View Full Version : Fun Spell Nicknames

2015-01-30, 12:05 PM
My group calls prestidigitation "P-ditty". What fun names does your group use?

2015-01-30, 01:02 PM
Fireball= maflamingballs
Counterspell= Not today
Stoneskin= stoned

2015-01-30, 01:03 PM
Oh yeah occasionally for Shield= OBJECTION!!!

2015-01-30, 01:55 PM
Counterspell= Not today

Hah, I like this one.

Seems like a lot of people have a particular name for evard's black tentacles, but that hasn't come up for me yet.

2015-01-30, 02:01 PM
Hah, I like this one.

Seems like a lot of people have a particular name for evard's black tentacles, but that hasn't come up for me yet.

No idea but I have seen enough anime to see where that is going.

2015-01-30, 08:36 PM
Oh yeah occasionally for Shield= OBJECTION!!!
I dig it.

Hah, I like this one.

Seems like a lot of people have a particular name for evard's black tentacles, but that hasn't come up for me yet.

My group read enough OotS that it was "Evard's Spiked tentacles of Forced Intrusion"

Also, in 4e, the Bard class had an At-Will that was called "Misdirected Mark", wherin the bard used a ranged implement attack, and when hit, the target was marked by one of the Bard's allies (the defender). We called that spell "He Did It!"

2015-01-30, 09:17 PM
Some arent exactly nicknames, they are more what is announced in place of stating the action.

Suggestion: 'Would you kindly'
Counterspell / Shield: 'Interruption!' ('Objection!' and 'Nope!' also also used quite a lot)
Comprehend languages: 'Share jibberish'
Fear: 'unspeakable horror'
Shocking Touch: 'Clear!'
Detect X: 'Pinging for x'
Flesh to stone / Stoneskin: 'Fossilization'
Stone to Flesh: 'Reverse Fossilization'
Unseen Servant: 'Imaginary Friend'
Create Undead: 'Raise Dead'
Finger of Death: 'Mage's Middle Finger'
Tenser's Floating Disk: 'Magic skateboard'
Invisibility: 'Don't throw the flour'
Disintegrate: 'Imma firing mah lazor'
Meteor Swarm: 'Ragnarok'
Confusion: 'Mindf**k'
Find Steed: 'I'm on a horse'
Shatter: 'Fus ro Dah'
Resilient Sphere: 'Force Bubble'
Mage Armor: 'Target me i'm a caster!'
Fireball: 'Default Solution'
Guiding Bolt: 'Tazer pointer'
Zone of Truth: 'Force creative wording'
Haste: 'Mother V Red Bull'
Teleport: 'Go to my happy place' (sometimes 'Return to Plot')
Mending: 'Repair loot'
Light: 'Signal Flare'
Scry / Locate Object: 'Locate Plot Device'
Wish: 'Create bad luck'

I could go on, but my group has many names and references for things.

2015-01-31, 08:06 AM
Some arent exactly nicknames, they are more what is announced in place of stating the action.

Suggestion: 'Would you kindly'
Counterspell / Shield: 'Interruption!' ('Objection!' and 'Nope!' also also used quite a lot)
Comprehend languages: 'Share jibberish'
Fear: 'unspeakable horror'
Shocking Touch: 'Clear!'
Detect X: 'Pinging for x'
Flesh to stone / Stoneskin: 'Fossilization'
Stone to Flesh: 'Reverse Fossilization'
Unseen Servant: 'Imaginary Friend'
Create Undead: 'Raise Dead'
Finger of Death: 'Mage's Middle Finger'
Tenser's Floating Disk: 'Magic skateboard'
Invisibility: 'Don't throw the flour'
Disintegrate: 'Imma firing mah lazor'
Meteor Swarm: 'Ragnarok'
Confusion: 'Mindf**k'
Find Steed: 'I'm on a horse'
Shatter: 'Fus ro Dah'
Resilient Sphere: 'Force Bubble'
Mage Armor: 'Target me i'm a caster!'
Fireball: 'Default Solution'
Guiding Bolt: 'Tazer pointer'
Zone of Truth: 'Force creative wording'
Haste: 'Mother V Red Bull'
Teleport: 'Go to my happy place' (sometimes 'Return to Plot')
Mending: 'Repair loot'
Light: 'Signal Flare'
Scry / Locate Object: 'Locate Plot Device'
Wish: 'Create bad luck'

I could go on, but my group has many names and references for things.

