View Full Version : Zombies on a boat [IC]

2015-01-29, 10:35 PM
It was cold.

For an Antarctica cruise this was nothing unusual but this felt different. This felt ominous. It was a cold that reach down through your bones and frozen your very spirit, crushing any hope of warmer days. Things weren’t always this bad on Le Boreal, the 466ft “mega-yacht” was designed for artic cruises and offered some of the finest luxury that can be found on the high seas for 220 passengers and its 140 crew members, but that was before the quarantine. For a few days there had been news of strange, random civil unrest and violence. This slowly turned to whispers of a virus that was spreading rapidly across the world. World leaders were not fools though, they had seen the impact of Ebola in recent months and, they all had educated and intelligent advisors. The leaders made the intelligent choice and organised a global shut down of all travel in order to determine where the infection was and what controls were effective. This large scale quarantine was backed by the world’s militaries under strict orders to treat any crossings as hostile and to engage it as such. Still nation after nation reported a breach of its quarantine measures, followed by civil unresent and then large scale outbreaks. This was always followed by silence. Worse were the small pockets that held out for a few days, begging for help however they could. No one ever came for them. It didn’t take long before panic took hold, militaries turned on their governments, generals sought to secure whatever safety they could and soldiers deserted to protect their families. The world crumpled.

Meanwhile Le Boreal was stuck in a quarantine holding pattern off the coast of South Georgia, a small island near the Falkland Islands. Here the Le Boreal was to restock on fuel and food before they were caught in the quarantine. Being so isolated and small there was great faith that South Georgia would escape the outbreak and become a safe haven for survivors. However, just 3 days before the quarantine was to be lifted they received a short urgent static filled message from the island “… Boreal … is …. Naval control, …. have …. an …. of …. infection. Seems …. was a secret …. …. to …. north of …. island where …. were evacuating survivors, …. ranking …., important folks. …. they aren’t ….. any more, …. …. survivors ….. … too……. …. …. ….. ….., we’re …. Le ….., your ….. your ….. Oh god their …...”
From then on there was nothing but silence. Silence and the cold.
There was little choice, there wasn’t enough food or fuel to travel to the mainland. They couldn't risk the entire ship by docking. No. They had to send an away team. The captain of Le Boreal, Etienne Garcia, sent out word among the passengers, volunteers were needed. They along with a small company of the crew were needed to help refuel and restock the ship, in order to press on out to a larger island that could support the 360 souls of the ship. While the crew would commence the technical and difficult job of refuelling the ship, the volunteers were to locate the food stores set aside for the ship and bring them on board. These volunteers would have to be fit, and able. Able being the captains obvious cover word for capable. Rumours had already spread among the ship that the island had fallen. That on the land there waited nothing but the infected and death.

You responded to the call and now stand on the bridge with a small group of others.

Captain Garcia looks over the group, dressed in his white and gold uniform he looks impressively professional. He is surprising young for such a responsibility, maybe early 40s. Still he looks much older as he stands before you, his hands twitching nervously as he speaks.

"Thank you all for coming. I understand that is quiet the risk you are taking, and believe me when I say our heart felt thanks go with you." He pauses to look each of you in the eye solemnly. "I'll keep this short and to the point. There will be two teams, first will be my crew members, who will refuel the ship and gather as much maintenance equipment as they can. This will take two hours.The second team is to gather as much food as possible and return to this ship in two hours. Now South Georgia is a small place, tiny population, they generally keep a large larder of food for ships that need resupply. You ought to be able to find this in the dock warehouses. Take everything you can. We don't know how long it will be until we can resupply again."

The Captain sighs "That covers what we know, those are facts. The rest of this briefing is speculation. I believe that the infection has reached South Georgia. I don't know how. Knowing that the infection is there means there is a good chance that you will be exposed to the infection. You need to understand that as a result of this, you will be quarantined on board the ship on your return. This quarantine will be indefinite, or until we know for a fact, you are not infected. Considering how little we know, you should consider that to be a long, long time."

Captain Garcia looks over everyone assembled one last time "This will probably be the last time we speak face to face. Our futures are in your hands. I understand that at times it may seem scary or difficult, but I implore you to think of the ship. There are many lives on here, men, women and children who are counting on you to do your best."

With a stern nod and a stiff salute Captain Garcia finishes his briefing with a firm "Dismissed and good luck."

A sailor is waiting off to the side in his too white uniform waiting for the team to approach before sending them down to the jetski ramp at the back of the ship to disembark the ship.


2015-01-31, 10:17 AM
Logan, shivering as he gathers into the small crowd he's bunched into, looks over his accompaniment.

Logan is a tall black man in his late 30's. He's wearing a shirt and jeans seemingly more tailored for function than style, a navy blue windbreaker, a tactical backpack that seems to fit him extremely well, and a few tools. A flashlight and metal baton is at one side of his waist, and a handgun is holstered on the other.

He asks a few questions of the sailors nearby him, and it is clear he has a subtle Cajun accent.

2015-02-02, 09:22 PM
A man, in his late 20's, early 30's, listens to the captain's instructions. He's neither short nor tall, standing around 5' 10" with a stocky build. If you've noticed him throughout the cruise, he often looked uncomfortable and jittery, like he had a bundle of pent up energy just itching to be released. When the captain completes his speech, the man steps forward.

"Excuse me, sir. In my line of work, I know a thing or two about quarantines. The first is that they are never implemented without good reason. Oh, I fully comprehend our predicament and am on board with the plan. I just feel the need to establish that point.

The other point I feel needs establishing is that when a quarantine is implemented, strong measures are put in place to keep people, like us, out. Armed guards are not an infrequent tool used for this purpose. So surely you don't intend to send us off with no protection?"

2015-02-03, 03:30 PM
The Captain smiles sadly "What choice is there? This is a cruse ship not a military vessel. Even then we don't possess a large compliment of crew or passengers to warrent having more then two cross trained security guards. They will be guarding the ship." His voice takes on a disapproving tone "It is fortunate that such a large group flouted the rules of this vessel and brought firearms on board."

The captain sighs sadly losing the tone he had adopted "At the end of the day we have few options left, the island is small only a hundred people at most. With luck you might be able to avoid everyone. If not, well this vessel and it's compliemt out number the locals. We need fuel we need food. If we don't have it we are done for."

2015-02-03, 04:46 PM
Zach was ticked off. Nothing about this job had gone right, not the cruise nor the target nor the fragging quarantine! Nothing! And the worst part was where the cruise went, straight to the fragging north pole!

Still this little trip could to be the opportunity he had been waiting for during the cruise ride to hell-frozen-over. A little diesease scare and some mechanical problems was a good diversion, and who would care if a couple of people in this ragtag group disappeared during the mission?

So Zach just watched the others that had volunteered to be part of the castaways with wary and bloodshot eyes as he surpressed the urge to puke once more. Only a few more hours till dry land....

2015-02-03, 05:03 PM
As the men make preparations to push off from the ship in the smaller craft, Logan asks of the sailors, "Surely a few of you have made this docking before. As we get closer, can you point out which of the warehouses we'll need to get into first? I doubt any of us wish to spare the time to sight-see. I have a good immune system, but no reason to risk getting sick with whatever is causing this illness. If it is airborne, though, as I assume it has to be to spread so quickly, we'll probably be exposed as soon as we hit land regardless."

This last sentence, although it is intentionally more muted, still comes across audibly enough to be clearly heard. He grimaces. "Sorry."

2015-02-03, 05:38 PM
Overhearing his fellow passenger's comment, the man who asked for the protection sidles over to the gentleman and comments, surreptitiously, "If it IS airbourne, we've already been exposed. Morgan Adams," he offers his hand to the man.

2015-02-03, 06:42 PM
Overhearing his fellow passenger's comment, the man who asked for the protection sidles over to the gentleman and comments, surreptitiously, "If it IS airbourne, we've already been exposed. Morgan Adams," he offers his hand to the man.

Logan has a flash of shock, and then respectful incredulity, "Really? Even this far out from whatever the source of this is? I've never heard of a contagion that potent. Then again, I never did care much for pathology. Logan Devereaux." Logan shakes his hand courteously. "Is that your field by chance? I used to be a CCP, but that was a while back."

2015-02-03, 07:29 PM
Logan has a flash of shock, and then respectful incredulity, "Really? Even this far out from whatever the source of this is? I've never heard of a contagion that potent. Then again, I never did care much for pathology. Logan Devereaux." Logan shakes his hand courteously. "Is that your field by chance? I used to be a CCP, but that was a while back."

"Well, whatever was affecting the mainland made it to this island. If, as you suspect, the contagion is airbourne, and I've considered that possibility myself, if the contagion reached so remote an island as this, it likely reached this vessel, too. So let's pray it's not airbourne.

And no, contagions are not specifically my specialty. Several of my colleagues could bore you to death about them. But I do work in a research facility that deals with highly toxic substances from time to time, and we're all trained on how to deal with contamination. There was this one time where we just thought something got loose and the government types were swarming all over the place. That was a false alarm. Whatever is out there is the real thing.

