View Full Version : Rules Q&A Vassal of Bahamut entry Question

2015-01-30, 08:24 PM
Okay so i found the Vassal of Bahamut the other day. class looks great, but the entry looks horrible slay a juvenile Red dragon? by youself? :smalleek: but as bad as it looks, it might not be that bad. it says that i have to kill it my self, right? so does that mean that the casters can continue to buff and heal me? it just says that i need to slay it single handily. so as long as they don't damage the dragon i should still meet the requirements right? or am i miss reading something?

i think i can take on a red dragon though, because I'm a Crusader and Crusaders Rock:smallcool:. and between my Heal/tank abilities and the possibility of a cleric and wizard buffing/healing me (from a distance) it would most certainly raise the success chance.

2015-01-30, 08:27 PM
Your biggest problem will be the dragon just up and flying away.

The "slay" is somewhat ambiguous. I would argue that pre-engagment buffing and such would be fine, but once battle is joined they may not make any interference, but I am pretty sure that others will interpret it quite differently. This really falls into talk to your DM territory, since he will also need to supply you with the red dragon.

2015-01-30, 08:34 PM
Your biggest problem will be the dragon just up and flying away.

The "slay" is somewhat ambiguous. I would argue that pre-engagment buffing and such would be fine, but once battle is joined they may not make any interference, but I am pretty sure that others will interpret it quite differently. This really falls into talk to your DM territory, since he will also need to supply you with the red dragon.

yeah that could be a problem. hopefully 1) i can battle it in its lair (maybe not the best idea) where at least it can't fly as well, 2) DM has mercy on me since the requirement is pretty high. 3) there's a maneuver that can help keep the dragon still.

i'll have to talk to the DM about the the interpretation. but to me it sounds that casters would be able to help me as long as they don't slay it.

2015-01-30, 08:36 PM
honestly i would allow buffs, and the fact it says single handedly slain pretty much means you simply have to be the one to deal the damage to it.
I don't know if i would allow your partners to debuff it, but as long as they buffed you before the fight i think it would pass.
However i could see how someone would allow your partners to debuff it.

2015-01-30, 08:43 PM
I am pretty sure this is homebrew, but we had rules upgrading alchemical items. An upgraded tanglefoot bag would completely stop its flight. Without the upgrade it has a 20% chance of working. You then have a narrow window to kill it in before it makes the DC 17 strength check to break out and make its escape.

2015-01-30, 08:44 PM
my DM wouldn't even let me have buffs, but he did set it up as sort of an arena fight.

Honestly, you could try to bargain with your DM. have him allow the party to fight in exchange for increasing the age category by a few.

2015-01-30, 08:48 PM
Honestly, you could try to bargain with your DM. have him allow the party to fight in exchange for increasing the age category by a few.

This seems like a risky plan. Your ECL will be 7 and if you bump it up by even one stage you get an CR 13 monster with a breath weapon that, on average, will provoke fort saves vs massive damage and will debuff your party with frightful presence. Bump it by two and its casting catches up to yours, its breath has a chance of one shotting your squishier members, possesses a powerful full attack routine, SR, and its DCs will be sky high compared to your save modifiers.

2015-01-30, 09:05 PM
honestly i would allow buffs, and the fact it says single handedly slain pretty much means you simply have to be the one to deal the damage to it.
I don't know if i would allow your partners to debuff it, but as long as they buffed you before the fight i think it would pass.
However i could see how someone would allow your partners to debuff it.

i could maybe convince the Dm to allow be to be healed//buff during the fight, but i think having them debuff the dragon might be pushing it. as long as i can endure the attacks i should be okay.

I am pretty sure this is homebrew, but we had rules upgrading alchemical items. An upgraded tanglefoot bag would completely stop its flight. Without the upgrade it has a 20% chance of working. You then have a narrow window to kill it in before it makes the DC 17 strength check to break out and make its escape.

well that's a tough one. does using homebrew items from team's artificer still count as me killing it as long as i use them. because the DM seems to allow certain homebrew stuff for artificer. (Artficer wants to make a fire elemental jetpack and Dm says he can make it as long as its balance.

my DM wouldn't even let me have buffs, but he did set it up as sort of an arena fight.

Honestly, you could try to bargain with your DM. have him allow the party to fight in exchange for increasing the age category by a few.

This seems like a risky plan. Your ECL will be 7 and if you bump it up by even one stage you get an CR 13 monster with a breath weapon that, on average, will provoke fort saves vs massive damage and will debuff your party with frightful presence. Bump it by two and its casting catches up to yours, its breath has a chance of one shotting your squishier members, possesses a powerful full attack routine, SR, and its DCs will be sky high compared to your save modifiers.

yeah, don't want to raise the CR, i probably have a horrible time trying to convince everyone to just get near the lair. (everyone but me {lawful Good} is chaotic neutral)

2015-01-30, 09:17 PM
This seems like a risky plan. Your ECL will be 7 and if you bump it up by even one stage you get an CR 13 monster with a breath weapon that, on average, will provoke fort saves vs massive damage and will debuff your party with frightful presence. Bump it by two and its casting catches up to yours, its breath has a chance of one shotting your squishier members, possesses a powerful full attack routine, SR, and its DCs will be sky high compared to your save modifiers.

or you could round out your other multiclassing/PrCing options while you wait a few levels and the party is better prepared...