I approve of all these and feel like a square for not coming up with them myself, jolly good sir.

2015-01-31, 09:11 AM
Are we limited to spells? We could have nicknames for Feats, Skills, Flaws, Classes, PrCs, and more! Like CoDzilla!

Finger of Death: 'Mage's Middle Finger'

:vaarsuvius: Bugsby's Expressive Single Digit! *FLIP*

Also, do your players LARP the spell out when their PCs cast it?

I really like the nickname for Zone of Truth. Please do go on.

2015-02-01, 02:53 AM
I really like the nickname for Zone of Truth. Please do go on.

That's something I always found funny. What one can do with "truth".

For example, our party killed a pair of beholders. I decided (wizard character) to cast Speak With Dead (the corpse MUST answer honestly) on one of them.

One of my questions to it was "how many more of your kind are there in this tomb?"

My DM was pretty quick on his feet. The response I recieved? "More than enough to kill you"

Which, given a beholder's arrogance, could mean one (and it did). The thing still answered my question honestly.

2015-02-01, 03:40 AM
Also, do your players LARP the spell out when their PCs cast it?

I really like the nickname for Zone of Truth. Please do go on.
There is definitely an element of expression involved, we usually stand and make a gesture or announcement, especially with the more fun ones.

The story? That originated in a Pathfinder Kingmaker game, where we had a malcontent in our growing village that we wanted to do a public trial for rather than just having him killed quietly. Up until that point we hadn't laid down official laws for our kingdom since we hadn't needed to, and so we decided that magic was legal in court, unlike the norm for other kingdoms in the area, which my character had been subject to (he was a sorcerer, magic in court was a big deal for his trial concerning a cursed magic item).

And so we utilized a zone of truth as part of the trial process, but since the accused had bard levels the DM coined the phrase 'Force creative wording' in order to counter our attempts to try him in the most thematic way possible.

2015-02-01, 05:09 PM
The first time I cast Mass Suggestion, I plan to say, "Everybody do the flop!"

2015-02-01, 05:48 PM
Well usually call Sleep "Takin' a shot of Nyquil" or "Does this smell like chloroform to you?"

2015-02-02, 03:42 PM
Command => "KNEEL!" (like Loki in The Avengers)
Detect Thoughts => "Magically enhanced interrogation"
Dominate Person => "I'm not just your friend, I'm also your buddy"
Etherealness => "Noclip"
Hunger of Hadar => "Hunger of Hodor"
Move Earth => "Minecraft"
Shillelagh => "Baerin's Beatstick" (a reference to a friend's HotDQ druid)

Safety Sword
2015-02-02, 04:41 PM
Reincarnation: "I cast Random Race Generator"

2015-02-02, 05:04 PM
Hunger of Hadar => "Hunger of Hodor"

I'm glad I'm not the only one!

2015-02-02, 09:28 PM
Makes me want to Nickname the Feeblemind spell as "Hodor!"

2015-02-03, 05:34 PM
There's also "Arms of Hodor," but it lacks the alliteration of "Hunger of Hodor."

2015-02-03, 05:44 PM
Magic Missile - "Reach out and touch someone"

Comp Lang - "Decipher crazy moon language"

Detect Magic - "Make my shineys glow!"

Fireball - "Methane accident"

Charm - "How YOU dooin?"

