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2007-04-04, 10:09 PM
I love Diablo 2, so I decided to start a thread about it. Nuff said.

I was curious how many other people played this addicting game.

Anyone have any favorite classes? Proud of their items? Just like to talk about the game? Speak now or forever be Fist-Of-The-Heavened into the dirt.

2007-04-04, 11:05 PM
Favourite class: Assassin. I use Mind Blast, Death Sentry, Cobra Strike and Dragon Tail. It works very, very well against most groups of enemies, but I tend to be much weaker against things I can't drain (skeletons) and single, powerful enemies. My current favourite item is a unique suit of armour with the 'freezes target' ability. It messes up my death sentry quite a bit, because I don't leave corpses anymore, but it's very, very useful against anything that can be frozen. My assassin is currently level 63, and has just gotten through the Bloody Foothills on Nightmare.

I also have a Barbarian, level 28, who has just defeated Diablo for the first time, and is currently using pieces of multiple sets with no chance of finishing them in sight. His pride and joy is the Peasant Crown, a unique War Hat with 106 Defence and +1 to all skills. He's maxed sword mastery and has a very high rank in the natural armour skill. He has is eyes set on the Natural Resistance skill.

My necromancer, level 30-something, does horrible, horrible things with Bone Spear and Bone Spirit, with some Corpse Explosions and an Iron Golem thrown in for a little extra. Back on the lower levels, he made Duriel his bitch. Very, very powerful character.

A sorceress, level 23, currently with a Chain Lightning fetish. She's just gotten Khalim's Eye, and I'll give her Meteor and soon as she levels up.

My newest character is an Amazon, currently level 12, having just been started two days ago. She's using a powerful stack of Rare short spears to cut her way to Andariel; last time I played I'd just gotten her to the Countess.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-04, 11:12 PM
Dhavaer, you sound like me, except my Assassins go Wake of Inferno/Burst of Speed/Dragon Talon/Claws of Thunder. I've got an Assassin right now at level 74 (on open, unfortunately), and she has approximately +270% faster run/walk and +250% increased attack speed. She's fast.

2007-04-04, 11:13 PM
I have a level 72 druid on Bnet. Weak as all hell. Probably because Fury builds are not viable anymore despite it being my favourite skill in that class. Wears trang's armour because I've given up on him ever being good and just used him to get the forge quest and pawn off the runes he had accumulated. If I level him a bit more he can use ethereal edge (since right now he's using an exceptional bonesnap maul. BOOOO) His resists are garbage so he goes through 2000 life in about 3 hits. He enjoys long walks on the beach, hugging trees and dying.

I have a lvl 82 sorceress, originally going to be my main character but I found out that Hell is too full of fire and ice immunities for a meteorb sorc to work without very, very good gear. She fell by the wayside, especially because I built her wrong and she has no mana (but you NEED LIFE TOO!
What do I DO??!) So instead, I cry and steal her forge quest.

Level 17 barb. Desperation called, he wants um... nevermind...

Level 86 Hammerdin. FINALLY something I can work with. He uses dual spirit because + skills are super important for hammers to deal decent damage. The rest of his stuff is garbage. One Ber rune and 3 socketed armour short of making myself an enigma and being off to the races. Merc uses Insight, aldurs and nats helm because I am oh so very poor. Wondering if I should continue or just wait for ladder to refresh...

2007-04-04, 11:14 PM
I do Burst of Speed, as well. I just thought that would be assumed due to the fact it's an Assassin.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-04, 11:17 PM
Heh, true.

My other main character is 76, a Paladin. Fanatacism/Zeal, so he's boringly typical, but he's got great gear and manages to keep resists in the 60+s even in Hell.

2007-04-04, 11:22 PM
Holy Thunder Pally is my highest level right now, at 24 or something, but I built him wrong, so I might make a new character. I'm thinking I'll make a nice Amazon or something, since I have this random rare Stag Bow lying around.

I might make a sorceress, since I think they're really fun to play.

2007-04-04, 11:44 PM
I don't play often enough to have a character on B-Net, so I just have single player characters. I've had some fun with a minion master necromancer. He soloed nightmare on players-8 mode, but dies pretty quickly in hell without his minions (maybe a better weapon is due?).

Concentrate barbs are pretty good once you get a good weapon.

I'm also working on a kick-assassin and a cold sorc (both are at the beginning of act 3)

2007-04-05, 01:21 AM
I never do really well with Paladin's, I hear Hammerdins, with the right gear, can outdamage everything, but I don't think that'd be any fun.

The only three I really play right now are a level 75 Druid. Elemental. I've got Hurricane, Tornado, Cyclone Armor and Armageddon maxed out.

Hurricane does about 1k damage a second, Tornado does 2K, and Armageddon kinda sucks, I use it mostly for Phyiscal/Cold Immunes. Cyclone armor is really good for stopping damage though, I can stop over a thousand damage, more than twice my HP.

My second, a Lightning/Cold Sorc. Only level 38, she's got 8 points in Frozen Orb already, which is mandatory, of course, and a few good levels in Chain Lightning.

My third, is a pitiful 'lil Martial Arts assassin, level 13. I'm mostly using points in Step-up skills (and Burst of Speed, of course). I plan to max out Dragon Tail and Tiger Strike. Also, a point in Claws of Thunder, just in case I run against a Fire/Physical immune.

I plan out my characters too much... Ever since I first got into Hell mode (a while back, P&B Necro whom I lost). I've always had to plan for it.

I suppose my favorite item would be my Druid's Earthshifter, it's a Unique Thunder Maul that adds +7 to Elemental Skills.

Too bad he's non-ladder.

Question to you all: If you have a kick-assassin, do you use Weapon block, or just use a Shield? I myself like Shields, because they give a ton of Block, a Tower Shield of Deflecting is like 70% for an assassin, but would I actually need the dual claws to fight?

2007-04-05, 01:27 AM
Well, if you plan on kicking a lot with your Assassin, then whatever claws you have mean absolutely nothing. However, if you like the claw-based finishing moves, then the more claw-power the better.

Granted, I suck at playing Assassins, so someone else should probably help you.

2007-04-05, 01:30 AM
I use dual-claws + weapon block, because the claws still count with the charge-up skills. A little extra leeching can be very handy.

2007-04-05, 01:36 AM
Ive heard good things about dual claws + weapon block, but a lot of people swear by their stormshield. I don't though. i put far too much emphasis on how cool my characters look.

Also, if you don't have crazy awesome gear, you need a hammerdin, since they can survive hell without it. And still not well. Hell is... well, hell.

2007-04-05, 02:59 AM
Necromancer for me. Level I forget, because I haven't played for a while. Bone spear is fun, bone spirit is funner, and letting fire golems wreak havoc in the arcane sanctuary is funny as all hell.

Thexare Blademoon
2007-04-05, 03:31 AM
When I do play, it's usually the Eastern Sun mod.

And when I do play, it's usually an Elemental Druid or a Holy Freeze Archer/Zealot, whether I'm on a mod or not.

Needless to say, there's a reason I never get particularly far. Ah well, it's fun until I die repeatedly.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-05, 10:02 AM
When it comes to Assassin charges, it really depends on what charge attack you use. If it's Claws of Thunder/Fists of Flame/Ice Talons, go ahead and doublewield, since one click will swing both hands. Meanwhile, Tiger Strike, Cobra Strike, and Phoenix Strike only swing one hand at a time, so it's actually a better idea to grab yourself a single weapon and a shield (particularly if it's a weapon that's not claw-class).

I forgot my favorite character, too, though she's not very high level. Well, okay. 48. Xochitl_Aivan is an archer assassin. She has Burst of Speed maxed and is currently working on Blade Sentry, Wake of Inferno, and Death Sentry. The crazy thing is, she's using the Kuko Shakaku (http://www.battle.net/diablo2exp/items/exceptional/ubows.shtml) with a Shael rune in it. Basically, when I hold the button down, she shoots a pretty much endless stream of explosive arrows.

It's not very optimal, but it's certainly fun.

2007-04-05, 04:10 PM
Also, if you don't have crazy awesome gear, you need a hammerdin, since they can survive hell without it. And still not well. Hell is... well, hell.
Doesn't a hammerdin need like +10 to all skills for Hammer to even be a valid attack in Hell mode? I think, with Hammer and all Synergies at 20 it only does about 1K, whereas I always hear numbers upwards of 15K, which confuses me, does it just increase in power rapidly past 20?

I rarely have awesome gear, but my Druid survives Hell quite well. I plan for my Sorc to do the same, then again she's always traveling with a pair of Meatshields, er a Paladin and a Barbarian. So she shouldn't have too much trouble.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-05, 04:49 PM
Doesn't a hammerdin need like +10 to all skills for Hammer to even be a valid attack in Hell mode? I think, with Hammer and all Synergies at 20 it only does about 1K, whereas I always hear numbers upwards of 15K, which confuses me, does it just increase in power rapidly past 20?

The core mechanic to the Hammerdin is the cunning use of the Concentration aura, which donates half of its bonus to the Blessed Hammer ability (unlike Fanaticism, which is selfish and doesn't give any).

2007-04-05, 04:57 PM
The core mechanic to the Hammerdin is the cunning use of the Concentration aura, which donates half of its bonus to the Blessed Hammer ability (unlike Fanaticism, which is selfish and doesn't give any).
Wait, so Half of Concentration would be about 220%, which adds an extra 2K damage..

So, if my calculations are correct, 3K a hammer at level 20, not bad.

2007-04-05, 07:54 PM
When using concentration and about +6 to all skills, you can nearly reach 6k damage. It isn't a monstrous death machine, but it is pretty respectable and gets the job done neatly. Sometimes I have to take off concentration and put on salvation just because of my crap gear and the high number of elemental enchants in hell, but the fact that you can spam hammers in large quantities can help make up for the loss of individual damage. Quantity over quality!

Fax Celestis
2007-04-05, 08:17 PM
When using concentration and about +6 to all skills, you can nearly reach 6k damage. It isn't a monstrous death machine, but it is pretty respectable and gets the job done neatly. Sometimes I have to take off concentration and put on salvation just because of my crap gear and the high number of elemental enchants in hell, but the fact that you can spam hammers in large quantities can help make up for the loss of individual damage. Quantity over quality!

That's what my Zeal/Fanatacism Paladin thinks too.

2007-04-05, 08:25 PM
I currently have a L79 Amazon with M'avina's full set. I did not put hours or days into that character, I put YEARS. Hours a day for weeks on end I did nothing but build the most perfect Bowazon EVER. On closed local game. She is the only character I ever played that has taken out Diablo on Hell. I've played assassins, barbarians, druids.. and none of them have come close to beating Diablo on hell. Melee characters have no chance at all.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-05, 08:27 PM
I currently have a L79 Amazon with M'avina's full set. I did not put hours or days into that character, I put YEARS. Hours a day for weeks on end I did nothing but build the most perfect Bowazon EVER. On closed local game. She is the only character I ever played that has taken out Diablo on Hell. I've played assassins, barbarians, druids.. and none of them have come close to beating Diablo on hell. Melee characters have no chance at all.

