View Full Version : Player Help Getting rid of Chaos effects (Eberron D&D 3.5)

2015-02-01, 02:14 AM
Ok, I'm freaking out because my character has been affected by chaos and I have no Idea how to get rid of it. Every morning, my character changes in some way and the changes seem to be growing in number since now I have 3 after starting at one. Is there ANY way to get rid of the effects? My character is also told that there isn't a magic aura about me, so I'm not entirely sure what's going on. I just REALLY need to find a way out (Yes, I'm aware about meta gaming, but I at least want to be sure I can fix it and I'm actually VERY good at NOT meta gaming so please help :smalleek:)

2015-02-01, 03:39 AM
First off: Relax. It's just a game. If you're enjoying it, then trust in your DM that this is just one more plot development that will be fun.

Next up: You haven't really given us enough information to help you out. What do you mean by "chaos effects?" The only thing in the rules that sounds like that is spells with the [chaotic] descriptor, but that doesn't sound like what you're describing with the increasing changes to your character over time. I also notice that you've included the phrase "plane of chaos" in the tags for your thread; are these changes something that started happening to your character after you visited some chaotic-aligned plane?

From what I can glean from your post, it sounds like you've got some homebrewed infection that your DM is using as a plot development. If that's what's going on, then we from the forum can't really help you get rid of it...doing so will probably be a plot point later in the campaign you're playing. If you want whatever advice we can offer, though, you're going to have to give us more to go on. Like, the story of what is actually happening to your character, how and why it started happening, etc.

And finally...welcome to the forums :) .

2015-02-01, 03:50 AM
Well, My character touched a large stone that was said to have been carved from the peak of a mountain that was within the plane of chaos, therefore the stone itself was pure chaos. there is no magic aura, causing anyone I ask in game for help to say "There's nothing wrong with you" but still acknowledging the physical mutations. I know that's not much, but that's really all I have to go off of. The first was just horns, the next day it was small wings on my back (no horns), then the wings plus breathing fire for some reason with about two days later (skipping other effects) to fur on my arms and face, four eyes, and a forked tongue. The adventure seemed very much like a module, that i'm sure of, and as for plot relevance, I can't really see how but so far, I've been sort of rolling with it but again, It'snot something I'd like to have my character live with the rest of the game.

2015-02-01, 03:56 AM
Ah, then it's a Xoriat thing. You'll not be able to do anything about it until you beome some kind of half-half-daelkyr/half-dolgaunt and be forced to slave for your Daelkyr masters.
Seek the Gatekeeper druids, maybe they'll offer you something. At worst, they'll kill you, at best - offer to reincarnate.

2015-02-01, 04:02 AM
Yeah, I'd say that has "plot disease" written all over it.

I'd expect some way of dealing with it to be a plot point some time soon in the campaign...keep an ear out for hints your DM might drop about how to take care of it. If you're worried that the DM might not intend for you to get healed (if, say, he's the kind of guy who gets his jollies from having his PC's suffer un-fun and irreversible consequences for falling for one of his "clever traps"), you can try talking to him out-of-game about how you'd really like your character to come upon some way of reversing these changes at some point. But that's probably a fall-back option for later; give him a chance to do whatever it is he's doing with your affliction in terms of game plot first.

As for specific in-game things you can do, Remove Curse is always worth a try, as is the Restoration line. Also, if your affliction is a result of "pure chaos," you'll probably ping very strongly to a Detect Chaos (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectChaos.htm) spell now; that might help you out with your issue of getting spellcasters who can't detect anything wrong with you to take you seriously, especially if the spellcasters in question know that you didn't ping so strongly Chaotic before you touched the rock. If that works, you could try other aligned spells, like Protection from Chaos, and see if they have any effect.

How any of that stuff works will all depend on how your DM wants to handle it, though; "mutations from touching a rock made of pure planar chaos" is definitely well into DM fiat territory. We won't be able to help you with any specific rules about what's happening to your character.

*fakeedit* If it is indeed a Xoriat thing, then maybe Xerlith is right; I'm not an expert in Eberron cosmology.