View Full Version : Player Help Spells that move enemies

2015-01-27, 11:47 PM
What are some spells that can move enemies around the battlefield? Bull rush/pushing is fine, but more precise control would be better. Also, I need it in a wand, so nothing over 5th level. Specifically, I'm building a Trapsmith and I want to lure enemies into trapped squares.

Thanks for the help!

2015-01-27, 11:59 PM
Baleful transposition (http://kolidascope.wikia.com/wiki/Baleful_Transposition), though you'll need someone else to be in the trapped square first.

2015-01-28, 12:03 AM
The spells Slide and Slide, Greater are worth looking in to. Will save, or get pushed 5 or 20 feet, respectively.

2015-01-28, 01:21 AM
Baleful transposition (http://kolidascope.wikia.com/wiki/Baleful_Transposition), though you'll need someone else to be in the trapped square first.If he takes Trapsmith to 4th level, he can stand on trapped squares without triggering them.

Scramble True Position is a fun one, but it's completely random in which direction it sends a person, and requires a Truespeak check.

Forcewave can move people as if by a bull rush, though the check is crappy and non-scaling.

Boreal Wind is pretty good at pushing people around though.

Some manner of polymorphing might get you access to the Cobalt Dragon's bull rushing Breath Weapon. It could also just make you better at more mundane means of moving enemies.

Speaking of mundane means.

Sun School actually does a thing other than mini-shadowpounce. If you hit with the first two attacks in a flurry, you can push an enemy back 5ft. Trapsmith is also a relatively painless way of meeting the Dimension Door prerequisite of Telflammar Shadowlord, which would give you a nice way to position yourself to deliver the flurry.

Assuming squares with traps in them don't count as occupied (as far as I can tell, the term mostly refers to squares with creatures in them, and when it refers to objects, it refers to ones like boulders which make it impossible to occupy the square under normal circumstances), Setting Sun throws are good at this. You can also use the Clever Positioning maneuver the same way as you would use Baleful Transposition. Factotum 3/Swordsage 2/Trapsmith 3/JPM 3/Swordsage +2/More Swordsage or Shadow Sun Ninja depending on whether multiclass penalties are enforced is a fun build (and you can push the trip numbers higher than you'd think).

You can also make Bull Rushing a little more precise in a few ways. Knockback or Twisted Charge can help to get the angle right, and like Sun School, Shock Trooper does a thing other than the thing for which it's known.

2015-01-28, 01:45 AM
Baleful transposition (http://kolidascope.wikia.com/wiki/Baleful_Transposition), though you'll need someone else to be in the trapped square first.
Depending on trap used, don't a number have weight sensitive pressure plates? Playing a sufficiently light character, or a sufficiently light ally (or summon) could also help with the baleful transport. Speaking of summon, anything with perfect flight or hover could probably pull off the not triggering thing too.

2015-01-28, 03:55 PM
Hostile Juxtaposition.

2015-01-28, 08:40 PM
The explosive spell metamagic can force someone to move if they fail a save.

2015-01-28, 09:20 PM
You can TK to grapple someone, then move them. It is a bit vague as to how exactly it works, though. Like if it still requires a touch attack, if its still a melee attack if its from a range, if it pulls you into there square, and whether you can maintain a grapple with a previous dude while starting one with another dude.

2015-01-28, 09:51 PM
Solf control can actually be really great for herding enemies. Even super low level stuff like wall of smoke can lure enemies into standing where you want if you shape it right.