View Full Version : ultimate rager

2015-01-31, 07:11 PM
I want to create a character that brings raging to the extreme.
I have several resources but am wondering if the giants and give me any more choices? classes,feats,items,enchantments, etc

2015-01-31, 07:26 PM
Pathfinder or d&d 3.5?

2015-01-31, 07:30 PM
mainly 3.5

2015-01-31, 07:48 PM
more interested in classes from any 3.x that grant a rage/frenzy/whatever ability

2015-01-31, 09:25 PM
Spirit Lion Totem Barbarian (Complete Champion) is almost mandatory, for Pounce; Whirling Frenzy (Unearthed Arcana and the SRD) is a Rage variant that grants bonuses generally considered superior to bog-standard Rage.

Half-Orc Paragon (Unearthed Arcana and the SRD) and Singh Rager (Oriental Adventures) are rarities in that they grant Raging without disallowing Lawful alignment.

Frenzied Berserker (Complete Warrior), Champion of Gwynharwyf (Book of Exalted Deeds), and Runescarred Berserker (Unapproachable East) are generally the cream of the crop for Prestige Classes that build upon Rage/Frenzy. The first is notorious for requiring you to work with the party developing an off-switch for the Berserker to prevent PvP; the 2nd requires (Exalted) Chaotic Good but adds a Smite attack; the last adds casting, but is notorious for being accidentally impossible to qualify for in 3.5 by RAW, due to requiring a totem lodge Feat from a region that offered it in 3.0, but not 3.5, coupled with a change in allowances for how you could or couldn't qualify for out-of-region Regional Feats. In other words, all of them require some discussion with the DM.

Bear Warrior (Complete Warrior) used to get a lot of discussion as a good STR-bonus filler, but it fell out of favor as more splatbooks were added.

2015-01-31, 09:29 PM
My personal favorite is Frostrager, even if it's not the most optimized, it's just cool(pun intended):smallsmile:

2015-01-31, 09:31 PM
ok thank you, i was missing several of those classes.

2015-01-31, 09:36 PM
For "rage like ability" you should check out

Wildrunner's "Primal Scream"
Fist of the Forest's "Feral Trance"

could make an interesting combo elf barbarian/wildrunner/fist of the forest/frenzied berserker

2015-01-31, 09:39 PM
i like the berserker, frenzied berserker, barbarian build so far. stacking rage, frenzy, and berserk. btw i have seen people say frenzy and rage don't stack which confuses me, it says it the writing it does.

will look into those, especially if i can stack them into this build.

2015-01-31, 09:41 PM
you might be confusing Whirling Frenzy with Frenzied Berserker

2015-01-31, 09:43 PM
Oh i could be, since the post i was reading only said frenzy. anyways, i so far like this build idea, not sure if my player's will enjoy it lol. have a player that might want to use it actually.

2015-01-31, 10:08 PM
Yeah for a build like this, you do NOT want Whirling Frenzy, as it explicitly does not stack with other forms of Rage.

I would go with something like a Half-Elf ex-Undying Way Monk 2/Fighter 2/Spirit Lion Totem Wolf Totem Barbarian 2/Berserk 1/Wildrunner 2/Outcast Champion 3/Fist of the Forest 1/Frostrager 4/Bear Warrior 1/Frenzied Berserker 2

On your turn you can use Rage, Battle Fury, Primal Scream, Desperate Fury, Feral Trance, Improved Frostrage, Frenzy, and turn into a bear.

2015-01-31, 10:10 PM
lmfao that is exactly the kinda crap i wanted to pull. plus that is a hell of a boost on 1 turn (wait can that all be done 1 turn???)

2015-01-31, 10:19 PM
dang, sohei's ki frenzy came to mind but its lawful only so that is out the window.

2015-01-31, 10:23 PM
lmfao that is exactly the kinda crap i wanted to pull. plus that is a hell of a boost on 1 turn (wait can that all be done 1 turn???)

Yes. Battle Fury takes a Standard Action, the rest are Free Actions, except for Desperate Fury, which is more of a reaction; it kicks in when you're at half hit points or less.

2015-01-31, 10:24 PM
ok, idk what desperate furry even is to be honest. but nice to know the concept works, btw that is one freaking scary bear

2015-01-31, 10:32 PM
ok, idk what desperate furry even is to be honest. but nice to know the concept works, btw that is one freaking scary bear

Desperate Fury is a class feature of the Outcast Champion from Races of Destiny. 1/day, when reduced to less than half hp, or when fatigued or exhausted, you get +2 to Str, Dex, and Con for 3+(Con mod) rounds.

Nothing special, really.

2015-02-01, 07:38 AM
Oh ok. And ya nothing special but fits this build.