View Full Version : Seeking interview Q and A from any members who can about D&D in the 1970's to 80's

2015-01-26, 09:48 PM
Hello fellow GITP goers! I have recently begun a research into matters concerning the game Dungeons and Dragons around the time it was released, the early/mid 1970's and 80's, and particularly material for those who were around, participated, or were effect by the issues concerning the game around that point!

Today I have come forward to the wonderful community of Giant in the Playground for help in finding interviewable members who may help shed light, insight, or perspective on the matter. Those of whom wish to help me please feel free, though I would like to particularly receive either a PM or a response to this thread for responses to the series of questions I have for those who do.

Prerequisites to qualify as a Interviewable candidate:
- Must have been able to vividly recall and remember the period of time from 1974 to 1986. or at least have a summarize able memory useable for the interview questions.
- Must be credible for interview either through actual participation, active awareness, or being effected by the events of the Panic of 1970. This must either be from one who has very extensive knowledge into the matter, such as those who have done so via college or very very extensive research via articles, documents, or other materials.
- Must have an account here within gitp for me to address and reply to in case of further questions for sake of a greater interview or better questions if need be.
- Must be willing to be quoted on ones answers to the questions as their anonymous account here upon this website for reference for the project this interview is part of.

Now for the Questions:

1. How did you become introduced into D&D, or how did you learn of it if you were not a player at the time? (Details would be very appreciated, but no need for private information not willing to give out)

2. In what ways were you effected by the social anxieties that possibly came up about D&D and its players? If not a player, how did the media make D&D appear in its portrayals and how did you feel about the game from your own perspective during the time?

3. During your time as a player/ non player, did your opinion of the game ever change to the opposite from events going on at the time? Why or why not?

4. How long did you continue to play D&D if you still played or still play today?

5. What sort of anxieties did you go through if you were a player? Did they effect you in any great manner or level?

6. Did your parents, as a player or non player, have a particular opinion of the game? If so, what was it and possibly if you know, their reasoning?

7.If you were in school at the time of these issues, did the issues about D&D effect your school or even your school life if you were a player or non player?

8. Did you ever form a compromise within your community with players/non players whom were in conflict due to the issues?

9. Are there any particular stories you have that can shed light upon matters or issues of the time around the game Dungeons and Dragons?