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View Full Version : Pathfinder Hedge Mage Prestige Class (kinda Mystic Theurge Replacement)

2015-01-29, 02:33 PM
Hedge Mage

The name Hedge Mage is misleading, for these kind of casters hail from all kind of caster groups. Be it that he has choosen simply the wrong kind of wielding magic, got distracted in his career or simple wasn't talented enough. He sees no future, following his peers as a Wizard, Cleric, Sorcerer or Bard. While any more or less failed career in the arcane or divine arts can grant you a reputation as Hedge Mage, only those truly determined to achieve still some kind of magic power turn to the way of the Hedge Mage. While regular caster often follow a philosophy or theory, Hedge Mages are beyond any restriction to wield magic. Be it foreign scrolls, ancient rituals, obscure potions or contact to otherworldly beings. On the other hand without this guidance through established knowledge Hedge Mages are at lost of power in comparison. So they cling desperatly to any kind of power they can get, through magic trinkets and lesser pacts.

While young inexperienced Hedge Mages are scoffed at, abused for their gift in creating small magic trinkets or even feared for their dangerous magical experiments. Those who prevail eventually turn to great power. While it is true that they can't stop time or wield meteors as their weapon, they have prevailed and have an endless amount of different magic tricks at their disposal. While other mages may wield the art, well like an artist, an accomplished Hedge Mage has created the art himself he excels in.

HD: d8
Skill Points: 4 + int
Class Skills: Bluff, Craft, Disguise, Heal, Knowledge (Arcane), Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (Planes), Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device

LevelBABFortRefWillSpecialSpells per Day
1st+0+1+0+1Innate Power +5, Selftaught Caster

2nd+1+1+1+1Sleeve Magic, Hedge Magic 15%, Dabbler in all Arts+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class / +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

3rd+1+2+1+2A thousand minor pacts+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class / +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

4th+2+2+1+2Lesser Spell Talent+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class / +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

5th+2+3+2+3Inner Power +6, Wild Magic

6th+3+3+2+3Improved Spell Talent, Hedge Magic 30%+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class / +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

7th+3+4+2+4+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class / +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

8th+4+4+3+4Greater Spell Talent+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class / +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

9th+4+5+3+5Inner Power +7, Greater Wild Magic

10th+5+5+3+5Selftaught Mastery, Archmage with Sleeves+1 level of existing arcane spellcasting class / +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies
Hedge Mages gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Spells per Day
When a new Hedge Mage level is gained check the table, with exception of the first, fifth and ninth level the character gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in any one arcane spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class and any one divine spellcasting class he belonged to previously. He does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained. This means that you add those levels to your levels in this spellcasting classes to determinate the spells per day, spells known and caster level accordingly.

Innate Power
Through endless experimentation you have learned to wield your power as blunt force instead as developed spells.

Your caster level in two classes (one arcane, one divine) gains a +5 bonus as long as this bonus doesn't raise your caster level above your current Hit Dice. This bonus increases to +5 at level 6 and to +7 when you reach level 9 of the Hedge Mage prestige class.

Selftaught Caster
You learned to wield magic through your own choosen methods wieldly assorting strange and handmade methods, often combining several theories and traditions in a way a learned caster could only feel uncomfortable with.

Choose one spellcasting class you already have a level in, change the ability score this classes uses to cast to either Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma. Refer to this attribut to determine if you can learn a spell, if you can cast a spell (the choosen attribut has to be equal or greater than 10 + the spell level in both cases) and use the attribut modifier to determine the difficult class to resist your spells. Also all bonus spell gained a dependant on the choosen attribut.

Dabbler in all Arts
A hedge mage has seen and used more different kind of magic then any other kind of caster, often without really understanding what happens. Still you learn all the shortcuts many can't use because their strict theories about magic don't even accept the posibility that it might work.

You receive a bonus on all Spellcraft or Use Magic Device checks and all Craft checks to create an magic item. This bonus equals half of your level in Hedge Mage.

A thousand minor pacts
Hedge Mages often parlay and deal with otherworldly sources, mostly with minor beings who would deal with mortals. As an Hedge Mage you have learned to appease those beings and they are often ready to trade with you.

You can try to call and compel a creature from another plane to your bidding, as if you would use a Planar Binding spell. You don't need to trap the creature with a magic circle but you also can only try to compel the creature once, if your opposed charisma check fails the creature vanishes. You can only try to summon a creature with four less HD than you have. The creature never remains longer then 24 hours.

Sleeve Magic
Hedge Mages learned to wield magic through their own choosen methods wieldly assorting strange and handmade methods, often combining several theories and traditions in a way a learned caster could only feel uncomfortable with. A Hedge Mage can simple recreate any spell from his given tools, as long as he has an idea what kind of spell he wants to recreate.

With a swift action you can "lose" a number of spells you could cast (either prepared spells or a spell slots of a spontaneous casting spell class you have available). For this round you can use these spell levels to cast a spell you either have prepared, you could cast spontaneously or you have cast today. For this to work you must "lose" a number of spell levels equal to the spell you wish to retain. Treat the spell as cast by rules appliable to the source of the spell and spell list. You can applay metamagic feats to a spell cast this, but you have to expand the appropiate amount of spell levels. The highest number of spell levels you can amass for one cast is equal to the highest spell slot you have.