Say, you don't have an extra one of those things you could loan me, would you," Morgan asks, referring to Logan's firearms.

2015-02-03, 08:02 PM
"Well, whatever was affecting the mainland made it to this island. If, as you suspect, the contagion is airbourne, and I've considered that possibility myself, if the contagion reached so remote an island as this, it likely reached this vessel, too. So let's pray it's not airbourne.

And no, contagions are not specifically my specialty. Several of my colleagues could bore you to death about them. But I do work in a research facility that deals with highly toxic substances from time to time, and we're all trained on how to deal with contamination. There was this one time where we just thought something got loose and the government types were swarming all over the place. That was a false alarm. Whatever is out there is the real thing.

"Sounds like you have a lot more of the technical know-how going on than I do. I learned how to recite a lot of that jargon in school, and I'd regurgitate it for exams, but it never really stuck with me. Now, the practical application however, that is another story! If you somehow manage to get stabbed, infected, poisoned, or whatever the hell is going on here and the world as a whole, I can patch you up. Just don't ask me to name anything I'm tinkering around with. I lost the verbiage for the trivial stuff a ways back."

Say, you don't have an extra one of those things you could loan me, would you," Morgan asks, referring to Logan's firearms.

Logan smiles, then says "Sorry, no. Just the one. Hoping there won't be any reason to use it either. We're just expecting sick people, right? I think I overheard one of the sailors saying that England used to have a military base here till the 90's. Maybe there is a leftover armory they left stocked for the permanent residents?"

2015-02-03, 08:21 PM
[QUOTE=Magnyr_Delorn;18763600]"Sounds like you have a lot more of the technical know-how going on than I do. I learned how to recite a lot of that jargon in school, and I'd regurgitate it for exams, but it never really stuck with me. Now, the practical application however, that is another story! If you somehow manage to get stabbed, infected, poisoned, or whatever the hell is going on here and the world as a whole, I can patch you up. Just don't ask me to name anything I'm tinkering around with. I lost the verbiage for the trivial stuff a ways back."

"Lucky you. My working life is jargon and verbiage. Don't know how much practical application it has, though. While I am technically a doctor, I'm not of the medical variety. Biochemistry is my field. But I don't work on any of the freaky dangerous stuff, I promise."

2015-02-03, 08:24 PM
"Logan smiles, then says "Sorry, no. Just the one. Hoping there won't be any reason to use it either. We're just expecting sick people, right? I think I overheard one of the sailors saying that England used to have a military base here till the 90's. Maybe there is a leftover armory they left stocked for the permanent residents?"

"What happened to not wanting to go sightseeing? Though that particular side trip might be a worthwhile one. Food and fuel might not be the only supplies we're going to need."

2015-02-03, 08:38 PM
"What happened to not wanting to go sightseeing? Though that particular side trip might be a worthwhile one. Food and fuel might not be the only supplies we're going to need."

"Sorry, I guess I'm just a bit nervous. Not afraid to say this whole situation is creepy. Hard to believe an infection could get so bad it could bring the world to its knees.

Regardless, we're getting ahead of ourselves. Getting the supplies is important, but we should look for survivors as well. If we loot these people and don't take them under our protection, we're basically murderers."

Logan takes a few strips of cloth from his backpack and hands Morgan one. He then wraps one around his face to form a crude face mask. "Cloth isn't exactly the best for this, especially if we encounter fluids, but it is a hell of a lot better than nothing."

2015-02-03, 08:55 PM
"Sorry, I guess I'm just a bit nervous. Not afraid to say this whole situation is creepy. Hard to believe an infection could get so bad it could bring the world to its knees.

Regardless, we're getting ahead of ourselves. Getting the supplies is important, but we should look for survivors as well. If we loot these people and don't take them under our protection, we're basically murderers."

Logan takes a few strips of cloth from his backpack and hands Morgan one. He then wraps one around his face to form a crude face mask. "Cloth isn't exactly the best for this, especially if we encounter fluids, but it is a hell of a lot better than nothing."

"Perhaps," Morgan says dubiously. "Thanks," he adds, taking the offered cloth, "little protection is better than no protection. What I wouldn't give for a hazmat suit right about now."

2015-02-03, 09:18 PM
Logan looks around a bit more, and spots the twitchy guy standing alone. "Hey man! Want one?" Logan offers another cloth. "What's your name?"

2015-02-04, 05:49 AM
Captain Garcia shakes his head at Logan "A ship this size couldn't possibility be refuelled from a small vessel. We will be docking. You will be climbing out at sea level to try to avoid detection." At the suggestion of a military threat he shakes his head "Any force that could threaten us, would have the ability to warn us off. I suspect the only threat will be those infected looking for assistance. Contact should be avoided at all costs, every sign suggests the slightest contact is all that is needed to spread this infection. Seems pretty simple, avoid them or become them."

It's made clear by the rapid preparations that the food collection team is remarkably small, only 4 men. The three volunteers and one crew men guide, a young Chilean with a nervous temperament called Carlos.

Carlos quick runs through the plan one last time before docking "Ok, so here's the plan. The others will connect the fuel lines while we head over to the food. This is a tiny little hole of an island, so it should be real easy to find, there is after all only one warehouse. We must avoid raising attention, but if it can't be avoided we should at least make sure attention isn't drawn to the ship until refuelling is finished, after all we can live without food, but without fuel we're dead in the water. We will be close to the ship out there, so we will try to use these short range radios to keep in touch." He hands out small UHF radios designed for tour guides "Should you get in trouble, or think an extra set of eyes would help, you can contact the ship with them, you can also call each other with them but I wouldn't be separating that much if I were you. Strength in numbers you know?" Carlos looks at the radios bemusedly "That assumes they work of course, they've always been a bit hit and miss." He smiles at the group "So. Questions?"

2015-02-04, 05:43 PM
Captain Garcia shakes his head at Logan "A ship this size couldn't possibility be refuelled from a small vessel. We will be docking. You will be climbing out at sea level to try to avoid detection." At the suggestion of a military threat he shakes his head "Any force that could threaten us, would have the ability to warn us off. I suspect the only threat will be those infected looking for assistance. Contact should be avoided at all costs, every sign suggests the slightest contact is all that is needed to spread this infection. Seems pretty simple, avoid them or become them."

It's made clear by the rapid preparations that the food collection team is remarkably small, only 4 men. The three volunteers and one crew men guide, a young Chilean with a nervous temperament called Carlos.

Carlos quick runs through the plan one last time before docking "Ok, so here's the plan. The others will connect the fuel lines while we head over to the food. This is a tiny little hole of an island, so it should be real easy to find, there is after all only one warehouse. We must avoid raising attention, but if it can't be avoided we should at least make sure attention isn't drawn to the ship until refuelling is finished, after all we can live without food, but without fuel we're dead in the water. We will be close to the ship out there, so we will try to use these short range radios to keep in touch." He hands out small UHF radios designed for tour guides "Should you get in trouble, or think an extra set of eyes would help, you can contact the ship with them, you can also call each other with them but I wouldn't be separating that much if I were you. Strength in numbers you know?" Carlos looks at the radios bemusedly "That assumes they work of course, they've always been a bit hit and miss." He smiles at the group "So. Questions?"

"Yeah," Morgan sardocically adds, "who'd I piss off to get stuck in this predicament?"

2015-02-05, 05:02 PM
[QUOTE=WrathOfLife;18765637][/COLOR] He smiles at the group [COLOR="#FF0000"]"So. Questions?"

"I've got some real questions, actually. About how long is it going to take to refuel the ship? And how do you propose we transport the provions to the ship? Seems to me it would take days for just the four of us to lug around a month's worth of provisions for hundreds by hand. I don't know about you, but I've never been exposed to high doses of gamma radiation nor am I the last son of a dead planet."

2015-02-07, 04:02 PM
Carlos shakes his head with a smile "You'se will fit in well. Capitan thinks around 2 hours should do it, normally takes us around an hour to refuel so I guess he's allowing for hardships. I'm not sure what you mean by radiation, but the place seems safe enough, birds and such things. As for the food, we'll have to improvise, maybe they'll have forklifts, or we could borrow a van, shift a large quantity that way. Otherwise I guess we'll have to be more creative, I doubt we'd be able to shift enough by hand." he pauses to consider "I guess we could make good time back to the mainland if we were fuelled, so I suppose we could get by on fairly light rations. Passengers may not take well to it."

2015-02-07, 04:20 PM
After offering the bandana to the twitchy guy for what feels like days, Logan finally shrugs and stuffs it back into his pocket. "Keeping the entire ship properly fueled is about more than just the mechanical parts around us. We need to keep the people fed and quenched as well. If they are starving, they'll be more prone to...whatever this sickness is. I'm sure we'll find something in the warehouse capable of moving the food."

