View Full Version : Best Class to Optimize this party

2015-01-30, 12:26 PM
Hey Playgrounders,

I've recently joined an ongoing 5e campaign and was wondering what everyone on the forum thought would be the best class to add to their current party.

In part this stems from my indecisiveness over what character I'd like to trot out and part from my curiosity over what others would choose to add and why.

The party is currently level 7 and consists of:


That's all I know; I've no idea what anyone's subclasses are, cleric domains, spell selection, warlock patron etc.

So, let's hear what you'd choose to add as a 5th character and why.

2015-01-30, 12:31 PM
Hey Playgrounders,

I've recently joined an ongoing 5e campaign and was wondering what everyone on the forum thought would be the best class to add to their current party.

In part this stems from my indecisiveness over what character I'd like to trot out and part from my curiosity over what others would choose to add and why.

The party is currently level 7 and consists of:


That's all I know; I've no idea what anyone's subclasses are, cleric domains, spell selection, warlock patron etc.

So, let's hear what you'd choose to add as a 5th character and why.

This party seems pretty balanced in combat. You might consider Ranger for the out of combat skills it provides.

2015-01-30, 12:38 PM
I'm seeing a possible gap in the sneak machine department? Rouge, Shadow monk. I've favour rogue in this case for the classic thief role.

2015-01-30, 12:45 PM
I'm seeing a possible gap in the sneak machine department? Rouge, Shadow monk. I've favour rogue in this case for the classic thief role.

In this setup though, the bard should be smart enough to cover that role.

2015-01-30, 12:52 PM
I'm seeing a possible gap in the sneak machine department? Rouge, Shadow monk. I've favour rogue in this case for the classic thief role.

Depending on how the bard is set up, I'd agree. If Bard not sneaky with thieves prof... then thats where to go.

If bard is... Then do anything...
Secondary/main Tank or secondary/main healer or controller or Striker

I'd probably go Barbarian, druid, monk, or ranger in that order if the bard has rogue stuff covered... but thats just me =)

2015-01-30, 12:52 PM
The party's fairly balanced. You could add nearly anything.
That said I'd suggest Rogue, Wizard or Land Druid.

2015-01-30, 12:55 PM
I mean it's hard to say since you don't know their spells or features but a rogue sounds good maybe assassin to crit and deal massive damage possible severely weakening a large threat early or just getting rid of some chumps. Use a longbow and have the sharpshooter feat to shoot up to 600 feet no disadvantage (thus advantage if hidden).

2015-01-30, 12:57 PM
In this setup though, the bard should be smart enough to cover that role.

or he's decided to play Elan... and rolls alot of 4's. Like I said, a possible gap, and as long as you and bard boy get a quick huddle before play start you should be able to ensure you are not treading on each others toes.

In this situation I'd personally write...
a speed/stealth/mobility eagle totem build barbarian
A skill rogue with a couple swap out skill options/background ideas ready in case some are already covered off by bardy mcbardpants
archer/skill focus ranger
... and probably half a dozen others, I have a problem...

2015-01-30, 01:11 PM
So, bit of an update:

Fighter/Cleric, Cleric took Life Domain
Bard, College of Lore, does do a good bit of sneaking
Paladin, Oath of Vengeance

2015-01-30, 01:13 PM
I would add a Life Cleric1/SorcerrerX
He will be able to deal stable damage and BOMB whenyou really need it.Life domain cure wounds is d8+wis+SPELL LEVEL.
The sorc will be able to twin lets say lvl5 cure wounds for 5d8+2+5 x 2 or 10d8+14 hp(average 58 hp) over 2 teamates at level 10 or
twinned blight at 8lvl for 2x8d8 necrotic damage or twined inflict wounds for 2x3d10 at level 4 with only spending one 1st level spell slot and 1 mm point.
Plus he will walk around with full plate + shield having 20AC.
Its a very cool and very versatile combination.