Not true. My assassin has done it, mostly because she attacks so quickly.

2007-04-05, 08:42 PM
I currently have a L79 Amazon with M'avina's full set. I did not put hours or days into that character, I put YEARS. Hours a day for weeks on end I did nothing but build the most perfect Bowazon EVER. On closed local game. She is the only character I ever played that has taken out Diablo on Hell. I've played assassins, barbarians, druids.. and none of them have come close to beating Diablo on hell. Melee characters have no chance at all.

Try adding some crushing blow. It might change your mind.

2007-04-05, 09:02 PM
thought about it. The barbarain that came close had 25% crushing blow and 30% open wounds... if I remember correctly, and was still getting smacked down.

2007-04-06, 12:45 AM
Wew Weeewww!! Finally made myself an enigma! Teleport is GREAT!

2007-04-06, 04:08 AM
Wew Weeewww!! Finally made myself an enigma! Teleport is GREAT!
Haven't you played a Sorceress before?

2007-04-06, 07:50 AM
1) Do the Enslaved in Act V creep anyone else out? They're visibly naked, and it always weirds me out seeing them waving in the wind.

2) What's the deal with those little skeletal rat-men in the Durance of Hate? They seem to damage me when I try to drain them.

3) I just got an awesome pull on a nightmare Meph run. Unique repeating xbow (Doomslinger), Unique spear (something Gorerod), Unique crown (the Undead Crown), rare bardiche and magical something. Now, I must make a crossbow Amazon, to use Doomslinger. All my previous successful Amazons have use spears, mostly due to my addiction to that magic arrow skill. I just can't help but put points in it, until it costs no mana. Any tips?

Fax Celestis
2007-04-06, 09:48 AM
1. Yes

2. Stygian Dolls cast Corpse Explosion on themselves when they die.

3. Crosszons... Well, you might want to socket/Shael your weapon of choice. IAS charms, gloves, and jewels are your friends. Worry less about defense and more about offense. Make sure you have an Act 2 minion (preferably Blessed Aim or Holy Freeze; Might, Prayer, and Defiance are nice, but Blessed Aim adds to your damage, and Holy Freeze will slow down your intendd targets) in addition to your Valkyrie: they draw fire while you do the killinz. I'd also recommend foregoing Magic Arrow and beefing Multishot and Guided Arrow instead. Certainly, you'll burn through mana, but each of those shots leeches just fine. Find yourself a mob and Multishot over and over and over, then switch to Guideds for single targets.

2007-04-06, 11:36 AM
Haven't you played a Sorceress before? Naturally, but the point is having teleport on a class that can't usually use it.

2007-04-06, 01:19 PM
I used to play a lot but that was years ago. I used to have like, 4-5 characters that all hover around the level 70 or so.

One chargeadin until that build went the way of the dodo. He was just too hard to play outside of PvP.

One teleporting sorc with static charges that I use exclusively to hit up mephisto's dungeon for extra magical items. (you can get him stuck on a corner and just sit there taking your hits)

one assassin who did the whole freeze your foe, then chip them to death thing. It got boring though.

one barbarian that was actually kind of fun.

the thing was, while I was able to level them up quickly (a group of friends and I used to speed level characters just for gits and shiggles), getting items was always a chore and one that I couldn't be bothered with.

I wonder if people still play the game.

2007-04-06, 03:18 PM
I used to play a lot but that was years ago. I used to have like, 4-5 characters that all hover around the level 70 or so.

One chargeadin until that build went the way of the dodo. He was just too hard to play outside of PvP.

One teleporting sorc with static charges that I use exclusively to hit up mephisto's dungeon for extra magical items. (you can get him stuck on a corner and just sit there taking your hits)

one assassin who did the whole freeze your foe, then chip them to death thing. It got boring though.

one barbarian that was actually kind of fun.

the thing was, while I was able to level them up quickly (a group of friends and I used to speed level characters just for gits and shiggles), getting items was always a chore and one that I couldn't be bothered with.

I wonder if people still play the game.

Tons of people still play on Bnet. Items were always tough to get, but with the widespread popularity of powerful rune words, many elite uniques are now seen as fairly worthless and can be acquired pretty easily. Heck, a couple of perfect gems can get you something that you would've had to do MF runs for months to find in a very dangerous area of Hell. People are now unwilling to part with a single high rune (the new form of currency) for a storm shield, when they used to run people 8 or 9 sojs in the waning days of 1.09

How many people in this forum play on bnet is what I'm wondering. It seems many play open or single which I think is less fun.

2007-04-06, 03:25 PM
I haven't been on Bnet for close to 3 years. It's just too hard trying to keep up with all the crazy ass strats out there.

And then there's the whole SOJ mess... Good lord, what was that about? For a while, everything was measured in SOJs, but when I started picking up the game, I did not see a SINGLE one. Hell, the supply and demand just doesn't match up. I've probably gotten over 10 storm shields but I have yet to see a single SOJ ever emerging.

Plus, that and the competitive builds keep on changing. At one point the hammerdin was god, then it became worthless, then it became god again. retooling my build to fit the current incarnation is just too much work.

and then you also just have games where the enemy is immune to practically every and anything on the planet.

guh, it's just too much level grinding after a while.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-06, 03:28 PM
I would play BNet if I played more frequently and it supported the /players 8 option.

2007-04-06, 03:52 PM
I haven't been on Bnet for close to 3 years. It's just too hard trying to keep up with all the crazy ass strats out there.

And then there's the whole SOJ mess... Good lord, what was that about? For a while, everything was measured in SOJs, but when I started picking up the game, I did not see a SINGLE one. Hell, the supply and demand just doesn't match up. I've probably gotten over 10 storm shields but I have yet to see a single SOJ ever emerging.

Plus, that and the competitive builds keep on changing. At one point the hammerdin was god, then it became worthless, then it became god again. retooling my build to fit the current incarnation is just too much work.

and then you also just have games where the enemy is immune to practically every and anything on the planet.

guh, it's just too much level grinding after a while.

Yeah, the soj system was a mess and blizzard tried to fix that (ineffectually I think) by implementing the world event - which probably increased the duping of sojs since so many were required to trigger it. They did fix the 50% physical immunity in hell though so most builds CAN deal with those - and mercs are incredibly useful. Not having a merc is the players' fault.

As far as builds go, it's not a big deal. You mentioned yourself that your friends speed leveled each other. Getting to 80 is a trivial task that can take anywhere from a day to a week. It's not like your equipment disappears once your build is no longer viable - and as we all know, survival in Hell is extremely gear dependent - so just transfer it to your new build and enjoy it until they change it again. It's a short period of leveling for a long period of playing a new character anyway so it seems reasonable, at least to me.

2007-04-06, 04:04 PM
hmm... I wonder if my characters are still in my account... I doubt it but meh... oh well. But yeah, I'd have to convince my group of friends to help me level again. Sigh... good times.

Anyway, when I get the chance I'll probably try it out again and see if I still got the itch.

2007-04-06, 04:09 PM
hmm... I wonder if my characters are still in my account... I doubt it but meh... oh well. But yeah, I'd have to convince my group of friends to help me level again. Sigh... good times.

Anyway, when I get the chance I'll probably try it out again and see if I still got the itch.
I spent 3 years doing everything I needed to do to get my characters up to where I wanted them with good gear. Then I decided to quit and got rid of everything. Of course, when I came back to nothing I kinda gave myself the forehead slap. Even if I do quit in the future, I'm going to log on every 2 months for 5 minutes to keep the chars alive. Yours are probably gone if you didn't play them for 90 days. I think that's the expiration time.

2007-04-06, 04:09 PM
I think, I'm so used to playing Diablo 2, I can play it, even if I don't want to, and still find it fun.

Even if I don't find it fun, I can still want to play it.

Maybe that's what addiction is.

I'm considering making a BNet USWest character, probably an assassin. My acct's FaxCelestis if anyone's interested in playing with me.
USEast, sorry.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-06, 04:09 PM
I'm considering making a BNet USWest character, probably an assassin. My acct's FaxCelestis if anyone's interested in playing with me.

2007-04-06, 04:22 PM

Fax Celestis
2007-04-06, 04:39 PM
Well, considering I've got nothing for me on USWest, I just might.

2007-04-06, 05:11 PM
setra_prince USEast, tell me if you decide to make a new character there.

2007-04-06, 05:21 PM
I like necromancers, of course. My best character was level 40 or 50 with a level 30 raise dead (forgot the name) and good levels in the skills to boost it. I had armies of Hell Bovine wherever I went.

Tor the Fallen
2007-04-06, 05:34 PM
I used to be really big into Diablo 2. At one time or another, I've had a level 70 character on closed bnet of every class, usually a couple level 70s of each. Different builds, you know.

Bone necro was a lot of fun. Summon necro was real weak after normal and the first couple acts of NM. Hard to make corpses on your own, too. Werebear druid, werewolf druid, both not very good. Lots of damage on the werebear, but his to hit and speed were real hard to get up and I didn't have the best of gear. Hurricane druid was awesome. Got an elite armor with 4 tirs in it (crappy, but cheap). Put hurricane on, smap twister for stun, and you never really run out of mana. Tornado for tougher creatures.

Blizz sorc, orb sorc, meteor sorc, lightning sorc, sword barb, axe barb, vengeance pally, zealot pally, trap asn, claw asn (dual bartucs+tiger claw+dble claw swipe = 4k[6k?] damage), bowazon (got the unique ballista, and oh em gee, that thing pwned cows like a motha), javazon, annnd.... what was my favorite?

My holy bolt Paladin. Maxed holy bolt and its synergies. No one could die when I was around. My meditation coupled with a max healing aura gave something like +20 healing/600% mana regen. each bolt did several thousand damage to undead, and healed for hundreds. Great character for doing runs with low level characters, as with the auras and healing, no one went down. No good on his own, though.

2007-04-06, 05:40 PM
I played with a healadin before. We were doing the Izual quest in Hell and I was like ZOMGIMNOTDYING!! It was great.

2007-04-06, 06:02 PM
I played with a healadin before. We were doing the Izual quest in Hell and I was like ZOMGIMNOTDYING!! It was great.
I've never had the pleasure of meeting one.

Sounds fun, but I could never be one.

I don't trust anyone to do the damage for me. Which is why I never play a healer, unless of course I know someone who will DD for me.

All my friends suck at D2, for now, they're still impressed by every rare they see, let alone uniques.

2007-04-06, 06:12 PM
I Like the necromancer... He is weak, I know, but I love sumoning skeletons and golens and beeing the death general. But I tend to mix things up a Little: I Like to use all the kinds of skill to make the character funny. I may use decrepify and lower resist to cut off some of the enemy's attack power, while my mage skellys shoot them to death and my overpowered iron golem takes a huge beat. I also am adicted to the Corpse explosion and Bone Spear/spirit spells.

My greatest pride? A complete trang owl's set that a good friend gave me. Though I can't use it yet, it is safely stored.