2015-02-07, 05:41 PM
After offering the bandana to the twitchy guy for what feels like days, Logan finally shrugs and stuffs it back into his pocket. "Keeping the entire ship properly fueled is about more than just the mechanical parts around us. We need to keep the people fed and quenched as well. If they are starving, they'll be more prone to...whatever this sickness is. I'm sure we'll find something in the warehouse capable of moving the food."

"The Hulk? Superman? Don't you go to movies if you didn't read comic books? Whatever, worst case scenario, we can try fishing for food. Drinking water will be trickier, so we may want to make that our priority when we reach the supplies."

Morgan turns to Logan, "Let's hope you're right. Though luck, if you believe in that sort of thing, isn't with us at the moment."

2015-02-07, 05:46 PM
Morgan turns to Logan, "Let's hope you're right. Though luck, if you believe in that sort of thing, isn't with us at the moment."

"I wouldn't be SUCH a pessimist brother. For all we know," He starts out in a joking mood, but then he realizes where his sentence is going and gets a bit grim, "-we could be the luckiest people in the world..."

2015-02-07, 05:58 PM
"I doubt it. The President of the U.S.A. is probably in a bunker somewhere sipping some wine, and who knows what other country leaders would be doing now. And every rich billionare will have a bunker to themselves, and then there are all those doomsday preppers that will be shouting into the sky that they are right. We, on the other hand, are about to risk life and limb for a bunch of strangers. And if we are so much touched by one of the infected, a single one of us, they won't let us back on the ship. Which is probably not so bad now that I think about it...." Zach says before going back into his old, sullen mood.

2015-02-07, 06:03 PM
Carlos nods "They got the stuff there somehow in the first place right?" he then looks over the group. "Looks like we're getting ready to move out we'd better keep up, I heard the others talking they seem content to leave us behind if we don't finish in time, so the sooner we start the sooner we can stop."


The jetski ramp is a fairly small affair at the back of the ship, clearly designed to allow rich idiots to ride around the boat in open waters and return safely. Garcia has manoeuvred the ship so that this section is remarkably close to the dock, you realise with a jolt that the ship is reversing in very slowly under its own power, an act which speaks volumes both of the skill of the crew and the advanced nature of the ship.

Looking at the shore you see a very barren landscape, with a tiny dock made of tar, large rocks and wood. It is clearly not designed for a ship this large, showing signs of being used more as a little fishing jetty. However a mere 100 feet away is the start of a large warehouse, that seems oversized for the dock. Its clear the locals must use it as a mix of boat storage/goods warehouse. Its made of a mixture of tin sheeting, wood and steel and shows clear signs of patchwork repairs. Its doors seem shut and you have a dreadful feeling they may be locked.

There is no one present at the moment, which is unusual for an early morning at a dock. Its even stranger when you recall that fishing and sea work is just about the only profession open to the small island.

Morgan and Zackery find their eyes drawn to the only modern looking bit of tech on the entire shorefront. A small hut attached to the far side of the warehouse, on top of it sits an modern satellite dish similar to the one on board, this is unremarkable for such a remote island. However next to it sits a device that looks like an ultra modern robot insect head. It takes only a few short moments to realise that this is an advanced, if small, radar station used for tracking both shipping and ice floats.

As the ships draws closer to the docks, it draws to a very slow speed, allowing several members of the crew to jump off and start tying off. You notice two crew members, in neat white uniforms that seem poorly fitting, adopt very obvious firing positions on the dock, raising up small pistols in defence of the dock. The other crew members quickly run to collect a large hose, that seems long enough to travel out some distance into the water, and quickly attach it to the ship.

"Come on!" Carlos calls out "They are not going to wait for an invitation!" He hurries out towards the warehouse, passing the guards after only 4 quick strides.

2015-02-07, 06:04 PM
"I doubt it. The President of the U.S.A. is probably in a bunker somewhere sipping some wine, and who knows what other country leaders would be doing now. And every rich billionare will have a bunker to themselves, and then there are all those doomsday preppers that will be shouting into the sky that they are right. We, on the other hand, are about to risk life and limb for a bunch of strangers. And if we are so much touched by one of the infected, a single one of us, they won't let us back on the ship. Which is probably not so bad now that I think about it...." Zach says before going back into his old, sullen mood.

"Hey, dickwad," Morgan calls to his erstwhile companion, "my parents are on this ship. I'm risking my life for the benefit of the people I Love. Maybe you've got no one you care about, but don't lump the rest of us with you." Morgan now seems to be in as sullen a mood as Zach, now.

2015-02-07, 06:08 PM
Logan hops off the ship and keeps up with Carlos, nervously drawing his pistol after he sees several others do so. "Hey Morgan, we're dealing with sick people right? Why does it feel like we're getting ready to rob them at gunpoint?

2015-02-07, 06:08 PM
"Come on!" Carlos calls out "They are not going to wait for an invitation!" He hurries out towards the warehouse, passing the guards after only 4 quick strides.

Morgan takes up a position slightly behind Logan as the group moves out.

2015-02-07, 06:12 PM
Logan hops off the ship and keeps up with Carlos, nervously drawing his pistol after he sees several others do so. "Hey Morgan, we're dealing with sick people right? Why does it feel like we're getting ready to rob them at gunpoint?

"We don't really know what we're dealing with. We've got no info on this outbreak whatsoever. And hey, it's not robbing, this stuff was meant for us anyway, wasn't it?"

2015-02-07, 06:15 PM
"We don't really know what we're dealing with. We've got no info on this outbreak whatsoever. And hey, it's not robbing, this stuff was meant for us anyway, wasn't it?"

"Your first cruise, right? Ships like this don't dock on tiny islands like this to refuel. They refuel on tourist traps and the like, while the passengers are mostly doing shore excursions. I'm not certain what's going on, but I'm hoping everything's kosher."

2015-02-07, 06:19 PM
"Because we are robbing them at gunpoint. Not much other we can do than hope that they don't have guns to shoot back." Zach says as he pulls out his own gun, glancing at Morgan with a look of disdain.

Zach motions over to the radar and says, "We might be able to use that. Seems to be some sort of radar. What do you think, Carlos?"

2015-02-07, 06:23 PM
"Why would we need a radar station? How's that gonna help us get into the warehouse?"

2015-02-07, 06:26 PM
Carlos looks over the group, seeing most of them carrying guns, he looks down at his own empty hands and looks back at the others with a pointedly raised eyebrow. "Be hard to carry food with your hands full." He says pointedly.

As to Zachs question Carlos shrugs "Maybe, Le Boreal has some radar abilities herself but we don't have time to explore. We must gather supplies or we will be dead in days, infection or not."

He reaches the old wooden door with the group and gives it a solid yank. It doesn't budge an inch. "Damnit locked. Who locks a door on an island this small!" He cries in outrage "This looks pretty old, maybe there is a beaten up section we can climb in from." He looks to the group seeking consciousness and you get the feeling that despite him acting like he's in charge, he is actually very insecure.

2015-02-07, 06:31 PM
He reaches the old wooden door with the group and gives it a solid yank. It doesn't budge an inch. "Damnit locked. Who locks a door on an island this small!" He cries in outrage "This looks pretty old, maybe there is a beaten up section we can climb in from." He looks to the group seeking consciousness and you get the feeling that despite him acting like he's in charge, he is actually very insecure.

"Alright, fan out a bit, lets circle around. Carlos, come with me. Morgan, you go with...you." He points to the still unnamed companion. "Holler if you see something."

2015-02-07, 06:39 PM
"Yes, split up the already small group...." Zach begins to grumble, but changes tactics and tells Carlos, "Full hands might not carry that much food, but dead bodies cannot carry any." before going round the corner to scout out the building.

2015-02-07, 06:46 PM
"Alright, fan out a bit, lets circle around. Carlos, come with me. Morgan, you go with...you." He points to the still unnamed companion. "Holler if you see something."

Morgan doesn't look happy and seems about to say something, but stop himself and follows his still unnamed companion around the building.

2015-02-07, 07:04 PM
The great split

Logan and Carlos
Going around the back and side Carlos starts to talk nervously "I was here 3 years ago, on one of my first trips out. Its a tiny little island but the people are super friendly, going out of their way to greet you, learn you name, you know the little things. The bigger ports your just another crew member, but here it felt like you were really welcomed. They would never miss an attempt to be hospitable."

The walk around the side is fairly uneventful, but on reaching the back of the building its fairly clear that something has happened. Close to where you are, you see several little holes spaced fairly neatly together in the tin sheeting, further on you see a few larger holes as well as a heavy spread of smaller holes. There are a few gaps big enough to fit through around 50 feet away. Curiously the tin leans both in and out, suggesting instantly to Morgan that there was a fire fight both inside and outside the building. Looking closer at the holes and surroundings might tell you more about what occurred. Carlos however has his eyes drawn to the blood and gore scattered the area. It isn't a huge amount, but its about what you'd expect if you put one or two people threw a blender then poured them out across the long walk to the far side of the building. There are a considerable number of birds watching from the roof, but none of them move to eat the flesh. There is a sickly sweet smell that's not quiet over powering.