2015-01-30, 01:19 PM
The party seems pretty balanced. The only thing you're really missing is dedicated Stealth and Martial Ranged. Based on this, I would go Ranger or Rogue. Any archetype is fine.

2015-01-30, 01:25 PM
As they have solid damage, and both mele and ranged threats I'd go a Wizard for utility spells. Fighter/Cleric and Pally should be able to hold the front line for the 3 of you, and keep themselves healed if needed. You can provide buffs, or mezzing. Transmutation or Enchantment wizard would be solid.

2015-01-30, 01:33 PM
at this point, with all the main bases covered?

Anything you want?

A second sneak is good, I'd probably not do arcane trickster as you have a fair bit of spell slinging already. Rogue or ranger with a ranged focus, or amuse yourself and make an off-brand class with sneak - fireball is a hilarious surprise round.

Green dragon born on a Sorcerer with a black dragon heritage - go with a moulted black and green scales for some fluff camo (see if you can get your DM to give you some minor edge on sneaking in forests and swamps because of it, or some advantage on sneaking in general in exchange for say, the breath weapon)

2015-01-30, 01:36 PM
So the party has, if you'll forgive me the gross reduction:

Tank* w/ healing
Utility mage w/ scouting & healing
Ranged DPR
Melee DPR w/ tanking*

*inasmuch as tanking exists in 5e, basically just means a relatively solid front-line warrior.

The party seems to have enough sources of healing, and the bard will probably be able to cover your skill monkey needs (a rogue could be built to outshine the bard at infiltration/assasination, but only if you wanted to emphasize that as a tactic), and the party's tanking and DPR needs are probably covered as well.

In fact, it looks like everyone (except the warlock) has hybridized by multiclassing, selecting their hybrid oath, or being a bard. I'd suggest the route of making some sort of specialist.

Barbarian or GWFighter if most things will be solved by inserting metal into them until they stop moving, or if you simply prefer hitting things.
Wizard or Land Druid if troubleshooting "unconventional" obstacles is going to have a heavy presence, or if you simply prefer manipulating stuff.
Rogue if infiltration, reconaissance, etc... will be a big feature, or if you simply prefer being a sneaky git.

In all cases, at least one of the party members will be able to do what you do but not as well (fighter/paladin, bard, bard). Your character's purpose would be to give the party one exceptional strong point while everyone else covers the bases.

2015-01-30, 02:11 PM
It's hard to say.

The most obvious role I see is blaster, geared towards AoE abilities. The warlock could be filling this role, though if he is anything but fiend he won't be too good on AoE abilities, as will the bard unless he took a number of out of class spells dedicated to it.

I'd stay away from rogue until your find out how the bard is built, but if the bard is more of a face type it could work perfectly.

It is hard to say, just looking at class lists tells us very little about what the party lacks, classes are a bit too versatile to be pigeonholed. That being said, the two things I'd stay away from are close combat and healing, the former having 2-4 classes for it and the latter having 3 classes who can provide it.

2015-01-30, 03:19 PM

If the bard is trying to cover skills and healing and utility spells and aoe and control / status effects he could get stretched thin. Healing isn't too much of an issue with a paladin and cleric but if the cleric is taking more fighter levels the access to group healing could see delays, and the warlock plus bard have several potential options for area effects between them but neither carries the ability to swap spells out for more niche spells, has the range of AoE effects, or ability to afford some of the utility spells while leveling.

It's a good choice to broaden spells available, increase some utility and versatility, increase AoE options and adding portent while taking some of the pressure off of the other 2 classes.

2015-01-30, 03:57 PM
Remember that 5e has group skill checks. So having a second guy with stealth can be less of "I'm gonna horn on his role" and more of "With 2 of us likely to make our stealth checks, that means that the party as a whole only needs one other person to roll well for us all to be sneaky". You could actually make a second bard, pick different spells from him, pick some skills where group checks are likely (like stealth and survival) and trade inspiration dice with each other for maximum skillmonkey awesomeness. That goes for rogue or a sneaky type background as well.

