View Full Version : CR for solo session= 4x cr?

The Shadowdove
2015-01-28, 05:40 AM
Hey guys,

Quick CR question, hopefully.

I'm running a solo session as a side-story for someone.

a normal CR is made assuming the party is of 4 players, right?

If so, this means CR 1 monsters are meant to challenge 4 Level 1 players right?

And, as such, if I'm running a solo game....

a CR 1/4 monster = a balanced Challenge for a level 1 player.

Do I multiply the experience by 4 as well?

Thank you guys!

I'm not very well versed in the math parts yet, unfortunately.. so I need you for stuff like this!


2015-01-28, 07:22 AM
Use this.
http://donjon.bin.sh/5e/calc/enc_size.html Use "any" difficulty for the big image.
This page is GIFT FROM GOD to DMs.Check dungeon /drop calculators too.

2015-01-28, 02:16 PM
Hey, man, glad to see your dedicated enough to let your player do side session. In my honest oppinion just eyeball it. Take a look at the PC, play something to his strengths, or pit him against a challenge that will advance his story, remmember not all things are meant to be defeated, some times he may need to run away, avoid the fight, or find another way to win, but I disgress.

Why I think you should eyeball, is because depending on the nature of the beast he is fighting he might have a advantage or a disadvantage. For example the Basilisk, which is a CR 3 creature, would destroy anything with a low Con score, due to its Petrifying gaze, but a Barbarian PC, at level 5 has a very high chance of solloing it.

Don't forget experience points could be awarded for advancing the story or surviving an encounter, not only by killing. So challenge yourself, your player, and don't be afraid to innovate and build your own Frankenstein for him to defeat, maybe it challenges one of his specific traits, or just builds upon his story.

Most importantly, have fun, and the rule book is filled with rules not laws.

2015-01-28, 02:27 PM
The encounter building guidelines in the DMG and in the Basic rules explain how to set the XP budget for a single character; that may be a good way to check the balance of anything you're planning.

The Shadowdove
2015-01-28, 05:47 PM
Thanks a billion peeps

All of this is very useful advice

I'm making my encounters now and not feeling all that bad about them now.