Zach and Morgan
The two tech heads make there way further up the warehouse lane-way, the ship remains in clear sight and the crew can be seen powering up a small generator to power the pumps to fuel the ship. There is little of interest at the front, until 3/4s of the way to the far side, when the duo encounter one of the large warehouse doors, that seems to have been shut hastily. You can clearly see the lock pushed down, but it wasn't close enough to the far side to actually latch. A good push should open the large door to expose the warehouse inside. Alternatively the Tech hut is only a few feet away should a quick walk be taken instead.

2015-02-07, 07:08 PM
The great split

Logan and Carlos
Going around the back and side Carlos starts to talk nervously "I was here 3 years ago, on one of my first trips out. Its a tiny little island but the people are super friendly, going out of their way to greet you, learn you name, you know the little things. The bigger ports your just another crew member, but here it felt like you were really welcomed. They would never miss an attempt to be hospitable."

The walk around the side is fairly uneventful, but on reaching the back of the building its fairly clear that something has happened. Close to where you are, you see several little holes spaced fairly neatly together in the tin sheeting, further on you see a few larger holes as well as a heavy spread of smaller holes. There are a few gaps big enough to fit through around 50 feet away. Curiously the tin leans both in and out, suggesting instantly to Morgan that there was a fire fight both inside and outside the building. Looking closer at the holes and surroundings might tell you more about what occurred. Carlos however has his eyes drawn to the blood and gore scattered the area. It isn't a huge amount, but its about what you'd expect if you put one or two people threw a blender then poured them out across the long walk to the far side of the building. There are a considerable number of birds watching from the roof, but none of them move to eat the flesh. There is a sickly sweet smell that's not quiet over powering.

Zach and Morgan
The two tech heads make there way further up the warehouse lane-way, the ship remains in clear sight and the crew can be seen powering up a small generator to power the pumps to fuel the ship. There is little of interest at the front, until 3/4s of the way to the far side, when the duo encounter one of the large warehouse doors, that seems to have been shut hastily. You can clearly see the lock pushed down, but it wasn't close enough to the far side to actually latch. A good push should open the large door to expose the warehouse inside. Alternatively the Tech hut is only a few feet away should a quick walk be taken instead.

Morgan gets on his communicator, "Guys, we found a way in. Make your way over here. We'll check out the tech hut while we wait. There may be some useful info to be gained form the equipment inside."

He turns to Zach, "Shall we go check it out..., what's your name anyway?"

2015-02-07, 07:11 PM
While searching for a way in, Morgan looks for anything that might serve as a makeshift weapon, a length of chain, a metal pipe, a wooden bat, or the like. Though if there were nay real weapons just lying around...

2015-02-07, 07:11 PM
The great split

Logan and Carlos
Going around the back and side Carlos starts to talk nervously "I was here 3 years ago, on one of my first trips out. Its a tiny little island but the people are super friendly, going out of their way to greet you, learn you name, you know the little things. The bigger ports your just another crew member, but here it felt like you were really welcomed. They would never miss an attempt to be hospitable."

"I wonder where they all are. Surely, not everyone gets si-"

The walk around the side is fairly uneventful, but on reaching the back of the building its fairly clear that something has happened. Close to where you are, you see several little holes spaced fairly neatly together in the tin sheeting, further on you see a few larger holes as well as a heavy spread of smaller holes. There are a few gaps big enough to fit through around 50 feet away. Curiously the tin leans both in and out, suggesting instantly to Morgan that there was a fire fight both inside and outside the building. Looking closer at the holes and surroundings might tell you more about what occurred. Carlos however has his eyes drawn to the blood and gore scattered the area. It isn't a huge amount, but its about what you'd expect if you put one or two people threw a blender then poured them out across the long walk to the far side of the building. There are a considerable number of birds watching from the roof, but none of them move to eat the flesh. There is a sickly sweet smell that's not quiet over powering.

"What the ****! What happened here?" Logan makes his way over to the bullet holes, trying to find out anything he can. "Carlos, stay close."

2015-02-07, 07:13 PM
At the sound of Morgan's voice, Logan jumps. "****, I forgot we had these things. We found a way in also, but holy hell, there is a lot of carnage back here. Looks like a firefight took place, and there is blood everywhere."

2015-02-07, 07:16 PM
At the sound of Morgan's voice, Logan jumps. "****, I forgot we had these things. We found a way in also, but holy hell, there is a lot of carnage back here. Looks like a firefight took place, and there is blood everywhere."

"All the more reason to regroup, I'm thinking." Morgan replies.

2015-02-07, 07:18 PM
"All the more reason to regroup, I'm thinking." Morgan replies.

"I'm gonna see if I can piece together what happened here, then I'll meet you over on your side. See you in three minutes."

2015-02-07, 07:40 PM
Logan and Carlos

Logan looks around carefully, although he has no real experience of military engagements he knows enough to know that there should be bullet casings around. There aren't any to be found. Likewise there are no bodies to be seen either. Its all small bits of gore and splashes of blood. Logan notices that one bigger rotting chunk is clearly a large piece of liver. An injury like that should have killed whoever took it, but again no body. Equally strange the animals are staying away from the tasty morsel. Finally its clear the bullet holes are all fairly uniform, probably the same calibre round, and from the pattern of holes on the wall fired in 3-round bursts or at times fully automatic. It seems like the holes closer to where Logan and Carlos came from were from such a burst of automatic fire, fired from the far side of the building.

While looking around Logan gets a glimpse inside the building and sees darkness covering what looks to be a standard warehouse with racks going four teirs high full of pallets of various goods.

Carlos hangs close to the corner of the warehouse clearly unwilling to go to close to the bloodshed.

Zach and Morgan

The two tech heads make it into the Tech hut and find the place in surprisingly good condition. Most of the equipment is down powered, but there are notes, charts and maps everywhere. On one note, you find a transmission log that you all recall from the quarantine, but this one not broken by static. It reads in neat pen that slowly becomes more desperate:
Le Boreal This is South Georgia Naval control, we have had an outbreak of the infection. Seems there was a secret NATO Base to the north of the island where they were evacuating survivors, high ranking officials, important folks. Well they aren’t much any more, The idiot survivors ran here to evacuate us, they brought them, we’re dead Le Boreal, your on your own.

Its not a completed log, and you find the pen discarded nearby in a clear hurry.

2015-02-07, 07:49 PM
Logan and Carlos

Logan looks around carefully, although he has no real experience of military engagements he knows enough to know that there should be bullet casings around. There aren't any to be found. Likewise there are no bodies to be seen either. Its all small bits of gore and splashes of blood. Logan notices that one bigger rotting chunk is clearly a large piece of liver. An injury like that should have killed whoever took it, but again no body. Equally strange the animals are staying away from the tasty morsel. Finally its clear the bullet holes are all fairly uniform, probably the same calibre round, and from the pattern of holes on the wall fired in 3-round bursts or at times fully automatic. It seems like the holes closer to where Logan and Carlos came from were from such a burst of automatic fire, fired from the far side of the building.

While looking around Logan gets a glimpse inside the building and sees darkness covering what looks to be a standard warehouse with racks going four teirs high full of pallets of various goods.

Carlos hangs close to the corner of the warehouse clearly unwilling to go to close to the bloodshed.

"Alright, I'm coming around. There are chunks of flesh the animals aren't trying to scavenge. Maybe they can sense the infection?" Whatever killed these people, they had a much better gun than we do. Let's try not to get in any gunfights."

"Alright Carlos, let's meet up with the others."

2015-02-07, 07:54 PM
Looking around the room, Morgan notes the laptop computer and takes it, hoping there will be useful information to be gleaned from it, later, after they've safely returned to the ship.

2015-02-07, 07:55 PM
Carlos nods unspeaking and follows quietly half way there he whispers quietly "Where were the bodies?"

2015-02-07, 07:56 PM
Morgans search for a weapon does not lead to anything overly promising. The best he managed to locate is a metal backed keyboard and a pair of scissors that look rather sharp.

2015-02-07, 07:58 PM
Morgans search for a weapon does not lead to anything overly promising. The best he managed to locate is a metal backed keyboard and a pair of scissors that look rather sharp.

Both of which he takes under the premise of something is better than nothing.

2015-02-07, 07:58 PM
"Best case scenario, a cleanup crew came through here and they've been buried, and they had to leave to do something."

He lets the other half of the sentence just hang in the air as they reunite with the others.

2015-02-07, 07:59 PM
Morgans search for a weapon does not lead to anything overly promising. The best he managed to locate is a metal backed keyboard and a pair of scissors that look rather sharp.

Both of which he takes under the premise of something is better than nothing.

Though he will touch neither with his bare hands.

