View Full Version : Making an Ice Witch

2015-01-29, 07:07 PM
So a buddy of mine is planning a campaign, and im gonna try to get him to to a Frostfell campaign, as ive always wanted to do one and he loves Barbarians of the Frozen NorthTM. Now as i've been getting my beatstick on recently (when i actually get to PC) i have decided to go back to one of my favorite classes, the Sorcerer, and make a "witch". She is the daughter of a Green Hag and was raised by the Hag Coven (2 Greens and an Annis). No she isnt evil, just, morally questionable at times. As for her spell theme she is going to be a generalist with some leanings towards Illusion, and ill be going into Snowshaper (its Sandshaper flipped for the Frostfell, im still working on it.) As for feats id like to take Brew Potion, Scribe Scroll (maybe) and Craft Skull Talisman. Now Brew Potion i know ill get some use out of, but im not so sure about Skull Talisman.

As for PrCs (as im only going 7 levels into Snowshaper tops) i was thinking Escalation Mage for the whole Blood Witch vibe, but i dont know what metamagic feat that id actually use, i also thought about Dread Witch, but i dont feel that it fits the character, other than that i got nothing for PrCs.

2015-01-30, 05:04 AM
For ice specialists I like Winterhaunt of Iborighu. It advances any spellcasting but requires 1st-level divine spells, which you either get your DM to switch to arcane or find some way around it (up to and including a cloistered cleric dip, and there are honestly worse dips).

2015-01-30, 06:55 AM
For ice specialists I like Winterhaunt of Iborighu. It advances any spellcasting but requires 1st-level divine spells, which you either get your DM to switch to arcane or find some way around it (up to and including a cloistered cleric dip, and there are honestly worse dips).

I saw that, but i hadn't read through it, after doing so it does seem pretty awesome, though a bit too religious for this particular character.

2015-01-30, 07:59 AM
For the raised by hags thing have you tried converting changelings from pathfinder? (I think that's the name)

2015-01-30, 06:25 PM
For the raised by hags thing have you tried converting changelings from pathfinder? (I think that's the name)

That is the name (and i actually have Bestiary 4) and i hadnt thought about that, i may depending on if i need that extra feat, and right now this build is looking quite feat free, which is weird for me.

Honestly im just trying to find a PrC that says "Witch" (not literally mind you, but that would be cool if it did) otherwise i may just go into Frost Mage, which while not bad, isnt my first choice as im not getting a whole lot out of it other than Cold Resist and some Nat Armor, as Conjure Ice Beast is on the Snowshaper list.

2015-01-30, 06:44 PM
If you're good with PF stuff, I recommend using the PF Winter Witch archetype. Flip the Witch to Cha based casting with Sorc progression. Add some frostfell spells to the list, and you're done

2015-01-30, 09:44 PM
If you're going for a cold theme, the Druid spell list is actually significantly better than any other, unless you make a Psion. You could also use Archivist (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20051007a&page=3) and get access to nearly every spell in the game (http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-character-optimization/threads/1023251), with your prayerbook being a dark grimoire (https://www.google.com/search?q=hocus+pocus+book&rlz=1C1AVNC_enUS596US596&espv=2&biw=1858&bih=1019&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=wUDMVLHjM5CSyASS2YHACA&ved=0CCUQsAQ). Hexer from Masters of the Wild (3.0 but still legit) is perfect for a witch archetype, and Archivist is perfect for qualifying for it. Frost Mage in Frostburn is extremely useful for four levels for the improved version of Piercing Cold it gives, if you're going to be relying on cold spells.

2015-01-30, 10:30 PM
If you're going for a cold theme, the Druid spell list is actually significantly better than any other, unless you make a Psion. You could also use Archivist (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20051007a&page=3) and get access to nearly every spell in the game (http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-character-optimization/threads/1023251), with your prayerbook being a dark grimoire (https://www.google.com/search?q=hocus+pocus+book&rlz=1C1AVNC_enUS596US596&espv=2&biw=1858&bih=1019&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=wUDMVLHjM5CSyASS2YHACA&ved=0CCUQsAQ). Hexer from Masters of the Wild (3.0 but still legit) is perfect for a witch archetype, and Archivist is perfect for qualifying for it. Frost Mage in Frostburn is extremely useful for four levels for the improved version of Piercing Cold it gives, if you're going to be relying on cold spells.

Hexer, its.....its..... FLIPPIN PERFECT!!! I can probably get my DM to drop that "Divine Lightning Bolt" requirement. (seriously, that is one odd requirement) Otherwise i can fulfill all of those pre reqs, and it gives such fun abilities, including more spells!!! I will have more spells known than the average wizard, its crazy.

2015-01-30, 10:45 PM
Hexer, its.....its..... FLIPPIN PERFECT!!! I can probably get my DM to drop that "Divine Lightning Bolt" requirement. (seriously, that is one odd requirement) Otherwise i can fulfill all of those pre reqs, and it gives such fun abilities, including more spells!!! I will have more spells known than the average wizard, its crazy.

A Sorcerer's spells known are nearly limitless already with the Ancestral Relic Runestaff (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?267805-Sorcerer-Handbook#4) trick...

2015-01-31, 12:31 AM
A Sorcerer's spells known are nearly limitless already with the Ancestral Relic Runestaff (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?267805-Sorcerer-Handbook#4) trick...

While thats entirely legal and not even that cheesy it wont work for this character as she is TN, so she cant qualify, also i think having 91 spells known and available at all times at lvl 20 to be hilarious.