Prophyra (Druid Lvl 2 / Verdant Sorcerer Lvl 3 / Hedge Mage Lvl 2) wants to cast Call Lightning, she had the spell prepared but already cast. She decides to lose 3 of her sorcerer spell slots level 1. Then she decides if she could apply the extend spell metamagic it would be more usefull, but since the highest spell she can cast is a level 3 spell she can't apply metamagic to a level 3 spell cast by sleeve magic. If she changed her mind and would try to use sleeve magic to cast a Invisibility spell from her sorcerer list, she could lose 3 level 1 slots and apply the metamagic feat to the sorcerer spell, but it would a full-round action, like with any other sorcerer spell.

Hedge Magic
One talent Hedge Mages are famous for is their craftmanship and talent for creating magic items. This is fueled by their need for magic power, a need far greater than their actual capability. So they learned their way to create these magic items more easily because they play a far greater role in their everyday life.

Whenever you craft a magic item you reduce the required GP cost to make the item by 15%. At level 6 you reduce the required gp cost to make the item by 30%.

Lesser Spell Talent
Although Hedge Mages never reach knowledge as deep as trained spell casters, often some insight fleetingly is gained by them. They struggle to make this theory about one spell really working but never truly getting a grip of the inner mechanics. But for the moment they wield this power.

Each day when you prepare spells or gain new spell slots for the the day, you can choose one spell from the spell lists of your two spell casting classes. The level of this spell must be equal to your level in Hedge Mage minus three or lower. You can cast this spell through the use of your class ability "Sleeve Magic".

Wild Magic
All your dabbling with magic often led to failure, more so then to success. All this time spend fizzling magic you have learned to wield disruptive magical weaves like a weapon a two edged blade.

You can cast „Dispel Magic“ as a free action. You caster level for this equals your highest available caster level. After you have choosen the target of the spell, treat yourself as targeted by a echoing "Dispel Magic" as well. You can use this ability once per day.

Improved Spell Talent
This ability works similar like "Lesser Spell Talent" and grants you an additional more powerful second spell each day. The level of this spell however must be equal to your level in Hedge Mage minus two or lower.

Greater Spell Talent
This ability works similar like "Improved Spell Talent" and grants you yet another additional more powerful third spell each day. The level of this spell must be equal to your level in Hedge Mage minus one or lower.

Wilder Magic
You can cast „Greater Dispel Magic“ as a free action. You caster level for this equals your highest available caster level. This spell is always cast as an Area Dispel. You can use this ability once per day.

Selftaught Mastery
Your constant training and research in new ways to cast magic on your choosen path has made you a master of this path. While an outsider might see only chaos and patched together crafts, you have learned to perfectly balance all these things to create working magic with your full potential.

You can use all kind of magic items with your caster level instead of the caster level it was created with.

Archmage with Sleeves
While working out ever new workarounds to cast the spells you know, you have learned to greatly empower your magic on the spot, making even accomplished mages envious and curious.

When you use Sleeve Magic and apply a Metamagic Feat you can reduce the required increase in in spell level (if any) by one to a minimum +1 spell level. The check if the spell level is too high to be cast comes prior to the reduction.

„Oh it was never easy for me, being a cleric. I am not a people person, I am a number person. Often I had to use some arcane illusion to fake divine intervention. After all I wanted to do, was the finances of the temple.“
Frimas Lupin, „Cleric“ of a sungoddess, secretly a wizard apprentice, bureaucrat and hedge mage

„Uh all these years I thought was: „Plants listen to me!“, so naturally I turned to the druids. The circle is kinda nice I guess, but then I got this palm reading and now I know I'm a plant sorceress! Can you imagine? Well all these years in the woods shouldn't be in vain and I needed a serious introduction to sorcery so, a pact with a dryad later and now I hold the best of both worlds... and I don't have to crawl through the woods all the time.“
Porphyra, druid apprentice of the deep woods, child of nature and hedge mage.

„Well yes I am a hedge mage... well never really got the talent for the fine arcane arts, so I tried to study... but there was always so much parties to go to. But yeah, I had to hit the books and honestly I was quiet desperate. So I went to the occult shop and found a few dusty old tomes, stuff about a darkness between the stars, outer gods and so on... well there was a god of runemagic as well... so I thought „What harm can be done?“ some little sacrifice, some disturbing visions later and now I have the power I deserve, all without the pesty studying... but seriously why is everyone seem to wear yellow these days?“
Unnamed Student of the old gods, missing.

2015-01-29, 02:36 PM
Design borrowed by Admiral Squish's Thread Chosen [Divine warlock-ish base class][Crossroads][WIP] (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?392213-Chosen-Divine-warlock-ish-base-class-Crossroads-WIP)

2015-02-13, 07:20 AM
So what are the prerequisites for the class?