2007-04-06, 06:53 PM
I must confess something, I've never found an SoJ

How the heck do you get them?

2007-04-06, 07:07 PM
The same way you get any other item, I guess. Kill a lot of guys.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-06, 07:20 PM
The same way you get any other item, I guess. Kill a lot of guys.

Pretty much, though I've ever only ever had one.

2007-04-06, 07:35 PM
Never got one myself, but apparently NM Andariel + is good for dropping them. i helped someone beat her today in a hell game and a unique ring dropped. The other guy got it so now I'll never know if I was one click away from my first SoJ. I guess the consolation prize was an ali-baba that dropped the next time I fought her.

2007-04-06, 07:36 PM
My Paladin actually doesn't suck now, as I've found I can solo Mephisto with him. I picked up a bunch of random crappy uniques. At least, I think they're crappy. Go level 9 Holy Shock from my +3 to Holy Shock Scepter!

I personally like Strafezons, just because I had the unique bow that can cause Meteors to drop. It's completely hilarious when you spin around, dropping meteors on your foes every couple seconds.

Healadins are awesome, IMO. I haven't played one, but they are so cool.

My account name is tgva8889. If you can find me while I'm on, then you can talk with me. I've been pretty bad at Diablo 2 for a really long time, though now I'm getting alright at it.

2007-04-06, 07:47 PM
Chipping in my half a cent, compared to the experience some of ya'll have. My only Bnet experience was with a friend of mine who played a summoning necro, with whom I made a paladin who was focused around fanaticism. It seemed like the perfect fit, after all, because his units more or less pwned everything. When he needed more corpses, I had zeal to fall back on to deal damage, but I took hits like a weenie. I did have the oriental-looking Ancient's Armor, which I loved.

It sucks that I am too casual a player to devote enough time to get truly great characters, or figure out builds that rock.

2007-04-07, 12:57 AM
my acc is krytha on USEast, so if anyone is starting fresh, I usually
have some items lying around so msg me.

2007-04-07, 08:24 AM
I'm looking for the pieces of Milabrega's Regalia at the current moment. I have the Orb and the Rod already, but I will take the Robe and Diadem. Also looking for pieces of the Cathan's Traps, of which I already have the Visage and Mesh. Thanks to anyone who is willing to give/trade these to me. And yes, I will be willing to trade stuff (though probably not much really awesome stuff)

2007-04-07, 07:20 PM
We need to set a proper system up for this. Maybe list your account name, realm and timezone (approximating the time you would be online) and Setra can edit it into his first post for a compilation of OotS D2ers. I have a bunch of cathans rings.

2007-04-07, 07:47 PM
That sucks, tgva, because I have an old sorceress with the entire set. I just really, really don't wanna give it up :smalltongue:

2007-04-07, 09:17 PM
my barbarian was awesome

2007-04-08, 02:05 AM
Hey, I just started playing Diablo 2 again yesterday, it's been almost a year, I think, I'm playing a Necro named Gresher.

2007-04-08, 02:08 AM
Gah! I just lost my goreriders and nats boots because I had put them on the ground while I was trying to cube some rejuvenation potions and Bnet lagged me out and I couldn't remember the game name.

2007-04-08, 03:28 AM
Gah! I just lost my goreriders and nats boots because I had put them on the ground while I was trying to cube some rejuvenation potions and Bnet lagged me out and I couldn't remember the game name.
Ouch, I never drop anything on the ground for that same reason. If I have to do something like that, I wait for a friend to get on.

2007-04-08, 02:37 PM
If I'm trying to mule, I make a passworded game, go kill Andy/Mephy, then drop items on the ground. The game usually lasts for long enough so that even if I lose connection, when I log back on, my stuff's still there.

As for set stuff, I traded away my Cathan's stuff for the Berserker's axe and armor, so if anyone has the Berserker's helm, I'll take that. I also have tons of unique crap that I would like to trade.

We should compile, I think. Perhaps start some OotS-only games or something. All my characters are currently Ladder.

Account name: tgva8889
Current Characters:
[Slayer] KredicofOrja, level 35(?) Paladin, Ladder, on Act 2, Nightmare

2007-04-08, 04:57 PM
Maybe all of us could start new characters together.

I'd be willing. Tgv, are you East or West?

2007-04-08, 06:40 PM
Maybe all of us could start new characters together.

I'm up for that.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-08, 06:56 PM
Me too. Lemme know when.

2007-04-08, 06:57 PM
Eh, I have nothing better to do, I'd be up for it. Though, I'd need help with builds..

2007-04-08, 09:50 PM
Well when is everyone available to play?

2007-04-08, 11:53 PM
The vast majority of the time for me, at least until the holidays end.

2007-04-09, 12:02 AM
Same here, though I have odd sleeping schedules.

2007-04-09, 12:28 AM
What they said, except when I'm at school or my soon-to-be job.

Edit: School is monday/tuesday nights, job is unknown until I get it.

2007-04-09, 12:52 AM
I'm on East, though I have a very empty account on West, simply because it was taking some time for me to be able to log back on again because I was disconnected

I'd love to, except that there are a few problems with me. First, my compter likes to disconnect me from the internet. Also, I have lots of school stuff going on, and am basically unable to have much fun besides posting on this website and reading Magic: the Gathering-related articles, so I can't play the game much. When I do have free time on some weekends, then I can play, though very sparingly. However, I would like to make a new character some time, perhaps a Sorceress...

2007-04-09, 02:08 AM
Bwaha. I just started a Paladin, and one of the first pieces of loot he found was an Ethereal Scepter, that gave +3 Might. He'd already maxed out Might, so he was doing double damage with every hit. He took down a unique skeleton with one blow, twice.

2007-04-09, 03:38 AM
I find time to play on East even though I should be studying for exams. Like right now (well not NOW NOW).

2007-04-09, 04:18 AM
Bwaha. I just started a Paladin, and one of the first pieces of loot he found was an Ethereal Scepter, that gave +3 Might. He'd already maxed out Might, so he was doing double damage with every hit. He took down a unique skeleton with one blow, twice.

I always have a bad habit of never adding too much to a skill that I know I won't be using at level 70. So I tend to be useless til level 12 or so, depending on my class.

Edit: Ethereal items are nice, my assassin had an ethereal Katar for a while... Then it died.

2007-04-09, 04:35 AM
I'm in the happy position of being able to reassign points (it seems to be a feature of PlugY), so I can go crazy at the early levels and then switch them around later. This is why my Barbarian is running around madly with a spear that oneshots most Act V monsters, instead of his usual swords.

2007-04-09, 05:39 AM
I'm in the happy position of being able to reassign points (it seems to be a feature of PlugY), so I can go crazy at the early levels and then switch them around later. This is why my Barbarian is running around madly with a spear that oneshots most Act V monsters, instead of his usual swords.
Ah... so he's not a battlenet character then?

2007-04-09, 06:01 AM
Ah... so he's not a battlenet character then?

All my characters are single player.

Goblin Music
2007-04-09, 10:40 AM
people together? love the Barbarian and assassin

2007-04-09, 12:08 PM
I would love to join. My account is also on US East but I can't remember the account name. (I'll have to look it up)

But for the most part, my schedule right now is far too busy for me to devote any significant amount of time to actual gameplay. Monday nights from 8-12 are probably the only time I'll have time to play.

Hmm... maybe I'll look up and see if there are any new interesting builds out there.

2007-04-09, 02:56 PM
I'd like to post an unusual build: The Ranger

This is a paladin that uses a bow. Mostly you will use the Holy Shock aura, but for Lightning immunes you can use Holy Fire. You can pick some defensive auras like Cleansing and such, but generally you won't need them. Under no circumstances will you ever use any Combat skills. You need lots of Dex, enough Strength to use your bow/xbow of choice, the rest into Vitality, and NO MANA.

Skills to Max: Holy Shock, Holy Fire, Holy Freeze, Resist Lightning, Resist Fire.

For gear, you need Increased Attack Speed out the wazoo...cat's eye or Highlord's should never leave your neck. Foot speed is also important, you need as much as any zon.

The buriza is choice, I can't stress enough how amazing the piercing is. If you don't have a buriza, I recommend an upgraded Riphook, great mods for this build. Craft some Hit Power gloves for the knockback until you get 20% IAS and some decent other stuff. I prefer CorpseMourn for my armor, the Corpse Explosion is a nice additional skill to add. Ravenfrost and dwarfstar are my usual rings.

Towards the end of my Ranger's career, I switched my second weapon to Gimmershred and Spirit Ward, the Fade effect is great and the axes do as much as the xbow.

This build was created because I was SO BLOODY SICK of mana burn. This build uses NO MANA. EVER. Not one point. Mana burn me all day long, baby. But I was shocked (haha) to learn that the Ranger can straight up PWN Hell Diablo. No joke. He folds like a nervous nerd with an inside straight draw. For the Ranger, he's easier than Baal or Mephy. Or would be, if you couldn't kill Meph from across the moat. Everything else is butter as well, except the occasional Unique who's immune to both lightning and fire.


Fax Celestis
2007-04-09, 03:55 PM
One I've been trying out recently is an Archer Assassin. Burst of Speed meshes perfectly with slower attack speed weaponry--like some of the bigger crossbows. Further, her traps and ability to summon Shadow Masters helps a terrific amount for melee distractions. Get yourself a Stealth at lower levels, moving up to Rain, Hand of Justice, or Chains of Honor at higher. I personally prefer the Kuko Shakaku and the Wizendraw, but that's personal preference.

2007-04-09, 05:28 PM
I'd like to post an unusual build: The Ranger


My barbarian is built similarly; no energy and no skills that require it. Just packed full of masteries.

Also, would the cold aurabe more effective, with the slowing effect?

2007-04-09, 05:33 PM
I'm wondering, should I buy it? I wasn't a huge fan of the first one, just lots of clicking. I like RPGs as a whole, should I get this? Also, a friend of mine comes over a good amount. Could we play co-op without a second CD (didn't work for 1st one)? Also, if I do get it, what is a good, fun starting class?

2007-04-09, 05:41 PM
It's still a lot of clicking, but much more in-depth clicking. Sort of Tome of Battle compared to charge. attack. attack. full attack. It's not really that much of an RPG, it's better as a stress reliever type game, a whole lot of violence and cool special effects. I don't know if you can play with only one CD. Barbarian and Sorceress are quite good to start with. The Necromancer and Assassin (if you buy the Battlechest, which would probably be the way to go) are rather more complex.

2007-04-09, 07:07 PM
I'm wondering, should I buy it? I wasn't a huge fan of the first one, just lots of clicking. I like RPGs as a whole, should I get this? Also, a friend of mine comes over a good amount. Could we play co-op without a second CD (didn't work for 1st one)? Also, if I do get it, what is a good, fun starting class?
If you want, I recommend it. It's fun and addictive.

You can only play together with two seperate copies on two seperate computers, either via LAN or Battlenet.

Barbarian is a very simple class to play, Sorceress too. (Sorc is also my second favorite, after Druid)

Though my first class was Amazon, which I wouldn't think would be that great to start as.

