View Full Version : Player Help Elevated Risks

2015-01-26, 03:11 PM
Hello playgrounders! I'll cut right to the chase here. Last session my party went up against some Yuan-Ti and barely managed to escape with our lives. We've fought them before and usually can make short work of them. However, this time the actual field of battle was what bested us! Here is the deal.

There is a semi-circle room with a small 5 foot deep balcony that wraps all the way around the curved part of the building.
On that balcony there are two yuan-ti crossbowmen and one Yuan-Ti sorcerer. This is not normally a problem for us, but they are 15 feet off the ground.
There is no other way into the building and we lack a means to reach the platform.
The building is domed and about 60 feet tall with some glass skylights on to very top.

This is what we have to work with:
-Paladin (Med/High Optimized)
-Cleric/Dracolyte (Med Optimized)
-Cleric (Med/High Optimized)
-Wizard (Not Optimized)
-Sword Sage (Low Optimized)

Everyone is ECL 6 and the enemies have no where to go. Normally we could leave them there, but they kidnapped our Warlock. We know we are at a disadvantage in that room, but they know they will die if they try to leave.

The only thing we have on the drawing board as a potential plan, is that our Cleric could fly me (Paladin) directly above the spellcaster and drop me. We can just barely make it there with his movespeed and the extra damage from a 30 foot drop + Divine Sacrifice + Large Holy Greatsword is enough (I hope) to one shot the caster. I could probably then kill the crossbowmen with ease.

2015-01-26, 03:16 PM
An adventuring party without rope and grappling hooks? For shame. ;)

Seriously though, what is your party's spell selection? Where are you right now - inside or outside the building? Where is your Warlock and how much time do you have?

2015-01-26, 03:20 PM
So, is the warlock in the room? How did they get on the balcony in the first place? I'm assuming there's some kind of entrance to it.

If they're trapped on the balcony, and your warlock isn't with them, this is pretty easy. Just find something that blocks line of sight. Fog cloud works, as does wall of smoke. Skip them and proceed further into the area. You can even do this to give the cleric time to safely move everyone onto the balcony if you want/need to engage.

2015-01-26, 03:25 PM
Okay so you've got enemies outside your reach and no way to get up to them?

What exactly does the terrain look like? They're on a balcony, so if you can't get up to them, maybe bring them down to you? That's going to depend a lot on what spells you have available, but it should be possible to sunder or otherwise damage the floor of the balcony or the pillars holding it up to send the enemy crashing down. You can even use the balcony as cover to protect yourself from crossbows/line of sight while you attack it.

What spells and maneuvers do you all have available? Desert Wind and Tiger Claw both have a lot of movement abilities, in particular I'm pretty sure there's a Tiger Claw maneuver that adds a really big bonus to your jump check. That could be useful for climbing up there. Stone Dragon has DR/Hardness ignoring maneuvers for damaging the balcony as well.

2015-01-26, 04:14 PM
So, is the warlock in the room? How did they get on the balcony in the first place? I'm assuming there's some kind of entrance to it.
We can't see the warlock or any obvious exits. We think that there are ladders, but they've been raised. The only entrance we have is a slightly off centered wooden door. The rest of the structure is basalt.

An adventuring party without rope and grappling hooks? For shame. ;)

Seriously though, what is your party's spell selection? Where are you right now - inside or outside the building? Where is your Warlock and how much time do you have?
The Clerics have the FR and PHB Cleric spells, we have about enough time to heal our cleric and run back in. I'd estimate about an hour. Currently we are outside the building. We have a grappling-hook and rope. But, the sorc hit be for 30 damage the first round and I can't take that twice. Haha.

Okay so you've got enemies outside your reach and no way to get up to them?

What exactly does the terrain look like? They're on a balcony, so if you can't get up to them, maybe bring them down to you?

What spells and maneuvers do you all have available?
I am not super familiar with Sword Sage, but I will ask him. However, he was the only one to get up there and didn't fair to well. Any of us have about 2 rounds to be up there before we go down. I am probably the only one who could make that last longer IF I took out the Sorc on a surprise round...

I just found out the Wizard is an Evoker who banned Necromancy and Conjuration. I asked the Dracolyte/Cleric to post anything extra he had on here when he gets the chance.