Acid Arrow - "Chemical burn two-step"

Knock - "Announce presence"

Teleport - "Magi-taxi"

Conjure X - "Ineffective meat shield"

Slow - "Molasses dance"

Enlarge - "Hulking out"

2015-02-03, 07:05 PM
i call my fire bolts hadouken. i cast light on swords and make constant lightsaber sounds when i roll to attack with them, does that count?

Animate dead is: "make friend"

2015-02-03, 07:35 PM
Yes, Heartspan, it does :D

Charm - "How YOU dooin?"

Charm - *removes shirt*

2015-02-03, 11:32 PM
The bard player in my group never tells me when he is doing vicious mockery, he just screams an appropriate insult at one of the enemies and rolls damage.

2015-02-04, 09:24 AM
The bard player in my group never tells me when he is doing vicious mockery, he just screams an appropriate insult at one of the enemies and rolls damage.

This. I like this a lot. If I ever play a bard (seems unlikely), I'll have to do this.

2015-02-04, 09:32 AM
My group has taken to calling the Moonbeam spell 'Bond Moon Laser'. It also has a remarkable tendency towards friendly fire.

Joe the Rat
2015-02-04, 09:54 AM
Hunger of Hadar => "Hunger of Hodor"For my 5e campaign, I do most of the sheet maintenance for the Warlock (She's not a witch, she's my wife!). I will be sure to use the "appropriate" spelling when she picks up the Hodor spells.

The bard player in my group never tells me when he is doing vicious mockery, he just screams an appropriate insult at one of the enemies and rolls damage.As it should be. Sadly, appropriate (and inappropriate) insults are how our resident VM user communicates normally...

We've only had a handful come up.
Burning Hands --> Flamethrower
Armor of Agathys --> Ice Ice Baby
Ray of Sickness --> Bowel Disruptor
Witchbolt --> Force Lightning

2015-02-04, 08:13 PM
I don't really have certain things I say every time i cast or do something because it can change situationally but there are a couple things.

sometimes when I cast eldritch blast as a joke i say "This hand of mine glows with an awesome power!"

one time I cast zone of truth and started a dirty romantic conversation with my party and some npcs and when I cast it I just said "ok let's get weird"

but most of the time I would rather describe what everything I'm doing looks like in a cinematic way

Most of the time when this type of thing happens I'm playing a one shot character spoofing off a specific person and theme.

Like one time I played a sorcerer that was clearly moses and was saying/doing stuff from every catholic thing I could remember, A highlight was when I threw a lamb at an enemy and said "Lamb of god, take away the sins of the world"

2015-02-04, 08:24 PM
Some of these examples work ICly. After all, wouldn't the PCs come up with nicknames for their own spells?

'So, wadda do, wizard boy?'
'Default solution. *fireballs*'

'Bring your imaginary friend, wizard boy.'
'It's Unseen Servant!'
'Same, same.'

'Great Cleave!'
'Holy man, you have great cleavage!'

And then we have Vicious Mockery, and Charm, when their alternative versions actually make MORE sense than 'point and say the name'.

2015-02-04, 08:39 PM
I once played a Gnome Rogue/Wizard that would invent a new name for himself with every new town we entered. Since he always named his Magic Missile after himself and alliterated it as much as possible, it got really fun to come up with new plays on that theme. Some of his better ones:

Name: Aloysius Pumpernickel
Magic Missile: Pumpernickel's Piercing Projectiles of Pure Power!

Name: Jeremiah Foozlebug
Magic Missile: Foozlebug's Ferocious Flechettes of Force!

Name: Johnson P. Boondoggle
Magic Missile: Boondoggle's Brilliant Blazing Balls of Blasting!

And so forth. He would always shout the name of the spell before he cast it too.

2015-02-07, 12:11 AM
A lesser known 3.5e spell was "Bigby's Slapping Hand"

Went on to be called "Bigby's Pimp Slap" by my players, or just "Pimp Slap" (as the Spell Compendium removed the "Bigby's" from the name)