View Full Version : [3.5] Lost and found

2015-01-31, 05:40 AM
Feel free to use this thread.


Item that allows you to instantly identify 5\day (Occulus, Dragon 350, p73)
Bits about methane inhalation, explosion (Down the Drain, Dragon 326, p53)


Thing (probably some amulet, or other "dangly" bit), that stores corpses.

2015-01-31, 07:29 AM
i understand. im guessing its a bit like the RAW thread, its for when you don't know where something is and you ask, then you can also post where things are as "found"

2015-02-01, 06:07 AM
i understand. im guessing its a bit like the RAW thread, its for when you don't know where something is and you ask, then you can also post where things are as "found"
Don't know what thread you're talking about, but yes - post things that you've "lost" (e.g. that cool magic item you've seen somewhere, but now don't remember where), and things you've "found".

Maybe a little explanation is in order.

IME, if you're looking really hard for something, it's often really worth it. And maybe someone else is looking for it too.