Necromancer can be simple if you go the summoning route, just add lots to Skeleton Mastery.

Both Assassin and Druid are a tad more complex.

Edit: On another note, who here has a least favorite class? Mine is Amazon, because mine always suck by Nightmare.

2007-04-09, 07:11 PM
My Sorceress just got onto Hell. Mephisto and Izual have been no challenge. I'm not expecting much from Diablo, either.

2007-04-09, 07:16 PM
My Sorceress just got onto Hell. Mephisto and Izual have been no challenge. I'm not expecting much from Diablo, either.
That's because Sorceress' rock

2007-04-09, 07:19 PM
I'd never gotten them that effective before. Blizzard + Firewall + Static Field = pwnage.

2007-04-09, 07:23 PM
I'd never gotten them that effective before. Blizzard + Firewall + Static Field = pwnage.
I prefer Frozen Orb, like most I suppose, but Firewall is one of the most damaging fire spells, not that all the Fireball fans notice.

I don't remember if it is stronger than Meteor, but it's certainly more accurate.

2007-04-09, 07:25 PM
Firewall does slightly less damage than Meteor's initial strike, but about triple Meteor's /second damage. I don't have Frozen Orb yet, I'm only level 26. I'll probably drop Blizzard for it, because I need a blasty spell.

2007-04-09, 07:45 PM
Firewall does slightly less damage than Meteor's initial strike, but about triple Meteor's /second damage. I don't have Frozen Orb yet, I'm only level 26. I'll probably drop Blizzard for it, because I need a blasty spell.
Oh! Oh!

See you confused me, you said your Sorceress got onto hell...

I thought you meant Hell Mode.

2007-04-09, 09:17 PM
My favorite classes, in order, are probably:

Amazon: Mainly because it was the first class I got above level 60. My account sadly was deleted, but still...level 24 Strafe is really retarded when you also have a 10-15% chance to drop a Meteor on hit. I think I was working on a maxed out Valkyrie and maxing my Piercing skill, just to be completely retarded.

Paladin: I'm addicted now. Holy Shock is the coolest aura I've ever used. Sure, I'm not a team player, but man, do I deal damage. I hit for, like, 100-1000 damage per hit with my Hexfire. Which is an awesome weapon in it's own right. Plus I Zeal, for 5 hits. It's rather nice. Turning out not to be so great as I get to higher levels, though: I'm finding more and more that I need to increase my Dexterity to ridiculous levels just so I can hit my enemies. Which is why I like:

Sorceress: The second character type I got anywhere high. Frozen Orb was and I think remains one of my favorite spells, besides Teleport, which is awesome in every way. And since I have some Frostburn gauntlets, once I get a Stone of Jordan, I'll be set to make an Sorceress.

Barbarian: I don't know, maybe it's because I find it very fun to run around with various weapons and smash face. Maybe that's just me. But I like doing it, it's ridiculously fun.

Assassin: This class only beats out Druid because it's extremely satisfying to watch your traps proceed to deal tons and tons of damage to your foes while you stand far to the side. I don't know how to build them, though, so they're low on my list of favorites.

Druid: Yay, Druids! Apparantly, I don't like the Summoning classes. Maybe it's because my computer has troubles when there's more than 20 moving objects on the screen. Oh well. Druids are still awesome.

Necromancer: I don't know how to play them, but they're still kinda cool. I'm thinking of going with a Golemancer at some point in my life.

Goblin Music
2007-04-09, 09:22 PM
i hate the amazon. ranged combat is for the summoners only. an army of servants and you just shooting from afar.

2007-04-09, 09:53 PM
i hate the amazon. ranged combat is for the summoners only. an army of servants and you just shooting from afar.

Well, and the Sorceress, but I can see your point.

IT's all personal preference. I just think watching my character do a little dance while arrows fly everywhere is really amusing.

2007-04-09, 10:00 PM
i hate the amazon. ranged combat is for the summoners only. an army of servants and you just shooting from afar.
Druids, unless you don't count Hurricane and Tornado as Ranged...

Ps. I just started a new Sorc, I'm gonna copy Dhavaer somewhat.

Firewall + Frozen Orb, of course I'll probably put some points in either Meteor or Enchant as well.

2007-04-09, 10:10 PM
I can confirm that Blizzard is godly against mobs. Firewall is better against single enemies. I just beat Diablo, I've never gone through Hell so fast.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-09, 10:46 PM
My 79 Fanat/Zeal Paladin is having trouble with /players 8 Hell mode. He's currently trying to kill the Countess, and keeps getting pwnt by a Immune Physical, Immune Lightning, Stone Skin, Magic Resistant superunique wraith.

It's really that Immune Physical + Stone Skin that's killing me, because, though I have elemental damage, it's really not that terrific. Most of my damage comes from the physical bits of Zeal and from Fanatacism.

Pretty much everyone else just sort of dies, though, because of my gear. I've got L10 Life Tap on-hit, as well as L23 Fanatacism, L16 Defiance from my shield, L16 Holy Fire from my rogue's weapon, L16 Thorns from my rogue's armor, and a combined total of Damage Reduced by 26%, as well as all resistances in the 30's in Hell difficulty, without Salvation.

If anyone is looking for anything in particular (on Open), let me know and I'll hang onto it if I come across it.

2007-04-09, 11:19 PM
My 79 Fanat/Zeal Paladin is having trouble with /players 8 Hell mode. He's currently trying to kill the Countess, and keeps getting pwnt by a Immune Physical, Immune Lightning, Stone Skin, Magic Resistant superunique wraith.

It's really that Immune Physical + Stone Skin that's killing me, because, though I have elemental damage, it's really not that terrific. Most of my damage comes from the physical bits of Zeal and from Fanatacism.

Pretty much everyone else just sort of dies, though, because of my gear. I've got L10 Life Tap on-hit, as well as L23 Fanatacism, L16 Defiance from my shield, L16 Holy Fire from my rogue's weapon, L16 Thorns from my rogue's armor, and a combined total of Damage Reduced by 26%, as well as all resistances in the 30's in Hell difficulty, without Salvation.

If anyone is looking for anything in particular (on Open), let me know and I'll hang onto it if I come across it.
That's why I either have sufficient damage for three elements.... or Don't play solo. Or just use Magic Damage, because they're never Immune to it.

2007-04-09, 11:39 PM
Yeah, I'm seeing the "Immune to Lightning" problem a lot w/ my Holy Shock-er. However, eventually, I'm going to send his Holy Freeze skill into the awesome regions. Then, perhaps, he might be capable of beating foes like Blood Raven. I strongly doubt it, of course.

Maybe I'll just give him a 6-socketed crossbow with 6 perfect emeralds...

2007-04-10, 12:18 AM
Yeah, I'm seeing the "Immune to Lightning" problem a lot w/ my Holy Shock-er. However, eventually, I'm going to send his Holy Freeze skill into the awesome regions. Then, perhaps, he might be capable of beating foes like Blood Raven. I strongly doubt it, of course.

Maybe I'll just give him a 6-socketed crossbow with 6 perfect emeralds...
I can't play Paladins solo, to me they've always been meant to be team players.

2007-04-10, 12:42 AM
I can't play Paladins solo, to me they've always been meant to be team players.

Well, I play on Battle.net, but I perfer for my characters to be capable of soloing. It seems useless to me if your character can't do anything to help against one type of foe.

2007-04-10, 12:48 AM
Well, I play on Battle.net, but I perfer for my characters to be capable of soloing. It seems useless to me if your character can't do anything to help against one type of foe.
I know, but Paladins are at their most powerful in groups.. or paired with a Summoning Necromancer, maybe a Summoning Druid, or both.

Nothing like an army of undead powered by Fanatasicm.

2007-04-10, 12:50 AM
Those minotaurs in Act V are very, very fast. It's not at all good for my Sorceress and her health bar.
Blizzard generally kills off everything else, though.

2007-04-10, 12:58 AM
Those minotaurs in Act V are very, very fast. It's not at all good for my Sorceress and her health bar.
Blizzard generally kills off everything else, though.
Try casting Blizzard on yourself, then teleport out of the way, or just walk behind it, should stop them in their tracks.

Well slow them anyways, you could always try Glacial Spike, if you want to Freeze them, and maybe cast Firewall to 'melt' them.

I haven't been in Act V in a while, so I can't quite remember what they're like, so I apologize if it doesn't work. Mostly cause two (well now one) of my friends doesn't have the expansion.

2007-04-10, 01:00 AM
They seem to be able to shrug it off. It's very annoying. Alternating Blizzard and Firewall isn't much help, either.

2007-04-10, 01:02 AM
They seem to be able to shrug it off. It's very annoying. Alternating Blizzard and Firewall isn't much help, either.
Try leveling in the River of Flame? I don't think they could shrug off Frozen Orb.

I know I can mow down Nightmare enemies with it. Sadly my Sorc is non-expansion, at least til my last friend gets it.

Also, you said you could switch your skill points around? Try switching some into Fireball.

2007-04-10, 01:30 AM
I've found the minotaurs deal quite a lot of damage in melee, and they do move quite fast. Cold doesn't affect their speed that much at all, I found before, though as I tend to get toe-to-toe with them and destroy them in a few hits, I'm not much use. I'd suggest that you perhaps distract them somehow (A hireling, perhaps?) and blast them from a distance. You might have to have a ridiculous damage output, though.

2007-04-10, 02:27 AM
I'm gonna create a new character soon, if anyone wants to join me, tell me so. Preferably within the next 30 minutes.

Edit: Gonna be making a Paladin, in case you wanted to know.

2007-04-10, 02:39 AM
I'll make a Sorceress.

2007-04-10, 02:46 AM
I'll make a Sorceress.
Quick question, would you prefer play a passworded game or no?

I normally password my game, to prevent bots, and the occasional "I'm fighting Duriel, could you PLEASE not make him any HARDER".

2007-04-10, 02:49 AM
Quick question, would you prefer play a passworded game or no?

I normally password my game, to prevent bots, and the occasional "I'm fighting Duriel, could you PLEASE not make him any HARDER".

Yes to passwording.

2007-04-10, 02:52 AM
Right, I get the feeling no one else is gonna join..

I'll go ahead and make a game

Name: bobble
password: head

This is a relatively easy combination to remember.

Edit: Made it, alt tabbed so if I don't respond at first you know why.

All fear Chinaak! Level 1 Paladin.

Edit Edit: Well that was fun.. All fear Chinaak! Level 11 Paladin.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-10, 02:59 AM
I'd play if it weren't 1 AM and I didn't have work tomorrow (today, now) at 8:30. But for now, To Sleep! To Sleep! The Tiger Snores!

2007-04-10, 04:25 AM
Ouch ouch ouch. Connecting to the eastern US is bad for my internets. Got Khithil, level 11 sorceress, though.

Goblin Music
2007-04-10, 09:24 AM
i can join later today how bought a necromancer?

