View Full Version : A request that's not of this world...

2007-04-04, 11:34 AM
Howdy y'all.

I have practically no artistic talent when it comes to drawing. As such, I rely entirely on others' interpretations of what stuff looks like. This, then, leads to my request.

In the grand multiverse that's presented in the D&D sourcebooks exists a creature called the Rilmani - creatures of pure neutrality. Over the editions, they have changed in appearance to fairly shapeless humanoids. However, I have yet to see a picture of one from the previous edition (which apparantly had metallic skin).

The first part of my request is this; Does anyone have any pictures of the Rilmani from earlier editions (that they have drawn or otherwise)?

The reason for my interest in the Rilmani will now become apparent. Throughout the Planes, just about everything can mate with everything else (one of the strangest quirks of the D&D multiverse, I always thought). When an inhabitant of the Outer Planes mates with one from a Material Plane, the offspring shows many of the traits of their Planar parent (producing Half-Fiends and the like). If this child goes on to live their life and finds a mate of their own, the Planar blood (or taint as some would call it) becomes diluted and the children of these unions are known as the 'Planetouched' - obviously of Planar heritage, but the blood is dilute. Common Planetouched include Aasimar and Tieflings, decendant of Celestials and Fiends respectively. Perhaps the rarest of the Planetoched are the Tuladhara, the mortal decendants of the Rilmani.

The second part of my request is this; Does anyone have any artwork of the Tuladhara? As a result of the change in appearance of the Rilmani over the editions, presumably the Tuladhara will also have undergone a change and I would be interested to see someones take on both versions (though I suspect the appearance of the earlier editions' Tuladhara is far more appealing).

The third part of my request is for a picture of a particular character I have in mind. According to the earlier editions' description of the Tuladhara, they have a lithe physique (as a generality), metallic skin, opalescent eyes and occaisionally have brow ridges (presumably in a semi-Klingon style). This look (when conjured in my head) was just too cool to not make a character out of it. So I did. If someone could do a picture (in any format: pencil sketch, painted, computer rendered, whatever, I'm not fussy) of him, I'd be curious to see how well the artist of my minds eye translates into a more tangible format. For a description of the character, read "Thief" (a separate thread). It's the preliminary idea for a short story I'm thinking of writing. Thief is the main character and also the character I would like drawn. My thanks to anyone who can help.