2015-02-07, 08:04 PM
The group comes together standing awkwardly in front of the large warehouse doors. Its clear it would probably take two people to open them, and given the light situation inside you'd probably want them as open as possible in order to see whats going on inside. Seems like lighting might be a bigger problem then first thought.

2015-02-07, 08:08 PM
Logan reaches into his backpack and pulls out a mag-light. He holsters his pistol and puts the mag-light in his pocket. "Alright, let's get this door open, and try not to waste the batteries on the light if we don't need to."

2015-02-07, 08:09 PM
The group comes together standing awkwardly in front of the large warehouse doors. Its clear it would probably take two people to open them, and given the light situation inside you'd probably want them as open as possible in order to see whats going on inside. Seems like lighting might be a bigger problem then first thought.

Morgan will listen outside of the door for any sounds emanating from inside the warehouse.

2015-02-07, 08:11 PM
You can't hear anything, other then the sounds of the pumping team who are hard at work now with a generator running and fuel lines flowing.

2015-02-07, 08:14 PM
"Morgan, help me with this."

Assuming he helps, the two open the door.

2015-02-07, 08:17 PM
You can't hear anything, other then the sounds of the pumping team who are hard at work now with a generator running and fuel lines flowing.

Morgan eyes the warehouse dubiously.

"I'm going to suggest Carlos and me get the doors while you two cover us since you're both packing."

2015-02-07, 08:19 PM
Morgan eyes the warehouse dubiously.

"I'm going to suggest Carlos and me get the doors while you two cover us since you're both packing."

"Sure, that works." Logan takes a step back and draws his pistol and light in his hands.

2015-02-07, 08:34 PM
The doors slowly trundle open with some difficulty. They are clearly designed to be opened through a pulley system from the inside. Once open however they show a fairly typical warehouse initially, as the light goes further inside its clear that some bullets have gone threw and threw several pallets of items and picking safe food may rapidly become a challenge. You are only able to see maybe a a quater of the way into the warehouse down the main isle where your standing and maybe a tenth down the side.

2015-02-07, 08:37 PM
"Ok, before we start dealing with the food, let's do a sweep of the warehouse. We'll start by making our way over to the other, makeshift entrance, and just go the whole way around counter clockwise. Sound good?"

2015-02-07, 08:39 PM
The doors slowly trundle open with some difficulty. They are clearly designed to be opened through a pulley system from the inside. Once open however they show a fairly typical warehouse initially, as the light goes further inside its clear that some bullets have gone threw and threw several pallets of items and picking safe food may rapidly become a challenge. You are only able to see maybe a a quater of the way into the warehouse down the main isle where your standing and maybe a tenth down the side.

"I'm going to look for something to transport this stuff. You guys try and salvage as much as you can. Fresh water should be a priority." Morgan starts looking around and down aisles for some heavy machinery, forklifts, hand-trucks, or anything that will allow the group to more large quantities of supplies. He will not head far up the aisles, keeping the now open doorway in view and, as much as he can manage, accessible should he need to bolt.

2015-02-07, 08:40 PM
"Keep an eye out for any glints of metal. The gunmen might still be here, and we don't know if they're friendly, or what happened."

2015-02-07, 08:40 PM
"Ok, before we start dealing with the food, let's do a sweep of the warehouse. We'll start by making our way over to the other, makeshift entrance, and just go the whole way around counter clockwise. Sound good?"

"Yeah, or we could do that," Morgan concedes.

2015-02-07, 08:51 PM
Morgan hangs behind the guys with the guns, rather taking a quick inventory of the goods they pass rather than looking for potential assailants, as best as he can under the circumstances.

2015-02-07, 08:57 PM
Moving carefully and listening out, the group slowly becomes aware collectively of a strange background noise. At first it's thought to be the sound of the generator running outside, but then it becomes clearer as time goes on. Breathing. Forced, unsteady breathing. Now and then there's something else to. A shuffle that sounds too big to be an animal, a noise like a pallet being walked into ever so quietly.

Moving forward there are clearly large pallets of water, and more importantly filter pads that could be used to generate fresh water on board the ship. There is also a large stockpile of dried goods. There are no meat or frozen products though, they must be kept elsewhere in the warehouse.

The air fills with tension as the groups moves far enough in that the only source of light around the group is their flash-lights. Morgan who was looking for it was the first to notice a small electric pump truck. It looks like it'll do the job of moving the pallets around nicely. If it would run that is. As Morgan is looking at the pump truck, the rest of the group notice the light at the far end of the warehouse flicker. That strikes you as odd, given the only source of light on the far side comes from bullet holes in the outer wall.

2015-02-07, 09:04 PM
"We're not alone in here, and there are more outside. Get ready."

2015-02-07, 09:07 PM
"We're not alone in here, and there are more outside. Get ready."

"Huh? What? Whad'you mean we're not alone?"

2015-02-07, 09:11 PM
Zach slows down his pace, taking care to steady his gun. If a fight was about to break out then he might as well get ready for it.

2015-02-07, 09:17 PM
"Huh? What? Whad'you mean we're not alone?"

"Those bullet holes I told you about earlier, down at the end there? They just flickered, which means something just went past the light. Also, there's something moving around somewhere in the warehouse. Best keep your voices down, and your heads low." Logan makes sure Carlos is still with the group and holding it together.

2015-02-07, 09:23 PM
"Those bullet holes I told you about earlier, down at the end there? They just flickered, which means something just went past the light. Also, there's something moving around somewhere in the warehouse. Best keep your voices down, and your heads low." Logan makes sure Carlos is still with the group and holding it together.

Morgan mutters under his breath, "I think I'm about to pee."

2015-02-07, 10:53 PM
The group makes slow progress, throughout the rest of the trip little movement is observed. However it is clear that something has occured. There are large gaps in the warehouse that seem cleaner the rest, like there was once large pallets there that were moved. Also of note is the amount of damage seen on the containers. Many of them show bullet holes or have sprays of blood on them. Two points of concern are quickly raised again, no bullet casings and no bodies. In fact inside, there isn't even any gore to be seen, just a few sprays of blood, some of it dark arterial blood.

Finally reaching the far wall, Carlos is obviously relieved to be able to enjoy some natural light, he whispers quietly "Come on, we don't have much time here. Lets just get what we need and go. This place is getting to me."

It was at that moment that everyones radio's crackles on. "Food team, this is Le Boreal, you've used up 15 minutes, hurry it up."

The following silence is deafening.

2015-02-07, 10:59 PM
"Screw them, we either do this safely or not at all. You said we had at least an hour minimum, right? Let's move a bit more quickly, just to do a perimeter sweep of the warehouse. Shouldn't take any more than 5 more minutes, and Morgan, you can take stock of what is salvageable in the meantime."

Logan keeps one eye on their entrance, to see if the light filtering in is blocked at any point.

2015-02-08, 07:46 AM
"Screw them, we either do this safely or not at all. You said we had at least an hour minimum, right? Let's move a bit more quickly, just to do a perimeter sweep of the warehouse. Shouldn't take any more than 5 more minutes, and Morgan, you can take stock of what is salvageable in the meantime."

Logan keeps one eye on their entrance, to see if the light filtering in is blocked at any point.

Morgan will be taking mental notes of which pallets are not sprayed with blood.

"I kinda agree with Carlos. We've got a lot of... stuff to move and we're going to need every second to move it. I'd rather see if the forklift is working while you guys provide cover."

2015-02-08, 08:03 AM
Morgan will be taking mental notes of which pallets are not sprayed with blood.

"I kinda agree with Carlos. We've got a lot of... stuff to move and we're going to need every second to move it. I'd rather see if the forklift is working while you guys provide cover."

Logan makes a noise in frustration, and looks over the unexplored area with a grimace, but bows his head for a moment, and then pops back up and says to Morgan "Ok then, let's secure the forklift. Do you think you and Carlos here can handle the forklift while Richard and I keep an eye on our surroundings?"

2015-02-08, 01:08 PM
Logan makes a noise in frustration, and looks over the unexplored area with a grimace, but bows his head for a moment, and then pops back up and says to Morgan "Ok then, let's secure the forklift. Do you think you and Carlos here can handle the forklift while Richard and I keep an eye on our surroundings?"

Morgan smirks at the Richard remark.

"Yeah. It shouldn't be too hard. And I get your frustration, but it doesn't make sense looking for trouble. If we can get in and out before anyone knows we're here, that's a good thing, isn't it? Still it helps to be prepared in case trouble finds us, though."

2015-02-10, 02:33 PM
Carlos shrugs at the suggestion of using the forklift. "The more we move the further we can travel. Maybe there are better safer ports out there." He looks to the group looking for some one to make a move beyond talking.

2015-02-10, 03:09 PM
With a nod, the group makes their way over to the forklift.

2015-02-10, 07:20 PM
With a nod, the group makes their way over to the forklift.

Morgan will get in the forklift and see if the ignition key is in it or there is some obvious way to get it working.