2007-04-10, 10:12 AM
Going back to firsts, my first character was a paladin. I still love him, but he really is kinda hard to solo with. His whole deal is fanaticism + zeal + tons of life and mana stealing. I'm not sure what his actual percentages are, but I walked him into the middle of a group of Maulers in nightmare (The big guys with the stunning hits) who were minions of a mana burn champ. I never ran out of mana, and I was stealing life back so fast they couldn't kill me. It was fun. This guy was originally started with a summoner necro, and my fanaticism made his summons like.. godly. At one point, I just started to sit back and watch while his resurrected monsters tore everything up. My second character (who is a higher level) was a sorc, who has an overall +2-3 to sorc skill levels and +1 to fire, would be either 4 or 5 if I wanted to get rid of my Visceratuant buckler - I have either an angels or archangel's staff, can't remember which. But I don't. I know fireball does less damage than some of the other spells available, but it's far easier to spam. Firewall has a casting delay, and relies on your enemies just standing there taking damage. If the enemy happens to be fire immune, I switch over to lightning and hope my minion (Holy Freeze merc from act 2.. Best merc ever) can do enough damage to kill them dead. I should really invest more points into lightning skill levels..

And.. you already started? Boo! Ok, so paladin and sorc. Y'know what you guys need? A good necro. Too bad I suck with necros.. In fact, you've taken my two favorite classes! Bah. Hmm.. I'd be willing to play another paladin, because I really do love the class. I'm weird like that.

Goblin Music
2007-04-10, 10:22 AM
later today i will create a Necro or Assassin named Teppic
(can any one get the assassin teppic reference?))

2007-04-10, 12:35 PM
Ive got a level 18 barbarian that wants to join up. Are you going to play again today?

As far as the act5 minotaurs go, you'll need a merc if theyre high resist to cold. They have frenzy, so if they get a couple of hits on you, they'll be nearly impossible to run away from without teleporting like crazy (most likely into another group of mobs.) So yeah, you can get an act5 merc who is just a big walking meatshield and give him some + to life and a big sword to swing around OR an Act2 merc with defiance should be useful (and make you harder to hit too).

2007-04-10, 01:02 PM
hmm... I think I'm going to try a barbarian next time I play. anybody got any good suggestions for Barbarian build?

oh yeah, did they ever fix the paladin aura flashing thing or is that still in?

Fax Celestis
2007-04-10, 01:11 PM
hmm... I think I'm going to try a barbarian next time I play. anybody got any good suggestions for Barbarian build?

oh yeah, did they ever fix the paladin aura flashing thing or is that still in?

Try going sword (or axe or mace) and board, pumping Concentrate, Natural Armor, and Shout. Get yourself a Defiance Act II merc for extra AC.

I did this once, and when I was about level 20, turned on all my abilities, and hit an armor shrine, I had an AC in the 16,000s.

2007-04-10, 06:17 PM
later today i will create a Necro or Assassin named Teppic
(can any one get the assassin teppic reference?))

The main character from Pyramids.

Goblin Music
2007-04-10, 06:19 PM
have a cookie. like the book?

2007-04-10, 06:26 PM
Of course. It's Pratchett.

2007-04-10, 07:02 PM
Will anyone be on tonight around 12-1ish AM Eastern?

2007-04-10, 07:07 PM
Australian, Brazilian or North American?

2007-04-10, 08:26 PM
North American

2007-04-10, 08:36 PM
I guessing that's roughly 4 hours away, then? Sure.

2007-04-10, 09:09 PM
What's your account name? Mine's krytha.

Goblin Music
2007-04-10, 09:15 PM
((i would like to join but i haven't used battlenet ever))

2007-04-10, 09:15 PM
Everyone and your starting Battle.net characters...

I might make a Druid and catch up to you. I'll still have to decide between shifting and blasting, but once I do decide, I'll be ready to play. Or an Amazon, as I have a number of awesome unique bows. I think I'll go with the Amazon, as I want to make one of those anyways.

Oh, anyone want a few random unique clubs, maces, or swords, I have a bunch of uniques that are somewhat decent for trade/free.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-10, 10:00 PM
I'm gonna jump on USEast in about five minutes and play for god knows how long, building an archer assassin.

The specifics:

Game Name: GITP
Password: rox

2007-04-10, 10:06 PM
Frozen Orb is the living incarnation of broken. I've never beaten Baal so quickly or decisively. Even the Minions of Destruction weren't a challenge.

2007-04-10, 10:12 PM
Frozen Orb is the living incarnation of broken. I've never beaten Baal so quickly or decisively. Even the Minions of Destruction weren't a challenge.

You've obviously never played a really high level sorceress.

I was showing my friend the game, and I totally destroyed the enemies in Act 5 with my Frozen Orbs. This was at, like, level 3 or so Frozen Orb. It's the best Cold Spell for probably any class in the game.

Also, in case people didn't know, MAX OUT WARMTH. It's the best skill, ever.

Goblin Music
2007-04-10, 10:19 PM
I'm gonna jump on USEast in about five minutes and play for god knows how long, building an archer assassin.

The specifics:

Game Name: GITP
Password: rox
i am on USwest i have no idea what that means but can i join you?

2007-04-10, 10:38 PM
You've obviously never played a really high level sorceress.

I was showing my friend the game, and I totally destroyed the enemies in Act 5 with my Frozen Orbs. This was at, like, level 3 or so Frozen Orb. It's the best Cold Spell for probably any class in the game.

Also, in case people didn't know, MAX OUT WARMTH. It's the best skill, ever.
I find warmth overrated, I just use potions a lot, and spend my skill points in offensive skills.

2007-04-10, 10:43 PM
I use Warmth too, it's at about 13. I've just gotten Cain out of Tristram, but I'm going to use my Barbarian for a bit now. I just got a second piece of Tancred's Battle Gear.

Goblin Music
2007-04-10, 10:45 PM
any of you on Battlenet?

2007-04-10, 10:54 PM
There's a game going on right now, but I can't seem to stay on bnet for longer than 3 seconds and now Ive been temporarily booted from the server so I guess I'm going to do my laundry and come back and see what's up.

Can anyone who has NOT put their account information and time zone or whatever in this thread do so, so it's easier to see who is online at any given time? thanks

Goblin Music
2007-04-10, 10:58 PM
my accounts are | Fireye | USWest & USEast

2007-04-10, 11:13 PM
Account Name: tgva8889
Account Region: USEast, though I have a USWest one by the same name with no characters whatsoever.
Available Times: Some weekends, typically over longer weekends.

Goblin Music
2007-04-10, 11:15 PM
any one want to start a new game 1st level chars?

2007-04-10, 11:18 PM
My connection is temporarily restricted *rolls eyes*

2007-04-10, 11:29 PM
I'm hanging out in the GITP///rox game right now

Goblin Music
2007-04-10, 11:30 PM
does one have to be in the USEast to go there?

Tor the Fallen
2007-04-10, 11:35 PM
If I'm trying to mule, I make a passworded game, go kill Andy/Mephy, then drop items on the ground. The game usually lasts for long enough so that even if I lose connection, when I log back on, my stuff's still there.

As for set stuff, I traded away my Cathan's stuff for the Berserker's axe and armor, so if anyone has the Berserker's helm, I'll take that. I also have tons of unique crap that I would like to trade.

We should compile, I think. Perhaps start some OotS-only games or something. All my characters are currently Ladder.

Account name: tgva8889
Current Characters:
[Slayer] KredicofOrja, level 35(?) Paladin, Ladder, on Act 2, Nightmare

Beserkers is a terrible set. The real strength in a barb is attack speed on a sword, and the set bonuses that beserks offers is aweful.

Despite my ability to crank out level 70 chars, I was never that good at getting elite uniques. I spent a ton of time muling low level set item drops from high level games, then making low level characters just so I could use them.

Leaf, a rune word, is one of the best (and cheapest) items you can have for a fire sorc (if anyone's playing one). It's at least as good as the entire Cathan's set, and if you have good sorc mods on the staff before you rune word it, it's actually *better* than the whole set.

Pre 1.10, I had a killer sorc. She had an soj ( I used to have 3 sojs. those were my babies), a glitched ring that had the same stats as that unique sorc orb that adds +3 to all sorc skills, and a bunch of other unique +all skills items. She kicked ass.

My friend had an incredible barbarian, high 80s or low 90s. I think he had near 1000 magic find- two DOUBLE ISTed blades of ali baba ftw. His gold find was through the roof- monsters would drop piles of 1,000-10,000 gold. It was insane.

Builds I'd like to play:
The Enchantress- now your low level characters can rush themselves!
The Flagellant- Deal massive damage, but at the cost of a lot of blood. Recoup it through redemption, leech, and the heal aura.
Chargadin- Run everywhere, hit hard, armor through the roof.
Singer- Shout shout shout your allies health to obscene levels!
The Telekinetic- Alright, so you may not do any damage, but throwing enemies off the screen? Cool!

2007-04-11, 12:09 AM
does one have to be in the USEast to go there?
yes, the games on a realm's server are specific to that realm.

2007-04-11, 12:11 AM
Acct Name: Vonriel
Gateway: USEast
Available: Whenever, pretty much. I have an AIM account by the same name (noticing a pattern yet? :smallwink:) if you wanna get in touch with me off the boards. Any chance those of you playing now are still ~level 10?

Goblin Music
2007-04-11, 12:11 AM
hum... how can one change a realm with out having 2 accounts?

2007-04-11, 12:13 AM
hum... how can one change a realm with out having 2 accounts?

I think it gives you a choice of realm when you log in.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-11, 12:39 AM
Builds I'd like to play:
The Enchantress- now your low level characters can rush themselves!
The Flagellant- Deal massive damage, but at the cost of a lot of blood. Recoup it through redemption, leech, and the heal aura.
Chargadin- Run everywhere, hit hard, armor through the roof.
Singer- Shout shout shout your allies health to obscene levels!
The Telekinetic- Alright, so you may not do any damage, but throwing enemies off the screen? Cool!

I don't want to burst your bubble, but the Enchantress and Chargadin aren't that terrific. They're actually very hard to play.

Now, the Martyr/Flagellant is a terrific build. Get yourself 8% Life Leech and Sacrifice doesn't hurt you anymore. Get yourself Fanatacism on top of it, and you can pump out a lot of damage.

I also clarified a Shout-centric barbarian build above. Basically, focus on sword and board, Natural Armor, Concentrate, and Shout. You can rather easily get your AC in the quintuple digits before 30 if you do it right.

2007-04-11, 01:32 AM
Although its true that the Enchantress requires a high amount of very difficult to find equipment, it can become a ridiculously powerful character. Melee sorcs have been a sort of sleeper hit.

2007-04-11, 05:42 AM
Any opinions on the Isengard's Armoury set? I've got the sword and shield equipped on my Paladin, and it's done horrible, horrible things to Andariel. As in 'killed in seconds without having to use a healing potion' horrible.

2007-04-11, 06:29 AM
You can usually find me on Saturdays on the Europe Server.

