View Full Version : DM Help new question!! for me at least

2015-02-01, 01:29 AM
so random question..but if someone in the party assumes gas form..can they still use spell like abilities? ..

2015-02-01, 04:08 AM
As far as i know, by RAW you can indeed use spell like abilities, as gaseous form only specifically disallows supernatural abilities, attacks and spells that include somatic, verbal or mateiral components. As spell like abilities are basically spells that require no material verbal or somatic components, you can indeed use them while gaseous.

2015-02-01, 04:09 AM
ok thanks..for the time i just went ahead and said no to him becuase he could use arcane fusion as a spell like ability ..so he could throw free spells while being a gas

2015-02-01, 09:59 AM
ok thanks..for the time i just went ahead and said no to him becuase he could use arcane fusion as a spell like ability ..so he could throw free spells while being a gas

How'd he get arcane fusion as an SLA if i may ask? My initial guess would be archmage?

2015-02-02, 01:27 AM
How'd he get arcane fusion as an SLA if i may ask? My initial guess would be archmage?

and that guess would be correct! ..the problem im having is that he is running a sorc archmage ...something of the color ...to tired to remember or ask him what it is right now..but pretty much if the BBEG does NOT get to go before him..the BBEG dies because he maxed out that prestige ..it gives him a prismatic aura that at max lvl includes a disingrate aura that destroys ( no save) any object..prevents all line of effect ..oh and if a creature tries to walk into it..gets plane shifted on a failed will save ( currently dc 35) .this player has a bad habbit of NOT informing me what he is making or showing me it first ( and likes to pull out the most random things from the oh look i found this book wayyyyy over here and wana use it )

2015-02-02, 03:08 AM
and that guess would be correct! ..the problem im having is that he is running a sorc archmage ...something of the color ...to tired to remember or ask him what it is right now..but pretty much if the BBEG does NOT get to go before him..the BBEG dies because he maxed out that prestige ..it gives him a prismatic aura that at max lvl includes a disingrate aura that destroys ( no save) any object..prevents all line of effect ..oh and if a creature tries to walk into it..gets plane shifted on a failed will save ( currently dc 35) .this player has a bad habbit of NOT informing me what he is making or showing me it first ( and likes to pull out the most random things from the oh look i found this book wayyyyy over here and wana use it )

Initiate of the sevenfold veil. It's worth noting that he can't force that aura onto someone else, or it does absolutely nothing. So him projecting that, and then walking up to the guy to force him to pass through it, would mean it does nothing. On the other hand, if he flung the guy into it with telekinesis, that's a different story, but still, don't tell him that. It's actually a pretty commonly used class, not that obscure, being in complete arcane. But again, those abilities are very defensive, they have little to no offensive capabilities, and honestly, for him to have the final one, which you described, he would need to be at least level 16, 17 if you add on a level of archmage. So sure, he's throwing those abilities around, but your enemy BBEG (assuming he's a) a caster and b) higher level than the party) is throwing around 9th level spells as well. He only gets 4 wards per day, and each one is easily removable with a simple spell, as long as you know the layers of a prismatic wall.

The worst part is the fact that he can do it as an immediate action, but you can get around that by just making him flat footed, since you can't use immediate actions while flat footed. Worth noting that if your BBEG is aware that he's coming across an initiate of the sevenfold veil, he might actually get an item set known as the seven veils. Individually, they aren't that expensive, but each one gives you immunity to a different veil color, and when combined as a set, they act as a runestaff, allowing you to spontaneously convert your spells into the 7 ones needed to break down the layers of a prismatic wall, each spell 1/day. That little gem is in the magic item compendium.

:smallredface: wen't a bit in depth there. I've been looking around at prismatic effects myself recently actually. It's a good defense against disjunction, because it's an immediate action, and blocks line of effect for it. Sure, the veil would be torn down by the disjunction, but all your buffs and magic items would be fine.

2015-02-04, 01:13 AM
the BBEG is from another post i had asking about ideas actually..he is a storm giant ur priest/crusader/ruby/hirophant ( actually probably guna take off that last one..don't really see a point aside from maximized healing myself?) so..he doesn't have most spells..on the other hand he does have a rather large dislike of spell casters and tends to aim at the guy in the robe first ..so im kinda stuck hoping i roll high initiative before him and then just swift action slaughter him before he can get anything off..otherwise all his gear and spells become useless and then he will be hit by the kelidoscope of doom ( thats rather annoying btw on the big guys) *edit added* .. also the party is going to be lvl 20 this next game and boss is the next game after that.. so yes he has it all sadly..and he went intiate of the veil first then archmage *end edit*

IF i cant take him down in one turn then BBEG is screwed because he is running with that prestige and doing nothing pretty much but enervate and things that just screw you over unless you are undead and even then can still mess you up easily