2015-02-20, 08:09 PM
Morgan easily gets the electric forklift running, the keys sitting right next to it.

It doesn't take much to work out the controls to the forklift and soon Morgan feels more then confident enough to drive around, collect and deliver whatever can be found in the warehouse.

Carlos meanwhile is starting to look a little bit spooked by the entire situation he starts filling every moment of silence with nervous chatter about the infection. "I heard some of the crew say the infection spread so rapidly because of the quarantines, so many soldiers on the frontlines of the infection got sick that there wasn't enough men left to form a new line behind them. Makes you wonder what actually happened on those frontlines, surely they had haz-mat gear and like scuba equipment or something."

Logan meanwhile standing around keeping an eye out with Zach, notices a shadow on the far side of the warehouse. He can't make out what it is, because of the light streaming through the open warehouse doors ruining his night-vision. He thinks it might be vaguely human shaped though.

2015-02-20, 08:20 PM
Morgan easily gets the electric forklift running, the keys sitting right next to it.

It doesn't take much to work out the controls to the forklift and soon Morgan feels more then confident enough to drive around, collect and deliver whatever can be found in the warehouse.

Carlos meanwhile is starting to look a little bit spooked by the entire situation he starts filling every moment of silence with nervous chatter about the infection. "I heard some of the crew say the infection spread so rapidly because of the quarantines, so many soldiers on the frontlines of the infection got sick that there wasn't enough men left to form a new line behind them. Makes you wonder what actually happened on those frontlines, surely they had haz-mat gear and like scuba equipment or something."

Logan meanwhile standing around keeping an eye out with Zach, notices a shadow on the far side of the warehouse. He can't make out what it is, because of the light streaming through the open warehouse doors ruining his night-vision. He thinks it might be vaguely human shaped though.

Morgan starts gathering up all the potable water he can find. Then he will work on non-perishable foods. As he is moving the stuff around, he starts to wonder out loud, "This is fine for getting the goods to the waterfront. We've still got to ferry it to the ship. That will be more problematic."

2015-02-21, 09:13 AM
"There ARE shapes on the far side of the warehouse that look human! I wish I'd insisted on the perimeter sweep! Morgan, drive what you've got out of the warehouse and into daylight. If we're gonna have a firefight with these guys, better that we do it where we can see!"

*Logan will gauge whether or not it is feasible for the rest of the party to hop on the forklift, hanging off the sides*

If yes, "Get on! Lets roll out!"
If no, "Damnit, haul ass and let's get out of here!" as he runs for the exit.

2015-02-21, 10:27 AM
"There ARE shapes on the far side of the warehouse that look human! I wish I'd insisted on the perimeter sweep! Morgan, drive what you've got out of the warehouse and into daylight. If we're gonna have a firefight with these guys, better that we do it where we can see!"

*Logan will gauge whether or not it is feasible for the rest of the party to hop on the forklift, hanging off the sides*

If yes, "Get on! Lets roll out!"
If no, "Damnit, haul ass and let's get out of here!" as he runs for the exit.

"Not that I'm encouraging a violent confrontation here," Morgan says as he turns the loaded forklift towards the exit, "but we're going to need more than one palate to feed everyone. Who knows when we'll be able to replenish our supplies again."

2015-02-21, 01:04 PM
"Not that I'm encouraging a violent confrontation here," Morgan says as he turns the loaded forklift towards the exit, "but we're going to need more than one palate to feed everyone. Who knows when we'll be able to replenish our supplies again."

"Absolutely. We'll need to come back a few times. If we're lucky, we can down a few of these punks and snag their weapons so everyone is armed. Let's just get out into the light for now before we get flanked!"

2015-02-21, 05:21 PM
Zach warily scans his surroundings as he backs towards the door, mainly watching for movement of the other people that Logan has apparently seen. "We could always use the forklift as cover, but I doubt that it would work that well with a few bullet holes in it."

2015-02-21, 05:43 PM
Everyone but Zach quickly pile onto the forklift. Without spending too much time to check whats grabbed, Morgan loads a large container of freshwater onto the tines of the forklift and the group heads towards the exit. Zach follows along on foot, trying to use the forklift for cover.

As the group enters the daylight, Logan sees the shapes he was watching move slowly towards them. It gets close enough to the light for it to be clearly seen by everyone. Ahead of you is a figure covered in black military clothes and armour, the man would be intimidating at the best of times, standing 6'5. His weapons are missing but his arms flex threateningly and you hear a low guttural growl. His armour is splattered with blood, some of which is dripping down from his clearly fatal neck wound. He advances towards the group in a shambling walk, as if he cannot feel his legs but has a vague idea of where they are and where he wants to go.


2015-02-22, 01:05 AM
Logan gapes at the shambling figure, as he hangs on the side of the lift, speeding away from the zombie.

"What the hell?! We're dealing with some Romero **** or something! That dude looks like a damn zombie! The virus must be some sort of parasite. That neck wound was nearly clean through! Let's get this water to the dock, and if he's still following us on the way back in, drive the forklift prong through his skull!"

2015-02-22, 09:03 AM
Logan gapes at the shambling figure, as he hangs on the side of the lift, speeding away from the zombie.

"What the hell?! We're dealing with some Romero **** or something! That dude looks like a damn zombie! The virus must be some sort of parasite. That neck wound was nearly clean through! Let's get this water to the dock, and if he's still following us on the way back in, drive the forklift prong through his skull!"

"That might be the thing to do if this were a freaking movie," Morgan notes, "but this is real goddamn life and we can't risk getting the supplies tainted by contaminating this vehicle. In other words, keep it the @$#% away from me!"

2015-02-22, 09:34 AM
"That might be the thing to do if this were a freaking movie," Morgan notes, "but this is real goddamn life and we can't risk getting the supplies tainted by contaminating this vehicle. In other words, keep it the @$#% away from me!"

"Duly noted. We may have no other option though."

2015-02-23, 04:00 AM
The creature lurches foward at a steady although slow pace. Its very clear, that even Zach walking at a steady pace will be easily able to out pace the creature as it attempts to cut off the forklift on its progression to the dock.

The forklift makes it out without further issue, and is able to easily deposit the water on the docks. A yell from the fuelling ends speculation about the assistance you'll get from the others. "Hey, you better break those pallets down if your intending to take them with us. We'll help when we can but we gotta fuel up!."

They then look behind the group and you hear a series of comments in various languages that sounds awfully like shock. "The hell is that thing!?" The bloodied creature has walked out of the warehouse by now and is making its stead way over to the fuelling team where you have dumped the water.

2015-02-23, 07:52 AM
"Carlos? Can you stay here and start loading? Richard, get on the lift and stay with Morgan. Y'all go back to the warehouse and keep getting new pallets. Morgan, I'm sure you know how to prioritize. I'll deal with this one and keep it away from you. Don't forget about the one IN the warehouse by the way. Don't let it sneak up on you!"

To the fueling group:

"It's one of the sickness victims. They're very ill. We haven't gotten close enough to find out anything about it yet."

With that, he sprints towards the zombie, gives it a wide berth, and gets its attention and leads it off another way as the forklift speeds by.

2015-02-23, 03:18 PM
The creature lurches foward at a steady although slow pace. Its very clear, that even Zach walking at a steady pace will be easily able to out pace the creature as it attempts to cut off the forklift on its progression to the dock.

The forklift makes it out without further issue, and is able to easily deposit the water on the docks. A yell from the fuelling ends speculation about the assistance you'll get from the others. "Hey, you better break those pallets down if your intending to take them with us. We'll help when we can but we gotta fuel up!."

They then look behind the group and you hear a series of comments in various languages that sounds awfully like shock. "The hell is that thing!?" The bloodied creature has walked out of the warehouse by now and is making its stead way over to the fuelling team where you have dumped the water.

OOC: Richard is on the ship?

The fueling team seem pretty concerened but go back to their work, although they don't seem to be giving the job their complete attention as they constantly sneak looks at Morgan and the military zombie.

Morgans plan works, with the zombie looking down right excited as Morgan came close. To Morgans surpirse however as he got closer to the zombie it seemed to move faster in excitement, actually tryin to lung at him. He remained a safe distance away but it was a far closer near miss then he had planned. As he put distance between the zombie and himself the zombie returned to it's slow shuffle following him relentlessly.

Carlos, who had been watching Morgan open mouth, begins to unpackage and load the water. There seems to be a small crane on the ship that is used to rapidly load the pallet and hoist it onto the deck.

2015-02-23, 05:21 PM
OOC: Richard is on the ship?

OOC: Richard is Logan's nickname for Zack, who never introduced his character. You know, because of what Richard abbreviates to.

2015-02-24, 10:04 PM
OOC: Richard is Logan's nickname for Zack, who never introduced his character. You know, because of what Richard abbreviates to.