User: Arytiss

2007-04-11, 09:50 AM
I think I might try to sneak it onto my gf's computer and see if I could squirrel away a couple hours of play.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-11, 10:23 AM
Any opinions on the Isengard's Armoury set? I've got the sword and shield equipped on my Paladin, and it's done horrible, horrible things to Andariel. As in 'killed in seconds without having to use a healing potion' horrible.

If you can get the rest of the set (armor and helm), you get some sweet bonuses, particularly Defense Based On Character Level.

And later, when it stops being useful for you, you can use it on an Act III merc. It's the only set I'm aware of that a mercenary can wear in its entirety.

Goblin Music
2007-04-11, 10:26 AM
hey any one want to start a game on USWest? i will use Teppic.

2007-04-11, 10:33 AM
I play occasionally, but mostly just solo games. (Supid college network!)

I have a level 70 barbarian part way through Hell. He is mostly a concentrate barbarian and works reasonably well, but not my favorite character.

My favorite character is my necromancer, currently level 28. He dies a lot, but sure is fun to play. Corpse Explosion is my friend.

I also have several other characters, mostly around level 20-30 that I haven't touched for a while.

Goblin Music
2007-04-11, 11:52 AM
just got a USEast account under the same name.

2007-04-11, 04:58 PM
There's almost no difference between the USEast and USWest servers, besides where they're located, so the only problems anyone will have switching will be involved with the number of times you lag while playing, which isn't all that big a deal until you're level 30+. Or you really, really like gold.

I will not be able to play for 2 weeks, as I've got a paper due a week from today. Besides the fact that I won't be around all weekend anyways.

2007-04-11, 05:27 PM
I'm startin a game in USEast with my level 10 paladin if anyone feels like hoppin on.

name: gitp
pass: ootsrox

Edit: I'm done now, gotta go for a bit.

Goblin Music
2007-04-11, 05:39 PM
my 1st level Assassin may join you later today.

2007-04-12, 01:14 AM
I'm holding onto shadowfang right now as my weapon of choice. I don't have much else that fits a barbarian but I think I'll have to upgrade it to exceptional just to get to the later stages of nightmare. But it's unlikely that it'll cut it up there. I like it because it has dual 9% leech which is important for a ww barb, but should I just save the ral, sol and pemerald and see what stock elite unique I can get instead?

2007-04-12, 01:35 AM
I'm holding onto shadowfang right now as my weapon of choice. I don't have much else that fits a barbarian but I think I'll have to upgrade it to exceptional just to get to the later stages of nightmare. But it's unlikely that it'll cut it up there. I like it because it has dual 9% leech which is important for a ww barb, but should I just save the ral, sol and pemerald and see what stock elite unique I can get instead?

Want another one? Cause I'll give you mine relatively free of charge. I'd at least like a chipped for it.

Seriously. Hand me a chipped of my choice (I know I need one to make a flawed) and it's yours. Or a large sum of gold, whichever you perfer.

2007-04-12, 02:22 AM
Want another one? Cause I'll give you mine relatively free of charge. I'd at least like a chipped for it.

Seriously. Hand me a chipped of my choice (I know I need one to make a flawed) and it's yours. Or a large sum of gold, whichever you perfer. Well, the point was that shadowfang WASN'T getting the job done at all, so I don't know what two shadowfangs would change.

2007-04-12, 05:16 PM
Well, the point was that shadowfang WASN'T getting the job done at all, so I don't know what two shadowfangs would change.

Oh. Well, I got a Soulflayer sword, it might be better. More damage, but slightly less life and mana steal. It's an alright weapon, at least.

2007-04-12, 06:34 PM
I went through with the upgrade... Another wasted Ral, Sol and pemerald... Maybe I can get a doombringer for 10 pgems or something similar..

2007-04-13, 05:45 AM
Krytha, as it turns out, my Druid did in fact make it to act 4.

Gonna try for all 5 acts in a day.

2007-04-13, 06:33 AM
Wow. For some reason my Sorceress has been ploughing through levels incredibly quickly. She seems to gain about one or two levels in every area. It's really quite weird, particularly since she isn't at all built for combat, ever since I found two Uniques that boosted Magic Find by 30% each.

2007-04-13, 02:22 PM
As it turns out.. My druid did all five acts..

I would have gone for nightmare but I got bored, for now.

2007-04-13, 02:29 PM
Well, nightmare would've been much more trying, unless your druid is now magically level 40+

I know the stuff I left lying around probably won't be enough, especially since it was mostly melee equipment. I dunno, do you have the caster gear and the resists?

2007-04-13, 02:33 PM
Well, nightmare would've been much more trying, unless your druid is now magically level 40+

I know the stuff I left lying around probably won't be enough, especially since it was mostly melee equipment. I dunno, do you have the caster gear and the resists?
He's 32 for now. I think tommorrow I might work on getting him up to snuff.

I'm pretty good at playing Druid, the equipment should be good enough for a while I'd say. My Resists aren't horrible, but I tend to play Druid more of "kill everything befoe you're touched".

Hopefully Hurricane will actually be able to do this in a few levels.

I miss my Old Druid, too bad he was Non-Ladder.

2007-04-13, 02:37 PM
Well, Ive never played an elemental druid but hurricane is a short range spell requiring recasting every ... 30 seconds? or is it minutes of duration? And since youre going to start encountering those cold immunes, it would probably more useful for you to max tornado first (unless youve already done that). If so then you need to start maxing cyclone armor simply because it tacks on 1000 "extra life" in damage absorption. Hurricane is good, but I think maxxing it at a later time would be more effective.

2007-04-13, 02:42 PM
Well, Ive never played an elemental druid but hurricane is a short range spell requiring recasting every ... 30 seconds? or is it minutes of duration? And since youre going to start encountering those cold immunes, it would probably more useful for you to max tornado first (unless youve already done that). If so then you need to start maxing cyclone armor simply because it tacks on 1000 "extra life" in damage absorption. Hurricane is good, but I think maxxing it at a later time would be more effective.
Hurricane is more useful in Nightmare, if I remember correctly. Tornado does enough damage for now.

The Duration is 10 + Cyclone Armor's Level*2

So it can last about a minute at high levels, Cyclone armor is at level 10 right now, but I do know that Cyclone armor gains more from synergies than levels, well, at least once it hits level 11.

2007-04-13, 02:47 PM
Hurricane is more useful in Nightmare, if I remember correctly. Tornado does enough damage for now.

The Duration is 10 + Cyclone Armor's Level*2

So it can last about a minute at high levels, Cyclone armor is at level 10 right now, but I do know that Cyclone armor gains more from synergies than levels, well, at least once it hits level 11.

You may be remembering a nightmare where a 50% physical damage reduction was applied to the base of all creatures. They took that out. Spamming tornados will be more damaging and safer than trying to run around nightmare monsters especially because cyclone armour lends a damage bonus to tornado and only a duration bonus to hurricane.

2007-04-13, 02:53 PM
You may be remembering a nightmare where a 50% physical damage reduction was applied to the base of all creatures. They took that out. Spamming tornados will be more damaging and safer than trying to run around nightmare monsters especially because cyclone armour lends a damage bonus to tornado and only a duration bonus to hurricane.
Ahh, hmm

Well I'll still be leveling Tornado of course. My main tactic is rushing into a giant group of enemies, praying I live, then Tornado'ing the crap out of them.

I've had no troubles so far, of course if I find it doesn't work I can always switch to leveling Tornado.

In the end they'll both be maxed out, followed shortly by Cyclone Armor, then finally Twister. After that.. well, if I ever get there I'd probably level Oak Sage.

Goblin Music
2007-04-13, 03:54 PM
what is ladder?

2007-04-13, 04:08 PM
what is ladder?

It's where, as you play, you're rated amongst everyone else who's playing ladder. When they start the new ladder season, every ladder character becomes non-ladder. There are also some items you can only get while playing ladder.

2007-04-13, 04:10 PM
Ladder is a "competitive" style of play. Basically it holds a list of people and the highest level characters are at the very top, with the people who reach 99 in chronological order. I say it's competitive with quotations because you don't actually have to play competitively at all. You want to make a level 12 character and leave it at that, it's ok.

Ladder is different from non-ladder in that there are certain events that happen on it, certain items that drop in it, certain runewords that work in it and an overall increase in difficulty that you will not find off of ladder. It is also defined by a ladder "season" which eventually ends at which point all ladder characters are turned into non-ladder characters (complete with their items) and the ladder is reset, thus creating a new economy and a fresh feeling that many seek as it parallels their first experiences with an unhacked/exploited diablo 2. I dunno, I like it.


2007-04-13, 05:03 PM
My friend needs footage from Diablo 2, so I was wondering: What class should I play to get such footage? I figured that playing a Sorceress would be the coolest, since her spells are all pretty flashy.

I know that I'll want to record fighting Diablo, since that fight is one of the most flashy ones in the whole game.

Also, if any of you guys have Diablo 2 footage that you'd let me use, then that would be awesome, as I don't get to play Diablo 2 nearly as much as I wish I could.

Yet another thing: Dhavaer, what program is it that lets you reassign your skill points in single player? Because that would be really cool to be able to do.

Also, I believe I have an Isenhert's helm, if you want it. Tell me when you're on, and I'll try to find and give it to you.

2007-04-13, 05:08 PM
Yet another thing: Dhavaer, what program is it that lets you reassign your skill points in single player? Because that would be really cool to be able to do.

Also, I believe I have an Isenhert's helm, if you want it. Tell me when you're on, and I'll try to find and give it to you.

It's called PlugY. Very, very handy program, especially when using a class you're not familiar with. It also enlarges the stash to 10x10, gives multiple pages and gives a 'shared stash' so you can trade items between characters.

My other Isenhart's gear is in single player, getting a helm in multiplay wouldn't help me.

2007-04-14, 02:03 AM
My friend needs footage from Diablo 2, so I was wondering: What class should I play to get such footage? I figured that playing a Sorceress would be the coolest, since her spells are all pretty flashy.

I know that I'll want to record fighting Diablo, since that fight is one of the most flashy ones in the whole game.

Also, if any of you guys have Diablo 2 footage that you'd let me use, then that would be awesome, as I don't get to play Diablo 2 nearly as much as I wish I could.

Yet another thing: Dhavaer, what program is it that lets you reassign your skill points in single player? Because that would be really cool to be able to do.

Also, I believe I have an Isenhert's helm, if you want it. Tell me when you're on, and I'll try to find and give it to you.
I'd go with Sorc, easy to play, looks fun and flashy, and is pretty much awesome all around.

I'll see if I can't record something.

Edit: I can't seem to get Gamecam working with D2... Odd

2007-04-14, 02:33 AM
hey ya'll i was just lokkin around the internet and found this site lol.. i play diablo 2 fairly regularly and have some friends on there... but anyhow i was wondering if someone would like to play with me =) i just starting play again a month or so ago after a 1 1/2 with out playing lol. but i got a nice couple of chars and i was thinking of makeing a new char... i got a couple of char who can mf for gear and such but if anybody can suggest a cool char build for me to try that would be cool. and once again im lookin for someone to play with right now sooo =)

2007-04-14, 02:34 AM
1 1/2 years lol i keep forgeting to type every thing

2007-04-14, 02:40 AM
Ah, Diablo II. I remember this game. Played for a long time, I always like necromancers, but was too lazy to really get em to high level. Offline I got stuck at the end of act 2, then realized it sucked offline and went online. Good stuff, I liked minion based necromancers, combo assassins, and that sphere of cold thing for sorceresses, although I never got high enough with one to actually use it.

