafting and how much to allow/disallow players to put magic effects on their items and stacking them up (a +2 firebrand returning dagger ftw). What do you think

If you let them craft magical items or modify existing items, then they will go out of their way to make those items that appeal to them. There's always been at least one player in every 3.5 campaign that I've been a part of that did that and took up table time to do so. Also, I feel that letting players create magic item makes those items seemingly not so magical from a rarity and exclusivity perspective.
However if you do decide to go that route, don't let them get static bonuses, like a +1 weapon, on an item they create or let them craft tech/magical effects into items that are already magical or have tech upgrades. I'd let them only have one enhancement per item, else they can stack a lot of effects on just one item and that'll be all they use.