[And OOC: Didn't you mean Logan's plan worked? Morgan's plan was to stay as far the hell away from it as possible. Also, I am confused, is this zombie the one from inside the warehouse or a different one. Aaron keeps referring to "the other one", but Wrath's recent post makes it sound like this one came out of the warehouse. 😕]

2015-02-24, 10:07 PM
[And OOC: Didn't you mean Logan's plan worked? Morgan's plan was to stay as far the hell away from it as possible. Also, I am confused, is this zombie the one from inside the warehouse or a different one. Aaron keeps referring to "the other one", but Wrath's recent post makes it sound like this one came out of the warehouse. 😕]

OOC: I was under the impression this is the one that came out from the side of the warehouse that blocked the light. The one in the warehouse is still looming in the darkness.

My interpretation anyway.

2015-02-25, 04:42 AM
[And OOC: Didn't you mean Logan's plan worked? Morgan's plan was to stay as far the hell away from it as possible. Also, I am confused, is this zombie the one from inside the warehouse or a different one. Aaron keeps referring to "the other one", but Wrath's recent post makes it sound like this one came out of the warehouse. 😕]

Ooc: this is correct, So far only seen one survivor.

2015-02-25, 06:47 PM
Ooc: this is correct, So far only seen one survivor.

[OOC: This didn't really answer my question. Did the 1 we've seen so far come out of the warehouse, or was it outside all along?]

2015-02-26, 05:04 AM
[OOC: This didn't really answer my question. Did the 1 we've seen so far come out of the warehouse, or was it outside all along?]

Ooc: it is the military zombie that you saw inside the warehouse that then followed the forklift outside. One zombie walking following Basicly the same path you did.

2015-02-26, 10:46 AM
[OOC: Back to IC.]

Morgan gives the creature a wide berth, thankful that Logan's distraction plan is working. His intention is to grab another pallet of water next, then go back for some non-perishable food on his third trip. He will turn the forklift lights on full blast and will try, as much as possible, to keep an eye out for any signs of [un-]life.

Assuming his as yet unnamed companion is accompanying him back into the warehouse, Morgan, perhaps out of nervousness, starts to make idle chatter. "I don't know whether to freak out or geek out here. I've been known to take what some would say are unnecessary risks, but finding myself in the middle of a real life zombie flick might be more than I can handle. On the other hand, as a biochemist, I can't help but be fascinated by the ramifications of its existence and I want nothing more than to study how it functions."

2015-02-27, 04:54 PM
Ooc: 12 hours then I'll update assuming folks are just doing there last posted action.

2015-02-27, 06:16 PM
(See how I lie?)

Morgan and Zach head back into the warehouse, hopeful of finding more water, but very aware much of what he saw in passing was damaged. Morgan rides the forklift with Zach jogging alongside with his weapon out, scanning the area.

The warehouse is quiet and remarkably still, the normality of it is striking. The pair quickly move inside towards a set of pallets. However once they leave the well lit area and move in towards the darkness, a creature hurls itself from the shadows.

In spite of his vigilance, Zach is caught off guard by the crazed figure lunging at him. Morgan has just enough time to take in a flash of clothing, dried blood and what look like disgustingly infected injuries before shooting past the battling pair in his forklift.


2015-03-01, 10:12 AM
Zach tries to disengage from the assailant in order to bring his firearm to bear, firing off a shot if he can.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2015-03-01, 03:18 PM
The close quaters shot performed with surprising expertise slams into the attackers chest, but the attack continues unrelntlying. Not even slowed down by the shot the creature tries to bite down on Zachs face.


If Morgan turns around to look he is treated with a terrfing sight of the zombie trashing at Zach, clearly moving much fast then the creature encountered earlier. It's chest heaves as Zachs 9mm penetrates it, but it's savage attack continues.

Outside Logan manages to keep the lumbering creature at bay. His repeated jukes with it has taught him that if it gets to close it speeds up slightly. Logan also notes the freshness of the injury on the man. Suddenly his attention is gained by the loud echoing gunshot from inside the warehouse. The fueling team glance over but if anything work quicker.

2015-03-01, 03:43 PM
Outside Logan manages to keep the lumbering creature at bay. His repeated jukes with it has taught him that if it gets to close it speeds up slightly. Logan also notes the freshness of the injury on the man. Suddenly his attention is gained by the loud echoing gunshot from inside the warehouse. The fueling team glance over but if anything work quicker.

Grimacing at the noise, Logan recalls what little he knows of pop culture and its zombie fetish. "Damnit all, there goes any hope of being quiet!" Logan leads the zombie around the warehouse repeatedly, trying to keep a lookout for any new arrivals, and if necessary, adding to the flock chasing him about. [Thank God for my daily exercise routine] he thinks, as he casually jogs, keeping it at a safe distance. In case of absolute emergency, he draws his baton, with the intent of catching the bulky zombie at the knees and trip it, if it suddenly gets too close.

2015-03-02, 12:12 AM
Zach disengages once again. "I think this has finally gone fubar! Freaking zombies, man!" he yells as he takes another shot at the zombie.


2015-03-02, 01:34 AM
Zach disengages once again. "I think this has finally gone fubar! Freaking zombies, man!" he yells as he takes another shot at the zombie.


[roll0] fixing rolls

2015-03-03, 04:57 AM
Ooc: posting to push it on assuming all other actions carry on.

Zachs battle with the creature would have been a fearsome sight had anyone been looking. The creature had Zach pinned when it reared up to throw itself on zach and rip his throat out. But just as the creature prepared to hurl its elves down Zachs hand shoots out and places the gun point blank to the creatures head and pulls the trigger.

The head explodes in a hail of blood and guts that shower Zach completely. The blood and gore creature a thin veal over Zach as he pushes the body off him. It's now clearly totally lifeless.

Meanwhile Morgan manages to find a container of fresh water that looks intact and could collect it and have it outside in a matter of moments. As he drives towards it he notes every large boxes of dehydrated food. Nothin fancy just soups and fake eggs and the like but it would feed people.

Outside Logan hears a second shot. This time there is a noise like a howl only sickly and croaky come from the near you town. To travel that far it must have been nearly ear splitting up close. Although he sees nothing there is definiately an unspoken need to hurry as he ducks past the zombie yet again on his long trip around the warehouse.

2015-03-03, 11:22 AM
Outside Logan hears a second shot. This time there is a noise like a howl only sickly and croaky come from the near you town. To travel that far it must have been nearly ear splitting up close. Although he sees nothing there is definiately an unspoken need to hurry as he ducks past the zombie yet again on his long trip around the warehouse.

"Well, that's it guys. I don't know if y'all heard that in there, but these guys definitely heard those shots from in the town, and they're on the way. Sounded like a lot. Probably the entire inhabitation of the town plus more. Before they get close, anyone have any ideas on how we can draw them away? I don't suppose either of you can do some computer magic and hack the system to turn on a siren on some roof in town? They seem to like noise. Also, Richard! make yourself useful while you're in there, and if you see loose tools that would help, throw them on the lift! Things like tarps for catching rainwater, or fishing rods, harpoons, anything! Be creative!"

2015-03-03, 11:52 PM
Zach just stares at the sky, his view recently unblocked from the zombie that head had been there mere seconds ago. "I am covered in gore. I think I am infected. I hate this island. I hate this ship. I am going back to the docks, maybe try to find a tug boot or something. Something that has a fog horn. Make enough noise to lead the zombies away. If these zombies even hunt by noise." He says in a strangely calm voice. He gets up and makes his way to the docks, looking for a vessel with a fog horn or other type of noise maker.

2015-03-04, 02:00 PM
Zach just stares at the sky, his view recently unblocked from the zombie that head had been there mere seconds ago. "I am covered in gore. I think I am infected. I hate this island. I hate this ship. I am going back to the docks, maybe try to find a tug boot or something. Something that has a fog horn. Make enough noise to lead the zombies away. If these zombies even hunt by noise." He says in a strangely calm voice. He gets up and makes his way to the docks, looking for a vessel with a fog horn or other type of noise maker.

"Did it bite you? That's how they spread it in the movies, right? Pretty sure if you just got blood on you you'll be ok, unless you swallow it. Grab one of the cartons of water and wash yourself off. And the tugboat idea MIGHT work, but it would be better to see if that radar panel has any way to set off an alarm in the town. It is faster, and likely more effective."

2015-03-04, 10:10 PM
"Did it bite you? That's how they spread it in the movies, right? Pretty sure if you just got blood on you you'll be ok, unless you swallow it. Grab one of the cartons of water and wash yourself off. And the tugboat idea MIGHT work, but it would be better to see if that radar panel has any way to set off an alarm in the town. It is faster, and likely more effective."

As he wheels a second pallet of water out, Morgan muses, "Let me get a pallet or 2 of foodstuffs then I say tell those gents over there to turn the fuel pump on the forest and light the sucker up. Once we're safely out on the water. Though the guy inside moved much faster than the guy out in the open. Could sunlight slow them down?"