There were ways to manipulate how that game worked. My bro had full gold title artifact item things, and got all but like 2 of em stolen by some guy. apparently, if you die, then are wearing a single item, and your inventory is full, and you pick up your body with all of your good stuff, it drops out.

Replaced it with WoW, more opportunities and a far larger world, but I've gone back to Diablo II a few times just cause I felt like playin it again.
One thing I don't like about it is how it deletes unused characters.

2007-04-14, 03:36 AM
Ah, Diablo II. I remember this game. Played for a long time, I always like necromancers, but was too lazy to really get em to high level. Offline I got stuck at the end of act 2, then realized it sucked offline and went online. Good stuff, I liked minion based necromancers, combo assassins, and that sphere of cold thing for sorceresses, although I never got high enough with one to actually use it.

There were ways to manipulate how that game worked. My bro had full gold title artifact item things, and got all but like 2 of em stolen by some guy. apparently, if you die, then are wearing a single item, and your inventory is full, and you pick up your body with all of your good stuff, it drops out.

Replaced it with WoW, more opportunities and a far larger world, but I've gone back to Diablo II a few times just cause I felt like playin it again.
One thing I don't like about it is how it deletes unused characters.
Frozen Orb, level 30. It's actually not too hard to get to that level.

I don't think you can lose items like that anymore, by the way. The corpse just kinda.. stays there til all the items are picked up. The 'Gold' items are called 'Unique', by the way.

It deletes the characters after three months of no play, and only takes a minute of play to renew them for 3 months.

2007-04-14, 03:48 AM
Blarg. My Sorceress just got killed by the Ancient in Nightmare. I never had a problem in Normal, but I just didn't seem to be able to hurt them. Any tactical suggestions? I'm currently using Static Field, Fire Wall and Frozen Orb, but as has been mentioned I can swap my skills and stats around.

2007-04-14, 04:21 AM
Blarg. My Sorceress just got killed by the Ancient in Nightmare. I never had a problem in Normal, but I just didn't seem to be able to hurt them. Any tactical suggestions? I'm currently using Static Field, Fire Wall and Frozen Orb, but as has been mentioned I can swap my skills and stats around.
Youre still playing alone? How anti-social! :P

2007-04-14, 04:42 AM
Youre still playing alone? How anti-social! :P

My internets dislike visiting the Eastern USA. They get cold being so far from home.

2007-04-14, 04:46 AM
My internets dislike visiting the Eastern USA. They get cold being so far from home.
ah well. It's a party over here!

2007-04-14, 04:46 AM
Suggestions... hmm..

A lot of people say Fireball is good, especially if you level its synergies.

2007-04-14, 04:51 AM
Many sorcs on bnet swear by fireball, although I think its power is diminished with all the fire immunes basically everywhere. It does very large numeric damage however.

2007-04-14, 10:35 AM
ugh D2 and Bnet took up many months of my life. I'm a fan of barbarians, generally going frenzy. I haven't played in ages though.

However, I have been reading the books and let me tell you, they are really good!

Now I wanna go play.

2007-04-14, 02:12 PM
ugh D2 and Bnet took up many months of my life. I'm a fan of barbarians, generally going frenzy. I haven't played in ages though.

However, I have been reading the books and let me tell you, they are really good!

Now I wanna go play. You should! I played a lot too and then quit, but I really regretted coming back to an empty account later.

2007-04-14, 03:40 PM
Many sorcs on bnet swear by fireball, although I think its power is diminished with all the fire immunes basically everywhere. It does very large numeric damage however.

I saw somewhere a numerical discussion trying to show that blizzard offered more damage in hell mode with the effect of cold mastery compared to fire mastery. This argument stemmed around decreasing the enemies cold resistance instead of increasing your fire damage.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-14, 03:43 PM
...is there an item (or runeword) that gives the Conviction aura?

2007-04-14, 04:55 PM
Yeah, you guys are making me want to play again.

I'd have to install it on this computer though, and I'm just so lazy I'd never actually get anywhere...

Ah hell, I'm gonna install it, take up the last 3 gigs of space I just cleared off my comp. I think I'll make an assassin. They's fun.

DAMN, disk is scratched won't let me install, can't get some "d2char.mpq" file. Anyone know how I could fix that?

2007-04-14, 05:54 PM
Dhavaer, I'm having the same problem. Fireball won't work, btw. My level 60 sorc can't take them on; the best she got was one down to about half life before I tp'd out of there to keep my experience. Her minion, an act 2 with holy freeze and 1400 armor, fell after about 10 seconds of fighting.

2007-04-14, 06:01 PM
Take some toothpaste and spread it over the scratched parts of the disk with a soft cloth. Be sure to rinse it all off before use. Unless its some serious scratching, that should fix it up.

2007-04-14, 06:28 PM
Dhavaer, I'm having the same problem. Fireball won't work, btw. My level 60 sorc can't take them on; the best she got was one down to about half life before I tp'd out of there to keep my experience. Her minion, an act 2 with holy freeze and 1400 armor, fell after about 10 seconds of fighting.

Here's my new plan: use firewall on the throwing guy, while running away from the others. Then frozen orb/firewall on the duel-wielding guy, while running away from the whirlwind guy. Then use telekinesis/firewall on him. It might work if my running's good enough, and I do have +20% speed.

2007-04-14, 06:40 PM
Hmm. Maybe. I just question how useful firewall will be considering how fast the ancients move.

2007-04-14, 06:48 PM
The throwing guy doesn't really move at all, and the duel-wielding guy is much slower than Mr Whirlwind. Any in any case, it does 1400 damage a second. Even a fraction of that will hurt.

2007-04-14, 07:04 PM
Heh, true. Hmm.. I may try dropping meteors on him next time I fight those guys.. I don't have the luxury of switching around my skill points, so I gotta make do with what's available to me.

2007-04-14, 07:43 PM

There is a .pdf of rune words available (maybe on the Arraet Summit page?). When I checked that, the only one I found was:

Infinity (Char level 63)
On line ladder only
4 Socket Polearms

Runes: Ber, Mal, Ber, Ist

2007-04-14, 07:47 PM
Infiinity gives conviction.

It's about the same either way for fire or cold. The immunes in hell won't be dented at all by -% to their resistances and will remain immune even with full cold mastery. Basically, their resistances are stacked beyond 100%, with cold immunes having cold resistance up in the 170s

So your options are blizzard, firewall, fireball, and static field? It doesn't sound like your firewall is large enough to cast and then run inside of it like an impromptu blaze. I would try casting blizzard over where you are standing and then retreat once they enter the blizzard field (naturally youve already got them down to 1/3rd with static field). Kill Madawc first because he's the easiest and least dangerous. Korlic uses leap attack like it's crack and he can be damaged in the air, so keep casting blizzard around him and run away from his landing point (you'll get stunned a bit if he lands even close to you). Once the other two are out of the way, you should be able to take on Talic just by throwing everything you have at him.

2007-04-14, 09:58 PM
Firewall takes too long to cast. Frozen Orb seems effective on them.
In any case, Nightmare Baal is dead, and I'm moving onto Hell. At level 62, last count.

2007-04-14, 10:00 PM
Bah. You suck. :smalltongue:

2007-04-14, 10:35 PM
I was wrong, level 60.

And by the gods Hell is stupid hard. The only thing not immune to something is the goddamn Quill Rats. I think I'm going to go back and do nasty things to Diablo on Normal or Nightmare.

2007-04-14, 10:47 PM
Does anyone know a way to transfer a 250 mg file from your computer to mine? perhaps email? You guys are really making me want to start again, but my disk is scratched and won't download the d2char.mpq file.

2007-04-14, 11:16 PM
Does anyone know a way to transfer a 250 mg file from your computer to mine? perhaps email? You guys are really making me want to start again, but my disk is scratched and won't download the d2char.mpq file.

I would, but your email doesn't seem to show in your profile.

2007-04-15, 01:17 AM
Anybody else want to try to send me the d2char.mpq file? Dhavaer had trouble with sending it, but if anyone else thinks they could get it into an email, can you send it to "[email protected]"?

It's my old email address, but my new one doesn't accept big files, so it'd be good if you could PM me too.

Thank you massively to anyone who can.

2007-04-15, 01:28 AM
I was wrong, level 60.

And by the gods Hell is stupid hard. The only thing not immune to something is the goddamn Quill Rats. I think I'm going to go back and do nasty things to Diablo on Normal or Nightmare.
Aren't they immune to poison?

2007-04-15, 01:29 AM
Aren't they immune to poison?

They might be. I tend to ignore poison immunity.

2007-04-15, 01:31 AM
I might be able to help you there, mate. I'll see if I can find the file in question, copy it to an email, and send it in your general direction soon. "Soon" might be next weekend, though, as I have a paper due in the next 3 days and need my time to work on it.

As for footage, I got some nice footage of my Holy Shock-din killing some major cows. It's pretty funny to watch, even without sound.

I decided to try a Lightning-Fire Sorceress, though I'm thinking about trying to make a Cleric. Apparantly, if you have Meditation active, it also activates Prayer, without the mana cost. Seems like a deal to me.

2007-04-15, 01:35 AM
I decided to try a Lightning-Fire Sorceress, though I'm thinking about trying to make a Cleric. Apparantly, if you have Meditation active, it also activates Prayer, without the mana cost. Seems like a deal to me.

I'd recommend Cold for a sorceress; Frozen Orb is just that good. Although you do want a blasty spell for every element, as I found when I ran up against a Cold Immune, Fire immune Oblivion Knight.

2007-04-15, 01:35 AM
Yeah, sorcs never have much cause to pay attention to poison immunity, unless it's their own. Y'know, I think I was having troubles with that mpq file myself the last time I tried to install the game.. I can't remember what I did to fix it, though..

2007-04-15, 01:39 AM
I'd recommend Cold for a sorceress; Frozen Orb is just that good. Although you do want a blasty spell for every element, as I found when I ran up against a Cold Immune, Fire immune Oblivion Knight.
This is why I never play Solo. Or if I do, it's not in Hell Mode, or late Nightmare.

2007-04-15, 01:42 AM
This is why I never play Solo. Or if I do, it's not in Hell Mode, or late Nightmare.

Nightmare's not as hard as you'd think for a Sorceress. The ice caves are a little nasty, and the Ancients can be tough, but apart from that one guy it was pretty much a cakewalk. Baal went down pretty easily.

2007-04-15, 01:44 AM
Yeah, I could easily change to a 3-mental Sorceress, since the only skill I have multiple points in is Warmth, which, in reality, you should have 20 points in no matter what type of Sorceress you are.