2015-01-30, 05:31 PM
Only the Skillmonky role is not already doubled(or tripled) down on. So I would go with a Rogue.

2015-01-30, 06:15 PM
Its gonna sound odd but how about a Beastmaster Ranger? Get a pet with good riders like a wolf for tripping for a melee ranger dual wielding or if you want to max ranged go Ranger 5 Rogue 2 (keep progressing rogue and go Arc Trickster to progress spellslots) and pick a Flying Snake. Have it fly next to your target and use the poison you milked from it on your arrows.

Your pet can also move around to help out the backline if needed. You become a very flexible combatant that can cover all the party needs for a short time.

2015-01-30, 06:17 PM
Wizard. Add ranged damage, aoe, utility -- and you have plenty of toe-to-toe characters to stand between you and the bad guys.

Plus, in all honesty, Wizards only get MORE fun the more levels you get. The first couples level can by a little slow due to limited spell levels/sots, but by 7th level you have really come online and can do a heap of fun stuff.

2015-01-30, 06:27 PM
Like summon a 10lb acid flask as a Conj Wizard. At will. My DM has banned Conj Wizs because of this haha.

2015-01-30, 07:51 PM
Only the Skillmonky role is not already doubled(or tripled) down on. So I would go with a Rogue.

Skills are already open to each class, and this group has bardic inspiration and guidance to fall back on.

Skills are a lower priority.

2015-01-30, 08:59 PM
I'd suggest either Rogue or a spellcaster with more versatility, such as a Wizard.

Never underestimate the ability to have the right spell for the job. Warlocks cover the party for a "blaster", but they don't reliably impose status effects and terrain control.

Rogues are great for the massive sneak attack as well as the trapfinding/disabling aspect if no one else has covered it, and let's not forget the all-important Cunning Action that's so awesome it's almost broken.

Or you could combine the two ideas and go for an Arcane Trickster Rogue. But for pure Rogue-y goodness, Thief is hard to top, and Assassin is great at maximizing that SA damage output (take the Alert feat if you go Assassin).

But I'm a HUGE fan of Wizards.

2015-01-30, 09:39 PM
Skills are already open to each class, and this group has bardic inspiration and guidance to fall back on.

Skills are a lower priority.

Lower than the healing and martial combat(3 people) and the casting(2 people)? Also there is a difference between Skillmonkey skill use (expertise/reliable talent) and normal skill use. The group is missing nothing, but skill expertise is the place where there is the least extant redundancy.

2015-01-30, 11:44 PM
Lower than the healing and martial combat(3 people) and the casting(2 people)? Also there is a difference between Skillmonkey skill use (expertise/reliable talent) and normal skill use. The group is missing nothing, but skill expertise is the place where there is the least extant redundancy.

Neither is needed, however. Reliable talent or expertise just to have them isn't that important when the system doesn't require their use in the first place. The group is fine with guidance, bardic inspiration, and help actions. The only thing more expertise does is get higher numbers for the sake of higher numbers.

More artillery and variety does more good than additional bonuses to a couple of skill checks. Skills just aren't hard to cover.

2015-01-31, 02:09 AM
The party only has 2 martial/front line combatants, guys. The bard is lore, not valor.

2015-01-31, 02:14 AM
The party only has 2 martial/front line combatants, guys. The bard is lore, not valor.

Paladin and fighter / cleric are the front line. Edit: I misread and agree with you.

2015-01-31, 09:26 AM
As some people already mentioned, i'd go with the wizard. One could think there's too much arcane over there, both bard and warlock being somewhat full casters now. Then i'd take a land druid.
The reasoning for both of my choises is that imo this party lacks two things. First and most important is utility spell versatility (bard and warlock both have limited spells known while the cleric is multiclassed) and then some wilderness guy. Perhaps it's just me but when i see a party without druid/ranger/barbarian i get a weird "what's wrong with them?" feeling!