2015-03-09, 02:14 AM
Zach fails to find any other boats on the dock, however he does see that the techno hut next to the warehouse has a large horn on its roof, clearly put there as a measure against fog. Zach could probably safely dismantle it in half an hour of work or so.

Meanwhile Morgan is now in his element, moving rapidly with the forklift, he grabs several pallets, including artfully doubling a pair of pallets on top of each other and hauling them out like he had done this for years. He manages to bring the load two water and two food stuffs pallets on to the docks when the fuel team send over a runner to him. "Hey, the guys are wanting to know what you want done with the fuel? Seems kind of wasteful, other ships might need this you know."

Logan meanwhile is becoming worn out by the constant dance he's performing with this zombie. He's been at it for almost 10 minutes now and the muscle strain is starting to show. This is largely offset by the adrenaline one feels when chased by a crazed flesh eating monster, but Logan can be sure he'll be looking forward to a break in the near future. The monster shows no sign of slowing or stopping. His mindless pursuit of Logan shows a few interesting characteristics. Most of which is lost on Logan, however Morgan shooting past on the forklift almost always distracts the zombie, if Morgan is closer then Logan, however the second Morgan is further away from the zombie then Logan, it switches back to trying to eat Logan.

2015-03-15, 08:44 PM
Logan meanwhile is becoming worn out by the constant dance he's performing with this zombie. He's been at it for almost 10 minutes now and the muscle strain is starting to show. This is largely offset by the adrenaline one feels when chased by a crazed flesh eating monster, but Logan can be sure he'll be looking forward to a break in the near future. The monster shows no sign of slowing or stopping. His mindless pursuit of Logan shows a few interesting characteristics. Most of which is lost on Logan, however Morgan shooting past on the forklift almost always distracts the zombie, if Morgan is closer then Logan, however the second Morgan is further away from the zombie then Logan, it switches back to trying to eat Logan.

"Stop playing with that thing," Morgan tells Logan. "Put it down. Head shot. I need to talk to you, then we need to get the hell out of here."

2015-03-15, 08:47 PM
"Stop playing with that thing," Morgan tells Logan. "Put it down. Head shot. I need to talk to you, then we need to get the hell out of here."

"Talk me to through the walkie! We don't know when we're gonna find ammunition again. I'm not gonna waste a shot if we don't need to. That's if I can even get the headshot. See all the armor?"

2015-03-15, 09:03 PM
"Talk me to through the walkie! We don't know when we're gonna find ammunition again. I'm not gonna waste a shot if we don't need to. That's if I can even get the headshot. See all the armor?"

"Can't say what I need to over the walkie, and it's a conversation we need to have before we leave. Can't do that with company. Don't want to use a bullet, lead it to the fuel pump and light it up."

2015-03-15, 09:09 PM
"Can't say what I need to over the walkie, and it's a conversation we need to have before we leave. Can't do that with company. Don't want to use a bullet, lead it to the fuel pump and light it up."

"Light the fuel pump on fire? What if we need to return here? The fuel in these types of tanks could very well be the last fuel humanity will ever have!"

Logan turns around, aims, and fires.

2015-03-16, 11:54 AM

2015-03-17, 03:05 PM
The shot slams into the zombies head and it crumples to the ground. Unmoving, probably dead. Probably.

Meanwhile Morgan has been working hard on the forklift managing to find a pair of crates of what looks to be spare parts as well as two more crates of food and water.

The pumping team however has come to a halt apperently last time they sent a runner to speak to the group some terrible calamity took place and the hose managed to disconnect filling the sea with fuel and slowing the fueling process.

Zach being near the road looking at the system above him notices a few people on the road in the distance. They seem to have stopped to stare at him. From this distance he cannot make out if they are injured or not but they seem to be in civilian clothes judging by the colours of there outfits. The group of around 15 seem to be watching as if shocked by what they see.

2015-03-17, 06:05 PM
The shot slams into the zombies head and it crumples to the ground. Unmoving, probably dead. Probably.

Meanwhile Morgan has been working hard on the forklift managing to find a pair of crates of what looks to be spare parts as well as two more crates of food and water.

The pumping team however has come to a halt apperently last time they sent a runner to speak to the group some terrible calamity took place and the hose managed to disconnect filling the sea with fuel and slowing the fueling process.

Zach being near the road looking at the system above him notices a few people on the road in the distance. They seem to have stopped to stare at him. From this distance he cannot make out if they are injured or not but they seem to be in civilian clothes judging by the colours of there outfits. The group of around 15 seem to be watching as if shocked by what they see.

"Fuel team, do you need someone another man over there? Carlos, how are you doing loading? Morgan, come pick me up next time you pass by."

Logan assesses whether or not he can reasonably, quickly, and safely strip the armor off the soldier.

2015-03-18, 09:00 PM
"Fuel team, do you need someone another man over there? Carlos, how are you doing loading? Morgan, come pick me up next time you pass by."

Logan assesses whether or not he can reasonably, quickly, and safely strip the armor off the soldier.

"On my way," Morgan responds. Morgan will swing by Logan's location, as he approaches he asks, "Did you get hit?"

Learning that he hasn't been [OOC: pardon the meta, want to move things along], Morgan slows down and says, "Hop on."

Once Logan is close enough, Morgan says in hushed tones, "We've got a problem. Richard was hit by one of those things. I hate jumping to conclusions, but I think we have to assume he's infected. Which means we have to seriously consider not bringing him back to the ship. Knowing nothing about this contagion, we have to assume the worst and, to use the cliche, consider the needs of the many. It's tearing me up thinking about it, but I'm not coming up with any better options. Thoughts?"

2015-03-19, 03:24 AM
Zach stares at the group of people for a while, gawking right back at them. Slowly and carefully in case he alerts the beings in front of him, he whispers, "Guys, I think we have survivors. At least they seem to be survivors. Not shuffling towards me, nor are there any obvious signs of injury on them. What should I do?" in to the walkies-talkies

2015-03-19, 04:54 AM
Zach stares at the group of people for a while, gawking right back at them. Slowly and carefully in case he alerts the beings in front of him, he whispers, "Guys, I think we have survivors. At least they seem to be survivors. Not shuffling towards me, nor are there any obvious signs of injury on them. What should I do?" in to the walkies-talkies

"Damn it!" Morgan swears hearing Zach's voice over the walkie before he responds. Pressing the "send" button, Morgan says into the walkie, "Try to establish contact, but from a safe distance. Don't let them get close enough to touch you."

2015-03-19, 03:16 PM
Logan discovers the armor remarkably easy to take off. Most of it is held on by some kind of high strength Velcro, although pulling it open is surprisingly completely silent. Worling quickly Logan is able to strip off the vest, knee pads, elbow pads and helmet for the body. (Ooc: armor grants +4 defense when worn, will get back to you with proper stats when not on phone)

The fuel team shake their heads at Logan and indicate food and water is more important at this stage through a series of yells and hand signals.

Morgan and Logan easily fit on the forklift together.

2015-03-20, 06:59 AM
Once Logan is close enough, Morgan says in hushed tones, "We've got a problem. Richard was hit by one of those things. I hate jumping to conclusions, but I think we have to assume he's infected. Which means we have to seriously consider not bringing him back to the ship. Knowing nothing about this contagion, we have to assume the worst and, to use the cliche, consider the needs of the many. It's tearing me up thinking about it, but I'm not coming up with any better options. Thoughts?"

Chucking the armor in a groove somewhere it won't slide off, Logan gets on. "I'm guessing movies aren't a good reference point, but don't you have to get bit in the movies? Did he get bit? Or, if this were a real infection, which seems to be blood-based at this point, did any body fluid enter his mouth, eyes, open wounds, etc? Damn fool ignored me when I offered him the bandana you and I are wearing. Let's go drop the last of these pallets off and see if we can help the people he found."

2015-03-21, 07:13 PM
Zach watches in horror as the group of people he was watching suddenly give a united roar and start charging down the road towards him. One of the group gets to the front easily, dress in a hospital gown and with what seems to be drip lines hanging down from his arms is clearly sprinting at a stunning almost Olympic rate. As they get closer you can see stunning injuries on most of the people, but the only signs of blood are stained clothing.

The group will reach Zach in around 5 rounds the one in the lead will reach him in 3.

2015-03-27, 07:55 AM
Zach backpedals while firing his weapon at the leading zombie. "Guys, we have trouble! Horde, one faster than the others, they are evolving already!" He yells incoherently into his talkie as he keeps backpedaling.

2015-04-07, 03:48 AM

The others all hear Zachs yells and gun fire ring out. Sadly at this distance he stands no chance of hitting the fast moving creature that seems to be getting faster if anything. It lets out a scream that echos around and strikes some members of the group as familiar.

2015-04-07, 06:10 AM
"Well ****. I suppose it was too good to be true to imagine the townsfolk alive and well, or even alive. One of us should go see what we can do to hold them off however we can, probably using the lift. The other should help load. I don't think we have time left for any more trips. Which would you prefer? Hurry!"