I was really going for as many flashy spells as possible, though really, the good Ice spells are the flashiest of them all. Frozen Orb is the coolest looking thing in the game, hands down.

2007-04-15, 01:46 AM
Yeah, but as you said, you're stuck in nightmare. Hell can be more exciting (increased rate of death and more uniques to fight, as well as better stuff) and after a while of owning, I would probably get tired of having such an easy time. I know theres a fine line between absolute frustration and "a good challenge", but you're more likely to find the latter in Hell than Nightmare.

2007-04-15, 01:49 AM
The problem is that with a Sorceress there is no good challenge, every either absolutely destroys you or rolls over and dies as soon as you see it. Hell is slightly different in that most things are destroyable, but it takes hours to do it. I emptied my mana globe to kill one gargantuan beast. Hell just isn't fun for a Sorceress.

2007-04-15, 01:54 AM
I think you should go back to Act2 and get a holy freeze mercenary or a defiance mercenary and get them up to your level. They'll deal with the things that you can't deal with - to a certain extent. The sorceress' fragility
is meant as a class feature so dealing with every monsters' ability to destroy you instantly is part of the challenge of playing a sorc. Having a mercenary might illustrate that a bit better by making Hell more playable.

2007-04-15, 01:58 AM
Holy freeze merc = the win. I'm evil with mine though: Teleport into the middle of the monsters. Holy freeze hits. Teleport away and start blasting while they slowly make their way towards me. Fun, but it won't work so well in Hell.. If I ever get to hell with her..

Edit: Setra, you'll see why when you get to battles like the 3 ancients in Act V. It's so draining on your mana pool as a sorc, and if you don't have warmth to fall back on half the time, your mana potions will run out fast.

2007-04-15, 01:58 AM
Yeah, I could easily change to a 3-mental Sorceress, since the only skill I have multiple points in is Warmth, which, in reality, you should have 20 points in no matter what type of Sorceress you are.

I have only 3 points in Warmth and rarely run out of mana, and if I do run out I can just use a potion for continous casting.

I think I'm gonna go play my Bone Necro now.

2007-04-15, 02:16 AM
My first sorc on bnet had 20 points in warmth. I figured.. how could I go wrong? She needs mana for spells and I cast a lot! But really, all you need is one point in warmth. My first sorc had about 600 mana and even with energy shield up and it getting used, teleporting around like crazy while casting frozen orbs here and there, the blue ball never took a dent except against the glitched mana burn monsters (at which point you get NO MANA FOR YOU! EVER!)

The point is, too much in warmth makes it so that all the points you spent in energy are wasted. Or, all the points you spent in warmth are wasted after all those points in energy. Energy also affects how quickly you regenerate your mana so if you start putting points into both, it becomes extremely redundant and you couldve put those points to better use somewhere else. The way I look at it, you only need one point in warmth because the + skills equipment will do the rest for you. You may not have super duper regenerate mana faster than you can spend it, but you will have enough to play the character well and increase its overall power by putting those points in something else you would like to improve.

2007-04-15, 03:21 AM
I just came across an odd glitch..

At first I thought it was lag, because I was firing tons of bone spears into an enemy (on normal, there's no way he'd be that magic resistant). And he was taking no damage, then I realized I was losing mana, and the enemies were still moving.

I'm kind of annoyed now, hopefully the glitch has ended while I'm typing this.

Edit: Yeah the glitch ended, but I'm even more annoyed now. Duriel killed my merc twice and didn't drop anything but a Scroll of Town portal and a flawed diamond.

2007-04-15, 04:12 AM
Edit: Yeah the glitch ended, but I'm even more annoyed now. Duriel killed my merc twice and didn't drop anything but a Scroll of Town portal and a flawed diamond.

Ouch, that's nasty. Duriel seems to have the worst drops of the Super-uniques. I once got a mundane item (golves or something) and a quiver of bolts.

2007-04-15, 04:41 AM
Ouch, that's nasty. Duriel seems to have the worst drops of the Super-uniques. I once got a mundane item (golves or something) and a quiver of bolts.
Yeah, Andarial at least always has the thought to drop a Normal Gem.

Though I've noticed, usually Diablo will drop a unique the first time your character fights him, same with Nightmare.

2007-04-15, 07:57 AM
That glitch you suffered is what I call "my computer is lagging out", or lag. Short and simple, it tends to freeze the game, then speed you through however much game time you missed, sometimes inflicting the damage of a bunch of attacks on you. It's annoying.

Anyone want an Isenhart's Helm or Angelic Sickle in USEast? I have 2, and I don't know what to do with them...

I swear, someone got a SoJ on one of my Andy runs. She's got better drops than Duriel.

Duriel also happens to be the hardest to find after the first time you kill him in Battlenet, since the tombs reset. Thus, I don't do Duriel runs.

2007-04-15, 08:03 AM
That glitch you suffered is what I call "my computer is lagging out", or lag. Short and simple, it tends to freeze the game, then speed you through however much game time you missed, sometimes inflicting the damage of a bunch of attacks on you. It's annoying.
It wasn't lag, I could tell. Trust me I suffer from it quite often.

When you're lagging you don't lose mana, and you can't go through town portals, also enemies were attacking me at the time.

2007-04-15, 11:45 AM
Maybe the enemies were stacked and you were name locking a different one than you were hitting with bonespear.

2007-04-15, 12:52 PM
Maybe the enemies were stacked and you were name locking a different one than you were hitting with bonespear.
That's possible... but several times in a row? I also switched enemies.

This has never happened to me before :\

2007-04-15, 01:58 PM
Lag comes in many forms. Sometimes, I just stop doing things. I can't move, attack, etc. I just stop. And then the game comes back, and various things have attacked me while I've been unable to move.

The Battle.net servers aren't the greatest, apparantly.

Ok, I need 2 more pieces to have a complete Sigon's set. Just the helm and the boots...

2007-04-15, 04:35 PM
hey guys ...yea hammerdin al the way i can colo andthing lol....although i am lvl 87... and for a sorc try and do a meteorb sorc mines lvl 75 or so and she kicks ass...im on right now if anyone wants to paly with ....uswest

2007-04-15, 07:35 PM
I just started playing a druid, and the werewolf seems to attack slower than the human form, despite having a +20 bonus to attack speed. Is this normal?

2007-04-15, 07:41 PM
Yes it is normal. Improving your werewolf skill will also improve the attack speed. Additionally, it doesnt matter in the end for a fury druid because it uses a zeal like ability to chop things into small pieces. FURY at lvl 20 causes about +510% enhanced damage.

2007-04-15, 10:21 PM
I think the Werewolf does have some sort of enhanced attack rating or something, though, doesn't it? Eh, I'm not sure. I haven't played a shifter-druid in forever.

I got PlugY, it's rather nice. I'm gonna try some assassin builds offline.

2007-04-15, 10:31 PM
Bonuses to attack rating and attack speed.

2007-04-16, 02:32 AM
Bonuses to attack rating and attack speed.
It's just the first hit that's slower, if you level it up a bit that's faster too.

As soon as you get Feral Rage, even just one point, it doesn't matter how slow Wolfy attacks.

2007-04-16, 06:47 PM

I'm going to use a portable hard drive to copy all of the Diablo II files from our main computer (which has it) over to my computer! Woo! sratched disc problem solved. I'm gonna have an assassin tonight.

So, anyone know a good assassin build? I actually only remember 2 of their three trees, traps and the combos one, whats the third? Is it passive bonuses?

2007-04-16, 06:50 PM
The third Assassin tree is Shadow, it has a lot of different things. Summoning, passive bonuses, active buffs, etc. The best skills for the Assassin IMO are Claw Mastery, Weapon Block, Burst of Speed and Dragon Claw or Dragon Tail.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-16, 07:59 PM
Dragon Claw or Dragon Tail.

...depending on if you're wielding two weapons and what boots you're wearing.

2007-04-16, 08:01 PM
Dragon Tail is also good if you have problems with mobs, as it's explosive.

2007-04-16, 08:03 PM
Well I'll be gettin it up and running any time now and making her. Which of those trees has the speed boosts? combat speed primarily?

2007-04-16, 08:06 PM
It recommend getting two katars and a point in claw mastery as soon as possible. Martial Arts shouldn't really be a priority until you come up against Blood Raven.

2007-04-16, 08:14 PM
There is a skill called Burst of Speed in the Shadow Mastery tree which adds to your movement speed and attack speed for a limited amount of time after it is activated. Is that what you mean?

Ok, my Sorceress needs to level up. She's going elemental, focusing on Lightning Storm, Frozen Orb, and probably Fire Wall. I'm probably going to rebuild her, though. For now, she can hold my various items, like the Leaf I made her which has a total of +8 to Warmth. Yeah, so the Sorceress I eventually make won't really need skill points in that skill.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-16, 08:21 PM
*Hops on USEast and into gitp//rox*

2007-04-16, 08:29 PM
Fax, you mentioned your assassin having +250% move speed and +240% attack speed, thats basically what I'm lookin for.

Also, I'm gonna follow you onto that server in a bit. probably.

Fax Celestis
2007-04-16, 08:59 PM
Fax, you mentioned your assassin having +250% move speed and +240% attack speed, thats basically what I'm lookin for.

Also, I'm gonna follow you onto that server in a bit. probably.

L20+ Burst of Speed, Boots of at least 40%+ Run/Walk, Belt with +Run/Walk, Circlet with +IAS/+Run/Walk, Amulet with +Run/Walk, Gloves with +30% IAS, socketed armor with Stealth or with +IAS jewels, Weapons with IAS. It gets up there real quick.

Also, I'm L-12. Real down there. So I'm good with anything, as long as its aid. Just about to go for Andariel. Remember, game: gitp pass: rox .

Goblin Music
2007-04-16, 09:37 PM
hum.. New Assassins welcome?

Fax Celestis
2007-04-16, 09:38 PM
Yes. Hop aboard.

2007-04-16, 10:45 PM
My god, this has been one of the most confusing things I have ever done on a computer.

My Diablo II play disc won't install on my laptop. too scratched up, new hard drive can't read it, something.

It WILL install on the desktop computer (which I don't use).

We have a portable hard drive.

I installed it through the desktop onto the portable hard drive, took that to the laptop, put the diablo II files onto the laptop, unplugged the portable drive, and it worked!

Then I put in the expansion disc. Couldn't find the DII files. Went back to the desktop, plugged in portable hard drive, put in expansion disc, and it worked...and when I said install, luckily, it began installing it onto the portable drive.

Installing that now, I plan to bring it back to the laptop once it's finished, delete the old DII files, and replace them with the new DII+exp files. Hopefully, it'll work and I'll be on tonight to join you and Goblin Music up there.

However, when I returned to delete my nonexp DII files...the computer couldn't find them in it's change/remove programs list...but when I deleted the folder with all the game info, my memory was the same as before starting this whole charade. I believe while the game files are getting onto the laptop, and they work, they aren't technically installed...so now I'm confused, but I think I'll have the expansion up and running soon anyways.