View Full Version : DM Help How much of a warning is appropriate (AKA taxes and shakedowns are unpleasant)

big teej
2015-01-30, 10:16 PM
Greetings Playgrounders,

first, a warning to any of my players who may be lurking the forums without my knowledge, get out. :smallannoyed:

as for the rest of you. :smallbiggrin:

due to Significant Life Events, I have 2 days to write an adventure instead of 2 weeks. I'm rather pleased with how it is taking shape, but I seek aid and input on something I plan on implementing fairly early on in the adventure, mostly due to the 'neener neener' nature of it, and that I have not (at least not that I can call to mind) inflicted such an occurrence on my players before.

specifically, the idea of a shake-down/taxing of the players.

for context.

the party is/has traveled to an Archipelago nominally ruled by an old (age category unspecified) dragon (color unspecified). the dragon has set up numerous means of extracting wealth from anyone who comes through his island chain.

this leads us to my quandary.

the party will be sent through the "Customs" area (until I find a more setting appropriate term) as soon as they step off the boat.

there is ample security set in place, and I am prepared for this to turn into a brawl and/or chase scene should the need arise

I've only loosely sketched out the security measures of the Customs area, as I'm 1) hoping to not need it and 2) if it degenerates into a chase scene, I'm ad-libbing anyways.

there are numerous clerics of Loschaal*, they are mostly there to provide an air of legitimacy and to keep the violence to a minimum (people are far more accepting of Draconian** taxes/rules being handed down and enforced by people universally known for their neutrality and being sticklers for the letter and spirit of the law, than say.... Government flunky #57234)
- the clerics are essentially non-combatants, but will defend themselves with extreme-prejudice (all of the ones in the customs area are Cloistered Clerics and wield spiked chains)

- above the entire dock-area is a lattice structure of cat-walks, this structure is patrolled by the Half-Dragon offspring of Skulkar, ready to swoop down and deal with any trouble makers.

- patrolling the entire dock-area is a single Bluespawn godslayer (monster manual IV) it is meant to serve as a mobile reinforcement/fire support platform for the excise men, and as the first line of defense should anyone attempt to invade.

- numerous foot-soldiers/bully boys that help keep things turning.

*Loschaal is the deity of contracts, law, government, etc. in my setting
** no pun intended

the players will, one by one, be interviewed by a government flunky who will acquire whatever information I/they deem necessary (nature/intent of visit, approximate duration, do you have any magic items or weapons to declare, do you cast, etc.)

the Flunky(ies) will then attempt to extract as much wealth from the party as possible, (the dragon's official policy is NO LESS than 1/10th of any person's wealth, goods, or property. other than that, it is left to the individual flunky)

essentially, after obtaining a quick physical description of the party members (detailing the styling/quality of their gear, noticeable jewelry, spiffy items, etc.) the flunky's will attempt to charge/take/whatever term you care to use, between 300 and 600 gold pieces worth of "stuff"(coins, items, jewelery, etc.)

for discussion's sake, the party started with.... 1,820 gold pieces (IIRC)

my question is this:

how much/how thorough a warning should the party receive about the nature of the "customs area" and the amount of money they can expect to lose?

2015-01-30, 10:18 PM
How much research did they do? And do they have a Bard/other info dude?

Karl Aegis
2015-01-30, 10:46 PM
Rational beings know the customs laws of whatever their destination is. If they don't have money set aside specifically for customs they were either lied to about their destination or are too dumb to live.

2015-01-31, 12:45 AM
As a player, I would expect the players to know in advance of making plans about arriving when events as unpleasant as this would be included. This includes altering docking plans up to and planning to have more loose coin/less magic items after character generation.

As a DM, I would expect the players to try to get out of it including stealth landings, attacking customs, mindreading & blackmailing the custom's officer, lying, etc. Some of these(illegal immigration) would be quite derailing so I would ask them in advance not to do those things (but would roll with it if they did anyways).

As for how much money they can expect to lose, that depends on what they decide as part of their informed meaningful choice. A stealth landing might get them off with 0gp(but end up being fugitives which is a bad idea for the campaign). A good and through deception might get them down to 10gp. But I would expect the normal charismatic talker to only get it down to the 1/10th or ~200gp in this case if the lackey can get a fair appraisal.

big teej
2015-01-31, 01:58 AM
How much research did they do? And do they have a Bard/other info dude?

none, the campaign starts with "so you're on a boat..."
